P fP 1 A'VA ih { * r ili ) , < ii.JU.fiLLlJUU MAINLY ROUTINE WORK THUS FAFi ACCOMPLISHED. INTEREST IN THE REVHED RITUAL The Compotltlvo Orilltj Cotnmsncod OHO Ituttullion and Three OivUlous L'at Throujjli the Luilgo Manual of Arms The Election of Supreme Onicors The Finances of the Order. KANSAS CmMo. . , Aug24. . This morning's session of the supreme lodge of tlie Knights of Pythias was unevent ful. The routine business under con sideration but not disposed of yester day was taken up and consideration of it resumed. Under the rule adopted yesterday the lodge met at'M. \ . Twelve aspirants for the honors of the supreme lodge rank were admitted and the rank con ferred. Chancellor Shaw announced appointments to fill vacancies on sev eral of the standing committees and tlu'ti the supreme lodge pro eede.l to pending business. At 11 o'clock the supreme lodge re- , tiolved itself into a committee of the whole to discuss the report of the committee on rules. At the noon recess the report was not more than half completed and at the afternoon session it was again taken up. It occupied the attention of the supreme body all afternoon to the exclusion of all other business. It is voluminous , treating of changes in the existing rules of interest only to grand lodge juris dictions. To-night a special session of the su preme lodge was held. At this session an interesting performance took place , which can be witnessed only by the officers of the supreme lodge. An ex emplification of the new ritual took place. Two years ago a committee of five was appointed to revise the ritual. The committee is composed of Chairman D. F. Gledden of Detroit , past supreme representative. E. E. French of Omaha , past su preme representative. Walter B. Ritchie of Lima , 0. , su preme representative. W. A. Kadcliff of St. Louis , supreme representative. II. L. C White of Nashville , Tenn. , supreme keeper of records and seal. Since its appointment eight meetr ings of the committee have been held , and its perfected work was shown for the first time at Scottish Rite hall to night. It is said by Pythians that the committee on revision of the ritual has performed its work in excellent shape and that the new ritual will surpass anything in any society for diction and effect. It is mainly the work of Wal ter U. Ritchie , supreme representative . . . vice chancellor , the steppingstone to supreme chancellor of the order for the world. The Competitive Drills. The competitive drills for cash prizes and trophies opened this morning1 , the battalion drill taking1 place on the pa rade ground in front of Major General Carnahan's headquarters at Camp Shaw and the division drills at Exposition ball grounds. One battalion drill and three division drills were judged this morning and the programmewill be resumed at U o'clock to-morrow morning , the grand review set for this afternoon preventing any competitive drills during the rest of the day. The First Indiana battalion was the one called this morning , and went through the battalion drill promptly and in good form , notwithstanding the fact that Colonel W. L. Heiskell , who was in command , "was barely able to # 0 on the field , as he was suffering from an attack of syncope before the call for drill , but insisted on going & * , * through with the drill , and he did , 4 * although he was so weak that he could E scarcely keep his feet , trembled like an aspen leaf and had several narrow escapes from falling. The next battalion drill will com mence at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning , with Major . M. Whitside , Captain E. B. Fuller and Lieutenant W. J. Nicholson all of the Seventh cavalry as inspectors. They will also judge the maiden drills for the Rialto prize. There was some delay in the start ing of the division drills at Exposition ball park , owing to the illness of Col onel E. G. Granville. Colonel. J. B. Hawthorne took his place , however , and the first division appeared on the field at 9:30 , and reported to the inspectors , who are Captain George S. Wilson of the Twelfth in fantry , Lieutenant Frank Eastman of the Fourteenth infantry and Lieuten ant Roudiez of the First infantry. The two former are stationed at Fort Leavenworth and the latter at Grand Forks , Dak. Captain .1. T. Thompson of the Rock Island arsenal is also here to act as a substitute in case of illness of any of the oth-r inspection staff. The fir t division ailed for drill wab Terre Haute Is o. 3 of Tcrre Haute. Ind. , Captain Alonzo Decldlesiu