The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 02, 1892, Image 7

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    F *
Recently Vis following fMlct appeared In Via
San Francisco Chronicle ,
"Judge S had been sick only about two
weeks , and it was not until the last three or
kidneys refused to perfonn their functions and
he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life
of one of the most prominent men in Cali
fornia. " Like thousands of others his un
timely death was the result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease.
V. are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de
. rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs ,
don't delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your daily duties ; donft
waste your money -worthless llmmenta
and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of
the disease at once by using the greatest of all
known remedies , the celebrated Oregon Kid
ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands.
Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely
vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a pack
age , 0 for $5.00.
X "W1U Avoid Qnactc
Fraiidi&ndHoirui Medical
Institutes tty going to tfeq
Old , Sellable
1 02 & 1 04 W. NINTH STREET ,
Altcgular Graduate In
Medicine. Over 26 yearf
practice 12' in Chicago.
Authorizedbr the Stale to treat Chronic. NeiroiU
and " Socclul Diseases. " Seminal Weakness , ( Nioirr
n osg or SBXOAIiVp WEIA
1. UlccraandSweU-
Cureo Guaranteed or Money . ,
Char BOB Jjow. Thousands of case * cured
every year. Experience is important. No > mercury -
cury or Injurious mcdlctno used. No time lost
from business. 1'atlcnte at a distance treated I by
mall and express. Medicines sent everywhere Ireo
from gaze or breataKO. State your case .and . Bend
for terms. Consultation f rco nnd confidential , per-
full ot descriptive pictures. aent
scaled in plain envelope for Cc. In
Btwnps. N. B. Th ! book contains SECKETS ard
useful knowledge vhtch should bo read by every
OBEY rcplctorlth a thousand Interesting epccl *
mens , taclndlng the celebrated French Manikin
which nlono cootovorlCOO. For BlenOnly.
r * r * * * fff MRnM9HIER
for any case this treatment falls to
euro or help. Greatest discovery In
xnnals of medicine. Ono dose gives
relief ; a few doses removes f over nnd
pain In Joints ; Cure completed In a
Jew dars. Bend statement of cao with stamp for
ful vlcor
_ . . restored
Bandllfe prolonged evcnlnndvanccd
lyeara by a miracle of modern sci
ence. Call or write enclosing 51 , state
case fully and get a trial treatment and advice
of a rcjjular specialist of many years' experience
235 WIs. Street , MILWAUKEE , WIS.
M. Campbell
ArKyle.WiS.,6ayB : Before. After. Lou.
The accompanying statement Weight ssoibj sss ibi 75ib
of my weight and measure- Bait : . . . la. 23 in. 10 in.
m en ts trill show the results of w ut. . 42 in. si in. nia.
five months' treatment. Hips * . , win. 4oin.i3in.
Harmless , and with DO ( tarrtnt ; , Inconvenience , or bad effccU.
For oirtlcalars mddrtu , with 6 cenU In stamps.
. . .
JJi Ullk > lillJtf IL.11IIIML111I ) 1IU.11IW * V. Vllh -
eases , by their compound Oxygen Treatment ,
arc indeed marvelous.
If you arc a sufferer from any disease which
your physician lias failed to cure , write for in
formation about this treatment , and their book
of two hundred pages , giving a history of
Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with
numerous testimonials from patients , to whom
you may refer for still further information ,
will be promptly sent , without charge.
This book aside from its great merit as a
medical work , giving , as it does , the result of
years of study and experience , you will find a
very interesting one.
1529 Arch Street , Philadelphia , Pa.
120 Sutler St. , San Francisco , Cal.
Please mention this paper. .
If. us the Buying goes , "etrnws show which
\v ty the wind blows. " the testimony given In
lilnck mid white regarding tbo merits of uu
i nrtiulo , and by those , too , whose dally experl-
: uiiec Is eulculated to make them liunilinr with
ouch subjects , then the following note cat tics
moro lliun ordinary weight :
SAN FKANCISCO. June3.1888.
