The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 18, 1892, Image 2

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They Want Ko Mosque Kreoted for Kxhl-
bltion nt the World's Fair.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. The following
letter , which is self explanatory , waa
received by the city officials yesterday
from Secretary of State Foster.
Mr. Secretary of State. ' '
INGTOND. , . C. , Oct. 31. Mr. Robert Levy
Uttoman , concessionary for the Chicago
exposition , Informed me during my recent
visit to that city thut certain Syrian Chris
tiana aided by cortain'American mission
aries propose 10 have a mosque built outside
of the exposition grounds in order to show
the Americans , for money , what a Mussel-
man's religious edifice is. This is the same
as if in an Asiatic city inhabited by Mus-
aelmen a number of persons among them
should erect a cburcn for the purpose of
showing Mussclmon what a Christian re
ligious edifice is. Your excellency will , I
think , readily see that suh a thing cannot
be tolerated in the United Suites , where
all religions , according to the constitution ,
are respccteJ and honored.
I therefore b # you to send a copy of this
note to the : iu horitiss ot the city of
Chicago in oivior thus to prevent the
erection of any mosque outs tie of the
exposition grounds , especially by parsons
who profess a rolipr on which is not the
Musslt-mnn's religiou , and who are simply
actuated by R.iia without any regard for
the religious fealings of a frlcndlv govern
Bo pleased , imi.intline. Mi * . Secretary of
state , to accipt the assur-uircs of my very
high considerations. A. . AVHOTKHL.
* For his excellency , .lolin W. Fostar ,
/ - : secretary of stale , etc. , Washington.
Governor Friiicls Insurs Ills Animal
I'rociamutlon for tbo Hay.
Governor Francis issued his Thanks
giving1 proclamation last night. It is
as follows :
The people of Missouri have abundant
cause to return thanks for the manifold
blessings of thu past Pence has pre
vailed , pestilence has not pervaded our
borders , bountiful harvcs.s have rewarded
our labor ; and for the so and for the price
less heritage of : x free government founded
to afford equallty of protection and of op
portunity for tlus fraternal sentiment that
pervades our people , for the continued
prosperity and progressive development of
the state , let us unite in grateful acknowl
edgement to the Giver wf All Good.
In accordance , therefore , with the
recommendation of the president of the
United State ? , I. David R. Fr.tncis , gov
ernor of Missouri , do appoint Thursday ,
November 24 , IVJ3 , a day of thanksgiving
and prayer. On that day I call upon the
people to abstain from their several secular
occupations , and in their pl.icesof worship
and at their firesides to give expression to
their appreciation of the bcnificcnco of
Almighty God , and revcren l.y ask for a
continuance of the divine favor. Lc-tthem
sho'v their worthiness of blcssiiijrs confer
red by doing good o others and by manifest
ing that bro v\ \ spirit of humanity which
should characterize an intelligent , happy
and grateful pcr.ple. DAVID R. FRANCIS.
TJcn Ulanchitrd Charged With Attempt
ing to Bunco Cheyenne.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Nov. lf > A war
rant for the arrest of Ben BJanchard ,
who attempted to bunco the city of
Cheyenne out of S-00.000 , has been
issued , and o dicers are tifter Ulanch-
ard , who is : it Hutchinson , Kan.
Blanchard came here a year ago ,
claiming to b tigent for an Eastern
syndicate wanting to build a § 500.000
smelter in ' 'hoyonne. A bonus of
S200.000 in eash ami i-cal estate was
raised by the people here , but , con
trary to nianchnrd's e.vpetation , they
refused to turn it over to him until
the smelter was completed.
, JHanchard made a bold bluff atcom-
'menc:5ng work , and commenced con
tracting for several thousand dollars'
worth of work on excavations. Part
of this he paid for with drafts on East
ern people which were returned pro
tested. Bhuichard left the city and
for the past three months could not be
Export of Mttt 1'roilucts.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 16. The increase
in the export of live cattle , beef and
. hog products continues. Last month
the United States sent out live cattle
to thu value of 82.350,000 , which was
§ 320.000 more than in the same month
last year. Total exports of beef , hog
and dairy products for the month were
SIO.543,000. against $3,90y,000 for Octo
ber , 1891.
tTohii Huey Passes Airny.
NKW YORK , Nov. 10. John Hoey ,
ex-president of the Adams express
company , died last night.