i in com mand , Lieutenants R. P. Davis and M. T. Hidden. They were escorted on the field by the Newcastle , Ind. , Brigade band and went through the schedule of movements in a little over thirty minutes. They presented a decidedly military appearance , and to the ordinary observer did nJt make any mistakes. Red Cross division No. 4 of St. Louis was the next in order , and they marched on the field without any flourish or music , and they.also made a good impression/bpth the-march- - ing movements and in the sword exer cise. Captain XF. Shick wasincpm- ; mandr- with ; * f. eef eriapd : ! Joseph ' i - 'tf0 : 4f-'lMitttflle , Ky.Captain ; J. W. Recdus in command , k < Lieutenante , Wg es- hey sM ? 2 the were ilcijtheV m > < le a i\uvrv a.w > ayy \v w 7iT , < ; ij * not , ttfey were fairfyjroda . appearance . . , loot mtromi > nt . eitper as perfect m f alignment or sword rnanuel as the two precedingdivisions. . n Out of the divisions' forty-three en tered in the prize drilLcontest for the encampment honors , there will be seventeen completejand they will ap pear for "drill in the following order : Terre HauteK 3. Xncliana , Terre llantc , Captain A.C. / . De'ddleston. lied Cross , 4 , Mibsouri , St. Louis , Captain John F. Shick. Louisville , 1 , Kentucky , Louisville , Captain J. W. Eeccius. New Albany , 5 , Indiana , New Al bany'Captain H. M. Cooper. Grand Rapids , o , Michigan , Grand Rapids , Captain Jame.s IJayne. Pioneer , 1 , Arkansas , Little Rock , Captain 15.V. . IJartlett. Cystic , 13 , Kansas , Girard , Captain M. W. Uussell. Many , 18. Indiana , Indianapolis , Captain Charles J. Many. Erie , 10 , Kansas , Eric , Kansas , Cap- . .rin C. G. Fletcher. Logan , 2 > ; Indiana , Logansport , Capyiin George S. .Shaofer. Oglethorpe. 4. Georgia. JJrunswiclc , Captain Tobias Newm.in. Rock City , -13 , Indiana , AVabashCap tain II. C. Pettit. Abbott. 12MassachusettsFall River , Captain David Fuller. J. Uarr Glenn , 10 , Wisconsin , Eau Claire , Captain John Beisang. Indiana , 50 , Indiana , Indianapolis , Captain Ed J. Scott. Springfield , 21 , Missouri , Springfield , Captain J. E. Cockrell. Excelsior , 43 , Indiana , Indianapolis , Captain II. C. Castor. The Klcctloii of Olliccrs. To-morrow will be a day of deepest .moment to officers of the supreme lodge. A rule of the order requires the biennial elect * > n of oth'cers to be held on the third day of its sitting. In obedience to the requirements of this rule , the election of oilicers will occur to-morrow. Supreme Chan 'lor ' Shaw , who has ruled the order universal for two years , will retire with the honorable title of past supreme chancellor. He has cap tured all the honors of the order and must now content himself with being a P. S. C. lie will be succeeded by "William Worth Blackwell of Kentucky , now supreme vice chancellor. For supreme vice chancellor , Walter E. Richie , of Lima , 0. , supreme repre sentative from his state , and Eli T. Blackiner , of San Diego , Cal. , supreme prelate of the supreme lodge , are can didates. Well informed Pythians say that Richie will be chosentc-morrow , and that two years hence he will be come the supreme chancellor. Supreme Inner Guard M. C. IJark- well of Wyoming and Supreme Repre sentative J. II. Lyon of Kansas are candidates for the office of supreme master at arm- * , now held by Morrison of Nevada. The supreme keeper of records and seal and the supreme master of exchequer will not be dis turbed. They will be their own suc cessors. Finances of the Order. Supreme Master of Exchequer S. J. Willey has prepared for the consider ation of the supreme lodge a report showing the financial condition of the order. It gives the following table of comparisons showing the conservative management of supreme lodge finances. Balance on hand April 1 , ISbS.5,737.43 Balance o . hand April 1 , 1SSJ. . 18.897.HO Balance o i haiui April I , ! > 'JU. . 27,79. > .63 Balance on hand April 1 , 1VJI5,81. . l.UJ Balance 0:1 nand April i. .892. . oS,191.00 Balance on h ir.d July 1. K)3. ) . . 