DM. Sec , Amt. nw } nc } 4 80 07 so } ne } 4 97 ne } mv } > 4 97 e } uw } 4 7 nw } mv } 4 97 sw } nw } . .4 97 aw } lie } 6 1 9-1 se } nwi o l 45 nc } few } 6 1 45 ae } kw } 0 1 45 nw } _ 8 8 97 ncj nw } . .9 S 74 fie } uw } „ 9 S 74 nc } sw } 9 2 74 senw } _ 9 2 74 He } n 3 93 ne } uw } . . . , _ . .12 2 23 n wj mv } _ 12 2 23 sejsw } 12 1 'fl aw ! sw } 12 1 87 nc } nw } 13 72 se } nw } 13 49 mv } nw } . _ 13 1 26 KW } nw } 13 1 26 a.J. 13 6 29 ne } 14 C 29 w } 14 2 78 few } 18 4 02 > w-c } . _ 18 1 89 mvj in. } 19 3 78 com .a nw c-or 19-3-3U , thuticc nib about 5 f > to light of way ot IE. U. , Injure in H se d.HIT.mi mi north luiuol > . ! < ! K R. lim it' ! < iu-tii.ll'sec line mini lu ii'itth mid xct.uii , tKir b < n ci. < l Iln t ne cur ol KM id nwjtif nid S'-c , tliciict * wet 10 piacuol boxm mug 2'i il i hat > nri of ni mv } Ui-3-30 lying -otilh ni K. V. ii. it. "f . .2 8.J sicj t } 19 lo t I'J lot 3. _ _ 19 4 : l I 51 ' " ' " " ' ' ' v } . . . .V.20 l y i } 20 1 & 'J wi 20 l 9 in l * 1 8 ! ) ni I v\ ' . < } -ni . . . ' 'i 3 7.S MS } - i . . 21 1 8 1 t'J t'JHI lu-i - t . . . . . . . .21 HIW sc } M } J2 W ne } in } . s. ' } ne 1 iitt'l 11 n X- . M\- > : u.i . 24 G : ; > ill ! part KO } mv } MM ! lot 1 i'7 , l > iiu h-.iu : . < if B & M t : Red Willow Pre cinct. Ton 11 , Range 28. De- . Sen. Amt mv } 3 311 15 ne } 4 11 75 ni nw } " > 5 95 t } nw } . . .5 5 9. > n } iW } .5 5 Si ne } sw } 6 3 33 lot 3 J3 3 4 : > lot 4 6 3 17 lot 5 6 4 02 lot G. G 3 17 lot 7 G 3 17 so } sw } G 3 59 swjse } G 338 e } M ; } G G 96 nw } s e } . G 3 88 fi.sw } 7 G 75 n { si- } . . 7 G 73 wi sw } _ 7 6 75 sill thsit part nw } nw } 16-3-2 * . csceptSa acres in nw } 29 75 . :11 part set ne } 17- 3-2S , as follows : com mencing at ne cor se } ne } 17-2.28 , thence n 0 rods , w 32 rods , s SO rods c 32 rods to be- Kimiing 1 31 sc } _ .17 12 27 nt swi 18 G 75 < } - . } 13 3 80 u { no } 19 G 75 se } ue } 19 338 lei i 19 317 ! o ; 2 19 4 22 lot 5 19 353 lot 1 -JO 111 lot 2 20 1G3 lot S 20 298 lot 4 20 186 lot 5 „ . . . 2D 332 lot t > .20 442 ninw } 20 595 . -w } mv } 20 2 98 e } nw } . .20 1414 lot G _ . .2l 3 32 lot 7 21 177 lot 5 2t 32S lot S . . . .21 230 Jot 9 21 336 354 ' * " ' " ' " * } ! . . . . . . 707 nw } so } . 21 3 4 tl vej. ol 707 MVj _ 2 $ 9 71 ucj .2J 1114 14 14 r hVj. 29 707 v } _ 3. 707 Ui' 32 7 07 \ \ } 32 354 } „ „ 33 6 62 wi t- } 3J 707 c-1 vi 33 707 o sw } 33 707 wi n e } 3J 707 wi sei S3 707 CTovrn 3 , Range 29. 1 1350 nw } . 1 122.5 t-J ' w 1 675 675 ' " " " ' " " "i f - } . . "ii 632 ? ie } _ 14 13 50 sw } te } _ .23 333 3 33 * ' ' 'nw . .7.Z2l 295 3 33 East Red Willow Village. Lot Blk. Amt. 8 8 JO 06 8 _ 12 03 11 _ 12 On ui i3" ! ! " ! ! ! "i2 OG Lot Blk Amt lot Ml - 12 M 06 . . . . 18 00 . 13 06 Tyrone Precinct. Town K , Range 20. Des. Sec. Amt. el net _ . 1 81 b6 cjsei . l 466 3 00 mv $ . 1 8 77 nw } . 2 9 76 8W } . 2 9 76 -j . 3 4 : > b J . JJ 425 4 5 10 6 7 09 nei . 9 6 32 MV } . 10 10 10 nw } . 13 h 77 aw } . 15 U76 e } . 17 7 O'J ne } . . . 19 r. Oa wl nw } _ . CT 3 2B ei in- } . 2 $ : < x'i w } nw } . . . 2S 3 18 ci w | . 29 3 11 w } , - } . 29 3 - ' > wl MvJ . 29 3 l ! . . i-i M ; } . 80 3 IH , -i ii-i . 31 2 91 itvi . 81 29 ! Valley Grange Precinct. Town 2 , Halloo 'M. De-- . Sec. MII 1 nw } _ . 2 ? i i t " , . - . z i i u ; , i\v } 4 i u t w } 2 4 J n , l : t 6 i n } „ 3 S ' . ei nw } 3 i > est st 1 _ 8 tl C. : iw } nw } 3 3 - CM * uw } 3 I " nn nt uwcor < > t . - } mi 5-2-i9. tins - s > uth 4' ) rids , uiijt , ' ri'd , north 4 < ) to ! west 40 rnd , tu be ni niujj I 2 lot.\ _ 5 4 s uw } 8 l'.l .7 i 8 9 i 1 "tin- } . . . ' . 10 32 i nxv } . _ 0 4 2 i nw } ID 1 Gl 1 .u } _ 11 : : 7. u. } v } . _ II 1 S. > uj 12 12 f w.v ] 12 Ii Jl } \\l 12 3 it : 1 ni'V 13 S 2- Willow. Grove Precinct. Town 3 , Eange 29. Des. Sec. Amt. nei 3 S13 05 swi nei 4 2 09 nwi nwi _ 4 2 03 sei nwi. : 4 2 09 swi nwi -4 2 09 SWi 9 I5 SWi 10 1 ° lr SWi- 18 7 83 nwi nei 20 1244 swi nei 20 ° w nei nei 20 7 47 sei nei SO 7 47 ei nwi 20 9 93 nei 2l 8 13 nenei : . 