Dear Sir I have tried a bottle of your
Itnhcrtlua tor the complexion nnd tlud it a
most delightful preparation , beautifying the
skin and leaving no bad effects. For the t'ut
uro I ahull use no other piepiimtlon. Siriceie-
That nightmare of man's existence which
rnaltea food mockery and banishes yleep
from weary eyes , readily yields to the potent
influence of the celebrated English Dandelion
Tonic. It tones up the digestive organs , re
stores the appetite , makes assimilation of
lood possible and invigorates the whole sys
tem. All druggists sell it at one dollar per
Thanks to the lord. XII
ST. PATO , Minn. , October , 1890.
I recently had the opportunity of testing the
ielobrated Pastor Koonig's Nerve Tonic in a
very severe case. A poor widow to whom I have
frequently given aid and assistance In my
capacity B3 City Missionary , sent her 12-year-old
daughter to me one evening to procure neces
sary aid ; while she was relating her destitution
nnd stating that her mother was now nearly to
tally blind , the poor child suddenly fell into an
epileptic fit. I gave her two bottles of your
medicine , and the girl is now well and happy ,
and che support of her aged mother. The Lard
bo thanlsoa 1 I think that such a case as this
redounds to your honor and to the glory of Hfni
above , who haa given you the knowledge to pre
pare each a blessing for Buffering humanity.
E. E. 1RMSCHEB , Missionary ,
695 Otsego Ave
A Valuable Book en Norvona
Diseases sent free to any address ,
FREE and poor patients can also obtain
this medicine free of charge.
This remedy has been nrepared by the Eeverend
Pastor Koenlg. of Fort Wayne , Ind. , since 1976 , and
Is now prepared under his direction by the
KOENIC MED. CO. . Chicago , l\l. \
Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. G Tar " 3.-
Earcro Size , S1.75. C Botilos ior VS.
S' W. Cor. lltnand Broadway ,
For ths treatment of'all Chronic and
Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the
Eye and Ear. Tha object of this SanlU-
rlum is to famish board , rooms and
medical attention to those suffering with
„ - Deformities , Diseases of 'Women , Dis
eases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs , Diseases of the Nervous
System , Lung and Throat Diseases , Piles , Cancers , Tumors. Etc. ,
Etc. Surgical Operations performed with skill. Books free to
lien amd Women. For further information call on or address
DR. C. M. COE , Kansas City , Mo.
"ANAKESIS" criv-GinstanS
relief nnd ism : nfalliblo
Cure for Piles. Pr : § ! . By
Druggists or mui ! . em7 > les
free. Address"AKAR SlS , "
Box 2416 , New York City.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
' -A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , thu
, Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective
No other application cnmnnres with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy lias stood the test of years , almost
JNo medicine chest is complete without a bottle of MUSTANG
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
, All druggists and dealers have it.
1 Fruit , Forest and Shade Trees
&r iSiF'And all kinds of small fruits. I will guarantee to save you
30c. on every dollar's worth you buy , from agents' prices. Call and
; > see me before buying elsewhere.
At The Racket Store.
& .
\A/n.iM. wmi.- . . . ,
: ' . * , .
- > < / I - | " * ; ri *
U : < "L > * * * . " * . .HniPrAflCiPkTYnurRucmocc ! ?
Peoples' Independent Co. Convention.
The eli-oforc of tin * IVi'iplo'rf Iml''di'inl Mii
party , lied tt'llimr uuimiy. Neb. , anic < | iii'-ti-il
to Bond delegates from their several pii'dnci *
to mcot In convention at tbo court houeo In
Indlanoliiatten o'clock. A. M. . on Saturday.
Septeraher 10th , 1892. fin- the purpose of plac
ing1 in nomination one ciuidfdatn Tor county
representative , count ) aitornv > and couiitv
commissioner I'loin the thltd commissioner
district nml to transact such other business ns
may propuily C'lino hofore the convention.
The hiisls of icpiesuntutlou will hu OHO cloli'-
KUto at luigu trom each pieclnct and ono
tor each ten votes cast for the Independent
candidates in IFI ! ) Each precinct will be entitled -
titled to lepresenitttlon as fo'Iows :
Willow Giovo. . . . . . 0 Valley Grange 3
Tyrone 3 Ited Willow 3
Perry 4 North Vulluv 4
Mo. ItidKC 5 Lebanon 3
Indlnnoln 5 Grant 2
Gervcr 2 Fritsch 5
Kast Valley 4 Diiltwood 3
Danbury . .3 Coleman 2
Box Elder 3 Mondvlllo 3
Ueavor 5 Alliance 5
TOTAF , 70
It is recommended that no proxies ho al
lowed. Delegates piescnt to cast full vote of
their ureclncts. It is recommended that pre
cincts hold their primaries at their regular
polling places on Thursday , September 8.1892.
and at said primaries the electors choose one
commltteemHn for the ensuing year.
