The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 09, 1892, Image 6

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It long ago seemed as though
shoes could never be better and
never be cheaper , but they are
better now and cheaper now than
they ever were before. The great
every day favorite is our men's
and ladies' shoe. It is as much a
boon to the pocketbook as it is to
the feet. It won't wear you out
to wear it out. You don't need to
take care of it ; it takes care of
itself. It will give you solid com
fort for the simple reason that a
better shoe for knockabout pur
poses has never been produced.
If prices never appealed to you
before , the price of this shoo will ,
.for it costs only 2.50. It will
look nicer and wear longer than
any shoe on earth.
For Fine Book Cases and Dining
Tables go to the New Furniture Store.
For Lamps , Chenery's City Drug
McMillen has a large assortment of
lamps cheap.
Paints and Oils , Chenery'a City
Drug Store.
Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Buy your school supplies at Chen-
.ery's City Drug Store. .
Wayson & Odell are putting out some
handsome rigs these days.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Notwithstanding Pope Bob and other
agnostic influences the people go right
on putting up "meeting houses. "
Churches built in America in 1S91
numbered 8,508.
is stamped in the best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystone Watch
Case Company , of Philadelphia ,
the oldest , largest and best-
known factory in the world
1500 employees , capacity2000
-cases daily. Its products are
sold by all jewelers. It makes
-the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases , , now fitted with
the only bow ( ring ) which can
not bepulledoffthecase
We have the goods
know we can suit
you and are in a po
sition to sell as cheap
if not cheaper than
any one in the Repub
lican Valley , at BUT
Music STORE.
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city Iby C. J. Ryan.
Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and
35c. at KHIPPLE'S.
Groceries at Nobles' .
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore
Fancy rockers just received at Pade
& Son's.
Elegant Perfumes at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
Pure drugs can always be found at
Chenery's City Drug Store.
S. M. Cochrau & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds of machinery.
No School Show in the Opera House
this year , but a Fair at the East Ward
building instead.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison -
nison street hardwaremen.
Domestic , White , Standard and New
Home sewing machines on $5 a month
payments at Pade & Son's.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
A fine line of Plush Goods , Albums ,
Manicure Sets , Perfumes , Sponges ,
Toilet Articles , etc. , at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
This thieving business is becoming
decidedly monotonous and merits some
heroic treatment , a lead cure or some
thing equally responsible.
W. T. Lake , who is in the city on a
visit to J F. Heber , is Deputy Su
preme Commander , Supreme Tent , K.
0. T. M. , and will make an effort to
establish a lodge of the Knights of the
Maccabees here.
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to THE TRIBUNE along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are ,
please come and see us.
Retrenchment is the order of the
day in the government's land depart
ment ; over half of the force of special
agents have been discharged , among
the number being John F. Majors of
this state and E. H. Marshall.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
2OO to 3OO Watches
to select from at H P.
Our - Christmas - Bells
. OF
is open and ready AT FAIREST FIGURES.
Visitors are cordially umted.
A. McMILLEN , Druggist.
Call at once to look
over Button's stock of
Xmas goods Largest
ever displayed in the
city of McCook.
Building still continues.
Calendars for 1893 in circulation.
Only one nioro leap year till 19U4.
Season of religious revivals , we arc
glad to note.
Merchants are happy holiday sea
son at hand.
McMillen is headquarters for all
kinds of lamps.
Buy the best Machine Oils at Chen-
cry's City Drug Store.
Advertising pays , is the verdict of
the business world.
Take the TRIBUNE. Every home
should have a copy.
The Methodist church at Danbury
will be dedicated on Sunday , December
Usual union services in the Meeker
hall on next Sunday morning and evening
A girl wanted to do general house
work. Inquire at J. Albert Wells
store at once.
THE TRIBUNE will continue to print
the news all this year and the next.
Don't miss it.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
If you know of a news item , a marri
age , death , birth , a personal item , or
other news , send it to the TRIBUNE the
first thing you do.
The Nebraska Business Men's asso
ciation is asking the legislature to make
a less generous exemption law and more
stringent collection laws.
, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
It is stated that Jay Gould's original
intention was to be a country editor
but he finally selected another road by
which to reach the immense fortune
which he had in view from the begin
ning of his career.
At the preliminary hearing of Allen
Rice which closed last Friday night ,
the defendant was held by Squire Berry
in $500 bonds to appear at the next
term of district * court. The young
man's father provided the bond. The
case waxed quite warm during its
hearing , two of the attorneys exhibit
ing decided indications of temper , at
one juncture.
The turning down of Secretary C. W.
