A PRIZE' ' PROBLEM 00NTEST. A VALUABLE PRIZE WILL BE GIVEN FOR EVERY CORRECT ANS WER. Nothing ia more correct and interesting in the cultivated family circle that a bright Prize Competition which will bring into active use the abilities of com petitors when it is knmvn that such competitions is carried out by the originat ors in a perfectly FAIR AM ) UONOIIABLK manner. As ameans uf adverti.-in * our In-.incl of EXQUISITE TOILET SOAP and intro ducing il into humus \vh 'i it i * n a used , and we offer the following prizes which will be awarded lo HiiuucMiinl contestants without any partiality being shown to person ur Incaiit.y. PRIZES. To the pcruou hcnding the Iir i correct answer to the following problem will be given their-choice between a first class UPRIGHT PIANO or THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in Cash. Fur the M-cond correct answer Trill be paid Two HUNDRED DOLLARS in Cash. For the third correct answer will t > u paid ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in Cash. For the fourth correct answer will be paid FIFTY" DOLLARS in Cash. To the person sending the correct answer which is received last will be given their choice between a first-class UPRIGHT PIANO or THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in Cash. For the next to the last correct answer will be paid ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in cash. Every answer will be numbered as received and entered in a book kept for this purpose. The ten persons sending correct answer which are the middle ones received , will each be awarded their choice between an elegant SILK DRESS PATTERN (16 ( yards in any color desired ) or an elegant GOLD WATCH ( warranted to be solid gold and a good time keeper. ) OTHER VALUAULE PRI/KS such as Silver Watches , Pearl Opera Glasses , Silver Vegetable Dishes , Silver Tea Sets , Silver Biscuit Jars , Silver Coffee Sets , Silver Cake Stands , Piano Lamps. Silver Dessert Knives , etc. , etc. , will be award ed to every person sending c"rrect answer. PROBLEM. A frog at the bottom of a well ten feet deep climbs up a foot every day and slides back a half footi-very night. How many days will it take him to reach the top of the well ? CONDITIONS. Every contestant mu > t enclose with their answer , one dollar for one dozen cakes of our EXQUISITE : TOILET SOAP , which is the purest and finest soap for the skin and complexion that has ever been manufactured. It contains none of the poisonous preparations which cau e the skin to become rough and parched. llis the only soap for the toilet , nursery and bath. It positively removes pimples and cures rediie.s.i ami roughness of the skin. It is universally acknowl edged by those who have u.-cd it as the soap par excellence for all toilet purpos es. It is sent free of cu.slum ? duly to any part of the United States. Answers may be mailed at any thin ; ln-kite November 1st , 1892 , as the prizes are equitably divided over entire time ( Miiiimtitioii is open , and persons can enter at any time with an equal opportunity of securing one of the leading prizes. REMEMBER THAT EVERY CORRECT ANSWCll WILL UK AWARDED A VALUABLE PRIZE. This toilet soap is retailed at three dollars per dozen cakes , and we make this extraordinary reduction in price Miuply to introduce it. The Exquisite Toilet. Ufg. Co. is an established and financially responsible manufacturing Co. , who oftvr tin ; nbove prizes purely as a legitimate manner of extending the . al'-s ol'tluir IDxcjiiisitc Toilet Soap to the people of the United States. Remit by U. S. Po.-tal Note , Express money order , Two-cent U. S. Stamps or Registered Letter , and send your answer AT ONCE. Address : EXQUISITE TOILET MFG. Co. "X" NO. 170 YOUNGE STREET , TORONTO. CANADA- Recently tht following Notlea c San Franc/sco / Chronicle , " Judge S had been sick only about two weeks , and itwas not until the last three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia. " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs , don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your dally duties : don't waste your money -worthless liniments and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies , the celebratedTOregon Kid ney Tea. it has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it Purely vegetable and pleasant to takc. ft.OOapack- age , 6 for $5.00. OR3AKIO WcAXHS5 A 3 .PREMATURE DECAY IN ! o * - „ , , . - os . * * _ ' AiKyie.VtiB..B&ya : * Btton. & ( ta. LMI. The accompanying statement Welgbtssoiu sssiu TS iu cl my freight and measure' But. . . . 