The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1892, Image 5

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But it looks as if it would be in
it soon , mid the sooner your foot is
in one of our § 3.50 or S4-.00 Shoes
the more fortunate itwill be. Be
cause we know this shoe , we want
you to know it ; because it wears
as no other shoe will wearwe want
you to wear it. It is absolutely
the cheapest thing in shoe-leather
and there isn't any limit to the
satisfaction that it gives. No mat
ter what you pay , you get no bet
ter when you get the best it is a
luxury in footwear and not a high-
priced luxury at that. It isn't
trying to those who try it. Try it.
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore
Bros. .
Sticky fly paper at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
- Two cars of Flour in , this week , at
Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Wayson & Odell are putting out some
handsome rigs these days.
The lumber men are happier than
they have been for some time
Knl s ted t , the tailor , has removed to
the second door south of The Famous.
Kal s ted t is putting up a kitchen ad
dition to his residence property , this
There will be music from S to 10
o'clock , Saturday evening , at J. Albert
Wells' opening.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
Our new line of the celebrated C & C
neck wear is now ready , we want you to
see it. THE FAMOUS.
George Elbert was around with a
box of cigars under his arm , yesterday ,
over the arrival of a fine boy baby up
at his house.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
It is contemplated to make the side
walk on the west side of Main avenue ,
from Dennison to Dodge , conform to
the ordinance , 14 feet wide and on
grade. It would be a great improve
The young man is perhaps never so
wise as he believes himself to be. As
the Ram's Horn remarks , there is a
time in every young man's life when
for a while he thinks that he is a second
end Solomon. Be soon gets over it ,
though , when he finds out how many
kinds of a fool he is.
The soda water season is with us and
as usual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly on hand with the very latest and
best the market" offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
if you want a drink of soda water , with
the purest of syrups , turn your foot
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it
Chilcott & Dye , General Agents for"
Hart Pioneer Nurseries of Fort Scott ,
Kansas , will , give a twenty dollar ( $20)
orchard , as a premium , to the farmer of
Red Willow county , making the best
display of fruit raised in Red Willow
county at the comingcounty , fair.
CHILCOTT & DYE , " Indianola , Neb.
Dictated by Geo. C. Dje. . .
Notice is hereby
given to all parties
indebted to Red Wil
low county for delin
quent personal taxes
that unless settle
ment is made on or be
fore Oct. 1st , 1892 ,
the same will be col
lected by distress according
cording- law.
County Treasurer.
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by O. J. Ryan.
Machine , Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and
35c. at KNIPPLE'S.
Special Notice !
Our store will be closed on Thursday ,
September 22nd , on account of Holi
"Pillsbury's Best" Flour at Iluddle-
Ilemember that Kalstcdt , the tailor ,
is now two doors south of The Famous.
FOR . RENT. Furnished bed room
with use of bath room. Enquire at
this office.
Go and see Iluddleston , when you
want Flour and Feed. Potter and
Eastcrday's old stand.
Noble is the ( inly exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison -
nison street hardwaremen.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
S. M. Cochran is building a commo
dious barn on his residence property in
the northwestern part of the city.
IN QUEENSWAIIE Noble carries
the la'rgest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
A. C. Clyde is having his saloon
building raised to grade , and his pave
ment made to conform to the 14 foot
requirement of the city ordinance.
Master Charlie Huddleston had the
misfortune to fall from the carpenter's
shed in rear of W. S. Morlan's dweling ,
Monday evening , badly spraining his
Bear in mind that spring has opened
up and house cleaning has commenced.
Also remember that I am in the mar
ket as usual for the purchase of second
hand goods. Drop me a card and I will
call. J. H. LCDWICK.
There was a time when "sumptuary
legislation" was common. A law passed
in England in 1750 to effect that at
parties "ladies must not get drunk on
any pretext whatever , and gentlemen
not before nine o'clock. "
Dr. George L. Miller's observations
on wheat raising in Nebraska are sensi
ble and timely. This fall ought to af
ford farmers of this state an excellent
opportunity to sow a large amount of
wheat , with all conditions of the soil
favorable for splendid returns at har
vest time.
Red Willow county took in a few
premiums at the late state fair : White
spring wheat , C. B. Gray of McCook ,
first. Stalks of sorghum , J. C. Russell
of McCook. Alfalfa , A. M. Barton of
Indianola , first. Onions , Charles Kimball -
ball of Indianoia , second. Watermelons ,
Alfred Clark of Indianola , first. Broom
corn , 0. Frost of Bartley , first.
