ALWAYS THE BEST ! ALWAYS 'THE BIGGEST ! Never Advertises More Than it Really Exhibits ! V . Ev r.v Act , Wagon. Cage , Car , Animal and Tent Brand New. Endless in Mew Novelties ! Limitless in New Features ! Bigger Than The Biggest ! Better Than The Best ! II Coming iii its Own Great Speci.'il Built Railroad Train ! WALTER L. MAIN'S ENORMOUS RAILROAD SHOWS ! 3 BIG 8IR0D8ES ! 3 BIG RIBGS ! iiM& d& : - .vtfvr. l.J > OvbA 1 , 2 , 4nnd 6-IIorse Equestrian Feats ! Flying Acts ! Contortion Brothers Act ! Club Acts ! Jugglers ! Caledonian Sports ! Grotesquists' Acts ! Trapeze Acts ! Mid Air Sensations ! Ladder Acts ! Sensational Female Acts ! High Wire Acts ! Rope Races ! Bicyclists ! Skaters. MINNETTE , The Greatest of Long Skirt Dancers ! The Pastimes , Sports and Games of the Ancient Roman Hippodrome ! Two and Four-Horse Chariot Races ! Standing Races ! Elephant and Camel Races ! I'eiiiccl and Hidden 21 HORSES by One Man ! Pony Races ! Sack Races ! Man Against Horse Races ! Monkey Races ! Fast Spinters in Special Contest ! Male Flat Races ! Female Jockey Races ! Male and Female Hurdre Races ! DOUBLE 5-HoreeaSSSS Wheel-barrow Races ! Pick Wild West Races ! Children's Races ! Sulkey Races ! TWO - COLOSSAL - MENAGERIES ! ZebrasLioiis / Tigers , Leopards , HyenasPumas - Pair Royal Bengal Tigers. - Flock of Ostriches. Illiinocerous , White BearsElands / Sea LionsSeals / Horned Horses and 1/500 Race and Costly Annals. Be in line ! Secure good locations to see the GRAND GALA DAY FREE STREET PARADE. Six Rands ! Six Tableau Wagons ! Fife and Drum Corps ! Golbedecked Cages , Dens and Lairs ! Thirty Mounted Ladies ! Male and Female Jockies ! Tandem Teams ! Roman Chariots ! Long line of Elephants. Camels , Water Bufaloes , &c. ONE BAY ONLYDoors open 1 and 7. Begins 2 and 8 Jf. M. All Railroads sell Cheap Excursion Tickets 'to the Big Show ! A TERRIBLE WRECK. A SANTA 7E PASSENGER TRAIN DEMOLISHED IN KANSAS. fORK OF DASTARDLY MISCREANTS , Supports of a Rail Kemoved on a Down Grade Near Osage City Which Causes Awful Destruction" Four People Killed Outrljjht and Bluiiylnjured ScveuKilled in an Ohio Collision. TOWSKA , Kan. , Sept. 21. Passenger train No. 8 of the Atchison , Topeka and Santa Pe railroad was wrecked by unknown miscreants , undoubtedly train robbers , three miles west of Osage City at 4:30 o'clock this moi-ning and the engine , the baggage , express and mail cars , two day coaches , two chair cars and three sleepers thrown over an embankment three feet and the first six cars telescoped. Four per sons were killed outright and twenty- five seriously injured. There was over $1,000,000 in the ex press car with extra guards on board and the motive was evident. The outlaws had pulled out six spikes and removed the rail clamps , leaving the rail loose. The work had been done with tools stolen from the tool house at Barclay , two miles away. No attempt at robbery was made by the wretches after the disaster. Four Killed. Those killed were : Frank Baxter , express messenger , Kan sas City. Bloomenthal , express guardsman , Mex ico. James Chaddicks , fireman , Topeka. Ed Mayer , engineer , Topeka. Those injured were : Mary Lyman , Bloomington , 111. , badly bruised and injured about head and face. William Door and child. Chillicothe.Mo. , badly bruised and scratched. Mrs. M. Jones and two children , Wich ita , slightly bruised. Thomas Nelson , Topeka , bruised about head and face. M. A. Roberts. Emporia , back injured. Mrs. W. H. Miller , Macon. Mo. , injured in spine and side. J. P. Waddell , Bayonue , Kan. , injured iu left hip. S. G. Kelly of Kansas City , postal clerk , internal injuries , probably fatal. C. . T. Wordlaw , Elliott , I1L , badly bruised. W. A. Gary , Burlin game , head cut. Ollie Young , Poplar Bluff , Mo. , head badly cut. A. C. Roark , Newton , head cut. J. E. Johnson , Minneapolis , badly bruised. H. C. McClure , Richmond , Mo. , knee fractured and head badly cut. W. D. Minor , Ness City , knee hurt. H. S. Foster , Lawrence , Kan. , postal clei-k , badly bruised. R. B. Donohue , Kansas City , leg mashed and badly bruised. C. B. Kinney. express messenger , Kan sas City , slightly bruised. J. B. Oberlin , postal clerk , Kansas City , slightly injured in back. The Foul Crime Well Planned. The passengers , whose wounds it is feared are fatal , are : S. G. Kelly , the express messenger , a brother to Sena tor H. B. Kelly , of McPherson , and Mrs. Mary Lyman , of Bloomington , Illinois. The rail was removed at a small bridge which crosses a