S. M. COCHRAN * CO. , ABE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Union Press Drills and One Horse Hoe Drills , WAGONS AND BUGGIES. ALSO KEEP REPAIRS FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Tinware Their prices on all goods are as low as the lowest possible. CO. , Mrcet , ITIcCOOK , NEBRASKA. W , , & 00 , -tol- LTME. HARD CEMKNT , AND DOORS , WINDOWS , SOFT BLINDS. COAL. o -20- BEtf CEDA.B. AND OAK POSTS. : J. WARRRN. Manager. sat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS. BACON. BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , TURKEYS. 4.C. , ic. F. S. WILGOX , Prop. Notary Public. Justice of the Peace. SL REAL- : ESTATE , LOANS AND INSURANCE. Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property. Collections a Specialty. Mexican v : Mustang Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , th . Stock Raiser , and by every one. requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years , almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of MUSTANG LINIMENT. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. 11 druggists and dealers have it. 4O TO 2000 ACRE TRACTS , $5 TO $15 PER. ACRE. p for Price List and Descriptive Circular of Southwestern Nebraska to AND STOCK RANCHES. S. H. COLVINrMcCookfferf wntaw Co. , Neb. INDIANOLA ITEMS. D. W. 0. Beck went to Kenesaw Monday. Harry Garner lias returned to our city. The boys say that skating is fine and the girls ditto. [ Ion. Sidney Dodge * was at county scat , Thursday. Itev. Jas. Lisle visited our big sisier city , Wednesday. Mrs. Marion Powell has a sister vis iting her from Hebron. i \V. It. Starr has been in Lincoln this week on professional business. ; Supt. Bayston had a special examin ! ation of teachers on last Saturday. James II. Goodrich , cx-connty treas urer of this county , is in our city. Epworth league are arranging for a supper on or about Wednesday. Dec. 28th. The Modern Woodmen will hold their first regular meeting , Monday evening , Dec. li ) . Clerk of courl , W. O. Bond , is at tending a convention of the clerks of court , in Fremont this week. John Fisher of Missouri Ridge pre cinct committed suicide byhanging on Tuesday , particulars not learned. E. P. Walters , general agent of Bankers Life Insurance Co. of DCS Monies , is writing insurance for our business men. The public schools will have a two weeks vacation , school closing on Fri day , Dec. 1C , and commencing agaii on Monday , Jan. 'Z. License was issued o'n Wednesday for the marriage of Mr. E. J. llich mend of Wilsonville to Miss Sadie Cummitigs of Lebanon. John Happersett stopped off eve Sunday'to visit friends and attend t ( business. . He thinks of moving hi family back to the Oclire city. The suit in county coiirf , the state o Nebraska vs. George C. Dwyer , on com plaint of Clement Curtis , was contin ued until Friday , defendant giving bone for appearance. The meetings at the Congrcgationa church are still in progress , the lious being tull'every night. Revs. Billing and Byers have a very novel way t conduct such meetings. Married at the residence of Rev. G E. Taylor , and by the same , Rev. Sam uel B. Crosby of Loomis , Nebraska , am Miss Josephine McLyinan , of McCook Nebraska ; congratulations inorder. Mrs. E. F. Hamilton , of Bartlcy buried a grown son here on Monday this is the second son that she has los inside of a year.- Walter being killec by sand caying on him when digging for wolves , and Charlie dying o typhoid fever on Sunday. The mother has the sympathy of her many friends , On Tuesday Henry C. McKiney left his team standing in the street , "result ing in a spin around tOAvn and finally came to a stand still by running into the front of Shackelton's drug store , breaking a large glass , and some lamps in the show window. This should a be warning not to leave a team without being tied , as it might have been much more serious , as Mrs. Shackelton nar rowly escaped beingcut by the broken glass. There was a good attendance at the Grand Army meeting on Saturday last , and the following were elected as offi- ers for 1893 : Willis Gossard , com mander ; A. Rankin , S. V. C. ; Arch Mann , J. V. C. ; H. Crubtree , surgeon ; J. M. Mann , chaplain ; C. W. Beck , officer of the day ; C. D. Cramer , quartermaster ; A. A. Calkins , officer of the guard ; J. Hetherington , adju tant. The post expects to hold a public installation at their first meet ing in January , at which time General Dilworth , department commander ; will be present and conduct the ceremonies. WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. We have many new special varieties , both in fruits and ornamental to offer , which arecon - dolled only by us. We pay conimis- iion or salary. - Write us at once for erms , and secure choice of territory. MAY BROTHERS , Nurserymen , 26 lOfcs. Rochester , N. Y. Buy the best Machine Oils at Chen- sry's City Drug Store. CWdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TO EXPEL SCROFULA from the system , take AVER'S Sarsaparilla the standard blood-purifier and tonic. It