, ' " * ' ' - _ f v- V " ' * ; , - > ' ll " > ' , ' - Sr * * " * A ' r ° V V ttr-f. ELEVENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. OCT. 7 , 1892. NUMBER 2O. CO , EVERY = WHO FURNITURE ! t Now is the time when you can BUY CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE IN McCOOK. We are here to live and let live. It is to your interest to encourage the man who for the first time SELLS FURNITURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. I will sell to responsible parties on instal ments , if desired. Yours for Fair Play. A. H. BURDICK. I have a furniture house in Hastings and can supply most anything on short notice. Watch n Comer For the Next 3O Days we Will have NEW GOODS arriving daily. The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices Will be found. Our Stock of HAS JUST ARRIVED. ALSO : CLOAKS and JACKETS for Ladies , Misses and Children at from $1.OO up to $3O.OO. FALL STYLES OF HATS , Our Grocery Department is COMPLETE and We Are NEVER UNDERSOLD. Give us a cliance to sell you goods and you will Tbe satisfied. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. C , ALLEN. E. M. Reid was the guest of his son Frank close of past week. SRondmaster Josselyn is in thu city today on railroad business. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Keim were passen gers on G , this afternoon. Mrs. Ben Marvin of llolyoke , is here on a visit to relaltives and friends. Supt. Campbell went west on the flyer , this noon , on railroad business. Mrs. II. F. Harman and baby are homu from McCook. Oxford Standard. Tl e pay car is billed for McCook at 4:30 : , Thursday afternoon , October 13th. Mrs. A. J. Chambeis ariived home , Mon day night from a fe.v days visit in Lincoln. Mrs. Jas. McAlpine arrived home , this noon , from a prolomred visit to relatives in Canada. Conductor F. S. Granger has purchased theDixon property corner Manchester and Dakota. John Stevens , machinist , has purchased the Adam Walrath farm about four miles northwest of the city. George Pronger , engineer , has commenced building a dwelling house in the northeast ern paitof the city. Mrs. S. W. Lee and children returned Sun day from a brief visit with relatives at Mc Cook. Oxford Standard. It is rumored that the Duluth. Sioux City and Pueblo people have let contract for grading as far west as Lexington. Mrs. Crandall , mother of Harry and Frank , arrived in the city last Thursday evening , and is keeping house for the boys. The busy locomotive earns all that it can get in the way of careful keeping. The average daily earningof a locomotive is about $100. Bert Caldwell has gone to McCook to accept a position as train dispatcher , a place Bert can fill to perfection. Hastings Demo crat. crat.Ed. Ed. Wiener , the genial stenographer in Supt. Phelan's office , has been promoted to the position of receiver for the Wyoming division. Alliance Times. Miss Lulu Stingle was called here from McCook this week by the serious illness of her niece , Ora Burton , who has been added to the list of typhoid feversuiferers. Oxfoid standard. B. E. Ridgway , who lias been working on the section of the B. & . M. near McCook has been promoted to the position of boss of : i section near Haigler. He is an industrious and reliable young man and deserves the promotion. Benkelman Bee. Plumbers from Lincoln are here this week engaged in making extensive improvements in the heating system of the B. & . M. hotel. The old furnace being too small will be re placed by improved steam heating appar atus fully adequate to the demands of the establishment. Oxford Standard. Marshall Roby , whom we remember as one of Ked Cloud's youngsters years ago , and who has been west , returned this week to visit his parents. Marshall has out-grown himself and his friends. He now weighs 235 and is "clear out of sight" He is depot agent for the B. & . M. at Atlanta , Neb. , at present Ked Cloud Chief. A cat recently rode on the truck of a car from Kicmond to Indianapolis , a distance of seveuty-five miles. At every station Sir Thomas would alight and take a look at the place , bat when the whistle would blow he would scamper back to the road and mount the truck again. The railroad company has adopted Sir Thomas as a mascot. The Red Cloud Railway Employes Club of Nebraska , No. 272 , which was organized several weeks ago , held a meeting last Wed nesday evening. The officers of the club are F.D. Martin , president ; Geo. Hollister , vice- president , John Mahoney , recording secre tary ; Chas. Milligan , treasurer , and S. W. Foe , sergeant at arms. The above organiz ation is for the purpose of furthering the best interests of the employes and the railroads. The time of meeting will be the first and third Wednesdays in eacli month. Argus. A number of friends dropped in upon Mr. and Mrs. Hulaniski , Monday night , and made merry with them over the tenth anni ; versary occasion of their marriage , and a very happy evening was enjoyed by all : Elighfive was the ever popular social basis. Refreshments of a dainty and most appetiz ing character were served at an appropriate interval. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kenyon , 0. M. Knipple , Frank Keudlen , Z. L. Kay and Herman Pade , who left a set of silver spoons with the count and lady as a souvenir of the nappy occasion. District Court Filings. Warren O. McClure vs. H. M. Ashmore , et al , equity , Sept. 22. Ruth H. Lathrop vs. Wm. Anderson , et al , equity , Sept. 22. Charles U. Crabtree vs. George Crabtree , equity , Sept. 27. Aultman , Miller & Co. vs. T. N. Youngf attachment , Sept. 29. THE TIUBUXE will add features this fall which will make it wortli subscribing for. Try it one year , and if it dosn't suit you- you needn't pay for it.