ALWAYS THE BEST ! ALWAYS THE BIGGEST ! -Never Advertises More Than it Really Exhibits ! Ev rj Act , Wsigoii Cage , Car. Animal and Tent Brand New. Endless in New Novelties ! Limitless in New Features ! Bigger Than The Miggest ! Better Than The Best ! Coming in its 0\vii Great Special Built Railroad Train ! t. MAIN'S ENORMOUS RAILROAD SHOWS I 3-JIG 0IR0USES ! 3 BIG RIDGS ! _ , . t 's"f i V ' -v- \ -Sr Zzu * jigL f flrPf 1 , 2 , 4 and G-Horae Equestrian Pe.-its ! Flying Acts ! Contortion Brothers Act ! Club Acts ! Jugglers ! Caledonian Sports ! Grotesquists' Acts ! JINNETTE , The Greatest of Long Skirt Dancers ! The Pastimes. Sports and Games of the Ancient Roman Hippodrome ! 'Two and Four-Horse Chariot Eaces ! Male Flat Races ! .Standing Races ! Female Jockey Races ! Elephant and.Camel Ra-es ! Male and Female Hurdle Races ! ' ) \ MflR FQ Itemed and Ridden by One Man ! Pony Races ! Sack Races ! Man Against Horse llnces ! Monkey Races ! Fast Spintcrs in Special Contest ! Trapeze Acts ! Mid Air Sensations ! Ladder Acts ! Sensational Female Acts ! High Wire Acts ! Rope Races ! Bicvcust > ! Skaters. DOUBLE 5 HorseTandemJllce ! ' 5-foot Hurdle Wheel-barrow Races ! Pick Wild West Races ! Children's Races ! Sulkey Races ! TWO - COLOSSAL - MENAGERIES ! Zebras , Lious , Tigers , Leopards , Hyenas , Pumas- Pair Royal Bengal "Tigers. - Flock of Ostriches. Ehinocerous , White Bears , Elaiids , Sea Lions , Seals , Horned Horses and 1,500 Race and Costly Aimals. Be in linel Secure good locations to see the GRAND GALA DAY FREE STREET PARADE. Sis Bands ! Sir Tableau Wagons ! Fife and Drum Corps ! Goibedecked Cages , Dens and Lairs ! .Thirty Mounted Ladies ! Male and Female Jockies ! Tandem Teams ! Roman Cnarlots ! Long line of Elephants. Camels , Water Bufaloes , &c. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ONE BAT ONLY. - Doors ° Pen * and 7 < M All Railroads sell Cheap Excursion Tickets to the Big Show ! THE STARS AND STRIPES. Tlmy arc Placed Close to the North I'olo by the 1'cary Expedition. WASHINGTON , Sept 13. The stars and stripes have been planted at the two points nearest the North Pole yet reached by civilized man. The navy department to-day received the fol lowing telegram from Lieutenant Peary at St Johns , Newfoundland : United States navy claims highest discoveries on Greenland "east coast , Independence bay 82 degrees north latitude. 34 degrees west longitude ; discovered July 4 , 1892. Greenland ice cape ends south of Victoria. The hightest point heretofore at tained on the east coast is about 75 or ,77 degrees and was made by Holdenby , a German ; the highest point on the west coast was 83 , made by Lockwood and Brainerd of the Greely expedition. Naval officers are delighted at the suc cess of Lieutenant Peary and his tele gram was received with much pleasure. Illinois Catholics In rolltlcs. CHICAGO , Sept 13. At all the Cath olic churches in Illinois yesterday tha priests read from the altar a long pas toral signed by the archbishop of Chicago cage and the bishops of Peoria , Belle ville and Alton , strongly denouncing the Edwanls compulsory education law and calling upon Catholic voters to enforce the demand for its repeal. This is the first authorized utterance of the church in this state on- the ed ucation matter and is taken to mean that Catholics of Illinois will join the Lutherans as they did in Wisconsin in the fight against state interference in denominational schools. New Money for the Veterans. WASHINGTON , Sept 13. An order has been issued by Mr. Leech , the di rector of the mint , to Colonel Bosby- sheil , superintendent of the Philadel phia mint , to have coined at once 5100,001in silver half dollars for use. in Washington during the Grand Army encampment The purpose is to enable the visitors in the city at the time of the Gr d Army encampment to ex change their worn out small change and bills. Postal