22 G 22 sei nei 22 C 22 all that part e half swi of R V 28-J-23 lying n K R not included in Willow Grove Add. to McCook 779 com at EC cor lot 4 , blk 6 , West McCook , thence s to line of B & Jl right of way , thence w along said right of way to a stake s of sw cor of blk C , West Mc Cook , thence n to sw cor of said blk , thence e to beginning. . . .12 44 com at a point where the river between sec tions 31 and 32-3-29 strikes the right bink .f Kopublican river , running thence north' 5 chains , thence east with said section line na a base 10 chains and 50 links , thence south 14 chains to bank of Republican river , thence ahuut river bank to begin ning 9 32 all lot 1 32-3-29 , except 10 acres in sw con.6 22 vp mice's I * ealf by RaU. While ascending Pike's Peak by the new rack railway about one person in 200 is affected by the rarity of the air . at the high altitude. The indications of distress are itching and redness of the nose and then blackness under the eyes. A woman who was dying apparently on a trip recently was sent back on the locomotive to the foot of the mountain , where she recovered. The summit is 14,400 feet above the level of the eea. Insurance Against Frost. A frost insurance company ia being formed in France and it promises to . It is estimated be a successful-venture. : that the loss to agriculture by frost in France is about f IftQOOipOOrand' company will insur * against this. The Trial Meg tin. NEBRASKA CITV , NOD. Sept. 22. The trial or Chancellor Creighton com menced yesterday afternoon at the Congregational church before a jury of fifteen fellow ministers , presided over by Bishop Warren. The inquiry is to be held behind closed doors. The prosecution has three attorneys on hand and the chancellor two. The line of defense is to be malice and spite work. 'One startling revelation however was sprung yesterday , to the effect that the $50,000 advertised to the world as a gift from Jacob Haiah to the Nebraska Wesleyan is not a gift , but a loan at C per cent , which may bo foreclosed on thirty days' no tice in case of non-payment of inter est. A number of witnesses were examined in the afternoon and the testimony w'as said to be of a damag ing character to the chancellor , the exact nature of which could not be learned. The chancellor's opponents however promise some great sur prises in the way of damaging evi dence , and the outcome is looked to with much interest. Tried lo Rob the Oar. OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. 22. A second attempt was made to rob the Benson motor car" last night and a couple of shots were fired. About 11 o'clock a suspicious looking character boarded the car at Clifton Hill and rode out about half a mile , where he jumped off on the roadside and some distance from any house. On the next trip , half an hour afterward , he repeated the performance and the motorman , Jerry Grell , began to think he would like company. On the next trip Su perintendent Cone and Harry Clampitt were on the car and kept watch. Near Frahm's saloon the fellow was seen and hailed. He fired his revolver and plunged off through the weeds with Clampitt and Cone in pursuit. Ho escaped in the darkness and the car went on to Clifton Hill. On its return the passengers thought they saw the would-be robber in Joe llorolos' saloon and went in to investigate. When the fellow saw them he again ran for it and a charge of shot was sent after him , but he again made his escape. Columbus Dny. LINCOLN' , Neb. , Sept. 22. Superin tendent Goudy is sending out the pre liminary outline of the official program for the observance of Columbus day in this state on October 21. The cele bration of this day is recommended by act of congress , and by the proclama tions of President Harrison nnd Gov ernor Boyd. It is the wish of the managers of the World's fair that the exercises on the day be of a uniform nature and to this end an official pro gram has been prepared. The pro gram will be rendered in every school in America simultaneously with the dedicatory exercises on the exhibition grounds at Chicago. The preliminary outline being sant out will enable teachers and school officers to commence - monco their preparations for the event. For obvious reasons the full text of the program will not be sent out until a short time prior to the day itself. Attempted Suicide. GEESHAII , Neb. , Sept. 22. William Rasp , a well-to-do farmer living five