Wednesday evening , Harry Emerson ,
a "jag" patient of Dr. Spickelmier ,
while intoxicated , stole $30 from one
of the graders that came down from the
Imperial branch , Tuesday afternoon.
Emerson was promptly taken in by the
police and the money recovered. The
prisoner was discharged the following
morning for lack of complaint ; and left
town upon advice of authorities.
32T"Grnceries at Nobles' .
* . " t * ' - ' . $
An apprentice for'tha "MillinpryDe-
parlmcnt at Lowman's.
Furnished rooms for rent. Inquire
at Fame's harness shop.
Latest fall styles in Flour , Bran and
Chop feed at Huddleston's.
There is a bright prospect for more
building later on in the season.
A competent waist-finisher for Low-
man's Dress-making department at once.
Local politics may be expected soon
to strike a Nancy Flanks gaii or better.
If stinginess is a dinease , there are
many people in the church who are
not healthy.
Today and tomorrow J. Albert Wells
will have his fall and winter goods open
for inspection.
DIED September 5th , 1892 , Clara ,
daughter of Alfred C. and Nellie Hinton
Nettlcton , aged 5 years , 4 months and
Ji8 days.
George E. Johnston shipped in two
carloads of steers to feed for market ,
Saturday night , from eastern part of
the state.
Messrs. L. Lowman & Son announce
Monday , September 19th , as the date
for the formal opening of their fall and
winter stock.
General Charles H. Van Wyck is ad
vertised to speak on the fair grounds
at Indianola on Thursday afternoon ,
September 22 , atone o'clock sharp ; and
in McCook on the evening of the same
day at 8 o'clock.
We have it under the hat that P. Gun
Smith of the Indianola Alliance has
adopted the questionable style of wear
ing his brains breaded. It is an open
question now whether Sam knows
enough to carry liver to a bear or not.
The populists placed the following
county ticket in nomination at Indian
ola , Saturday : For representative , I.
A. Sheridan of Indianola ; county attor
ney , Sidney Dodge of Gerver precinct ;
cominissionerof the third district , L. D.
Gockley of Willow Grove precinct.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Kdll , sis
ter of Mrs. Joseph Spotts , who died at
Orleans , Nebraska , on Saturday , occur
red from the residence of Mr. Spotts on
jLTCiiuiouu ancefc , uauuuuj
Services were conducted at the house
by Rev. A. W. Coffman. The bereaved
ones have the profoundest sympathy of
all in their sorrow.
The following delegates were select
ed at the Republican caucus , Monday
evening , for Willow Grove precinct.
The attendance was very small. The
delegates were instructed for Stephen
Belles for commissioner : Z. L. Kay ,
G. B. Berry , P. A. Wells , C. F. Babcock -
cock , C. T. Brewer , W. T. Coleman.
H. P. Button , V. Franklin , E. L. Lay-
cock , L. B. Stiles. C. W. Knights , D.
J. Smith , C. B. Gray , W. F. Lawson ,
D. C. Marsh , C. H. Jacobs , J. A. Wilcox -
cox , J. D. Robb , C. W. Barnes , Frank
Harris , Jay Tubbs , F. M. Kimmell ,
Sylvester Cordeal , and H. H. Troth.
In view of the somewhat unusual
state of affairs existing in our local re
ligious world it has occurred to the pre
siding elder of this strictly official and
religious journal that a union people's
church would be about the proper caper
at this juncture. Under such auspices
a creditable church could be built and
paid for without being too burdensome
to the community. Such a pulpit could
3e ably supplied and the expenses of
the entire establishment could be met
} y local purses. There is material
available for a robust , self-supporting ,
effective gospel church in McCook.
These comparatively feeble forces , in
their present divided state , can be made
a power by such union. At least so
thinks this preacher. What think ye ,
good people ?
" 91 and 84 Patent Flour" at Hud-
T / ' The Municipal Grist. , .