By order of central committee.
Secretary. Chairman
Uhildren Cry TOP Pitcners Castoria.
When Baby -was sick , -wo gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child , she cried for Cactoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria.
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Soie Eyes. Tetter ,
SaltKheum , Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores ,
Fever Sores , Eczema , Itch , Prairie Scratches ,
Sere Nipples and Piles. It is cooling nnd
soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured
by it alter all other treatment had failed. It
is put up in 25 and 50 cent bo.ves. For sale by
George M. Chenciy.
Dr. Humphreys' Specinc Manual richly
bound in cloth and gold , steel engraving of the
author , 144 pnges on the treatment ot all di
seases , mailed free on application. Hum
phreys' Medicine Co. , Ill Wi.liiim St. , New
Lincoln as a Wrestler.
( From The Century for September. )
At the time the Lincolns settled at Goose
Nest Dan Neeclham was the champion wrest
ler in Cumberland county. This county joins
Coles , the one in which the Lincolns lived.
Needham had otten been told that he would
find his match in Tom Lincoln's boy Abe , but
he would boast that he could "fling him three
best out of four any day he lived. " At last
they met. It was a house-raising on the Am-
braw River. "Raisin's"
at that time brought
"neighbors' * from many miles around , and I
am told at this one they came from as far
south as Crawford county , more than forty
miles away. Thomas Lincoln came and , with
him his boy Abe. After the work of the day ,
in which Abe and Dan matched handspikes
many times , a "rassle" was suggested. At
first Abe was unwilling to measure arms with
Dan , who was six feet four and as agile as a
panther ; but when Thomas Lincoln said ,
"Abe rassle "im , " Abe flung off his coat , and
the two stood face to face. Four times they
wrestled , and each time Needham was thrown.
At the close of the fourth round the combat
ants stood face to face , Abe flushed but smil
ing , Dan trembled with anger. However , one
glance at the honest , good-natured face of his
opponent cooled his rage , and extending his
rough palm , he said , "Well , I'll be ! " Ev
er after this they were warm friends. Need-
ham survived Lincoln many years , and though
he was a strong democrat , he had nothing but
good _ words for Abe. Several'of his boys still
live near the old homestead in Sprine Point
township , Cumberland county , Illinois. One
daughter , the wife of W. P. Davis a brother
of the writer , resides on a farm near Rose-
land , Nebraska. Uncle Dan , as we called him ,
now sleeps in a quiet churchyard hidden away
in a deep forest. A braver heart never beat ;
and though his life was humble , I am sure that
he did not lack for a welcome into the Eternal
Those who have read any of the prior num
bers of "Tales From Town Topics , " it is quite
sufficient to merelyannpunce that No. 5 ( Sept. )
is now out , and they will hasten to get a copy.
To those who have been so unfortunate as not
to have seen this brilliant Quarterly , we can
say that a rich treat is in store for them. No
collection of short , r.acy , intense stories , charm
ing , bright poems and sketches , crackling
jokes and witticisms , comparing with this ,
has ever been produced. Town Topics is
world-famed as the spiciest , boldest , most in-
tertaming of Weekliesand the "Tales" are the
best gleanings from its numbers of past years.
No. 5 is fully equal to , if not better than , its
sparkling predecessors. Price , 50 cents , post
paid. 1 own Topics,2l West 23d street , New
Mr. Van Pelt , editor of the Craig , Mo. '
Meteor , went to a drugstore at HillsideIowa'
and asked the physician in attendance to
give him a dose of something for cholera
morbus and looseness of the bowels. He
says : "I felt so much better the next morning
that T concluded to call on the physician and
get him to fix me up a supply of the medicine.
1 was surprised , when he handed me a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. He says he prescribes it
regularly in his practice and finds it the best
he can get or prepare. I can testify to its effi
ciency m my case at all events. " For sale by
Geo. M. Chenery.
