The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 12, 1892, Image 5

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    But it looks as if it would be in
it soon , and the sooner your foot is
in one of our § 3.50 or § 4.00 Shoes
the more fortunate it will be. Because -
cause we know this shoe , we want
3rou to know it ; because it wears
as no other shoe will wearwe , want
you to wear it. It is absolutely
the cheapest thing in shoe-leather
.and there isn't any limit to the
.satisfaction that it gives. No mat-
ier what you pay , you get no bet
ter when you get the best it is a
luxury in footwear and not a high-
priced luxury at that. It isn't
.trying to those who try it. Try it.
Sticky fly paper at Chencry's Git ;
3)rug Store. .
Piano and Randolph Headers at S
M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Wayson & Odell are putting out soim
'handsome rigs these days.
At the cash meat market of Stone S
DevStt yon receive the best of meats of
-all kinds.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
poods of all kinds.
Try the new meat market. Messrs.
Stone & Devitt put only tlie best of
meats on their blocks.
C. F. Babcock is agent for The New
York Life Insurance Co. See him if
you want reliable life insurance.
The couldn't swim and didn't know
it was loaded chumps are having a neck
and-neck race for extermination.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
The lumber men are doing a rushing
business in material for granaries ,
-which are going up over the county , to
receive the overflowing crops of this
"Don't throw away your straw hat
'because it is discolored by rain , " says
one who claims to know what he is
talking about. "Scrub it with corn
.aieal and then hang it up for a few
minutes in sulpher smoke. It will
-become as white as a new one. " .
The soda water season is with us and
as usual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly -on hand with the very latest and
best the market offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
if you want a drink of soda water , with
the purest of syrups , turn your foot
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it.
After a Long Time !
Of patient waiting our machinery
has at last arrived. "We beg to say
that we are now in position to do
the BEST work on short notice.
"We make a specialty of family
iwork and are rapidly gaining a
reputation for our manner of clean-
ins and starching machinists' over-
"We are adding to our force of
help and "WILL DO JUST EX
Our machinery is NEW , and we
wish to say that we have the BEST
Western Nebraska.
We guarantee to please or re
fund money. Give us your work.
Besp'y ,
Cor. Dennison and McFarland.
Minneapolis Binders at S. M. Coch-
; Co.'s ,
All parties having
farms or city proper
ty for sale should list
them withB. F. Titox-
EL at Kendall's old
candy kitchen.
The HcOook Cooperative Building
and Savings Association will open a
new series of stock on August 20th.
For full particulars apply to
GEO. W. KAIME , Secretary.
Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and
35c. at KNIPPLE'S.
iJSPGroceries at Nobles' .
Ked Willow will have a lusax'y corn
Everything is coming our way is the
farmer's song. '
J. I. Case threshing machines at S.
M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Predmorc Bros , keep the l > est cylin
der oil in McCook.
Walter A. Wood and Hano Binders
at S. M. Cochran & Co. ' ? .
Nebraska and her superb crops arc
in the swim this year again.
McCook has been enjoying a rare
taste of high life during conclave week.
The Metropolitan steam laundry
whistle reaches high : 'C" with compar
ative eae.
Choice meats of all kinds at Stone &
Devitt's cash meat market , next door to
post office.
Mose Battershall is putting up a
frame house on his farm over in Valley
Grange precinct.
The democratic state convention has
been called to meet in Lincoln at 10
o'clock A. M. on August 30th.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest am
his prices correspond with the times.
A spendid , soaking rain fell in this
vicinity , Monday night , giving the
corn crop another big boom.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sole
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Den
nison street hardwarenien.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
The county treasurer's report shows
the total funds on hand in Red Willow
county's strong box to be $32,945.06.
McCook Governor McKinley
quite an ovation in an impromptu way.
The governor's few remarks were well
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
Mrs. Smith Gordon has commenced
the erection of a dwelling house on
north Madison street. The foundation
is already in.
V. Franklin bought the J. C. Ar-
buckle dwelling on upper Monroe , this
week , Mr. Arbuckle reserving the cor
ner lot of the property.
The mortgage indebtedness returns
for the month of July show the amount
filed in this county to be $6,900 ; while
the releases aggregate $21,697.
A private letter from James L. Gray
states that they all arrived in Chicago
safe and are now comfortably at home
6324 Wright street , Englewood , Ills.
Observe that the Christian Endeavor
social will be held at residence of C. F.