Clerks in Session at St. Louis. ST. Louis , Mo. , Sept 13. The na tional association of postal clerks met here in annual session in the govern ment building to-day. Postmaster Harlow delivered an address of wel come to the delegates and after the ap pointment of a working committee the convention adjourned until the after noon. NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. Kobbers blew open a safe at St Jacob , 111. , and secured 15 cents. Charles Wilson was shot and killed in a St. Louis crap dive. Both are colored. J. M. Hapwood of Kearney , Neb. , is dead. He was punched in the eye with an umbrella by Dr. G.V. . Kern. The latest trust is a deal between the sugar combines and the wholesale grocers to maintain prices on sugar. Much anxiety is felt for the health of Premier Abbott of Canada. His nervous system is said to be breaking- down. The Missouri state association of Mexican veterans will meet in reunion at Keytesville , Chariton county , Sep tember 15 and 1G. The Broth ii-hood of Street Eailway men are holding their first convention in Indianapolis. A national organiza tion is to be formed. W. L' Greer , aged 8 ( ? , and his wife , aged 82 , celebrated their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary near Mount Vernon - non , I1L , with 2,000 guests. Jake Sanborn wanted in Atchison county , Mo , for horse stealing , was arrested and turned over to the Mis souri officers at Beatrice , Neb. An effort is to be made to have the governor of Massachusetts release Lizzie Borden on bail. Competent lawyers say that the governor cannot act.The .The purchase of the Emmet villa near Albany , N. Y. , by Senator Hill is said to be for the establishment of state lieadquarters for New York Democrats. The river coal operators of Western Pennsylvania have reduced the mining rate half a cent a bushel and shut down the mines until the 7,000 r n employed accept. The fifth annual convention and re union of veterans of the regular army and navy will be held in Detroit , Mich. , September 21. Elaborate preparations have been made. The lead and zinc sales of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas last week aggregated § 82,000.28. Accumu lated lots were disposed of though prices were no higher. The house of Miles Rockford , a farmer living near Osage City , Kan. , was struck by lightning Saturday and his younge daughter killed and two other persons seriously shocked. T. S. Miller has been appointed re ceiver of the bank of Crete , Neb. , the president of which , Henry Stephens , is missing. There were only S200 in the vault The liabilities are § 90,000. Nearly 100 delegates have arrived in Indianapolis to attend the convention for the purpose of considering a re organization of the Iron Hall. The movement is set on foot by the anti- Somerby crowd. The heads of the locomotive engineers , brakemen's union , brother hood of conductors and other railroad organizations are in conference in Philadelphia over the status of labor affairs on the Reading road. The Catholic hierarchy of the ec clesiastical province of Chicago has established a Catholic newspaper , the New World , which is to be the official organ of the church within the limits of the archdiocese of Chicago. Younger Adams was found guilty of njurder in the fourth degree and sen tenced to four years im the peniten tiary lor , ho murder of Patrick Rounds , by the circuit court , now in session at Huntsville , Randolph coun ty , Mo. Chilian naval officers are looking forward with much interest to the visit of thoAmeriqan ( warships , under ' | 'the command' Admiral Gherardi. They soy thby yrlll be glad to , the United States .officers on friendly terms now -hat' Minister "Efra.ii and AVER'S HAIR VIGOR Keeps the scalp clean , cool , healthy. The Best Dressing Restores hair which has become thin , faded , or gray. Dr. J. C. & . . . Ayer Co. Lowell , Mass. No person should Iravi \v'tlout I : a box of Ayer's Pills : : is n snfi- > p i-i'y remedy for con- tipation : unl all im-ejil.