S. M. COCHRAN * CO. , 1EE AGENTS FOIt THE CELEBRATED Union Press Drills and * , . One Horse Hoe Drills , WAGONS AND BUGGIES. ALSO KEEP REPAIRS FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Absolutely Rust Proof Tinware Their prices on all goods are as low as the lowest possible. S. M. COCHRAN & CO. , , , . . Ve t Deunlaoii Street lUcCOOK NEBU.4SKA. A. KALSTEDT , McCOOK , - NEB. THETAILOR ! W. 0. BULLAED & CO. -tol- LIMB , HARD CEMENT , AND DOORS , E WINDOWS , SOFT BLINDS. COAL. O BBD CKDAJF ? . AND OAK POSTS. S3TU , J. WARRRN. Manager. B. ! . Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT M EATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , , CHICKENS , . , . TURKEYS &c. &c. F. S. WILGOX& CO. , Props. Notary Public. Justice of the Peace. GL DHL REAI > : ESTAT LOANS AND INSURANCE. Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property. Collections a Specialty. DO YOU READ The Leading Weekly in West ern Nebraska. $1,50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE , TENNYSON'S LIFE EBBING , Thn Venerable Foot Laureate of England . - lowly Hut Surely I'ttssln } ; Awiiy. LONPON , Oct. C. Lord Tennyson is dying quietly and peaceably as though he was falling to sleep , is the report which has just come from the home of the venerable poet laureate of England. The destroying angel is , however , asserting its dread power slowly , as though loath to take from the earth the spirit of the greatest of living singers and it may be hours be fore dissolution will come. The bulletins from the sick room , which are very few because the poet requested as little publicity as possi ble , are delivered to the newspaper men by Hallain Tennyson. The people ple of the village of Aldworth know nothing about the poet's condition for he has never made friends with any of them. AS DEADLY AS THE CHOLERA. Influenza I'laylnjr Sad Havoc With the l'oox > lo of Peru. NBW YORK , Oct. 6. Peruvian advices are that influenza is making fearful ravages in Lima. Some days the num ber of deaths was thirty. The mor tality returns for three days during last week show ninety deaths. The streets are almost deserted and funeral processions are to be seen at nearly every hour in the day. It is estimated that over 30,000 persons have been attacked with the disease in Lima. The epidemic also prevails in the Pachicamao , Cienequilu , lluayeam and Manchay valleys. Inclhinn Gerrymander Cases .Delayed. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Oct. 6. The Indiana supreme court yesterday re fused to advance the suits to test the gerrymander acts of 18S5 and 18al without further consideration. The court ordered that inasmuch as the case was one of great importance to the people in the entire state , the attorney general should not appear in their behalf. As the attorney general is Green Smith , the Democrat who kept Lieutenant Governor Robertson out of office , the action is taken by politicians to mean that there will be no decision until after election. Episcopalians in Council. BALTIMORE , 51 d. , Oct. 0. The Prot estant Episcopal triennial covention opened this morning in Emanuel church. The sixty-six bishops ente red by the front door , each wearing , in addition to his white surplice , a robe denoting his rank of office in the church. They walked two and two down the center aisle and took their seats on either side of the chancel fac ing the altar. The opening sermon was delivered by Bishop Wilmer of Alabama. Bishop John Williams of Connecticut officiated at the celebra tion of holy communion , assisted by Bishop Neely of Maine. TV'caver May Bo Wa rmly Received. NASHVILLE , Tenn. , Oct. G. General James B. Weaver , People's party can didate for president , has an appoint ment to speak in Pulaski , this state , Saturday. lie was in command at Pulaski during the war and many peo- jle of that county hold that he was : ruel and unkind during that time. Citizens have held a meeting to adopt measures to insure Weaver a respect- 'ul hearing , but some of the conserva- ive citizens feared that there would > e trouble and an effort was made to lave him withdraw , but it failed. I'cacc Kcljriis Suprems. nuTSON" , Neb. , Oct. G. Six hun dred armed citizens , representing the entire male population of Trenton and ihis place , laid down their arms to day , and the Ilitchcock county seat var was at an end. This was the re sult of the information that the state troops were preparing to move on the county with Gatling guns. General Virquain wired Acting Gov- vernor Majors that peace had been restored and the records returned. He las dismissed the military and re- eased the trains. Sued for Funeral Street Car Use. ATCHISON , Kan. , Oct. G. The Atchi son street railway company has sued John A. Martin post , G. A. R. , ' for ยง 36.50 , with interest , for cars used to convey veterans to the cemetery to attend the burial of ex-Governor John A. Martin , October 4 , 1889. W. L. Challiss , president of the street rail way company , is the father of Mrs. Martin , and probably on this account the old soldiers thought they would not have to pay the bilL They will fight the case. Central Protective Ofllcers Chosen. OI.ATJIE , Kan. , Oct. G. The Central Protective association of Kansas and Missouri closed its seventh annual meeting at this place last night But ler , Mo. , was chosen as the place for the next meeting , and W. S. Connor , of East Atchison was re-elected presi dent ; B. L. Stine of Rosedale , vice president ; W. H. Smith of Atchison , secretary , and Sid Simmons of Inde pendence , Mo. , treasurer. Cleveland to Come West. CHICAGO , Oct. G. Ex - President ( Cleveland will be seen in Chicago this month. Word was last night received that he had decided to reconsider his refusal of the invitation to the ex position dedication and was preparing a letter of acceptance. This , report was confirmed by Director'General Davis who had received a promise that Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland woulcTbe here October 21. , ,5 < Gladstone Not Against Sunday Concerts- LOXDOX , Oct. G. Mr. Gladstone 'was- asked for his opinion of the aims'of jj the Sunday concert society , the object" of which is to provide pleasures for the people. In reply the prime minister has written a letter saying