The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 14, 1892, Image 6

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The Military anil Civic DUplay Mont Ira.
in Every Kcitpcct Huge
4 Witness the I'arade At
the Dlflcorercr's Statute
Celebrations In Spain and
Oilier Various Places.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 12 The climax of
the quadrennial celebration of the dis
covery of the new world was reached
to-dny. It was a climax that out
stripped the expectations or even
hopes of the men who planned it. The
number of men in line , the number of
people who saw the parade and the
decorations of the thousands of build
ings exceeded by half that which had
been expected.
Never has there been a crowd that
compared in numbers with that of to
day. The inhabitants of lirooklyn ,
whole families from New Jersey , tiiou-
sands from Philadelphia , Boston and
Ualtimore poured into New York from
dusk last night until high noon to-day.
There were people from every state in
the union and every country on the
globe. As far as eye could reacii up
and down the thoroughfares men ,
women and children , horses and
wagons , street cars and earts , buggies
and carriages crowded in an inspiring
jumble of confusion.
Then the bands began to be heard and
marching troops and clattering
hoofs and shouts of officers and the
rumbling of the heavy ordnance ap
peared everywhere and all found the
places to which they belonged , and at
the appointed time great , grand bodies
It was 10:15 when the platoon of
mounted police started up Broadway
from the battery to clear the way.
This was the beginning of the parade.
Then came Grand Marshal Genera ]
Martin McMahon with his staff.
The first division was made up of
3,500 regular soldiers , including a
battalion of cadets from \Veot Point
and six bauds The 'second divison
was made tip of.300 marines.
In the third division were S.dOO na
tional guards of New York , ten com
panies from New .Jersey. 4,000 from
Pennsylvania and fifty from Connecti
cut under command of the governors of
the stale. The fourth division com
prised 8,000 Grand Army veterans and
2,500 Sons of Veterans. The other di
visions were made xip of firemen. Ital
ian military organizations , German-
Americans , and other civic and bemi-
military organizations.
The line of march was from the Bat
tery up Broadway to South street ,
around Washington square to Fifth
avenue , thence to Fourteenth street ,
to Sixth avenue , to Ninth avenue , to
Fifty-ninth street , where the cere
monies attendant upon the unveiling
of the Columbus monument were held.
Among those who took part were
Vice President Morton , Governor
Flower and staff. Senator Hill , Baron
yava , the Italian minister and the of
ficers of the Italian cruiser Bausan.
Mr. Gunst , the head of one of the
big decorative establishments , talking
of the total spent on city decorations ,
says , "I should say at least 51,000,000
.on the large buildings and houses
.alone- "
Spain Also Celebrates.
MADRIDOct. . 1 3. The festivities in
houor of the discovery of America , for
which the most extensive preparations
were made , began at daybreak this
morning. When light broke upon the
-city the balconies of the houses were
gaily decorated with tlags , banners
and'vari-colored bunting. A large num
ber of houses displayed American 11gs.
Those- people who lingered in bed
\vens aroused at daybreak by the
strains of music produced by seveuto
military and other bands that paraded
through the principal streets playing
the reveille. At the same time thebells )
of all the churches began to peal.
Early masses were said in all the
churches in honor of Columbus an.i
the services were attended by immense
throngs of people.
Later in the day a procession was
formed of the professors and students
of the Spanish universities. They
T.-ere all attired in the costumes of
the medinovial period and in the ranks
were borne ancient standards , some of
which were carried in the wars before
Columbus was born. Included in the
procession were deputations of Ameri
can , German , French , Belgian and
Portuguese university students.
A Statue for Baltimore.
BALTIMOBE , Md. , Oct. 13. Through
the streets of the city , bearing badges
and banners , followed by civic magis
trates , foreign and local dignitaries ,
the fellow countrymen of Columbus
marched to Druid Hill park , where they
unveiled a marble monument to his
fame , presented to the city by the
Iialiar societies. Cardinal Gibbons
clo- . i ' -eremonies with a brief and
r * * >
Newsy Notes About Nebraska Places
and People.