miles northeast of here , attempted to commit suicide last night by drinking strychnine. He sold his farm last week for $7,000. Someone told him that he sold too cheap ; that he should have received $1,500 more for it , and it so preyed on his mind that ho be came partly insane. He got hold of a bottle of strychnine , but before he could take any of it his wife got it from him. Dr. Holbrook administered the proper medicines and at last ac counts the patient was better. Impeachment Trial Promised. GKAKD ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 22. George Wilcox haa filed a complaint against County Surveyor Baldwin for maladministration of office and the prospects are that the county will soon experience its first impeachment trial. The chief specification is that Mr. Baldwin , in the capacity of county surveyor , pulled up and removed and changed the mound stake put up by the government surveyors and estab lished another corner between four sections. Had Each Other Arrested. BELLEVUE , Neb. , Sept. 22. War broke out at Fort Crook yesterday between Andy Cox , a sub-contractor , and George McMillen , a grader , end ing in a fight in whieh Cox got decid edly the worst of it. Cox had McMillen arrested for assault and battery. He pleaded guilty , paid a fine and retali ated by having Cox arrested for pro voking the assault by the use of vile and abusive epithets applied to the assaulting party. Cox was found guilty and paid a fine. Prisoners Nearly Escape. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Sept. 22. Pris oners in the county jail here came near escaping last night. They sawed off an iron bar that enabled them all to get out of the corridor. They must have felt pretty certain of escape after getting out of the cells , for they wrote a note to Deputy Sheriff Campbell say ing they disliked to leave him , but had concluded to do so. Severe Hail Storm. ' PIERCE , Neb. , Sept. 22. A severe hail storm occurred here yesterday afternoon about four o'clock lasting tjrenty minutes. Some of the stones measured over eight inches around. WEST POINT , Neb. , Sept 22. Be tween 6 and 7 o'clock last evening hail fell as large as walnuts. There was nowind and little damage. A Fanner Drcps Dead. BEATER Cmr Keb. Sept 22. G. M. Miller , an"old settlr-jand.promi- nflnt-faraer drowped dead on Ms farm in Ru&moB&praciiet yesterday after ? * noon. He was at work and was sup- pdsei tolte in'usual health. Heart disease is ascribed as the cause Ho Refused to Testify. LINCOLN , Ne ! ) . , Oct. 6. The In vestigation of the charges made by Mr. E. C. Kewick concerning alleged mismanagement of the hospital for the insane at this city wns commenced by the bo'ird of Public Land a anil Build ings at the offlco of the secretary of state yesterday. Quito a number of interested spectators were on linml to listen to the hit nlinj ; dovolopiiuith that were promised. Mr. llewick was requested to inform the board what he knew about the charge he has made against the board. He clniniH lo do so , stnlinir th ; > tl e was will'n.f to jjtvo his testimony to : i prop er court , but not to > i board like the one which confronted him. Ho has charged , ho said , thiit the Board o'f Public Lands ami Build ings his : been derelict in the performances of duties and ho did not think that , the members of the board were the proper parties to sit in judgment upon their own short comings. Much time WHH spent in in vestigation , during the forenoon. Tin ; aftOiiioun ti.-Mtou : was brief but more to Ihv poiiit. Frank K. Norrissoy took th * stand Jong enough to request the bosin ! not to close the investigation until Governor Boyd had returned from the -aHt. stating that the gover nor po $ ei.