ELEVENTH YEAR. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. SEPT. 23 , 1892. NUMBER 18. Injured Innocence , Is shown in the handsome face of our colored friend. He wants you to understand that he . "HUNT SEB'D ' NO 0HI0KENS , " But if you will come to the BOSTON : SHOE : STORE , next week , you will see a new line of Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Shoes which will OPEN YOUR BYES ! WE RUSTLESS For trade at the head of the procession with the right swing , and we propose to 0ATOH THAT MAYB ISK The frisky dollar. In all lines of Boots and Shoes there is no dealer in Southwestern that can SOUND UP BARGAINS To equal yours respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up , and propose to letyouknowit. Come and see us. I Is the key-note to success. The firmness of our resolution to LEAD THE TRADE In Boots and Shoes is sym bolized in the noble figure here given. THE BOSTON SHOE STORE has .already set the fashion IN MeCOOK Of making people talk about their goods and prices. A visit to their store will convince you of this. A Big Drive Is now being made by us on many lines , but especially on a fine line of Ladies will find the selection very desirable , while the shoes themselves are admitted to be EXTREMELY © OMFOI TABLE , Call at once and get the pick before sizes are broken. These goods will go like ice cream. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. G. L. Laws was tip the valley , Tuesday , on land business. Mr. Frank Can nth anived Iioino from Plaltsmouth , yestei day. Emil LindiiLTcamedown from Denver.Iast evening , on some niatluis of business. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Noble arrived home , Tuesday noon , fioin their St. Joseph trip. Chairman Eskry of the Republican county central committee was m > on matters politi cal , Saturday. Prof. Valentine attended a meeting of pub lic school superintendents of southwestern Nebraska at Holdregi1 , Saturday. John II. Bratby of Omaha canvassed our business men , foie part of the week , in thu behalf of Dun's Merchantile Agency. Editor Abbott of tlm Hayes Centre Republican - lican , and candidate lor representative in his district , was with us brielly , last evening. lion. Lorenzo Crounse was registered at the Commeiclal , last night He was on his way to Culbertson to make a speech today. E. C. Ballew returned , Tuesday noon , from St. Joe. Mrs. Ballew remained and will visit relatives in Missouri before her re turn. MissFurbush arrived home , Saturday night , from the east , where she has been visiting and making purchases for Mrs McCabe's millinery establishment. T. E. Sedgwick of the Nebraska Newspa per Union of York , Neb. , was a welcome caller at these headquarters , yesterday morn ing , on ready print business. Secretary of State and Mrs. J. C. Allen were up from Lincoln over Saturday and Sunday , guests of Postmaster and Mrs. H. H. Troth , to greet their numerous friends in the valley's finest. Judge Cochran left on G , Saturday , for Washington , Baltimore and other eastern cities , to investigate the claims of parties in this vicinity to a large estate in Baltimore. He may be detained some time in the prose cution of his search for the lost estate. Colonel Le Hew , the well known McCook democrat , says that the democratic votes in the western end of the Fifth district will go solidly to Professor Andrews because the people out there are convinced thatMcKeigh- an is "neither lit , honest nor able. " Journal. A Large and Successful Enterprise * . The publisher accompanied a party of in spection to the Meeker irrigation ditch on Sunday afternoon , and with others was sur prised at the magnitude of the work and at the great obstacles successfully overcome by Mr. Meeker in the construction of bis irriga ting canal , especially at what are known as the "narrows , " where almost insuperable difficulties were encountered and finally and substantially solved , by dint of hard work , skill and keeping eternally at it. The ditch was in fine running order , everything work ing smoothly , with about two feet of water in it. There are twenty-two miles now com pleted , extending from the junction of the Republican and Frenchman rivers east to a point somewhat beyond the Pickens farm southeast of the city. A pretty feature of this great enterprise is the numerous small lakes which dot the course of the ditch , num bering in all over twenty. They are not alone valuable as storage reservoirs but as fish ponds they have inestimable worth , and should be stocked with proper species of the finny tribe at once. Mr. Meeker is entitled to great credit for his ceaseless efforts to make the project a success , and it is to be hoped that he may reap a bountiful harvest therefrom. Republican club headquarters have been established in the Meeker block , upstairs ; and the star spangled banner is still there. Don't fail to attend the republican rally tomorrow night. The man who can only shake hands when he is a candinatc is not to be trusted. Ho is one who manufactures his friendliness for occasions and lacks the uniformity which always character izes the man who is genuine. Remember the grand rally on Satur day night. Hon. Lorenzo Crounse , Hon. J. C. Allen , Hon. J. Gilham