The village of Ebio is building a
13,000 school house.
Kearney expects to resurrect its do-
fnnct cracker factory.
The bogus check racket Is being
worked all over the state.
The school at Chester has been de
populated by scarlet fever.
Lexington is making arrangements
for an electric light plant.
There is talk of establishing a Luth
eran college at battle Creek.
The grand lodge , Eights of Pythias ,
will meet at Geneva next week.
Everybody in Nebraska of school age
will take a hand in celebrating Colum-
bua day.
William Hesse , a painter of Niobrara ,
IUIH been taken to the asylum for the
inline at Norfolk.
Nor/oik is making a hard Struggle
to get the German Lutheran college lo-
citud within its borders.
Columbus. Schuyler and North Bend
h.-ive run ashore on ice , and are now
importing from Fremont.
KU is Pike of Papillion lost twenty-
live inns of hay by fire. Sparks from
: .u engine did the mischief.
Several Fremont saloon keepers
liavo been arrested for keeping "open
house1' on the Sabbath day.
David Farr , a Grand Island boy ,
jumped on a moving freight , and the
doctor amputated two toes.
Henry Johnson was buried by the
caving of a sandbank near Papillion.
Ho was dead when rescued.
Hail county citizens are anxious for
a return to commissioner system , and
will vote on the question this fall.
A. C. Bunnell was acquitted by a
jury of peers of the charge of assault
ing Marshal Briggen with intent to kill.
A Boyd county farmer offers 160
acres of land for a good wife. Good
wives must bo scarce in that section.
Beatrice bicyclers have been warned
by the mayor to keep in the middle of
the road , under penalty of the statutes.
In Adams county the excess of mort
gage releases over those placed on file ,
for the past fifteen months , amounts
to § 178,960.85.
In a runaway near Table Rock Jesse
Morton , a cripple , jumped from the
buggy , and fractured the only leg he
has left near the hip joint.
Peter Blackbird , a Winnebago buck
of doubtful pedigree , is in jail at Pen-
dor on the charge of assaulting Henry
Walker with intent to kill.
While driving across the the F. E.
& M. V. railroad track near Dodge ,
Thomas Putrmui and Jacob Suffold
< vi > t'r > Irillorl liv n nricainnnnoritio
Thieves entered the residence ol
Oscar Koeser at Grand Island , but find
ing nothing that they wanted , departed
just in time to avoid being captured.
While excavating at a brickyard in
Howard county contractors uncovered
seven skeletons. It is believed the
bones uro those of a prehistoric race
In Adams county , it is said , there is
a toper who , every time he gets full ,
insists on pay ing the subscription price
of his county paper. Ha has paid up
to 1926.
Morris Thomas of Ohiowa lost a
threshing machine by fire. It was left
standing in un open meadow over night ,
and was set lire by an incendiary. No
During the absence of the U. P.
agent at Jbremout at dinner burglars
pried open the ticket office gate and
bilked the money drawer , securing
$6.60. They escaped.
A thirteen-year-old son of J. T. Ren
frew , at Liberty , was run over by the
front trucks of a threshing machine
Saturday. His injuries , although very
serious , may not prove fatal.
Miss Nora Adkins of Anselmo has
been declared insane , and will be taken
to the asylum. She is a school teacher
and pupils , as w ll as parents , are
deeply grieved over the calamity that
has befallen her.
Dora Evans , a case hardened charac
ter , was ordered to vacate the town of
Ansley , and took summary revenge by
applying the incendiary torch to a
ouple of barns. She is in jail await-
a session of the district court.
Superior has a ghost that has thor
oughly terrorized the north part of the
town , where it promenades on every
dark night. An investigating com
mittee of three brave young men , who
tried to frown dowp the apparition ,
wore driven out of eight by the ghostly
Chris Mikessell , a farmer residing
about two miles west of Dakota City ,
last Tuesday , fell from a hay stack to
the ground , a distance of twenty feet ,
alighting on his head and shoulders.