-t"j evidence which bore * tronjJy upon the question at issue. The vouchers referred to by Mr. Rew- ick HB having boon tampered with were produciv.l by tecrnlar ? Allen and placed in evidence. The beard then decided to lake n recess until Oct. 12 , pending the return of Governor Boyd. Nebraska Fires. CLAY CENTKE , Nob. , Oct. 6. Fire broke out in the rear of Harviponts barber shop about 3 o'clock yesterday morning and burned all the buildings Oi ; the north eide of the square to Mar tin s grocery store. The total loss is probably about % l 0.000. TOBIAP , Neb. . Oct. 6. A one-story frame Imur-e located in the eastern part of Tobins. owned und occupied by Joseph Nidolk as a residence , burned yesterday morning. The fire caught from a defective chimney and the fhinies gained strong headway before tl o family , who were at breakfast , were awiira of the fire. Olio. Neb. , Oct. 6. Yesteday morn ing at diyliftht Dr. Buell's home WHS discovered to bo in flames and when the fire department was called out the building was a , solid mass of fire. There are suspicious circumstances connected with the fire , but it is to be hoped that all may be explained , as the family has the sympathy of the community because of the loss of two children lately under circumstances which peculiarly enlisted sympathy. Held to 17m I-'ocTeral Court. LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. G Uurtzel McGeorge , the man arrested at Red Cloud Sunday by Deputy United States Marshal Melick on the charge of inter fering with the United States mails , wns brought before United States Com missioner Billingsley yesterday after noon. The prisoner is charged with having opened a letter containing a money order for § 25. The complain ing witness was E. O. Filbey , who tes tified that he had given the letter con taining the money order to McGeorge on September 12th , with the request that he place it in the mails. ' He swore that the letter had been opened , the money abstracted aud the letter placed in another envelope and then mailed to the address. The envelope in whi < * h the letter was finally received by the party to whom it was addressed was directed in handwriting that bears a striking similarity to the chirography - phy of the prisoner. McGeorge was held to the federal court in the sum of | 500 and in default of bail was com mitted to jail. A Narrow Escape. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Oct. G. Last night Mrs. Mary Glassman , a widow living four miles west of Omaha , ar rived in the city and put up at the Pa cific house. She was accompanied by a young man , Hardwig Gottspinn. Both are Germans. Both were shown to their respective rooms by a clerk , and given explicit instructions how to use the gas. They left a call for early breakfast , wishing to go into the coun try to see about the purchase of a farm. Mr. Gottspin arose at 6 o'clock and after inquiring where Mrs. Glass- mann's room was , went to awaken her. There was no response to his rap and he and a clerk went up to the room , entered it and found Mrs. Glassmann unconscious from the effects of gas. Physicians were called and the woman is thought to be out of danger , though not entirely conscious. New Hall Dedicated. WNSTERN , Neb. , Oct. 6. The new Masonic hall at this place was dedi cated yesterday afternoon. Grand Master Davidson and a number of other grand lodge officers were present , as well as many visiting brothers from Wilber , Swanton , Daykin and DoWitt. A banquet was served at the Commer cial hotel last evening , Masons and their wives partaking. Near Death's Door. OMAHA , Oct. 6. Mayor Miller of South Omaha passed a restless night at the hospital , all the time uncon scious. This evening the wounded man was still alive , but the hospital surgeon offered no encouragement to the friends who hoped that the wound might not prove fatal. There is no hope for the man. Recaptured. THEDFORD , Neb. , Oct. 6. Edward Thompson , who" ' broke jail here day bafore1 yesterday. was' captured last' night at Dunning * - andr' returned to Sheriff Crow , who proceeded to chain < him' down in- his > cell. > He will be guarded hereafter , and close watch placed over him to see-that he gets no outBtda-msaiptance.