But it looks ns if it would be in it soon , and the sooner your foot is in one of our § 3.50 or § 4.00 Shoes the more fortunate it will be. Be cause we know this shoe , we want you to know it ; because it wears * s no other shoe will wearwo , want you to wear it. It is absolutely the cheapest thing in shoe-leather and there isn't any limit to the satisfaction that it gives. No mat ter what you pay , you get no bet- ier when you get the best itjs a luxury in footwear and not a high- priced luxury at that. It isn't trying to those who try it. Try it. Sticky fly paper at Chenery's City Drug Store. Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin der oil in McCook. Piano and Randolph Headers at S , M. Cochran & Co.'s. \ Noble , the leading grocer , makes a > specialty of fresh , clean family grocer- > ies. He will treat you riijht. At the Cash meat market of Stone & Devitt you receive the bebt of meats nf all kind5 ; . Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. Try the new meat market. Messrs. Stone & Devitt put only the best of meats on their blocks. It is very evident that old Sol is not taking a vacation this year , but is doing business at the old stand. * C. F. Babcock is agent for The New York Life Insurance Co. See him if you want reliable life insurance. We understand that the Knights of uuiiicuipiutc .ball sometime early in September. A large delegation of our townsfolk joined a company of Culbertson friends in a picnic at Hunter's grove , near Cul bertson , to-day. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on table that the market affords. "The soda water season is with us and - asusual The City Drug Store is prompt ly on hand with the very latest and best the market offers in that line. Their fountain is now in operation and -if you want a drink of soda water , with ithe purest of syrups , turn your footsteps - -steps toward The City Drug Store. 'You are certain of securing it. After a Long Time ! Of patient -waiting our machinery has at last arrived. We beg to say that we are now in position to do .the BEST work on short notice. "We make a specialty of family iwork ; and are rapidly gaining a Deputation for our manner of clean- -iiig and starching machinists' over- -clothing. "We are adding to our force of help and WILL DO JUST EX ACTLY WHAT WE CLAIM. Our machinery is NEW , and we wish to say that we have the BEST APPOINTED LAUNDKY in Western Nebraska. We guarantee to please or re fund money. Give us your work s' flAILSBACK & JACQUES , 'Cor' Denn/son and McFar/itnt/ . . * * _ . i - ; tn ' > > mders-at S. m. Coca * PAY YOUB TAXES. Notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to Red Wil low county tor delin quent personal taxes that unless settle ment is made on or be fore Oct. 1st , 1892 , will be col lected by distress according cording- law. W.T. HENTON , County Treasurer. All parties having farms or city proper ty for sale should list them withB. F. Tuox- EL at Kendall's old candy kitchen. Residence property for sale in all parts of the city by O. J. Ryan. Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and 35c. at KNIPPLE'S. J. I. Case threshinjr mnchincs at 3. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Wayson & Odell are putting out some handsome rigs these days. Walter A. Wood and Hano Binders at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Choice meats of all kinds at Stone & Devitt's cash meat market , nest door to post office. Fon. KENT. Furnished bed loom with USB of bath room. Enquire at this office. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison - nison street hardwaremen. Wayson & Odell can fix you up com fortably and fetylishly in any thing you may desire in the livery line. Come to the new photograph gallery , 110 Main St. , for strictly first class work. E. E. WALLACE , Photographer. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. If you want a really choice article of meat of any kind , remember that Stone & Devitt can fill just such a want sat isfactorily. Four new dwelling houses in course of construction and more coming. That of W. S. Morlan will be the finest in southwestern Nebraska. The painters have improved the front of Dr. S. L. Green's brick on Main avenue , occupied by L. W. Mc- Conuell & Co. , this week. The Sunday school children of St. Patrick's church enjoyed an outing in one of the shady retreats of the south side , yesterday afternoon. The day was perfect and young and old had a de lightful time. It is a common observation among farmers that the early plowing for wheat told this year as it never told be fore. Ground plowed last year imme diately after harvest and seeded