The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 19, 1892, Image 5

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    Bul it looks as if it would be in
it soon , and the sooner your foot is
in one of our $3.50 or § 14.00 Shoes
the more fortunate it will be. Be
cause we know this shoe , we "want
you to know it ; because it wears
as no other shoe will wearwe , want
you to wear it. It is absolutely
the cheapest thing in shoe-leather
and there isn't any limit to the
satisfaction that it gives. No mat
ter what you pay , you get no bet
ter when you get the best it is a
luxury in footwear and not a high-
priced luxury at that. It isn't
trying to those who try it. Try it.
Sticky fly pnper at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
Piano and Randolph Headers at S ,
M. Cochran & 'Co.'s.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
i Congress passed a bill providing for
the creation of a national highway com
At the Cash meat market of Stone &
Devitt you receive the best of meats of
all kinds.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
Some genius has figured out that in
the past 100 years 29,840,900 lives
have been lost in war.
Try the new meat market. Messrs.
i Stone & Devitt put only the best of
' * meats on their blocks.
It is very evident that old Sol is not
taking a vacation this year , but is doing
I business at the old stand.
C. F. Babcock is agent for The New
' , York Life Insurance Co. See him if
you want reliable life insurance.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
j It is not a wise act to go near an open
window during a thunder storm. The
I stream of warm air coming from the in
side is a splendid conductor of electricity.
The soda water season is with us and
{ as usual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly on hand with the very latest and
best the market offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
if you want a drink of soda water , with
the purest of syrups , turn your foot
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it.
After a Long Time !
Of patient waiting our machinery
has at last arrived. We beg to say
that we are now in position to do
the BEST work on short notice.
We make a specialty of family
work ; and are rapidly gaining a
reputation for our manner of clean
ing and starching machinists' over-
We are adding to our force of
help and WILL DO JUST EX
Our machinery is NEW , and we
wish to say that we have the BEST
Western Nebraska.
We guarantee to please or re
fund money. Give us your work
Eesp'y ,
Cor. Dinnison and HcFarland.
* : "Minneapolis Binders atS.M. . Cochf
ran & Co.'s.
All parties having
farms or city proper
ty for sale should list
them withB. F. TKOX-
EL at Kendall's old
candy kitchen.
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by O. J. Ryan.
The HcCook Cooperative Building
and Savings Association will open a
new series of stock on August 20th.
For full particulars apply to
GEO. W. KAIME , Secretary.
Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and
35c. at KNIPPLE'S.
55f"Groceries at Nobles' .
J. I. Case threshing machines at S.
M. Oochran & Co.'s.
Prcdmore Bros , keep tlic best cylinder -
der oil in McCnok.
Walter A. Wood and Hano Binders
at S. M" . Cochran & Co.'s.
McCook needs more dwelling houses
and that need is immediate and ur ent.
Read it out loud. The advertisement
of "The Fair" to be found in this issue.
Choice meats of all kinds at Stone &
Devitt's cash meat market , next door to
post office.
The independent county convention
will be held at Indianola on Saturday ,
September 10th.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
W. H. Nies has closed up his harness
shop here and we understand will move
to Holdrege.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison -
nison street hardwaremen" .
A complete steam threshing outfi
for the Droll brothers was unloaded a
this place , first of the week.
One of the Riverside dairy spans
distributed ten gallons of milk rather
recklessly on Wednesday afternoon.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
The receipt of $260 in back pensioi
has made George W. Wall's cup o
happiness quite complete , this week.
Come to the new photograph gallery
110 Main St. , for strictly first class
work. E. E. WALLACE , Photographer.
IN QUEENSWAEE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
IF you want a really choice article ol
meat of any kind , remember that Stone
& Devitt can fill just such a want sat
The homes of Bradford Ellis , Chas.
Probasco and William West were each
gladdened by additions to their families
close of last week.
No preaching services will be held
by the Baptist brethren on Sunday
morning and evening next. Regular
services , however , both morning and
evening , on Sunday a week.
Perry side track is already feeling
the impetus of good crops in the facili
ties being provided there by Mr. E. Me-
Cann for handling and storing small
grain and corn at that place , this fall.
The barn dance , Saturday night , at
the farm of Matt Droll , about eight
miles northwest of the city , attracted a
large crowd from Me Cook , about a
score of young people of our city going
to and * from the scene of gayety in a
partially filled hay rack. Prof. Reizen-
stein 'orchestra furnished the music'
for the occasion.