He was picked up unconscious and
taken to his home a short distance
away. Physicians report that no bones
were broken , but that ho has suffered
a complete paralysis of the leftside.
After dark last Saturday evening as
Steve Vail was driving to his home
seven miles east of Norfolk , with a
load of lumber , he drove into a ditch
In the road , which shook a bunch of
shingles down upon the backs of his
horses , frightening them so they broke
from the wagon and ran furiously
away. He "could not find his team
that night northe following two days ,
but heard that they had bean Iri'i ' < ] by
a lornmolive IIP. " c n' n
IRUSuliD 1Q ! DEAlil.
Into Ky ft Santa Fo Freljj'it Trnln-
Thc Car Curried Over Four Hanlnul
Feet and Thrown Into a itavinu
Grljimau and Three I'asnen-
gers Dashed Into Kturnity.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. 12. At
6:27 o'clock this morning an eastbound -
bound Santa Fe railway freight train
running on the Kansas City Belt line
tracks ran into a westbound Fifteenth
street car at the Belt line crossingon
East Fifteenth street. The gripmtm
and two passengers were instantly
killed and one passenger was fatally
hurt , dying a few hours afterward.
The cable car was crushed like an
eggshell , and every passenger on the
car who failed to jump was ground to
The dead are :
W. W. BAKBEE , gripman : 1:28 Ken
sington avenue.
EDWARD M'KENNA , corner Jackson
avenue and Fifteen ! h street.
lar avenue.
MRS. CYNTHIA RE VIS , corner of
Thirteenth street and Elmvrood aveuue.
Five other passengers on the cur es
caped by jumping1.
As a ball is tosseJ from the hand of
a boy or a feather is wafted skyward ,
so the heavy cable car weighing 10.000
pounds was hurled into the air : md
pounded , dragged and splintered into
a thousand fragments. Fora distance
of 156 yards east from the cross
ing the heavy wheels of the train
strewed the fragments of the
c.iblc civr on both sides of the
track. Twihtcd iron , broken glass ,
splintered wood , mats and curtains all
along the track showed the fearful
force of the collision. Keai'ly . > 00 feet
east of tlietni-ks is : i bridge which
spans a raviij iifty feet in depth and
in the bottom of this ravine were
thrown n portion of the ri'ur end of
the < ar together with fragments of its
It is the yulora foi * the railrond
company to lrc 'p a watchman at the
crossing whuiuty it is to warn jrrip-
njun of approach' ! ! ; * trains , and if the
watchman is not in .sijylit the cable
crs cross U e trades without stopping1.
Ai-oonnts all ajjroe that this morning1
there was no wal'-hman present to
give warning. William Clayburg-
the present watchman , lately ap
pointed to the position , and ho states
that at the ti'Mis of the : icci-
clct lie wa. . ."ji.'tl in putting out
the switch lijr'nts.
J. C. Kanhorn , the conductor on the
car , had a , most miraculous es-jape
from death , and on-ly his quickness
and presence of mind saved him from
sharing1 the fate of the "ripman. He
says the engineer of the approahing -
train failed to ring- the bell or sound
his whistle until the engine was right
upon the car.
The engineer of the train claimed
that the gripman was to blame. He
claimed his fireman was ring-ing
the bell and that he v as running-
about afi-milc an hour g-ait.
On march X3 ! of this 3'ear , Warren
Watson , clerk of the United States cir
cuit court and one of the best known
men in Kansas City , was klLl at the
same place. Mr.Vatson was struck
by a passenger train and was fright
fully mangled. It is claimed that the
train was running at a hig-h rate of
speed , and a , suit for ( Uimages brought
by his widow is now in court.
Secretary Slohlcr Says It V.'iil Average
.Sixty-two round * to the ISuahel.
TOPEKA , Kan. , Oat. 13. Secretary
Mohlcr of tbc state board of agricult
ure this morning- stated that there was
one feature in the wheat yield which
has not been touched upon in his crop
report that would make a still more
flatterinir showing- for the state when
the biennial report was issued.