A carpenter by the name of M. S. Powers ,
fell from the roof of a house in East Des
Moines , Iowa , and sustained a painful and
serious sprain of the wrist , which he cured
with one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
He says it is worth $ $ a bottle. It cost him
50 cents. For sale by Geo. M. Chenery.
THE young republicans of Ne
braska demonstrated at their
league meeting at Grand Island
"Wednesday evening that they are
bound to exert a powerful influ
ence in deciding the result of the
battle to besought at the polls in
November. They are numerous ,
united , intelligent and enthusiast
ic. Ihey are as honest in their
love for republicanism' they are
earnest and devoted in their advo
cacy of its claims upon the people
of this great prairie state. The
convention was a splendid begin
ning for the campaign'which they
are to carry on in every county in
Nebraska. Journal.
A Good Republican Gun.
One of the very best Republican "guns" fo.
thi.s 1892 campaign , or any olhci c'liiuMi n , :
E. V. .Sinalley's "llistoty of ( lie Kepubliciin
Paity. " It is much more than a more cam
paign book , in fact is a most valuable history ,
for every citizen of every party. It deals wilii
the history of parties from the foundation ol
the government , down to the present year ,
giving brief sketches of the most noted lend
ers , every Republican platform from to
the last , and a vast fund of valuable infoima-
tion. It appeals to the "thinking voter , "
every one ol whom ought to read it. Ol
course no uoikcr in the campaign is equipp
ed without a copy of it , moicthan a carpenter
would be without his saw , or a hunter with
out his gun. Air. Smallcy is a writer of rare
ability , a long-time intimate ft tend of Garfickl.
Blainc and other leaders ; staff-correspondent
of the New York Tribune , etc. , and thus rich
ly fitted for such a work. Another good thing
about the book is that it is issued by the fam
ous publisher of cheap books , John IJ. Alden ,
57 Rose St. , New York , and therefore to be had
at low cents , . Hit-
a price , only 56 post-paid. -
catalogue , over lee pages , of choice books to
be had foi 2 cents ought to be in the hands of
every lover of good books.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the most successful
cough medicine we have ever sold , a few
doses invariable cure the worst cases of cough ,
croup and bronchitis , while its wondciful suc
cess in the cure of consumption is without a
parallel in the history of medicine. Since its
first discover ) ' it has been sold on a guarantee ,
a test which no other medicine can stand , if
you have a cough we earnestly nsk you to try
it. Price ioc. , 5oc. and Si. If your lungs are
sore , chest or back lame , use Shiloh's Porous
Plaster. Sold by A. MciMillen.
The World's Columbian Exposition
Illustrated ,
For September , will be especially interest
ing to all the citizens of this State. In addi
tion to its usual amount of authentic general
World's Fair information , it has a laige and
beautifully executed engraving of our State
building as it will appear when completed.
This engraving alone is worth much more
than the cost of the whole copy. It has many
laigc photographs of the members of our
State Board , with their complete biographies.
This truly great and unexcelled magazine is
published simultaneously in English , German ,
Spanish and French. Price 250. a copy ,
subscription price , § 300 for 12 copies. Pub
lished semi-monthly in Oct , . 1892. Send $1.50
and receive all the magazines nom July , 1892.
to January , 1892 , 10 in alj , which cover one of
the most interesting periods in the history of
the Exposition. Address J. B. CAMPBELL ,
Prest. , 159 and 16i Adams street , Chicago , 111.
A Wonder Worker.
Mr. Frank Huffman , a young man , of Bur
lington , Ohio , states that he has been under
the care of two prominent physicians , and
used their treatment until he was not able to
get around. They pronounced this case con
sumption and incurable. He was persuaded
to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption , Coughs and Colds and at that time
was not able to walk across the street without
resting. He found before he had used half
of a dollar bottle , that he was much better ; he
continued to use it and today is enjoying
good health. If you have any Throat , Lung
or Chest Trouble try it. We guarantee satis
faction. Trial bottle free at A. McMillen's
Dr. Price's Baking Powder
The purchasing agents of the United States
Government have ordered nearly one hundred
thousand pounds of Dr. Price's Baking Pow
der in the first five months of this year , 1892.