Beck of the county agricultural
society , at the meeting Saturday for
the election of officers , is a sequel to
the VanWyck speech episode of the
last meeting of the society. But the
Independents have revenged themselves
by defeating one of the best secre
taries the Red Willow county agricul
tural society has ever had , be their
grievance genuine or fancied , and THE
TRIBUNE regrets the action although
Mr , Beck's successor may be quite effi
cient and worthy.
The presence of mind exercised by
Mrs. C. M. Noble last Friday evening ,
doubtless saved the Noble dwelling
from a serious fire. While Alice
Cochran and Norma Noble were play
ing a duet on the piano , a lamp fell
from the instrument into Miss Alice's
lap , whence it was unceremoniously
fired to the carpet. The girls fled
from the scene with all sped , their
vigorous screams bringing Mrs. Noble
to the rescue. The broken burning
lamp was thrown out of doors and
finally extinguished.
All goods bought at
SUTTON'S , The Jew
eler , engraved FREE
Plated Ware , a com
plete assortment , at
SUTTON'S , Leading
Only on large Photo work till Jan. 1 ,
only at Smart's gallcr } ' .
This winter isn't bad , but it is snug
enough for December and corn husk
ing. * . .I. . . I.i . . i
Remember the Wesleyan seminary
meeting in the Methodist church on
Wednesday evening , the 14th.
The Methodist church should be
crowded on next Wednesday evening
to hear Chancellor Creighton.
The Omaha World-Herald springs
our fellow-townsman James Harris as
a senatorial possibility.
The political sensation of the hour
is the contest recently instituted by W.
R. Starr against Sidney Dodge.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
Tuesday and Wednesday were quite
suggestive of stern winter. Two or
three inches of snow and a stiff north
The contest inaugurated by Mr. Starr
against Mr. Dodge is of very question
able wisdom and is not likely to issue
in the former's favor.
The public schools will close Friday ,
December 16th , for the holiday vaca
tion of two weeks. The school fair
will be held sometime between Christr
mas and New Year.
Nebraska's peerless daily , The Lin
coln State Journal , in its new heading
and dress , is as neat and pretty as a
picture. And the Journal is a ten
times winner , too.
The public school children are ar
ranging for a Christmas fair and enter
tainment to increase their library and
lantern funds. There will be good
music , good suppers and a display of
children's work , artistic , mechanical
and culinary. Prices will be low.
We reproduce about a column of
matter from the Indianola Courier ,
this week , touching upon McCook's
effort to secure the location of one of
the Wesleyan seminaries at this place ,
just to show the possibilities of that
mendaciously slanderous sheet , not as
a matter of news.
The till of A. C. Clyde's saloon , was
tapped on Sunday evening between 8
and 9 o'clock to the tune of about $35.
There have been no arrests , but the
police have pretty well settled cdhvic-
tions as to who are the guilty parties ,
and think the responsibility rests in a
large measure with one employed about
the establishment , as the circumstances
show an intimate knowledge of affairs
about the saloon building.
In Good Style.
The married gentlemen who will be in
charge of the "grub booth" at the fair ,
Tuesday of next week , propose to do
everything up in first-class style and
have organized as follows : head waiter ,
George Hocknell ; waiters , H. P. Sutton -
ton , W. C. Stevenson , C. E. Eldred , M.
0. McClure , A. J. Jackson , W. F.
Lawson , J. Albert Wells ; cooks , J. E.
Kelley , C , F. Babcock , C. M. Noble ,
D. E. Bomgardner ; dish washers etc. ,
J. P. Lindsay , G. A. Noren , F. S. Wilcox -
cox , J. F. Kenyon , F. M. Kimmell ;
cashier , E. C. Ballew ; committee on
provision and property , A. McMillen ,
J. Hulaniski , T. B ! Campbell , J. E.
Cochran , E. H. Doan.
The Baptist ladies' society will meet
at the home of Mrs. V. Franklin ,
Tuesday , Dee. 15th , at 2:30 p. m. A
full attendance is desired.
Do you believe girls are good for
anything besides book learning ? If
you do then come to the School
Fair , and see for yourself.
Senator Paddock has recommended
the appointment of M. L. Brown as
postmaster at Osborn , Frontier county ,
' ' *
Used in J-.M
You will find at But
ton's Jewelry store the
Largest Stock and the
Lowest Prices.
The Congregational Fair.
The ladies of the Congregation
church will hold their fair on the after
noons and evenings of Tuesday am
Wednesday , December 13 and 14 , ii
the Menard opera house. They pro
pose above all other considerations to
provide an unusually large and variet
supply of articles in their several
booths for useful and pretty Christmas
gifts , and bespeak a liberal patronage
from the people of McCook in this line.