The city fathers were in regular
session , Wednesday evening. Present
the mayor , clerk , attorney , Counnilmcn
McAdams , LaTouretio , Menard , Spick
elmier. Bills as follows were allowed :
H.P.Bniley 5 24 00
Pat. Malen 8 00
McCook Electric Light Co 1C9 50
W.F. West 1050
James Carl 3 75
A. J.Stroud 8 05
T.N. Young 50
J. S. McBrayer 0 50
Luke Tulley fl 00
J. Jl.Uonnett 50 25
Lincoln Lund Co 400 00
J. A. Lipps GSOO
Barnett Lumber Co 2 07
llenry Jeffries 12 00
John Wehitz 7 15
John Shepherd 75
0. Rees 50
A.E. McManigal 40 00
P.M. Kimmell 70 00
John Quan ' 6 00
The committee on water works made
the following report : "The committee
on water works hereby report that a
better water service is needed for the
use of the citizens of McCook and for
city purposes ; and recommended that
UIHUSM ueuer service is renuereu
water rates .be reduced 15 per cent
forthwith and that the amount paid
by the city for water be reduced in like
manner. "
Appointment of J. H. Dwyer as
chief of police confirmed.
A resolution was passed transferring
money from the occupation to the gen
eral fund :
BE IT RESOLVED , By the mayor and
city council , of the city of McCook ,
that the sum of $1,000 be and the
same is hereby transferred from the
occupation tax fund of said city to the
general fund of said city , and that the
city treasurer bft notified to make the
transfer accordingly.
Report of cemetery superintendent
was referred back for correction.
Clerk instructed to notifv city treas
urer to make report. Also to notify
the McCook Loan and Trust Co. to re
pair jail at once.
As this is the last issue of your paper ,
belore the beginningof our fair , I desire
to say a word. 'J here is no reason why
the fair of 1892 should not be the best
ever held in the county and will be if
every one does his or her duty. Quite
a number of entries have been made al
ready , and everything points to a suc
cess. The grounds and buildings will
be put in as good shape as time and
a limited amount of money will permit.
Aside from the regular and special pre
miums offered in our premium list , we
arc authorized to announce the follow
ing : The Pioneer Nursery of Fort
Scott , will give $20 in fruit trees for
the best display of fruit. The House
keepers Weekly of Philadelphia offers
two gold watches for the best bread.
These watches are genuine filled cases ,
and warranted for 20 and 10 years res
pectfully , and are valued at $60. The
contest to be decided by votes of the
public. Ladies wishing to compete ,
should bring two or more loaves of bread ,
and ihey can learn the particulars on
the grounds if not convenient to consult
the writer previously.
Aside from the regular fair program
me there will be political speaking by
eminent speakers. Now let every one
come to the fair.
C. W. BECK , Secretary.
A. H. Burdick , the well known Hast
ings furniture dealer , has rented the
Scott brick opposite the Commercial
house and will early stock it with a
large and fine assortment of furniture ,
which he announces to sell at very rea
sonable prices. The room will be
placed in readiness for him at once.
The McCook Lodge , A. 0. U. W. ,
assisted by the ladies of the D. of H. ,
will entertain the families and friends
of members at Meeker Hall , Monday
Sept. 19th , at 8:30 : P. M. A cordial
invitation extended.
Ladies , ( who do the buying ) we want
you to see our new styles in children's
suits. They are beauties.
The six months old daughter of
Jens Wagner died on Wednesday of
last week.
The man who gets the most good out
of a good sermon is the one who is will
ing to live it.
The of the '
machinery late'Metropoli
tan laundry was shipped back to Kan
sas City , Wednesday.
f > ,
Q3 in Baking
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Walter L Main's Circus.
Evening Star , Steubeitville 0. , Apr. 29.1892.
The Walter L. Main's circus showed
to a full house last evening , the mam
moth tent being packed with people.
We do not exaggerate when we say the
show was equal to that of any circus
performance ever given here and a
great deal better than the majority of
them. Every feature introduced was
of that character which stamps it as
first-class upon first appearance. The
performance was given in three rings
and at times there were other features
going on outside of them. The aerial
feats were daring and skillfully perform
ed as were many other acts of daring.
The Roman Hippodrome part of the en
tertainment was not only interesting
but exciting. It consists of chariot rac
es , barrel and obstacle races , Roman
standing races , cowboy and pony races ,
lady riders and many other features too
numerous to mention. There wern
plenty of horses and no show can have
finer ones , while the menagerie was a
splendid exhibit of the animal king
dom. It was also a noticeable feature
that there were no fakes. nor robbing
schemes permitted on the groonds , while
the entire show was clear cut ind of a
high standard throughout. Everything
going to make up the show is entirely
new , while the performers were selected
Frmn tnf iinn/ir ronlra t\f nrnPnauinnnl
* vr .v * lLryr& A t * kjJ A Lf AJ \aj IW tl *
people and they stand second to none.
