I want UOOO bushels of Potatoes at 50 cents cash at once. KNIPPLE ni ALL ! IN Groceries ; AND HIS ; Cornet and Sterling BRANDS OF FLOUR iARE THE ; I Store open till the usual hours. I want loooo bushels of Potatoes at 5O cents cash at once. J. A. WILCOX & SON. we will receive within a few clays an elegant line of Ladies , Misses and Children's Cloaks direct from the manufacturers ; alsc Shawls and want you to look at u r stoch before purchasing . Will also receive a large stock of shoeS , Rubbers , etc. Our new dress goods are now arriving. For Hats , Caps , Ladies , Gents , and Child ren's Underwear , Gents Furnishing Goods , Groceries , Flour , etc. , etc. Call on J. A. WILCOX & SON NEBRASKA LOAN AND BANKING GO. OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. CAPITAL - $52OOOOCX FARM LOANS. CITY LOANS , LOANS MADE ON ALL KINDS OF APPROVED SECUBITY , P : A. WELLS , THCAS. AND MAQR. : -iChaso National Bank , New York. ( BEFORE. Would you "AFTER. Increase Your Business ? INDIANOLA ITEMS. Rnad overseers should try Legisla live scrapers. That was a republican rain. N < calamity in it. Less than three weeks to election work for Andrews. A. Utter of Hartley will not leave Red Willow county. J. A. Carlee & Co. had four suits it connty court Tuesday. F. H. Selby , Cambridge's best attor neywas here Mondaj' . Quite a number of our people have paid their 1892 taxes. L. 8. Kerns has sold one quarter oi his land for $19 per aere. Several Indianola and Bartieyites , heard lion , J. M. Thurston. Simeon Billings has sold his farm in BondviUe precinct for $ f000QO. ! A $500 foot race here next Monday , also horse racing and other sports. Banker James Beach of Hatnbury , Iowa , was here Monday , looking aftei his interests in this county. The heavy part of the democratic party was down from McCook , Wed nesday , viz : Hon. E. C. Ballew. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClellan of Imperial , were down this week closing the deal of their farm at Bartley to A. Utter. Rev. James Lisle , the new Methodist preacher , is expected on Saturday and will preach Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. A. N. Reynolds , wife and daughter expect to take a trip to Colorado to visit , they will go with team and be gone two weeks or more. A. Mr. 0' Leary from the east has bought three or four quarters of land close to Indianola and will come in the spring and make this his home , he has a large family and wants to get near school and church. License was issued on Tuesday for the marriage of Mr. James R. Kinghorn and Miss Abbie E. Kimball of Box Elder , and on Wednesday , Mr. Bain Kinzer and Miss Nannie Devillers also of Box Elder. Burlington The Evans house , Hot Springs , S. D. , is now open for the reception of guests. This magnificent hotel erected at a cost of $150,000 is built of pink sand stone , is five stories high , has Alftntv.ItrvVito nil cf/iom liAnt ! / * nnH mnrt- ObVUUJ 11GUU dCUtllU llUlltO U11U Ull LUUU' , ern conveniences and is so arranged that there are no inside rooms. It ; completion places Hot Springs on a pai with any similar resort in the country , The'Burlington route places at the dis posal of the public a sanitarium and health resort second to no other. Low round trip rates to Hot Springs and Deadwood. The B. & M. have extended their Wyoming division to Regis. The ex tension reduces Che distance to Buffalo to about 48 miles and to Sheridan to about 55 miles , the drive to either point being made in 9 or 10 hours. Firs' ' class stages from Regis to Sheridan anc Buffalo , daily , and from Moorcroi't to Sundance making connections with al trains. Grand Lodge & Grand Encampment I. 0. 