The government exeicises great care in se
lecting its supplies of all kinds , rejecting
everything that is not of the best and the very
fact that it has adopted Dr. Price's Baking
Powder is proof that it has found it the bestof
all the baking powders. Dr. Price's is pecu
liarly adapted for export , as neither long sea
voyages nor climatic changes affect it , this
brand keeping fresh and sweet for years
while other baking powders deteriorate rapid
It is guaranteed to the government to be a
pure cream of tartar powder free from am
monia , alum or other harmful substances , and
it is also the only baking powder prepared
by a physician of high standing.
Electric Bitters.
This icmedy is becoming so well known
as to need no special mention. All who have
used Electric Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not exist and
n is guarameeu 10 QO au inac is ciaimeu ,
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the
Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples ,
Boiles , Salt Rheum and other affections caused
by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from
the System and prevent as well as cure all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache , Con
stipation and and Indigestion try Electric
Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or
money refunded. Price 50 cents and $ i per
bottle at A. McMillen's drugstore.
Oh , What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves
if you can afford for the sake of fifty cents , to
run the risk and do nothing for it. We know
from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure
your cough. It never fails. This explains
why more than a million bottles were sold the
past year. It relives croup and whooping
Cough at once. Mothers do not be without it. For
lame back side or chest use Shiloh's Porous
Plaster. Sold by A. McMillen.
Read This Slowly.
Lives there a man with soul so dead ,
Who never to himself hath said ,
I'll take St. Patrick's Pills before I go to bad ?
When a mild cathartic is desired , one that
will cleanse the whole system and regulate
the liver and bowels you can not do better
than take St. Patrick's Pills just before going
to bed. They do not nauseate nor gripe , and
leave the system in splendid condition. For
sale by George M. Chenery.
Answer This Question.
Why do so manypeople we see around us
seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable
by Indigestion , Constipation , Dizziness , Loss
of Appetite , Coming up of Food , Yellow Skin
when for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's
Vitalizer , guaranteed to cure them. Sold by
A. McMillen.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents
to freejyourself of every symptom of these dis
tressing complaints , if you think so call at our
store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer ,
every bottle has a printed a guarantee on it ,
use accordingly and if it does you no good it
will cost you nothing. Sold by A. McMillen.
Buck fen's Arnica Salve. .
The best salve in the world for cuts , sores ,
bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
etuptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2c. a
box. For sale by A. McMillen.
marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker
mouth and headache , \yith each bottle there
is an ingenious nasal injector for the more
successful treatment of these complaints with
out extra charge. ' Price 5oc. Sold by A. Mc
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
They IIuvo Not IJocii riuccemful In Hiuid-
llnj ; 1'rona JCopurtH.
In the work of receiving and sending1
messages women do equally as peed
work as men. They may not be capa
ble of such phenomenal bursts of speed
as the male telegraphers , but at the
same time extraordinary speed is not
so much an element of success or ne
cessity as accuracy and the ability to
maintain a fair average rate. They
perform really creditable work , and a
great point in their favor 5s their re
liability. As yet women have not been
successful in the handling- press re
ports. Day and night the Associated
Press and the United Press send many
thousands of words to the newspapers
in all parts of the country , and the
wires are almost exclusively in charge
of men. The immense amount of mat
ter to be handled necessitates a veiy
high rate of speed , forty-eight words a
minute being maintained for hours at
a stretch. A woman's strength is
hardly equal to such a task. Since the
introduction of typewriters into tele
graph offices women have taken kindly
to the mti-hines , and in their use have
become proficient. The typewriter
reduces the labor very materially.
On a Hot Xlght She Weltered in Soda-
Water Gore.
A lady stopping in New York during
a "hot spell , " was much troubled
by fear of burglars. She had just
dropped asleep one night , when she
was aroused by a sharp report , like
that of a pistol , and felt a tingling
sensation in her shoulder. Putting up
her hand , she was horrified to find her
night-gown saturated with some fluid ,
which she was sure was blood. "Hen
ry , Henry ! " cried to her .sleeping
husband , "I am shot ; I am bleeding to
death ! " "Nonsense , Em , " her callous
husband replied , as he got up and lit
the gas ; "you have been dreaming. "
"But I am wet with bloDd , " persisted
the terrified woman. "You are wet ,
but not with blood , " said the husband ;
"it's " and he burst into roars of
laughter. He had unwired a bot'tle of
soda-water during the evening , but
not opened it. It lay on a table ,
pointing directly at the bed , and it
was evident that , exploding under the
heat , it had shot the cork and half the
soda-water across the room , and hit
the lady as she slept.