72 , 2 > .33 Of which amount there ure in vested . t 4 per cent , suhject to thirty da\V call " 0,00 > .0) ) Cash in hands of S. M. of E 2.826.33 The Next Kmcainpment. Ever } ' man who wears a Louisville badge is not from Louisville , but every man who wears a Louisville badge has been to tlie Louisville headquarters in room 236 in the Midland. Mayor Henry S. Tyler is there and George Bracien , president of the Com mercial club , and Thomas L. Batman of the board of trade , and W. W. Thum of the Louisville bar.and Alder man W. P. Mayer of the city council , and Judge W. U. Hoke , Ilenry Wellen- voss , Charles . Bensinger and Sher man Earl and many members of Alpha lodge of Louisville. There are 400 visitors from Louisville. They are supplied with plenty of printed mat ter and plenty of Kentucky hospitality. Minneapolis , too. is making an active campaign. Boston and the other cities which have been mentioned as can didates for the next encampment are making their canvass quietly. The supreme lodge will settle the question of location probably Friday. At Camp Shaiv. Camp Shaw continued to present a scene of great activity this morning. Many of the knights were pre paring for departure many in fact left this morning , but their going does , not make a perceptible difference in the appearance of the camp. Large delegations of knights and visitors continue to pour in. The crowds at the Union depot were swarming both ways this morning. There was a big incoming crowd , and people who came in tc see the parade yesterday from local points in Kansas and Missouri were returning home. Gen. Weaver Hopeful. ST. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 25. General James B. Weaver , People's party pres idential candidate , arrived here this morning from an extensive tour through several Northwestern and Pacific coast states and will leave to-night for Arkansas , where he will make a number of speeches. He says the prospects are very bright for the People's party through out the West and gives it as his delib erate judgment from having visited and made careful observations in them that Colorado , Nevada , California , Oregon. Washington , Montana Idaho and Wyoming will go for the People's party nominee. He would not discuss the situation in other states , but expressed the opinion free ly that the Republican party was not in the light. The Burglar Got Away. JpPLlK , Mo. , , Aug. ,25. Abqut 2. o'clockyesterday morning Horatio "Brown was awakened by a noise in a room adjoining his bed.chamJber.c\He jf .ent to investigate. . His wife followed \nj ? in a corner. * fcat the first ? uu i the < vlamp | ina.\it fyv" * t - , yfx . \firfl.'to 'tlieV ho Jrown fired three siptsimt in * _ . - * _ _ B.AL'V1. . . . % . ± 1 _ Aii ! * * * HP0 the flames were extinguished. i J W . , - AJ , " , . e - r . „ , - - „ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " - ' - ' t " * ' * * * y * ' * ' ' „ * < r ' < , ' * ' NEBRASKA. Newsy Notes-Abpnt Nebraska Places and People , A full grown 'posBum was captured near Elk Creek. Walter Stout of Priend , has received an appointment to the Anntipolis nnvul academy. John Downey of Alexandria , lost his left hand in threshing machine gear ing. ing.The The North Nebraska fnir und races at Norfolk will be held September 27 to 30. Rev. E. H. Baker of York county , raised wheat that went sixty bushels to the acre. The new Baptist college at Grand Island will open September 13 with eight instructors. Methodist ladies of Superior col lected aprons from friends in nearly every state for a church fair. John Cornelius of Grand Island shot an arm off while hunting near St. j Michael and is in a precarious condi- i tion. i William Hawk of Herman had his ' leg badly mangled between his traction - . tion engine and a separator he was coupling to. Lament Inlay of Columbus saved ( Leslie Lehman , a larper boy , from j drowning at considerable risk to his own life. The Waterloo canning factory is being - , ing converted into a seed house with ' the latest things in fanning mills and i elevators. Om- old friend , Col. F. M. Woods , ' the live-stock Auctioneer , will hold an j auction sale of choice Holstein cattle at Lincoln. September 21st. 1 Lamar. Chase county , is making a strong effort to have the railroad extended - tended to Lamar instead of stopping at Imperial , as planned. ! Miss May North , daughter of J. E. i North , of Columbus , who has been | studying for the stage , hsis secured an , engagement with Elsie DeWolf. i i A suit over a hog between two citi- 1 zens of Union has already amounted m , fees and costs to four times the value of the hog. ; A ladle of molted babbit metal ex ploded and flew all over W. E. Craw of Stratton. burning his face and in juring his eves. Electric lights ure turned on in i Childron. j A new opera house will bo built at Plattsmoulh. Ora Wallace of Brook waiter lost an eye Irvine to show her mother how to 1 rlay mumble-rte-peg. Cislberlson talks , of a law and order