i want 1OOOO bushels of Potatoes at 50 cents cash at once. KNIPPLE S Til ALL ! IN : = AND = ; AND HIS ; Cornet and Sterling BRANDS OF FLOUR IARE THE ! f Store open till the usual hours. I want loooo bushels of Potatoes at 5O cents cash at once. . A. WILCOX & SON. we will receive within a few days an elegant line of Ladies , Misses and Children's Cloaks direct from the manufacturers ; also Shawls and want you to look at our stock before purchasing. Will also receive a large stock of Shoes , Rubbers , etc. Our new dress goods are now arriving. For Hats , Caps , Ladies , Gents , and Child ren's Underwear , Gents Furnishing Goods , Groceries , Flour , etc. , etc. Call on . A. WILCOX & SON. NEBRASKA LOAN AND BANKING GO. OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. CAPITAL - $52OOOOO. FARM LOANS. CITY LOANS , LOANS MADE ON ALL KINDS OP APPBOVED SECTJBITY , P. A. WELLS , TftCAB. AND M QR. r , Now York. put it in Jfte ( BEFORE. Would you "AFTER. Increase Your Business ? J INDIANpJJUTEMS. Now let it rain. Hurrah for Andrews. Fair premiums will be paid in full. Samuel Ball came to town on Tliurn- day. Mrs. C. W. Beck was quite sick , this week. Col. Sidney Dodge came down , Thurs day evening. Chatr. Gentry has bought White's blacksmith f-hop. County commissioners will meet tomorrow , Friday. J. W. Dolan was in Omaha on busi ness , Wednesday. Rev. P. S. Mather will preach at Al ma , this conference year. Several of our people went to Cam bridge to hear Hastings. Mrs. Bishop is building a neat dwell ing south of M. E. church. Go down to Hartley , Saturday night , arid hear Ben Baker speak on sound re publican doctrine. Rev. James Lisle will occupy the M. E. pulpit this year , but will not be able to get here until Oct. 15th. The Colorado Cactus Blossom com pany gave a fine entertainment to a good house on Wednesday night. Col. R. M. Snavely has sold his nice residence to J W. Dolan and expects to remain in Denver for the present. If we had a train to go on , a large crowd would go to McCook to hear Hon. John M. Thurston , next Wednes day. day.R. R. W. White is laying a foundation for a blacksmith and machine shop. It will be a brick veneer building 25x5 0 feet. ' Our school board have found it nec essary to employ another teacher Miss Vivian Gossard , and yet the rooms are crowded. License was issued on the 3d for the marriage of Mr. T. Frank Gockley , of McCook , to Miss Mattie Boyer , of Dan- bury. They were married on the fourth by Rev. James Mapon. George N. Cord has sold his house and lots west of Coon creek to Mr. Henry Winans , of Box Elder. Mr. Cord , and wife will go to Illinois and Mrs. Winans will occupy their new home so as to have the benefit of our schools. Bullion The Evans house , Hot Springs , S. D. , is now open for the reception of guests. This magnificent hotel erected at a cost of $150,000 is built of pink sand stone , is five stones high , has steam heat , electric lights and all mod ern conveniences and is so arranged that there are no inside rooms. Its completion places Hot Springs on a par with any similar resort in the country. The Burlington route places at the dis posal of the public a sanitarium and health resort second to no other. Low round trip rates to Hot Springs and Deadwood. The B. & M. have extended their Wyoming division to Regis. The ex tension reduces the distance to Buffalo to about 48 miles and to Sheridan to about 55 miles , the drive to either point being made in 9 or 10 hours. First class stages from Regis to Sheridan and Buffalo , daily , and from Moorcroffc to Sundance making connections with all trains. Annual State convention Y. P. S. C. E. , Beatrice , October 7-9. Fare one and a third rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 4-9 inclusive. Grand lodge Knights of Pythias , Geneva , Nebr. , Oct. 10. Fare one and a third rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 7-10 inclusive. For the above occasions , passengers paying full fare going will be returned at one third fare ( unless otherwise noted above ) on presentation of certifi cate signed by the proper officer of the meeting on guarantee that there has been an attendance of one hundred or more who have paid full fare on the going trip. S. M. Oochran & Co. keep repairs for all kinds of machinery. WANTED. Growers of , and dealers in choice , fine , green , broom corn , will please quote price baled on board cars , and state when it can be delivered. Address . .ARMES & DALLAM , SAN FBAKCISCO , CAL. NEBRASKA. Newsy Notes About Nebraska Places and People. Freernont has lot the contract for more street paving. Saline county has seventeen crt-ni- nal cases on her court docket. Diphtheria has broken out at Friend and is creating great alarm. Fairmont's water works system will bo completed before snow flies. Tl' North Bend schools have been closed on account of diphtheria. From every section of the state come reports of a great yield of winter wheat. Fifty-two quarters of land have changed hnnds in Case county this fall. The Kearney cotton mill is unable to fill all its orders and will be forced to enlarge. The state Christian endeavor con vention will be hold at Beatrice , Oct. 7 , 8 and 9. Great interest is awakened in the Tresbytorian revival at York. The lamp still burns. The Norfolk sugar