Cures Others will cure you. IT is rumored , says the Bloom- Echo , that the number of laud ofliees in Nebraska will be reduced this winter to six. The same junior specifies that the Bloomiijgton and Grand Island ollices will be consolidated with the Lincoln office as a starter in the work of reducing expenses. It is said time in time the ofiice at the capital will be the only one in operation. A-itTiCLES of association of the national brotherhood of soldiers were filed with the Indiana secre tary of state Monday. The organ ization is democratic , and subordi nate branches are to be schools of democracy. Both union and confederate - V federate democratic soldiers are eligible to membership , and in the event of the death of a member his oldest , son , if a voter , is eligible to the vacancy. Of the members of the national council three are ex-union soldiers and two - are ex- confederates. THERE is no doubt of a large ma jority of the electors of Nebraska * being in favor of the two proposed amendments to the constitution voted at the recent election , but they were both lost for the same refison that other amendments voted on in recent years failed to carry. The law requires that an amendment must receive a major ity of the votes cast to be adopted , but some how voters overlook that part of the ticket and fail to vote either way. For years the people have been clamoring for the elec tion of railroad cpmmissiouers by the people , but when the "people" have an opportunity to have it that way , they fail through carelessness alone to make it so. The submis sion of a proposition of this kind to a vote of the people is attended with a good deal pf expense. The publication of the governor's proc lamation alone costs thousands of dollars. THE claim that popular election of United States senators would give the people a better represen tation in that body may or may Lot be true. It is not on tha ground that the Journal has , for many years , favored a change ii the constitution that shall provide for that method of choosing sena tors. The change is necessary to protect the state government from the legislative demoralization and waste of valuable time , in the two contests that occur in every six years of legislature life. In the states that have annual sessions of } heir legislature one-third of the ime of such sessions is virtually wasted over senatorial jamborees The legislature lhat is to elect a. senator is thoroughly demoralized and performs very feebly the duties devolved upon it. The senatorial election dwarfs the egitimate business for which a egislature is intended , and is an element of corruption and fierce factionalism from the beginning ; o the end of the.session. In leg- slatures that meet biennially , like ours , two out of every three ses sions are wasted , leaving us barely one real legislative session in six rears for the transaction of legiti mate business , uninterrupted by ; he accident of a senatorial fight. ! t is paying too much for the vhistle. But if the people are compelled to elect a senator , the ntroduction of national and per- onal politics into state legislatures : o the exclusion of the important tate interests -which legislatures ire primarily intended to sub- erve , would cease. The banishment - ' ment of this extraneous distur- ) auce from state legislatures would be of the greatest service to every state in the union. Jour nal. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castonai I / / What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its gruarantco is thirty years * use by Millioba of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind ColicCastoria relieves teething1 troubles , cures constipation and flatulency * Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving- healthy and natural sleep. Cos- toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castorfa Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children. " Do. G. C. OSQOOD , Lowell , Mass. * Castoria 13 the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children , and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " DK. J. F. KINCHELOB , Conway , Ark. Castoria. * Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescriptioa known to me. " IT. A. ABCHXR , M. D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart * mcnt have spoken highly of their crperi- enco In their outside practice with Castoria , and although wo only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular producm , yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY , Boston , Hast O. Surra , Prea. , The Centaur Company , TI Murray Street , NOTZT York City. GEO. J. BURGESS , Dealer in All Kinds of First-Class I 'I ' Wagons , Road Carts , Buggies. ' A Square Deal , The Best are the Cheapest. COME AND SEE ME. Yard West of First National Bank , McCOOK , NEB. 1 LE /S MOST DECIDEDLY IN THE * J TRADE i \ AND WITH THE RICHEST STOCK I , SUCH AH ELEGANT LIHE OF GLASSWARE [ AND = FINE CHINA GOODS' IS RARELY TO BE FOUND r Call and Inspect His Splendid Stock Before Making Xmas Purchases.