Pric-os were quoted as follows :
No. h.trd , 57e' > 7c : No.
: s 'i.ird wheat. 553JtKc } ) ; No. 4
lmr.1 whcit. 5J@54 } c ; rejected hard
vviuat.15 -2j ; No. 2 red , 6l # @
i. y No. 3 red wheat , no .iOj ; No. 4
r -ii . 5'J. < . " 6c.
t , ONWjs a little harder to sell and
ui > . was about Kc lower. White
cam was scarce and very firm.
-JIoj rig cash prices were : No. 3
-.v.Ui ; . " . ' ; 39V c ; No. 3 white 37
INo. r.i xcd. old , 3 > 36c ; new , 34c : No.
: ir/-v-i ol.l , new , Sic ; No.t
\ ' ! iiexv : i ! " 5 J a ; no grade quot3-.l nom-
1 - ti Ic. Shippers paid SSfcfc river and
-'j . ' . { ir.phjs for mixed corn.
4\ . . r V'ei.j5 not in so good demind as
- . * . % ind trade was very dull. Cash
" . . - . vr.0No. . 2 mixed , 28c. No. 3 ,
I-.o. No. 2 white
: ' No white , 28 ' Ji3. RYE Was
"Ao 4 at14c. . Fr\8EEi > Steady ;
1i * v. : uvording to billing on
b s * . of p'.irc ; small lots c less BRAX
-S v.dy ; Vi Wc , according to oilling ,
1001. 1. sicks. HAY Receipts , 35 cars : raar-
1 : : weak. 50c lower. Quotations are :
T ir. . > thy. choice. SS.f.O ; good , $7.53 u8 ;
clover mixed $5 < t7 per ton ; fancy prairie ,
new. 87.50. good to choice , $6@7 ; low
fjradc. § . j6.
CITT , Mo. , Nov. 16" Cattle Re
ceipts itf.179 : calves , S70 ; shippad yesterday -
day , 3,339 ; calves , 409. The market for
good cows and steers was steady ; others
weak to lo@13c lower ; feeders firm , Texas
cattle lOc lower.
Dressed beef and shipping steers , $3.25
@ 4.6D ; coxvs and holfors , $1.40@2.60 ; Texas
and Indian steers , § ; Texas
and Indian cows , $1.SO@2.10 ; atocHors and
feeders. * 2.57@3.33 ; mixed , $1.10 7.75.
Hogs-Recalpta , 12,343 ; shipped yester
day , 277. Tbe market was active and
5tea'dyi closing strong to 5c higher.
' Sheep-Ilet-eiptst 1,599 ; shipped yester
day 323. Good sheep wore firm ; others
dull'and weak. The following are repre-
entative sales :
Ko \ VtITios. . No. Wt. I-rlcOL
98 lambs. . . . 81 5-15 hSG'mut. ' . . . 70 3 60
Wllllnm AVlnlngor Captured.
LINCOLN' , Nov. 16. Willinra Winin-
gor , who made hira < elf notorious by
running' with two young girls
named Lobaugh Bomo months ngo , re
turned lo Lincoln yesterday in Iho
close custody of Detective Pound. Ho
wns found lit York , "but saya he has
been rusticating at St. Joe ( or some
time. Ho disappeared on the night of
Juno 15. Ho wus found sitting up late
that night when other roomers re
turned. At the time of Wininger's
departure , a suit of clothes worth ? 20
and a silver watch worth $25 also dis
appeared. The natural conclusion
is hat William eloped with them after
the fashion lie has of eloping with ,
thinga. Uo was brought before Judge
Brown yesterday , but got his case con
tinued until 2 o'clock this afternoon.
It "Was Loud eel.
OAKLAND , Nob. , Nov. 16 Will
Crofts , a niuetoen-year-old boy , was
accidentally .shut Monday and died
yoblcrday of his injuries. He and a
companion , Boone Humbert , had been
out hunting , and on returning went
in'.o the cellar to Humbert's butcher
shop. On their return from the collar
Crofts was standing with the mnzzlo
of his gun under his arm resting. In
pulling down the trap door to the cel
lar Iho door struck the trigger of
Croft's gun , causing it to discharge ,
touring away the flesh , arteries and
bone. The wound waa , of such u na
ture that recovery "was impossible , al
though the best of medical assistance
was tsoon at hand.
Gasoline Tank Mxploclos.
NEBRASKA Crrr. Nob. , Nov. 16.
