Two XSottlcN Cured Her. VI GAimo&L , Iowa , July , 1689. I was Buffering ton years from shocks in raj bead , BO much BO , that at t lines I didn't expect to recover. I took iiKxllcInos from many doc tors , but did not get any rollof until I took 1'au- lof Kocnlg's Nerve Tonic : the uocoiid Uooo ro- llovod ana two bottlcD cured mo. G. W. PKCK. Worth It * Weight In Gold. KUMUT , Dak. , July 28 , 1830. The young man concerned has not MOW tbo 'ot nyinptoina of fits , ninco using Pastor jB Krrvo Tonic. I consider it worth its In Raid. J. J. SHEA , Pastor. Itov. Jdhti Ilodocltor , of Wosplmlia , Kan. , , Ort a. IffJO : "Thoro la a. VJ-yeor-old boy here , wio riufroicil fiom flt ftbout a year. I or- daro.1 u. ttnof 1'untor Kooulu'a Nerve Tonlo for him. un I tint HicUuL-sB loft him altogether. Ro iwvor hiul it bluui. " A Valuable Boole on Nervous FREE DiHousos sent 1'roo to any address , and poor patients can alt > o obtain i inodlcino free of charge. This remedy his boon jprcparud by the Reverend P etor Kocnlg , ot Fort Wayne , Intl. , si nco 1370. and Isnow prepared undorhls direction 1 > \ the KOENEG MED. CO. , Chiccg , ( iff. Sold by Druggists at SI rcr P.OM i > - , r. rj , Recently the following Notice appeared In the San Franciscn tytronlcle. "Judge S - had been sick only about two weeks , and it was not until the la--t three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diahclcs nnd stomach disorder. Jnler the & kidneys refused to perform thcirftnictionsand 3 he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life Ref of one of the most prominent men in Calla forma. " I.ilcc thousands of otheis his un- je. timely death wa- the result ot neglecting early | symptoms of kidney disease. . . . . . . . . | F = - YOU ore troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de-fc Hciit of the kidneys or urimrv organs. p delay proper treatment mril you are , forced to give up your daily diitus ; _ / i't waste vcur motley on worthies" liniments I : icv Tea. It h.i avert the live of "KII- < i.l \Viv ( 5 - . 'l 1 U not cine , > fn' .fti'l : > \ < _ . - . ii.t i' < t ' i ' ' instan' ullil.U " ! . H- GUARANTEE ? PRCVET'TIVE < flf D FOR - LADIESOttLf. JAff HARMLESS-fltil W'jrOMACH 'DRUGGIHGs ffO OKLY'ARTICLE-Iff-Ttt -IT- 3. 5.7 i ? . BCE HAi | THE MILD POWER CURES. Dr. Humphrey ! carefully pret private practi _ . . . . . people with entire success. Ever } ' single Specific o. special cure for the dlsensc named. Tncy euro without drugging , purging or reducing the system , and are luf act ami tlceu the Sovereign Remedies of the World. LIST OP NUMBERS. CCREJ. rEICKS. 1 Fevers , Congestions , Inflammations. .25 2 Worms , Worm Fever , Worm Colic. . . .25 3 Tccthinc ; Colic , Crjlnc , Walrefulness .25 4 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults .25 5 DysenteryGriping , Bilious Colic 25 G Cholera ItlorbuH. "Vomiting 25 t Coughs , Colds , Bronchitis. 25 S Ncsiralula , Toothache , Faceacho 25 1) Headaches , Sick Headache , Vertigo. .25 lO Dyspepsia , Biliousness. Constipation .25 11 Suppressed or Pniuful Periods. .25 IS Whites , Too Profuse Periods 25 13 Croup , Lnryncitls , Hoarseness 25 14 Saltltheum , Erysipelas , Eruptions. .25 15 Rheumatism , or Rheumatic Pains. . .25 1G Malaria , Chills. Fever and Ague 25 IT-lMles.Bllnd orBleedlng 25 18-Ophthaimy , Sere or Weak Eyes. 25 19 Catarrh , Influenza , Cold In the Head .25 -Whoopln ? Couch .25 21 Asthma , Oppressed Breathing 25 22 Kar DischarccB , Impaired Hearing .25 23 Scrofula , Enlarged Glands , Swelling .25 24 General Debility , Physical Weakness .25 25 Dropsy , and Scanty Secretions 25 26 Sen-Sickness , Sickness from Riding .25 27-K.Idncy Diseases 25 29 Sore Month , or Canker 25 30-Orinary WeaknessWettlngBed. . .25 31-Painfni Periods 25 34 Diphtheria , THcernted Sore Throat. . .25 35 Chronic Congestions & Eruptions. .25 EXTRA NUMBERS : 2S Nervous Debility , Seminal "Weak ness , or Involuntary Discharges 1.00 32-DiscancsofthcHcartPalpltationl.OO 33 Epilepsy , Spasms , St. Titus'Dance..l.OO Sold by UrucgllU , or lent post-paid on receipt of price. Pa. IlrMFU&ETS' MANUAL ( HI p r"l MAILED mtE. HOiriIKK1S'3IEP.CO.lll At 13 millam St. , XcwTort. SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT. " For Piles External or Internal. Blind orBleedlng ; Fistula In Ano : Itching or Bleeding of the Ilcctum. The relief is immediate the cure certain. PRICE , 50 OTS. TRIAL SIZE. 25 OTS. Sold by Druggists , or tent rx t-pd on receipt of price. S'BED. CO. , Ill & 113 millam St.E)1 TOUE a J. KiYLir , . . - ofBelleTllle , K n. : - _ "When I l ? n your „ . tmtmtntSoo. sgolwuu . . . . . . , . tlhituttd by tllmcnti tilt I could not" Btfore. After. Lou. ay wcrt The ccon > p n > Ing tag. VTetgtt S lb 19S Ib. Ibs ere * iow the mult of 3 monthi' treit- Bait - 48 in. 37 In. 1 1 la. Sent. I BOW f l l&e onr beinj. Mil WiUU. 40 In. S9 In. 11 In. My friendl art Hips."in. . < 3I ° - 91 ° . rerprlied. Will cheerfully rtnly to Inqniriej with tunp Indoied. " p5fflE TS TREATED 6Y HAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. Huolca. HoSUrrlnr. Send 6 cents to stamp * for particolan to OB0. . tf. F. SHDEB. HIIICKEB'S THEATER , CHICAGO , ILL JONES , HE PAYS THE FREIGHT. 