- - - . - ; NERVOUS DEBILITY cured by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla Tones the system , makes the weak strong. Cures Others will cure you. A reported outbreak of cholera at Helmetta , N. J. , created much excitement in that vicinity. Investigation showed that the dis- cease was n , t cholera but a violent dysentery which is almost as seveie and dangerous as choleta. Mi. U alter Willard , a prominent meichnnt of Jamesberjj , two miles from Ilelmetla , says Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrha-a Keniedy has given great satis faction in the most severe cabcs of dysentery. It is certainly one of the best things ever made. For hale by G. M. Chencry , druggist. No religion can do } ou a bit of good that does not make you to try to do good to others. There can be no health for cither mind or body so long as the blood is vitiated. Cleanse the vital current fioni all impurities by the use of Ayer's Sarsipaiilla. This medicine lecruits the wasted energies , strengthens the nerves- , and i stores health to the debilitated sy.stem. No man i\ pure in hK hait who is not pure in his politics. The formula of Aver'- , Sarsaparilla js well known to the medical piofcsMon , and univer sally approved. The leputation of the firm guarantees excellence * and uniformity in the medicine , and the woiJdV- experience for nearly half a century has fuliy demonstrated its value. The only truly brave people are those who are not afraid o'l truth. There is no excuse for any man to appear in society with a grizIy beard since the in troduction of IJucUingham's Dye , which colors a natural blown or black. A public speakcr houl. ! only tell the truth , but does he ? It is Icared isot. Wisdom's Robertine Is meeting with great success everywhere , and is rapidly supplanting every other preparation of a like nature. There is a gieat deal of selfishness that claims to wear the robe of Christ. Canada to Capo Horn. Every drujrjrist in this \ast territory keeps and recomineid < flmnohi-i'j-s' specides nnd finds /Sri tin * best t-aticitnction of theySri ; - any thing he si-ll . There are no promises of help in the Uible for lazy men. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chrome Sere Eyes. Tetter , Salt Rheum. cad ! Head. Old Clnonic Soies , fever ores. Eczema. Itch , 1'rairie Scratches. Sore Nipples and PileIt is cooling and soot hint : . Hundreds ol'i-tiM-s have been ctiicil by it alter all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 aud 50 ceut boxes. For sale by George M. Chenery. : First Publicatiou September 2d. 1892. LAND OFFICE AT MCUOOK.NEH. . i August 27.1802 , f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intentioi 'o make linal proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before lieg ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday. Octobers , 1802. viz : EGBERT II. EVEIUST ; H. E. D. S. No. 6839 for the S. E. X See. t'5. T. 1 N. of K. 28. W. of the Cth P. 31. He names th ( following Witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said lar.d viz : George B. Morgan. Joel B. Dolph. James W. Leisure and Seth T. Parson , nil of Bun- bury , Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY , Register. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Edward B. Bowen nnd Edwin L. Laycock , under the llrrn name ol "Bowen and Laycock" , Is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. Edwin L. Laycock con tinuing in business. Edward B. Bowen retir ing. All outstanding debts owing to the late firm -will be paid to Edwin L. Laycock. who will pay all legal obligations against said firm. Dated AlcCook , Nebraska , September28th.l692. EDWARD B. BOWEN. EDWIN L. LAYCOCK. BUY L.W. NELL & GO. PROCLAMATION. WIIBUEAS. A resolution was adopted by Hits LcglHltituru of the Stute of Nebraska at the Twenty-second session thereof , tiuil up proved April-fill. A. D. 1801. proposing nn ainond- tiient to Section Ono (1) ) , of Artlclo Five tf ) , of the constitution of mild -111110. and that s-aid section as amended phtiil roud HK follow" , to- wli : MU.TION 1. ( ( illleurs. ) The executive ile- puriinfill hliall co'iMi-t of n governor , lleiUMi- ant governor , fcrtutiiry of elate , audlr-ir of pulili j accountp , Ucnsurer , superintendent , of public. Instruction , iiitonicy tcnural , cnmnils Hlotier ol public lands nnd I'UlldiiiKH and ihrei- nillrond commlHtfionord. whoao powers and du- tiHH dnill bo such HH may bo prescribed by la\\- . ' 1 ho llrst namui ! elvht ( S ) ollicciy filial ! hold office for the term of two years from tinHrM Thuredny nfter the llrst Tuesday in January next after his election , and until his PUCCCHH- oris elecied and < iualilled : I'KOVIDKD. now- EVKII. ' 1 hat tlif tlrnt election of Bald llrnt eiKbt named ollieer8 shall hit held on Iho Tuesday Micceedlnjr the first Monday In Novi-int ( * r. IbrrJ.iuid eaeliBUcceediiif : election slinll be held at the same relative time In each even year thereafter. Tim three lust i.amcd ollicers nr rallioad ci.mml.