Thev will have something to nlease all ,
and the price will be reasonable for the
quality of the articles offered for sale.
A Gypsy camp and fortune teller
will be a feature of the fair.
The Japanese Pagoda will contian a
variety of Japanese wares which will
be offered for sale by "really real" Japs
in costume.
In the baby booth you will find
everything for the infant from a bib tea
a cab.
"Our daughters from Alaska" will
also interest all visitors to the fair.
Besides these there will be various
other booths filled with fancy and use
ful articles.
Oysters will be served both evenings
by the gentlemen.
Should be Altered.
To make reports more clear and to
show more fully the status of mort
gage filings and releases , the law gov
erning mortgage statistics should be so
changed that the record will show
whether a newly filed mortgage is a
renewal 6f a former mortgage or for
any part of the purchase money and if
so how much. The record of releases
ouuvr nucuici
of making a new loan , or whether by
foreclosure proceedings and if so for
what amount. Then from the showing
an account kept as now of the filings
and releases.
A Sneak Thief's Work.
Tuesday morning , during a brief ab
sence from her rooms over the First
National Bank , some one entered her
apartments , the door being temporarily
unlocked , and stole Miss Josephine
McLyman's pocketbook and a hand
some and highly-prized open-face gold
watch , a recent gift from her parents ,
hencp treasured far beyond its value in
coin of the realm. Miss McLyman
feels terribly broke up over the loss of
her watch , for the return of which she
will pay a handsome reward.
Church Dedication.
The Danbury M. E. church will be
dedicated December 18,1892 , bv Kev.
A. J. Clifton of Culbertson , Neb. All
former and neighboring pastors and
people are cordially invited to attend.
Services at 11 a. m. and7 p. m.
W. E. UNCAPHER , Pastor.
Horses for Sale.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
On Hand.
An assortment of Frames for the
holiday trade at Smart's gallery.
Smart has not raised his prices on
photos since the other gallery closed.
The Largest stock of
Watches and Diamonds
ends at Button's , The
Andrew Martin , Jr. . of Danbury
Precinctthe Victim of a
Terrible Accident.
Danbuiy precinct was the scene of
an appalling accident , Sunday afternoon ,
resulting in the instant and horrible
death oF Andrew Martin , Jr. , a highly
esteemed young man of that neighbor
hood , "aged 18 years. It transpires that
young Martin and a young man from
Illinois named Chancellor Mastin , who
was visitintrat the home of the deceas
ed , had just returned from a hunting
expedition , and were about to drive
through the home gate , when the fear
ful accident occurred. Coming to the
gate Mastin got out of the
road cart to open the same ,
Martin remaining in the vehicle
and holding the guns. In some way
one of the guns slipped through the
slat bottom of the cart , catching
on the trigger of the gun ,
which was discharged , the terrible
load of shot at such close range enter
ing Martin's face about the left eye ,
literally tearing the top of the unfortu
nate man's head off.
Young Martin's frightful death has
cast a deep shadow of sorrow over that
entire community.
'Ihe remains were buried at Danbury -
bury on Monday afternoon.
A fine line of Diamonds
ends at Sutton's , The
Leading Jeweler.
Last of Their Race ,
Omaha's herd of buffaloes is in danger
of being spirited away and scattered.
ATfirrimnnt Savings hnnlr
ago began a suit against "Buffalo"
Jones on account of business deals in
Kansas and secured an attachment on
iis bunch of bison. He made a motion
to dissolve the attachment , but Judge
Dundy Tuesday overruled the motion.
Dhe buffaloes , therefore , are in hock
until the suit of the Massachusetts
concern is determined , and , as it seems
nrobable that the bank will get judg
ment , this melancholy renmant of a
once great race is likely to be knocked
[ own under the hammer. Bee.
Goto Sutton's Jewel
ry and Music House
for your Xmas goods.
Heaters and Cook Stoves.
I have a few very fine hard coal
heaters that I will sell at cost. They
are the best. I am also the agent for
the Gold Coin cook stove and keep on-
hand a well assorted stock. I am con
vinced there is no equal of tlie Gold
Coin in the market. Harris Hardware. ,
east Dennison St. , block east of Main
street. /
Souvenir Spoons at
To Prove
That we are making as finely finished
photos as can be had , we will waive
our rules of deposit till Feb. 1 , you
need not pay one cent til.1 work is fin
ished , if not good , keep your mcney.
J. H. SMART , Pbotogj
Boys are good for so
will see by going to t
Christmas week.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Litest U. o. G