-ritk-s of the stomach and bowels , they lii\v no cctial. ] and , being skillfully Mit't'f conlri ! . aic pleasant to take , and long retain their virtues- . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. first publication August. SGili. 180. . SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtm or no order o'sule ! direeji-d \ < > o'c from the district court tit I led Wliimv cmim . Nebraska , on a judunu ot otiiaiued In ! ! < Hon. U. T.elcy. . .ititlj-e ol 'he ilicluel court of tiedv lllow coiinit , Ni linit-i > ! i. i-n the ( iih day ot June. IMC. in In or . .t Mull < plaintills. mid ; i'iiiMrl .li.fcph llnozt * us de fendant lor the Mini ol sixty-nine do.lais und twenty live cuiitt. [ fC.2o" ! | and o > < ; i > tn.\e < ! at $33 i-8 and accrnintr rot-is I have levied upon the lullou'injr real eat lit etui-en an the propel ty ot ria > d di leniiant tosaiisM hai'l deeice. to-wit : soul li hall Southwell quarlei see. ! . .toii.hip 1 , north of rimtru 'JO. west Cth J' . M. in Kid Willow county. Nelnaska. ai d will olltrihc same for 5ali : to lhelil : he-i bidder l > r in hand , on the lUli ilav of Septemtn r A I ) . 1SD2. inlront of the couth door ot the conit house , in Indiannlii. NebriKi.a , that tiring the Ijlllldin-r wlieri'JK Ilie hihl term ot court war- held , at the hoiu i.f 1 i.vinuk. P.M. . of said day , when ai > di heie < ! tif aiiendiince uill be givren by the uudi ihifrjied. Dated August 24th. 'Sti. ! 13. It. It.SK - . Hierill'of said Cmiiity. First pulilK-iuiiiii September : .M. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order olalp din otrd to mi- from thcdiPtriut eont ul lied W.llou county. Nel > r. hii. on a jndmnrnl ohtamcil dolnrc Hon. . ; . K. Coelitan. jinl f ! tiniistn < t eoni t Of Ited Willow cotinii. Xi-tiiisUa oil thfc uili liy of Oetol'i r. 1MH. ol lamcil n decree in lav- ' Or'of AIIIOI Mill ] as phun'il)1. and ii iiiti < i. Sam uel A. bhatlrr inn ! S riih .1. Shaffer , as ( h-U-no- Mils , lor thisMiir "f I IH'thoiiwind ai-wn hiin- rired iiiiu * ilnllais umi niiict.v'lirriCCIUB. . CH.7119 SKii nnd c .si luxi i it § > iliS anil iici'in- il'M" eoStf. I luuc Irvicil upon ihe ! limvin < r icul estnii' t iken Htin - : nuier'ol | . siiiil lie- reiidtint tnsiMitsl'\ . llll ( liM-i-fi- . t < wit : N.E H Se < - lil.'l p o N < > l Ki'iiaiW : } V. iif tin' Oili P. At. in lf < l W il'i-w iiiiiit > Nfhrteka , nnd wilt ntlVr HIP siim - Im sale to tinln hebt biddt r. l"ie > i h I. ml. UK the thud day m October. A. D 189J. in fi.'iit ul tin * smith door ol tin-cuiiri h'H.sf in Ii'ilnu i.ln. r.'cl'r.i ka. that ' . ' u tinIm liiiiiir u In ii-iii tin * uib-i li-i m ol ciuiiiiisheiii.tit ihehoiir ot one oVIocl. . P. M. . ul Mfd d . when iinii uj-eie due at- tfndanc'i- will tie'jrixi- " t-\ nndersisni-il tinted Anirnst : ilst. 189- . i ; . U. HAM- Sheriff of bml : fofinty. SHERIFF'S SALE. l > y virtue ol'an order ot sale diiected to me I'lom ihe District com tot lied Willow fminti. Neliraskii. on a judgment olitaint-il ln-tnie Hon. 1) . T. Welly , judge ol the u.striei court of H-d Willmv ( sniinly. Ni'biasiKti. on the ( ith day of.innc , JS'J ' .obtained a dcciee in favur of Churli'S O. White , receiver ot the tlnii > t" Dawe.s 6c K'iss as plaintiil's. aim ntraini-t ] ria M. fortltohiimol twentj- three dollars and til ty uems < $23oO ) . and costs taxed at W8 Ii8 and j.eerninjr costs. 1 have levied upon the lollowiiifr real estate talteii as the property of said defendant to satisfy snid decree , town : Southwest quarter of section twiMitj-three. township three , i.ortli ot rjinire -iity-pi.T. . west of theCth 1' . M in Hed Wil low county , Nehraskii. anil u ill offer the hame I'd i MII | > to the highest bidder , lorciish in liand , on the 1'Jth day of September.A.D.ISU3in front of the south door of the C"urt house in Indi- unolH. Neb. , that beinjr the hiiildint , ' wherein the last lei m of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated August 17th , 3t'J2. E. It. BANKS , Sheriff of Said County. First Publication SeptemberSd. 