The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1892, Image 1

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Injured Innocence ,
Is shown in the handsome
face of our colored friend.
He wants you to understand
that he
But if you will come to the
next week , you will see a new
line of Ladies' , Misses' and
Children's Shoes which will
For trade at the head of
-the procession with the right
swing , and we propose to
The frisky dollar. In all
lines of Boots and Shoes there
is no dealer in Southwestern
that can
To equal yours respectfully.
We are here for business from
the ? ground up , and propose to
Come and see us.
Is the key-note to success.
The firmness of our resolution
In Boots and Shoes is sym
bolized in the noble figure
here given. THE BOSTON SHOE
STORE has already set the
Of making people talk about
their goods and prices. A visit
to their store will convince
you of this.
A Big Drive
Is now being made by us on
many lines , but especially on
a fine line of
Ladies will find the selection
very desirable , while the shoes
themselves are admitted to be
Call at once and get the pick
before sizes are broken. These
goods will go like ice cream.
Capt. J. C. Gaminill was over from Fron
tier county , Sunday.
Sheriff Banks drove up , Tuesday , on busi
ness of the shrievalty.
E. E. Lownian is spending the week in
the city with the family.
Rev. 1. N. CUver was up from 13arlley ,
Tuesday on legal business.
Col. Frank II. Selby , of Cambridge , drop
ped in on us briefly , Tuesday.
L. W. McCflimell left on 6 , Monday , for
Virginia , Illinois , on a brief visit.
S. E. Hager , says the Courier , will engage
in the lumber business at Indianola.
Mrs. Rosa E. Shedd of Hastings is visiting
in the city.guest of Mrs. G. A. Nor < ju.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Meeker arrived home
from their visit in Lincoln , Monday night.
Messrs. 13rezee , Gathercole and Kennedy ,
of Indianola , were with us of the hub , Mon
Mrs. John Shepherd will leave for Iowa ,
Sunday , on a visit to relatives , for a few
Attorneys Cochran and Boyle were at Cul-
bertson , Monday afternoon , on district court
Mrs. J. B. Meserve arrived home , Satur
day night , from visiting Kearney relatives
and friends.
Messrs. O. Frost and M. N. Eskey , of
Bartley , were up , Monday , on a little politic
al business.
Senator Jasper N. Koontz left for Lincoln
on 0 , Wednesday , after a short visit up in
Chase county.
Col. J. S. LeIIew left on 6 , yesterday
evening , for the national G. A. R. encamp
ment at Washington.
Miss O'Reilly , late a teacher in the Mc-
Cook schools , was an east bound passenger ,
Tuesday morning.
County Supt. Bayston was up from the
present seat of county alfairs on school busi
ness , Monday afternoon.
Rev. L. P. Ludden , of Lincoln , and Dr. J.
Crounse , of Altamount , New York , were in
the city , Monday , on a business trip.
Mrs. B , . B. Davis left on 2 , Thursday
morning for Minneapolis , Minn. , and will be
absent a few weeks on a visit to relatives.
F. D. Burgess has been absent part of the
week in Arapahoe putting in additional
radiators at the school house in that burg.
C. L. DeGroif arrived home from the east ,
tjrst of the week , and his new goods are com
ing iu daily. Mrs. DeGroff accompanied him.
William Weygint , H. H. Benson , M. H.
Bacon , H. H. Berry , and comrades Starr and
Kennedy drove to the Curtis reunion , Tues
Miss Walsh arrived from Chicago , Tuesday
noon , and has taken charge of the millinery
department of Lownian & Son's establish
Dr. Beck , Charlie Hoag , W. R. Starr and
Henry Baxter , of the ochre town , cast the
light of their happy countenances upon UF ,
morning for Kearney on his way home.
Manager Frank Albrecht , of the Stewart
ranch , went down to Nuckolls county on
Wednesday morning , on some business for
the Stewarts , who own a ranch there also.