Well , who is going to put up those
needed dwelling houses ?
Wayson & Odell are putting out some
handsome rigs these days.
The commissioners will next meet in
regular session on September 20th.
Industry , economy and sobriety are
three characteristics of a successful man.
The Cash meat market , next dour to
the post office , keeps the best of every
thing belonging to a first class meat
The commissioners rejected the peti
tion asking for $250 to assist in adver
tising Red Willow county on "Nebraska
on Wheels No. 2. "
Drop in and sue what nice fresh
fruit and candy you can buy at the
new store of Austin & Lipps , rear of
Citizens' bank.
The Wickwire iarm about three and
and a half miles north of the city was
purchased , this week , by L. A. Mansur ,
of Davis county , Iowa , for ten dollars
per acre.
A nine-year-old daughter of Mr.
Mai on of South McCook died this morn
ing , from the after effects of an attack
of diphtheria. The remains will be in
terred in St. Patrick cemetery tomorrow
C. A. Warner , last week , sold the
Stockville Faber to Dr. F. LaRue and
Deputy County Clerk W. 0. Reed , who
will continue it as an independent pa
per. Stockville papers seem to be sell
ing like hot cakes at present.
Messrs. Austin & Lipps have opened
i fruit stand and confectionery in the
store room opposite the Racket store ,
and respectfully solicit share of public
patronage. They carry all kinds of
? ruit and make their own candies. Give
them a call.
The McCook Benevolent Society will
neot at the home of Mis. J. E. Coch-
an. Tuesday evening , August 23d , at
8 o'clock. All members urgently re
quested to attend as business of import
ance will come before the meeting.
M RS. J. E. COCHRAN , Pres.
fut your $ $ $ where they will do
he most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
A farm hand , name unknown , from
near Culbertson attempted to sell a
pony , cart and harness belonging to his
employer , in this city , Wednesday
morning , at a very low figure , but be
fore accomplishing his end , a son of
owner appeared on the scene and took
possession of the stolen property. The
person recovering the property refused
to prosecute and the fellow escaped.
Of late years , both in America and
Europe ? there has been more activity
in irrigation matters in what are known
as the humid regions than there has
been in the arid portions. Irrigation
waters are very valuable as fertilizers ,
and its more general practice will lessen
the danger and loss by floods ; in addi
tion to making crop assurances doubly
sure , and raising the average of yields
in all kinds of grains.
The Republican county central com
mittee was in session in our city , Mon
day afternoon. Messrs. W. H. Benja
min , Rodney Baker , M. H. Bacon , E.
A. Sexson , M. E. McDonald , J.T. Web
ber , W. R. Starr , .1. A. Wilcox , C. F.
Babcock and A. Utter were selected as
Red Willow county's delegation to the
29th senatorial convention which met
n McCook on Wednesday. The com
mittee decided also to call the county
convention at Indianola on September
14th , at one o'clock in the afternoon ;
recommending that precinct caucus be ,
leld on Monday , September 12th.
Wanted to Trade !
A lot of young horses , colts , and
mules , for land in western Kansas or
western Nebraska. If you have land
o trade write to J. D. CURTIS ,
Stella , Nebraska.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
'or all kinds of machinery.
* Machineoil of airkfnds at Predmbre
The Senatorial Convention.
The twenty-ninth district senatorial
convention met in this city , Wednesday
afternoon , as per call. Hon. John C.
Gammill , chairman of the central com
mittee , called the convention to order
promptly after dinner. Secretary H. W.
Cole read the call and the meeting got
down to business by the selection of
Judge H. H. Benson , of Dundy county ,
as temporary chairman and J. H.
Christner , of Hayes county , as tempo
rary secretary. The-chair appointed
Cash D. Fuller , of Chase county , Jas.
John , of Furnas county , and M. H.
Bacon , of Red Willow county , as the
committee on credentials. They report
ed every county in the district repre
sented by full delegations and no con
tests. Ac this stage of the proceedings
the temporary organization was made
permanent. Proceeding to nominations
for candidate for state senator Dr. S.
, R. Razee , of Frontier county , placed
the name of John C. Gammill , of Fron
tier countv. before the convention.