-HionerH f hall be elecied b\ the electors of the Mute at larj/e , and their terms of ollice , except of those chosen at the llrst election , us lierehmficr provided , shall be three yean * . The Hist cleeiion lor railroad commioiiers ! shall he held on the Tuesday succeeding the tlrst .Mondi > > in Novembor.iy.Kf. and shall be held at the same relative time in each HiicceediiiR year. The railroad commis sioners shall , immediately alter the llrst said election in 1KITJ. be cl.issilied by lot. to that one shall hold his ollico for the term of one year , me for the term ot two years , and one for the term of three years. No person shall be eligi ble to the ollice railroad uomin'ssinner who bu in the employ ol any common currier , or thu owner of any rail load bonds or sicK-'Ic. erin in any manner whatever pecuniar ! ! } interest ed in any railroad company. Thu Kovcrnor. secretary of the state , railroad commissioners , auditor of public accounts nnd tieasurerfilmll reside at the seat of government dunnf , ' their term of ollico and keep I he public records , books and papers there , and shall perform sucn duties as may be required by law ; Pito- vioEi ) . IIOWKVKH , ALSO. That the governor shall appoint three railroad commissioners who shall hold the.r ollice until their success ors are elected and qualified as provided here inbefore. SK.C. " . That I'nch person votinjr in favor of this amendment shall buve written or print ed upon his ballot the following : "Ftr the proposed amendment to the constitution ic- Itttiiiir to executive ollleers. " Therefore. 1 , James E. Hoyd , Governor of the State of Nebraska , do hereby Kive notice In accordance with section onel ( ) , article sev enteen (17) ( ) . of the crnstitution and the provi sions of the act entitled "An act to provide tlio manner of proposing- amendments to the constitution and submitting the. mime to tin- electors of th > state. ' * Approved Febru ary 13th. A. D. 1677. that said proposed amend ment will bu submitted to the ( jnalilled voter- : of this stare for appnual or rejection at the general election to In : held on the 8th day of November. A. U. 180J. IN WtTiNKSSVIJUUOF. . I hereunto set my hand and cause to bu affixed the Kreat seal of tiif Slate of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln thisauh day of July. A. D. I8t' ! . and the Gth yi-arof the State and of ihe Independence of the United Slates the one hundred and seventeenth. [ SEAL ] JA.MESE. HOVD. Ity the Governor. J. U. Ai.ijKN. Secretary of State. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS. A joint lOholulion was adopted liy the Legislature of the Slate ot Nebraska at the tuLntseeoud session thereof , and up- proved April ( ith. A. I ) . 1S9I. proposing tin iimcndruiMit to suction nine (9) of article' eight (8) ( ) , ol ° the constitution of stint state , mid that said section us amended sliull rend as follows , to-wit : SECTION 1. All funds belonging to thestnto for eduetitionul iiurpoics , the interest mid in come whereof only tire to be used , shall be deemed trust lumls held by the state , and the state shall supply all looses thereof that may in miy mniiner accrue , so that tiie siime shall remain forever inviolate anil tindiminiohi'd. and shall not birinvoMtd or loaned except on United Stales or State beenritiep. or registered county bonds , or registered school district bonds of this state , nnd such funds wiili the inteiests and inoonie tnereol. aie hereby solemnly pledged tor tin ? purpose * for which they arc grunted and set apart , and shall not be translerred to tin > other l nnd lor other uses. ShcrioN 2. At sueh election on tliImllot ct each elector voting : tor or against tins pro posed amendment shall be written . , r primed the woids : "For proposed amendment in the constitution relating to pHnimneni ht-hool t'lllll ) . " * * A friltnut'Kifrt ihitfl . i.l ! ! : friltnut' < ! nt fir ( > itii. * inent to the eonstitiitiou reluliuir to perinu- nent school fund. " SKI ; . J ! . It such umeiidincnt shall be approv ed by a majority ol all the electors voiinr at such election , said proposed amendment Mm ! ! constitute seet-oii nine ( ! ; of nrticle eizit ! ( Sj of the constitution of the State of Nehmslia. Therelorc I. .lames R. Hojd. Governor ot the State ot Nebiaska. do hereby ylvc notice in iiecordiince with section ( I ) artielr ; seven teen (17) ( ) , of the constitution aud the provi sions ot an act entitled "An act to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to the constitution and submitting the same to the electors ot the stiue. " Approved February 13th , A. I ) . 1877. that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters ot this state for approval or rejection at the general election to beheld on the8th day of November. A. D. lb'J2. IN WJ.TNLSS WIIEIIEOF , I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be alli.xcd the jrreat seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 20th day of July. A. D. 1892 , and the 20th year of the State , and of the Independence ot the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. [ SEALJ JAMES E. HOYD. Hy the Governor. JOHN C. At.r.KN , Secretary of State. NOTICE TO IAHD OWKEES. la ell When it 2:7 Ccea : The commissioner appointed to examine u road commencing sit south end of bridge cross ing1 Republican river on east line of section 3f ! in town. S , ran > ro 30 , Perry precinct. Hed Willow county. Nebraska , running- thence north 86 decrees 30 minutes , west 12 chains 25 links : thence north 64 decrees , west 2 chains ; thence north 83 der .es , west 6 chains : thence north 33 degrees , west 2 chains 50 links ; thence north 33 degrees , west 2clmius ; thence north 77 degrees , wests ctminstJO links ; thence north 58 degrees , west 12 chains ; thence north 63 decrees 30 minutes , west 13 chains ; thence north 87 decrees , west"chains25 links ; thence north 80 degrees , west 4 chains ; thence north 63 degrees 20 minutes , west , 4 chnitis : tueuce north 83 degrees oO minutes , west 13 chains 50 links : thence north 07degrees 15minutes , west 4 chains 30 links : thence north 78 degrees 30 minutes , wests chains ; thence south 78 de grees 30 minutes , west It ) chains SO links ; thence west 4 chains 50 links ; thence north 80 degrees , weft 14 chains 20 links ; thence north 68 degrees , west 9 chains 00 links : thence north4Bdegrees , west Inclining ; thence north CO degrees , west 15 chains 50 links ; thence north OS degtee-5. ivesta chains 5G links ; thence Avest 117 chiiii.s 70 links ; terminating at Meeker Irrigation ditch , has reported in favor of the location thereof , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be flled in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 26th day of November. A. D , 1ST2 , orsuid road will be established without reference thereto. 18-4ts. GEO. W. Hot-En. County Clerk. First publication Sept. 23.1SB2. PROBATE NOTICE. STATH OF NEISIIASKA , i „ „ Ked Willow County , h Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims nnd demands against the estate of Sidncv . Ford , deceased , late of Ited Willow county , that the time fixed for Uliug claims against said estate is six months from the 13th day of September , 1SW. All persons are re- quiied to present their claims with vouchers to the county judge of said county , at his office therein. OH or before the 13th day ol March , 1S03 , and all claimsso filed will be heard before the said judge on the 15th dav of March. 18U3. at one o'clock , p. in. Dated September 13th. Is92. CHAS. W. BECK. County Judge. All persons indebted to eaid estate are re quested to make immediate payment to Justin A. Wilco.x. executor of estate. JONES , HE PAYS THE FREIGHT. 