KNIPPLE S ALL ! IN ; ; AND HIS ; Cornet and Sterling BRANDS OF FLOUR IARE THE : m BEST i . Store open till the usual hours. J. A. WILCOX & SON. Se will receive within a few days an elegant line of Ladies , Misses and Children's Cloaks direct from the manufacturers ; also Shawls and want you to look at our stock before purchasing' . Will also receive a large stock of Shoes , Rubbers , etc. Our new dress goods are now arriving. For Hats , Caps , Ladies , Gents , and Child ren's TJndrerwear , Gents Furnishing Goods , Groceries , Flour , etc. , etc. Call on J. A. WILCOX & SON. NEBRASKA LOAN AND BANKING GO. OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. CAPITAL - $52OOOOO FARM LOANS , CITY LOANS , LOANS MADE ON ALL KINDS OF APPROVED SECTTEITY. P. A. WELLS , TRCAS. AND MAGR. CteBESPOKDEKi ; Chase National Bank , New York. ( BEFORE. Would you AFTER. Increase Your Business ? NORTH DIVIDE NUBBINS. Every tiling is lovely. Corn is ripening fast. Humor has it that we arc to have at old folks wedding. 80 is it. * Farmers are busy hay making. Th quality seems better than usual. Will Johnson began work in hi brooin corn the Grstof the week ; being on sod it is still very green. The Unzickcr eighty , joining James Brady on the west , was purchased by the latter ; consideration $800.00. One of James Robinson's horses , an old timer , having indulged too freely ir a feed of oats , died the other day. J. S. Modrell and P. O'Connor have disposed of their well making machinery to Frank Doyle and "Fatty" Bain ; we wish them success. The Stanton Holla farm was bought by Mr. O'Connor recently and the lat ter has been moving the buildings there from the home place. The little three year old daughter ol Wash. Groves , has been seriously ill for the past week. Drs. Harlan and Davis have been in attendance. Herr M. Moehler expects to dispose of his home place to some former ac quaintance and intends to move onto and improve his tree claim. "Jim" Thompson moved over from the Modie vicinity , and is at present occupying tbe Mooney place , which he intends to farm the coming year. S. D. McClain departed on Friday morning , a week , forTllinois ; being call ed there by a telegram announcing the sudden death of his aged mother. Miss Irwin , of Harlan county , has commenced teaching in the North Div ide school house. The attendance for the present is small , and yel the same old tiresome complaints are as prevalent as usual. Some heartless boys have been mak ing numerous raids on the Sanders melon patch , and judging from the hideous racket over there the other night , it would appear that Joe was there himself. A right jolly crowd responded to the general invitation to the Modrell hop , which was held a few evening's since with gratifying pleasure and profit to all concerned , with the exception , of course , of the poor fiddlers. Mike Dooley and one of his former , friends two of Erins most illustrious sons , have been waging war against one another for some time. The former , so we are told , carries all manner of rocks in his pockets and will make it lively for his neighbor on the hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Johnson are happy over the event of a boy baby who made his appearance in a time when help is scarce. No wonder Bil is heard to say : "Ven I look of dem little toes , Und see dot funny leetle nose , TJnd hear de vay dot rooster crows , I shmile like I vos crazy. " CONNIE. BANKSVILLE BUDGET. It is very dry now and people are clamoring for rain. Widow Berndfc threshed her crop of wheat ; it yielded25 bushels per acre. Almost everyone in this part is cut ting and putting up hay , and it is dandy hay weather. Miss Clara Benjamin , of Banksville , has gone to McCook to finish her course in shorthand and typewriting. A. D. and Joe West have returned to Grant precinct : so reported , but we have not seen their smiling countenances yet. The funeral of Jacob Ely , of Rawllns Co. , Kan. , was preached at the Dodge school , Sunday , by Elder Fitzserald. He was a brother of Mrs. Sidney Dodge. Wm. Rclph returned from his Kan sas trip since last writing ; and is satis fied with this part of Neb. , compared with what he saw in his trip through Kan. The school board employed Mrs. E. L. Walker to teach the school west of Banksville , and some party or parties wrecked the school-house so that it was unfit for school ; the majority of the board arranged so that the teacher could teach at S. R. Seamand's house. OBSERVER. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. The best salve in the'world for cuts , sores , bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to pive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 250. a box. For sale by A. McMillen. May23-lyr. Annual meetings of old settler's asso ciations are being held in various parts of Nebraska The Bee suggested re cently that these associations make a point of preserving reminiscences of early times in the state with the view of enriching the fund of information upon which the future historian will have to draw. The early times in this state now seem to belong to the very recent past , and as there are thousands of people who remember all about them the need of written records is little ap preciated , but the time will soon come when reminiscences of early days in Nebraska will possess great historic value. They should be recorded now , and the records of all these old settler's associations should be made treasuries of history. This state is yet young ; ev- c ybody remembers everything now ; bnt the time will come when all this will bo. changed. Attested records are worth wortl. more than double tradition. Bee. The labor organizations which have decided to boycott the World's fair on account of the Sunday closing provision in the appropriation bill passed at the last session of Congress ought not to be hasty. Another session ot Congress is to be held before the opening of the ex position , and if popular sentiment has anything to do with popular government , the obnoxious clause which proposes to exclude the public from the World's fair on Sunday will be repealed. The good sense of the people in this country usually prevails in the end. Let the trades assemblies keep on their coats until they learn how this thing is going to come out. A GREAT deal of this "million aire" racket is abominable rot. Sen ator Plumb was charged -with be ing a "plutocrat" because hewore good clothes and smoked a pretty fair grade of cigars , but when the estate was settled and his debts paid , his life insurance was about all there was left to save the heirs from the poor house. He lacked § 90,000 of being worth one-tenth of a million. THE latest Nebraska weather crop bulletin says that a greatly increased acreage of fall wheat is being sown , in this state. This is a result of excellent crops of this important cereal in various parts of the state this year and indicates ; hat a belief in the advantages of diversified farming is becoming general among those who have litherto depended almost entirely upon corn. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs 'or all kinds of machinery. McCook attended the 'county fair yes terday en masse. CWdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. WANTED. Growers of , aud dealers in choice , fine , green , broom corn , will please quote price baled on board cars , and state when it can be delivered. Address ARMES & BALLAM , X FIJAXCISCO , CAL. BUY OF L. W. McGON NELL & GO , --J Free ! Free ! In order to increase onr cash trade we will give away the following- list of presents to our cash customers , 1 Gold Watch , worth - - $100.00 1 Gold Watch , worth - - 75.00 1 Gold Watch , worth - - 50.00 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth - 75.00 2 Silver Watches at $25 each - 50.00 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 90.00 100 Books , standard works of English ana American nction , bound. 111 cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.00 118 PRESENTS WORTH - - $790.00 We carry the largest stock of Hardware , StoveSj Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , % in Red willow county. And we meet all competition and go them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our goods before buying. W. C. LaTourette. FALL , I wish to announce the arrival of my Fall and Winter Stock of CLOTHING , GEMS' ' FURNISHING GOODS , HATS AND CAPS 10 o | © oocto n/ui-l cwi House , C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. K. D. BURQRSS , PLUMBERSTEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AYE. , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Eoiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. 40 TO 2000 ACRE TRACTS , S5 TO S15 PER AH v& Send stamp for Price List and Descriptiae Circular of Southwestern Nebraska to AND STOCK RANCHES.S. . H. COLVIN , McCook/e < y vfittouCo. . Neb.