factory is turning out 40,000 to 50,000 pounds of granu lated sweetness per day. The immense crop in Hitchcock county has necessitated the building of a new elevator at Culbertson. Walt Mason , the Nebraska genius of poetry and song , has taken the con tract to change the tune of the World- Herald. Alma Gustafson of Geneva had her arm broken and her face badly bruised by a windlass crank. Cranks are dan gerous things. Badker Allen Gerard , one of the oldest settlers , is authority for the statement that cholera found a few victims in the Platte valley in 1852. The city jail of Wilber is no more. An inmate set fire to it and came very near having all the fun he wanted. He was released barely in time to save his life. For peddling on the streets of Fre mont without a license , Frank Smith was fined $50. Not having that sum about his person , he will languish in jail. While romping with her play mates at school the little daughter of Isaac Wilson of Fairmont , was in jured internally and her life is des paired of. George Saylor , who lived on a farm near Superior , fell dead in his field from heart disease. He was thirty- two years of age and leaves a wife and four children. White Handley of Nebraska City has a number of vicious doge that have lately bitten several people , and the offended public is arranging for a gen eral canine killing bee. Mrs. Armagost , charged with pois oning her husband and several other people at David City , has been held to answer in the district court for murder in the first degree. The fair at Columbus this week was the most successful of any ever held in Platte county. The fruit display was astonishing. George Niles of Plattsmouth , while visiting at Council Bluffs , was bitten by a vicious dog and to guard against possible results has gone to Chicago for treatment al a Pasteur. At McCool Junction small boys set fire to burn weeds and destroyed a lot of lumber and bridge material. About the same time a farm house five miles distant , belonging to Matthew Osler- handt , was burned. The four years' course of the C. L. S. C. embraces the subjects taken up in an. average college course , and in this way the circle gives to its readers the college student's general outlook in history , literature , science and art. The study of the languages and of the higher mathematics , however , does not form a part of the work of theC. L. S. C. The circle is not in any sense a college , either in its course of study or in its methods of work. Yet it puts into the homes of the people influences and ambitions which will lead many thousand youths to seek colleges and universities. The circle is unsectarian and unsectional , promoting fraternity and inspiring help to the home , the church and the state. The C. L. S. C. is for busy people who left school years ago and who desire to pursue some systematic course of instruction. In fact , Chautauqua is for every one who wishes to improve. No one can read the books of the course without learning something. The required books for 1892-1893 comprises the following : "Grecian History , " by James R. Joy , A. M. "Callias , an Historical Romance , " j by Professor A. J. Church , London university. "The United States and Foreign Powers , " by W. E. Curtis , of the Unit ed States state department. "Classic Greek Course in English , " by Professor W. C. Wilkinson , the university of Chicago. "Greek Architecture anil Sculpture , ' ' ( illustrated ) , by Professor T. II. Smith and George Bedford , London. "A Manual of Christian Evidencea , " by Professor George P. Fisher , Yale university. "The Chautauquan , " (12 numbers , illustrated. ) Any one wishing to become a read er or in other ways in need of informa tion concerning Chautauqua , may write to either of the following ad dresses : W. E. Hardy , Lincoln , Nob. ; Chautauqua Central Office ; Drawer Buffalo , N. Y- . I1 I Free ! Free ! In order to increase our cash trade we will give away the following" list of presents to our cash customers , T TT v "T > " 1 I " 1 T v "I T ft- FREE' ' FREE ? -L JL VJl.I s JL JL VJI , / 1 Gold Watch , worth $100.0O 1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00 1 Gold Watch , worth 5O.OO 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.00 2 Silver Watches at $25 each 50.0O 0 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 90.00 100 Books , standard works of English and American fiction , bound in cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.OO 118 PllESENTS WOltTH $790.0O We carry the largest stock of Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , in Red willow county. And we meet all competition and go them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our goods before buying. W. C. LaTourette. FALL e I wish to announce the arrival of my Fall and Winter Stock of I' ! } \ CLOTHING , : GEE1S FURNISHING GOODS , HATS AND CAPS j10 SoobsKMEC oHecei/ue cm / 0 n C. "W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. - 11 K. D. BURGRSS , PLUMBER fl STEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE. . McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Wanpun Wind Mills. 40 TO 2000 ACRE TRACTS , $5 TO S15 PER ACRE. tamp for Price List and Descriptive Circular of Southwestern Nebraska to AND STOCK RANCHES.S.H.COLVIN , McCook/erfwniouCo.Neb.