5-TON WACON SCALES , $60. 3SAJI EOZ Freight Paid. TVnrranted forS Ycais AccnU"nntcJ. . Send for Terms. FARMERS' Born end Wnrchounp genie * . JOKES OFBINGHAHTON. BinghamtonH.7. ORGANIC WEAKNESS ANO PREMATURE DECAY IK CATS BE IDDLEAGE andyonth Health CUKED , * Ail vigor rv tcreil 9j-cir by mtrucle of rtio J n cnct. Cull or write cnclosinK $1 , t/s'.o i--- -u.Jynncl cot a trial treatment nnd uclvlca jif a regular speniollst of isany yeai ' experience. Ji'ireri : THE DIEFFEKSACH if Jk * . MJ * : . Ho I'ulil I1U Uot. "Speaking of strange bets on an cleo tlon , " suia Colonel Joe Ruckcr. of Col orado , "tho 6no that takes the ribbor over uny I have ever seen mentioned waS bet , lost and paid by an etithusias tie Grconbacker many } -ears ago. Ont of these enthnsiij : > tHat that time , whos view of the political situation was sect through tlie roseate hued spectacles of i reform organ , was certain that a mat by the name of Brown would bo electee governor of .Missouri , and bet every thing he had except the clothing on hif back and a young wife. Either his aC- . fection for his wife or his knowledge ol law prevented his making a wager ol her , so as a last bet he wagered his serv ices for a year against $500. "Of course lie lost , and borrowing a few dollars from a friend ho sent his wife back 'to her folks' in Missouri while lie presented himself to the culoor. keeper in Denver with whom he had made the bet. The latter , more as o joke than anything else , grubatakeo him and sent him out to prospect. Tht first month a small find rewarded his labors , and cupidity then caused the sa loon keeper to insist on the payment 01 the wager in full. To curtail the narra tive , he carried out his wager of a year's service scrupulously and located t\v3 more mines , from which the winner , though now wealthy , is still drawing dividends. Upon the fulfillment of his obligation he sent for his wife , and it now employed by one of the street cai companies o Denver at about fifty dollars lars a month , and will probably nevei get above that figure. " St. LouisGlobo Democrat. Notes That Druggists Receive. "You'd laugh if yon could see some 01 the homemade prescriptions we receiv hero sometimes , " said an east side druggist the other day " 1 mean the notes mothnrs give to little children when they send them here for medicine "Here is one written on a piece of newspaper margin 'arnicy 4 a ser fot. ' which , trans'-ited means arnica for a sore foot. -lother , on a piece of card board , was easily intelligible 'powderet magnishey for phisik. ' 'Poison. Grosfc of Sulperment for bedbugs' called foi corrosive sublimate to rid a bed of the terror of the tenements. " 1 Poishon insect powder meant Persian insect powder for the same purpose. " 'Dangle fet fly paper' was for papei to tangle the feet of the flies. 'Bia car- bert of sody' meant the simple baking soda , to be used in this instance prob ably for a disordered stomach. Tincture of lobelia was asked for on a torn scra of billhead under tlie disguise of 'tinctu lobster , ' and capsine porous plaster wab supplied when 'cappiciue plaseter' was requested. "Some mother with a crj'ing babj" , in order to get sleep herself , asked for ' 5 ct pargorink * to quiet the infant. 'Tink- ture of jridine for external use , ' some woman carefully wrote when she wanted iodine , adding in an explanatory man ner , 'inward.roshelesalts. ' " New York Press. Don't Eat Too Many Oranges. . "Too many oranges are not wholesome for any one who has a tendency to gas trie trouble , " says a well known physi cian. "It is generally supposed that oranges are particularly health } ' , and in many families they are the I'egular con comitants of a breakfast table , parents thinking that they must necessarilybt wholesome , whereas in some cases they are positively injurious. "One of my patients , a boy of twelve 01 thereabouts , has had a severe attack of stomach trouble every winter for sev eral succeeding