Babcock , tomorrow evening , instead of
at Rev. W. C. Stevenson's as announced
last week.
Prof. Button and his superb band
were prime attractions , Sunday , play
ing Ihe choicest of their repertoire
to the passing Sir Knights during the
afternoon aud evening. They also had
a large appreciative local hearing.
The cn h meat market , next door to
the post office , keeps the best of every
thing belonging to a first class meat
Drop in and see what nice fresh
fruit and candy you can buy at the
new store of Austin & Lipps , rear of
Citizens' bank.
A. M. Drew's store in the Babcock
room will be known as "The Fair. " It
is announced to open for business about
August 20th.
Mr. E. McCatui , of Friend , is ar
ranging to buy grain at Perry. He
will move his family here if he succeeds
in rcpting a house
Do not dare to live without some
clear intention toward which your living
shall be bent. Mean to be something
with all your might.
The C. n. Jacobs place over on Dry
creek has been purchased by P. A.
Wells. Mr , Jacobs and family contem
plate returning to Illinois.
Messrs. Potter & Eastcnlny have sold
their flour and feed store and business
to S. W. Huddleston who will take
charge of the same on Monday next.
The social announced to be held
on llev. W. C. Stevenson's lawn will be
at the residence of C. F. Babcock in
stead , tomorrow evening. Remember
the change of place.
Matt Droll will hold a barn dance on
his place north west of the city , Saturday
evening. Prof. Reizenstein's orchestra
will produce the music. A hay rack
full of youncr people from our city will
The Oliver farm south of the city
well known as the old Kelley tree
claim , has been purchased by Datis
Rector , of Minnesota , for $3,000 cash.
There isn't a finer quarter section in
Red Willow county.
It will be worth almost any sum to
Red Willow to have a large immigra
tion brought into her limits to view her
abundant crops , this fall. Our magnifi
cent crops will speak most eloquently
for themselves and more settlers will
We understand that T. N. Young has
sold his hardware and implement busi
ness to a gentleman from Illinois , who
will take possession of the same August
15th. It is stated that Mr. Young will
go on the road in Missouri for a hard
ware firm.
The Willing Workers entertained
two hundred guests at their lawn social
at residence of Receiver Bomgardner ,
Saturday evening , realizing a very com
fortable little sum therefrom. The
young girls are to be congratulated
upon the success of their efforts. The
grounds were illuminated by headlights.
It was a pleasing affair in all its feat
All the McCook ladies who feel an
interest in securing the services of an
accomplished Kinder Garten teacher ,
for their little ones should inquire at
once for full particulars to either Mrs.
H. W. Cole or Mrs. F. H. Spearman ,
[ t is of vital importance that immediate
action be taken in the matter See
the above-named ladies at once , if you
ire interested.
A number of business men assembled
n C. J. Ryan's office , Tuesday aftcr-
loon , to take some action in the matter
of securing Red Willow county a place
in the Nebraska advertising train. Con
siderable expense must necessarily be
incurred and it was decided to petition
the county commisioners to appropriate
$250 to defray the expense. It is pro-
Dosed to offer this petition for signatures
in various parts of the county , as all the
county must of necessity reap advant-
ige from the settlement hoped to be
secured by thus thoroughly advertising
the attractions of this county. C. F.
Babcock , S. H. Colvin , H. H. Benson
were appointed a committee to prepare ,
circulate and present a petition from
this part of the county. William Coleman -
man , M. H. Bacon , S. II. Colvin were
constituted a committee to secure
and prepare exhibits. It is hoped that
co-operation may be had from all over
the county and that the desirability and
value of this movement may be appre
ciated and acted upon promptly.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. Flu will at von riuhr.
CWdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
McCabe Dead.
J. B. MoCabe , one of the oldest and
best postal clerks on the Omaha and
McCook line died at McCook Monday.
We don't know in what circumstances
Mr. McCube left his widow but it is
time this government took up the ques
tion of providing for the families of
postal clerks who have spent the best
part of their lives in the service. The
duties of these men require a degree
of intelligence and an amount of labnr
and study that applied to any other
avocation would bring a far greater re
ward than accompanies their efforts in
the country's service. AH it is now
they are paid less than other servants
of the government whose duties are of
a similar order. The fact of knowing
that the government would look after
their families in case of death , by acci
dent or otherwise , would encourage
them to do better work and to remain
in service. Hastings Democrat.