and Hon. T. J. Majors will be the orators for the occasion. Let the people all turn out. i , Purveyor to tne Great Common People , is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. B. Jackson has bought Charles Aus tin's fruit stand , but desires it under stood that he did not buy Austin's indebtedness and will not pay them. He asks a share of patronage. \Yarm weather , flies and sticky fly paper come together. You can secure a prime and satisfactory article of the latter at Chenery's City Drug Store. You will find Kalstedt two doors south of The Famous hereafter. ' ' WE Foreman Ritchie went down the road on C , Saturday afternoon , on a brief trip. Mrs. Henry Tomblin of Arapahoe is the guest of Iier daughter Mrs. J. F. Forbes. C-gHLJuy a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Assistant Supt.C.11. Harman is down from Ilolyuko today on business at headquarter ! ' . Quite a number of the boys are enjoying a vacation of thiity days for sundry short com ings. Clarence U. Lindsay made his maiden trip as a conductor on Thursday. Success to you , my boy. Trainmaster J. F. Kenyon has been visit ing Salt Lake City , lie returned. Tuesday , looking all the better for his outing. C. M. Case left on (5 ( , Saturday aiternoon , for Red Cloud , to be day operator there vice Al. McCUintock who is oil on a leave of ab sence of six weeks in the mountains. Conductor Jack Curran spent Sunday with his family ; and while here closed the sale of his north Marshall street residence property to George Letning of the dispatcher's office. The genial face of "Uncle" Tom Mtuidy is missed by his many friends. Tom is gath ering the tickets on the St. Francis line , run ning opposite to conductor J. J. Curran on the passenger train. Engineer L. D. Reynolds has been transfer red to the Alliance line. Windy's bazoo will be missed from the western division. He came in Monday nightto arrange for moving his household goods to Alliance. Percy Ewing , a young man 19 years old , was thrown under a switch engine in the U. & M. yards , yesterday , and very seriously in jured. He was helping to do switching , and losing his balance was thrown under the en gine. Hastings Democrat. A way car , two brakeman standing there in , a cut of cars running wild , crash , two brakemen lying prone on the iloor-sulpluir- OHS atmosphere-sequel , one senseless shock , one bruised law , cut eyes , doctor's bill. This is railroading. It occurred in McCook yard and Shorty Keith is still laying off. The Burlington is rapidly pushing its line toward Sheridan , Wyo. , and will be running trains into that town by November 1. Sher idan already has a population of 1,000 and is growing rapidly. The agricultural resorces of the region in which it is situated will make it a thriving city in a few years. Trainmaster Kenyon of McCook was in Red Cloud Sunday , and as a consequence , Frank Quigley has been promoted to regular conductor between Hastings and Oxford with headquarters at Red Cloud. Frankjis a good boy and has earned everything he has receiv ed at the hands of the B. & M. and we are very much pleased to note his advancement. Red Cloud Argus. UALLEN-BEYRER. Yesterday afternoon Rev. A.V. . Coffman of the Methodist church uttered the words which joined in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. Samuel E. Gallon and Miss Dora E. Beyrer. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Dr. A. P. Welles , being wit nessed only by relations of the contracting parties and a few friends. The groom is well known in railroad circles as one of the Burlington's most capable and trusted con ductors. The bride is one of McCook's most estimable daughters. Widely known for de voted affection for her brothers. They were handsomely remembered by many friends and well wishers. The happy couple left enC C , the same afternoon , for the east , where they will pass an extended honeymoon ; at the conclusion of which they will take up their residence in our midst and go to house keeping after the fashion of all well regu lated young married people. THE TRIBUTE joins in the grand chorus of congratulations. May their trips through life be smooth , free from worry and care , and may they have a head of lime order to prosperity. The Circus. Brazil ( Ind. ) Times , May 31.1S92. Walter L. Main's circus here yester day drew a large crowd. The affair was much larger than expected and was meritorous throughout. There was a pleasurable absence of fakers , tough characters , three-card monte men and such dangerous nuisances that usually congregate around a circus. The per formance was good and much appreciat ed. McCook , Sept. 26th. Houses and Lots for Safe. I have a few desirable dwellings and lots in McCook which I offer for sale at bargains. H. Gr. DixON. Horses for Safe. Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. C. F. Babcock is now officing with B. F. Troxel on'Main avenve , next door south of Paine's harness shop. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. CARPETS. CARPETS. CARPETS. BRUSSELS IN ; BODIES , VELVETS. H INGRAINS UNIONS , ALL-WOOLS , THREE-PLY. China Mattings , Ko-Ko Mattings , Oil Cloths in All Widths. Smyrna Rugs , Moquette Rugs. Art Squares , Carpet Paper , Stair Pads. L ALBERT WELLS ,