years , attacks for which 1 could find no apparent cause until I happened to find out by accident that every year about that time the family received a barrel of oranges from Flor ida , upon which the children were al lowed to regale themselves freely. This was the whole trouble : oranges did not agree with the child , and when he ate them freely he was ill. 1 stopped hL eating them , and he has never had a re currence of the trouble. " New York Tribune. . The Way Cyclones Turn. The question is often asked , Why dc cyclones , "whirlwinds" and tornadoes all persist in the polar whirl from right to left ? Astronomical speculators havt supposed that all the planets once ex isted as rings of thinly scattered mattei around the sun , and that these rings were annular segregations from a vague , irregularly scattered mass that turned one way in spiral courses , thus deter mining the direction in which the rings revolved , and all the rest from this took the same course. "But , " you say. "why did the nebula revolve at all ? " It grew from chaos , and chaos presumably possessed an in herent motion from right to left. This being -the case , from that time to this , sun , moon , stars , planets , cyclones and tornadoes have adhered to'the original habit. St. Louis Republic. A Wall Paper of Postage Stamps. The little village of Bersted , neai Bognor , possesses a unique curiosity in the form of an innroom papered with postage stamps. The apartment is fan cifully decorated with many descrip tions of used stamps , and even the pas sage leading to the room is similarly papered. Some five years were occu pied in making the collection , which numbers some thousands of stamps The room being completed in 1887 i was natural ! } ' given the name of the "Jubilee Stamproom. ' ' Indeed some members of the royal family interested in the collection are said to have added to it a number of stamps on their owii account. New York Recorder. Hay , Wagons and Tramps. One hardly expects to find humor in the reports of town officers , but occa sionally some of the unintentional kind crops out , asin thisitem of disburse ment in a Hartford county town , "Mrs. M. Leak , for maintaining watering trough , three dollars , * ' or this from atown in Massachusetts , "A new building has been , erected the past year for the pur pose of storing hay , wagons , farming tools , tramps , " etc. Hartford Post. CURTIS & BATES For a Clean Shave or ; An Artistic Hair Cut UKAR dp CITIZKNS HANK. EDWARD B. SHAW Regimental Blacksmith , HAS OI'KNKI ) A BLACKSMITH : - : SHOP ON MAItSIIALT * 8TKKRT , Opposite Milliard's lumber van ! and in O'Neil's carpenter shop. / Will Cure Interfering Horss & Contracted Hoofs or no Pay. I ALSO 1IAVK A K1KST-CI.ASS WAGON : - : MAKER C3 l will give you vahm n-ci-ivrd or no pay. Prici-s reasonable. VA1LTON NQTES. * " ( Jold winter gives warning. " The MIIIW delayed coni-iiusktii * ; for some time ; about ten days in mos fields. fields.Mr. Mr. IJowaid Sutton thinks hevil spend Christmas at the old Illinois home. E. S. Butcher and son are sowintr 100. acres of jrass seed for easterr jiaitio.s. Andrew Mcgrue returned from Ula } county with the Fuuss boys and will renew old time acquaintances ; the boys report a fine trip. We understand that Mr. ( Jeo. Trites fro'n Culbcrtsnn , will preach every alternate Sabbath evening at the Pleasant llidge school-house near Yail ton ; why not turn out and fill the house. Our neighborhood has undergone some change : Jus. Harris and family have gone to MoCook to engage in mercantile business , Mr. Gen. Lesser has moved nearer town , and so our neighbors come arid go. Married at the home of the biide's parents , Mr. Eugene Strine to MissLil- lie Dutcher , Rev. Woe officiating. The general comment in this case is that both contracting parties did well , and congratulations may well be extended. They will commence married life on Mr. Strine's farm which he has mi- proved with new buildings and will now live "in the wore excellent way. " RALPH. SIIILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and headache. JWith each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints with out extra charge. Price foe. Sold by A. Mc- Alillen. Don't worry , patient reader , let the world move as it may , the best not one of us has very long to stay ; but while we linger let us take the good as it comes along , and spend our brief existence in cheerfulness and song. Some delve for riches day and night and never stop to think that not a farthing can they take beyond the river's brink ; while many seek in sin