To do still bigger business this show
only needs to play return dates. Mc
Cook , Sept. 26.
Franklin Academy.
Students and friends of the Franklin
academy will be pleased to learn that
the State University , of Nebraska , has
placed the academy first in its list of
accredited schools , thus giving it first
rank among the preparatory schools of
the state. This school is at the front
in all lines of work and we advise all
young people to investigate and find
out what it can offer them before going
elsewhere. The fall term begins Sep
tember 18th. Send for catalogue and
information to ALEXIS C. HART ,
Franklin , Nebraska.
Her Suffering Ended.
Mrs. Fannie Weatherhogg died at the
home of her sister , Mrs. A. P. Sharp of
our city , last Friday afternoon , a victim
of that arch-enemy of the human race ,
TIlP rflmninc worn oliin-
ped to the late home of the deceased in
Palmyra , Neb. , Monday morning , for
interment. Mr. Charles Weatherhogg
and Mrs. A. P. Sharp , husband and sis
ter of the departed , accompanied the
. The Circus.
Brazil ( Ind , ) Times , May 31,1892.
Walter L. Main's circus here yester
day drew a large crowd. The affair
was much larger than expected and was
meritorous throughout. There was a
pleasurable absence of fakers , tough
characters , three-card monte men and
such dangerous nuisances that usually
congregate around a circus. The per
formance was good and much appreciat
ed. McCook , Sept. 26th.
Houses and Lots for Safe.
I have a few desirable dwellings and
lots in McCook which I offer for sale
at bargains. H. Gr. DIXON.
Horses for Sa/e.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
The Evans house , Hot Springs , S.
D. , is now open for the reception of
guests. This magnificent hotel erected
at u cost of $150,000 is built of pink-
sand stone , is five stories high , has
steam heat , electric lights and all mod
ern conveniences and is so arranged
that there are no inside rooms. Its
Completion nlaCCS Hot Snrinrra nn n nnn
with any similar resort in the country.
The Burlington route places at the dis
posal of the public a sanitarium and
health resort second to no other. Low
round trip rates to Hot Springs and
Annual session Sovereign Grand
Lodge I. 0. O. F. Portland on Sept.lO-
24. Fare one rate for the round trip.
Tickets on sale Sept. 10-15 inclusive
with limit for going passage to Sept.
20 and for final limit for return to GO
days from date of sale. When route
via Sacramento and Mt. Shasta route
$15.00 extra will be added.
A rate of one and a third fare has
been made on the B. & M. for county
and district fairs not over seventv-five
miles distant. Dundy county fair.
Sept. 22 to 24 , at Benkehnan ; Hitch
cock county z * Culbertson , Sept. 27th
to 30th. Red Wiliow Co. at Indianola.
Sept. 20th to 23.
The time of sale of round Jrip tickets
at one fare for the round trip'to the
famous Hot Springs , S. D. , and Deadwood -
wood has been extended to Sept. 30th.
Tickets are good for thirty days.
Annual Encampment , G. A. R.Wash
ington , D. C. , Sept. 20th. Tickets on
sale September 12th to Sept. ] 8th.
Limit for return Oct. 12th. Fare one
rate for the round trip.
Nebraska Annual Conference M. E.
Church , Sept. 20-27. Fare one and a
third rate for the round trip. Tickets
on sale Sept. 17-26th inclusive.
For the above occasions , passengers
paying full fare going will be returned
at one third fare ( unless otherwise
noted above ) on presentation of certifi
cate signed by the proper officer of the
meeting on guarantee that there has
been an attendance of one hundred or
more who have paid full fare on the
going trip.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfa. '
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
A dangerous silver couuterfeit quar
ter of the "vintage" of 1892 has made
its'appearance. The com is in imita
tion of one made at the Orleans mint
this year , and the only difference is
that the eagle , etc. , on the reverse side
is a little to clearly outlined. The
weights of the two coins , the genuine
and the spurious , are the same. The
only flaw is in the ring of the coin
when it is dropped. "It is the most
dangerous counterfeit I have come
across in all my experience , " said a
business man. "Its face is absolutely
perfect and the reverse is nearly so :
the weight is just right and so is the
size. In fact the only flaw is in the
ring and the milling is slightly defec
tive. "
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report.
rl ,