A Story That CiiiinoBo Equaled In the
Records of the Ananias Club.
Adam Boek , a real estate man of St.
Louis , has a son , Walter , who is a
great story-teller. He had been up to
the Northern lakes replenishing his
fund. Here's one of the best stories
he has been inflicting on his friends
since his return : "One day when I was
out rowing on Spirit lake , I saw a
sight the like of which I never expect
to see again. It was terribly hot ; so hot ,
in fact , that the waves seemed to be
getting tanned from the continual ex
posure to Old Sol. Why , really , even
the fish seemed to be getting warm.
Well , maybe they wern't , but anyhow
I know that the water was running off
them in regular wavelets. They rose
to the surface in great numbers , but
there was only one of them equal to
the emergency. He came right up in
full view of our boat and gently lift
ing his tail above the surface he play
fully began to fan himself. Maybe
you fancy we wern't surprised ! We
only wished we were as cool as that
fish. "
She Killed the Snake and Died.
A negro woman , who lived near
Charleston , S. C. , left her home to pick
berries. While moving about in the
berry patch she saw a large rattle
snake curled up ready to strike her.
She started to run , but her dress
caught in the bush , and in an instant
the reptile struck her , his fangs pene
trating her hand. He at once recoiled
and again plunged at her , sinking his
fangs in her hand a second time. He
made a third strike , this time at her
The poor woman , with remarkable
courage , caught the snake by the neck
and beat its head against a stone until
it was dead. Almost immediately she
was overcome by the poison and fell
unconscious a few steps away from the
body of the rattlesnake. There she
was found by neighbors and revived
long enough to tell her story. She
died soon after being taken home.
Because lie Had Lost His Nose.
The friends of free religion in Amer
ica will be interested to hear that the
Greek church , through one of its rep
resentatives , recently refused Christian
burial to a communicant on the ground
that he was minus a nose.
The case as reported by Novosti ,
was that of an old peasant of Rakman-
off , who , duly laid out for interment ,
had been mutilated by an intruding
grimalkin during the temporary ab
sence of the mourners. When the
priest saw the corpse , and the acci
dent was explained to him , he refused
to perform the last services for the
dead , making it necessary for the san
itary authorities to compel burial five
days later.
About Razor Strops.
It is very much harder to sell a pat
ent razor strop now than it used to be.
More people shave themselves than
ever , but tne man wno is his own bar
ker seems much better posted on the
art of how to keep his razors in order
MOW than his ancestors were. The
favorite strop now is a leather strap ,
costing about one-fourth
- what was
paid for the old patent articles , and
outliving them twice over. There
used to be good money in sellingstrops
from door to door , and the ladies
bought frequently for their husbands.
But a man would have to sell one of
the modern sharpeners at nearly every
house he passed in order to earn hall a
day's wages.
MRSt , .
A During ; m.l fMJil'uiilV < in'tu Who
Ut'stuV M I. tic' i.r'iu t * . ( tfi'il.
ColuinlM * married in l . 't or there
about , n Mi s l'i c tru.lo of Lisbon ,
who fat'wr haft di-tfiign siu-d ] iiinsoif
ns a uui.'atur. . . A p.'frt of .Miss I'nle-
htrullo s Marring ! ! tlon'cr was : i great
foll''cti iii nf vuliialilu < h.u'ts jjiirnals
and hiiptirt.'iiit inciti ( < ranli , etc 1'roin
chililliood she lui'l dXplaj'ud wonder
ful cntlr.tsitisin n the subject , purfik-
iny to u inurlced decree of the sjuvr. a-
tive and udventuresome ideis : and the
schemes in the line of geographical
discovery for whieli Lisbon wus
then the headquarters. She possessed
a tine education and was widely known
as a brainy , brilliant woman , who was
eonstantly urging her husband on in
the path whieh finally took him to the
wondrous goal with which we are so
familiar. While a girl Miss Palestrello
made a number of hazardous voyages
with bei * father in unfamiliar waters ,
and later made many geographical
drawings , several of whieh were used
with great profit by Columbus when
he had won her for his wife and .set
out upon his more important wander
ings on the great deep.