43in. 23in. lain , meats \riU show the results ofv ut. . 48 in. 21 in. 11 in. five months'treatment. Hij . . . sstn. 40in. isia. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. lUroleM , md with no itanlng , Iccaareclcnce , or bid eaectfc For cuUcoltn addrtti. with 6 ccnU in ttznpt. GB/0. V. F. SBIDEB. K'VICXEB'S THEATER. CHIMED ILL A NATTJEAL REMEDY FOE Epileptic Fits , Falling Sickness , Hyster ics , St. Titus Dance , Nervousness , Hypochondria , Melancholia , 111- ebrity , Sleeplessness , Diz ziness , Brain and Spi nal Weakness. This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers , allaying all irritabili ties , and increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no unpleasant effects. A Valuable Book en Nervous Diseases sent free to any address , FREE and poor patients can also obtain this medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Beverend Pastor Koenip , of Fort Wayne , Ind. , since 1376. aad Is now prepared under his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO. . Chicago , EH. Sold by Drugrgrists at SI per Bottle. GforS5 , arco Size , S1.75. G Bottles for SS. -FO ft - LADIESDULY. JAffHARMLESS -fttD 'DRVGGIKG PRICE12 ADORE5J- 15.7.H 5l/-if / ! "ANAKESIS " piv3sinstant relief and is an infallible Cure for Piles. Pru-egLBy DruBrgistsormail. Samples free.Addrcss"AfAKESIS , " Box 2116 , New York City. * J g -tr . "V-v. * „ IJ , y ? g A Gure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its'use is almost univrr'l by the Housewife , the Farmer , thw Stock Raiser , aiu " . . / ever- one requiring an effective liniment No other application cr-r a' - < . Tti "it in efficacy. This \well-knovn udtCsJ Jr od the test of years , almost generations. . . . No medicine chest is complete \vithput a bottle -MusTAHO r/ ; OcJcasions\arise 'for its .use , almost evirry iday. ' „ . ' " T.'tT I All-druggists and . , , dsalers ; hajc'nt. , : - - . ' " * * " f ft * WW % * " * kr wt * * t * - i - KIRK'S HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI V/ATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wate WONDERFUL ! The cures which are being effected hy Drs Starkey & Palen , 1529 Arcli St. , Philadelphia Pa. , in Consumption , Catarrh , Neuralgia Bronchitis , Rheumatism. , and all chronic dis eases , hy their compound Oxygen Treatment are indeed marvelous. If you are a sufferer from any disease whicl your physician has failed to cure , write for in formation about this treatment , and their book of two hundred pages , giving a history o Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with numerous testimonials from patients , to whom you may refer for still further information will be promptly sent , without charge. This book aside from its great merit as : medical work , giving , as it does , the result o ; years of study and experience , you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN , 1529 Arch Street , Philadelphia , Pa. 120 Sutler St. , San Francisco , Cal. Please mention this paper. It is a queer thing that after a girl has con sented to fly with a man she usually lias to walk. Buck fen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts , sores , bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2 c. a box. For sale by A.McMillen. May23-iyr. The man who has "something which can beat Nancy Hanks" wants to trot it out. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable \\ir \ InrlirrAcfirm fnricf inn Hniv Ti77inPSS. Loss of Appetite , Coming up of Food , Yellow SKin when for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's Vitdlizer , guaranteed to cure them. Sold by A. JUcMillen. An exploded theory "I didn't know it was loaded. " SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker nouth and headache. With each bottle there s an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints with out extra charge. Price 5oc. Sold by A. Mc- Millen. Things are not always what they seem by lame. Rice paper is not madeofi ice. It is not unusual for colds contracted in the : all to hang on all winter. In such cases catarrh or chronic bronchitis are almost sure to result. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure any cold. Can you afford to risk so much for such a small an amount ? This remdy is intended especially "or bad colds and croup and can always be depended upon. For sale by G. M. Chenery , druggist. Children Cry Tor Pitchers Castoria. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried for Cactoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When shehad Children , she gave them Castoria. THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Specific * ore scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies , used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging , purging or reducing the system , and are In fact and deed the So vcrcien Remedies of the World. L1BT or HnSBEBS. CUBES. TRICES. 1 Fevers , Congestions , Inflammations. .25 3 Worms , Worm Fever , Worm Colic. . . .25 3 Teething ; Colic , Crying , Wakefulness .25 4 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults 25 5 Dysentery , Griping , Bilious Colic 25 6 Cholera Morbus , Vomiting 25 7 Coughs , Colds. Bronchitis. 25 S Neuralgia , Toothache , Faceache 25 9 Headaches , Sick Headache , Vertigo. .25 10 Dyspepsia , Biliousness , Constipation .25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25 12 Whites , Too Profuse Periods 25 13 Cronp , Laryncitis , Hoarseness 25 14 Salt Ithcnm , Erysipelas , Eruptions. .25 15 Rheumatism.or Rheumatic Fains. . .25 16 Malaria , Chills , Fever and Ague 25 17-PilesBllnd orBleedlng 25 IS Ophtlmlmv , Sore or Weak Eyes 25 19-Catarrh , Influenza , Cold In the Head .25 aO Whooping Congh .25 21 Asthma , Oppressed Breathing 25 22 Ear Discharges , Impaired Hearing .25 23 Scrofula , Enlarged Glands , Swelling .25 24-General Debility , Physical Weakness .25 25 Dropsy , and Scanty Secretions 25 26 Sea-Slckness , Sickness from Riding .25 27 Kidney Diseases 25 29 Sore Month , or Canker 25 30 Urinary Weakness , WettingBed. . .25 31-PainfuI Periods 25 34 Diphtheria * Ulcerated Sore Throat. . .25 35 Chronic Congestions & Eruptions. .25 EXTRA NUMBERS : 28 Nervons Debility , Seminal Weakness - ness , or Involuntary Discharges 1.00 32 Dlseascsof theHeartPalpltatlonl.OO 33 Epilepsy , Spasms , St. Vltus * Dance. . . 1.00 Sold by DroggUt * , or tent pott-paid on receipt of price. Da. HcxrnBETs' IUXUAI , ( H4 ptgu , ) HAILED rttr. KCJiniltKTS'MED.CO. , ! ! ! A11STTIllbnSt. , KewTork. SPECIFICS , HUMPHREYS1 WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE .dlttfMENT. " For Pfles External or Internal , Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula In Ano : Itching or Bleeding or the Rectum. The relief is imrnedlate-Hhe cure certain. PJUOE/SO-OTS. TRIAL SIZE , 25 OTS. gold by Drurrliu.or jeut'pojt-pUa ' on receipt of price. WjiraBIIS'HED.CO. , Ill * 113 ttllfiaa St. , SETT YOU Energy Always Win. ATLAN'lA. I LI. . . March 6 , 1892. Queen City Silvci : iid Nickel I'lating ; C East St. Louis , 111. GENTS : The Queen I'latcr heats anything ; I ever saw to make money. When I received it , I rjut in a brass ring to test it , and to my sur prise it was nicelysilver plated in five minutes. I made $20.50 the first week , and 47.85 the second week , plating jewelry and talilcware. At the end of the first month I had $197-45 clear profit. I now pet all the knives , forks , spoons and jewelry one person can plate , without goinu from home. I will let my son have the Plater I now have at home , aim I am goinp out to sell Platers. I sold three today , at $10.00 each , and did some plating1 besides. I sent $20.00 today for four more 1'later.s.l be- believe any enterprising person can- make a grand success of this business. Very respectfully , J. C. BALDWIN. If you want to make more clear money than you ever made in your life , send for cir culars and price of the Queen Plater ; forgold' silver , nickel , copper and brass plating ; can be used by anyone. Plates beautiful and equal to the finest new work. Every class of goods or metals. Twenty dollars a day can easily be made. Address , QUEEN CITY SILVEU AND NICKEL PL'T'O Co. , 13 N. Main