S. M. COCHRAN * CO. , ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Union Press r ills and One Horse Hoe Drills , WAGONS AND BUGGIES. ALSO KEEP REPAIRS FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. A b so lute ly R u st Proof T iii wa i e Their prices on all goods are as low as the lowest possible. S. M. COCHRAN & CO , , , . eBt Dciiulxm Street HIcCOOK NEBUASICA. A. TEDT . 3 McCOOK , - NEB. THE - L W. C. BULLARD & CO. -loj- LIMB , HARD CEMENT , LUMBERHARD AND DOORS , LUMBER BLINDS.LUMBER SOFTCOAL. BLINDS. COAL. RED CED&B. AND OAK POSTS. . JT. WARRRN. Manager. B. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , , TURKEYS CHICKENS , &c. , & .C. F. S. WILGOX & CO.Props. Notary Public. Justice of the Peace. _ ZE3L. REAL- : : ESTATE , LOANS AND INSURANCE. Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property. Collections a Specialty. BAVE MONEY ! -ON ALL KINDS OF- Fruit , Forest and Shade Trees gggT'And all kinds of small fruits. I will guarantee to save you 30c. on every dollar's worth you buy , from agents' prices. Call and see me before buying elsewhere. L. A. HURLBTJRT , At The Racket Store. METHODISTS IN COUNCIL. Southwestern Coiifcriirico of tint M * tlt oclist Church South at Irtilejiuntloncc. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Sept. 22. Jiishop Charles 13. Galloway called the Twenty second annual meeting of the South western conference of the Methodis Episcopal church , South , to order this morning- 9 o'clock at the Maple ave nue church at Independence. The venerable Dr. Prottsuian , the Nester of the church in Missouri , led in an eloquent prayer. By unanimous vote C. C. Woods was re-elected secretary of the conference and C. M. Hawkins and Dr. Tigert as sistant secretaries. The Rev. C. II. Briggs , agant for the central college at Fayette , read an extensive report of his work for the year. In his work for the college he has traveled 15,000 miles , visited 101 churches and preached 173 sermons , collected $7,500 , besides securing a bequest of real estate valued at SJ 0,000. There are 900 churches in his district. The presiding elders reported the following committee : Bible cause C. M. Bishop , T. C. Pucket , E. V7. McElhany , J. A. Sink , J. D. Wood. District conference records R. G. Flem- nicr.V. . T. Eastwood. A. O. Moore. W. M. McAllister , J. F. Garner. Books and periodicals J. J. Tigert , Wittcn McDonald , B. V. Alton , K. T. Russell. J. II. Scrugcrs. C. M. Hawkins. H. C. Meredith , D. P7Vims , C. H. Briggs , Lon V. Stephens , J. F. Robb , A. B. Davis , J. C. Givens , Ben Porter , L. H. Davis and J. T. Noland. Conference , reJaliou J. Y. Busley , J. J. Keller , \V. 'J ? . . Gill. B. H. Gragg , J. S. Rummel and E. G. Ginn. Two hundred ministers are expected to be present during the conference , which will adjourn next Monday. An African King1. NASHVILLE , Tenn. , Sept. 22. A young negro who has spent four years at the Central Tennessee college in this city has been called to a throne in Africa. His name is Momulo Mas saquai , and he came from the Vey country , a region of Interior Africa adjoining Li beria , lie was converted some years since to Christianity by Mrs. Mary Brierly , an English missionary , and through , her influence , and that of Bishop Penick of Louisville , was brought to this country and put at school. He received the news yester day that his father , King Balah , had been killed in war and he is called to reign in his stead. Kansas City Journal Unionized. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Sept. 22. The long-standing differences between the Kansas City Journal and local Typo graphical Union No. 80 have at last been satisfactorily adjusted. In con sideration of the union taking into membership the foreman and certain other of its employes the Journal management has entered into a ten- year contract to employ only union nen hereafter and be governed by the rules and regulations of the union. The boycott on the Journal is now off. Fatal Collision in Pennsylvania. LANCASTER , PA. , Sept. 22. The second end section of the Philadelphia ex press eastbound and the second section of the Pacific express westbouud on the Pennsylvania road collided fifteen