There being no other nominations up
on motion of Cash D. Fuller , of Chase
county , and many others , the nomina
tion of Mr. Gammill was made by ac
The following central committee was
then selected :
CHASE. Chas. A. Towell , of Chase.
DCNDY. L. Morse , of Benkelman.
FnoNTiEK. E. Frank , of Stockville.
FORNAS. James Johnof , Cambridge.
GOSVER. F. D. Lee , of Elwood.
HAYES. J. H. Christner , of Hayes
HITCHCOCK. S. E. Solomon , of Cul
RED WILLOW. J. P. Lindsay , of
By the permission of the convention
Mr. Gammill named Frank H. Selby ,
of Cambridge , as chairman of the com
mittee and James John , of the same
place , as secretary thereof. This com
pleting the business the convention ad
It was a thoroughly unanimous con
vention , with plenty of enthusiasm.
Chairman Selby promises thorough
organization and active campaigning ,
with the hearty co-operation of the com
The speeches by Judge Benson , Cap
tain Gammill and Lawyer Selby were
brief but stirring and brought down
the house with enthusiastic marks of
Candidate Gammill promises to visit
every voting precinct in the district
before the election. He will make the
liveliest canvass ever attempted in the
district and has no superiors as an ag
gressive campaigner.
Hipped His Wallet.
Wednesday afternoon , during the
brief absence of the proprietor from his
place of business , some sneak thief en
tered George J. Burgess' implement
office and nipped his coat and contents
which were hanging against the wall in
the room. A wallet in the coat con
tained a large amount of valuable pap
ers , notes and the like , which Mr. Bur
gess is very anxious to recover , as they
are of value to him alone , and he wil !
pay a suitable reward for there recovery
and no questions asked.
A Hew Firm.
By reference to their professional
card , it will be seen that A. J. Ritten-
house and C. H. Boyle have formed a
partnership in the practice of law.
While it is a new firm , the members of
the same are old-time citizens , and
need no introduction at our hands.
They stand high in the profession , and
will enjoy , as they deserve , a goodly
share of the business in their line.
They will for the present occupy the
old quarters in the Meeker building.
A Suitable Reward
Will be paid and no questions asked
for the return of the notes and other
papers taken from my office in McCook
on Wednesday , August 17th. These
papers are of value to no one but my
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
Cut An Artery.
Tuesday night , Arthur Shafer , an
employe in C. T. Brewer's meat mar
ket , while engaged in butchering , acci
dentally cut one of his legs , severing a
branch of the femoral artery. Though
very weak when medical attendance
was sought , he is getting along very
nicely at'this writing and will be about
again in a short time.
The Other Side.
EDITOR TRIBUNE : In a recent issue
of your paper you speak of the treat
ment the friends of McCook received in
Indianola and vicinity. It is of the latter
I would speak , thinking you may bo
willing to publish the other side of the
affray you speak of as the stabbing af
fair. Now then the facts of the case
are that the stab was not given be
cause the one stabbed was a friend of
McCook , but because a man in the
prime of life while filled with McCook
bug juice which some of her honorable
( ? ) citizens had brought here to influ
ence men in her favor , jumped on to a
man nearly old enough to be his father ,
struck him a cowardly blow from be
hind , knocking him from the wagon
seat his head coming in contact with
the wagon box causing the man to be
in a dazed condition for some time af
ter , so much so that he could not tell
his wife what had happened. While
in this state he struck with a knife
and fortunately it was not u fatal blow.
Now then I leave it to any candid
minded person if this man , who , by the
way , is an old soldier , would have been
to blame if he had struck with a knife
while in a perfectly conscious state , or
if McCook has any reason to say the
man was stabbed because he was their
friend. Red Willow believes in fair
play and each citizen has expressed
his preference as freely as his neighbor
in our county seat contest , but we do not
believe it just to have a peaceable law-
abiding citizen pounded until ho does not
know where he is orwhat has happened ,
or have him blamed for striking in
self defense , nor are we willing to have
it said that one of our men would be
guilty of stabbing a man because he
was owned in McCook. These are facts
that can be proved by several eye wit
nesses. You can refuse to publish this
statement if you choose , but 1 can
scarcely believe you will be so one
sided as that.
On Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock ,
in the German Congregational of our
city , Mr. Louis Suess and Miss Katie
Schmidt , two most estimable young
people of our city , were united in mar
riage , the ceremony being performed by
the father of the groom , Rev. Win. Suess ,
of Herndon , Kansas , and being wit
nessed by the relatives and friends of
the contracting parties. The happy
young people are now in the mountains
enjoying their honeymoon. Upon their
return in a few days they will go to
housekeeping in a dwelling on upper
MacFarland street , which is in readi
ness for them. THE TRIBUNE adds
its congratulations to those of their
many friends and well wishers.
The Linear Length of Dances.
An average waltz takes one over or
about three-quarters of a mile , a square
dance makes you cover half a mile , and
a galop equals a good mile , at a run ,
too. Count up for yourself how much
the girl with a well filled programme
traverses in an evening. Twenty danc
es is the average , you know. Of course
about twelve are waltzes. There , at
once , is nine miles. Three galops and
she has done twelve miles. Five other
dances at a half a mile apiece , which
is hardly a fairly big estimate , brings
her close upon fifteen miles , to say
nothing of the intermission stroll in
the garden and the trips to the dressing
room to renovate one's gown and com
Independence and Liberty.
We must also remember that there is
a difference between independence and
liberty. Millions have fought for inde
pendence to throw off some foreign
yoke and yet were at heart the enemies
of true liberty. A man in jail sighing
to be free may be said to be in favor of
liberty , but not from principle ; but a
man who , being free , risks or gives his
ife to free the enslaved is a true sold
ier of liberty. Colonel Ingersoll.
J. P. Squires is the prohibition nom-
nee for representative of lied Willow
county. A good man , too.
Series "I" of the McCoo
operative Building nnd Suvi
Association is now open for
scriptions of stock. Call
Secretary , Goo. W. Kiiiine ,
OUCH. He will give you
formation you may wish.
25 Cents Until After Election
. * " >
The coming presidential and
campaign will the most e
known. During this time you
want a newspaper that is
touch with public sentiment , andgpne ,
that prints the news before it bccomejV
JOURNAL prints the news several day V
earlier than the old fashioned weeklies -
and costs tlie same , $1.00 per year.A /
complete paper twice each week '
days and Fridays. Giving 10-t papers , *
a year. It is almost as good as u daily. "
The old time weekly is not in it when
it comes to printing news. A yearjs * ' * '
subscription will carry reader ? all
through the campaign and the next1
session of the legislature. A big dollar's
worth. ; $ :
A few of our offers : The Journals
year and "Stanley in Africa , " $1.40 ;
Journal and Weekly N. Y. Tribune ,
both one year , $1.25 ; Journal and Ox
ford Bible , $2.75 ; Journal and Ncely's
Political Map , § 1.80.
As a trial subscription we will send
THE SEMI-WEEKLY until after the elec
tion for a quarter.
Address ,
Lincoln , Nebraka.
Tax Hotice.
Pay your delinquent personal tax be
fore Sept. 1st , 1892 , and avoid costs.
The personal tax lists for the city of
McCook for the years 1889 , 1890 and
ItiOl are now in the hands of 0. F.
Babcock at the office of Babcock &
Kelley in rear of First National Bank.
Call and pay your taxes.
W. T. HENTON , Treasurer.
I wish to inform all my patrons that
my stock of Fall and Winter Goods
have arrived. It is the finest and largest
and best selected that I have ever dis
played in McCook. Call early before
the choicest goods jye gone.
KALSTEDT , The Tailor.
Matchless Bargains.
The splendid Drysdale stock of cloth
ing will be sold on Saturdays at public
auction. This is a grand opportunity
to secure bargains in this line. The
stock will be offered at private sale dur
ing the remaining days of each week ,
until all is sold. Auction at the store.
Call on J. A. Cordeal for particulars.
Latest Fall Styles Men's and Boy's
Soft and Stiff Hats ; this composes
the largest and most complete line we
have ever shown.
Houses and Lots for Sale.
I have a few desirable dwellings and
lots in McCook which I offer for sale
at bargains. II. GDlXON. .
Horses for Sale.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
55F ° NoBLE , Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Warm weather , flies and sticky fly
paper come together. You can secure
a prime and satisfactory article of the
latter at Chenery's City Drug Store.
The gold train that the newspapers
are making such a fuss about wasn't a
marker to the wheat trains which pull
into the eastern markets every day
from Nebraska.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report