St. , East St. Louis , 111. Sept. 23-9inos. ( Mention this paper. ) How Votes are Bought. And now. how are they bought ? I have shown how thoroughly each district is organ ized , how carefully each vote is watched , and some few of the many plans adopted to weaken the enemy. In many cases , voters who can be bought beforehand are kept in custody for a day or two before election , then taken to the polls , and voted. In one case , in Indiana , a man kept a half-idiot who was working for him shut up in his cellar for some days before an election , to prevent the opjlos- ing party from capturing and treating him in same way. Then , on election morning , with a man on each side to guard him , he was marched to the polls with a prepared ticket in his hands , and voted. In 1888 , in another county of same state , six"floaters" were kept under guard in an up stairs office over night , the next morning taken down , marched to the polls under guard , voted , brought back to the office , and $96 paid totheir leaders $16 apiece. How the money was divided among them only their leader knew. The owner of the office is an intelli gent , honest , patriotic , Christian citizen , who detests the whole system , but who says he can not sit still and see the enemy win by such methods. lie favors any law that will stop the custom in both parties , even though it should be to the disadvantage of his own. ( From "Money in Practical Politics , " in the October Century. ) Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most successful cough medicine we have ever sold , a few doses invariable cure the worst cases of cough , croup and bronchitis , while its wonderful suc cess in the cure of consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its irst discovery it has been sold on a guarantee , a test which no other medicine can stand. If rou have a cough we earnestly ask you to try t. Price ioc. , SOG. and $ i. If jour lungs are sore , chest or back lame , use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold bv A. McMillen. Literary Notes. It has been said was it a Frenchman who said it ? that the Germans cannot write snort stories. This assertion is disproved by the mlliant October number of Romance. Itis _ he second in that magazine's series of special ' ssues , and more than'half of its contents are rom the German. Even the French sel dom produce stories equal to Hugo Klein's 'His Excellency , the Fool , " Paul ileyse's 'The Beginning and the End , " the Queen of oumania's "Tragedy of Love , " and Hans von Spielberg's "Tale of Great Saraha. " No such collection would be complete withou a airy-story , and an amusing one , new to American readers , is supplied in "The Donkey's Spring , " by Rudolph Baumbach. There are also classic German stories by Jean * aul Richter and Ludwig Tieck. The whole prms a remarkable and interesting illustra- ion of Geiman fiction. Agreeable variety is ecured by the interspersing of half-a-dozen American tales , flavoring strongly of the lative soil. This magazine is issued by Romance Publishing Company , Clinton Hall , Astor Place , New York. The price is 25cts , a number ; subscriptions , $2.50 a year. A Little Girl's Experience in a Lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach , Mich. , and are blessed with a daughter , four years old. Last April she was taken down with measles , followed with a dreadful cough and urning into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her , but in vain , she grew rorse rapidly.until she was a mere "handful of ) ones. " Then she tried Dr. King's New Dis covery and after the use of two and a half jqttles , was completely cured. They say Dr. Cing's New Discovery is worth its weight in jold , yet you may get a.trial bottle free at A. VlcMillen's drug store. O , peerlessNancy Hanks ! Such fleet and lusty shanks No horse erer bore ; Ten thousand trotting cranks Throw up their hats with thanks For thy 2.04. Wisdom's Violet Cream s the most exquisite preparation in the vorld for softening and whitening the hands and face. Nothing enters the composition of his deljghtful toilet article which could > rove injurious to the most delicate skin. It s not only a substitute for , but in every espect superior to glycerine , cold cream , 'aseline and like other preparations. Being neither sticky or greasy , kid gloves may be vorn immediately after applying it. For gentlemen's use after shaving it stand with out an equal. It acts by improving the softness , clearness and healthy tone of the skin , and its daily application tends to preserve it from the action of drying winds , vivid sunshine and xtreme temperature. Try it. The colder climate does not seem to be con ducive to the good health of the "very young" hildren. One child in every five in the north- rn half of the United State dies before it has ived a year. Strength and Health. If you are noj feeling strong and healthy , ry Electric Bitters. If "LaGrippe" has left rou weak and weary , use Electric Bitters. 'Ms remedy acts directly on liverstomach and cidneys , gently aiding those organs to per- orm their functions. If you are afflicted vith sick headache , you will find speedy and jermanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. Dne trial will convince you that this is the emedy you need. Large bottles only 5octs. t A. McMillen's drug store. There is no use of any one suffering with ic cholera when Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can be pro- ured. It will give relief in a few minutes nd cure in a short time. I have tried it and now. W. H. Clinton , Helmetta , N. J. The pidemic at Helmetta was at first belieVed to ) e cholera , but subsequent investigation > roved it to be a violent form of dysentery , Imost as dangerous as cholera. This emedy was used there with great success. For sale by G. M. Chenery , druggist. It is a common thing to hear people rave bout the beauty of a sunset , but you may have oticed that they never say anything ahout a unrise. They never see them. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i , , . _ * i . , , - soon as I > alton arrived , however , he lii-gat ) to make himself very promi nent , loudly asserting- that if there was any liquor sold in the camp he would arrest some body or somebody would get killed. He attracted a crowd about him oi > this occasion , and finally got into a quarrel and started to draw a jr n , but dropped it back into his hoLstcr when he recognized four men with whom he had quarreled aU united with Winchesters. U'lien Oklahoma opened Hob's in ither and two younger brothers , ' .rant and Emmet , went to the eoun- trv and secured a claim near ilenuessy , tvhore hi mother still lives. Even while Bob still had a com mis- 5-oii stories about the Dalton boys bu- i'an to be circulated , and not long'after tie opening of the territory they I/ranched out as full fledged train rob bers , and have since then , by close at tention to business , built up a reputa tion second only to that of Frank and Jesse James. The mother .seems to have been a second Mrs. Samuelsand although "the boys" were known to often visit her ou the claim no one was ever able to get any information from her that would lead to their capture or to ever find out when they were on the farm. The "boys" drew other roush riders about them and it .soon become the Dalton "gang. " The men were all well acquainted with the country they operated in , and had many friends among both whites and Iuliins , and although the country has been scoured for them time aud again , no one was ever able to Qnd the bold robbers. Every train robbery , bank robbery or almost any kind of robbery that has happened in the Southwest during the last two or three years has been attributed to the Dal ton "gang. " The gang has not been responsible for them all , however , but has a long series of successful exploits to its credit. The Dalton boys have been robbing trains for a couple of years , or at least it is now supposed that train robberies which occurred Uyo years ago were committed by them. Of late they had become bolder than ever. It was a paying business for them , as alto gether they secured about S'100,000. They have beeru much wanted by officials since they began their thiev ing operations. The express com panies had offered 55,000 each for the arrest and conviction of the members" of the gang. There are rewards for the Daitons in California aggregating 511.000. Sail NCWH For Visitors. KANSAS Crrv.Mo. , Oct. G. C. O. Con