league to suppress certain wild and wooly prticticvs that still exist there. Joseph Masek , near Itushville , lost his right arm to the elbow by his oxen starting with the binder as he oiled the gearing. The Logan Valley fair will be held at Wakefield September 8 to 10. A drunken night operator at Hay Springs made things lively on that di vision of the road for awhile. He isn't running any office now. Otis Corbett and J. R. Hamilton of Denver have reached Plattsmouth on their way from Denver to New Orleans in a skiff. They left Denver June 26. Threshers sleeping in J. B. Stack- house's barn near Cnrleton woke up to find the hay under them on lire. Sev eral cans of milk and some blankets proved successful fire extinguishers. People of Delta , Otoe county , have to drive five miles to find a barber. Superintendent Rakestraw of the blind asylum at Nebraska City has been out looking for blind children not in school and finds that an erroneous impression prevails that the asylum is a pay institution. No charge is made for board or , tuition. L. Buffalo , a young man of Bell- wood , gave a boy a quarter to call Ben Smith from the audience at a grove religious meeting , and when Smith , came out there was a scrimmage that nearlv broke un tne To those persons who are busy with life and the material things of this world we come with the questions : Are you satisfied ? Are you living the full life intended for you ? Stop a mo ment to think of the vast fields of knowledge which you are leaving un- trod. Now it is possible for you under the guidance of Chautauqua to enter upon this new world. You may start la slow and as your interest increases you will find more spare time than you thought. . Chautauqua is a carefully systematized course of reading de signed to cover a period of four years. The books are standard and the helps sent from the home office are arranged to1" how you the best ways for study. WHIFFS AND WHIMS. Teacher ( in mineralogy class ) Johnny , .give me the name of the larg est known diamond. Johnny The ace. ace.Charles Charles I am trying as hard as I can , darling , to .got ahead. Clara Well , the 'Lord knows you need one badly enough. i"Are you going1 to gir your pastor , vacation. " "Not " a exactly , replied the member who , has trouble in .keep- ! { tigtitw''alte. | ; . "Werwill ' send him away .andilBke.ofc * ourselves. " Hungry Biggins I b'lere if I went into businew toy -kind. I'd be a me like a profession where s flTciooortK'of work to if et | 600 vf or his client must be party hard hnntlin. THERE is no reason why even republican in Nebraska should no come up to the support of the en tire ticket with the greatest enthu siasm. Judge Grounee has pub licly disclaimed sympathy with the Hose water warfare on Lieutenaut- Governor Majors , and has said as plainly as words can express il that he is not under the influence or dictation of Mr. Eosewater. The republican party is therefore in condition to go out and fight as a unit and win a splendid victory , regardless of the behavior of dis appointed aspirants for dictator ships. Journal. Mrst i-iilillciition August.I-'uth , IK- : . SHERIFF'S SALE. lly \ irtne ol an order ot suit : directed lo me In.in : he died let < 01111 > > l IN d Willow count ) > -i.iri'-Uii. on ii judirnn-nt < lihiined In loic ll .n It. ' 1. \ \ Ity. . .liids.-i- the dihliict couit ot IteilMilou eoiiini , Neliiie-Ua. on the ( ill daol June. 1M ) . , ' in tn-or ot Smll liios. an plaintillB. mid iipiuiri Joseph Itoozc as de lendiiiii lor the sum ul MAIJnine dollars ant twenty-live eenlh ISOUS51 and costt- taxed a JIJI ! WJiind accrniiit : costs. I have levied upoi the lollowiiifr real estate. tuKen as the ptopertj ot said defendant tosntistx saiddeciee. to-wit Botiih halt south\\esi ijuartci hcc.2l.lownshii 1. noitli ol langelJOebt Uth P. M. in Hi ( Willow couniy. NohiiisKii. and will olfer Iht , same lor Milo i i ihchiphc-i bidder f .r cal l in hand , fin the20'h dav ol eptember. A. 1) 1Hin ) Iiont ul the M uth d.or ol the com house. In Inilmnol.i , Xt brasi < a. lli.-u l.cinx : Hit luilldnur n heiein the ln&t tei 1:1 ( it connvii heUl. at the hotii ol 1 o'clock , r. M. . ol nan daj.xhen and wheie due aitendanee will In jdven hj the UM < ) eiMjrM.d Dalidiiunt 24fli. 'W. li it. | { A.NK * > . SlieriU'ofsniil County. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hiinin.l mi intei ol sale diiected lo mt 11 oln ilif 1/iMiict eouit ol li'i-d \ \ illow county NibiiisK.i. in 11 judgment obiann d beloic Hon. 1 > ' 1. \x elij. jiidjie ol the d.siitct coin o ! K d U'.u | | cuiintv. Nebiiibka , on the ( ill dnj ol June. lfriJ. ) ohiaintd a deeice in tavot ol ( . 