early , has yielded in many instance double what was harvested from corn stalk round. At a meeting of the McCook repub lican club , last evening , Messrs. J. C. Allen , J. A. Wilcox , William Weygint , Thomas Glasscott , P. A. Wells , M. H. Bacon were elected delegates to the sefision of state league of republican clubs to be held in Grand Island on August 1st. The situation at Homestead has been complicated by the arrival of Helen Gougar , who addressed the strikers. The reports do not detail what Mrs. Gougar said or what course she advised or 'what side she took , but this is imma terial. It is a woman's mission to talk , against time and against the record. Providence is , merciful to the West while Mrs. Gougar lingers in the EVst. 23r"Grocenes at Nobles' . A score of new residences will not fill the demand this fall. Considerable city property is chang ing hands , these quiet times. Judge Benson has taken up quarters with Col. LeHew in the Meeker build ing. \j , ii. uciuuua lias uuu iiu me u ing house on No. 805 , north McFarland street. Preaching services morning and ev ening in the Methodist church by the pastor at the usual hours. The Cash meat market , next door to the post office , keeps the best of every thing belonging to a first class meat market. Every man who takes part in your procession expects in return that you will some day blow a horn in the band in his procession. Drop in and see what nice fresh fruit and candy you can buy at the new store of Austin & Lipps , rear of Citizens' bank. E. H. Doan has purchased the Capt. O'Brien residence on Melvin street , . * J I T > * T " 1 f I it IFll Mitvui/ii'VA * JJi.iQit3 h\si J Jin uoil y contemplates building. The late soaking , rains have placed the ground in fine shape for breaking and plowing ; and many farmers are taking advantage of the fact. The urgent demand for more dwell ing houses continues. A score or more of rental properties could be leased im mediately , at a profitable figure. Judicious advertising is the surest way to bring yourself before the pub lic. The long headed merchant will give this matter considerable thought and attention. Messrs. Austin & Lipps have opened a fruit stand and confectionery in the store room opposite the Racket store , and respectfully solicit share of public patronage. They carry all kinds of fruit and make their own candies. Give them a call. * On the first proximo Mr. Sylvester Coideal will become cashier of the Farmers & Merchants bank vice T. I. Glasscott resigned , who contemplates returning east. Mr. Cordcal is well qualified for the position he will assume September 1st. At the meeting of the state central committee in Lincoln on Monday the Hon. Edward Rosewater was roasted and snubbed to the queen's taste ; and the Hon. Thomas Majors was nominat ed to the office of lieutenant governor by acclamation. That's the difference. Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good , where they will secure the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Noble's is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity , quality and value , and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. J. H. Ludwick completed threshing his fall wheat , close of last week , and reports an average yield of thirty bush els per acre from twenty acres , making a total of six hundred bushels of very fine wheat. He expects to have about seven hundred bushels of spring wheat and one thousand bushels of oats. The success of the wheat crop in Ne braska this season adds weight to the claim made by so many substantial far mers and experienced grain buyers that no crop will give better returns in this state year after year than winter wheat. The acreage is growing steadily and wherever the grain is properly planted the results are wonderfully satisfactory. Nebraska is ready for winter wheat. Don't judge a man by his clothes. God made one and the tailor made the other. Don't judge him by his family for Cain belonged to a good family. Don't judge a man by his failure in life , for many a man has been too honest to succeed. Don't judge a man by the house he lives in , for the lizard and the rat often inhabit the grander structure. When he dies they who survive him ask what property he has left behind ; the angel who bends over the dying man asks what. oed ded * he has Rent before him. ' ' . > < Route Agent HcCracken. Ralph A. McCracken , well known to all the older railroad men west of Chicago cage as one of the best route agent that ever bandied mail on the western routes , was buried yesterday at Fair mount cemetery. Mr. McCracken wa thirty-four years old at the time of his death , which was