- PEOPLE YOU KNOW. A. W. Coiey wont clown to Ua. tinj.s , Sun- diiy on 4 , on a horse deal. Mrs. 13. 13. Davis is home fiom her visit to Minneapolis , Minn. Prof. Valentine's mother is expected teat at rivu in our city , Monday. George Fentress' family came up from Red Cloud on Tuesday evening. John Weintz came in from Denver on 0 , toJay , on u visit to his parents. Dr. 13. 13. Davis was called to Cambridge , professionally , Sunday evening. Dr. Ilice has moved up on Melvin street , two doors south of the school nouse. L. 13landiiiK will leave for his homestead in the Indian Tenitory , overland , first of week. J. S. Eilcendall of North Valley precinct was the guest of his biother-in-law , II. 1J. Berry. Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. E. Johnston will leave for Juniata , tomorrow on a visit to relatives , of two or three weeks. Miss Nora titioud went down to Hastings , Saturday morning , to interview an oculist concerning her eyes. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Jacobs are the parents of fine twin boys , that put in an appearance , Wednesday morning. Miss Mae McArthur arrived home , this noon , from Lincoln where she has been vis iting for four or five weeks. Kev. W. C. Stevenson went down to Beatrice , this morning , to participate in the state convention Y. P. S. C. E. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. IIupp , of Lebanon , were with us a biief while , yesterday , leav ing on 5 for Trenton , last evening. Banker 0. Frost was up from Bartley , Saturday , viewing Ked Willows next county seat and present metropolis and pride. Postmaster Troth arrived home , this noon , fiom Minden , where he went to hear the An- drews-McKeighan debate , last evening. James Fraser , who is now employed in a merchantile establishment at Blue Hill , greeted his McCook friends over Sunday. Mrs. Hamm and Miss Flora arrived in the city , yesterday on 4 , from Yuma , Colo. . where they have been living for past few years. Mr. Charles Benjamin of Dan forth , Iroquois comity , Illinois , is visiting his brother E. N. Benjamin of Valley Grange precinct. Mrs. AlivildaBolt , of Ked Oak , Iowa , gave the familv of her brother J. A. Elwnnd a pleasant surprise by coming in to spend a few weeks with them. Kev. A. W. Cotfman returned home , Mon day night , from the West Nebraska confer ence at Kearney. He will have this charge for the ensuing year. J. E. Cochran arrived home from Balti more , Wednesday night on S. The Judge says that the more he sees of the east , the more he thinks of the west. Hon. John C. Gammill , republican nominee for state senator of this district is in. the city , today. Mr. Gammill is making an aggres sive fight and winning friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Young left on Sunday for St. Louis , where it is claimed he will enter the employ of the Heckel hardware company as commercial tourist. Inspector Harlan of the U. S. land office was here in a business capacity , Saturday , finding everything in shipshape in the Mc Cook office , it goes without saying. Kev. Castle , formerly ot the McCook M. E. church charge , now of the northern Ohio confidence , was atBartley , first ot the week , being out west renewing old friendships. Register J. P. Lindsay , J. E. Kelley , A. D. Gibbs , M. H. Bacon and Charles Weintz were among our people that attended the republican rally at Cambridge , last evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield arrived home Sunday noon from a protracted visit in and near Decatur , Illinois , where they formerly resided and where their married daughter now lives. M Mrs. J. 11. Ludyyrek'ieturned home Ion- ' day night , from.Li'ficbln. where she has been consulting Dr. Dayton , the specialist , ' . Who gives her much encouragement that'the baby willjiave a pai Hal use of Ins pyitf at least : I .each , the architect , spent part of aud4Sunday in the city on his way fret § Boise Cjt'y. Idaho , where he has been lowjfed for the past year or two , to Wyinoie , Nebraska. 'He expects to open an office in McCook in the sprint : . ? ' Frank Stillman from near Decatur , Hfinois , last'week purchased the I. J. Star- bjfick farm of 1,200 acres , just east of the city. He is of the lustling tribe of Eli , and will be a valuable addition to the successful farmers of Red Willow county. His purchase is one of the choicest ranches in the Republican varfley. The Delinquent tax list has delayed us a few hours , this week , ? ' ' Services at the Methodist church on next Sunday morning and evening at usual hours by the Rev. A. W. t'offman , whose many Mends will be pleased to learn of his return to this charge for the ensuing conference year. The farmer wfeo. does not put in winter 3yneat this fall , say&theTecumsea Journal , is. not profiting by tlierafoccessfal experiences ofvhis brethren and otlieYEarta of the state. It is being demonstrated/that / winter wheat is one of the very best paying crops that a farmer can raise in Nebraska. t ysa.jvf' ' CARPETS. PAR PFTS v ri-lvl JUJLO IN BODIES VELVETS. APESTRIES. INGRAINS UNIONS , ALL-WOOLS. THREE-PLY China Mattin Ko-Ko Mattings , Oil Cloths in All Widths. Smyrna Rugs , Moquette Rugs , Art Squares , Carpet Paper , Stair Pads J , ALBERT . WELLS , McCook , Net , i IV i' 7 * t