miles west of here shortly after 3 o'clock this morn- ng and both were badly wrecked. One engineer was killed , , he other fatally injured and the fire men of both trains fatally hurt One of the passengers was hurt. One of ; he engineers disregarded orders and ran past the switch. South Carolina Democrats. COLUMAIA , S. C. , Sept 22. The South Carolina state Democratic con vention met at noon. The primary election , already held , having settled ; he question of nominations for state officers , except as to attorney general n which there is only a local interest , ; he greatest interest hinged upon whether the state Democracy would align itself with the national Democ racy. A Wife IJeater Shot. POPLAR BLUFFS , Mo. , Sept. 23. Jcwett Shrout was shot and instantly tilled by Drew Kemp , his brother-in- aw , at his home near Harville , eight miles south of this city. Shrout was continually abusing his wife , who is lemp's sister. Shrout was a bully and was known as "the Bull of the Woods" in his neighborhood. Kemp gave himself up. A Missouri Farmer's Crime. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept 22. Last night H. L. Long , a farmer living near Bethany , split open the head of an other farmer , William Rice , with an axe , and then called his wife and daughter to carry the body of the dead man to the public road , where it was eft , after which he attempted to com mit suicide , lie is under arrest. Street Car Wrecked by a Train. CLEVELAND , O. , Sept. 22. A motor and trail car on Cedar avenue were broken to pieces by a passenger train on the Cleveland and Pittsburg rail way about 8 o'clock this morning. One passenger on the street car , a man , sustained a broken leg and a ady was badly bruised about the icad. Determined to End His life. ATCHISON , Kan. , Sept. 22. John Steinmetz , the painter of Clifton , who ; ook paris green Monday , died last night A few minutes before he jreathed his last he told the doctors ihat he wanted to die , and if they suc ceeded in saving him he would shoot every one of them and then kill him self. Two Hundred Telegraphers Strike. GRAND RAPIDS , la. , Sept. 22. Very iromptly at 10 o'clock this morning every operator and dispatcher on the Burlington , Cedar Rapids and North ern railway , with one exception , about 200 men went on a strike for higher wages and to secure the adjustment of other grievances. I ibor Commissioner Feck Indicted. AXBA Y , N. Y. , Sept 22. The grand jury has returned a true bill against Labor Commissioner Peck , charged with destroying public documents. There are 400 bison at the Yellow stone park , in Wyoming" . What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverisliness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cores Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regrulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. H Ourtorfa Is on excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.1' Da. O. C. OsaooD , Lowell , Mass. Castorla la the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not for distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children , and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful gents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " DR. J. F. KracHELOE , Conway , Art. Castoria. M Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me. " H. A. Ancnsre , M. ! > . , Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's deport * ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice- with Castoria , and although we only hare among our medical supplies what Is known as regular prodnuuj , yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won ua to look with fayoruponit. " UNITXD HOSPITAL AMD DISPESIURT , Boston , Man. O. Surra , Fret. , The Contattr Company , T7 Murray Street ) New York City. GEO. J. BURGESS , Dealer in All Kinds of First-Class Wagons , Road Carts , Buggies. A Square Deal , The Best are the Cheapest COME AND SEE ME. Yard West of First National Bank , McCOOK , NEB TALES FROM TOWN TOPICS. year of the rncst successful Quarterly ever published. More lhan JI.OOO LEADING NEWS- i AI'KRS in North America have complimented tits publication during its first year , and uni versally