caused by pulmonar trouble. When about twenty years o age he entered the service of the posta department , and for ten years his career was a series of promotions. When he resigned four years ago on account ol failing health he had charge of a divi sion , with eight men working under him. Mr. McCracken was an ardent republi can , and had in early life some news paper experience. With his father , who was a prominent journalist in south eastern Iowa , he undertook the publica tion of a newspaper in western Nebras ka. This he was forced to abandon on account of his health , and coming to Denver , he embarked in the jewelry business at No. COS Santa Fe avenue. His hope of returning health in this climate was never realized , his strength gradually falling until Monday last , when he sustained a hemorrhage of the lungs which was followed by death. The mother of the deceased lives in Denver with her son , F. L. McCracken , an employe of the Green-Smith Watch and Diamond Company. Denver Re publican , August 18th. Gammill for State Senator. , NEB. , Aug. 17th The re publican senatorial convention for this the Twenty-ninth district , nominated Captain John C. Gammill , of Frontier county , by acclamation , today. Capt. Gammill was born in Ohio ; he enlisted in Company M , Third Iowa cavalry , in August , 1861 , and was mustered out as captain in 1865. He is a pioneer of Frontier county , having settled on a homestead in July , 1873 , where he has since resided and engaged in fanning and stock raising. He is a strong , clean man. World-Herald. Special Meeting. The members of the Farmers Union Insurance Company , of Grand Island , are requested to meet at G. A. R. hall in Grand Island on August 31st , at 10 , A. M. , to consider questions of import ance to the company. Let every own er of the company be present who can. As the meeting will be on Wednesday , of the reunion , people can take the ad vantage of the reduced fare on rail roads and combine business with pleas ure. Respectfully , W. L. WILLARD , Secretary. Grand Island , August 20th , 1892. Franklin Academy. Students and friends of the Franklin academy will be pleased to learn that the State University , of Nebraska , has placed the academy first in its list oi accredited schools , thus giving it first rank among the preparatory schools ol the state. This school is at the front in all lines of work and we advise all young people to investigate and find out what it can offer them -before going elsewhere. The fall term begins Sep tember 13th. Send for catalogue and information to ALEXIS C. HART , Franklin , Nebraska. Have Instituted a Contest. Our Indianola friends apparently do not feel quite secure enough in their "three and one-fifth short" position , and on yesterday commenced contest proceedings in the district court alleg ing out of the fullness of their great hearts fraud , bribery , etc. , in wholesale lots , by McCook people. We under stand that they have also put up a $500 bond. Public Schools. The fall term of the Public Schools begins Tuesday , Sept. 6th , Monday be ing Labor Day , a legal holiday. Ex aminations will be held at the East Ward building for pupils having no ad mission cards , Thursday and Friday , Sept. 1st and 2nd , at 9 a. m. WIT. VALENTINE , Supt. Next month the bivalves will again be in season , but blue points will not be au fait until the chilling December winds begin to give your nose an azure hue. Thirty cents a day for cigars doesn't seem much , but it amounts to $109.05 in a year and $1,090.05 in ten years ; THE TRIBUNE supposes Indianola is just contesting for fun or for luck ? - " - " * T- * * * , DSPRICES Powder Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Resolutions of Respect. WHEREAS , We , the Nebraska rail way postal clerks' association , have heard with profound sorrow and regret of the death of our esteemed brother and co-laborer , J. B. McCabe , who was a most consistent , loyal and faithful member of our association , therefore be it RESOLVED , That we hereby publicly express our appreciation of the many noble qualities and high niciit attained by our deceased friend , and that in his death we mourn the loss of one of our most congenial companion ? , a most- skillful workman , and 'one who was generous to the last degree in assisting Ills brother clerks ; RESOLVED , That we extend to the sorrowing rowing family and other relatives of the deceased brother , assurances of profound and earnest sympathy in this affliction , which it has pleased the Supreme Pro tector to visit upon them ; RESOLVED , That copies of these reso- utions shall be sent to the family of he deceased , and published