Beyond a doubt there never has been on exhibition in the city of McCook as large and rare a line of as we are now displaying for the Holiday trade. We have just opened a rich assortment of RICKSECKER'S LUNDBORG'S PALMER'S LAZELLE'S And our stock embraces everything pretty in Perfume Gases , Gut & Plain Glass Bottles Call and see what we have to show you in this line. KNIPPLE Leads All IN ; "AND HIS : Cornet and Sterling BRANDS OF FLOUR THE ; Store open till the usual hours. NEBRASKA LOAN AND BANKING GO. OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. ' CAPITAL. - $52OOO.OO. FARM LOANS. LOANS. LOANS HADE ON ALL KINDS OF APPB P. A. WELLS , TIICAC. AND M : Chase National Bank , New York. it i . ( BEFORE. , . Would you AFTER. Increase Your Business INDIANOLA ITEMS. This is nice weather for corn harvest. Dr. Shaw will occupy his new office , soon. soon.Dr. Dr. G. E. Moore has moved in with Dr. Eskey. V. Franklin and J. E. Kelley were down , Monday. S.H. Stilgebouer was over from Danbury - bury , Monday. George Shaw arrived from Denver , Wednesday. M. N. Eskey and W. V. Vickey were up , Wednesday. A. M. Barton came in from Hastings and Grand Island. Attend the meeting of the agricult ural society , next Saturday. J. J , Lamborn and C. W. Beck went to Lincoln , last Saturday evening. John W. Richman made proof on timber claim before county judge on the 28th. 28th.The The public schools were adjourned , Monday A. M. , to attend the funeral of Mr. Crumbaugh. F. M. Lowe , of Palisade , was before the pension board , Wednesday , for medical examination. Last Sunday evening was occupied by the W. C. T. TJ. who gave a very in teresting programme. E. 0. Ballew is here so much , this week , that he seems entirely at home. All right Ed. come again. Jesse Barcus and family have re turned from South Western Colorado and are satisfied to stay in Nebraska. Thos. Campbell , a young man from Mt. Ayr , Iowa , is in our city looking for a location for an abstract office. We extend our hand and hope he will remain here. License was issued on November 25 for the marriage of Mr. Frank Dauchy , of Stockville , Neb. , and Miss Laura I. Wolfe , daughter of W. B. Wolfe of Indianola. They were married the same evening at the Wolfe homestead , Rev. J. M. Mann officiating. The ladies ot the M. E > Church gave a bountiful supper to the members of Epworth and Junior League and to the members of the Sunday school at the Masonic hall on Wednesday even ing. The evening was spent as asocial and was free to all. Last Saturday morning news came by wire that our former citizen Thos. Crumbaugh had been killed in an acci dent on the motor car line in Denver , where he was conductor. C. S. Quick in response to the wishes of the widow went to Denver and arranged for bring ing the body to this place , arriving on Monday morning's train. Indianola lodge I. 0. 0. F. , of which the deceased was a member , took charge of the re mains and conducted services at the grave. The services at the church were conducted by Eev. Gearhart as sisted by Revs. Lisle and Mann. The church was packed full of sympathetic friends and many stood around the door who could not gain admittance. The widow has the sympathy of every one. District Court Filings. Eliza H. Eaton vs. John F. Rawl- ings , equity , Nov. 11. Adelia Lee , guardian , vs. R. H. Thomas et al , equity , Nov. 11. Wm. H. Lockwood et al vs. Thomas Clark et al , equity , Nov. 25th. J. Abbott Thompson vs. Edward Kuester et al , equity , Nov. 25th. Francis S. Stoddard vs. Robert Acker- man et al , equity , Nov. 25th. Oliver M. Hyde vs. James A. Piper et al , equity , Nov. 25th. Justin A. Wilcox vs. George A. Nicolson et al , equity , Nov. 26th. LIST OF PATENTS RECEIVED NOV. 11 , 1892. Laura A. Ayers. John W. Ayers , WInfleld Scott Bennett , William H. Bailey , John Bsee- don , Mary E. Grain , Alba C. Ely , Warnon S. Farazell , George M. Troy. Mary Farrel , Will iam E. < 3ore , Daniel Gurnsey. Robert Y. Gard ner , Walliam Mahn , Henry Hey , Douglas L. Harrison , Calvin Hazen , the heirs of Jobn 1 > . Isaac , deceased , James B. Kays , Joseph A. Ealina , David C. Little. Lorenzo Mais. Mar- Rare th a Waapr. Jorgen E. Madson. David Ohara. Anna Pfaff. Philip Hohel , Phebe Wil son. EdmondJ. Vivian. Notice of Attachment. Aaron Headley will take notice that on Oct. 18th , 1893 , J.E. Kelley , Justice of the Peace of Red Willow county , Nebraska , issued au order of attachment for the sum of twenty- two dollars ( $23) ) in an action pending before him wherein Jobn Wentz is plaintiff and Aaron Headley is defendant ; thatj > roperty of defendant in the hands of the B. & M. K. R.Co. ( Chicago , Burlington and Quincy railroad company , owners. ) consisting of money , has been attached by order of garnishment against said patty. Said cause was continued to the 23d day of December , 1892 , at 10. A. M. 28-3ts. JOHN WENTZ , Plaintiff. NEBRASKA. Newsy Note * About Neurnaka Places and People. Cbadron will rebuild its academy that was burned. There are orer 400 incurables in the hospital for the insane at Hast ings. Haigler has a newspaper , and it is called the news. It stands up for Ne braska. f Rev. Mr. Guild baptised three people ple by immersion in the river at Crete Sunday. Math Bosch of Lamar lost a pocket- bonk containing $95 , and offers an even divy with the finder. "Nebraska as a state , " says the Dundy County Pioneer , "has a great deal to be thankful for.11 And so she has. Albion is to have a new grain ele vator. It is to be a first class structure with a capacity