'liai let C.lute. . icceiver ol the turn ot Ua es & F is < ! : .fc plainiilld ana ituainst 3ila M Fi-K.et.Mi.abdelenilanm lorihesnm ol iuciit\ thiedollitis and tillj i iMilt. $2UoO ) . und coslfe Mixed al * > OS ami IIL-CIIIIIIK coslo. J have levied iipiin Uie lollowuifr rial ebtate taken as the piopi ily ot sanl detendanl lo batisly sail deciee. loivit : Soiithui t iiuatier ot htctioi luentj-lliiee. township lime. I'Otth ot ian tuein.vMX. > > < st ot iheOth I3l.ui Ued Wil low conntNebi.iiKii. . and uill offer the eninc lei saie lo the holies ! bidder , lorca'-h in hand onihelUih da > ol Seplember.A.IJJ8U2in Ironi ol tln south door ol the ci-utt house in Indi anola. Neb. , that In inir the building ulieren the last lerni ot conir unt held , at the hour ot one o'clock I' . Al. ol said r.ay.liennnd ulieiL duo ni tend.nire u ill be imen by the urider- siyntd. Jinuil Ail"list I7th. 1MJ. ) II. 1C KANKS. bheriil'ot Said Coinitj SALE. \ \ \ vittneol nn oiiler ol sale onected to me I torn the diftnct couitol Ked Willow count ) . Mi l > ta--ka. on a judgment obtanud befoic flo" D.T. WHii. Jmifjeol the district couit nt Hid Willow eoniiiy. NebiaFka , on the dih da > ot June , ] b'J ! , in iii\oro ( V.ilham Hankin as pialntitr. ami againbt ( 'oiinthu Conklm am ! Cngali Conklm. et al nsdelendanis for the bum ol ten i.tini'.ied ii I'd M-\ < ni\-lour doilais an < i ninety celittJ1074 ( W ) and COMS taxed at twen- ty-hix < tollai s and nineoei ht Lents2G ( 08) , ind acci lung coxts. 1 have levied upon the lollow- mg leal ( Slate taken us the ptopeilv ol saul delMidani to PtitisM said dieiee. to-uit : oilth-eabt qnaiter ot tection luentj-flve. louii.-liin lour , noitiiol * iai. < ietv.ent\-bix. west 0 I' . .M. in Ked Willow county. Nebiapk.i. and .uill ott"r the same lor saie lo I he highest bid- dertoi ca-.li in hand on ( lit-29th day ol AiiL-iibt , A. 1) . 1SH2. in Iiont Of the bOUlh doot ol the ( dint house in Indianolti. Nebnibka. that be ing the building n lieiem the last tei m ol court > vas held , at tbe hour ol 2 o'clock , P. M. . of Mud din. when and wheie due attendance will l-e trtxen by the undcisigiied. Dated. July 2Sth. JS9. . E. U. HANKS. Sherilr ol said couiiu. SHERIFF'S SALE. "Hy virtue of an otder ol sale diiected to me tiom the district court ot Kid \Vil > ow county. Neln iiska. on a judgment obtained beloie Hon. D.T. Welty. JudjrP ot the distiict couit ot Ked Willow county. Nebraska , on theCth day ot June , 1892. in favor of The McCook Cooperative ative Building1 and Saving .Association as plaintff8 , and against Sweeney Munsoii. et al us defendants , lor the sum ot eight hundted and twenty-six dollars and twenty-five cents ( $826.25) and costs taxed at $17.33 and accruing- c > sts. I have levied upon the followingicnl estate taken ns the property of said defend ants to satisfy the said decree , to wit : Lot seven , block thirteen , first addition to McCook. Ked Willow county , Nebraska , and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder lor cafih in hand on the 29th day ot August. A. D. 1893. in front of the south door of the court house in Indianola , Nebraska , that being the nuilding- wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , P. M. . of said lay , when and where due attendance will be -iven bv the undersigned. Dated July 28th. 1892. E. II. BANKS. Sheriff of said county. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between C. G. Potter and H. H. Ensterday has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. S. W. Huddleston contin uing the flour and feed business at the old -taud ; H. H. Easterday & Co. continuing the levalor business. AM accounts due Potter & Cnsterdfty roust bo paid at once. C. G. POTTER. H. H. EASTEItDAY. Mefonk. Neb. . August loth. 1802. IFirst publication August 12,18921 LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i August 11,1892. f Notice is hereby given that the followingr- named settler has filed notice of his intention 10 make final pre-emption proof in support of his claim , and thnt said proof will be made be fore Register or Keceiver at McCook. Nebras ka , on Saturday. September 17tb. 189.J , viz : CHARLES H. TAYLOR , on Pre. D. S. No. 6137 for the E. Vof S. W. ? section 7. t'w'p 4. N. Range 28. W.6th P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove liiBCO'itiniious icsideuco upon , and cultiva tion of. said land , viz : Valentine ocp..ksse : ] Ingel and .lames Kimrhorn , ot Box Elder. Nc- 11 at.Ua. in-d Samuel Hoagland , ot Indianola. .i iHini. .1. P. LIMISAY. Regis.ter. First publication July 22d. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NEII. , I Julvi'Oth. 189. > . f Notice is hereby uiven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his chum , and that said pi oof will be made beloie Regis ter or Keceiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , Septembers. 1892. viz : THOMAS ALDINGTON , who made P. E. D. S. number 6,780 for the S W. J4 N.W. 14 section 2. in township 1 , north of range 31. webt of tbeGth P.M. He names the following witnesses to proof his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Charles B. Knobbs and Isaac E. Hart , of Culbertson , Neb.Isaac Matson and Simpson Edward , of McCook , Neb. J. P. LiNWSAV.Register. First publication August.26th. Ib92. LAND OFWCK AT MCCOOK. NKB. . i August 25th , lbl-2. I Notice 18 hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to moke final flvc'3 ear proof In support of his claim , and that said proof will be umde before Register or Keceiver nt McCook. Nebraska. on 8aturda > vOctober Ilfa92 , viz : JOHN T. FOLEY , H. E. No. 7704 for the W. V N * E. H and N. W. HS.E. JfandS.E.Ji N.E.Mof section 13lnT. 5N. ofH.80 , W.of the'Bth P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continu ous residence upon. ' Bud cultivation of. said land.vizt ; Nela Swanson , mid Nels P. Boson. or Osborn. Nebraska. Scott W. Bennett , of Quick. Nebraska , .and James KIrby. of Mc- Cobk , Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY , Register. PROCLAMATION. WIIEHKAS. A joint lesoiution wn * by thi'U'KlMii tin o or the ? Stuioor nr the twuiity-pt'ctmd session ihnicof , and up- proved April Olh. A. I ) . 1SUI. proposing nn umcndinent 19 M-rilon nlneO ( ) or article elgbt (8) ( ) . < > r tlie i-oiihtitntion of said stnte. ami runt said soul Inn IIH itiii"iilcil shall rciul ns follows , to-w II : St-CTii'N I Alt limits helonjdiurtn iln > itniu lor cdiK'iiiloniit. | iiirpu4cs , tin * iiiti-n-Ht i-ijil In- cnuit * wlu'ii'ol < IHI\ lire to IJH used , ahull lie deemed trust liuidei hold to * thoRtuio. ami Hie state shall supply all lo sf * iheieor iliut intiy In any milliner at-i-rno. BO Unit the fiHinoshttll remain forever inviolate mill iindimiiiiBhed. anil shall not hcinvcHtt'd or loaiiud except on United Stilt us or Slate seuurltii H. or registered county bonds , or replsteied sellout district bonds ot this suite , uml Hiich funds uith the Inteu't-tH und inroine tin-ieol. uit ; hereby snle.'iml ) pledged for the purposeTor which they are grunted and si.'t apart , and shall not tie iiau.-leireit in am oiht r fund lor other uses. Ki.crios : . ' . At such election on the hiillot ft ( Mich i > li eior voting1 lor or against this pro posed unieniliiifii ! shull li" wi ii ten nr ptlnted the uiuil- : "l'- > r proposed iiiiiendn.eiit t . the roiiMiiuiion tvhiiii-i. lo _ peinmiifiit school tiinU. " MM ! "Asr.iiiifl tiiinl pioro-i < d ni'i.'iid nienitollie oonsilliiiion lelaiiuir to p"ima- , iii-nt school tiiinl " S.c. ; I ! . II ttiich nniiMiiiniiMil sh.ill tic approv 'd ti > u tmijoriiy ot all the fei'iom voimjr nt such < lection.JIMI proposed amendment shall eon.-Utnle K-el. ilnn ( Si ; of HI lielc i-i hl (8) ( ol the coni-ti > utiiiii ol tru-Miiic nCNcliuiskti. 'J lieicloie I. .lames K. lto > d. Goveiuor ol the State of Netniisl.il. do hen-liy jrive notlre in iiecoiilatice with si'ftion (1) ( nrliclo Sexcn- teen (17) ( ) . of the eonutltntion und the provi sions of an tieti niitlcd "An act In provide the niHiinerorpr-iosiinr ) a. ) luiiendments to the constitution und siiinniitiiijr the same to the electors ol the stale. " ApproviMl February 13th , A. I ) . 1877. that Kind pioposed iimond- ment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for appioval or rejection at the general election to behold on the 8th day of November. A. J ) . lb'J2. \VlTNKS8 WlIhltKUF , I hlW llHreiltUo BCt my hand und caused 10 be iillixed the great seal ot the state of Nebnibka. Done at Lincoln thiszurli day of.Julv. A. D. 18C'mid ! lliel'tith jearot the Slate , and of the Independence ol the United Slates the one hundred --eveiileenth. . ( SKALJ JAMES E. IJOYD. Hy the Goveinor. JOHN C. AM.KN , Secretary ol Stale. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS. A resolutioi was adopted bv the Lejnslature of the State ol Nebraska at the Twcnti-second session thcicot.nnd appi.