The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 19, 1892, Image 7

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    Rscently tht following Notlco appeared In the
San Franclscn Chronicle.
"Judge S had been sick only about two
weeks , aud it was not until the last three or
four days that the malady took a serious turn.
At the beginning of his illness he suffered from
! i diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the
kidneys refused to perform their functions and
he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life
of one of the most prominent men in Cali
fornia. " Like thousands of others his un
timely death was the result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease.
are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de
rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs ,
don' * delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your doily duties ; don't
waste your money on worthless liniments
and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of
the disease at once by using the greatest of all
known remedies , the celebrated Oregon Kid
ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands.
Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely I
vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a package - J
age , G for $5.00.
X "Will Avoid Qanchit
Fraud * and Bosru * Medical
Xnitltutca by going to the
Old , Sellable
102 A 104 W. NINTH STREET.
ARcgular Graduate in
Medicine. Over 26 i/cary
practice 12 in Chicago.
arm ; OI/DEST iff AGE ,
aCjf fipd ] kOy OEyr AAIL > A. X jLiMJ *
Authorized by the State to treat Chronic , Nerrous
and "Special Diseases. " Seminal Weakness , ( Niaux
LOSSES ) , Sexual Debility ( LOSS OP SEXUAL rpWEttj ,
Nervous Debility. Poisoned Blood , Ulcers and Swell-
Ingiofeveirklnd.Urinary and Kidney Disease * etc.
Cure * Ouarnntecd or Money Kerunded ,
Charges Xio-vv. Thousands of coict cured
. No mercury
every year. Experlcnco Is Important.
cury or Injurious medlcino used. No tlm lost
from business. Patients at a. distance treated by
mall and express. Medicines gent everywhere free
from gaze or breakage. State your cnsp and send
for terms. Consultation free and confidential , per-
onallyorbyletter. For particularseeo
full of descriptive pictures , sent
. _ . w.K sealed in plain envelope for Cc. In
aUmps. N. B. Thl book contains BECIIETS nrd
useful knowledge nhlch nhould bo read by every
male from 15 to 45 years of age and kept under
lock and key ? FREE MUSEUM OF AIV AT
OMY replete with a thousand interesting speci
mens. Including the celebrated French Manikin
Which alone cost over $000. For Men Only.
/or any case this treatment fails tor
cure or help. Greatest discovery in 1
nnals of medicine. One dose gives I
relief : a few doses removes fever and L
pain In Joints ; Cure completed In a <
few days. Send statement of case with stamp for
fut vigor
G andllfcprolonuctl even In advanced
, of njoiU-rn tul-
? vi-ar by a miracle
cnce. Call or write cncloslr-B il , state
- " ' ! f'lllyftnd ret a tri-il tieatiacnt anS sdvloo
a Vu rj'O' iult ! "f many years' n--crein.e.
t -xnr.jr.fFCrjBAC'i t > ! f rf V-"A * vf
: J . / : & - . Siroot. VlLWAUXit. ! * - 3.
iiiKJio. ii"-ix joj Befort.
The accompanying statement Weight 330 ibi su ibi 75 ibi
of my weight and measureBUIL. . . . 43 in. 33 in. 10 in.
ments will show the results of w ut. . 42)0. si in. ilia ,
flve months' treatment. HlpL. . . ts in. < o in. 13 in.
Hiralet * , n < l with n itanlnp , Inconrralence , or bad tStctt.
Tat Dtrtlcnltn address , with 6 cents In stamps.
FOX - motesONLY.
CiBVRQIfHICflLCO15.7. H. BKKMAK 51 ; H -
V tlltll 1 ! f A UttUfJlU }
Bronchitis , Rheumatism. , and nil chronic dis
eases , by their compound Oxygen Treatment ,
are indeed marvelous.
If you are a sufferer from any disease which
your physician has failed to cure , write for in
formation about this treatment , and their book
of two hundred papes , giving a history of
Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with
numerous testimonials from patients ; to whom
you may refer for still further information ,
will be promptly sent , without charge.
This book aside from its pieat merit as a
medical work , K'vhiK1 , as it does , the result of
years of study and experience , you will find a
very interesting one.
1529 Arch Street , Philladelphia , Pa.
120 Sutler St. , San Francisco , Cal.
Please mention this paper.