of 30,000 bushels. There is some talk at Oakdale of organizing a joint stock company to build a large brick block on the site of the buildings recently burned. The twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers1 asso ciation will be held at Lincoln , Tues day , December 27 to December 29 in clusive. A Benkelman citizen , built upon broad gauge principles , voted for every candidate on the big Australian ticket , and was grieved to learn that his vote was not counted. Mat Kane of Verdigre met with quite a serious accident a few days ago. He and a friend were out quail hunting when the gun of the latter was accidentally discharged , taking effect in Kane's foot. The Record says Mrs J K Schmidt is probably the only Knox county lady who risked a wager on her political preference for president , and she will now wear a silk dress when she calls on Mrs Cleveland. Hastings Nebraskan : The Hastings manufacturing enterprise barometer indicates the approach of a canning factory , and it is hoped it may arrive on schedule time and not "slew" off to one side and leave us out. Preparations are being made for constructing a creamery at Madrid. A stock company with a capital of about $3,000 has been formed and the building will be erected this winter in order to be ready for business next spring. Street Commissioner Winspear of Omaha has a score of squatters to evict from city lots south of the dis tillery. He says he will probably wait until the river freezes over and then slide the shanties across into Iowa. Mr. Bagley , the young express mes senger who stole $10,000 and then re turned it , made a very awkward Job of it. He lacked experience. A few lessons at the stats insane asylum might have been invaluable to him when the trying hour of action ar rived. Dr. Coulter of Winchester , Kas. , is lecturing in Nebraska on the evils of secret societies. In the minds of many the lodge goat is an unclean and perverse animal. Those who are against him should therefore express their views with freedom. Let us educate. Johann Torbeck , living near Nora , suffered a painful and rather serious accident to his left hand on Saturday last. While setting fence posts , his hand was struck with the mallet of his assistant , while holding the post , which smashed the thumb and forefinger. The city of Columbus has struck a gait in building improvements that bids fair to outrival some of our larger cities. It a favorable location as a trading point gives it advantages that few inland cities possess , and the re sult is obvious. Columbus will continua - tinua to forge ahead. A. Simmons , one of the sturdy homesteaders of Dawes county , started to go on an errand , and when a quar ter of mile from home looked back and discovered his barn on fire. He arrived in time to see his dwelling burn also. And such is life. Kearney's new educational institu tion , the Platte institute , closed its first term very successfully last week. The second term promises still better , applications for admission being so numerous that the institution cannot accommodate them all if the applicants appear in person. Isaac Willard , .who lives a few miles north of Gibbon , raised seven ears of corn which le intends sending to New York for a sample. Two earn measure 13 inches long and 6 inches in circum ference. Two other ears measure Hi inches long and 7 inches in circum ference. It is all of the common yel low horse corn variety and is only a fair sample of what his farm has pro duced. The mule team of Eugene JBigelow ran away at Harrison last Tuesday. He had a load of hay standing in the street and was climbing on in front of the wagon when he fell back on the wagon tongue and frightened the team , which ran away , upsetting the wngon. Mr. Bigelow fell under the wagon and the lines caught his foot and dragged him some distance , but luckily the team did not turn and he escaped with slight injuries. It is said that cars killed the cat. One cannot uo too much care in dealing with one's neighbor's feline favorite There's one satisfactory thin ? about betting on politics. Every man may in vest his money with the assurance that should he lose he will receive the same re turns as the man who wins. Free ! Free ! In order to increase onr cash trade we will give away the following list of presents to onr cash customers , FREEFREE ! ! 1 Gold Watch , worth - $100.00 1 Gold Watch , worth - 75.00 1 Gold Watch , worth - 50.00 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.00 2 Silver Watches at $25 each 5O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 15O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $2 5 , 90.00 100 Books , standard works of English and American fiction , hound in cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.OO 118 PRESENTS WORTH $790.00 We carry the largest stock of Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , in Red willow county. And we meet all competition and go them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our goods before buying. W. C. LaTourette. FALL 0 I wish to announce the arrival of my Fall and Winter Stock of CLOTHING , GEN1S FUBNISHING GOODS , HATS AND CAPS Houss , C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. F. D. BURQRSS , PLUMBERfSTEAM FITTER NORTH MADT AVE. , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupnn Wind Mills. ' KALSTEDT , THE LEADING TAILOR , Has just received a fine stock of < * FALL AND WINTER SUIT INGS. Call and see liim , two doors south of the Famous , while the assortment is com plete. - - - - - \