KNIPPLE Leads All IN ; = AND = ; AND HIS : Cornet and Sterling BRANDS OF FLOUR IARE THE : Store open till the usual hours. J. A. WILCOX & SON , we will receive within a few days an elegant line of Ladies , Misses and Children's Cloaks direct from the manufacturers ; also Shawls and want you to look at our stock before purchasing. Wilt also receive a large stock of Shoes , Rubbers , etc. Our new dress goods are now arriving. For Hats , Caps , Ladies , Gents , and Child ren's Underwear , Gents Furnishing Goods , Groceries , Flour , etc. , etc. Call on ] . A. WILCOX. & SON NEBRASKA LOAN AND BANKING GO. OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. CAPITAL - $52OOO.OOe FARM LOANS , CITY LOANS , LOANS MADE ON ALL KINDS OF APPBOVED SECUBITY , P. A. WELLS , TRCAB. AND MAQR. CORRESPONDENT : Chase National Bank , New York. put it m Tfte ( BEFORE. Would you 'AFTER. ' Increase Your Business ? INDIANOLA ITEMS. Next Tuesday is election. Vote for W. E.Andrews. Vote for Harrison and Reid. Vote the straight republican ticket. A big day for patriotic people Friday. Vote for the Johns , Allen and Gam- mill. Vote for E. M. Woods and W. K. Starr. 0. W. Beck went to Lincoln Monday to buy fireworks. Indianola will feed one thousand people Friday , free. Prof. Carver has organized a nice class in penmanship here. Grand display of fireworks Friday evening. The three giants , Andrews , Tate and Lansing. . A Curtis business man says that Frontier county will give W. E. An drews a majority. J. T. Gillispie , of Kilborn City , Wis consin , who was formerly a resident of this county , is visiting his old friend and neighbor W..O. Bond. Bodwell Murphy. By county judge at his office on Oct. 31st , Mr. Clyde Tilburn Bodwell' and Miss Frances Ann Murphy , all of Red Willow county. Married on Oct. 27 , at the residence of Calvin Newberry in Danbury pre cinct , by Rev. J. M. Crooks , Mr. Edward - ward A. Ruby and Miss Edith V. New- berry , both of Red Willow county. If when money is plenty , farm pro- dqcts are high , why were potatoes worth $1.50 and corn $1 , two years ago , was money plenty then , if so , why did this county accept aid ? Since the Mc Kinley bill went into effect , a large number of tin plate factories have started and are now making over 40- , 000 boxes of tin per week , and gives employment to about 4,000 men , who receive annually $2,750,000 in wages , is this a benefit or a detriment to our country. What Curtis Stood For. In American citizenship Curtis stood for the theory a little disputed as it is rarely acted upon by those in power that government , city , state , national , must not be for a ring , or for a faction , but truly and absolutely for the people. He believed that in a political contest there were no "victors" in the barbaric sense ; and that , therefore , there were no "spoils" to divide , but only duties to distribute , policies to be carried out , and always the people to be served. The death nf Curtis should not carry dismay into the ranks of Ins comrades and followers in the great cause of good government in which his brilliant abilities and pure fame were so com pletely enlisted. It should rather give new sacredness to that cause ; it should enlist large numbers in the warfare ; and be the occasion of greater and still more effective zeal. His ideal of th.e public service was not a vain and cbimeral one. It was practical in the truest sense ; it is attainable ; and upon its accomplishment depends the very ife ot the republic. From an editorial article in the November Century. A PLAIN TALK. On a Plain Subject in Plain Lan guage. Winter is just before us with all of its biting winds , cold , drizzling rains , sloppy , muddy streets , and sudden changes of temperature. This will cause at least one-half of the people to have catarrh , colds , coughs , pneumonia or consumption. Thousands of people will lose their lives and tens of thous ands will acquire some chronic ailment from which they will never recover. Unless you take the necessary precau tions the chances are that you ( who read this ) will be one of the unfortu nate ones. Little or no risk need be run if Pe-ru-na is kept in the house and at the first appearance of any symptom take it as directed on the label. No one who values his welfare should be without a copy of The Family Physician No. 2 , a complete guide to the treatment and prevention of all climatic diseases of winter. Sent free by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company , Columbus , Ohio. " 1 do not feel like supporting any man who has treated the old soldiers the way Mr. Cleveland has treated them. By his insults he sent Gen. McClellan with a broken heart to the grave. I feel as the old soldier docs. I tell you , sir'the , old soldier will not vote for Cleveland. He can not carry New York. " Says Gen. Dan iel E. Sickles. The above quotation is taken from the remarks of the one-legged hero of Gettysburg , General Daniel E. Sickles. And again this brave general , at the re union of his old Third Corps in Wash ington last month , said : "You are going home now , and there is some thing I want you to take home with you. Ponder it ; teach it to your children ; tell it to your neighbors. It is the truth , that the people of the United States will see that no man is ever elected to an office of profit and trust in this country who opposes the pay ment of pensions t" the soldiers of the Union. " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. LEASING CONVICTS. DEMOCRATS INDIFFERENT TO THE RIGHTS OF WORKINGMEN. Condition * In States Whore They Have AVcolnte Control Show * Absolute Xn < difference to Rights of labor The Con- Tlct Lease System In the South. [ Special Correspondence. ] WASHINGTON , Oct. 10. The workingmen - men of the country are finding in the re cent labor trouble in the south a beauti ful opportunity to judge of the real ani musofttie two political parties toward labor and laboring people. That the Democratic party has been the foe of free labor is a recognized feature of the earliei history of thfi country , and that it is stil indifferent to the interests of the labor ing element must be apparent to any body who stops to study the situation as brought sharply into notice by the pres ent condition of affairs in the south Word comes from Tennessee that in spite of the promises