in the Mu- Jook papers and the R. M. S. Bugle. C. II. RANDALL , } J. B. MARTIN , [ Committee. M. Y. STARBUCK , j Tax Notice. Pay your delinquent personal tax be- 'ore Sept. 1st , 1892 , and avoid costs. The personal tax lists for the city of McCook for the years 1889 , 1S90 and 1891 are now in the hands of C. F. 3abcock at the office of Babcock & elley in rear of First National Bank. 3all and pay your taxes. W. T. HENTON , Treasurer. A Suitable Reward Will be paid and no questions asked for the return of the notes and other > apers taken from my office in McCook on Wednesday , August 17th. These > apers are of value to no one but my- elf. GEORGE J. BURGESS. Wanted to Trade ! A lot of young horses , colts , and mules , for land in western Kansas or western Nebraska. If you have land o trade write to J. D. CURTIS , Stella , Nebraska. Girl Wanted. A girl wanted to learn the trade. R. A. COLE , Merchant Tailor , McCook , Neb. The abundant rains of the past week leave the ground in fine condition for fall plowing and planting of a large acreage of winter wheac. Two magnifi cent crops have been raised in succes sion , and there is every reason to be lieve that the same results will follow intelligent effort in this direction with cheerful regularity in the future. One or two more yields such as the farmers have experienced in the past two years will cause a rush for Nebraska land that will give all the dissatisfied an op portunity to sell their holdings at an enormous advance and leave for some more favored locality. The B. & M. i.s putting its roadbed and bridges in good repair for the busy shipping season now assured , and have a large force of men at work along the line. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs for all kinds of machinery. The man who fixed his mouth for fruit this year will have to pay right well for his folly or adjust that organ ; o some other economy. 25 Cents Until After Election. The coming presidential and state campaign will be the most exciting ever known. During this time you will want a newspaper that is thoroughly in touch with public sentiment , and one that prints the news before it becomes stale. THE SKMI-WEEKLV STATK JOURNAL prints the news several days earlier than the old fashioned weeklies , and costs the same , $1.00 per year. A complete paper twice each week Tues days and Fridays. Giving 104- papers a year. It is almost as good as u daily. The old time weekly is not in it when it conies to printing news. A year's subscription will carry reader ? all through the campaign and the next session of the legislature. A big dollar's worth. A few of our offers : The Journal a year and "Stanley in Africa , " $1.40 : Journal and Weekly N. Y. Tribune , both one year , $1.25 ; Journal and Ox ford Bible , $2.75 ; Journal and Ncely's Political Map , $1.80. As a trial subscription we will send THE SEMI-WEEKLY until after the elec tion for a quarter. Address , NEBRASKA STATE JOURNAL ; Lincoln , Nebraska. HAVE ARRIVED. I wish to inform all my patrons that my stock of Fall and Winter Goods have arrived. It is the finest and largest and best selected that I have ever dis played in McCook. Call early before the choicest goods are gone. KALSTEDT , The Tailor. Matchless Bargains. The splendid Drysdale stock of cloth ing will be sold on Saturdays at public auction. This is a grand opportunity to secure bargains in this line. The stock will be offered at private sale dur ing the remaining days of each week , until all is sold. Auction at the store. Call on .J. A. Cordeal for particulars. HOW READY. Latest Fall Stvles Men's and Bov's Soft and Stiff flats ; this composes the largest and most complete line we have ever showp. THE FAMOUS CLOTHING Co. Houses and Lots for Sale. I have a few desirable dwellings and lots in McCook which I offer for sale at bargains. H. G. DIXON. Horses for Sale. Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. , Purveyor to toe Great Common People , is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. Warm weather , flies and sticky fly paper come together. You can secure a prime and satisfactory article of the latter at Chenery's City Drug Store. Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore Bros. On August 3lst the chairmen and secretaries of the Republican and In dependent state central committees will meet in Lincoln for the purpose of con sidering the matter of a joint debate between Lorenzo Crounse , the republi can nominee for governor , and Charles H. Van Wyck , the Independent nomi nee. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest IT. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOU/IELY PURE