ravine. There was a down grade run of five m es from Barclay to that point and the train was running fully forty-five miles an hour. It was impossible for the engineer to see the twisted rail in time to check the speed of the train and the coaches piled one over the other until the baggage and express car was completely hidden from view. The three Pullman sleepers remained on the track , but the other cars were completely demolished. Men , women and children were piled over each other , caught in the broken seats and thrown through the windows of the cars. Belief first reached the wrecked train from Emporia. An examination of the track was made , and it was found that the fish plates had been carefully removed and the bolts taken put and the spikes drawn from ten ties and the rail bent over to the inside. The ยง 1,000,000 in currency was on its way from the Mexican Central rail road to its headquarters in Boston. In examining the ground about the wreck , a spot was found in which three men had lain in the grass and tracks were found leading from this spot to the track. A wrench and a sledge hammer , stolen from the Bar clay tool house , were found and the fish plates and bolts , which had been removed , were also discovered. The passengers were brought to this city at 10 o'clock this morning. Some of the wounded who could not be re moved were left at Osage City and the others were brought to Christ's hospital here. The passengers saw men run for the brush near by , but it is not known how many there were. The only clues are the footprints near the water , where the draw bar and spikes were found. A. A. Robinson , general manager of the Atchison , Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company , has offered a reward of 31,000 for the arrest and conviction of each of the men implicated in the foul work. DKATH IN A COLLISION . At Least Seven People Killed in a Train Wreck in Ohio. WOOSTEB , O. , Sept 22. The Chicago express on the Fort Wayne road crashed into a freight train at Shreve this morning and at least seven per sons were killed outright , three seri ously injured and others slightly hurt. Both engines were ground to a shapeless mass and six cars of the ex press , including the postal car , two ex press cars , the baggage car , smoker and one coach , together with five of the freight cars were ruined. The killed so far as known are as follows : A. D. Glenn , front brakeman on freight train ; J. Smith , fireman ex press train , Crestline ; 0. N. Hammond , fireman freight train , Allegheny , Pa. ; J. D. Patterson , Beaver Falls , Pa. , pos tal clerk : J. P. Mann , Columbia , O. , postal clerk ; H. S. Allen , Columbia , postal clerk. A couple were married at Wellston , 0. , whose combined ages are 162. The Superior EDICINE for all forms of blood .disease , Sarsaparilla the health restorer , and health maintainer. Cures Others will cure you. Red Willow county has scored another suc cessful fair to her credit. Ayer's Sarsapnrilla does what no other blood medicine in existence can do. It search es out all the impurities in the system expels them harmlessly through the proper channels. This is why Ayer's Sirsaparilla : is so preeminently nently effective as a icinedy for rheumatism. As a general rule , it is best not to correct costiveness by the use of saline or drastic medicines , when a purgative is needed , the most prompt , effective , and beneficial is Ayer's Pills. Their tendency is to restore , and not weaken , the normal action of the bowels. If the hair is falling out and turning gray , the glands of the skin need stimulating and color-food , and the best remedy and stimu lant is Hall's l air Renewei. Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment. A certain cuie for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter. Salt lUicnin. Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores. Fever t-orep. Eczenni , Itch , Prairie Scratches , Sore Nipples nnd Piles. It is coolinjr and soothing. Hundreds ol cafes hnvebeen cured bj it utter all or her treatment hail failed. It is put up in li , " ) and 0 cent boxes. For sale by George M. Cheneiy. Nov.20-lyenr. NOTICE APPLICATION DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. AlcCook. Nebiaslui. Sept.21st. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled in the office of the citj cleric of the City of McConk. Nebraska , his application to the mayor and council ot said City of McCook , for druggist's permit to fell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in bis store on lot 13 , block 22 , in the first ward of said nitv. until April 30ih. It93. 