that while he never did indorse such things he has no severe censure for those who do. Drought In Eastern Now Mexico. SAKTA FE , N. M. , Oct. 6. The long continued drought in the eastern part of the territory is causing considerable , suffering. Never before was th water so scarce in Lincoln countj. The water supply of the United States troops at Fort Stanton is so far re * Sliced that it has been necessary to -r hibit bathinjr. FIRE AT UNIONVILLE. MO. Wtstt Hide of the Square Destroyed by Flumes With a Los * of 830,000. ONIOXVILLE , Mo. , Oct. 6. A destruc tive fire visited our city early yester day morning and laid in waste the brick blocks on the west side of the square. The fire originated in the kitchen of the Jiarnum house and be fore it was discovered that large structure was enveloped in flames. The lower story of the build ing was occupied by Bellcr & Stahl , grocers , and II. T. Mairs , drugirist. The flames next attacked Swett's harness establishment , a large two-story brick , which was soon in ashes. From thence to the large hardware and furniture establishment of II. R. Bradsfield & Co. it wended its way and soon consumed it The aggregate loss will probably amount ta S30.000 , with insurance to cover the amount for about2. > ,000. .St. Louis' Gala Night. ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct. G. To the stirring notes of nearly 1,000 musi cians , amid all the glories of a match less autumn night , the moon and stars rivaled by the almost 100,000 electric gaslights of St. Louis' fall illumination of the streets , the Veiled Prophet , mystic guardian of the Mound City , escorted by a magnificent pageant of twenty-two gorgeous floats , made his fifteenth annual appearance here last night , greeted by a throng of over fiOO.OOfl loj'al subjects gathered along the route of the parade. Yoiin ; ; in Year * , Old In Crime. Four SCOTT , Kan. , Oct. G. Floyd Graham , alias Will Davis , the burglar captured at Sedalia last week , yester day plead guilty of robbery in the first degree and was sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary. He con- fe.sses being an old hand at the busi ness and is but 20 vears old. Wayne MacVeagh. PHILADELPHIA , Oct G. Wayne Mac- Veagh , who was attorney general un der 1'resiuent Uarneld , is out in a lengthy letter to a Boston club in which he gives his reasons for voting for Cleveland. He believes the Demo cratic position on the tariff is the cor rect one. A Parsons Younjj Lady Laivj-er. PAKSONOS , Kan. , Oct. G. Miss Fan nie Cooper , of this city , made applica tion before the Labette county district court for admission to the bar yester day. She is a most talented young lady and is the first woman in the state of Kansas to practice law. Michael McArdle , the Atchison coun- to , Kan. , farmer who shot and killed Alexander Perry , his hired man , a year ago , was found guilty of murder in the second degree. THE KANSAS CITY S. IT. Cor. flthsnd ufudffay , For tbe treatment of all Chronic and Surgical Dlsea > and Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Tbe object ofthli Sanita rium Is to furnish board , rooms and medical attention to those suffering with Deformities , Diseases ot Women , Dis eases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs , Diseases of the Nervous System. Lang and Throat Diseases , Piles. Cancers , Tumors. Etc. , Etc. Snrglcal Operations performed with skill. Books free to Men amd Women. For further information call on or addre * * DR. C. M. COE , Kansas City , frlo. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescript ionfor , Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil * It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve * teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach And bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos * toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. H Cftitorfa la an excellent medidno for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good ffect upon their children.1 * Da. O. 0. Osaoon , Lowell , Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant -when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children , and use Castoria in- tteod of theTariouiquacknostrums which are destroying their lored ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful gents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Da. J. F. KINCTKLOE , Conway , Ark. Castoria. M Castoria Is to well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any preecriptioa known to me. " H. A , Amman , H. ] > . , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart * menfc have spoken highly ot their experi ence In their outdde pracUco with Castoria , and although we only hare among our medical supplies what Is known as regular product * , yet we are free to confess that tha merit * of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISFKISABT , Boston , : AT.T.T ? 0. SKITO , Fret. , The Centaur Company , TT Murray Street , Now York City. GEO. J. BURGESS , Dealer in All Kinds of First-Class Implements and Machinery Wagons , Road CartsBuggies. . A Square Deal , The Best are the Cheapest. COME AND SEE ME. Yard West of First National Bank , McCOOK , NEB. Tiie Oitizens Bank of icGook , Incorporated under State Laws. Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO -DOES A- ene ankin Bosiness , Collections made an all accessible points. Drafts drawa directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FKANKLIN , President. JOHN K. CLAKK , Vice Prea. A. 0. EBERT , Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS : The First National .Bank , Lincoln Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. first AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $100.000. $60,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W. F. LAWSOti , Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. THE McOOOK ROLLER MILLS , E. H. OOAN , PROPRIETOR , f ; t Is Now Open and Ready for Business , fe # | . Jgp"I am prepared to handle all business in my 'J4s Jine promptly and with the most approved machinery. L * . ; , .DOANf& : HART * ' are aWpreparectfo handle wheat for which they are ? ) * " paying fed lughest market price. 'Mills and'Eleyator on East Bailroad street Say That You ' Saw it in The Tribune.