If. us the Buying goes , "straws show which
ivny the wind blows , " the testimony given in
iiluck mid whitu legurdiriur ( he merits of an
iirticlc , and by those , loo. whoso dally experi
ence IH calculated to inaku them familiar with
sueh subjects , then the following note curries
inoiu than ordinary weight :
SAN FRANCISCO. June3.1888.
Dear Sir I have tried a bottle of your
Kohertlna lor the complexion and ilmi it a
most delight fill preparation , beautifying tin :
skin mid leaving no bad t-U'ects. For the tut
me 1 shall use no other preparation. Since.e-
That nightmare of man's existence which
makes food a mockery and banishes deep
liom weary eyes , readily yields to the potent
influence of the celebrated English Dandelion
Tonic. It tones up the digestive organs , re
stores the appetite , makes assimilation of
food possible and invigorates the whole sys
tem. All druggists sell it at one dollar pur
EpUeptic Fits , Falling Sickness , Hyster
ics , St. Yitus Daucc , Nervousness ,
Hypochondria , Melancholia , In-
cbrity , Sleeplessness , Diz
ziness , Brain and Spi
nal Weakness. *
This medicine lias direct action upon
the nerve centers , allaying all irritabili
ties , and increasing the flow and power
of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless
and leaves no unpleasant effects.
A Valuable Book en Nervous
Diseases sent free to toy address ,
FREE and poor patients can also obtain
this medicine free of charge.
This remedy has been prepared by the Keverend
Pastor Kocnig. of Fort Wayne , Ind. , since 1976 , and
Isnow prepared underhis direction by the
KOENIG MED. CO. , Chicago , 111.
Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. G for < SI7
Size. S1.7. . G BotUos for < :
8. W. Cor. llthand Broadway ,
For the treatment of all Chronic and
Surgical Discasu and Diseases of the
Eye and Ear. The object of this Sanita
rium la to furnish board , rooms and
medical attention to those suffering with
Deformities , Diseases of Women , Dis
eases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs , D Iseascs of the Nervous
System , Lung and Throat Discuses , I'lles , Cancers , Tumors. Etc. ,
Etc. Surgical Operations performed with skill. Books free to
Men amd Women. For further information call on or address
DR. C. M. COE , Kansas City , Mo.
"AffAKESIS" fdv-sinstant
relief and is an infallible
Cure for Piles. Pru-j $1. By
Drugiristsormai ! . Si'.mnles
free.Acldress"AiAKi SlS , "
Box 2416 , New York City.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost unvcr--xl by the Housewife , the Farmer , tht
Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compass with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy Las stood the test of years , almost
No medicine chest is compictc without a bottle of MUSTANG
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
druggists and dealer ? kivcit
Ifill1' '
The Leading Weekly in West
ern Nebraska.
. , AUG . ! |
Dourd of county comtnlssloiicre mut pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Hellos ,
3. S. Graham and Samuel Young' , commission
ers. and Gco. W. Itopcr. clerk. Minutes of
previous meeting rend and approved.
Petition of Jumes E. Euton. Win. Itozoll and
others , asking Hint a consent road bo located.
read and considered. Tim board llnds that all
the owners aloiitf said line of road have triven
their consent in writing , thereby releasing
said Red Willow county from all damages or
claims toi damage.
On inotion.sumo was granted establishing u
public road its follows to- wit : Commencing
at the south cast corner of section 9-4-30 , west
of Oth p. in. , and running : north one-half mile
to UK. ) northeast corner of the southeast U
of section 9-430. west , lied Willow county ,
Petition of Andrew Carson. G. W. Predmore
and others aeldng that a public road bo locat
ed read and considered. On motion same was
laid over until September 20th , Ib9.2.
On motion the ollielal bond of .lames M.