Calamity Dealers.
It is awful to be in the hands of the
wholesale professional dealers in misfor
tune ; undertakers and jailers magnetize
you in a moment and you pass out of
the individual life you were living into
the rhythmical movements of their
horrible machinery. Do the worst thing
you can or suffer the worst that can be
thought of , you find yourself in a cate
gory of humanity that stretches back as
far as Cain , and with an expert at your
elbow who has studied your case all out
beforehand and is waiting for you with
his implements of hemp and mahogany.
I believe if a man were to be burned in
any of our cities tomorrow for heresy
there would be found a master of cere
monies who knew just how many fagots
were necessary and the best way of ar
ranging the whole matter. Oliver Wen
dell Holmes.
The Crop Outlook.
A brief trip through the Valley coun
ties will soon convince the skeptic tha
western Nebraska will be heard froii
when the crop bulletins begin to comi
in. There never was such a crop o :
wheat harvested in the history of thi
state. The yield is good , quality ex
cellent and with reasonable prices tin
returns promise large. Oats , barley
and rye will be better than figured
Corn is simply great ; it is forming can
that will have to be shelled to be fed
The best authority says that corn wil
yield not less than forty bushels pei
acre. Hastings Democrat.
Central Committee.
A meeting of the Republican Centra'
Committee of Red Willow county , Ne
braska , is called for Monday , Augusl
15th , 3892 , at one o'clock , P. M. , in
the city hall at McCook , for the pur
pose of selecting ten delegates to the
29th Senatorial convention to be held at
McCook on August 17th , 1892 , and to
transact such other business as may
properly come before the committee.
Chairman. Secretary.
Should it be fully established that
Rev. J. G- . Tate is ineligible to fill the
office of lieutenant governor , not the
slightest embarrassment will be caused
the party. Mr. Tate is a loyal , big
hearted republican and will be the first
man to move for the selection of
another candidate who is eligible under
the statutes to fill the position. There
will be nothing in the change to interFere
Fere with the harmony with which the
republicans of the state are preparing
to pound out a splendid victory for
bheir ticket. Journal.
The state assembly of the union vet
erans of Nebraska at Grand Island on
A-Ugust 29th to September 3d inclusive ,
promises to be an occasion of unusual
interest to the old soldiers. Nebraska
las 272 posts of the Grand Army of
Republic with a total membership of
3,400. If the veterans turn out as
.hey are expected to do there will be
juite an army encamped at Grand
"sland where the assembly takes place.
The republican editors of the Fifth
songressional district have formed a
> ress association with J. D. Stine , of
he Superior Journal , as president ,
fhey will meet at Hastings next Mon-
[ ay , and then the campaign can be con-
idered wide open.
The Santa Fe company has served
lotice that it will make a rate of half
if one rale to Kansas City during the
? ythian encampment.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
or all kinds of machinery.
Institute Notes.
The reception given to the visiting
teachers , in the high school building ,
Wednesday evening , by the teachers
loci , their friends , and the members
of the Research club , was a very felicit
ous event , forming one of the most
pleasing incidents of the entire session.
The entertainment embraced singing ,
recitations , some interesting work by
the lantern class with explanatory
remarks by Prof. Valentine , and the
playing of a number of selections by a
Phonograph kindly loaned for the oc
casion by L. W. McConnell & Co. , and
to which a contrivance was attached
which made it possible for all in the
room to hear it. F. H. Spearman of
the Board of Education , in a brief ad
dress , expressed the feeling of gratifica
tion the people of McCook had in the
presence in our city ol so many teach
ers from all over the county. While
Supt. Bayston on behalf of the insti
tute acknowledged the cordial hospi
tality bestowed and enjoyed. A gene :
ous spread of refreshments was also pai
ticipated in and appreciated. Witlu
the reception was a complete succes
for which distinct credit is due.
'Ihe assembly room was neatly decc
rated for the occasion.
The regular work of the county insti
tute closed yesterday. Today the ex
animation of teachers will be held. W
are perhaps not over drawing it whei
we state that the present session hai
been one of the most enjoyable am
most profitable ever held in Red Wil
low county ; a fact that all will be grati
fied to learn. Educational matters arc
clearly "looking up" in this county
as among other indications , the im
provement in the grade of teachers at
test. The interest and enthusiasm of
teachers and patrons is increasing sub
Prof. Valentine left , this morning ,
for North Platte , driving overland ,
where he will engage in institute work.
