By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPER. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. REPUBLICAN TICKET. NATIONAL. For President , BENJAMIN 1IAKRISON , of Indiana. For Vice President , WI11TELA.W JlEtD , of New York. STATI5. For Governor , LORENZO CKOUNSEof Wellington. For Lieutenant Governor , J. G. TATE , of Adams. For Secretary of State , JOL1N C. ALLEN , of Red Willow. For Auditor , EUGENE MOOKE , of Madison. For Treasurer , J. S. HARTLEY , of Holt. For Attorney General , GEORGE H. HASTINGS , of Saline. For Com. of Public Lands and Buildings , A. R. HUMPHREY , of Cluster. For Superintendent of Public Instruction. A. K. GOUDY. of Webster. COXGItESSIONAT , . For Congress , WM. E. ANDREWS , of Hasting. SEXATOIttAT. . 'For Senator , 29th District , .JOHN C. GAMMILL , of Frontier county. Said McKeighan in his acceptance speech at Holdrege : "I mean no dis respect to the defense/ess dead when I tell yon that I am no democrat. " THE census of India , just com pleted , shows that country to LaAre a population of 288,000,000 , a gain of 11 per cent in ten years. OVEII 50,000 persons died of cholera in the Russian Caucasus in July. These figures do not include the deaths from cholera in Asiatic Russia. IN the future all statements re garding Judge Greshain's attitude towards the people's party ought to be accompanied by a barrel of salt or an affidavit. OF course Mr. Hilt will make democratic speeches this fall. They may not do him any good , but a failure to speak would kill him deader than the opposition af ter the first ballot at Chicago. ON the first Tuesday of Septem ber Vermont will elect a governor , legislature and congressmen , and on the second Monday of Septem ber , Maine will elect a governor , legislature and congressmen. After Yerniont and Maine there will be no other elections until November. NEXT year the discover- America will be celebrated in every way that patriotism can invent. Not only are we to be furnished with a special issue of half-dollars by the treasury , commemorating the event , but the post office de partment also has decided to sell a complete set of jubilee postage rstamps during the year of 1893. 'The stamps will bear appropriate -engravings , and the only portrait -to appear on them will be that of Christopher Columbus. THE New York "World , in a 'double leaded editorial , calls for boodle to be used in Nebraska and -other northwestern states to carry them for "Weaver and Field and the fat prophet. It shows its faith by words in heading the subscrip tion with a donation of ten thous and dollars. This money will be welcome in Nebraska , not that we are poor , but because we are all possessed with a laudible ambition to become richer. Send the money right along to our friend Tobe Castor. He will put it where it will do the most good. Journal. THE irony fate is vividly illus trated in the sudden and unex pected death of John Gr. "Warwick , who succeeded Major McKinleyin Congress. He was a very rich mac , and after the accumulation of his fortune his supreme ambi tion was to represent Ms district at "Washington. The aspiration was realized after many successive disappointments , when Ohio's great tariff champion was defeated in 1890. But the honor which crowned the desire of many pa tient years did nofc outlast Mr. "Warwick's first term in the House , and he career upon which lie cen tered so many high hopes ended iii the grave. A VERY gallant and interesting sight is that of the old man Glad stone fastening a tube rose in the buttonhole of his coat and going to meet the Queen as fresh as a daisy. It is an exhibition of Brit ish pluck in a most agreeable form , and exemplifies the old adage thai a blood horse runs till he drops. Many people remember an expres sion once used in religious meet ings , "it is better to wear oul than to rust out. " The Right Honorable "William Ewart Glad stone is a living illustration of the truth of this saying. He has been a worker all his days , even his amusements savoring of labor , and here he is fast approaching ninety years of age and assuming the government of a great empire as cheerfully as he would give the waiter his order for breakfast. It could be wished that American statesmen could penetrate the se cret of Mr. Gladstone and of many other English public men , who work so hard and yet live so long. With us very few men prominent in to a great age with uudiminished vigor ; after sixty , there is apt to be a melancholy record of "Bright's disease , " pa ralysis , or disappearance from pub lic sight and memory. THE fiscal year recently ended stands as the high water mark of exports for the United States. In no previous year has it been nec essary to use ten figures to express the amount of our experts to foreign lands. Chief among these products of this country sent to foreign countries was grain and flour. The total of breadstuffs ex ported was § 171,000,000 and of commodities in general , other than breadstuffs , $143.000,000. There was also an increase in the exports of provisions generally , and the growth of our copper mining in dustry was shown by exports val ued at § 1,600,000 more than those of the previous year. The proportion tion of agricultural products to the total export is about five per cent , greater than during the previous 3'ear. This affords evidence of the continued growth of the foreign demand for our agricultu ral products , which should be very encouraging to the farmer. ANDREW DIXON WHITE in his great speech at Chautauqua , Mon day , made some startling state ments or the growth of crime in this country. Among other things he said that the crime is increas ing more rapidly in the Unitec States than in any other nation in the world and that only one mur derer out of fifty was convictec * and executed. The reason for this he assigns largely to the extreme leniency of jurors and governors. The Clay-King case is a notable example. Prof. White thinks the remedy lies in sterner laws anc more vigorous expressions of the clergy and of school on the sub ject. This question is one which certainly should receive the earn est study by all thinking Ameri cans. To the prayerful consideration oi the tin plate liars is commended this little statistic. The amount of tin plate imported into this country for the year ending June 30 , 1892 , was 263,225 tons. The year ending June 30 , 1892 , the amount was 143,061 tons. But now we remember that the free trader always exhorts the voter to eschew figures. They are a very unhealthy diet for apriori philoso- per and patriot. Journal. CONGRESS has adjourned , and the declaration that Pension Commis sioner Raum would have to go is shown to have been unfounded. If the charges against him where substantial ones they would have resulted in something conclusive. The failure of the investigation is a vindication of Raum. ACCORDING to a census bulletin just issued the whole number of males in the United States in 1890 was 32,067,880 , and the whole number of females 30,554,370. The females exceed the males in 1890'itb'i greater extent than 5 per District of Columbia , Ma N * Kett8 and Rhode Island. of the republican committee will be incoln next Monday , pre- Ijffor the purpose of select- fm itodidate for lieutenant gov- j. Tate having been declnr- ed : in iigible to the office. HOT WEATHER GOODS. Summer Lawns , Parasols and Fans , Organdies and Challies , Embrod. Robes & Suitings. jial prices 011 above goods for next 3O days. We want to and MUST sell every pattern. ETC. , FOR MEN'S WEAR , Don't Forget Our Grocery Department , The Largest Stock , Lowest Prices. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. L LOWMAN & SON. ForSODaysOnly Will allow you $1 on a purchase of $5 in order to make room for the Fall Stock. ll LOWMAN & SON , x wi I ow Prices . ill L-j\J if * JL IV V vJ. Established 1886. Strictly One Price. I i SCL V. 1' ) During July and August we have our Regular SemiAnnual - Annual Clearing Sale. MUST BE CLEARED OUT BEFORE THE FALL SEASON OPENS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT McCook , Neb , JONAS EiNGEL , Manager. J. A. WILCOX & SON. We give below a few of the many bargains we give our customers : All Package Coffee , a pound , - - 20c. Seedless Raisins , a pound , - - - 5c. 21 Pounds of Ex. "C' Sugar for $ l.oo 19 Pounds Granulated Sugar for $ l.oo 20 Ibs. of Salt Lake Peaches for - $ l.oo i\ 1O Ibs. " " Apricots for - l.oo 1O Ibs. " " Plums for - l.oo 3 Cans Blackberries for - - - 25e. Standard Prints , per yard , - - - Gc. To all who will buy a bill of g'oocls from us we will demonstrate to them the advan tage they gain by payingcash. . NEBRASKA LOAN AND BANKING GO. OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. CAPITAL - $52OOO.OO. FARM LOANS.CITY LOANS. LOANS MADE ON ALL KINDS OF APPROVED SECTJBITY. P. A. WELLS. TRCAS. AND MACK. COBRISPONDENT : Chase National Bank , New York. Would ( BEFORE. ) you ( AFTER. ) I increase Your Business ? IL / r