1892. LAND OFFICE AT MCUOOK.NEB. . i AUKUSt 27,1893. f Notice is hereby jriven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before IJesr- ister or Iteceiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , Octobers. 18'J2. viz : EGBERT H. EVEKIST ; F. E. D. R. No. C839 for the S. E. U Sec. 25. T. 1. N. of U. 29. W. of the Cth P. JI. lie names the following-witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land , viz : Geor-re B. Morgan. Joel B. Dolph. .lames W. Leisure and Seth T. Parson , all of Dan- bftry. Nebraska. .1. P. LINDSAY. Register. First publication September 0.1892. NOTICE. In the districtcourt of Hed Willow comity. Nebraska. .1. Lowell Moore , trustee , plaintiff , VP. William Kelpli , Rebecca .1. Itelpli , John W. Kern. Leonora V. Kern. Itufus M. Snuve'y. Snrnli Suavely and William A. Judd , defend ants. John W. Kern. Leonora V. Kern. Uufus M. Suavely. Sarah Bnavely and William A. Judd , non-resident defendants , will take no tice thar on t1iaefirhth day of Sept. . A. U. 1892. plninlitr lit-wiii tiled his petition in the district court of Hed Willow county. Nebraska , against the defendants , tlie object and prayer of which are to foreclose u certain 2ortgnsre executed by the defendants William Helpb and Rebecca J. Itelpli to plnintifT's assignee , the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation , upon the east halftho , south east quarter and the north west quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-five [ 251 , in township onel ( ) . north of range thirty ( iJOKwent , in Hed Willow county. Nebraska , to Pecuro the imvinnnt of a certain inortiriiKO bond of flJOO. dated Sept. 1. 1887. and ton inteiest coupon notes of $10.50 each , dated Sent. 1.1887. and that there Is now due upon said bond' , interest coupons and taxes paid by plaintiff under the terms of said mortgage , the rium of $411.60. with inter est nt ten 'per ' cent , ftom this date , for which sum , with costH , plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay'tho samov or'tbat said premises may be gold'to satisfy the nmpuntfound ; duo. You aroreq"ulredvto answer said petition on or before Monday , the 17th day of Odtober , A. Vj 'jt5 PlWl'tfV rf l 'f ' JpatcdJSeptomhor.8 , l&p. , , . 1 ti su-T.i * JJOWKI ! MOOIIE , trustee. _ , .tt ! B V T Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment. A cprtnln cure for Chronic Sore KveO'c 'IT. Suit libitum. Scald Head. Olil t'lnonlo Snrcs. Fever Sores. Eczemn. Itch. Prairie crutches. Sore Nipples and Plica. It Is coollntr n l Boothlnjr. II urid roils of cases liavu licun c tired hy it utter all otlutr tronitnant hud fulled. It IB put up \ 25 and CO con I boxes. For sale liy George M. Clioni'r.\ . NovJJO-lyenr. PROCLAMATION. WHEKEAS. A joint resolution wns ad opted l > y tlm t.ffrisliiUiro ol' the Statu of Nebraska t Ihe twenty-second sopBion thereof , and up- proved April till ) . A. I ) . 1MI. proposing an ami-ndiiient to socliun ulneO ( ) of article ulvlit (8) ( ) . or the constitution oTaulil ttntiHIM ! that said Hcction HB amended shall rviui IIP i < i | | wr < . to-u-it : SKCTION 1. All funds l > t'l < Hi > rliijri < > tin * stn for edueiitlonal purposes , the intereni HIM ! In come wlioM-of only an : to hi * used , shall be deemed trust lumlH held liy I he stall- , and thu stiiio nhall Hiinply all IOHSCH thereof tlmt mtiy in any inanrier wi-nio. no that the siiniu sliull remain loiever invluiiiiianil iindlinlnlshod. nnd shall not lie invented or lonned except on United StnH'H or Stale seenrltli-a.or reirii-tered county tionds. \ - registered school district bonds of ihis slate , mid gucli funds with the interests and inroiiif tnereol. iue hereby solemnly pledged Cmilic purpost'P for which they are ( rrnnted nnd set apart , and eliall not be irniiMcrrecl to an > - other hind tor other uses. . SKCTION 2. At sueh election on the ballot cfpiicli elector voting for oriiirnitiRtthiH pro posed amendnieiit shall li" written or printed the words : ' 'For proposed amendnieni in the constitution rchttini ; to permanent t-elnx.l tund. " nnd "Against said proro8ed ai-i.