nelly , the only son ofMarshal T. C. Connelly of Coffeyville. killed to-day by the Daitons , arrived in town this morning , accompanied by his sister Grace. They came to Kansas City to attend the fair and was in the exposition building when a tele gram was handed the son apprising him of his father's death. The daughter was utterlv nrostrated and was carried to the St. James hotel in a carriage , where kind friends cared for her. Though greatly shocked , l.he son bore up bravely. KILLELBY THi MAFIA. A Cli-ca o Italian Declared the Victim of the Notorious Society. CHICAGO , Oct. C. Police Lieutenant Wheeler , who has been working on the case of Elijero Martine , the Italian who was killed Sunday night in a West side saloon , expressed the belief to-day that Martine was the victim of the Mafia , and that a branch of the society which caused so much trouble in New Orleans existed in this city. Seven Italians are tinder arrest , all of whom , it is said , were in the saloon and witnessed the murder , but pretended ignorance of the perpetrator. Lieutenant Wheeler says several Italians of prominence have told him that the Mafia exists here and that in their opinion Mar line is a victim of it. They urge him tc. get to the bolirs.o' the murder. - axsas United Workmen EMPORIA , Kan. , Oct. G. Th * rtr 13 gaily decorated for the anniversary celebration of the A. O. U. W. and a large crowd is present from abroad. The parade of home and visiting lodges took place at 11 o'clock and was followed by a picnic at the grove. Among the prominent officers present who addressed the order were A. P. Riddle and Joseph E. Riggs. Jllssiar1. minors Strlk e. MACON , Mo. , Oct. 6. Miners in the Kansas and Texas , the Loomis and the Watson mines have struck for a twenty-five cents per day increase in wages They now receive Sl-75 per day The operators have as yet taken DO action NEWS ! N BRIEF. The Nixon paper mill at Richmond , tad. , burned. The loss aggregates i)0,000. ) ! Count .iugcr.i Satines , formerly French ambassador at Rome , is dead. He was born in 1609. The corporation of Liverpool has de cided to confer the freedom of the city upon Mr. Gladstone. The people of Boise City , Idaho , pro pose to use the boiling water from ar- tcsiac wells for heating their homes and business houses. Jack Gentry , a'notorious outlaw , was killed near Covington , Ky. , by Sheriff Dyers and two deputies. Gen try was wanted for four murders recently committed. Captain Charles H. Heyl of the Twenty-third infantry has been selec ted to represent the war department at the world's fair. The great zRoosevelt organ factory , occupying an entire block in Kew York city , and giving employment- several hundred workingmen , Is to be closed as it has become unprofitable. The national convention of the Nat ional Woman's Christian Temperanca union will be held in Denver from Octo ber 8 until November 2. The con' vention consists of 640 delegates and usually attracts 6,009 visitors. In the circuitfCourt atKew Albany , Ind. , Stuart' & and Perry Culbertson of $1 Paul , grandsons of the late millionaire , W. 8. Culbertson , nled a suit : tq contest tbe will ol their grand father becauia he cut th.em of ? with 100,000 each because they engaged In horse satins DALTONS NO MOKE. THE NOTORIOUS OUTLAWS WIPED OUT AT LAST. FOUR OF THE DESPERADOES KILLED , Make a It ill d on Two Hanks of Cot- fpjrvllla , ICiui. Citizens Tulco Up ArniH mid Wnco 11 Fierce ISuttlclii Which riiruo of thu I.utter Are Killed A Liveryman Kill * Throe of the llumllts. COFFEYVII.LK , Kan. , Get 5. The Dtilton band of outlaws , the most notorious in the West , was wiped oft the face of the earth here to-day , but in the battle which resulted iu their extermination three good citizens were killed and two fatally wounded. IJCIUl. BOB DALION , desperado. GRANT DALTON , desperado. TOM DEDDY , desperado. An uniuontuieu desperado. G T. CONNELLY , marsh al of Coffey ville. ville.GEORGE GEORGE CUBINE , merchant. CHARLES BROWN , shoemaker. Fntully Wounded. EMMET DAI/TOX , desperado. THOMAS G. AYEUS , cashier First Na tional bank. Lucius BALDWIN , clerk in Brown's shoa store. Slightly Wounded. T. A. REYNOLDS , citizen. Louis DIETZ , citizan. Hold ICaid 011 the