The C.iro of the Capitol at Wanhliiftoii
and \Vhtt It Costs.
Uncle Sam's biggest job in the house
keeping line is the care of the capilol.
It costs SJ. ( ,000 annually to run the
building and keep it in repair. Archi
tect Clark has charge of it. Under
him , besides two clerks and a draughts
man , are seven carpenters , who have
plenty of work to occupy them the
year round. There are acres upon acres
of painted surface inside and out , requiring -
quiring the constant attention of six
painters , while four plumbers do noth
ing but mend and renew tne arrange
ments for waier and gas. Six gardeners ,
aided by twenty assistants , keen the
surrounding grounds and walks look
ing pretty and neat , and twenty-live
laborers do chores , scrubbing the corridors
riders every morning early , washing
the steps , carrying freight , etc * . There
is a coppersmith also , who attends to
the copper roof and makes sure that it
doesn't leak. All of this has nothing
to do with the uil'airsuf the senate und
house of representatives. They keep
house for themselves in theirrespcctive
wings of the t apitol.
First IMuno .U.ide by Chirlcerlup.
The original first piano made by the
late Jonas Checkering , of Boston ,
founder of the piano industry in the
United States , has just been recovered
by his son , George II. Chickering , and
is to be kept by the latter gentleman
as a historic memento. The original
bill of sale was made out to James II.
Bingham , and the date , June L''J , 1823 ,
marks the time of the first sale made
of a new piano at the factory , then
consisting of two rooms in Tremont
street , next to King's chapel grave
yard , in a small building located
where the probate court building now
is. Mr. Bingham was a friend of
Jonas Checkering , and lie bought the
piano for a Miss Thankful C. llutchin-
son at Alstead , N. II. , whence it was
shipped. Mr. Bingham was engaged
to be married to Miss Hntuhinson. and
subsequently did marry her. The
piano sold for S'27. > . Twice afjLerward
the piano was sold , always remaining ,
however , at Alstead.
Spoiled the Sentiment.
Daniel Potter , an old resident of
Gloucester , Mass. , once called the at
tention of his guests to an old lock , a ,
great favorite of his. lie told his
friends of his great attachment to this
ancient timepiece , and said , in a voice
full of emotion : ' 'Gentlemen , I have
wound up that clock every night for
more than forty years. " He had
evidently made an impression on his
visitors , when one guestwho had been
carefully examining the clock , turned
the tide of feeling evoked by the story
by saying drily : "Well. I always did
think you were something of an idiot !
That's an eight-day clock ! "
The Ught of the Xorth Star.
A ray of light inovos with such
amazing velocity that it might wrap
itself eight times round the earth be
tween five ticks of the clock , and yet
it would take that ray of light fifty
years to come from the North star to
this earth. When v.-- > look at that
steadfast , xinchanging- - > tar at night
we see it in the light that left it half
a century ago : and : f the omnipotent
hand that formed it , set it in piuce and
called it by name should sud Jenly de
stroy it , we would continue to see it
in its own light fifty yv-irs after it
ceased to exist
Their 1'atlier'iJi.iaeiS. .
Why do not gins wllO spend their time
sighing for a career /earu their father's
business ? A mar. ( iiPi iK Norwalk
a few years ago , lea ving : i manufactur
ing business that paid SO-.OOy a year
but not one of his family of daughter
was able to conduct it and , therefore , "
it passed to strangers , while the family
went into comparative poverty. When
a real estate man die.l in Jersey Citv
not long ago his daughter announced
her intention to carry on the business ;
she had assisted her invalid father in
his office and had become so familiar
with the business that she is now con
ducting it successfully. .
Their 3Iothers-In-ta r.
Colonel Powell , of the United States
army , is authority for the statement
that among the Cheyeanes a man is
never permitted topeak to his moth
er-in-law except through the inter
mediation of a third person.
Uuslncs1 ; Women.
Business women of Buffalo have
formed a club.
They began with a
membership of seventy-five. Among
other provisions is one that a class
shall be opened in any subject of edu
cation on request of ten members.