The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 11, 1892, Image 5

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It long ago seemed as though
shoes could never be better and
never be cheaper , but they are
better now and cheaper now than
they ever were before. The great
every day favorite is our men's
and ladies' shoe. It is as much a
boon to the pocketbook as it is to
the feet. It won't wear you out
to wear it out. You don't need to
take care of it ; it takes care of
itself. It will give you solid com
fort for the s'mple reason that a
better shoe for knockabout pur
poses has never been produced.
If prices never appealed to you
before , the price of this shoo will ,
for it costs only § 2.50. It will
look nicer and wear longer than
any shoe on earth.
IriT'Grnceries at Nobles' .
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmorc
For Lamps , Chenery's City Drug
Paints and Oils , Chenery's City
Drug Store.
Predtnore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Prof. Yount is still kept oat of the
school-room by illness.
Buy the best Machine Oils at Chen-
cry's City Drug Store.
Buy your school supplies at Chen
ery's City Drug Store. .
Wsiyson & Odcll are putting out some
handsome rigs these days.
Dr. A. J. Thuina ? , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
Try'W. J. Palmer at Joe Spotts' old
stand for a fashionable hair cut or a
clean shave.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
Miss Rachel Berry made a flying
visit over in Iowa , Sunday , arriving
home on Monday's flyer.
Union Baptist and Congregational
services in Meeker hall , both morning
and evening , Sunday next , at usual
hours. Rev. W. C. Stevenson will
conduct both services.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
The Keystone Watch
Case Co , of Philadelphia ,
the largest watch case manufactur
ing concern in the world , is now
putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled
and other cases made by it , a bow
( ring ) which , cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
\ that befall watches fitted with the
old-style bow , which is simply held
in by friction and can be twisted off
with the fingers. It is called the
and CAN ONLY BE HAD with
cases bearing their trade mark-
Sold only through watch dealers ,
without extra charge.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet ,
or send to the manufacturers.
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by C. J. Ryan.
Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and
35c. at KNIPPLE'S.
The snow was a winner.
Fancy ro6kcrs just received at Pade
& Son's.
Elegant Perfumes at Chcnery's City
Drug Store.
McMillen has a large assortment of
lamps cheap.
Pure drugs can always be found at
Chenery's City Drug Store.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds of machinery.
Elder Mastin occupied the Metho
dist pulpit on Sunday evening.
The democrats will ratify in McCook
on an adult scale , Monday next.
A. G. Bump is putting up a neat
barn on his lot on Manchester street.
The president's turkey proclamation ,
taking effect November 24th , has been
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison -
nison street hardwaremen.
Domestic , White , Standard and New
Home sewing machines on $5 a month
payments at Pade & Son's.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
A fine line of Plush Goods , Albums ,
Manicure Sets , Perfumes , Sponges ,
Toilet Articles , etc. , at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
'NoBLE , Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Financially , the election day dinner
and oyster supper by the Dorcas
Society cannot properly be called a
vociferous success. There was lots of
work , some fun perhaps , and a small
addition to the church building fund ,
That the railroad companies antici
pate an enormous increase of business
next year is shown by the fact that the
Pennsylvania has ordered forty-five new
freight locomotives and is to place or
ders for 5.000 new freight and passen
ger cars. Other roads are also making
preparations for a greatly augmented
Life insurance companies announce
that women are becoming policy
holders in large numbers and to great
amounts , especially in the tontine and
endowment classes , so that they may
provide for old age. This interest of
women in insurance foreshadows the
advent of the irrepressible female in
surance agent.
STRAYED From the old Starbuck
farm east of McCook , two 2-year-old
heifers one red with white face and
the other black with white face ; two
yearling heifers one black and white
and the other red and white ; one year
ling bull red in color. A suitable
reward will be paid for their recovery.
24-3ts. H. J. HANSEN.
Box Elder , Neb. , Nov. 2 , 1892.