What might have proven a disastrous
conflagration was averted yesterday
morning by prompt action by the fire
department. A ton-gallon tankofgaso-
lne exploded in the oilice of the Otoe
County Alliance and instantly the
building , which is a two-story frame ,
was a sheet of flames. J. Reed , one of
the proprietors , with nn infant child ,
was within a few feet of the tank when
the explosion occurred , but miracu
lously escaped injury. The flames
wore speedily extinguished. The loss
to the building and stock is about $1-
000. There was no insurance on the
building. The stock is fully covered.
Minister Egan nt Lincoln.
LINCOLN , Nov. 16. Minister Egan
arrived here last evening and was wel
comed at the depot by a large number
of his fellow townsmen. His carriage
was preceded to the Windsor hotel
by the Harrison anu Keid Flambeau
club and a band of music. A recep
tion of an entirely informal character
was held in the hotel parlors. There
was no speechmaking. Mr. Egan will
be the guest of lion. John Fitzgerald
during his brief stay in Lincoln. Ho
expects to remain here eight or ten
days before returning to Washington.
Ilea Suddenly.
OSCKOLA , Neb. . Nov. 16. Oliver P.
Mii'kv nnd v/iro of Newport. la. ,
came here several weks ago to spend
the winter with their children. Hon.
John H. , A. P. and Basil Mickoy.
Monday the old gentleman was visiting
with his niece , Mrs. H. C. Hughes , and
while sitting at the dinner able suf
fered a atroke of paralysis of the brain ,
dying in two hours. He would have
been seventy years old in a month.
Killed By a Cave-In.
FREMONT , Neb. , Nov. 16. Jens
Olsen , a laborer on the sewer con
tracts , was caught by a bank of earth
caving in on him Monday evening ,
burying him up 10 his chest. He died
du-ing tbe night from his injuries.
H - was about fifty years of age , and
leaves a .wife and six children , the
youngest thirteen years of age. The
funeral took place today.
Stabbed In the Side.
WALLACE , Neb. , Nov. 16. Last
night about 9 o'clock some one pulled
two loads of hay together in the west
part of town and set the mass on fire.
During the excitement C. Yochel said
it was Kay Bellinger wbo did .It ,
whereupon Bellinger started to strike
him , and as they clinched Yochel
stabbed Bellinger in the right side.
He is in a precarious condition.
Sweeping Prairie Fires.
DENVER , Nov. 16. Prairie fires have
done great damage in Eastern Colorado
within a few days. They are still
burning fiercely. Thousands of acres
of winter pasture in Kit Carson ,
Lincoln and Arapahoe counties have
been burned out , and tbe settlers have
lost all their stacked hay and straw.
Many barns have also been destroyed
and much stock lost.
Nebraska Pensions.
WASHINGTON . Fov. 16. Following
is Iho issue of Nebraska pensions :
Additional John T. Mitchell , Chris
tian Ottoman. James W. Wngner ,
Fnmcis M. Rogers. Increase Benry
S. Marking. Original , widows , etc.
Kuward Russell , father , minors of
Daniel R. Rubendall.
Rtirglnrs nt Fnirbury.
FAIRBURV , Neb. , Nov. 16. Bur
glars entered tha hardware store of C.
K. Lawson and the clothing store of
Kesterson Bros. , and a quantity of
goods secured , but no money. There
is no clue to the thieves.
Going to Trial.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Nov. 16. Dr. F.
Naulteus , who killed a fireman at a
Deadwood fire on the morning of Octo
ber 3 , 1892. in self-defense , left tonight
for business. He says he has no doubt
but that he will be acquitted wben his
trial comes up in February next
The Paisiou Play.
LINCOLK , Nov. 16. Dr. Lasby , pas
tor of St. Paul M. E. church of this
place , gave bis famous illustrated lec
ture on the "Passion Play" to a crowd
ed hO'J ° e lastevenint. .
An Interesting 1'henoincnon ,
An amusing story is told in connection
with Professor Henry , of the Smithso
nian institution , who died some fourteen
years ago. It is told by a gentleman
who once traveled from Montreal to Bos
ton with the professor. He says that
while they were waiting for a steamer
the professor was talkative and commu
nicative in his quiet way , and was full
of incidents of travel and adventure.