"According1 to the reports from mill
ers , ' ' said he , "the wheat of this year's
crop will average about sixty-two
pounds to the bushel. Last year's
crop only averaged fifty-eight pounds ,
making1 a difference of four pounds be
tween the crops. According to these
reports the added weight of two
pounds per bushel above the
standard of sixty pounds , gives
the state 2,500,000 bushels more of
wheat by weight than is shown by
measurement. In many instances the
crop has weighed ont'eight bushels to
the hundred more than was shown in
the measrrement of threshers. One
report from Ellis county shows that
where the threshers were paid for
1,123 bushels the wheat was taken di
rect to the miller and weighed out
l,2Go bushels. "
Suinj ; for Bonds.
RUTLAND , Vt , Oct. 13. Albert King ,
receiver of the First National bank of
Frankfort , Kan. , lias brought suit
against the Bradford Savings Bank
and Trust company to recover the
value of twenty bonds of S" < > 0 each
which were sold by the latter institu
tion. The receiver claims that the
bonds were the property of the bank
he represents
Snot a Lawyer nnd Himself.
WINSTON- . C. , Ost. 1 3. C. U. Has-
lin entered the law office of William
Botenhower at Kernersville , N. C. , at
9 o'clock this morning and after alms-
ing the lawyer for a time for appear
ing against him in a suit , shot him in
the neck. Haslin walked out of the
office and then shot himself dead.
Botenhower has a chance for his life.
The Educational Line Drawn.
BALLS-TON , N. Y. , Oct. 13. Justice
Stover , holding circuit court here , re
fuses naturalization to aliens who can
not read nnd write the English lan
guage , and has rejected six applicants.
One of them , a native of County Kent ,
England , is more than BO years'of ago
ana has-been a resident of this coun
try for twenty-five years- . ,
When the hair begins to come out in comb-
in jr. it shou-s -ivcaktirss of the scalp1 that
calls for immccliiitc attention. 1'lie best
prepaiation to artcst further loss of hair and
restore the scalp to n healthy condition is
AyerV Hair Vigor.
The whole number of stars known to
astronomers at presett is 10,000.
When cat.irrh attacks a person of scroful
ous diathesis , the ilis-n > -c is almost sure to
become chronic. The only efficacious ctne ,
theicfore , is Ayi-i's Saisarparilla , which ex
pels scrofula from the system ami the cal.iirh
Mxiii follows suit. Local iii.atuii.-iU is only a
waste of time.
Twice as Much for Your Money as
you get Elsewhere.
It is this : UY will st-nd von The SemiWeekly -
Weekly Journal from now until Jan. I , iSa $ ,
for one dollar. Krmrmlu-r we jjive you two
papers each week TucMlays and "Fridays.
All the teletrinphic new. * nnd markets twice a
week , making it almost as good as a daily.
This twice-a-week feature has
- - proven a
remarkable success the past year. The SemiWeekly -
Weekly Journal now having the larjjest circu
lation of any paper in the mid-west.
This big dollar's woilh will carry you
through the "real fall campaign , and all
through the next lecislalnie. We reacii you
with the news a half a week earlier than the
old fashioned weekliesNuuae reading stale
news when you can get it fresh from the wires
at the same price. We have our own tele-
giaph wires , and coirespondents all over the
country. H takes money to get news , nnd we
are spending it. \\e can afford it because
cur circulation has quadrupled the past year.
Vvc have a few of our gieat Stanley hooks
left. Will send paper to Jan. i , 1894 , and the
book prepaid foi $1.40 , or if you send us your
ow n and another name witli $2 , we will send
you the book fice. This will be vour last
chance to get this great book. \ \ e give the
paper and our Oxford Hible for 32.75. We
give you the N. Y. Weekly Tiibune a > car
nnd the Journal to Jan. I. 189 { . foi $1.25.