ful ways for temporary joy , and drink too soon the fatal dregs of misery's alloy. Don't envy those who have great wealth their riches do not pay , and at the best they have but clothes and three square meals a day. We all have that , or can have if we're brave enough to try , and more than that is useless when the season comes to die. The only strife should "be for things that rust not nor decay the treasures of the mind and heart that we can take away , when death calls round , as call , he must , as the last words are said then lets preserve the stuff that makes us happy when we're dead. Col. Bixby. _ _ Thin or gray hair and bald heads , so dis pleasing to many people as marks of age , may be averted for a long time by using Hall's Hair Renewer. , Purveyor to tne Great Common People , is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of .plain and funcy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. MANY of the newspapers of this country have lost their personality by removing the names of the edi tors from the head of the editorial puge. The personality of Bennet , Greely , Raymond , Forney , and editors of their time and standing , was as much a part of their papers as anything that entered into their make-up. Now nearly every little , pcnny-a-lino. country sheet is published by the "Jones City Publishing Company , " or some other association with a high sounding name. Years ago , when you heard of the Tribune , you at once thought of Greely ; the Her ald brought up Bennet ; the Press , Forney , and so on. Now-a-days a paper's title means very little , for there is the name of no great editor associated with it. And in this direction , as in many others today , change don't mean improve ment. Mil. MOODY'S claim that prayer saved the Spree with its broken screw from sinking will hardly be allowed in the Christian world be cause of the numberless instances where prayers have been put up in vain on board the ships that go down by the sea under similar cir cumstances. The efficacy of prayer in such cases really ap pears to be in inverse proportion to the size of the hole in the bottom of the boat. Journal. The Call Leads the Procession. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of The Call in another column. Since its reduction in price The Call is the cheapest > daily in Nebraska , and its spicy and independent policy is too well known to need comment from UH. In reduc ing the price of The Call so as to put it within the reach of everybody , the management have placed themselves a decided step in advance of all other publishers in the state. This is an era of popular prices for the newspaper , and The Call is , as usual , at the head of the procession. * A GREAT COMBINATION. THE OMAHA WKHKI.Y UKK WITH Tin : AMEUI- . CAN PAH.MKII oit WOMANKINO FOR ONI : DOIr.Ait PER YEAH. THE OMAHA WKKKI.Y HEU is acknowledged to he the hest and largest newspaper in the west , publishing more western und general news than any other paper in the country. The usual priee is one dollar per year. THE AMEKICAN FAIIMEH is published at Springfield , Ohio , is a 10 piipo monthly paper devoted to ujn-icultiirc. horticulture , the dairy , poultry and jreneral intercstiiiB-stories and other matter for the home. The usual price is one dollar per year. WOMANKIND is also published at Springfield , Ohio. It islOptipe monthly publication , de voted to everything that interests the wife , mother und maiden. It is full of upuful in formation and interesting talks und stories that are instructive ns well as entertaining both to young and old. One dollar pays fora year's subscription to the llee and cither one of these journals. Address all orders to THE HEE PUBLISIIINO Co. . OMAHA. NBU. First publication Nov.25.18'J.J. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NED. . I November SI. 183- . f Notice is hereby given that the following lands to-wit : e. Y2. s. w. % . pec. 10. twp. 5. nnd H. w. * i s. w. ? , sec. 8. twp. 4. n. nil in range 29. west ol theC P. M. will be ottered at this office at public sale , nt not less than SI. 5 per acre , on December 81,1892 , at'J o'clock a. in. central standard time. J. P. LINDSAY , Register. Dr. Hathaway , ( Regular Graduate. ) The Leading Specialist of the United States In His tine. Private , Blood , Skin and Nervous Diseases. Young and Middle Aged Men : Remark able results have followed my treatment. Many YEARS of var ied and success ful EXPERI ENCE in the use of curative meth ods that laloue 3own and control | for all disorders lot MEN. who shave weak or undeveloped - developed or dls- leased organs , or awhoaresuffering | from errors of 'youth and excess or who are nerv ous and IMPO- TENT , the scorn or their fellows and tne con tempt of friends and companions , leads me to GUARANTEE to all patients , if they can pos- siblv be RESTORED , MY OWN EXCLUSIVE TREATMENT will AFFORD A CURE { S .REME.UBEK , that there is hope for YOU. Consult no other , as you may "WASTE VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at once. Female Diseases cured at home without in struments ; a wonderful treatment. Catarrh , and Diseases of the Skin , Blood , Heart , Liver and Kidneys. Syphilis. The most rapid , safe and effective treatment A complete cure guaranteed. Skin Diseases of all kinds cured where many Others have failed. Unnatural Dtacharges promptly cured in a few days. Quick , sure and safe. This includes Gleet and Gonorrhoea. MY METHODS. I. Free consultation at the office or by man. , > Thorough examination and careful diagnosis. i That each patient treated gets the advantage of special study and experience , and a specialty is made of his or her disease. 4. Moderate charges and easy terms of payment A home treatment can be given in a majority of case * Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men. No. 2 for Women. No. 3 for Skin Diseases. Send lOc for 64-page Beference Book for Men and Women. All correspondence answered promptly. Bus- ness strictly confidential. Entire treatment lent free from observation. RefertobankslnSt Tosepliandbuaineumen. , Address or calico. J. N. HATHAWAY , M. D.f Corner Cth and EOmosd Sta. , St. Joseph , Guaranteed Cure. We authorise our advertised drujjgist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and Colds , upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough , Cold or any Lung , Throat or Chest trouble , and will use this remedy as directed , giving it a fair trial , and experience no benefit , you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this i.ffer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles tles free at A. McMHIcn's drug store. Large size bottles 500. and Sl.oo. . " ' " -1"-- * " BB.M In many a man the stomach displaces the heart. A Leader. Since the first introduction , Electric Hitters has gained rapidly in popular favor , until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alteratives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant , it is recognized as the best and the purest medicine for all ailments of stomach ach , liver or kidneys. It will cure .sick hcad- nche , indigestion , constipation and drive malaria from the system. Satisfaction guar anteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. 1'rice only 5oc. per bottle. Sold by A. McMiHen. Anger strengthens the heart but weakens the mind. Shiloh's Consumption Gura. This is beyond question the most successful cough medicine we have ever sold , a few doses invariable cure the worst cases of cough , croup and bronchitis , while its wonderful suc cess in the cureof consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery i.1 ' 1IS I'1-1-11 * > < > ld on a guarantee , a test which no'other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly risk you to try it. Price loc. , 5oe. and $ l. If your lungs are sore , chest or back lame , use bhiloh's I'orous Plaster. Sold by A. Mc.Millen. Voluntary expressions are often deceit ful ; involuntary ones never. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion , Constipation , Di/ziness , Loss of Appetite , Coming up of Food , Yellow Skin when for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's Vitali'/er , guaranteed to cure them. Sold by A. McMiHen. What can be more odious than the union of young thoughts and old feel ings ? People who have tried it , say that there is no better medicine for dyspepsia than Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It mny not give one the stomach ach of an ostrich , hut it so strengthens the alimentary organs that digestion of ordinary food becomes easy and natural. NVdVP NHDHNVS3SVH3 'HAOUi ) 3QVH3 JLS3HDIH C. M. NOBLE , LEADING GROCER , McCOOK , - NEB. SOLE AGENT. "WOOID'S The Great English Remedy. Promptly nnd permanent ly cures all forms of Kervous I Weakness , hmissionx. Sperm- atorrhea. Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesses. Baen prescribed over 85 years In thousands of cases ; is the only Reliable and Ilon- ett Medicine Jmotcn. Ask drngglit lor "WOOD'S PBOB- Stfore andj4fier THODWE ; If he offers omo ana . jjcjore sijier. wortnjega m.dlcine in place of tbif , leave hli dlibonret itore , Inclose prtco la letter , and wo will send by return mall. Price , ono package. 