Soon the steamer appeared in sight ,
and while she was approaching us th-j
professor sat upon the wharf , looking
dreamily at her. Presently he aroused
himself and said :
" 1 see a peculiar sparkle of the wavi-n
near the side of the steamer , where thu
sun shines upon her.1' ( It was almorfS
sunset. ) " 1 wonder what the cause of it
is ? I have seen phosporescent light be
fore , but never exactly like this. And
see , there it is also upon the other , tha
darker side of the steamer. Well , car-
tainly that is very curious ! ' '
We all looked. Indeed it did seeia
ren ; liable. First upon the bright si k
of the steamer and then upon the darl :
side would appear these curious flash e.- .
of light and disappear almost instantlj' .
They seemed to com at regular i iter-
vals , and it was a strange and beautiful
Our reveries were presently disturbed
by the approach of ono of the cnsiuii : : :
inspectors. He glanced at us with somu
curiosity and then said , "Jjookin at
them flashes ? "
"Yes , " replied the professor , rousing
himself from his absorbed meditation of
the phenomenon : "I wonder what thcv
are. "
"Oh , " said the inspector carelessly ,
"them's hot ashes they're throwin out
of the ash pits. "
The professor was nonplused for a
moment. Then he recovered his senses
and said quietly , "Well , well , live and
learn live and learn ! " and lapsed in to
silence. rYouth's Companion.
A Serious C'use.
Uncle Silas was a very honest and
pious old colored man who preached on
Sundays and had a great influence for
good upon the others in the settlement.
During one of his revival seasons , among
a dozen or so at the mourners' bench
was a black boy called Eph , about
twenty years old and for a long time
unregenerate. Uncle Silas was greatly
rejoiced to see him come forward , and
at once went to him. Eph was crying.
"Hain't no use in my comin up , " ho
sobbed. "I'se sinned away de day oh
grace. "
"No , you ain't , brudder , " protested
Uncle Silas. "Yoii am de kin what de
Lawd wants to save. All you got to do
is to gib up sin. "
"I'se dun dun dat , Uncle Silas , "
sobbed Eph , "but dey ain't no salvation
fer me. "
"Yes , dey is , too , honey. Dey ain't no
sin so black dat hit ain't washed white
as snow. "
" 1 done stole fou' chickens las' week , "
confessed the penitent.
"Dat's all fuggib , Eph'in. "
"But dein two was y.ou'n , Uncle Silas.
Dem fat pullets you low'd so much sto'
by , Uncle Silas. "
"Wha' dat ? " exclaimed Uncle Silas
"Dem las" two wuz yo' pullets. Uncle
Silas , " sobbed Eph.
Uncle Silas became solemn and stern.
"I reckon , Eph'm , " he said slowly ,
"you' case needs advisement wid pra'r.
I ain'i she dat we wanter be clutterin
up de kingdom of hebben wid chicken
thieves , an you better stay right on de
mo'ners' bench till de meetin am done ,
and we kin dezainine you state ob sin
for perticklers. " Detroit Free Press.
Queer Food.
The hedgehog figures frequently in
sylvan repasts , though he is hardly big
enough to be sent to table as a piece de
resistance. The primitive manner of
cooking it supersedes the most costly re
finements of elaborate batteries de cui
sine. The elephant's foot , or rather the
slice below the pastern , which is a fa
mous dainty in eastern hunting camps ,
is treated on precisely similar principles ,
which shows that the simplest cookery
of all nations has much in common , like
their folklore.
Shakespeare's British hedgepig , like
its cousin , the porcupine , is shrouded in
a plastic tenement of clay. Then he is
laid to temporary rest in a bed of smol
dering cinders. When supposed to be
done to a turn , the dwarf pig is dug up ,
and then the prickly skin is detached
with the splitting of the case of clay.
All the generous juices , with their bou
quet , have been confined and transfused.
London Saturday Review.
The Girl Has Achieved Much.
Mis Edith Emily Read has just beaten
the record in Girton girls. She is now
doing some responsible work on the
labor commission , which conies as the
climax of a singularly successful career.
Here is a bare record of her achieve
ments : Goldsmiths and Cloth workers'
scholarship , from the North London Col
legiate school to Girton ( fifty pounds ,
each for three years ) , wrangler , 1891 ;
first class moral science tripos ( after
only a year's study ) , 1892 ; Therese Mon-
tefiore memorial prize of fifty pounds
1892 for most distinguished student at
Girton ; prizes of twenty pounds each
from Goldsmiths and Clothworkers'
companies in recognition of her wrau-
Miss Reed is , we believe , the only
lady who ever took first class honors in
two triposes. One of her principal tu
tors at the North London Collegiate
school was Mrs. Sophie Bryant , D. Sc.