Regular pi ice of Tiil'um- $1.00. Or , if you
send us youi own and another new name w ill ,
$2.00. we will send you the ' 1 libune a ) ear
Don't ilcl.iy but send \ ouroidcrs at once , as
the sooner , the murepapeis you will get.
Lincoln , Neb.
A reported outbieakof cholera at llelmelta ,
N. J. , cieated much excitement in that
vicinity. Investigation .showed that the dis-
cease was not choleia but a violent dysenteiy
which is almost as seveie and dangerous as
cholera. Mr.alter Wiilaul , a prominent
meichant of Jamesberg , two miles from
llelmettaays Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Dial rha-a Hemedy has given great satis
faction in the most severe cases ot dysentery.
It is certainly one of the best things ever
made. For sale by G. Al. Chenery , druggist.
The Bible and Science.
The Century Magazine will take up the
Bible and Science controversy. In the No
vember Century , 1'rof. W. Shie'Ms of Prince
ton , answers the question "Docs the Bible
contain Scientific lit rois ? " with an emphatic
NO. He says"Literary and textual obscuii-
tics theic may be upon the suiface ot Holy
Will , like spots upon the sun , or rather like
motes in the eye ; but Scientific eiror in its di
vine purport'would be the sun itself extin
guished at noon. Such a Bible could not live
in this epoch. "
1'iofessor Shields' article will be followed by
one in the December Century on "The Effect
of Scientific Study upon Religious Beliefs. "
Wisdom's Robertine
Is meeting with great success cveijwhere ,
and is rapidly supplanting even- other
preparation of a like nature.
The highest speed attained by a type
writer is 200 words a minute.
Canada to Cape Horn.
Evf-iy dnifrjript in this vast territory Kei'ps
. ind itH-oinnuMids Humpliit-ys' spt-ciilcs ami
limls lc-y ! alia the best bKiiMuc-uon of any
thing he .soils.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certiiin cu i ( > i or ( ! h rim iconic * K\es , Tetter ,
Stilt Kin-inn , Scald Head. Old Cluonie Smcs.
Fever soi es. Eczema , Jtcli , I'ruirie Scratches ,
Soie Nipples and Pitas. It is coolmjr anil
soothing. Hundreds of eases have been cincd
by it alter all other treatment had tailed. It
is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale l }
George M. Uheuery. Nov.0-lyt ar.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partncish.p
heretofore existing between Edwaid U. l.owun
and Edwin L. Laycock , under the linn name ot
"Rowen nnd Laycock" . Is this day dissolved
liv mutual consent. Edwin I , . Laycock con
tinuing in business , Edward It. llowen retir
ing. All outstanding debts owittfr to the laic
firm will be paid to Edwin L. LaycocU. who
will pay all legal obligations against said Hi m.
Dated McCoolt , Nebraska , Scptemlier23th.leJ. ! ) :
Freight Paid.
-Warrantedfor5Years \ , \
Accnts Wanted. Send for Terms.
Horn nnd Wnrcliou < e Scale * .
JONES OF BINGHAMTON , Binghamton , N. Y.
% y
Li Wi
complaints ,
the best remedy is
In colds ,
bronchitis , la grippe ,
and croup , it is
* rompt to Act
sure to cure.
\V1I iUE.\3. A resolution was adopted liy the
Legislature of the State ot Nebraska at thu
Twenty-second Hussion thcicof , and approved
April 4ih. A. I ) . Ib'JI , proposing an amend
ment to Section One (1) . of Article FJx'o (5) ( ) > of
the constitution of said state , and that said
Bcution us amended shall reud as follows , to-
u-it :
tsi.CTidN 1. ( Oilici-rs. ) The executive de
partment , shall eotisist of a governor , lieuten
ant governor , secretary oi state , auditor of
pulili j accounts , treasurer , superintendent ot
public instruction , attorney ir'jix-ral , commis
sioner of putilli : lands and liulldiii tian'l three
railroad cominisgioiiL'rs , whoso powers and du
ties shall lie such as may lie prescribed lij-law.