Wilbon , overseer district No. 11 , accepted and
On motion the following claims were audited
and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
on Co. general limd levy 18U2 as follows :
W. II. Smith , judge of election Valley
Grange precinct . $ 3 00
Klehard Johu&on , judge of election
Valley Grange precinct . 3 00
A. A.Phiilippi.judgeof election Val
ley Grange precinct and returning
book . 0 GO
C. W. Itoper , clerk of Valley Grange
precinct . 300
J. E. Terrill , clerk of Valley Grange
precinct . 3 00
D. W. C. Heck , judge of lied Willow
precinct . 300
J. It. Nece , judge of lied Willow pre
cinct . 300
James T. Conlon , Judge of Ked Willow
precinct and returu . 510
Adam Grass , clerk . 300
L.L. Miller , clerk . 300
A. i * . Day. police . 3 00
J. W. Smith , clerk of Colemau precinct
and returning book . 7 20
Jno.N. Smith , judge . 300
Hiram Uixler. judge . 300
Wiii. Itozell. clerk . 300
Jordan , clerk . 3 00
W. II. llenjnmin , judge of Grant pre
cinct and returning book . 7 CO
D. U. Uarnes , judge . 300
A.Peters , judge . 3 00
Albert Weeks , clerk . 3 00
W. A. Gold , clerk . 300
James Lawtheis , judge of Gerver pre
cinct . 3 00
D. Goodenberger , judge . 300
L. Koshong , judge . 300
Alex. Ellis , clerk and returning book. . 7 40
Joe Dodge , clerk . 300
J. E. Lawther , police . 300
S. S. Graham , judge of Danbury pre
cinct . ' . 300
M. M. Weaver , judge . 3 1)0 )
A. A. Andrus , judge , . 300
J. C. Latterly , clerk and returning book G 70
H. A. Gtaham. clerk . 300
Geo. McClung , police . 300
Win. Hiersekorn , judge of Beaver pre
cinct and returning book . 680
W. J. Reeves , judge . 300
Win. Kemington , judge . SCO
K. T. Hendershot. clerk . 3 00
B. B. Smiley , clerk . 300
Jas. Kinghorn , judge of Box Elder pre-
cint . 300
E. A. Sexson , judge . 3 00
M. E. Piper , clerk and returning book. 6 40
M. L. Brown , judge . 300
Frank King , clerk . 300
Win. Karp. judge of Bondville precinct
and returning book . 580
Jacob Korb , judge . 300
Cyrus Blake , judge . 300
Win. Uerliug , clerk . 3 00
H. Dutcher. clerk . 300
Henry Corcorau , judge of Perry pre
cinct . 300
Geo.Poh.-judge . 300
Andrew Carson , judge and returning
book . 6 70
John Real , clerk 300
Jas. Locker , clerk 3 00
S.W.Clark , judge of East Valley pre
cinct 300
l.M. Sexton , judge 3 00
B. M. Morris , judge 300
J. M. Hoppe , clerk and returning book 3 80
H. A. Barnhart , clerk 300
Samuel Premer , judge of Alliance pre
cinct and returning book 5 95
John Long , judge 300
I. M.Williams , judge 300
Maurice Reddy , clerk 3 00
0. V. Ault , clerk 300
K. C. Fidler , judge ot North Valley 3 00
R.C. Catley.judge 3 09
Jas. Rittenberg , clerk 3 00
J. S. Kikendall , judge 300
Pat McKillip , clerk and returning book 6 20
M. ii. Nichols , judge of Tyrone pre
cinct and returning book 650
N. Fough , judge 300
Wm. Stuck , judge 300
A. Joslin , clerk 300
Henry Hulb , clerk 300
Jas. Carmicbael , judge of Fristcb pre
cinct and returning book 5 65
Frank Fritsch , judge 300
M. Rinck , judge 300
Robt. Barber , clerk 300
Ben Bennet , clerk 300
Ed Irvin , judge Mo. Ridge precinct. . . . 3 00
M.Stadler , judge 3 00
John G. Ervin , judge and return book 6 00
Jas. A. Robinson , clerk ' 300
Robt. Jones , clerk 3 00
Joe Schmidt , Judge of Driftwood pre
cinct 300
R. M. Wade , judge 300
C. G. Holmes , judge and return book 6 80
Harry Wade , clerk 300
J. J.Grundy , clerk 3 00
J. S. Holmes , police 300
Geo. Ralston , judge Lebanon precinct 3 00
D. A. Waterman , judge 3 00
Wm. Marquis , judge 300
E. P. Day , clerk 300
E. E. Devoe , clerk , and returning book 7 00
N. E. Waugh , police 300
M. G. Shackelton , judge of Indianola