18-L'te. A. McMiLLEN. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all When it say Ccscern : The commissioner appointed to examine a load commencing-at south end ol bridge crossing Ucpuhlican liverun tat-t line ol section 36 in town. 3 , range 30 , Perry precinct. Ued Willow county , Nebiaska , running- thence north to deciees 20 minutes , west 12 chains 25 links : thence north B4 degrees , west 2 chains ; thence notth fc5 degrees , west C chains ; thence north ! C5 degrees , west 2 chains 50links ; thence north 33 degrees , west 2chains ; thence north 77 degrees , wests chainsCOlinks ; thence north 58degrees , west 12 chains ; thence north 63 degrees SQ minutes , west IS chains ; thence north 87 devices. west7chains25 links ; thence north SO degrees , went 4 chains ; thenee north 03 degrees 0 Minutes , west 4 chains : thence north S3 degrees 30 minutes , west 13 chains 50 links : thence north 67degieesI5miniites , west 4 chains 30 links : thence north 78 degrees 30 miniiteF. west 8 chanib ; thence south 78 de grees 30 minutes. wet iO chains SC links : thence west4chains50 links ; thence north SO degrees , wet-t 14chains 20links ; thence north C8 degrees , west 9 chains 'JO links ; thence north48degrecs , uest 12chams ; l hence north CO degrees , west 15 chains , r > 0 links ; thence north CS degrees. \vest 5 chains 5u inks : thence west 117 chains 70 links : terminating : at Meeker Irrigation ditch , has reported in favor'of the location thereof , and .all objections thereto or claims lor damages must be filed in the countv clerk's oflice on or before noon of the2Cth day of November. A. D. 1892 , or said road will be established without reference thereto. 18-4ts. GEO. W. KOPEK. County Cleric. JFirst publication Augnst.2Cth.lS92. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Ued Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. D.T.Wolty..nidge of the district court of KcdVjjlow countyNebraska , on the ( Hh dav of June. 1692. in favor of Stull IJros. as plaintiffs , rnd againtt Joseph Itoozo as de fendant lor the sum of si.\iy-nme dollars and twenty-five cunts l C'J.25" ] and costs taxed at $33.fc8 and accruingcosts. . I have levied upon the following'real estate taken as the property of said defendant tosatistj said decree , to-wit : south half southwest quarter sec.2I. township 1 , noith of range 30 , west Cth P. M. in Ked Willow countj , Nebiaska. and will offer the same for tale to the highest bidder for cash in hand , on the 2Cth day ot September. A. D. 1692 , in front ofthe south door of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being- the building-wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of 1 o'clock" . P.M. , of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated August 24th. IMtt. E. H. BANKS. Sheriff of said County. Pirst Publication September 2d. 1S92. LAND OFFICK AT MCCOOK , NED. . I August 27.1892 , f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to in like final pioof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before Keg- ister or Keceiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , Octobers , 1892. viz : EGBERT H. EVEKIST ; f. E. D. S. No. CS39 for the S. E. Sec. 25 , T. 1 , N. of H. 29. W. of the Cth P. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : George B. Morgan. Joel B. Dolph. James W. Leisure and Seth T. Parson , ail ol' Dan- bury. Nebraska. .1. P. LINDSAY. iCcmster First publication August,2Gth. 1892. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . ( . August 25th , 18K. ! ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler bas filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of bis claim , and that said proof will be made before Kegister or Keceiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , October 1,1892 , viz : JOHN T. FOLEY , H. E. No. 7704 for the W. y N. E. & and N. W. if S. E. JfandS. E. H N. E. J4of sectionl3inT. 5. N. of It. 30. W. of the Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Nels Swanson , and NelsF. Boson , of Osborn. Nebraska , Scott W. Bennett , of Quick. Nebraska , and Jnmea Kirby , of Mc Cook , Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY , Register. PROCLAMATION. WHEKEAS. Art-solutionwiisudoptedl'ythe Legislature ol' the State of Nebraska nt the Twenty-second session thereof , and approved April 4th , A. D. Jfc'Jl , proposing an tuiicnd- mcnt to Section One (1) ) , of Article Five < 