' 1 he lirfat named eiuht (81 ollicnre plni ! hnlil
ollicc lor the term ol two jruntt > m tlie tlrdt
ThurMlay alter the llrbt Tiiebtlny in .January
next alter his election , and until his succet-s-
or is fii-cifil aid nuaiitlcd : PROVIDED , now-
EVKK. "h. . . the H i tit election ol'fiaid llrst t'iilit
ininit it Ilitu-rs shall In * held on t hi ; Tuesday
Micccctiin the lirtit M < mday in Novemlier ,
18.--.and ) eachsnceeedinv election shall he held
at the sumo toiativu time in unch even year
thereafter. The tlueo last liiimed ollieers or
railroad cominit-siGiieis shall he elected li > the
electois of the state at larK < ' . and their terms
of ollice , except of those chosen at the llrst
election , as licrciiir.lier provided , shall be
three year- . The Hist election for railroad
conimiHsioiii'iP slmll ! > c held mi the Tuesday
Eucceeilinir the Hist Miiiidi > . \ in Xovcinhcr.l&K ? .
and shall lie held at the HIIIIK * illative tinii ;
in each Mifccodmiryar Thcniilrotid cotnmis-
sioneisshall. immc < iiately alter ihu llrst said
elect ion in WJS , classitli'd Iij lot. so that one
shall hold hib ollice tor the term of our yutir ,
one * for tin- term ot two joins , and one for the
term ol tlueo jt-ars. No petson shall tie eligi
ble to the ollieo railroad iiointn ssiiner who
lie in the employ ot any common currier , or
the owner ol any laiirnnd bonds or stock , erin
in an } nninner whatever iiccuiiinrilj interest
ed in an > railKiad companv. Tlio governor ,
secicmry of thestnto , rnilinad cnminissioiiers.
auditnrof public aueounts and tieitsuiurshall
lesldcat tinsoar of jrovernmt'iit duriny tlicii
lei m of ollu-o and Uccp tin * pnlilic records ,
bonKs and pnpcis theit * . iind shtill pcrlnrin
snt'ti duties as tuny bi required by law ; I'uo-
VIIIKII. iiwvKvnu.iso , Tlnit the jiovernor
shall appoint thiee railroad oommibsioners
who Bhall hold ilio.r ollicc until their cncccss-
ois anilocti d and qnaiilird as pinvidi'il lieri'-
Snj. - That cieh : { icison votiuir in la\or
of i his iiinendmcnt shall IIMVO written or print
ed upon his ballot the lollowinjr : "Kir the
proposed amennini'iit to the constitution ro
latinjr to executive olllcerh. "
Therefore , I. .lames E. IJojd. Governor of
the State ( .1 Ni'liratka. do heii'liy itlvv notice
in accordance with section oni > ( I ) , article sev
enteen (17) ( of I lie c' nsiitutitin and tin * provi
sions ol the net entitled "An act to piovido
the manner of ptop < > Kiir all amendments to
the constitution and submit tinir the same to
thi'cieclcirt-nl till1 stati' . * ' Approved l Vbru-
ary loth. A. 0. IbTT. that siid proposed nmeinl-
nient will bo submitted to the finnliHed voters
of ibis state for approval or { ejection at the
jreneral election to lie hold on the8th day of
November. A. I ) 18IU.
IN WllMSS U'lliin : r. I heieiliiln sot my
hand and eause to ballixed Hie jrreat i-ienl of
tiie State of Neliraska.
Done at Lincoln this-'Oth day of .Inly. A. f
IbJtt. and thu Set h yearol the Mateand of Hi
Independence ot the United States the on
hundred mid seventeenth.
By the Governor.
.1. U. ALLEN. Secivtiiry of Stale.