31 ; six $5. One will please , stxtrillcure. Pamphlet la plain sosli-d env Ione. 2 rtnmrjB. Addreai The Wood Chemical Co. 131 Woodward Ave. , Detroit. Mich , For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , G. M. Chenery , Albert Mc.uillen in ana by druggists everywhere. - Salary nnd expenses paid weekly from sturt. Permanent position. Good chance f or advancement. Exclusive territory. IjtrgestprowersofHurseryatock. . Clean , hardy stock , true to name. FalrtrcatmentBuar anteod. Liberal com-x f mission to local . f L can in-1 part tlmo df9l f r tcrcst any KIRK'S HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei WONDERFUL ! The cures which are bcni } * effected by Drs. Starkey & Palen , 1529 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. , in Consumption , t'atairh. Neuralgia , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , , and all chronic dis eases , by their compound Oxygen Treatment , are indeed marvelous. If you are a sufferer fiom .my disease which your physician has failed to cure , write for in formation about this treatment , and their book of two hunched pajjeb. Hiving a history of Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with numerous testimonials from patients , to whom you may refer for .still further intorm.itiou. will be promptly sent , without charge. Tliis book aside from its great merit as a medical work , giving , as it does , the result cf years of study and experience , you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKKV & 1'ALKN , 1529 Arch Street , Philadelphia , Pa. 120 Sutler St. , San Francisco , Cal. Please mention this paper. Thousands of Suffering Women. Delicate women who complain of a tired feeling , pains in the back and loin : , , desire to sleep , dizziness , painful or suppressed men struation , will iind in Oregon Kidney Tea a faithful friend. It can be relied upon in every instance to give immediate relief from kidney and urinary troubles. Thousands of women are suffering every day with some disorder of the kidneys or liver , who niijjht be permanently cured by using Oregon Kid ney Tea. The conservative who goes backward ami takes refuge in the bleak system of doctrines his fellows have repudiated is like one who castsanchor in a hollow ice berg , while his harbor itself is drifting and dissolving in the wanner air of the age. Her Face Her Fortune. Is commonly said of famous beauties. She who uses with artistic taste Wisdom's Fainou.- Kobertine has fortune in the possessing of a complexion to which nothing but the blush of a rose or the freshness of a lily can be com pared. This preparation is just what it i claimed to be the most delightful toilet ar ticle and only perfect beautifier known. Read the testimonials from famous artistes , celebrated chemists and eminent physicians. Truth is the magic word that binds reason ; creativeness the divine spell that sets imagination free. A great many persons who have found no iclief from other treatment , have been cured of rheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain 1'alm. Do not give up until you have tried it. It is only 50 cents per bottle. l'"or sale by G. M Chenery. _ _ _ _ _ _ The noble admire and love their superiors ; the base envy and hate them. The former are fed hy what they con template : the latter are poisoned by it. Buck/en's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts , sores , bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2 = 50. a box. For sale by A McMiHen. May23-iyr. Pubjectsneedfenrno longer from this King of Terrors , for by a most wonderful discorerr In medicine , cancer on nnr part of the body can be permanently cured without the use or the Unite. MRS II. D. Cor.nv. 2307 Indiana Avo. , Chicago , jays "Wascuredof cancer of the brtiast in six Trecks by your method of treatment. " Send for treatise , Dr. II. C. Dale , 3C5 34th St. , Chicago. z. SB l-SWS1 Can * r.OKOBRHCEA aad GLEET Ja Oi to Fwa A QUICK CUBE for LEUCOBEHffiA or WHITES. Sold bT all DRUGGISTS. Sent to any Afldreii fir It 00. JLUiUFACTUBISQ C0n LA3CA3TEB , OHIQr K. D. BURQExSS , PLUMBERSTEAM FITTER NOHTH MAIN "AVE. . McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and'Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. NEBRASKA LOAN AND BANKING GO , / , OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. CAPITAL. - $52OOO.OO , FARM LOANS. - - CITY LOANS. LOANS MADE ON ALL KINDS OF APPROVED SECURITY. P. A. WELLS , TRCAS. AND MAGR. : -ChMe National Bank , New York.