precinct 300
C. H. Oman , judge 300
S. Billings , judge 300
Clark Green , clerk 300
J. H. Berge. clerk 300
Ralph \Vblte , police 300
H. W. Cole , judge Willow Grove , 1st
district , claim $4 , allowed at 300
J. E. Kelley , judge , claim $4 , allowed. . 3 00
J.S.LeHew , judge and returning , claim
$7.20 , allowed at 020
Ed. Wilcox , clerk , claim $4 , allowed. . . . 3 00
Sherman Clyde , clerkclaim$4 , allowed 3 00
A. McManigal , police , claim $4 , allowed 3 00
L. B. Stiles , judge 2d district , claim $4.
allowed at 3 00
L. A.Hurlburt.judge , claim t4 , allowed 3 00
1. T. Benjamin , judge and returning
book , claim $7.20 , allowed 620
M. W. Eaton , clerk , claim ti , allowed. . 3 00
J. A. Tubbs , clerk , claim $4 , allowed. . 300
J. Dennett , police , clnlin $4. n . ' . ! ' ' v (
U..I. Warren , jii'lui-M ; district . (
.bid ; Dvvlru Judge 3 ( X
Inn. Wbiitz. judru mill rfturnmir. . i 2 (
X II. Gruy. ulork : n <
( * . H. Goodwin , cleric a ( X
C. It. Town , police (
I. P. Moore , police. 3 ( X
Art. Cnibtree. dullvoriritr Imllots J'.i 2j
\V. ( ) . Hdiid.cuiivasserspL'cIni oleution. 4 ( K
( I. J. It > tin. " 5 a
Goo. W. Itoper. county clerk 4 ( X
Iiidiannln Courier , uloctlnii HiippllcH . -10 ( K
K. It. Hanks , posting noticesolulni fi ,
itllowed ; jij OC
Win. ICiirp. use of building for election 2 OC
Iced Willow Co. fair approprlntiuii i5t ! . " > t
Jus. Ouxley , board puuper E. G. Smith ,
claim $14.83 , allowed . 11 K
Indiaiinla HardwHru and Implement
Co. . colliii for child of Mrs. Walton. . 12 OC
S. lUlllnjrs. night watch court house. . . 4 5J (
W J. Porter , house ICIIL Mis. Kolib 3 0(1
L. P. Dickey , house Mre. Purdy. . . ( J 0(1 (
.Itilin Pciike , diiiyliiK 510
Prtdmoro Hros. . work on graders 8 50
Dr. A. T. Hlce , attemlinir paupers rt 2fl
State Jonrnul Co. . stationery county. . . ! )8 ) OC
E. It. Hanks , posture and express 2 9,1
S. Dodge , livery hire ] go
C. F. liabcock. collecting delinquent
pureoinil taxes 278 : ! Q
J. T. Conlon. painting bridge signs . . . . 20 00
Samuel Young , service as commls'nor. II CO
S. Holies , service as commissioner 7 4y
S. S. Gruhtuu. service ns commissioner 11 20
Vickrey Uroa. , mdse. for Mrs. Kobb. . . 9 20
Also on county read fund levy as follows :
.1. A. Sheridan , scrapers 18550
Petition of V. Franklin , Jos. Menard and
others asking the board of county commis
sioners to appropriate $250 00 for the purpose
of representing Ked Willow county in the
Nebraska exhibit train to start for the Allan ,
tic coast on September 15th , 18 ! , read and con
sidered and on motlon.rejected.
On motion board adjourned to meetSeptein.
ber 20th. 1893.
Attest : 8. HOLLES , Chairman.
GEO. W. KOPEK , County Clerk.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
A Pretty Surprise.
A beautifully illustrated and charmingly
bound edition of Longfellow's "Evangeline , "
the most popular poem ever published by an
Ameiican author , and one of the most famous
poems in the language , just published , is a
pretty surprise for book lovers. It is in large
type , numerous and excellent illustrations ,
very fine and heavy paper , gilt edges , remark
ably handsome cloth binding , with gilt title
and ornaments. No illustrated edition has
ever before been published at less cost than
$1.50 , and that is about what you might
"guess" the price of this to be , but it isn't it
sells for only 19 cents ! plus six cents for post
age , if by mail. This covers only about the
actual cost of manufacture by the 100,000 , the
publisher's object being , not profit , but to
show the book lovingmillions what he can do.
His publications are not sold by dealers , but
only direct ; catalogue , over lee pages , a liter
ary curiosity in its way , is sent for a two-cent
stamp. Every home in the land ought to
have a. copy of this Evangeline , so charmingly
beautiful , as a poem , as a collection of artistic
illustrations , and as a product of the bookmaking -
making art. Address , JOHN B. ALDEN , Pub
lisher , 57 Rose St. , New York.
Guaranteed Cure for La Grippe.
We authorize our advertised druggist to sell
you Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion , Coughs and Colds , upon this condition.
If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will
use this remedy according to directions , giv
ing it a fair trial , and experience no benefit ,
you may return the bottle and have your
money refunded. We make this offer , because
of the wonderful success of Dr. King's New
Discovery during last season's epidemic.
Have heard of no case in which it failed.
Try it. Trial bottles free at A. McMillen's
drug store. Large size fifty cents and one
A New Kind of Diamond.
Jas. S. Kirk & Co. , of Chicago , have put up
on the market lately , as a result of their half
century's experience , their Dusky Diamond
Soap , a soap adapted to all household uses.
By a happy but peculiar combination they are
enabled to use tar in this soap , and there is no
one that needs to be told that tar is recognized
as the greatest of the healing agents. It also
is recognized for its softening qualities , and
any one troubled with hard , sore hands , will
become enthusiastic over the "Dusky Dia
mond" Soap after once using it. Your grocer
keeps it.
Good Looks.
Good looks are more than skin deep , de
pending upon a healthy condition of the vital
organs. If the Liver be inactive , you have a
Bilious Look , if your stomach is disordered
you have a Dyspeptic Look and if your Kid
neys be affected you have a Pinched Look.
Secure good health and you will have good
looks. Electric Bitters is the great alternative
and Tonic acts directly on these vital organs.
Cures Pimples , Blotches , Boils and gives a
complexion. Sold at McMillen's drugstore ,
50 cents per bottle.
Buck/en's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts , sores ,
bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2c. a
box. For sale by A. McMillen.
Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since
the introduction of Chamberlain's Cholic
Cholera and Diarrhrea Remedy. When that
remedy is used and the treatment as directed
with each bottle is followed , a cure isceitain.
Mrs. Fanny Lauderdale , of Rock , Pope coun
ty , Illinois , says it cured her baby of cholera
infantum and she thinks saved its life. A.
W. Walter , of Waltersburg , Illinois , says it
cured his baby boy of cholera intantum after
several other remedies had failed. The child
was so low that "he seemed almost beyond
the aid of human hands or reach of any medi
cine , " but Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhsea Remedy cured him. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by Geo. IT. Chenery.
Dr. Humphreys' Specific Manual richly
bound in cloth and gold , steel engravlngof the
author , 144 pages on the treatment'of all'di
seases , mailed free on application. Hum
phreys' Medicine Co. , Ill William St. , New
A i. I
thtret of > ' 1 1
he. ' . . . .s all u.i - v , * I u i / j
given to me uy ; m u.mvnen
I \ a buy. I . > c if si job onetime
timeami went touy o < l friend for
sym.i hy and advice , lie drew his
chair up to mine. and. tiifinqr one of
my bands loosely in Ins own , s-tid :
'My boy , never be dis ourajfed. U.ive
some confidence in your own ability
to tussle with the world. He indepen
dent. You must be like a tramp that is
in New York and wants tojet to Chi
cago. After a good deal of trouble he
gets on to a freight train , near the en
gine , maybe. He doesn't ride far be
fore he is seen and put otF. Does the
tramp give up ? No ; he simply geta on
in the middle of tke train , and if put
off again goes farther back until at
last he is put off the caboose. Then
what docs he do ? Why , he simply
waits for another train and tries it
over. Now , if you have little troubles
just bide your time and erawl back
into favor. If your employer should
discharge you , that is no evidence that
you have no ability or that you can
not succeed. It maybe the best thing
in the world for you. Why , some
of the most noted novels and famous
songs were refused by many smart
publishers until at last some one saw
their worth and brought them out.
Never be discouraged , my son. Just
get onto the next train and you will
get there all right some time.
