The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 11, 1892, Image 3

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Two Kopubllcan Congreiimcn Chosen
J. J. O'Ncll Defeated.
c ST. Loure , Mo. , Nov. 9. In St Loub
\ the entire national , state and local Rc-
\ publican ticket was successful. Harrison
risen carried the city by 1,000 and
Warner by 3,000.
The Republicans here are dissatisfied
\vith the result of yesterday's election
in the city. They charge the Demo
crats with corruption and stoutly
maintain that with an honest election
and a fair count Warner would have
carried the'city by at least 10,000 votes.
Their indignation also extends to Kan
sas City. They cannot understand
Warner's loss of that city and express
themselves as anxious that an attempt
should bo made to punish Recorder of
Voters Owsley.
The surprise of the local election
was the defeat of John J. O'Neill , the
Democratic nominee for congress , by
Charles P. Joy , the Republican nomi
nee in the Eleventh district. This
district was the old First , and was
gerrymandered so as to make it surely
The Democrats claim to have elected
thirteen out of the fifteen congress
men and the Republicans do not deny
this as the returns make the claim
look probable. Besides Joy the Re
publicans claim to have elected Uarth-
old from the Tenth district ,
and this they assert is all they
expected after the gerrymander of the
state accomplished by the Democrats
at the last special session of the legis
Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Nov. a Cleve
land carries the city by over 2,000 ma-
jorfly and the county by over 4,000.
The entire Democratic state and coun
ty ticket is successful. Stone had 23'J
majority over Warner in the city.
Thousands of citizens were disfran
chised , and Democrats and Republi
cans alike condemn the methods of the
recorder of voters.
Warner Ahead In Grociio County.
SPRINGFIELD. Mo. , Nov. 9. Greene
county's vote will not be all in before
to-night Warner has run ahead of
his ticket and will carry the county
by at least 1,000. The entire Republi
can county ticket is elected.
Warner Carries octlullu.
SEDAI.IA , Mo. , Nov. 0. This city
gave Warner 326 majority. The
county is close for governor. Returns
are slow. The Democratic electors
probably carry the county by a small
The Second District.
KANSAS Crry , Kan. , Nov.9. Returns
from all of the eighteen precincts of
Kansas City , Kan. , and fourteen of the
twenty-two county presincts of
Wyandotte county gave Fuu-
ston a majority of 182 with
which go into the other eight pr *
cincts. Some of them are large pre
cincts and there was much scratching
of Funston's name yesterday all over
the county and city. The Harrison elec
tors in these same precincts received
a majority over the Weaver electors of
about 500 votes , showing that Funston
run behind the ticket over 300 votes in
these thirty-six precincts.
It is conceded bv the Democrats that
the Republican state ticket , including-
congressman ao large , will carry
Wyandotte county by a small majoritj- .
GAHNETT , Kan. , Nov. 9. Anderson
county gives the following majorities :
Harrison 250 , Smith 250 , Bruce 2riO ,
Anthony 'iO , Funston 275. The Re
publican party carries the legislative
OTTAWA , Kan. , Nov. 0. Franklin
county gives the following majorities :
Weaver 250. Lewelling for governor
250 , Harris for congressman at large
250 , Moore for congress 3r0.
Mr. Cleveland Speaks.
NEW YORK , Nov. 9. Several gentle
men from the Democratic national
headquarters went up to see Mr.
Cleveland at his residence at about
2 o'clock this morning to congratulate
him on his election. There were in
the parlor Chairman William F. Har-
rity , Don M. Dickinson , ex-Secretary
of the Treasury Charles S. Fairchild ,
William C. Whitney , C. C. Baldwin ,
Henry Villard and others.
Mr. Cleveland and Mrs. Cleveland
came out on the portico and Mr. Cleve
land made a short speech acknowledg
ing the congratulations of a throng
which even at that hour had gathered
about the home of the president-elect.