I WHEHEAS. A joint lesolulion was adoplt'i
j by thu legislature of the Mali.of NVtmisUi
at tiie twenty-second session thereof , and up
proved April Cth. A. 1) . IbOl , proposing ai
amendment to section nine (9) ( of article eijrli
(8) ( ) , ot the constitution of said state , and thu
saiil boot ion as amended sluill lead as tollows
to-wit :
SKCIIONI. All iuiids ht-loiitriiur to the state
tor educational pin poses , the interest iiiul In
come wlicieot onlj arc to be useil , shall bi
deemed trust lunds held by the btatc. and tin
state shall suoply all IO SPS thereof that maj
ii any manner act-rue , so that the same sluil
remain forever inviolate and iindiniinislii'd
j and bhal ! not ln-investid or loaned except 01
United States or State securities , or rugibtcrci
county bonds , or registered school distric
bonds of this state , and such funds with tin
interests and income theieof , are hereto
solemnly pledged for the purposes for whicl
they nr < > giantud and set apart , and shall no :
be traiiblerred to any other lund tor othei
SI.CTION 2. A i such election on the-ballot
r reach elector voting for or against this pro
posed amendment shall b" written or printei
the words : ' 'For proposed amendment to tin
constitution relating- in-i-mancnt sehoo
InmJ. " and "Against snid proposed amend
ment to the constitution relating to perma
nent school fund. "
Sc. ' > . JI such amendmcntshall be approv
ed by a majority of all the electors votimr al
such election , bald pi oposcd amendment sha !
constitute section nine ( ' > ) of article eight (8. (
ot thu constitution of thu State of Nebraska.
Therefore I. .lames E. Rojd , Governor ol
the State of Nebiaska. do hereby give notice
in accordance with section (1) article seven
teen ( IT ) , of the constitution and the provi
sions ol an aetcntitled "An act to provide the
manner of proposing all amendments to tin
constitution and suhmiitiitg the same to the
electors of the stale. " Approved February
loth , A. D. 1877. that said pioposed amend
ment will bo submitted to the qualified voters
or this state for approval or tejeetinti at the
general election to beheld on the8th day oi
November. A. D. 18D2.
Is WITNESS WIIEIIKOF. I have hereunto set
my hand and caused to be alli.\ed the great
soul nt the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this anli day of July. A. D.
18U2 , and the "Ghyear ot the tate , and of the
Independence of the United States the one
hundred and seventeenth.
My the Governor.
Jens C. AM.EK , Secretary of State.
T : sll 77ha it = 17 Cjr = :
The commissioner appointed to examine a
road commencing at south end ot bridge cross-
inur Republican liver on east line ot section
otTin town. 3. range IW. Perry precinct. Red
Willow county. Nebraska , tunning- thence
north 0 deirrees 30 minutes , west 1:2 : chains >
links : thence north 04 degrees. West 2 chains :
thence north So west 0 chains :
thence north : J > degrees , west 2 chains 50 links ;
thence north SJ degrees , west 2chains : thence
north 77 degiees , west . " > chainsIH ) links : thence
north 53degrees , west 12 chains ; thence north
C ) degrees SO minutes , west 13 chains ; thence
north 87 d ; giees. west7 chains25 links ; thence
north SO degrees , west 4 chains ; thence north
03 degrees 20 minutes , wesi 4 chains : thence
north 83 degrees 30 minutes , west 13 chains 50
links : thence north ( )7degreesl5minutes.west
4. chains 30 links : thence north 78 degrees JO
minutes , wests chains ; thence south 78 de
grees 30 minutes , west 10 chains 88 links : thence
west 4 chains 50 links ; thence north 80degrees
west 14 chains 20 links ; thence north 68 degrees
west 9 chains 00 links ; thence north48degrees ,
west 12chains ; thence north Gt5 degrees , west
15 chains 50 links : thence north 68 degrees ,
west 5 chains 50 links : thence west IK chains
70 Jinks ; terminating at Meeker Irrigation
ditch , has reported In favor of the location
thereof , and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be filed in the countv
clerk's office on or before noon ofthe 28th day
of November. A.D.4S92. orsaid road will be
established without reference thereto.
18-418. GEO.V. . ROPBH.County Clerk.
c. n. IIOYI.K.