-nd merit to the constitution relating in p'-rmn- nentschool fund. " SEC. . ' ! . II such amendment snail beapprov ed by a majority ol all the electors votintr "t such election , said proposed amendment sluiil constitute section nine (9 ( ; of iirliclo eiuht ( of the constitution of the Slate of Nebraslia. Therelore I. James E. llo.\d. Governor of the State ot Nehrnska. do hereby j-'K'e notice in accordance with section ( I ) article nevei teen (17) ( . ol the constitution and the provi sions of an acti-nlitled "An act to provide the manner of propoKinjr till amendments to the constitution and submitting the same to the electors ot the sniie. " Approved February loth , A. I ) . 1877. tlMl fciliil propiiM'il amend- incut will be submitted to tlie qualitled voters ot thiH state for approval or rejection at th < ; 'cnbritl election to be held on the 8th day of November. A. D. 189 , ' . IN WITNKSS WIIKK 1:0 K , T have lieieunto set in ) hand and caused 1o be alli.Yed the grunt benl of the state of Nebraska. Done at. Lincoln thisiitlth iliiv of .July. A. IX U)2and ! ) the 20th year ol the tate. and ol the Independence of the United Stntes the one hundred and t-cvcntcenth. [ SEAL ] .IAMES E. IIOYD. Hy the Governor. JOHN C. AMiKN , Secretary of Slate. PROCLAMATION. WHEKEAS. A resolution wasudopted by the Legislature of tlie slate of Nebraska at tlie Twenty-second session thereol. itnd ii | > privrd ApriMth , A. IX Ifc'Jl. piopnsuig mi amciid- lucnt to Section One (1) ( , ot Article 1'ivc i5) ) , ol the constitution ot fcaid state , tinil that s-aul section as amended shall re-id as follow. * , to- wit ; MtCTiON 1. ( Officers. ) The executive de partment slnill consist ot : i governor , lieiHi.-n- niit governor , seuiutar > nt state , auditor of puhli. ; account ? , treasurer , superintendent , of pub.'ic instruction , attorney uviioral , comtuis- sioner ol public- lands and buildings and three railroad connnissioneis , whose poxveis and du ties shall lie such as may lie prescribed t y law. The tirst named eis-'ht (8) ) ollicers shall hold ollice lor the term of two years from the first ThiirMlny after tiie lirst Tuesduy -January next alter Ins election , and until his suecet-s- or is elec'ed and qualified : PKOVIDKD , now- KVKII. Tim ! tlie llrst election of said llrst eight nanu-d ollicers shall tie held on the Tuesday Mice-ceding the ttiRt Mondiiv in November. ib&J. and each succeeding election shall beheld at the sumo relative time in each even jcar theienfter. The thieu last ininied ollicers or railroad cnmmfcHotiers shall be elected h % the electors of the state at large , and their terms of oflice , except of the = e chosen t the llrst election , as hereinafter provided , shall be three years. The HIM election lor railroad comnnsHoneis shall he held on the Tuesdi succeeding tile lltst Monday in Novenilirr.1893. and shall be held at the same ieliii\e tune in each succeeding year Thy i ailroad conimis sioners shall , immediately alter the tlr-st r-aid election in WM. bu cl.issiUed by lot. sot hut one shall holil his ollice lor the teunof oin- year , one for tlie teim ot two years , and one lor the term of three years. No person shall tie eligi ble to the ollirc or'i i ailroad eomin ssioner who be in the etnplcn ot any common currier , or tlie owner of any railroad bonds or stuck , erin in any manner whatever pecuniarily interest ed in any