ST. PAUL , Minn. Nov. 0. Ninety-
two precincts in Minnesota outside of
the cities give Harrison 7,551 , Cleve
land 7,205. As compared with
the vote cast in the same
precincts four years ago there
is a Republican loss of 1,254.
If the same ratio of loss continues the
Harrison electors will have from 12,00'J
to 15,000 plurality over the straight
Democratic electors The returns on
fusionist electors are insufficient to in
dicate anything is to their vote.
Wisconsin Democratic.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Nov. 9. This
afternoon the Bepublicans admit the
election of Peck , Democrat , for gov
ernor by a small plurality and that
the electoral vote goes to Cleveland.
Four of the ten congressmen are prob
ably Republicans. The legislature is
Democratic and a Democrat will suc
ceed United States Senator Sawyer.
Little Known About Washington.
POKTLAXD , Ore. , Nov. 9. Only a few
scattering returns have been received
from the state of Washington. Two
hundred and sixteen precincts in nine
counties give Harrison G04 , Cleveland
622 , Weaver 481 , Doolittle 503 , Wilson
44.5 , Carroll G78 , Monday 468 , Knox 437 ,
Van Patten 447.
Ohio Doubtful.
COLUMBUS , O. , Nov. 9. At 3 o'clock
this afternoon the Democrots had re
ported from eighteen counties showing
a net gain of 11,050. If this ratio
holds good for the remaining sixty-
eight counties the state will go Demo
Indiana Democratic.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Nov. 9. Indiana
has gone Democratic by from 3,000 to
4,00j. The Democrats elect the gov
ernor , ten out of thirteen congressmen
andboth branches of the legislature.
Oregon for Harrison.
PORTLAND , Ore. , Nov. 9. Harrison
will prob'ably have 7,000 majority.
Equally Opponcd to Our Protective Sys
tem What the English Manufacturer *
and Newspapers Are Saying Open It-
Opposed to Our Tariff.
There can no longer be any doubt that
the British free traders are not only very
much displeased with our protective tr- :
Iff policy , but are anxious for Democratic
Buccess in the coming election in order
to see the tariff destroyed. One of the
most striking evidences of this is found
Jn a collection of clippings from British
newspapers and trade journals which
Hon. A. C. Bowen , of Denver , made
while spending a few weeks in England.
They show the greatest bitterness on the
part of the manufacturers , who say that
the American tariff , under the McKinley
law and its reciprocity features , is abso
lutely destroying British commerce iu
the countries where they have been fos
tering trade by large expenditures for
The British journals make no secret of
their hope for Democratic success. The
London Times says : "Englishmen can
feel little sympathy for either of the par
ties engaged in this ignoble struggle , but
undoubtedly our interests as a trading
country must make ns wish success to
the Democrats , who now , for the first
time , go to the polls as the avowed cham
pions of free trade. "
Commenting on the advantages which
our reciprocity treaties give American
commerce over that from Great Britain ,
The Colliery Guardian , a very influen
tial British industrial journal , com
plained bitterly that the very countries
where Englishmen have invested great
sums in public and private enterprises
should give American manufacturers
great advantages over those of England.
It says frankly that the protective policy
which the Republican party has fostered
and the Democrats opposed has not only
made the United , States a large pr.
ducer , but vith the additional loverar e
of reciprocity is forcing our produces
into the countries where the English
have heretoi'dre had their own way. On
this subject it says of the Bepublicans
and their policy :
"Their effort is to obtain the monopoly
ely of the trade of the New World , an-1
they are so influencing some of th
countries tlx-t produce from the United
States , is being admitted duty fre3 ,
whereas th.- goods of other nations have
to pay hea y duties. The McKinley
tariff affords an excellent bargaining
power when negotiating trade treaties
which we a Fngland cannot possess ,
seeing that ia return for any concessions-
they might make we could give then'
nothing , bet ausa we already admit dan-
free almost everything we import.