London Letter.
Effect of the Sun on Monuments.
The perpendicularity of a monument
is visibly affected by the rays of the sun.
On every sunny day a tall monument
has a regalar swing leading away from i
the sun. This phenomenon is due to the
greater expansion of the side on which
Hie rays of the sun fall. A pendulum
placed inside say Nelson's column , in
Irafalgar square , would be found to de
scribe on every clear day an ellipse of
nearly half an inch in diameter. Eng-
Big Flat Flitters of 4--2O.
. ) . B. Smith lias l > nilt a i > c\v barn.
' S. I > . M - ( bun liis I'nih : i now harn ,
20x28 - > N ! &
vMr.V. . Div'iMhas fbuilt a Ian I
28x:52. :
Iviiili C" ' < 'iii ; u tenchiiifr s-clmnl
di-nii-i 74.
Mr. > iiiiiin-i iiijni .1 as tiiei t- il inii" | t
lill'ifc lriiir\ , .
.1. ! > u.iili | | .i < sunk a wril MIH ! : (
a wiii'iniill - - il.
A S'llli- : | H : > | U fii- ' < l : i bra I
IC\\ | U'iiJIilll.
W. r-'nriii hi ; < CHM-IIMI ' : > n Air Kinj.
wiudiniii mi lii- < arn > .
M II. Cole liis : built woiv rril. mom
P'-i i.s inii'i-ns'
.1. N. Riniib i- ; lovi-r i r a tend'-
turkey , bul raxv rn-w ; null !
.Mr. Tliuma.Km Ins ] > nt ( ! O\MI :
well an < l erected a windmill.
.Ml-- . .Maiiil Daniels 'it IJnrtlcy i
leadline scnoiii in dis'rict 5S.
C. W. | | is making r-x
improvements on \ \ \ < new 1'-mi ; .
Mr .InliM Bi-airli who dr"V' ' tbri > uul ;
fp-ih Indiana idumiii'i ' < l in tbe
Tin-ail ! . ill b-u-e.
\Vni. ( 'nil-man l-a- i-ecivid a * > | > iit !
ment a- deleiiatito tln > Xatimia
Fanner. . ' IMUIIIITSS.
at tb- (1ooiuiii ( ! : sclnml
bouse every alternate Sabbath. Sun
day M-lioo ! every Sabbath.
For -uk-nittii : improvement.- town
4 ami range ' 50 , removes tbe ttxtib
Fabric from tiie > lr , nb'iery. '
CJiiolo l > ily ! -litieked bis pnim-kins
one day last week. J-iit roFiHi'd to
reveal the kind < > f ; ! : used.
II. K. Hixler i * mniint'acturin at
exceedingly excellent < | nality of syrup ,
if-prnperU appliid in slapjacks.
We. . Ri > 2t'll linntnrm'd Fro m hip
trip to Kansa.- . lie report- ; corn H h
therr. : i"d Init f'piv fields 'iU mic ! 25
busbeb ! per a * rc.
( jeti. Marsh or Mitiiir-ni.i. v. bo pui-
chasecl tbe .Jerry Griffin Farm , lias ar
rived , and moved in. Ilo hrnii < : ; | it. riinf
bead oF horses wiih him.
TI.oso who want to make a trap tbafc
\\iil catch four jack rabbits and three
Jennie ; abnitat onetime , sbould apply
to Mr. r.-imitlier-i Fur plans and speci
IjocTajlor bus put down a new wel
and bad a windmill erected , and built a
Frame bonpe 24x20 Feet in size and ! !
Foot posts. He expee < in arrive From
Iowa and take posses-inn in December.
Judjrjns from that immense pile of
oak posts , Tbonias Ryan , Sr. , is pre-
parinir to fence off a corner of the
earth. G RANG Kit.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
John Longnccker of the Willow
marketed a load of Thanksgiving
turkeys in tbe metropolis , Wednesday.
Cb'ta'ren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Dr. Hathaway ,
( Regular Graduate. )
The Leading Specialist of tbe United States
in His Une.
Private , Blood , Skin and Nervous Diseases.