The power of ashes to absorb heat is
not appreciated or so many housekeep
ers would not so uniformally allow their
servants to empty the ashes. A stove
that is kept free from ashes and soot
not only burns better , but gives out
more heat for the amount of fire. A
mass of ashes under a grate absorbs a
large amount of heat , and for this
reason , if not for the sake of neatness ,
the ashes should be removed system-
matically every day. A bright stove
sends out far more heat than a dull
one. So it is not only a matter of ap
pearance , but a matter of use to keep
the kitchen stove shining and polished
as well as free from ashes.
Rye will respond nobly to Tuesday's
THE TRIBUNE is the stuff , when stuff
is stuff.
McMillen is headquarters for all
kinds of lamps.
If you are out of a job , wait for the
election of 189C.
D. P. Taylor's dwelling house up' in
4-30 is under way.
Tuesday's snowfall was a fall wheat
maker and a winner.
Honesty is the best policy even in
politics. Its honest , too.
The schemer and his "little deal"
were around just before the battle ,
Pngo T. Francis captured the
assessorship with hands down no
Mr. Mycr's farm house on the Eaton
ranch is already enclosed and the work
progressing nicely.
The attendance upon the city schools
is increasing , rapidly , and has now
reached considerably over 600 pupils.
The country may have gone to the
everlasting bow-wows , but the indica
tions are that Nebraska is right back in
line and to stay.
( Carpenters have commenced on a
dwelling house for Lyman Miller of the
north side of this precinct. It will be
10x24 feet in size.
Communion services Sunday morning
at Meeker hall. Those desiring tc
unite with the Congregational churcl :
are requested to be present.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to youi
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
Head meeting Modern Woodmen of
America , Omaha , Nov. 14. Fare one
and a third rate for the round trip.
Tickets on sale Nov. 11 to 14 inclusive.
It was a quiet election , some drunk
enness , democrats active as beavers ,
and republicans dull as snails ; and the
result something of a disappointment
and surprise.
The vote of this precinct fell large
ly below expectations , being due par
tially to the stormy weather , and in a
measure to the absence of train men ,
and not a little perhaps to apparent
republican lethargy.
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to THE TRIBUNE along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are ,
please come and see us.
In the destruction of that
hotel in ( McCook ) Nebraska , in
consequence of the explosion of a
coffee urn the dietetic reformer
will find another strong argu
ment. Coffee is dangerous. Shun the
flowing cup. Chicago Tribune.
John A. Botzum , who is walking
around the world , is expected to arrive
in McCook tomorrow , and will probably
deliver a free lecture here. He is a
fluent and interesting talker , it is said ,
OTTle line ? lr/srt
onri In nia ft OTT/ * \ / / ti-t n % * %
auu ju nia LiuvGio uuo piuitcu up u.
fund of entertaining information.
Diphtheria claimed Lizzie , the 13-
year-old daughter of Henry Adams of
the south side , Tuesday night. The
remains were buried in Vailton ceme
tery , Wednesday. This makes the
second death by diphtheria in that
family within the past two months.
Henry , another son , is down with the
Here is a simple exercise to reduce
hip measurement. Just try it an hour
a day for two months and see if its
effects are not magical. Hunt -ap a
solid box that will raise you two or
three inches from the floor. Stand
firmly on right foot , hands on hips , with
the left knee stiff , slowlyswing the left
leg from the hip backward and forward ,
not bending at the waist. Reverse
the movement , standing on left foot.
Not only that , but the feeling of free
dom as you walk , which is naturally
resultant , will be one added joy to liv
Diphtheria is reported as being quite
prevalent in the country , with a few
cases in the city.
It took 1"5 extra copies to appease
the popular demand for last week's
issue of THE TRIBUNE.
Meeting of the Society of the Army
of Tennessee , St. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 17.
One and a third rate for the round trip.
Tickets on sale Nov. 14 to 17 inclusive.
It is a disgrace to this city that such
gross wantonness should bo allowed
daily to parade its hideous self so
flauntingly in the face of virtue and
There was the usual betting on elec
tion results , and the liquidation period
will be none the less painful now.