-ivcd April-till. A. D. ISI. ! pioposmir an amend ment to Section One ( H. ot Aitfcle Kiv ; ( fo.nt the constitution ol said tuie. and tnat t-aid section as amended shall ie-id as ( ollow- , to wn : M-C ION 1. ( Olhi-eis. ) 'Jhe executive de partment sh.ill consixt ot a trover nor , lieuten ant governor , seciclary ol stale , auditor ot publu accounts , iieabiiier. superintendent ot public instruction , atiorniy general , commis sioner ot public lands and buildings and tin tie railroad commissioners , whose powers and du ties shall lie such as may be prescribed by law. ' 1 he tlrst named eijrht (8) ) otheeiH shall hold olhce tor the t < rm ot two jenrs Iroin the llrs : Thursday alter the tirst Tuesday in Januaiy next alter his election , and until his succc - or is elected und qualified : PKOVII > II : > , HOW- EVKK. "hat the til st election ot said llrst eijiht named olliceis tihall be held on the Tuesday succeeding the fiist Monday in Novemter. 18t ) . and each Buoceedinj. election shall beheld nt the same lemine time in each even j car therealler. The three last named officers or iiiiltoad conimNsioners shall be elected In the eleetoisot the stale ut lai t- . and their teims of ollice , except ot those c'o en at the tlrbt election , as heieinafter provided , bhall be tbii'c yeht > . The Hist election iorrailtoad coinmisFioners shall he held on the Tuesday succeeding the Hist .Moniiuj HI NovembcrJb'J . and shall be held at the mine ielati\e time in each succeeding yi ar The railroad commis Sionois shall , imniedi.itelv alter the Ili'-t. said election in lbl'3. be cl.is iflid by lot.sothat one bhitllhold Ins ollice tor tin * tci m cl our jear. one lor the teim ot two jeais , and one For tlie teimoi thier jeai.s. No jieisi.n shall be eligi ble to Iho ollice of itiHio.td eonnn psioner wlic be in the emplo\ an\ common carrier. 01 thu ouncr of any iaiin < ad bonds or stock. 01 in any manner whittexer pccuni.irilj mteiest- en in anj rainoan compaii'v. i ne jrovci nor. eci 'iaiy ot thesfute , tailioad comini siiin'rs. auditor ol public accounts and tieaxun-r-hal. ic'-ideat tlie bent ol ovcrnmenl durum lln-n teimoi olheo and keep the jiiiblie leconls. books and papers theie. and shall [ icil'min sucti duties as mny be requited bj Imv ; l'iD- VIUKII. mnvKVKli. AI.MI. That the ; ' . \ernni shall appoint three niilioad ri.iiinu.--ionL'is who shall hold the.r olliee until their MiecebS- 01 e are elected and qua'itlcd ' as piovided here- inliefoie. SKG. That e.ich peisnn votmjr in tavor ol this amendment shall have written orprint- ed upon his ballot the following : "l'\r Hie proposed amendtnent to tlie constitution re lating to executive ollleers. " Therefore. I. .Iamet E. Itojd. Goveinor of the State of Nebraska , do heteby jt've ' notice in accordance with section one (1) ( ) . article sev enteen (17) ) . of tlie constitution and the provi sions of the net entitled "An act to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to the constitution and submitting the stime to the electois of the state. ' " Appioved Febrti- aty liith. A. D. 1877. that gaid proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for approval or rejection at the general election to be held on the 8th day of November. A. D. 1SOJ. IN WITNESS WOEKEOF. I hereunto set ray hand and cause to be allixed the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 20th day of July. A. D. 1892 , and the 26th year of the State and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. [ SEAL ] JAMES E.IIOYD. lly the Governor. J. U. ALLEN. Secretary of State. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of nn order of sale diiected to me from thecistrict court of Ued Wijjowcounty. Nebraska , on n judgment obtained before Hon. J. E. Cochran. judge of thcdistrict court of Hed Willow county. Nebrnsua. on Hie29tn day ot September. 1890. in favor of Nebraska Loan and Trust company as plaintiff , and against Franklin .1. liushong as defendent. for the sum of iortj-six dollars ( ? 46i. and costs taxed at S34.SO and accruing costs , I have levied upon the following rent estate taken as the property of said defendant , to satisfy said liirtirmoiit tnwifNorthwest If Rpf 2 ? > Inwn- ship 1. not th of range 29. west of the 6th P. M. in Ued Willow county , Nebiaskn. and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 1st day of August. A. D. . 1892 , in iront or the south door of the court tiouse , in Indianolu , Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held at the hour of one o'clock. P. M. . of said day. when and where due attendance will be given In " the undersigned. Dated" June 29th , 1892.ii. ii. It. UAXKS , Sheriff. ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMIN- ISTKATUIX. STATE OF NEBRASKA. ( . , KED WILLOW COUNTV. f69' In the matter of the estate of John H. McCabe - Cabe , deceased. On reading and filing the pett- : ion of Sarah J. McCabe. praj ing that admin- stratioii of said estate mny be grunted to her as administratrix. Ordered , that August 29 , A. ) . Ib92. atl o'clock. P. M. . is assigned for hear- ng said petition , when all persons interested n said matter may appear at a county court to he held in and for said county , and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pend ency of said petition and bearing thereof.be given to all persons interested in baid mutter ) y publishing a copy of this order in tne Mc- 2ooK TmnuNE , n weekly newspaper printed n said county , for three successive weeks , irior to said day of hearing. ( A true copy. ) CHAS. W. HECK. County Judge. [ First publication August 12,1892. ] LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i August 11.1892. f Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled .notice of bis intention o make final five year proof iu support of his claim , and that said proof trill be mude before tcgister or Iteceiver at McCook. Nebraska.on Saturday , SeptemberJT , 1892 , viz : VALENTINE BOGLE , onH.E. No.7437'frtbeE. ijof S. W. & and V. H of S. 'E. Ji section 12. town. 4. north iange 29 , W. 6th P. M. Ho names the follow- ng witnesses to proove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of. said laud , viz : Jecse Inge ) , Enoch'A. Seison and Henry Wi. ions , of Box Elder. Neb. , and Edward Lnkln , ndiauola. Neb. 'J. B. LlSDSAV.'Keglster. ' 1 d KIRK'S DIAMOND , TAR SOAP HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE. CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. , Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. W588IE BUSSIAH SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wate/ A. J. K1TTEXHOUSK. C II. 11OYLE. KITTKNIIOU K .v HOYhK , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , MrO ( > lv. NBIl. .1 K. KHLUSV. ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LA V , AOK.V.T LINCOLN LAND CO. Mut.'OOIC. - - .VEIIKASKA. OFPICK : Inieiirot Fir-t N'utionul Hunk. HUGH W. COhK , LAWI-KII , McCOOK. NBItllASKA. pr"\VIII priiciKM * in iilleonrtR. Oomniorciul utiil corporation li\v a speeiiilty. .Money to Ion" Uoonis 4 ami 5 old First National lild'p- SNAVELY & PHILLIPS , Attorne\sand Counsellors at Law , INDIANOLA. NKM. pf' i'l.-ictiro in iheStuteand Kcdi-rnl Courts- B. U. DAVIS. PHYSICIAN ANDSUIttiMON .MCCOOK. NBHKASKA. JSS OKi IIK Hnuits : .Mo 11. n. in. , i ! > . " > and 7 ! > ' - ' . P. in Itooia * ovi-r t'r-l Nalioiuil hank. A. T. BICE , Al. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , I have located permanently in McCook , Jseh. All calls answered promptly by day or nifjht , in the city orcountry. Special attention g\cn to diseases of children. Office over Loman's stoie , south of Cornmerci.il Hotel. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Residence in the "grout" house. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. ( onei branded on left blp or Jeft shoulder. P. O. address , Imperial. Cbaie County , and Beat- krioe. Neb. Bange.Stick- linjf Water and French man creeks , Cbase CoH [ Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of ! some animals , on hip an4 sides of some , or any where on tbo animal. J. S. McBRSYER , McCOOE , NEBRASKA. " JSHouse and Safe Moving & Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. R. A. COLE. LEADING- MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , For Good Tailoring , has not got the largest shop this side of Hastings but he has got the Liugest and Best stock of Cloths nnd Trim mings this side of Hastings , which he will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the same kind of goods. Shop 3 doors west of the Citizens Bank. Bank.NOT NOT ! Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys , Anil mi } otier breed easily obtained by usinjr Dean's Dehorning Pencil ! It never falls. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For testimonials nnd fur ther information see circular Price 50 cents Sola by byc. c. Dealer in Harness. Saddlery and Turf Goods Mccook , Neb. Light track harness a specialty ! CANCER lo&ccbfroai e * ' * * * * nMaMUl ] > & $ - . & jNtMtavft KZMMJfmtetttMiSSS ZzZrStt