Banks. The six outlaws earae into the town together on horseback about 9:30 o'clock and leaving their horses iu an alley , walked rapidly across the square and four entered Condon's Lank and two the First National. At Condon's bank the desperadoes v/ere told by Cashier Hall that the time lock would not be open until 10 o'clock , so holding their Winchesters on Ball and Teller Charles Carpenter , said they would wait , taking mean while , the money in the drawer. Bob and Emmet Dalton were the two who took in the First National. Here were Cashier Avers , his son Bert and Teller W. II. Shepherd. They were forced to give up all the money in the safe which was hastily shoved into "bags. The Daitons then forced the three out of the front door and followed right after them. CIti/cns and Outlaws JJattlc. The alarm in the meantime had been given and as the outlaws ap peared CJeorge Cubine , a merchant , and Express Agent Cox shot at one of them , badly wounding him. The out laws returned the fire , killing Cubine. The robbers in Condon Co.'s bank shot out of the window , hitting Ayers and Brown. Both robbers ran back through the bank when they were met by Baldwin and fatally wounded him. him.The The citixens being thoroughly arous ed by this time , were after them hot and heavy and after a fight in which City Marshal Connelly was killed suc ceeded in killing the four desperadoes named and mortally wounded Emmet. He will die before morn ing , if not in one way then another. Jim Spears , a livery stable keeper , with his Winchester rifle , killed three of the outlaws in as many seconds. This created such a diversion that other citizens were enabled to get close enough to kill another of the robbers. The two remaining robbers dropped their plunder and mounted their horses , but a posse was quickly in pur suit and one more of the bandit gang- fell from his horse mortally wounded about two miles from town. The sixth and last was still being pursued at latest accounts. The man who getaway away is supposed to be Allie Ogee. This is the old home of the Daitons and it is peculiarly appropriate that the world should be rid of the gang- here. Great excitement prevails and if the other man is found he will be summarily dealt with. The large rewards for the capture of the outlaws dead or alive will , if the citizens' wishes are respected , go to the families of the murdered citizens. All of the money was recovered to a cent and turned over to the banks. Emmet Dalton Confesses. Emmet Dalton has made a partial confession that his gang was the same that robbed the Pacific express car on the Missouri , Kansas and Texas rail road at Adair station in the Indjaii territory last July and committed other daring robberies. The news was telegraphed to Par sons shortly after 10 o'clock , and Gen eral Superintendent Frey of the Mis souri , Kansas and Texas railroad , with his special car , in which were thirty or forty trusty citizens with Winchesters and shotgun , came to Coffeyville to assist in running the desperadoes to bay. They found on their arrival that there was but little work for them to do , as the plucky inhabitants at Coffeyville had wound up the careers of the desperadoes. RECORD OF THE BANDITS. Bob Dalton as an Ofllcer Train Itobbec- Ics Done Mirfsourians by JJirth. The Dalton boys went to Indian territory from \Vestern Kansas , where they had been mixed up in several county seat fights and numerous little difficulties of their own. They are natives of Cass county , Mo. Bob Dalton , the eldest brother , was for a time deputy sheriff in one of the Western border counties , and was the only one of the brothers who had any reputation as a bad man before the family removed to Oklahoma. Before the opening of Oklahoma Bob Dalton went to the territory and obtained a position as United States deputy marshalHe served in that capacity during the first big rush into Oklahoma. Many of the settlers of Oklahoma will remember Bob as he appeared the day before the opening. He rode into the big camp , of the boomers at Turkey Creek , having- come across the country from the south. There was half a dozen deputy marshals in camp before he got there , but they were not making- any parade of their authority. As i > / - ' -