railroad company. The governor , secretary of thestate. railroad commissioners , auditor of public accounts and ticasurer shall reside nt the seat of government during their term of oilico and keep the public records , books and papers there , and shall perform sucti duties as may be required by law ; PRO VIDED. HOWEVKII , ALSO. That the governor shall appoint three railroad commissioners who shall hold the.r ollice until their success ors are elected and qualified as provided here inhefore. SEC. 2. That each person voting in favor of this amendment shall have written or print ed upon his ballot the following : "For the proposed amendment to/the constitution 're lating to executive officers ? ' Therefore , I , .lames E. Royd. Governor of the State of Nebraska , do hereby give notice in accordance with section one (1) ( ) . article sev enteen (17) ( ) . of the constitution and the provi sions of the act entitled "An act to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to the constitution and submitting the stime to the electors of the state. * ' Approved Febru ary 13th. A. D. 1877. that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for approval or rejection at the general election to bo held on the 8th day of November. A. 1) . 1892. IN WITNESS WIIKKKOF. I hereunto set my hand and cause to be nllixod the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 20th day of July. A. T ) . 1802. and the 20th year of the State and of Hie Independence of the United States the one hundred nnd seventeenth. [ SEAL ] JA.MES E. DO YD. By the Governor. J. C. ALLEN. Secretary of State. [ First publication August 12,1892. ] LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NKB. , i August 11.1892. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final live year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook. Nebraskaon Saturday , September 17.1892 , viz : VALENTINE BOGLE , on II. E. No. 7437 fc r the E. V of S. W. & and W.i of S. E. J section 12 , town. 4 , north Hauge 29 , W. Cth P. M. He names the follow ing witnesses to proove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , said laud , viz : Jesse Jngel , Enoch A. Sexson and Henry Wi- nans. of Box Elder , Neb. , and Edward Lakin , Indianola , Neb. J. P. LINDSAV , Register. [ First publication August 12.1892.1 LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . August 11,1892. f Notic * is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pre-emption proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made be fore Register or Receiver at McCook. Nebras ka , on Saturday , September 17th , 1892 , viz : UHARLES II. TAYLOR , on Pro. D. S. No. 0137 for the E. / of S. W. 14 section 7. t'w'p 4. N. Range 28. W.Cth P.M. He names the following ; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultiva tion of. gaid land , viz : Valentino Bogle , .lisse Inge ! and James Kinghorn. ot Box Elder. Ne braska. a ; < d Samuel Hoagland , of Indlauola. Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY. Register. First publication August,26th , 1892. LAND OFFICE AT'MCCOOK , NEB. . ( . Auc-ustSotb , 1892. f Notice ia hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of bis claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska on Saturday , October 1,1892 , viz : JOHN T. FOLEY , H. E. No. 7704 for the W. H N. E. and N. W. ii S. E. KandS. E. X N.E. Jfof section 13 , in T. 5. N. of JL30. w. ofc-tbeeth-'p. . M. He names the following witnesses tajjrovo. Jila canUriu- ous residence upon , advcultivation of Bald land , vfoy. Jfels Swanson , fend Nelb P. Bdtfon. of Osborn. NebrwHa. 8cqtWA Bennett , "of 8uIkVrSbrau8llll'1aJ ? ! Kfk6 of Mc Cook Nebraska. , . , " " A. J. JUTTKNHOUSK.C. . H. BOYM. iUTTEN'tfoUSKHt UOYLB , ATTOKNKYS - AT - LAW , McCOOK. NEB. J. K. KBLLBY , AT - : ATTORNEY - : - AGKNT LINCOLN LAND CO. .Mci'OOK. - - NEBKASKA. : In rear of First National Bank. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOIC , NEBBASKA. l practice in all courts. Cotnmoroli. . m l corporation law a specialty. Money to iniii. Kooms 4 and f old First National bid b' . SNA'VELY & PHILLIPS , Attorney and Counsellors at Law , INDIANOLA. NED. i'tr I'ractlc&ln.iheSUateand Federal Courts. B. B. DAVIS , PHYSICIAN ANT ) SURGEON " 'MOCOOK. XEIWASKA. ; # " < > KKICK HOIIKS : U n > ; ii. 'i. 11. in Hi'OiMH nvr F rVutionill bank. 1 'n A. T. RICE , .VI. D. , PHYSICIAN AKIi SURGEON. I have located permanently in McCook , Neh. All calls answered promptly by day or night , in the city orcountry. Special attention given to diseases of children. Office over Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel. Office hours from S a. in. to 8 p. m. Residence in the "grout" house. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Koraei branded en loft hip or > eft shoulder. P.O. address , Imperial. Chase County , and Beat- irlco , Neb. Kango. Stink- flnjr Water "and French man oreeks , Chase Co. , Nebraska. Brand as out on aide of some animals , on hip and Bides of some , or any where on the animal. J. S. McBRAYER , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. and Safe Moving a Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber "Vard will receive prompt attention- A. COLE . . , LEADING- MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , For Good Tailoring , has not got the largest shop this side of Hastings but he has got the Largest and Best stock 'of Cloths and Trim mings this side of Hastings , which be will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the same kind of goods. Shop 3 doors west of the Citizens Bank. f i' . "NOTICE. Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys , And any other breed easily obtained by using Dean's Dehorning Pencil ! It never fails. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For testimonials and fur ther information see circular. Price 50 cents. Sola > C- Dealer In Harness. Saddlery and Turl Goods , Mccook , Neb. Light track harness a specialty. X3 ? I "Will A-voId Prnnde and Kocu < Medical Institute * 'by going to the Old. DR. HENDERSON , 1 02 & 1 04 W. HINTH STREET/ KANSAS CITY , MO. AHeyular Graduate In Medicine. Over 26 yearj practice 12 in Chicago. THE or.UEST IT AQE. and tONOE8TI.OCATEJ > . Authorized by the State to treat Chronic. Nerrons and " Special Diseases. " Seminal Weakness. ( HIOHT I.OSSES ) , Sexual Debility < LOSSO SBXD-AIPOWEKX KcrrousDebnity.PolBoned Blood. Ulcers and Sirelfc ings of every kind. Urinary and Kidney Disease * etc. Cares Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Charge * Iiow. Thousands of cae * cared every year. Experience is important. No mer cury or Injurious medicinensed. . No time lost from business. Patients at a distance treated by mall and express. Medicines sent everywhere frea from gaze or breakage. State your casa and send for terms. Consultation free and confidential , per- onallyorby letter. For particulars see II A AI7 Foa BOTH , 8EXES.-80 Pages K | II I full ot descriptive pictures , sent v WIm sealed In plain envelope for Gc. la stamps. N. B. This book contains SECRETS and useful knowledge which ohonld be read by every male from 15 to 45 years of ace and keptnnder lock and key. FREE MUSEUM OF AX AT OMY replete -with a thousand Interesting speci mens. Including the celebrated French Maalldn uhleh alone cost ovortOOO. For Men Only. THE 88EATJHRKISH IHEQMATIC.CUBE. A rosmr * cs&x MB BHXCTUTIBX. so. for any case this treatment falls to 1 cure or help. Greatest dlscoverrlnl annuls of medicine. One dose give * 1 'relief : few doses removes fever add I pain In Joints ; Cure completed in a - few days. Send statement of cue with stamp tat Circulate. W. HEMDEBSON , KANSAS CITY , MO. BnbJectaneeAXearnc-Jo'Dt-atJrom this iKl of Terrora-fT Jkm6 irtnder < hLd Weeksby ( raulM.