Lost bets are harder to pay than dead
Cards are out announcing the nup
tials of Mr. Alex Weaver and Miss
Matie Russell , which will take place
on next Wednesday evening , at resi
dence of Mr. S. H. Colvin.
Many a man who has allowed his
feelings to get away with his judg
ment regrets it now when he sees his
hard earned cash going into some other
person's pocket. Betting among mil
lionaires is all right , but the average
American should keep out of it.
THE TRIBUNE takes somewhat of
pleasure in stating officially that
Stephen A. Belles is not elected com
missioner of the Third district. The
announcement that he would be , in last
week's Times-Democrat , was innocent
and well-intentioned , but not strict ! }
official and correct. The plain anc
unadorned fact is thatourfriend Belles
has been turned down.
An extensive prairie fire prevailed
southwest of the city , Sunday after
noon and night , during the high wind ,
coming into the state from Colorado
and passing away into Kansas. The
southwestern part of Red Willow
county was doubtless visited , but we
have not learned as to whether or not
any considerable damage was occasion
ed. It traveled with marvelous speed
before the prevailing gale.
A young man by the name of John
Small , about 25 years of age , died at
Heafy's boarding house , Wednesday
morning , from ouuemonia , after a brief
illness. The remains were buried in
Longview cemetery , the same after
noon , the expense of the same being
paid by the county. He worked in
the mill a short time , but before being
taken down with the illness which
caused his death was employed on the
section. Has no relatives hereabouts.
A new alloy resembling gold is re
ported from Germany. It is less cost
ly than most alloys of the kind , con
sisting of about 100 parts of copper ,
and 6 of antimony , which to prevent
porosity , are melted in the presence of
little charcoal , magnesium and
calcspar. The alloy remains unchang-
in the air , even when exposed to
amoniacal or acid vapors. It can be
rolled , beaten , hammered and soldered ,
like gold , and its solidity is much
It is not the high price but the un
reasonable advance from a price that
was always high that agitates the west
ern consumer of anthracite coal.
Human nature is the same the world
over , for the anthracite consumers in
eastern cities aie complaining as bit
terly about paying $5.50 per ton as the
McCook people do about paying $12 per
ton. They feel the burden of the in
creased price just the same and are even
more vigorous in their denumciation of
the robbeiy than the people of the west
who pay twice as much.
We are informed of the publication
of a novelty in the book line which is
certain of an enormous sale. This
book is "Glimpses of the World. A
Portfolio of Photographs" prepared
under the supervision of the great
traveler and lecturer John L. Stod-
dard. It contains photographic news
of famous scenes and places in all
parts of the world. Every view is
fully described. As an educator it is
invaluable. It contains 550 pages ,
and nearly 275 views , and is sold by
subscription at popular prices. The
R. S. Peale Co. , Chicago , are the pub
lishers and they desire an agent in this
locality. They will gladly mail des
criptive circulars , sample views and
terms to all , on application.
kin _
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
As has been intimated THE TRIBUNE
proposes to throw whatever influence
it may have in favor of good roads.
There is no question of public economy
that addresses itself to the whole people
of this state and country with more
force than that of good public roads ,
but they only follow the passage ol
general laws on that subject. Every
citizen is interested in good roads ,
whether it be the rich man in his easy-
cushioned carriage , or the poor man
who hauls the products of his little
farm to market in a cart.
In this connection we are glad to see
that at the city of Chicago , where so
many great and good things are now
being done , a few days ago , a league
for roads was organized. The officers
and managers of the league are among
the wealthiest and most influential men
in this country and represent all sec
tions of the union. The object of the
league is to promote the building of
good , permanent roads all over the
land , by discussion of the best means
for reaching that end , and the procure
ment of the passage of laws to enforce
them. The league for roads will also
publish a magazine , to be called Good
Roads , by which it proposes to arouse
and keep up a sentiment in that direc
tion. Of course good roads everywhere
cannot be the growth of a day ; but it
is certainly time a beginning was made.