"Last yer. , it will be remembered , we
had one prominent example of this new
ly inaugurated policy of the United
States in the case of its treaty with that
large and interesting market , Brazil ,
. ,
n < 3 at. a
in our trade with that country. Tne
hardship of that treatment to our manu
facturers cannot be denied , for what
ever development there has been in the
industries arul commerce of that coun
try has been in great part brought
abont by English aid ; British capital
has been found to construct the rail
ways and other public works , and pri
vate undertakings have been exten
sively assisted out of English pockets.
" 7f therefore any nation had a right
to have its g ods received in Brazil on
the most favorable terms it was tbe
British and not the United States , which
has done nothing to foster the develop
ment of the country , and till the new
treaty was signed charged heavy duties
on all Brazilian products imported to
its shores , whereas for years we have
levied no or at any rate very small du
ties. The people of the United States
are now therefore reaping where we have
sown , and our government , which has
been appealed to by the chambers of
commerce and various trading bodies
appears to be unable to obtain for us bet
ter treatment.
"Another instance of this new policy
is their treaty with Cuba and Porto Rico.
It will be almost impossible for our pro
ducers to compete against those of the
United States in the Spanish West India
islands , and the hardware manufactur
ers of the midlands , in endeavoring to
get our foreign office to move in this
matter , have represented that their busi
ness with those islands which is not al
all inconsiderable will be practically
annihilated. "
There was a general belief of the loyal
people that Stevenson was a member at
the Knights of the Golden Circle , and it
afterward turned out that lie was. Kev.
G. B. Snedofccr.
Advice from a Valuable Source.
George E. Hahner , of New York city ,
a first cousin of David B. Hill , says that
Harrison will be elected , and that he
will have a majority of votes in New
York state. Mr. Hahner sa3s that he
had a talk with Senator Hill , but de
clined to divulge the nature of it. "K
you have any money to bet place it on
Harrison , " added Mr. Hahner.
The National Republican league has
more than a million active members and
12,000 league clubs. Its object and pre
eminent aim is educational. Join it.
Statistics prepared by a Democratic
official , under a Democratic administra
tion , show as clearly as anything can
that the tariff is a question of wages and
that the McKinley law has been a good
thing for the workingman , for in addi
tion to increasing his earnings it has
actually reduced the cost of living to a
point that has never been touched be
fore in thirty years.
I have had but one thought in my
mind. It was to nee whatever influence
had been confided to me for the general
good of all our people. President Harri
son at Indianapolis.
tha Istaea Wh ( h ffi PIMform < >
Ar Provlnc Troublesome The V m iv
Are Pleased with Present Condition'
and Can't Uo Persuaded to Change.
[ Special Correspondence. ]
NEW YORK , Sept. 19. The evidences
of Democratic alarm over the polivuil :
( situation continue to make themselves
apparent. The frequent conferences
between Mr. Cleveland and the various1
members of the committee which is
trying to run the campaign indicate
great ansiety. And there seems little
reason to believe that the developments
have been very satisfactory. The night
mare of free trade , wildcat currency ,
pension vetoes and other peculiarities of
the Democratic platform seems to disturb
them. With Democrats at every hand
denouncing the free trade plank of the
platform , English newspapers expressing
a hope of Democratic success , leaders of
the Farmers' Alliance denouncing the
wildcat money scheme which is made a
prominent part of the party's principles ,
old soldiers getting ready to avenge Mr.
Cleveland's treatment of their comrades ,
and a bitter fight continuing to rage be
tween the two factions of the party here ,
the chances for Democratic success seem
to be exceedingly slim.
Harmony That Doesn't Count.
There is a good deal of disappoint
ment among Democrats over the evi
dent failure of the attempt at harmony
which Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Dickin
son pat up. The more the matter is
studied the more evident it appears that
the attempt was unsuccessful. The at
tack made by the national committee
upon Labor Commissioner Peck within
a few hours of the time of Mr. Cleve
land's dinner to certain of the Hill fol
lowing seems to have upset any pros
pects of harmony that may have been
hoped for as a result of that dinner.
Commissioner Peck is a close friend of
Senator Hill , and as such the attack
made upon him by the national com
mittee is naturally , and quite properly ,
resented by Senator Hill's friends gen
In a Peck of Trouble.
The efforts of the Democratic national
committee to discredit and generally
tear to pie-is Commissioner Peck's re
port create a good deal of amusement.
It is evident that they are hard hit.
Word comes from all the state and all
over the United States that it is proving
a very damaging thing for the Demo
crats , and is evidence out of t'e
mouths of their own party of the fallacy
of their free trade theories. The ut
most efforts which they have made to
discredit it or lessen its effects have
been unsuccessful.
The Wildcat Currency Troubles Them.
Another feature of the campaifn
which is giving the Democrats a good
deal of anxiety is the prominence of that
feature of their platform relating to a
nf tJintsrirnTi Tin film dtps
the purpose of returning to the wild
cat currency of antebellum times. This
proposition is condemned by all classes
of citizens. There is not a man f ou. d
willing to open his mouth in its favor ,
and people are now wondering how it in
that it was ever put into the platform.
The explanation is found in the frantii-
attempt which the authors of the plat
form were making to satisfy in some way
the demand of the south and west for
"more money. " As they were unable to
put free silver into the platform upon
which they were to put Mr. Cleveland .is
a candidate , they felt in duty bound to
do something else to placate that ele
ment demanding "more money , " ando
prevent it from going over to the third
party. Hence it was that the repeal of
the tax on state banks was proposed , ft
was simply n tub thrown to 'the "more
money" whale , but it promises to prove
tvery disastrous to the people who thiew
it. With the president of the Fann
ers' Alliance , of New York protesting
against this proposition as one which
would bring disaster to the country gen
erally and to farmers in particular , tht
leaders of the party begin to see plainly
that they have made a mess of it in this
particular and wish that the wildcat
scheme was out of their platform.
The Bainbow Chasers.
The rainbow chasers seem to have sub
sided. You hear scarcely anything more
of the talk about carrying western states.
The "sick Cleveland fund" is a dead fail
ure. With a hundred or two hundred
newspapers all over the country clamor
ing for subscriptions , the total aside
from the amount subscribed by three or
four newspapers which expected to get
an advertisement out of the scheme , is a
mere trifle , and shows that the people
are taking no interest and have no con
fidence in the claim that it is possible to
carry any western state.
English Support the Democrats.
Another circumstance which has de
pressed Democratic stock materially is
the arrival of a number of English news
papers complaining bitterly of the injury
being done to English markets and manu
factures by the McKinley tariff and its
accompanying feature of reciprocity.
These statements show that the British
manufacturers and exporters are already
conceding heavy losses in their business
with other countries by reason of the
new American tariff. The reciprocity
feature of the tariff is distressing them
greatly. The fact that the United States
is able to send its goods free of duty into
countries where British goods have been
going in great quantities under a heavy
tariff payment is damaging their trade
very greatly and proportionately im
proving that of the United States.
Republicans Cheerful and Confident.
On the other hand the Republicans are
in excellent shape. There is perfect har
mony in their ranks , the business people
and the masses find themselves well satis
fied with the prosperity which the Re
publican tariff ana a Republican system
of finances has brought , and there are
accessions to the ranks of the party from
every direction ; not only from those who
were formerly in the Democratic party
but from the intelligent young voters
who are this time to cast their first ballot.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend jndcrd , and noi
less than one million people have founrl just
such u friend in Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption , Coughs and Colds. If you
have never used this Great Cough Medicine ,
one trial will convince you that it has wonder
ful curative powers in all diseases of Throat ,
Clics-t and Lungs. Each bottle Is guaranteed
to do all that is claimed or money will be re
funded. Trial bottles free at A. Mc.Millen's
drug store. Laige bottles 500. and $1.00.
