t t- , -i ' J ELEVENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , DEC. 2 , 1892. NUMBER 28. FIRE SALE ! -All Goods Damaged by Fire , Smoke $ or Water Will be Closed Out at a Great Sacrifice ! We have an Immense Stock of * Bargains-Goods but Slightly Damag- ed'--Everything , However , will be sold at Practically Your Own Figures. J. ALBERT WELLS , McCook. OAK BETTER THAN < ; ASH FURNITURE and costs more ; but 1 will sell you a Solid Oak Bed-room Suit for the same price that you have been paying for ASH SUITS. r It will pay you to see me before buying. Store will be at Lawler's old stand after December 8th. A. H. BURDICK. Mrs. H. L. Pitzer is the guest of Mrs. Cal. LeHew. Engineer J. Fitzpatrick has wended his way henceward to McCook. Alliance Grip. Grip.W. W. P. Foreman , the clever auditor , was down from Denver , Tuesday , on business of his position. Mrs. H. F. Tomblin has been up from Arapahoe , the guest of her daughter Mrs. J. F. Forbes , this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Washburn feel that thrill of joy peculiar to parents over their first-born , a promising boy. Mrs. C. W. Bronson arrived home , Wednesday , from a two weeks visit to her mother in Rock Island , Illinois. The company have unloaded about a hundred cars of ties and other supplies for the western division at this place recently. Harry Beal and Frank Quigley , both freight conductors , came up from Red Cloud , last week , to make this their headquarters. Switchman Conklin went up to Denver on 3 , Wednesday night on busi ness connected with some city property in which he is interested. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeff , after en joying a brief and pleasant honeymoon in Denver and the mountains , returned home on 6 , Monday evening. A lively and promising boy baby put in an appearance at C. D. Kennedy's domicile , Tuesday night , and all parties to the transaction are doing nicely. Milton Frost is working in the round house at McCook as a machinist's apprentice. He spent Thanksgiving with friends in Bartley. Inter-Ocean. Major Jake Burnett , the boarding train magnate , and robust son O. S. Burnett , were visitors in a business capacity at western division headquart ers , Tuesday. George J. Frederick , who was serious ly injured on the Orleans branch about a year ago , came up from Orleans , where he is living , Wednesday , to report for duty of a light nature. Terry McAloon of Akron has taken Engineer Reynold's run on the Repub lican City branch , II. . Meserve return ing to McCook , Tuesday night. He ex pects to run extra out of McCook. Mrs. George Conner of McCook came in Saturday night on the flyer to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. She left Thursday night for Kansas City and Chicago , where she goes to consult an oculist. Falls City Journal. A Poughkeepsie girl has sued a rail road for $40,000 damages an account of the death by accident of her lover about a year ago. We bet he wasn't worth it. The girl who puts a cash value on her betrothed is the one who would want to get rid of him within three months after marriage. Engineer Holliday is laid up with quite a severe attack of catarrhal fever , coming in last Saturday night off of his run , sick. He is , however , getting along satisfactorily under Dr. Kay's care. Sunday a-week ago Conductor S. E. Callen had the misfortune to drop his watch off a freight train near Benkel- man , and up to date he has not recover ed it. Will Beyrer went up the road in search of the lost watch , and ascertain ed that a tramp had exhibited a watch in Haigler recently , so that the chances of ever recovering the watch are very remote. Ed. feels his loss keenly , as the watch was a fine and valuable one. In 1830 there was less than forty miles of railroad in the United States. The eleventh census places the total in 1890 at 163,597. Within sixty years America has constructed railways nearly equal in extent to half the mileage of the whole world. History has never revealed such a splendid record of growth. Let the exultant scream of the proud bird of free dom mingle with the shrill whistle of the iron horse. Another faithful employe of the B. & M. has received a merited promotion. W. S. Tomlinson , passenger director at this place for several years past , was last week appointed to the position of claim agent at a remunerative salary. Mr. Tomlinson loyally stands up for Oxford and will continue to make our town his home , though his headquarters will necessarily be at McCook. We under stand that the position of depot director it Oxford will be abolished for a season. C -ford Standard. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. W. A. Minniear was over from Danbury - bury , Saturday. J. E. Kelley was in Indianola , Mon day , on business. W. F. Lawson visited his father at Riverton , Sunday. Sheriff Banks sojourned among the elect , Tuesday evening. , Ben Horner is home from California looking the picture ofrobust health. Frank H. Spearman left for Chicago , Wednesday afternoon , on a business trip. trip.C. C. S. Quick of Indianola gazed upon our activity briefly , Wednesday after noon. A. J. Vennum , the Palisade banker , was at commercial headquarters , Tues day. Mrs. S. E. Hagar was up from Indian ola , Saturday , the guest of McCoook relatives. A. F. Moore has moved into quarters over Brewer's meat market for residence purposes. IF. . Nichols and George Huntsinger were over from Lebanon , Wednesday , on land business. Tiff Babcock of Yuma , Colorado , was the guest of his brother Charlie of our city , Saturday. Congressman McKeighan arrived in the city , Sunday night , going on west on Monday morning. E. E. Lowman came in from the road Saturday , and was the guest of the family over the Sabbath. Postmaster Troth indulged in a flying visit to Hastings on 6 , Saturday , arriv ing home on i , Sunday. W. R. Starr and J. O. Shaffer repre sented the dignity of the county-seat in the metropolis , Tuesday. Miss Julia Carmody , superintendent of Hitchcock county , was among the visit ors in the metropolis , Tuesday. E. E. Wallace , the photographer , has gone to Cheyene , Wyoming , driving overland as far as North Platte. G. L. Laws greeted his many McCook friends , Wednesday afternoon , being up the valley on some land business. Bert Risley of the Culbertson Republi can breathed the air of liberty and pro gress in the chief city , Wednesday. Mrs. W. T. Lindsay , after an absence of a number of weeks on an extended visit , returned home , the first of the week. E. R. Curtis went up to Haigler on r , Wednesday , to assist in the institution of an Odd Fellows lodge there on that evening. Miss Furnas of Brownville , Neb. , who has been the gueit of L. Lowman and family for a few days , went east on 6 , Wednesday evening. M. N. Eskey and O. Frost of Bartley and C. W. Beck and J. J. Lamborn of Indianola were the guests of the Capital hotel , Lincoln , Sunday. Dr. B. B. Davis went down to Lincoln , Sunday evening , and was absent the fore part of the week in attendance upon a meeting of university regents. He re turned home Wednesday night. S. H. Colvin went up to Haigler on i , Wednesday afternoon , to participate in the institution of a lodge of Odd Fellows in that burg that evening , which was followed by a banquet and a time galore. Miss. Delia Rodgers , a cousin of Mrs. J. A. Wilcox , arrived in the city , Wed nesday afternoon , from New Mexico , where she has been for her health for a number of months past. She will re main here all winter. C. T. Brewer and a number of hands went up to Stratton , Saturday night , to drive down a herd of cattle purchased a few days previously by the mayor. The bunch numbered 62 head and arrived here late Monday night , having started on Sunday morning. J. B. Meserve went up to Stratton , last Friday night , on a cattle purchasing ex pedition. He returned home Monday evening , having bought 73 head of choice yearling steers , which were driven down the same night in company with a bunch of 92 head of mixed cattle bought in the same neighborhood by C. T. Brewer. Miss Amy Strasser , who has been in Europe-Germany-fora number of months past , has arrived home , accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Stern of Holdrege , who have also been revisiting familiar places and sights in the Old World. Miss Amy has almost developed into young woman hood during her absence in the Father land. PADE & SON'S FURNITURE EAND = SEWING MACHINES Remember we will sell you good goods for same prices others ask you for cheap goods. PADE i SON. low is the Time To buy your winter goods and the place to buy is where you can t STOCK Clothing , Dress Goods , ' Blankets , Cloaks , Shawls And everything1 warm for winter wear IS NOW IN. PRICES AND QUALITY WE GUARANTEE. WE HAVE THE STOCK AND WILL MAKE THE PRICE. ine our stock before you buy. We carry full stock of GROCERIES. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN.