READ THIS OUT LOUD THE FAIR ! Is the name of the new store in the Babcock Building , one door north of the First National Bank , McCook , Neb.which -will open "Will always be the Bargain Store of McCook. SPOT CASH in the Eastern Markets is what secures the Bargains for . . . . . And enables THE TAIK to give you Bargains on the same term SPOT CASH. A Savingof from 25 to 5O Per Cent Guar anteed on the Following1 Goods : Towels , Mens' Socks , "Writing Paper , Boys' "Waists , Toweling , Ladies' Hose , School Slates , Suspenders , Table Cloth , Children's Hose , School Crayon , Shirts , Ladies' Aprons , Combs , Pencils , Overalls , Hair Curlers , Brushes , Pocket Books , Jumpers , Buttons , Pins and Needles , Thread , Neckties , Corsets , "Window Shades , Handkerchiefs , Toilet Soaps , Laces and Embroideries , etc. , And 500 other useful things too numerous to mention. A full line of the Best Grades of TINWARE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS o At Cheap Grade Prices. The stock will be changed as fast as sold and it will pay you when needing an article of any kind to step into THE FAIR One door north of First National Bank , McCOOK. NEB. KNIPPLE LEADS ALL ! IN = AND = ; AND HIS ; Cornet and Sterling BRANDS OF FLOUR Store opeii till the usual hours INDIANOLA ITEMS. Camp meeting at Cambridge com mences , this week. Miss Lizzie Moulton of Bartley has organized a class in Art here. J. H. Goodrich , ex-county treasurer , spent Sunday here visiting friends. Roy Hendershot of Danbury is em ployed in county treasurer's office. Mrs. N.V. . Baker and Mrs. E. C. Brown drove to Cambridge , Thursday. County Judge is repairing his prop erty at Bartley. Consequently is away some this week. County Clerk Roper was the guest of A. D. Johnston in Valley Grange precinct , Sunday. Sheriff Banks drove up to McCook , Saturday , on business of his office. A. J. Rittenhotise occompanied him. Rev. S. A. Beck , formerly a Bartley student , but now pastor of the M. E. church at Wauneta , visited C. W. Beck's family , this week. County fair in one month , get ready and go. Those inclined to matrimony should read Sutton's special at once , who will get the gold watch. Mrs. J. E. Nor thru p , recently of Wisconsin , has rented the south room in the Masonic block and will open up a millinery and dress making estab lishment. Dr. Eskey , of Wheeling , West Vir ginia , a brother of Dr. F. W. and Milt , stopped off on his return from Denver and made a visit in Indianola and Bartley. License was issued on the 15th for the marriage of Mr. Louis Suess and Miss Katie Schmidt. Mr. Suess is the popular clerk employed at C. L. De- Groff&Co.'s. A fiend , in the shape of a human be ing , living in Mo. Ridge precinct , whip ped a neighbor's six year old boy with a cattle whip so that the little fellow's body is completely black and blue. Rev. J. M. Mann of Alliance precinct was in the city , Thursday , and reports that his mother-in-law , who fell and broke her leg badly on Decoration day , is getting well. Which is remarkable as she is nearly 94 years old. County Superintendent corrects the statement in regard to the number of children of school age in the county to be sent to State Superintendent as fol lows : Girls , 1463 ; boys , 1463. There are 41 others in districts where no school was held that cannot be counted in the report to State Superintendent. The county agricultural society are making arrangements to make an ex- libit at state fair. The secretary has secured a favorable position in the hall , and as it will be impossible to canvass the whole county for the exhibit , will every one who has any thing choice that they can furnish notify the rotary , C. W. Beck , at Indianola , at once. All kinds of grain , grasses , veg etables , etc. , wanted. Let us ma ke a good showing for our county. BANKSVILLE BUDGET. The weather is exceedingly warm and we are needing rain. Win. Relph started on a visit to his brother in Kansas , a few days ago. The harvesting is about done and threshing has commenced , but no news yet to tell the yield from threshing. We are listening with all our listen ing faculties to hear something drop to assure us that the county seat goes to McCook. W. A. Gold finished stacking , last week , and H. H. and A. M. Benjamin finished rye stacking , Monday. Grain stacking is a large part of the business now. The House Mace. The mace of the house of representa tives consists of a bundle of thirteen ebony rods entwined and bound togeth er with silver bands. The thirteen ebony sticks represent the thirteen ori ginal states of the Union. They are surmounted upon a globe of silver up on which the hemispheres are traced , while a silver eagle with outstreched wings is perched upon the summit of the globe. It was made in 1884 , and weighs twenty pounds. From the Chicago cage Times. Bear in mind that spring has opened up and house cleaning has commenced. Also remember that I am in the mar- cot as usual for the purchase of second land goods. Drop me a card and I will call. J. H. LUDWICK. THE American flag has been in sulted again in Toronto , bnt the effort to tear it from the head of a procession was quickly balked. Little by little the Canadians are becoming accustomed to the Stars and Stripes and are reaching the stage when they must vent their spleen in curses alone. It is hands and not mouths that the United States first endeavors to regulate. SIXTEEN wild steers turned loose in the lower part of New York city caused great excitement for several hours Tuesday. The futile attempts of the staid old stronghold of the Knickerbockers to simulate the breezy abandon of its Western riv al of the great unsalted seas would be pathetic if they were less amus ing. THE most toothsome trust of them all has been found in New York in preserves and jellies. A combine on the air supply may be looked for nearly any day , every thing else being now pooled. THE total value of all diamonds in Illinois , Chicago included , ac cording to the assessors returns , is only $58,762. What a lot of paste must be used in swell society events in Chicago , if the returns be reliable ! IN all of his travels up and down the country St. John has heard but one man hurrah for a presidential candidate , and it goes without say ing , of course , that the nominee thus honored was Mr. Harrison. IF Mr. Cleveland follows up the practice of writing letters to all of his namesakes , another private sec retary will become an early neces sity at Grays Gable. C. E. Eldred returned from Phillips- burg , Kansas , last evening , accompan ied by a better half secured in the Sun flower State during his brief absence. The boys think of excusing him , this time. But he must not do it again. The railroad has been completed to Imperial and they will have a grand "blow-out" August 24th. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most successful cough medicine we have ever sold , a few doses invariable cure the worst cases of cough , croup and bronchitis , while its wonderful suc cess in the cure of consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee , a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price loc. , SDC. and $ i. If your lungs are sore , chest or back lame , use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold bv A. McMillen. A New Kind of Diamond. Jas. S. Kirk & Co. , of Chicago , have put up on the market lately , as a result of their half century's experience , their Dusky Diamond Soap , a soap adapted to all household uses. By a happy but peculiar combination they are enabled to use tar in this soap , and there is no one that needs to be told that tar is recognized as the greatest of the healing agents. It also is recognized for its softening qualities , and any one troubled with hard , sore hands , will become enthusiastic over the "Dusky Dia mond" Soap after once using it. Your grocer keeps it. BUY BINE OF L , W. McGON- NELL & GO. GO.I "WANTED. Growers of , and dealers in choice , fine , green , broom corn , will please quote price baled on board cars , and state when it can be delivered. Address AEMES & DALLAM , SAN FRAXCISCO , CAL. Free ! Free ! In order to increase our cash trade we will give away the following' list of presents to our cash customers , REE ! FREE ! . 1 Gold Watch , worth - - $100.0O 1 Gold Watch , worth - - 75.0O 1 Gold Watch , worth - - 50.0O 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth - 75.0O 2 Silver Watches at $25 each - 50.00 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,150.00 , , ! 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 90.00 < i 100 Books , standard works of English and American fiction , hound in cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.0O n ii 118 PRESENTS WORTH $790.0O vl We carry the largest stock of Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , in lied willow county. And we meet all competition and go them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our goods before buying. W. C. LaTourette. you/ ace it i it i * co. GENUINE BARGAINS ! y Has the actual difference in the I way CLOTHING- put up ever oc curred to you ? If it has not , a visit to the various places where clothing is sold will convince you that there is a vast difference between "slop-shop jl hand-me-downs" and clothing ( not things ) made of good material and nicely put together. Here is where we have always made a strong point and the fact that we are selling Men's and Boys' Suits and Pants , trimmed , lined and sewed equal to any tailor made suits , at prices as low , and often lower , than the "slop shop" stuff explains in itself why we are doing so large a clothing business. We have put forth an extra effort this spring , and you will find our tables loaded down with the prettiest line of MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS to be found on this market , and if you are looking for good , honest goods at the lowest prices , we ask you to carefully inspect this department. And in Hats , Shirts , Suspenders , Overalls , Jeans , Pants , SOCKS , Ties , Night Shirts , etc. , we have just what you want and at a price that will meet your views. Ho C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. F. D. BURQB.SS , PLUMBERf STEAM FITTER NOETH MAIN AVE. , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. 40 TO 2000 ACRE TRACTS , $5 TO $15 PER RCRR p for Price List and Descriptive Circular of Southwestern Nebraska to AND STOCK RANCHES. S. H. COLVIN , McCooMerf wtnou > a , . , Neb.