Miss Cory of Wells' Millinery department
arrived home , Wednesday noon , from New
York City , where she has been selecting and
preparing fall and winter goods for her de
Herman Fade was called to Indianola ,
day evening , to embalm the remains of the
mother of the Powell Bros. , who died while
out from the east on a visit to her sons. The
body was shipped home.
Miss Eunice Dean , of Kenton , Ohio , gave
her sister Mrs. A. C. Marsh a pleasant surprise
on Saturday last , by coming unexpectedly
trom Lamed , Kansas , whereshe was making
a short visit. She returned to Lamed on
Monday's early train well pleased with the
looks of Nebraska.
Mr. Will S. Kimmell , who wandered off
east with the Y. P. S. C. E. excursion in
July , has become so infatuated with the
effete cast that lie has decided to remain
there and embark in business on his own re
sponsibility ; and in a brief while The Somer
set Vidette will be launch upon the turbulent
sea of iournalism by the publishers in re
sponse to the customary load and piercing
and popular demand. Having learned on
THE TBiBtiNE how to eradicate type-lice
from a standing galley and how to sustain
life on mileage and a sample of early-rose
potato , he is eminently qualified to make
The Vidette a robust and ripsnorting shaper
and trimmer of public opinion , and in true
occidental style. His many friends out here
In Nebraska will join THE TJUBUNE in
wishing him a full measure of success , pros
perity and fame.
George Lavcrty is confined to bed and is
npirted quite IV.
L. C. Wolfe has been on the main line
during Ri'tldin's illness.
William Smith , machinist , is putting him
up a stable , this week.
The construction train came down from
tlie Imperial branch. Tuesday afternoon.
Buy a house from S. II. Colvin on the
monthly installment plan and suve money.
Jack Cumin entered upon his new passen
ger run on the Orieans-St. Francis line ,
A train a mile and a quarter in length was
lately hauled over the Heading railroad by a
single emrine. it consisted or 250 empty
freight cars.
ilarry Crandail is carrying his right hand
in a sling and is minus the ends of his first
and second Fingers , the result of getting be
tween two cars.
Jav Tubbs went down to Holdrege on 2 ,
Wednesday , and will work in the round
there for a season until he shall have recov
ered his usual heath to go on the road again.
A man flagged a train lust as it pulled out
of Somerset , and when the conductor rushed
forward to see what was the matter the fel
low said he had a keg of beer on the train he
wanted to get off.
Uollulay is thinking of rechristening his
black mare Nancy Hanks , since her perform
ance of 3:24 : on Wednesday afternoon , when
Ben Eowen thought § 10 worth that she
wouldn't go in 3:45. :
The remains of Mrs. Alice liichardson ,
who died in Denver , Saturday , arrived in the
city on 2 , Monday. After brief services by
Rev. W. C. Stevenson at residence of de
ceased's brother. Harry D. Carter , the body
was interred in Longview cemetery.
A sharp collection agent from Iowa came
to Flattsmouth and Havelock and purchased
a lot of accounts against 13. & M. employes
and then garnished the company. The first
the employes knew of it was when their
monthly checks failed to arrive. They are
very indignant.
The "surfacers" came down from the Im
perial branch , Tuesday afternoon , and were
paid off ; consequently the wet goods busi
ness was brisk for a day or two. Some of
the gang promptly shipped to Wyoming to
engage in work being pushed by the Burling
ton in that section of country.
The breaking of the turn table at the round
house , Tuesday morning , has been a source
Ul KIU IL inconvenience , auu lui u iiuiu IL was
impossible to get a locomotive in or out of
the house , engines being cleaned on side
tracks , and those out doing double service
for the imprisoned ones. A Y-track was at
once constructed upon which to turn locomo-
motives and cars. It will be necessary to
send to Pittsbunr for a new casting. Engine
276 was on the table when the break occurred.