The bonnet that turns a woman's head
is the bonnet that some other woman
Answer This Question.
Why do so many people we see around us
seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable
bv Indigestion , Constipation , Dizziness , Loss
of Appetite , Coming up of Food , Yellow Skin
when for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's
Vitalizer. guaranteed to cure them. Sold by
A. McMilTen.
Unflagging interests has made many
a fortune and wrecked many a railroad
The lawsot health are taught in our schools ;
but not in a way to be of much practical ben
efit and are never illustrated by living exam
ples , which in many cases could easily be
done. If some scholar who had just contracted
a cold was brought before the school , so that
all could hear the dry loud cough , and know
its significance ; see the thin white coating on
the tongue , and latei as the cold develops , see
the profuse watery expectoration ami thin
watery discharge from the nose , not one of
them would ever forget what the first symp
toms of a cold are. The scholar should then
be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely
that all might see that even a severe cold can
be cured in one or two days , or at least greatly
mitigated , when properly treated as soon as
the first symptoms appear. For sale by Chen-
ery , druggist. Nov.nno.
marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker
niouth and headache.Vith each bottle there
is an ingenious nasal injector for the more
successful treatment of these complaints with
out extra chaige. Price foe. Sold by A. Mc-
The wisest course in politics is to vote for
the best man , and you cannot be mistaken.
So , in the use of blood-purifiers , you cannot
be mistaken if you take Ayer's Sarsaparilla ,
because all parties agree that it is the best
the Superior Medicine. Try it this month.
A great many persons who have found no
relief from other treatment have been cured
of rheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
Do not give up until you have tried it. It is
only 50 cents a bottle. For sale by Chenery ,
druggist. Nov.imo.
"Nothing succeeds like success , " and noth
ing will more quickly insure success than true
merit. For fifty years , Ayer's Sarsaparilla has
maintained its populanty as the superior
bloodpurifier. It stands upon its own merits ,
and never fails to give satisfaction.
"A chemical success and a medical tri
umph , " so speaks an eminent physician in
reference to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ; an-1 the
eulogy was none too strong. No other medi
cine is so safe and efficacious in all diseases
of the throat and lungs.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is the
best , handiest , safest , surest , cleanest , most
economical and satisfactory dye ever invent
ed. It is the gentlemen's favorite.
Cb oren Cry for Pitchers Castoria.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute-
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor OU.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles , cure * constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Cutorla Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told mo of Its
good effect upon their children.1'
Da. O. C. OsaooD ,
Lowell , Mass.
" Castoria is tha best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers trill consider thereat
Interest of their children , and use Castoria intend -
tend of the various qnacknostnnnswhlch are
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium ,
morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful
gents down their throats , thereby sending
them to premature graves. "
Conway , Ark.
* Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as super lor to any prescription
known to me. "
H. A. ARCHER , M. D. ,
Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castorts ,
and although wo only havp among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
prodnuut , yet we are free to confess that tin
merit * of Castoria has won us to look : 'with
faror upon It. "
Boston , Ham
Aixsr C. Surra , Prct. ,
The Centaur Company , T7 Murray Street , No-cr York City.
Dealer in All Kinds of First-Class
Implements and Machinery
Wagons , Road Carts , Buggies.
A Square Deal. The Best are the Cheapest.
Yard West of First National Bank , McCOOK , NEB.
D | B
Incorporated under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO
fiopj Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn
directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes
paid for non-residents.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FRANKLIN , President JOHN R. CLARK , Vice Pres.
A. C. EBERT , Cashier.
The First National Bank , Lincoln Nebrska.
The Chemical National Bank , New York City.
GEORGE HOCK NELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W. F. LAWSOti , Cashier.
Is Now Open and Ready for Business ,
| 3ir"I am prepared to handle all business in my
line promptly and with the most approved machinery.
are also prepared to handle wheat for which they are
paying the highest market price ,
and Elevator on East Railroad street.
Say That You Saw it in T ie Tribune.