8-TON' WACOM SCALES , $60 : 22AX 3SS Freight Paid. TVatranted for S Tears Agent * Wnntcd. Bend for Tena * . FARMERS' Burn nod Wnrclioiiie Scale * . JOKES OP BUTGHAMTOH. BingIiamtoaF. Y. "I . . . . ' . . . . A. .r. iriTTKXumwi-r. o. n. IIOYI.K. -JK & no VLB ! ATTOHNKVS - AT - LAW , % McfOUIC. XKH. . ) . K. KKhLKY , ATTOK.VKY - : AT - : - LA AY , . . AllKNT I.1NOOLN LAND CO. MtM'uOK. - - NiSIJUASrCA. OKKICK : In ri'iirnf I-'ir-t Natlonnl Hunk. MUttllV. . COL IS , IJAWVKR , McCOUK. NBHIMSICA. . . priiclicc In nil courts. CoiinnurclN. iiml corixiniliiiii . linv n xpi'ciulty. Moiii-y to . limn. Km. ma 4 itndfi < > l l Klrse Nnllotnil hltl'tr. SNAVKI.Y & PHILLIPS , Attornex s and Counsellors at Law , . . . INHIANOI.A. NKH. J37 Pruc-tU'i- llu'Siniciiiiil K'dentl Courts. Ii. K. DAVIS , IMIYSH'IAX AND SHIMON McCODK. XKi : . . . . . ii. Hi > n : > - il to II n. HI. - l < > 5 r.nd . . . . 7 in .i. i > in " ' ' r ! -i Vuiliii'iil bunk. A. T. RIO 10 , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AM ) SURGEON. I have locatc.I purm.uiuntry in McCook , Neb. All calls answered promptly by day or . night , in th. * city or country. Special attention given to diseases of children. Ofitce over Lowmnn's store , south ( , f Commercial Motel. Office houis from 8 a. in. to S p. in. Residence . 2 doors south Ot bnel ; school house. CHASE CO. LAfJD & LIVE STOUK CO. lorsei branded on left hip or Jeft ahouldoz , P.O. address , Imperial , Chaao County , and Beat * . . krlce. Nob. Kango.Stink. ilnjr Water and French man crocks. . Chase Co" . , Nebraska. I Brand as cut on side of ' some animals , on hip and . sides of somo. or any where on the animal. J. 3. McBRAYER , Y."I UST'House and Safe Moving z , Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber "Yard v/ill receive prompt attention. R , A. COLE , LEADING- MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , For ( Jo'.il Tailoring , bus not { rot the largest shop ; h.s side of Hustings but he has ; -rof the Largest and liest stock of Cloths iui Trim mings this side of Hastings , which he will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the- kaiuekind of floods. Shop 3 doors west of the Citizens Hank. NOTICE. Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys , And any other brci-d easily obtained by using Dean's Dehorning Pencil ! It never lails. Ftuit-faclion jMinmntfuiI or money refunded. For testimonials nnJ fur ther int'orniiition see circular. I'nce-'jO tents. Sola by byO O- Dealer in Harness. Suddlery and Turf Goods. Jlccook , Neb. Light track harness a specialty. I "Will .AfoSd Qnaclu. Vrandi and Jlosui Sfedlcal 2nattutce 1 > y ol3Z to the Old , Ecllairie OIL 1 02 i , IO4 W. KSNTH S7i2tET. KANSAS CITY , SfiO. AJlcgiilar Graduated Medicine. Over 26 years ? practice 12 in Chicago. EttablishcdlSfia. THE OM ST IX , = - and LONGEST LOCATED. Authorized by Iho State to treat Chronic. Nerrons " Weakness. ( XIGHT and "Special Wseoses. Seminal rossES ) < = ernal Debilttr < w > ss or SEXUAL POWEIU Keraus'Dc ilftr I'oisoned Blood. Ulcers nnd Swell- taSoTOTCTT k nd. Urinary and Kidney Disease , etc. CurcB Guaranteed or 3Ioney .Refunded , Low. Thousands of ca e cured ChargeLow. . Experience Is Important Io mercury every year. medlcino used. J.O time lost or Injurious from cury business. Patients ot n. distance treated by mall and eipress. Medicines sent everywhere free fromgazoorbreaksse. State your case ana send for terms. Consultation free and confidential , per- . full of descriptive pictures , sealed in plain envelope for Cc. la sUmps. N. B. Thi book contains SECKETS ar. < J useful knowledge which should bo read by every male from 13 to 45 yearsof we end keptnnder lock and key. FKEE MUSEUM OF.AXAT- OSTJT replete -with a thousand Interesting speci mens. Including the celebrated Krench Manlbla TTBleh alone cost over tCOO. JFor Men Only. THE BREATTUBUSH RHEOHAT1C CUBE. M. FOSITITX C5BK FOB EllKl JUTISB. fSO t-T any case this treatment falls to I cure or help. Greatest discovery In | annals of medicine. Ono dose gives I relief ; a few doses removes f ever and I pain in joints ; Cure completed In a * few days. Send statement of case -with stamp for Circular * . DR. HEMOERSOH , KAaSAS ITY , MO. - , Subjectaneadfearno.loncer Jrpia thtscKlnc of Terror * . for < by a-moat wonderiql discbrery la metllclne , cancer on any. parujftba body permanently cured ivlthont then o"or the ? Unit * . ' - , , . - > ie > K * JIKS. iru. Cor.irr. 2507Indiana r. Chicago : " ' , laja. "Wascnredotcancerof the breast liiBlr r we k by your method of treatment. " Send Tor Dr.BC. C. 3 > Ie,3C5SltaSt..ailca80.