Who would think , to look at a big railway
locomotive , that it could by any possibility
be put together in less than one day ? A
London paper stated that the feat was ac
complished at the Stratford works of the
Great Eastern railroad of England. The lo
comotive was a "standard freight locomotive
of the six coupled type , weighing more than
thirty-seven tons and able to haul 560 tons. "
From the driving of the first rivet to the ap
plication of the final coat of varnish the
work occupied less than ten hours.
The ball and banquet by Boyd Hook and
Ladder Co. , last evening , was not largely at
tended , and its financial success was marred
" r the skipping out of Messrs. Fox and
estland with most of the proceeds ,
an east bound freight some time about
idnight , leaving all bills for hall , music ,
inting , etc. , unpaid. ,
. and Mrs. Alfred C. Nettletou have
lie profound sympathy of all in their deep
piiction. Their second child died on last
Iriday , and Mr. Mettleton is still very ill.
i Mrs. Riddler of Feyette county , Iowa , is
lisiting her daughter , Mrs. C. W. Knights ,
laving accompanied Mr. Knights upon his
eturn from a visit there.
The fire laddies will meet in a cay or two
a investigate the extent of their misfortune
[ if last evening : .
Mrs. G. A. Noren entertained a company
[ f friends , this evening , in honor of Mrs.
Jhedd of Hastings. '
County Clerk Roper and County Treasurer
Henton were in the metropolis of the valley ,
last evening.
Mrs. E. R. Roby entertained a number of
friends at tea on Wednesday evening.
W. M. Lewis was down from Culbertsou ,
Tuesday , on business.
District Court Filings.
S. L. Sticther vs. 1st National Bank , equity ,
Aug. 3d.
S. L. Sticther vs. W. H. Williams , et al ,
equity , Atig. 3d.
W. C. Bullard & Co. vs. Nettie B. Moore ,
et al , equity , Aug. 12th.
Jos. S. Holmes vs. Jennette Holmes , di
vorce , Aue. 15tl > .
State of Neb. vs. John L. Rouch , larceny ,
Aug. 22d.
A. W. Evans vs. E. Bowen , attachment ,
Aug. 23d.
Robt. H. Thomas vs. V. Franklin , et al ,
election contest , Aug. 24th.
C. N. Griffin vs. W. E. Winslow , etal , equi
ty. Ang. 27.
B. Hughson vs. N. A. Frame , et al , equity ,
M. E. Bliss vs. J. A. Houchin , et al , equity ,
Aug. 27th.
Jennie Pierce vs. J. B. Teeters , et al ,
equity , Aug. 27.
Chas. Nash vs. Allen Bartley et al , equity.
Aug. 27.
L. T. Vail vs. Dixon Teeters , et al , equity ,
Aug. 27th.
M. E. A. Van Vleit vs. Deatrick Blake , et
al , equity , Aug. 27th.
Am. Savings Bank vs. Ella M. Piper , et al ,
equity , Aug. 27th.
Geo. Hocknellvs. Jas W. Spee $ et al , equi
ty , Aug. 3lst
Jos. A. Webster vs. Thos. Boyd , et al , equi
ty , Aug. 31st.
M. A. Farrington vs. Sam'l Ellis , et al , equi
ty , SepL 1st.
Geo. H. Warren , Jr.73. A. H. Orman , etal ,
equity , Sept. 3rd.
Susan Cutting vs. S. M. C. Griff , et al , equi
ty. Sept 8th.
J. L. Moore , Tr. vs. W. Relph , etal , equity ,
Sept. 8th.
G. H. Attwood vs. Louis Mather , et al ,
equity , Sept. 9th. , ,
W. 8. Bales vs. Christabel Bales , ' divorce ,
Sept 9th.
will be open and ready for inspec
tion 011 the above dates , and you are
cordially nvited to examine the fin
est selection of goods we have yet
shown. Thanking * you for past favors
and soliciting your future patronage ,
I remain , Yours Respectfully ,
McGook , Neb , J. ALBERT WELLS.
Designer and Trimmer , Dress Maker ,
New York City , All Work Guaranteed. '