0. F. and State Convention ol Daughters of Rebecca , Omaha , Oct. 18 to 22. Fare one and a third rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 15th to 22d. Annual meeting of the Nebraska Congregational association , Omaha , Oct. 17th to 21st. Fare one and a third rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 14th to JJlst. For the above occasions , passengers paying full fare going will be returned at one third fare ( unless otherwise noted above ) on presentation of certifi cate signed by the proper officer of the meeting on guarantee that there has been an attendance of one hundred or more who have paid full fare on the going trip. Order of Hearing. STATE OF NEBRASKA , IBS. RED WILLOW COUNTY , f In the matter of the estate of Smith Gordon , deceased. On reading : , filing and recording petition and final account or Ma tell a Gordon , adminis tratrix of the estate of said Smith Gordon , de ceased , filed October 6th , 1892. Praying thnt her said final account be allowed and she dis charged as administratrix of said estate. Ordered that Saturday , November 5th , 1802 , at one o'clock p.m. . Is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested in said matter may appear at the county court held "n and for said county , and show cause why he prayer of petitioner should not bo grant ed. And that notice of the pendency of said petition and the bearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order In THE McCooK TniutiNE , n weekly newspaper printed in said iounty , for three successive weeks prior to laid day of Iiearinp. Dated October 8th. 1892. CHARLES W. BK.CK , County Judge. Sewing machine repairs at Fade & Son's. CONGREGATIONAL REPORTS , Topic * of General Interest Ilefore the Church- ! Triennial Council. MixNKAi'ous , Minn. , Oct. 13. Th < triennial Congregational council mel in this city to-day The report of the secretary shows that the number oi churches is now l.JiQO. There are nc churches in Delaware or in Alaska. The membership of the church ia now SJA.OOO. the East having 30li,000 , the interior 100.000 and the West 54.- 000. The Sunday schools reach now a total enrollment of 625,975. There arc now 2'J'Jt young1 people's societies , 145.000 members. The contributions in three years wereSl.174,172 on av erage per member per annum of 813.55. It was an increase over the previous triennium of 8138,800. The committee on Sabbath observ ance notes the fact of an increasing disregard for any proper observance of the Sabbath. Excursions , theaters , concert halls , free exhibitions , base ball , passenger traffic , drinking saloons and the Sunday news paper all are classed togeth er and come in for their share of criticism. The closing of the world's fair on the Sabbath is consid ered at length. Had the fair been opened on Sunday it would have re sulted in apalling demoralization of the Sabbath observance. ASSAULTED BY A NEGRO. Scdalla Again Comes to the Front With a Colored Fiend. SEDALIA , Mo. , Oct. 13. At noon to day , while MissFannieGruber , daugh ter of reputable and prominent people ple , was alone in the family residence , a negro knocked at the door and asked for food. Finding the young lady alone the negro forced his way into the house and assaulted Miss Gruber. The young lady's screams finally frightened the negro , who fled after robbing the house of a small amount of money. He was pursued and captured by a mount ed policeman and is strongly guarded , as lynching is threatened. Kansas City Catholics'Celebrate. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. 13. The Catholics of Kansas City to day celebrated the four hun dredth anniversary of the dis covery of America by special and elab orate religious ceremonies in the different churches throughout the city. The celebration concluded this evening by a grand parade com posed of companies of marching men , floats and beautiful and grotesque features typical of the life and deeds of Columbus. 3Iurdercd by liurglars. ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct. 13. Josephine Simmons , aged 19 , daughter of Frank Simmons , head engineer at Griefedick's brewery , was murdered last evening in the kitchen of her parents' home , ffer throat was cut from ear to ear. The house had apparently been entered by burglars , who finding the jirl alone , attempted a criminal as sault and killed her that she might not disclose their identity. Indiana's Law May Stand. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Oct. 13. Attor ney General Smith this morning re ceived this telegram : "Judge Downey of the circuit court of Dearborn and ) hio counties at Lawrenceburg has refused to grant an alternative writ of mandamus in the apportionment suit in f.lif ' * * * - * * An * * * W.AV * A-rwt.it W&XJ. VT&I.WUAU 141 u. The effect of this action is favorable ; o the sustaining of the present law. St. Louis Hemocratlc Nominees. ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct. 13. The Demo crats of this city in convention yester day nominated the following ticket : Circuit judge , Leroy B. Valliant ; sher- ff , Patrick Staed ; judge of the crim- nal court , Henry L. Edmunds ; circuit attorney. Benjamin F. Clark ; assist ant circuit attorney , Jesse McDonald ; public administrator , Gus. V. R. Mechin ; coroner , Dr. J. G. Parrish. Icavcnivorlh Catholics Out In Hosts. LEAVEJTVYORTII , Kan. , Get. 13. The Catholic societies of the city , the different congregations , children of the parochial schools , a cletatchment of soldiers from Fort Leavenworth and 200 veterans from the soldiers' home joined in the observance of Columbus day here. Fully 2,000 people partici pated in the street parade. The Western Union All .Right. -3W YORK , Oct. 13. The report of the Western Union telegraph company for the year ended June 30 will show : Eevenues , § 23,700,000 ; expenses , § 16,300,000 ; profits , § 7,400,000 ; sur plus Sll.i1.,741 ; total surplus , § 18,817- 941 ; deductive , § 4.308,607. Interest on bonds , § 891,245. Sinking funds , § 40,000 ; net surplus , § 13,576,988. Attempt to Kill the Czar. PARIS , Oct 13. The Dix Neuvieme Siecle alleges that an attempt has been made to assassinate the czar by blowing up his train with a dynamite bomb , and that five people were killed and fourteen injured by the ex plosion. The Kansas Academy of Science. ATCIIISOX , Kan. , Oct. 13. The acade my of science of Kansas will hold its twenty-fifth annual convention in Atchison this week , commencing to night. It is expected that fifty dele gates will be present. Jfo Fight for a Judgeship. NEW YORK , Oct. 1 3. The Democratic state committee met to-day at the Hoffman house and indorsed the Re publican nomination of Judge Charles F. Andrews for the court of appeals. NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. The Porno hotel , Sacramento , Cal. , was destroyed by fire. R. T. Evans , of Cuba , Mo..was killed by a train at Alvo , Neb. Fire in Lockport , N. Y. , destroyed Chester's and Johnson's- flour mills. Loss about § 150,000. Governor Eagle of Arkansas is so much improved that he expects to re- burn to Little Rock within a week. Eight hundred bales of cotton in the hold of the British steamship Knutsfbrd , at Galveston , Tex. , were destroyed by fire. L. B. Sides has been suspended from office as city collector of Little Rock , Ark. It is thought he is short be- iween § 1,000 andSoo - " - - tt ft * FreeI Free ! In order to increase our cash trade we , will give away the following-list of presents to our cash customers , FREEFREE ! ! 1 Gold Watch , worth $100.0O 1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00 1 Gold Watch , worth 50.0O 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.0O 2 Silver Watches at $25 each 50.0O 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Painting's at $25 , 90.00 100 Books , standard works of English and American fiction , bound in cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.0O 118 PRESENTS WORTH $790.00 We carry the largest stock of Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , in Red willow county. And we meet all competition and g-o them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our g-oocls before buying * . W. C. LaTourette. FALL I wish to announce tlie arrival of my Fall and Winter Stock of CLOTHING , BESIS FURHISH1HG GOODS , ; i HATS AND CAPS. o | Eagle House , C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. F. D. BUR.QE1SS , PLUMBERSTEAM FITTER * NOETH MAIN AYE. . McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Wanpun Wind Mills. 40 TO 2000 ACRE TRACTS , S5 TO S15 PER ACRR. ZsTSend stamp for Price List and Descriptioe Circular of Southwestern Nebraska to AND STOCK RANCHES. S. H. COLVIN , McCook/erf muaa Co. , Neb.