Toang and
Middle Aged
Men : Remark
able results have
followed my
treatment. Many
YEARS of var
ied and success
ENCE In the use
of curative meth
ods that I aloue
own and control
for all disorders
iof MEN. who
nave weak or un
developed or dis
eased organs , or
who are suffering
from errors of
youth and excess
or who are nerv
ous and IMPO
TENT , tha scorn of their fellows and the con
tempt of friends and companions , leads me to
GUARANTEE to all patients , if they can pos-
JSTMIEMESIUEK , that there is hope for
YOU. Consult no other , as you may WASTE
VALUABLiE TIME. Obtain my treatment at
Female Diseases cured at home without in
struments ; a wonderful treatment.
Catarrh , and Diseases of the Skin , Blood ,
Hecrt , Liver and Kidneys.
Syphilis. The most rapid , safe and effective
treatment A complete cure guaranteed.
Kkln Diseases of all kinds cured where many
Others have failed.
Unnatural Discharges promptly cured in a
few days. Quick , sure and safe. This Includes
Gleet and Gonorrhoea.
1. Free consultation at the office or by mail.
2. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis.
3. That each patient treated gets the advantage
of special study and experience , and a
specialty is made of his or her disease.
4. Moderate charges andeasy terms or payment.
A home treatment can be given in a majority
of cases.
Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men.
No. 2 for Women.
No. 3 for Skin Diseases.
Send lOo for 04-page Reference Book for Men
* nd Women.
All correspondence answered promptly. Bus
iness strictly confidential. Entire treatment
Bent free from observation. Refer to banks In St.
Joseph and business men. Address or call on
Corner fith and Edmond Sts. ? St.-Joseph , Mo
cured by the
use 01
Tones the system ,
makes the weak
Sures Others
will euro you.
The lav.-sol health aic taught in ourbcliools ;
l > iit not in : i way to he of nnicli practical ben
efit and are never illustrated by living exain-
jiles , wliicli in many cases could easily be
done. If some scholar who had just contracted
a cold was brought before the school , so that
all could hear the dry loud cough , and know
its significance ; see the thin white coating on
the tongue , and latei as the cold develops , see
the profuse watery expectoration and thin
watery discharge from the nose , not one of
them would ever forget what the fust symp
toms of a cold are. The scholar should then
be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely
that all might see that even a severe cold can
be cured in one or two days , or at least greatly
mitigated , when properly treated as soon as
the first symptoms appear. For sale by Chen-
cry , druggist. Nuv.imo.
There is clanger in a too vigorous
sneeze. A workman in a factory in
South Iie : l , Ind. , dislocated his shoulder
the other clay by sneezing too violently.
An honest Swede tells his stoiy in plain but
unmistakable language for the benefit of the
public. One of my children took a severe cold
and got the croup. I gave her a tenspponful
of ChamberlainS Cough Remedy and in five
minutes later I gave her one more. ly this
time she had to cough up the gathering in her
tin oat. Then she went to sleep and slept good
for fifteen minutes. Then she got up and vom
ited ; then she went back to bed and slept good
for the remainder of the night. She got the
croup the second night and 1 gave her the
same remedy with the same good results. I
write this because 1 thought there might be
some one in the same need and not know the
true merits of this wonderful medicine. Chas.
A. Thompseen , DCS Moines , Iowa. 5 ° cent
bottles for sale by Chenerydruggist. Nov.
See what a mania , and a little indus
try will do. A Portland , Me. , woman ,
who has a mania for cancelled postage
has over a million of them.
Scalding pains while urinating indicate
kidney tumbles that lead to Hright's disease.
Oregon Kidney tea will stop them.
Notice of Sale.
Notice is licrchv j-ivcn that on Tuesday ,
Novfiu'ji-r * _ ' ! > . 18C' ! , t ie i < U-m-u otV. . S. Kitcli.
ihit-is miles bnuiliwcM < > l .Mei onk. Ni-b. . I will
otl'rr lor tali * u stray TC.MIII Imj limit- , having
white Mrip ii : Inn1.hiti - on l" > lli It-It fct-l.
mill is itbotil lour i ours old.aid sIe to Hike
pliteu sit - o'clock. ] ' . M. , of Mtiil ( Iny , to the
highest bidder tor caMi.
.1. K. KKM.IV , Justice oi tht I'eare.
.McCook. Nebraska. Oct. 'l , JSOi.
First publication October L' ! . ISW.