5) ) , of the constitution of Bald state , and that said section as iitnended eliuil read as follows , to- wit : M-xa'ioN 1. ( Ollicoie. ) The executive de partment bliall consist of a governor , lieuten ant governor , becictiiry of state , auditor of public accounts , treasurer , superintendent of public instruction , mtnrncy ueiieral , coniinU- sloncr fit public hinds and hulldiiiK and three railroad commissioners , whose powers and du ties shall be such as may be prescribed l > y law. The llrst nnined elk-lit ( S ) odicers shall hold cilice lor the term of two years from the ttrst Thursday after the flrst Tuesday in January next after his election , and until his success or is elected und qualitied : PiiOViDEU , HOW- EVEII. That the llrst election of said lirst eight named ofliccrs shall bo held on the Tuesday succeeding the lirst Monday In November. # i. and each succeeding election shall be held at the same relative tirao in each even year thereafter. The three hist named ollicers or railroad commissioners slinll be elected bv the electors of the state at large , and their terms of ollice , except of those chosen at the ilrst election , as hereinafter provided , shall be three yart ? . The ilrst election for railroad commissioners shall be held on the Tuesday succeeding the ilrst Monday in November.lSirj , and shall bo held at the same relative time in each succeeding year. The railroad commis sioners shall , immediately after the Ilrst said election in 1893 , be classified by lot. so that one shall bold his ollice for the term of one year , one for the term of two years , and one for the term of throe years. No person shall lie eligi ble to the ollicu railroad commissioner who bo in the employ of any common currier , or the owner of any railroad bonds or stock , erin in any manner whatever pecuniarily Interest ed in uny railroad company. The governor , secretary of thestate , railroad commissioners , auditor of public accounts and treasurer shall reside nt the seat of government during their term of oliico and keep the- public records , books and papers there , and shall perform such duties as may be required by law ; I'jto- VIDED , IIOWEVEH , ALSO , That the governor shall appoint three railroad commissioners who shall hold thc.r ollice until their success ors nre elected and qualified as provided here inbefore. SEC. 2. That each person voting in favor of this amendment shall have written or print ed upon his ballot the following : "For the proposed amendment to the ; constitution re lating to executive olllcers. " Therefore , I , James E. Hoyd. Governor of the State of Nebraska , do hereby give notice in accordance with section one (1) ( ) , article sev enteen (17) ( ) . of the constitution and the provi sions of the act entitled "An act to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to the constitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state. " Approved Febru ary loth. A. D. 1677. that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for approval or rejection at the general election to be held on the Sth day of November. A. 1) . 189:2. : IN WITNESS WHEIIKOP. I hereunto set my hand nnd entire to bo allixed the great seal of tlie State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 20th day of July , A. D. IS,1 ! : . ' , and theSGtli year of the State and of Hie Independence of the United States the otie hundred and seventeenth. [ SKA f. ] JAMES E. UOVD. 15y the Governor. J. U. ALLEN. Secretary of State. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS. A joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the State of Nebraska tit the twenty-second session thereof , and ap proved April Cth. A. IX IS'Jl , proposing- amendment to section nineO ( ) of article eight (8) ( . of the constitution of said state , and that aid section as amended shall read as follows , To-wit : SECTION 1. All funds belonging- the state for educational purposes , the interest and In come whereof only are to be used , shall be deemed tt ust funds held by the state , and the state shall supply all losses thereof that may in any manner accrue , so tbat the same shall remain forever inviolate and undiminishcd. and shall not be invested or loaned except on United States or State securities , or registered county bonds , or registered school district bonds of this state , and such funds with the interests and income thereof , are hereby solemnly pledged for the purposes for which they are granted and set apart , and shall not be