By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPEE. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. CHAUNCEY DEPEW takes a very sensible view of the mutter. He says : "The result could not be attributed to any one person or party of persons. New York alone did not effect the result. It was the whole country. The people wanted n change of policy more than of candidates and they will have it. " SHORTLY before the McKinley bill went into effect the keen-eyed merchant warned the people to buy liberally and store goods away for future use , as prices were bound to ndviince when the new tarriff law became effective. Now the eastern brokers nre advising their patrons to buy liberally be cause of an inevitable advance in prices incident to a reduction of customs duties. With the keen- eyed broker it is "heads , I win ; tails , you lose. " EDITOR MEDILL of the Chicago Tribune who has always enter tained a sincere admiration of Mr. Elaine , admits that the nom ination of the "man from Maine" at Minneapolis would not have changed the result of the recent election. He thinks Elaine's popularity - ularity might have somewhat modified the democratic victory , but that it would not have altered the general verdict. Mr. Medill is persuaded that personal consid erations have nothing to do with the matter ; that it was a contest of principles and policies , and that the outcome clearly indicates the dissatisfaction of the people with the doctrine of protection. Mr. Medill does noi venture this opin ion as a tariff reformer , which he is at heart , but merely as a thoughtful and intelligent observer of the ! situation. SENATOR PERKINS of Kansas is one of those who thinks that the tariff did not have all to do with the result of the national election. He lays the responsibility for re publican defeat largely . upon the national committee , which he charges with mismanagement in neglecting the republican sections of the country. "I believe our defeat is .due to the rainbow chas ing of the republican national committee , " said Senator Perkins. "Instead of giving their attention to the republican sections of the country , they neglected and over looked the republican .states al most entirely. They dissipated and wasted their efforts where there was no reason to expect republican success. " This is in line with the opinion expressed by the Bee in discussing the causes of republican defeat , and while criti cism of those who had the manage ment of the campaign is rf no consequence now , it is well to have it understood that democratic vic tory was not due wholly or mainly to popular dissatisfaction with the < iriff policy of the republican party. Bee. E republican party is not ti ! ived by defeat now any more ! mn it was in 1856 or 1881. It iccepts occasional disaster as apart of the fortunes of politics under a popular form of government. The democracy will now be put upon trial. From 1885 to 1889 it was iied ed in by a republican senate. Zfow , with the aid of the populists of the senate , it will have a major ity , and after the 4th of March next will be in power. It must do oue of two things , eitner abandon its hostility to protection or put that hostility into practical effect. The republican party as a political organization can afford to await witb equanimity the result , and as to the effects upon the industrial interest of the country of a return to free trade , if such a return should be made , in whole or in part , they would be no worse for republicans than for democrats. Hard times , like good t mes , are shared by the people , irrespective of party. With the republicans unfaltering in their loyalty to pro tection that fundamental principle . The overthrow. is in no dangerof , but its fires sun may be eclipsed cannot be put out. Established 1886 , Strictly One Price. . FALL AND WINTER 92-93. Famous lothin Co. = SEE OUR IMMENSE LINE OF = OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS , UNDERWEAR AND OVERSHIRTS , GLOVES AND HOSIERY , NECKWEAR AND MUFFLERS. ASSORTMENT IS THE LARGEST CUE PRICES THE LOWEST. JONAS ENGEL , Manager , / VISIT THR VISIT THE E. L. LAYCOCK , PROPRIETOR. MB. EICHARD CROKER is very frank in speaking about the feder al patronage. "I am in favor of the democrats taking the posses sion of the offices , " he says : "Now that we have won , I think that the democrats should have th& full results of their victory. " The pious mugwamps who helped elect Mr. Cleveland because they beleived him to be a civil service reformer can see no promise iu this qniet but firm declaration of Tammany principles. The price for New York is all the federal officers at the command of the in coming administration. Journal. THE London Specular is vigor ously reproved by the New York Sun for speaking of part of the United States as the "eastern prov inces. " As a rule the sun is very good authority on everything out side cf politics , but in this case the reproof is not entirely a fair one. The eastern states are in many respects entirely provincial , and do not seem to be overcom ing that youthful fault as they grow older. The real center of the life of this republic is now west of the Alleghanies. Journal. No matter who is president , in dustry , honesty and economy will give every American citizen a good living , besides something to lay by for a rainy day. There is no danger that the dial of progress which has been sweeping forward so rapidly since the republicans came into power will be turned back by a single republican defeat. Let us be cheerful. The democ racy doesn't want free trade half so badly as it wants the offices. As soon as it fills its belly it will go to sleep and the legislation . of the republican congress will re main practically undisturbed. Journal. CURTIS & BATES For a Clean Shave or Artistic Hair Cut. REAR OF CITIZENS BANK. EDWARD B. SHAW , Regimenfal Blacksmith , HAS OPENED A BLACKSMITH : - : SHOP OX MAKSHALI , STHEET , Opposite Uullard's lumber yard and in O'Neil's carpenter shop. / Will Cure Interfering Horses & Contracted Hoofs or no Pay. I ALSO HAVE A FIRST-CLASS WAGON > : MAKER. will give you value received or no pay. Prices reasonable.