of the governor the con ditions in regard to the use of convic labor in competition with free labor have not at all improved. Absolute Control Showil Real Sentiment. It is only in the states or localities in which a party has absolute and undis puted control for a long period that its real attitude toward any element of so ciety is clearly shown. Where the ma jority is slender it is often necessary for party leaders to hide their real senti ments in order to continue their control. But in the southern states , where they have had enormous majorities and held them constantly by their own peculiar methods , they have shown their entire disregard of the interests of free labor and to the laboring element generally. Convict Labor Leased In the "Safe Dem ocratic" States. Take the "safe" Democratic states of the country at large as an example. There are perhaps a dozen which have been considered absolutely safe to the Democracy under all circumstances , located of course in the south. In ten of these twelve states they have put convict labor into direct competition with the workinginen of the state. In only two of the safe Democratic states has the party omitted to show its hos tility to labor by failing to put convicts in striped clothing into open competi tion with the workingmen. Scattered all over these "safe Democratic" states are camps of convicts , worked upon plantations or in the mines in competi tion with the laboring men of those states , and if the laboring people dare protest , that favorite argument of the southern Democracy , the rifle , is turned against them. Brutal Treatment of Prisoner * , . The tales of horror which come from these convict camps are shocking , not only in the matter of their cruelty to the convicts themselves , but to the working people at large whose interests are over ridden by a party which thus shows its absolute contempt for their interest and appeals. Prisoners are beaten , starved , threatened with death in order to force them to perform heavy tasks and thus increase the competition which their la bor produces against the free labor with which they are brought into competi tion. These questions have been brought to the attention of the authorities time after time , but with no avail. Labor leased for forty cents per day , and driven to its utmost tension with floggings and threats of death , is calmly put into com petition with the working people at large , and they are held in subjection by the use of rifles and Gatling guns , while Democratic governors and legisla tors refuse them relief. Compare This with Republican Methods. This could not happen in any but a solidly Democratic community. At least it does not happen in any other. There are twice as many "safe Republican" states at the north as there are "safe Democratic" states at the south. Yet there is scarcely a single one of the cer tainly Republican states which permits convict labor to be brought in any way into competition with the laboring ele ment. Convicts are worked in prisons , and care is taken to select for them em ployment in the occupations which will bring them as little as possible into com petition with free labor or skilled work men , and prevent their personal contact with any. Convict camps and convict competi tion with the laborer are things un known in Republican states , and only prevail in states where the Democracy shows its true colors by the enjoyment of an enormous and absolutely safe ma jority. And the more absolute the ma jority the more absolute in this regard of the rights of the laboring man. In ten-twelfths of the solidly Democratic states leased convict labor is put into competition with the workingmen of the communities. Ten-twelfths of the states of the Union which lease their convict labor are solidly Democratic states , for there are but two states outside ofTthe solidly Democratic south that have even a modified form of convict lease system. Seen In National Affairs. Not only has the Democratic party shown its indifference to the rights of labor under slavery and under the con vict lease system , but also by the words and votes _ of its officials at Washington. When the Mills bill was before congress a Republican amendment proposing to exclude from the United States goods manufactured by convict labor was de feated by Democratic votes. A similar section in the McKinley bill was almost solidly opposed in the vote by the Demo cratic members of the house. Mr. Cleve land while governor of New York vetoed the bill abolishing convict labor in pris ons , and while president vetoed the anti- convict labor bill in 1886 and again in 1688 , and in his message to congress in 1888 recommended the employment of government prisoners in the manufac ture of such articles as are needed for use by the government , thus proposing to put them in competition with the workingmen of the country. O. P. AUSTIN. * * i Free ! Free ! In order to increase our cash trade we will give away the following1 list of presents to our cash customers , FREEFREE ! ! 1 Gold Watch , worth $100.0O 1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00 1 Gold Watch , worth 5O.OO 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.OO 2 Silver Watches at $25 each 50.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 90.OO 100 Books , standard works of English and American fiction , bound in cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.OO 118 PllESENTS WORTH - - $790.0O We carry the largest stock of Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , in Red willow county. And we meet all competition and go them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our goods "before "buying' . W. C. LaTourette. FALL e I wish to announce the arrival of my Fall and Winter Stock of CLOTHING , GEMS' FUENISHING GOODS , HATS AND CAPS o | $10 Sooba4uiPU cwi C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. F. D. BURQE1SS , PLUMBERSTEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE. . McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , * . Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday. , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. KALSTEDT , THE LEADING TAILOR , Has just received a fine stock of FALL AND WINTER SUIT INGS. Call and see him , two doors south of the Famous , while the assortment Is com . _ plete. - - - -