A. .i. JtrrncMiousK. . . . .
J. 10.
OPPICK : In reiu-of Klr. t Nallonul Hank.
practlc-o In nil cniirtH.
and corporation biw n rtpecinlty. Money to
loan. Itooms 4 nnd .1 old First National hldV.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ,
1387" Pruutii-c In tins Stateand Federal Court ? .
H. H. HAVI.- .
JSy OKKICK HllUIIS : ! M i 11 ii. III. . 2 Hi 5 Ulltl
7 to 1' . P. in It'M" ! - ot r K r-l Vtii lunik.
A. T. RICE , .VI. D. ,
I have located permanently in McCook ,
Neb. All calls answered promptly by day or
niyht , in the city or country. Special attention
jjiven to diseases of children. Office over
LowinanV store , south of Commercial Hotel.
Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 n. m. Residence
2 doors south of brick school house.
Koraei branded on loft hip or ) ott shoulder.
P.O. address , Imperial.
Chase County , nnd Beat- *
Jrlco , Nob. Kango.Stink-
llnsr Water nnd Frencb-
Jman croeka , Chase Co' . ,
' Nebraska.
Brand as cut on side ot
I sorno animals , on hip and
sldei of some , or any
where on the animal.
and Safe Moving
Specialty. Order * for Draying left
n1- the TTnrlfllpstnn T.limliPr
will receive prompt attention.
For Good Tuilnrinir. has not } rot the larjjeot
shop this side of Hastings but lie lias jrot the
Largest anil liest stock of Cloths rni Tiiui-
ininjrs this side of Hastings , which ho will fur
nish chciiper than any other tailor for the-
same kind of poods. Shop' ) doors west of the
Citizens Hank.
Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys ,
And any other bleed easily obtained
by using
Dean's Dehorning Pencil !
It never fails. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. For testimonials and fur
ther inloi maiioii see circular. Price SO cents.
Sold 1-y
Dealer in Hat-nets. Saddlerv and Turf Goods.
Mccook. Neb. Light track harness a specialty.
I "Will Avoid
Institutes liy iiointr to the
Old , Itellnb'.o
102 & I CWW. .NINTH S73JET.
AEeqular Qradiiatein
Zlcdicinc. Gvcr 25 years'
practice 12 ir. Chicago.
Established lcf5.
sss s& ss ss
g K r sg3g
cvcrVVea ? Kiperience is important. No mer-
roedidno used. l o tlmolost _
frombu'Incir Patients at a distance treated1 br
SSffandTexplSss. Medicines scut everywhere free
from gaze or breakage. State your case and send
forteVms. Consultation free nnd eonUdentlal , per-
full"of descriptive pictures , sent
_ , _ v _ _ sealed in plain envelope for Cc. in
BUrnpa. N. B. This book contains SEcncTS act !
raful knowledge which should be reid by every
m e from 15 to 45 years of age-end keptunder
JoAnnd key FKEJS
interesting speci-
O replcto with * thousand
meiCincludingthe celebrated French
KOO. Tor Men Only.
-.Thieli alone coat over
. ssol
1 rosinn CSBE rou niizcjuTisa.
/or any casa this treatment fails to I
euro or help. Greatest discovery In
annals of medicine. One dose gives I
relief ; few doses removes fever and I
pain in joints ; Cure completed In a
ferrdars. Send statement of case trim , stamp u
Snbjcctaneedfearrolocper from this Kio at
Terrors.fof'byjainiostJwonderful .dUcorery In
medicine , cancer on aarp-irt-ottbo body can be
permanently' cured tvltlicmt the--as * of
the knife. .r < T " > , .
MRS II. D. Cor.ur. 2307 Indiana Are. , Chicago.
jajs " . 'iVas.cured. o { cancecuWherjtjreaat , in .sir
weeks bytTpuriaetliod.aC'treatment ? t ScncLfor
, treatiae. jDr. B. C. Dale , 365 34th SL , Chicago.