There is no object for which taxs ought
be more promptly and cheerfully paid
to by all classes.
Franklin Academy.
Students and friends of the Franklin
academy will be pleased to learn that
the State University , of Nebraska , has
placed the academy first in its list of
accredited schools , thus giving it first
rank among the preparatory schools of
the state. This school is at the front
in all lines of work and we advise all
young people to investigate and find
out what it can offer them before going
elsewhere. The fall term begins Sep
tember 13th. Send for catalogue and
information to ALEXIS C. HART ,
Franklin , Nebraska.
The Best Yet.
The Omaha Weekly Bee for the bal
ance of the year , with a large colored
lithograph of President Harrison , will
be sent to any address in this country
for 25 cents. This elegant picture is
the best likeness of the President pub
lished , and would cost at least one dollar
lar in any art store. Don't miss this
chance , but send in your order at once.
Omaha , Neb.
Sweetest in the World.
It is fully demonstrated that Ne
braska soil can produce the sweetest
sugar beets in the world. Other fig
ures show that Nebraska is capable of
raising the beets and manufacturing
all the sugar needed in the United
States and still have room to raise the
largest and fattest hogs raised any
Horses for Sale.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
Minniear's barber shop building is
being moved onto the lot immediately
joining its present location on the
The Barnelt Lumber Co. are enclos
ing their coal yard with a fence.
The snow had about all disappeared
by Wednesday evening.
School Law Decisions.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Goudy has "handed down" the follow
ing decisions upon questions of school
law :
"An appointee's term expiring at
the beginning of the school year and
no election having taken place to fill
his' place , a vacancy occurs.
"Sections 4,152-6 of the consolidated
statues provide for the issuance of
school district bonds in payment of in
debtedness that has been compromised
in accordance with the provisions of
said section. Said compromise bonds
are issued by the district board on peti
tion of two-thirds of the resident tax
payers of the district.
"Two members of the board in a
primary district may , upon petition of
two-thirds of the voters of the district
employ the third member of such board
as teacher of the school of the district.
"A boy of 17 years\ those parents
reside in another state isfXby the per
mission of his parents , Hiaking his
home in this state for the purpose of
remaining with an acquaintance until
he attains his majority , and who is in
the meantime to learn the trade of car
penter , is , to all intents and purposes ,
a resident of Nebraska and so entitled
to free tuition in the district in which
he lives. "
Warmed Over Dishes.
From tlio St. Louis Republic.
Don't let the family get a contempt
for warmed over dishes. When you do
get up such a dish , be sure to make it
so good tiiat no fault whatever may be
found with it ; and do not have too
many dishes of this kind of this class ,
try to cook enough and just enough ,
but should there be a little left , make
jood use of it.
In the first of these series we will
tell one way of using up the bit of hash
that was left from breakfast. Let us
suppose there was only a spoonful or
two left , not enough for another meal
or to combine with other meat for the
next breakfast. If it wa\s chicken , or
corned beef , hashed with potatoes and
not chopped so very fine , chop till
quite fine and mix with a little mayon
naise dressing. Now spread it between
thin slices of buttered bread and you
have a few sandwiches to serve for
supper to vary bread and butter.
Some of the family are sure to be fond
of sandwiches. If the hash was well
made and the sandwiches put up in
good form one will ever guess that they
were made from the hash that was left
If there is a lunch to be put up for
anyone you can give them occasionally
a sandwich of this kind without buying
meat for that purpose alone.
There is really no reason to doubt
that next year will be one of the great
est years in the history of McCook
building. Buildings already projected
are both large and numerous and the
example thus set will no doubt be con
The silver lining tooursombre clouds
is the election of Colonel Horace H.
JLasterday , the urbane , genial and clever
all-around grain merchant prince , to the
road overseership of several districts in
this section. Thus the country is safe.
A strict regard for the truth impels
us to the tearful admission that we are
not in it unless cruel reference is
made to the consomme.
The county commissioners will be in
session on Monday next , November 14.
Keep in the middle of the road.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. o. Gov't Rcpcrl.