The professor has few superiors in Ne
braska in that line , and is in demand.
He will deliver a lecture at Stockville
tonight , enroute.
The election of officers , Thursday , of
the Red Willow County Educational
Association resulted as follows : J . H.
Bayston , president ; Miss Laura Paine ,
vice president ; Edmund Piper , secre
tary ; Miss Edna Meserve , treasurer.
Prof. Burke and Mrs. Tucker depart
ed for their respective homes in Geneva
and Lincoln , yesterday evening. They
are both effective institute workers and
can count as firm friends and admirers
every teacher present.
Miss Sylvia Will iams , of the class
of ' 92 , will teach in the Pickens dis
trict over in ( Vralley Grange precinct.
Clarence A. Whittaker , of the class
of ' 92 , has been elected teacher of the
south McCook school.
The next session of the Educational
Association will be held in Indianola
in November.
The enrollment reached nearly seven-
The republican campaign in Ohio
ivas opened at Vermillion , last Satur-
lay , by Secretary of the Treasury Fos-
; er , who spoke in defense of the nation-
tl banks. He declared that the per
sapita circulation was now $24.41 the
greatest the country had ever known.
Thirty million dollars in gold coin
vas shipped from San Francisco to
Washington last Thursday. The cars
vere barricaded postal cars and eight
jostal route agents armed with Win-
ihesters accompanied each car.
It will be a matter of general regret
o learn J. G. Tate is ineligible to the
iffice of lieutenant governor. He will
lot be a citizen until February 5,1893.
"t is reported that Tom Majors will be
elected to fill the vacancy by the cen-
ral committee.
IT is becoming contagious. The
jtockville Republican now appears
.s an all-at-home print.
The 26th triennial conclave will be
eld in Boston.
Series "I" of the McCook Co
operative Building anil Savings
Association is now open for sub
scriptions of slock. Call on the
Secretary CeoIV. . Kaiine , at
enc > . We will give you any in
formation you may wish-
Matchless Bargains.
The splendid Dryadale stock of cloth
ing will be sold on Saturdays at public
auction. This is a grand opportunity
to secure bargains in this line. The
stock will be offered at private sale dur
ing the remaining days of each week ,
until all is sold. Auction at the store.
Call on J. A. Cordeal for particulars.
Latest Fall Styles Men's ami Boy's
Soft and Stiff Hats ; this composes
the largest and most complete line we
have ever shown.
Wanted to Trade !
A lot of young horses , colts , and
mules , for land in western Kansas or
western Nebraska. If you have land
to trade write to J. D. CURTIS ,
Stella , Nebraska.
Houses and Lots for Sale.
I have a few desirable dwellings and
lots in McCook which I offer for sale I
at bargains. II. Cr. DlXON.
Horses for Sale.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
Put your S $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
Messrs. Austin & Lipps have opened
a fruit stand and confectionery in the
store room opposite the Racket store ,
and respectfully solicit share of public
patronage. They carry all kinds of
? ruit and make their own candies. Give
them a call.
Bear in mind that spring has opened
up and house cleaning has commenced.
Also remember that I am in the mar-
; et as usual for the purchase of second
land goods. Drop me a card and I
will call. J. II. LUDWICIC.
, Purveyor to tne Great
Jommon People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
een in Southwestern Nebraska.
Warm weather , flies and sticky fly
paper come together. You can secure
a prime and satisfactory article of the
latter at Chenery's City Drug Store.
If you want a really choice article of
meat of any kind , remember that Stone
& Devitt can fill just such a want sat
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore
Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria.
When Baby -was sick , tve gave her Castoria.
When she -was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Hiss , she clung to Castoria , ' *
When she had Children , " she gave them Castoria.
J , -
< *
* -
Dr. Humphreys * Specific Manual richly
jound in cloth an-J gold , steel engraving of the
luther , 144 pajes on the treatment of all di-
ieases. mailed free on application. Hum-
ihreys' Medicine Co. , Ill WiJliam St. . New
.Tork. .
It is reported from Cheyenne that the
President's proclamation commanding
varring cattlemen to keep the peace
vas fired upon and riddled by rustlers
dierever posted.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report