LiANii OKKICK AT Alrijoou. NKI : . i
October : . ' ! ) . lb'.U. 1
.Volico -herc-by i jjivun Unit ibc lullnu-nifr-
naiiu'd settler bits filed notice ot her inii-ntion
to nnike liiml Jiieeinilioii | moot in snppm ! ol
her elniin. and tbnt said proof will Ininudc
betoio Kcfritsttti-iir Hivelvenit McCotk , Neb ,
on Saturday November : ! ! : . llj'Jviz :
ANNA M. I.UNl ) ,
who made P. E. D. S. C'JSfi for tinFonili west
tjiiiirli'r iif see. 4 in town , o , N. ot IIIIIK- - ' > . * v.
ol' litli 1 * M. he the
E > inKiies Following -
iK'SSC-'S lo prove her continuous lesidenee
upon , iind ciiltivulion ol. bind hind , viz :
u alter Hicklinjr. I.ymiui S. Miller , John Show
and Henry 11. Mitchell , all of MuCook. Nun.
First publieation October 21 , 1892.
October t-'O.lby. . f
Notice is hereby sriven that the-following-
named settler has tiled notice of her intention
to make final five year proof in support of her
claim , and that said proof will be made before
l.'eirister or Receiver at MeCouk , Neb. , on
i-attmlay. November 6. 18SJ2. viz :
who made H. E. 5012 for the S. K. U of sec. 28.
in town. 4. N. of U. 29. w. nfUtli P. M. .She
names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
ol. said land , viz : Walter Hick-ling of Me-
t'ook. Neb. . Charles E. Wtrnc-r of It ox Elder.
Neb. . Stephen Holies of Hex Elder. Neb. ,
Alexander . Campbell of Hex Elder. Neb.
J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
First publication November 11,189 .
November ! . 1892. f
Notice is hereby jriven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on
Saturday. Dec. 17. 1892 , viz :
D. . No. 0937. far the S. W. % , See. 22 , Twp. 3.
N. R. 29. W. Cth P. M. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Hubert liench. of Box Elder. Nebraska ,
Matthew Stewart , of Hex Elder. Nebraska ,
Severt Hong-e , of JJcCook , Nebraska. Anfln
Hougts. of McCook , Nebraska.
J. P. LINDSAY , Register.
First publication October 21.1892.
October 20. 1892. f
Notice is hereby iriven that the folloxvinjr-
lamrd settler has tiled notice of his intention
o make flnal preemption proof in support of
lis claim , and that said proof will be made
lie fore Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. ,
in Saturday. November 20.1822. viz :
who made 1) . S. No. CU30 for the W. Y S. W.i4
ec. 28 , in Town. 3. N. of Range 29. W. of fith P.
M. He names the following witnesses to
> rove his continuous residence upon , and
ultivntion of , said land , viz : An tin Houge.
Jorter Maddox. .lolin > . Foley and James T . all of McCook , Neb.
J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
Hy virtue of an order of sale directed to me
rein the district court of Red Willow county.
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Ion. J. E. Cochran. judge of the district court
if Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the sixth
0) day of October. 1891. in favor ot Adams
.ounty Hank us plaintiffs , and against A bra
mm Loeb et al. as defendants , for the sum of
wo thousand seventeen dollars ( $2.017)and ) no
cents , and costs taxed at 542.48 and accruing
costs , which judgment yrasontheflrstday ot
September. 1892 , assigned to Louis Lowestme.
1 have levied upon the following real estate
aken as the property of snid defendants to
atislysaid judgment and costs to-wit : The
outheast quarter ( S. E. Ji ) and lots number
ive [ 51 and six (0) and the south half ( S. J $ ) of
be northwest quarter IN. W. y ] of section
hirty-nve(3oin ( ) township 13' north of range
hirty { I50 I , west of the Bill P. M. in Red WHew -
ow county. Nebraska , and will offer the same
or sale to the highest bidder foreash in hand.
on tbe 2Sth day of November. A. f ) . . 1892. in
rout of the south door of the court house , in
naianolu. Nebraska , that being the building-
vnerein the last term of court was held , at the
hour of 1 o'clock P. M. . of said day , when and
where due attendance will begiven by the unDated -
Dated October 20th. 1892. 23-4U.
. - .E. tt. BANKs/Sbertff of-Said County.
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain ciiroforOhrnnloSciro Eye * . Toiler.
Salt Rheum. "cult ! Head. Old Chroiilis Sore * .