muiBterred to any other fund for other uses. SECTION 2. At such election on the ballot ct pach elector voting1 for or against this pro posed amendment shall be written or printed the words : "For proposed amendment to the constitution relating- permanent school fund. " and "Against said proposed amend menttoihe constitution relating to perma nent school fund. " SEC. 3. If such amendmentshall be approv ed by a majority of all the electors votimr at sueli election , said proposed amendment shall constitute section nine (9) ( of article eight (8j ( of the constitution of the State ol'Nebraska. Th ere I ore I. James E. Hoyd , Governor of the State of Nebraska , do hereby give notice in accordance with section ( I ) article seven teen (17) ( ) , of the constitution and the provi sions ot sin actftititled "An act to provide the manner of proposing- Htnc-ndments to the constitution mid submitting- same to the electors of the state. " Approved February loth , A. D. 1S77. that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters ot this state for approval or rejection at the general election to beheld on tlicSih day of November , A. D. ] iJ92. IN WITNKSS WHEKEOF , I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be allixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this"0th day of .Inly. A. D. lE92tnml l he Mill year ol the State , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. [ SEA ! , ] JAMES E. HOYD. By the Governor. JOHN C. ALLEN , Secretary of State. ? ijjl First nublicatioii'&Tpteuibcr 'J , itm. NOTICE. In the district court of lied Willow county , Nebraska. J. Lowell Moore , trustee , plaintiff , vs. William Kciph , Kebecea.1. Kclph , .lohn W. Kern , Leonora V. Kern. Kufus M. Snnve'y. ' Sarah Suavely and William A. Judd , defend ants. John W. Kern , Leonora V. Kern. Kufus M. Suavely , Sarah Snavely and William A. Jndd , non-resident defendants , will tnko no tice that on the eighth day of Sept. , A. L ) . IS'X' , plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court ot" Kcd Willow county , Nebraska , against the defendants , the object and prayer of which are to forccloso a certain mortgage executed by the defendants William Kelpb nnd Kebccca.1. Kelph to plaintiff's assignee , the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation , upon the east half the south east quarter and the north west quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-five [ 251 , in township encl ) , north of range thirty ( oOJ.west. in Kcd Willow county. Nebraska , to secure the payment of u certain mortgage bond of SaOO , dated Sept. 1. lir'ST. and ten intezest coupon notes of $10.50 each , dated Sept. 1.1S87. and that there is now due upon said liond , interest coupons and taxes paid by plaintiff under the terms of said mortgage , the sum of 6411.60. with inter est at ten percent. 1'ioin this date , for which sum , with costs , plaintiff prays for u decree that the defendants be required to pay the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisty the amount found due. Von nro rooiiired to answer said netitloti on or before Monday , the 17th day of October , A. I ) . 1SI2. ! Dated September S , ISO- . J. LOWELL MOOKE , trustee. IJy his attorney J. E KELLEV. First publication September 2d , 1S92. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of iiu order of Piilcdirected to mo from the district court ot" Ked Willow county , Nebraska , on u judgment obtained bcforo Hon. . ! . E. Cocliran , judfre of the district court < > f Ked Willow county. Nebraska , on the 5th l-iy of October , 1891 , obtained a decree in fav- o of Anna Huff as plaintiff , and ngtu'nst , Sam uel A. Shaffer and Sarah J. Shaffer , ns defend ants , for the sum of one thousand seven hun dred nine dollars nnd uinetv-threo cents , ( S1.7C9.5K3) ) and costs taxed at.3 ( .2S nnd accru ing costs. 1 have levied upon the following rent estate taken as the property of said de fendant to satisfy said decree , to.wit : N.E. J Sec. 10 , Twp. 3. N. of Kunco 30 , W. of the Cth P. M. in Ked Willow county , Nebraska , nnd will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the third day of October , A. D. 1893 , in front of the south door of the court house , in Indianoln , Nebraska , tbat being- the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of ono o'clock , P. M. , ofead ! day , when and where due at tendance will be given by tbo undersigned. Dated August 31st , 1892. E. it. BANKS , Sheriff of said County. c. ii. BOYLE ; A. j. HITTENIIOUSE. . . KITTEN HOUSE & UOYLE , ATTOKNKYS - AT - LAW , McCOOK. NEH. .J. K. KKLLKY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - IAAY , AOKST LINCOLN LAND CO. NEIWASKA. MCCOOIC. - - OFFICK : In rearof First National Bnnlc. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOIC. NEBRASKA. EB WI11 nrnctico in all courts. Commercifc. and corporation law ii specialty. Money to loun. Kooms 4 and 5 old First National bid g. SNAVELY & PHILLIPS , Attorne ) sand-Counsellors at Law , INDIANOLA. NEH. Practice In tlioStiitpand Fcdcrnl Courts. . n. DAVIS , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. NE1JUASKA. C39 OKi'iCi : Hoinis : 9 to II. n. in. . 2 to 5 and 7 to 9. p. in Konii8 nvr F'rst National hank. A. T. RICE , M. D , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 1 have located permanently in McCook , Neb. All calls answered promptly by day or night , in the city orcountry. Special attention given to diseases of children. Office over Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel. Office hours from 8 a. m. to S p. m. Residence in the "grout" house. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Horses branded on left hip or 'oft shoulder , P. O. address , Imperial , Chase County , and Boat- , rice. Neb. Bange.Stink- lnjr Water and French man creeks , Chase Co. , Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of some animals , on hip ana sides of Bomo , or ny- where on the animal. J. 8. IVlcBRflYER , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. and Safe Moving z , Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddlestoc Lumber Yard will receive promp : attention. R A , COLE , LEADING- MERCHANT - TAILOR OF ryiccooK , For Gooil Tailoring- , has not got the largest shop this side or Hastings but he has g-ot the Largest and Best stock of Cloths nd Trim mings this side of Hayings , which he will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the same kind of { roods. Stiop 3 doors west of the Citizens Hank. Hank.NOTICE. NOTICE. Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys , And anj- otter breed easily obtained by using- Dean's Dehorning Pencil ! V V It never fails. Satisfaction cnnniuteed or money refunded. For testimonial and fur ther information see circular. Price M cents. Sola by Dealer in Harness. Saddlery and Turf Goods , Mccook. Neb. Light track harness a specialty. 't-f ' ZOC * r r * ja I "Will Avoid Qnacki. Irandi and llosu * Medical institute * Mr coin ? to the Old , Sellable HEHBEBSOH . , 1 02 & 104 W. NINTH STREET. KANSAS CITY , MOc A Ucgular Graduated Medicine. Over 25 year * * vractice 12 in Chicago. Established 188 $ . TITE OIVUEST TX , - anai.ONCKSTI.OC.VTEI > . Authorized oy the State to treat Chronic. Ncrroua and " Special Diseases. " SemirmlWeafcnes8 , < xioilT tosSKS ) . SeruM Debility ( LOSS OP snxtr A I. POWEUX Kcrrous Debility. 1'olsoncd Hlootl. Ulcers and Swell- Incs of every kind. Urinary and Klilnoy UUcanea etc. Cure * Guaranteed or Money Refunded , < 'hn .on , . . .r.ivThousands of case * cured every year. Krpcrience la important. KO mer cury or Injurious mcillcino used. No tlmo lost from business. Patient * nt a distance treated by mail nnd express. Medicines ecntevcrjwhcrofreo froniKiizo or breakage. State jour cnso and Bend for terms. Consultation free nnd contl Jcntlal , per- onnllyorbylettcr. For particularseco - - FOIJ BOTH 8EXK8. SOPapcs full of descriptive pictures , sent . scaled In plain envelope for Gc. In id eUmps. N. B. Tlil book contains BECIIETS ar.a useful knoirleilco Trlilch should bo read by every nialo from 15 to 45 ycara of BBC and kcptuuJcr loct end key. FREE MTJ8EUM OP AX AT OMY rcplcto with thousand InterestlnR speci mens. Including the celebrated French Mmnlkln .rhlehalono ccotovor 1000. For MeuOnly. RHEUMATISM. THE GREAT TURKISH RHEUMATIC CUBE. I A POSITIVE CSBK FOB IUIKUJUTISS. CIO I /or any case this treatment falls to I euro or help. Greatest discovery In I annals of medicine. Ono dose gives I relief ; few doses removes fever and I pain In Joints : Cure completed In a" few days. Send statement of case with stamp fet Circulars. DR. HEMDEBSOH , KANSAS CITY , MO. CANC Snbjccta need fear no longer from this Kins ot Terrors , for by a most wonderful discovery In medicine , cancer on any part ot the body can bo permanently cured -without the mo of the knife. Sins. n. D. Cor.nv. 2307 Indiana Ave. , Chicago , jays : " Was cured of cancer ot the breast in air weeks by your method of treatment. " Send for treatise. Dr. n. c. Hale , 36334th St. , Chicago.