A Marvelous Town That Has Ztln la
Hums Many Centuries.
According to Herodotus the ancient
city of Uabylon stood on a broad , level
plain , and was an exact square of four
teen miles each way , making the en
tire circuit of the city fifty-six miles.
It was protected by both a wall and a
moat , the latter being broad and deep
and kept constantly filled with water.
But the wall was the wonder of won
ders , being 93 % feet in width and an
even 200 feet in height. This monster
barrier of solid brass , the lintels and
side pieces being in bronze. Cross
walls ran along the banks of the
Euphrates , each provided with twenty-
five gates , which corresponded to the
number of .streets running in each di
rection from the river. The most re
markable edifice inside the wall was
the Temple of Bel , a pyramid of eight
square stadia. On the summit of thi s
pyramid stood a pure gold image of
Bel 40 feet high , two other smaller
figures of the same precious metal and
a golden table 40 feet long and 15 feet
wide. This wonderful city first came
prominently into the history of the
world in the year 747 B. C. , but since
Alexander the Great it has been a
ruin , the site having at one time been
entirely lost.
She Lived Off X.iture In Lancaster County
and .Umpired in a. Tent.
Mary Alloway , an aged and eccen
tric character of Mount Joy township ,
Pennsylvania , familiarly known in the
neighborhood by the title of "Mary ,
the " died in
dog-faced woman , lately
her hovel in Eshleman's woods.
She erected a tent in the woods and
there lived in poverty all the year
around , having only a tattered blan
ket for a bed covering even in the
severest winter weather. In the sum
mer she subsisted off wild fruits , ber
ries , nuts and roots , and for the re
mainder of the year she contrived to
keep soul and body together by beg
ging from neighboring farmers.
She roamed at will all over the re
gion , accompanied by a pack of dogs
as lean and gaunt as herself. Several
months ago the people of the neigh
borhood , who had come to regard her
as a nuisance , burned her tent and had
her removed to the county almshouse ,
but she soon escaped to the woods ,
erected another hovel , and there died.
More Than a Match.
In the straits settlements the
Chinese appear to be occasionally
more than a match for the Western
barbarian. It is the practice of the
merchants selling goods to receive pay
ment in rolls of copper coin done up in
paper , each roll containing 50 cents ,
and it has occurred to some of their
customers to substitute for the rolls
packages containing a piece of bar
iron the exact size and weight of a
roll of 48 cents. An ordinary cent is
put on each end of the bar , in case of
the end of the roll should be opened.
One merchant , it is stated , received
$40 in alleged rolls of copper , and
found , on opening them , that each roll
contained two cents and an iron bar.
The unlucky dupe , it is added , failed
to obtain Conviction from lack of suf
ficient evidence. >
A Girl From the Cooking : School.
An editor who married a girl from a
cooking club prints the following in
his paper after a few years of married
life : "Go stand where I have stood ,
go feel what I have felt , eat clammy
half cooked feed , and lish and eggs
that smelt. Go take what I have took ,
go bear what I have bore , throw tea
cups at the cook , and swear as I have
swore. Go live on juiceless steak , and
soggy bread half baked ; at midnight
lie awake , and ache as I have ached.
Go gnaw with all your might on tough
pieces of doughnuts and pies , and stop
between each breath to pick out hairs
and flies. Go do what I have done
make yourself a fool ; by winning as I
have won , a girl from a cooking
school. "
Over the Mountains.
Plans are being examined for the
construction of a railroad across the
main chain of the Caucasus mountains.
The line will have a length of 100 ni 'es
and will present great engineering
difficulties. There are to be two tun
nels , one four and a third and the ouier
.is and three-quarter miles long.
; * E > ' FELT FRISKY ,
till c Was In f'M'Mukln ; ! Itccord .kff.i-ir.
. run her of cattle wore landed at a
ore wharf on- morning lately.
uumals sccmod 411101. The driver
jd to drive them without any
I H'.S.
'a ' reaching Con way street a heifer ,
which had been moving- along very
- be-ame much animated
pia-idly , very ,
an < made things very interesting for
the balance of the herd. The street
IK-HIT too wide for her she danced up
an alley. A gate blocked her way , but
only momentarily. Through it she
went and then another obstacle pre
sented itself. Mrs. Emma A. I'oolo ,
who proved to bo no more of a stop to
the heifer's onward progress than Ft.
Carroll would be to a man-of-war.
In a moment Mrs. 1'oole was knocked
to the ground , and in the kitchen it
went. There some destruction of prop
erty was committed , but not enough
to satisfy the heifer. The dining room
was next entered where the well-
known quadrupedinachinashop
scene was re-enacted. The hallway
was then taken in , and a lamp was
knocked down , The heifer wanted to
conquer higher worlds , so she went
upward into a bedroom. Here , tern-
porarily , repose was sought on the
bed , but it fell under the animal's
weight , other damage being done dur
ing this occurrence. From -here , the
weather being warm , her hcifership
went into the bath-room and hopped
into the bath tub.
Mrs. I'oole then commenced calling
for help : and with the assistance of a
blue-coated soldier , drove the animal
out and she at once sailed up Hanover
street and entered another house , but
did no damage. The driver finally
caught the animal.
Results of ScIencc'H AVork in Aid of the
The vibrometer is a newly invented
instrument for the cure of deafness.
The principle of its operation is the
massage of the sound-conducting ap
paratus of the ear by means of vibra
tory forces. By this method , various
conditions can be relieved which would
not be reached by the regular modes
of treatment , and which are the prin
cipal causes of deafness in a very large
proportion of those alllicted. The
phonograph as been used for this pur
pose , and although its adaptation was
effected in a very comparatively crude
manner , the results attained justified
the belief that an instrument embody
ing special improvements on the same
lines would be of the utmost value.
Such an instrument is the vibrometer ,
and so sitccessf ul has been its applica
tion that man } ' persons whose deaf
ness was from five to fifteen years'
standing can now , through its use ,
hear ordinary conversation from ten
to twenty feet away with their backs
turned to the speaker , and others with
never-ceasing noises in their cars have
been completely relieved.
The Pretty Fable AVith AVhich He Incul
cated a Moral Lesson.
An Italian curewas , about making a
journey. Many friends called to say
good-bye , and , as had happened be
fore , each gave him a paper on which
was jotted down a list of things which
the writer wished the traveler to pur
chase for him. Only one of these
friends accompanied his memorandum
with the necessary money. This one
friend's commission the cure carefully
executed , and delivered the articles to
him. When the others called for their
goods , he said : "Soon after I sailed , I
took out all your papers to look them
over and classify them. I laid them
on the deck before me. Suddenly
there came a gust of wind and they
were all blown away. I could not re
member what they contained , and so f
could not do your errands. " "But , "
they objected , "you brought what So-
and-So asked you to get. " "Oh , yes , "
said the cure ; "you see.he enclosed the
cash with his memorandum , and that
kept it from blowing away. "
Supernatural Instinct.
Little John Gray returned to Tren
ton , Tenn. , lately from a two years'
stay in Texas. Taken in itself there
is nothing very peculiar about the
young man's return to the state of his
nativity , but a few days after he left
for Texas two years ago a dog which
had become very much attached to
him mysteriously disappeared , and was
and has been mourned as dead fcince
that time , and has never been seen by
mortal eye so far as is in the knowl
edge of Trentonians. But on the day
set for the arrival of John and the day
on which he was expected , the dog
made his appearance at the Jetton
household and seemed as if anxiously
expecting some one. John did not
come home until the following even-
ning , but the dog was on hand to meet
him and was overjoyed to see his
young master. .
.Everything Is Regulated.
, One of the regulations of the Rus-
yan police refers to the censorship of
price lists of goods , notes of invitation
to parties and personal visiting cards ;
also for the censorship of seals , rubber
stamps and business cards of individ-
tials or corporations. Another order
regulates the sale of soap , starchtooth
brushes and insect powder , and an
other controls the printing on the pa
per used in making cigarettes.
The Farther the Cheaper.
It costs § 103 per ton to transport dry
goods from New York to San Francis
co by rail , the time being from twenty-
two to twenty-six days. The same
goods , if brought via Panama , part
rail and part steamer , pay SSl per ton ,
the time being about forty-five days.
By clipper ship around the Horn the
same goods can be laid down at a cost
of 820 per ton , the time being about
eighty-five days.