Fever Sorec. IJczenm. Itrh. I'rnlrlc SunHchea.
Soro'Nipples , add Picn. ! U In cooling tmd
Biiothlng. Hundreds ofcas-ert havob ; en cured
by It nfier all olhor treatment had fulled. It
IK put up lii'-TiiindfiOcenl boxen. For * > nl < by
Cvnrvu .M.t'hi.iifry. Nov.2l-lyuir. )
Lucky Numbers.
' specifics well be
Humphreys' may f
called lucky numbers , and lucky indeed ,
are the persons who use them. The
thirty-five specifics cover all diseases
from infancy to old age.
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : -
OKFICK : In renrof Flr- National Hank.
HUGH W. COl.K. h.vwvEii ,
l pmctliM ) in nil eotirip
mid -oriorillion biw u siii-ehiliy Mom-y to
loan. ItcKinis-l nndri 'il ' Fust National Itl'l'K.
! > ! IYSI < : iAN AN ! ) SURGEON
M < ; ( ( ) ( ) ! < . N KIIK ASIC A.
t7 OKfiUK llnuns : ! i 10 II. u. in. . 2 to 5 and
7 to ! > . | > . m IJitniJiH ovt-r K'rtt Niitionnl bunk.
A. T. RICE , M. DM
1 have located permanently in McCook ,
Neb. All calls answered promptly ! > y day or
nifjht , inthe , city orcountry. Special attention
given to diseases of children. Opice over
Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel.
Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Residence
2 doors south of brick school house.
Horses branded on left hip or .left shoulder.
P.O.address , Imperial.
CbtiBO.County , and Ueat-
krlco. Neb. Rango.Stink >
llnz Water and Frenob-
fman creeks. Chase Co. .
[ Nebraska.
Brand as out on side of
I some animals , onhpan4 !
aides of some , or any-
trhero on tbe animal.
J. S. McBR/MER / ,
and Safe Moving z
Specialty. Orders for Draying left
at the Huddleston Lumber Yard
will receive prompt attention.
R. A. COLE ,
For Good Tailoring , bus not ( rot the Inrucst
shop this side of Hustings but he has got the
l < tirfe'cst anil Heat stock of Cloths ntid Trim- /l
this sldenf Hastings , which he will fur-
nieh cheaper than any other tniior for the
same kind ofgooild. Shop : ) doors west of the
Citizens Hank.
Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys ,
And any other breed eiisily olitaineil
Dean's Dehorning Pencil !
It never fails. Satisfaction miarnntfcd or
money refunded. For testimonials anil fur
ther information see circular. Price .10 cents.
Sola by
Dealer in Harness. Sr.ildlery and Turf Goods.
Mccook. Neb. Liijlit track harness n specialty.
JnntUulcz 1 > y coin ? to the
Old , l elnll =
1 02 i 1 04 iV. KIHTH STflEET ,
A Regular Graduate fn
Jfcdicinc. Over 26 a/ears'
practice 12 in Chicago ,
EstabliihedlSIS ,
Authorized br the SUte to treat Chronic. NerrotM
nd "Secial Diseases. " Seminal Weakness. CNIGHT
Nervous Debility. I'olnoned Blood. Cicero nndSweH-
Injzsor every kind. Urinary and Kidney Disease * etc.
Curea Guaranteed or 3Ioncy Sefunded ,
Chore en J > ow. Thousands of case * cured.
every year. Experience Ja important. No mer
cury or Injurious mcdiclno used. No time lost
from business. Patients at a distance treated by
nail and express. Sledlcincs eent everywhere frea
f rozn jazo or breakage. State your case and Bend
for terms. Consultation free and confidential , per-
onallyorby letter. Kor particulars eee
Kill IK full of descriptive- pictures , sent
M Wlm sealed In plain envelope for Cc. In
lUmps. N. B. This book contains SECRETS and
useful knowledge -which should ba read by every
inftle from 15 to 45 years of age and kept under
lock and key. FREE STCSElTaK OP AXA.T-
O1CY replete with a thousand Interesting speci
mens , including tbe celebrated French MM
Which alone cost over 1000. For Men Only. Y
A rosmrx csaz SOB. saxnunsx. t so
/or' any case this treatment falls to
cure or help. Greatest discovery In
annals of medicine , Ono doM gives
relief ; few doses remove * fever and
aln In joints ; Cur * competed la
jew days. Send statOBjentof case
< * .