concede that its numbers afford the - > nhtcst ; and most entcrMlnin ; . ' reading that ian be hail. Published ist day of September , December , narcli and Tune - \ c NcwsJcaler for it , or send th ; pncc , . . O cont3 , in stamps or pcsul note to TOWN TOPICS , 21 West 23d St. , New York , Ey This brilliant Quarterly w not made up from the current years issues of Town TOPICS , Luc contains the bcbt htories , .sketches , bur lesques , poems , witticisms , etc. , from this tack .nn.tkcri of that unique journal , admittedly l4V-Ispcst ! ! racicst. most complete , and to all .ttli.V AN WOMEN the cost interest- < r.3 weekly ever issued. Subscription Price : Toura Topics , per year , - - SJ.CJ Tales Fna Twa Topics , F yer , 2.CO 2 > 9 tro clabtsi , . . . t T > \VM TOPICS sent a wontliH on trht lot . H.- Previous Nos. of MTALKS" will fc : romptly forwarded , postpaid , on receipt of 5 > ocntH each. THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS9 Dr. IIuiiiphrcvi'HpeciOraarahcIentlllchllyaiul carefully prepared lwine < lle , IIH.H ! for jrura lu private practice ami for over thirty yinrs l > y tint ] > coplo with cutlru HIICCTSK. HvrryKliiKlu ! a special euro fur the dlwuH ! tmniLd. Tnc3'curo without < lrugKlni ; . purvli t ho t > . \ atom , and nro In fact unu tlci d t KrinedlcH of tliuVorlil. . LIST nr cnilOERK. i URML n 1 Fovurn , Congestions. Inflammations " WorniMt Worm Fever , Worm Colic. 3 Tcctlilne ; Colic , Cryinir. V/akcfiilm3 I Diarrhea , of Children orAduItH. 5 I > y entery , Griping , lillious Colic C Cholera lUorliUH , Vomiting 7 CoucliH , Coldi. Bronchitis. S Neuralgia * Toothache. Fnceaclio . ! > Headache * , Sick Headache , Vertigo. .as 10 Dyspepsia. Biliousness , Constipation .as II Suppressed or 1'aiuful 1'erioiN. .as 12 Whites , Too 1'rofuso Periods .as S3 Croup , IinrynsJiIs , ITonrscncFS. . . .as 1'i Salt JMieum , Hryslpclns , ErupUonn .as 1.1 Rheumatism , or Ithcunmtlcraluy .as 1U Dliilnriai ClUIIs. Fever and Aguu .as 17 i'ilcsBlind orBlcedlni , ' .as 18 Ophthnliny , Sore orVrak Eyes. . . . .as Ifl-Cntarrh , Influenza , Cold In the Head .as UO Whooping Cough .as 21 Asthma , Oppressed Breathing .as 23 Bar Discharge ! * , Impaired Hearing .as 123 Scrofula , Enlarged Glands. Swelling .as 4 General Debility , PhysIcalWcaknetH .as 25 Dropsy , and Scanty Secretions. .as 2i Sun-islckncBS , Sickness from Hiding .as 27 KIdney DineriMCH. . .as 2 ! ) Sore Month , or Canker .as 30 Urinary WcakncMH.V/ettiagBed. . .as 31-i'aliifnl Periods. . . . .as 3-1 Diphtheria , Ulcerated Sore Throct .as 35 Chronic Concentiou4& Eruptions. .as EXTRA NUMBERS : 28 Nervous Debility , Nominal Weak ness , or Involuntary DKeharKca 1 .00 32 DiseaMesoftheIIeartPaliitatIonl .00 33 Epilepsy , SpaswaSt. Vitus'Dance . .1 .00 Sold by Drnxcfcta , or ecnt post-paM on receipt of prlcr Pa. IltsirJlUKTa' MANUAL ( III p e * , ) MAII.KU rxLC. 'JIKII.IO. , 111 & 113 Mllllam SI. , Vtr York. H UMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT. " For Piles External or Internal , Blind or Bleeding ; KLstulaln Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Kectum. The relief la Immediate the cure certain. PRICE , 50 GTS. TRIAL SIZE. 25 OTS. Sold by Drngglsti , or tent pott-paid on receipt or price. o. , m& nantm m St. , AETT Yonk The Citizens Bank Incorporated under State Laws. Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO DOES A B a VM Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FEANKL1N , President. JOHN K. CLAliK , Vice Pres. A. C. E13ERT , Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Uank , Lincoln Xebrska. The Chemical National Bank , New Tork City. irs AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , 100.000 , OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. 5. At. FREES , Vice President. W F. LflWSOK , Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. THE McCOOK ROLLER MILLS E. H. DOAN , PROPRIETOR. Is Now Open and Ready for Business , JSHT0 ! am prepared to handle all business in my line promptly and -with tlie most approved machinery. DOAN & are also prepared to handle wheat for which they are paying the highest market price. and Elevator on East Eailroad street. Say That You Saw it in The Tribune. J.