3 * . LOWMAN & SON. f--1.1 14- ' ForBODaysOnly ! > * ' Will allow you $1 0 on a purchase of $5 in order to make room for the Fall Stock. Pnmp Unpin bio Mil ) , . LOWMAN & SON , ES-- Leaders in Low Prices. KNIPPLE S ALL IN ; r.- ' . ; ' Groceries 55AND : = 5S = = S55 = AND HIS ; - . Cornet and Sterling rt * BRANDS OF FLOTJR S = 3 = ARE THE ; m r Store open .till the usual hours. t V. 111 . 8TA11TLING FACTS. Of Interest to Ev ry Citizen of Nebraska. What is Absolute ly Sure to be Seen at the Coming State Fair. STATE PAItt IN POLITICS THIS YEAR. Amid the "whirl and twirl" of a heated quadrangular political campaign , the excitement of labor strikes , earth quakes , cyclones , freshets , negro insur rections and other social and climatic ills peculiar to other less favored re gions than ours , let it not slip the memory , that ever-prosperous , progres sive , always-get-there Nebraska , is pre paring and will eclipse the world with her annual fair and exposition to be held at Lincoln , September to Dili , next. next.While While agriculture , mechanics , art , science and their close kindreds will , as heretofore , lead the van in presenting resources , products and possibilities , the management is not unmindful to provide instruction , pleasure , recreation and all essentials to render grand an nual gala days. As politics is , and will , be this season a topic for general dis cussion , the board of managers have designated a day for each of the nation al political organizations , on the fair grounds , where stands for speaking will be erected for their accommodation. The aim is to have the best speakers obtain able , of national reputation for each party , to present the people with their respective claims for votes. Efforts are being made , which will doubtless be successful , to have the Nebraska State Band association hold its annual re-union on the grounds. This will afford "music for the millions" of the highest order , and to hearts con tent. tent.The The old soldiers and children ot the state have each been assigned days of their own. The live stock men of the country at large , knowing when , where and how to advertise their line of trade most ad vantageously , promise an unparalleled exhibit at the coming fair. The Jay Eye See and Sunol order of worshippers will be entertained with a string of as fine steppers as ever coursed a race track. Lou May and O'Brien , with their never-to-be-beaten fish exhibit , will make Hathaway , Calhoun and other typographical piscatorial professional disciples of Isaac Walton , weep over their ignorance of the "finny tribe. " Bassett , of the state butter and cheese association , is to have a new building erected exclusively for his use , in which the array of the genuine product of the bovine will command oleomargarine , butterine and associate frauds "avaunt and forever. " Ed Whitcomb , commanding the bee brigade , reports the "little busy bee improving each shining hour , " and will "be there" with her stores , to be seen and tested. Megahan planted poultry seed early , reports the season as having been pro pitious , and the spring chicken crop of great promise. As the fair is held about campmeeting time , the yellow legged variety will roost high this year. As Nebraska state fairs are univer sally conceded to be "the best in America , " the people will be there as usual. People are important factors at fairs. It is the time and place where old acquaintances are renewed , and new ones formed. All who attend Nebraska fairs , return to their homes wiser and better for having done so. If we have unsaid "anything we should have said , " write the secretary , who keeps pure , unfermented , unadul terated information constantly on tap by the single drink , gallon , barrel or hogshead or car lots if need be. His name is Furnas , and his postoffice ad dress , Brownville. A sad and fatal accident occurred at farm of Fred Wagner over on Ash creek , about noon yesterday. Mr. Wagner was hauling millet and in back ing the wagon run over his four year old son killing him almost instanly. The remains were buried in our city , this afternoon. It was a deplorable accident , but no blame can possibly be attached to Mr. Wagner , who is to be profoundly sympathized with in his sad bereavement. Warm weather , flies and sticky fly paper come together. You can secure a prime and satisfactory article of the latter at Chenery's City Drug Store. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. Children \ HOUSES WITHOUT NAILS. The QueerJjr Constructed Hemet of th Carll ) ludlarM at Mosqultlu. On the coast of Mosquitia , a re * cently created department of the re public of Honduras , there are few houfes better than the watla of the Carib or the Waika Indian , says the New York Journal. The frame of the watla rests upon eight or more posts firmly set in the ground and are usually of Santa Maria wood , which resists decay. In the short crotch at the top of the post lies the pole , five or six inches in diameter , which is the "plate" on which rests the long slender raftera which meet high above the ground. The rafters are held in place by light poles , which run around the ends and sides of the roof. Cross pieces servo to strengthen the whole. Not a nail , not a bit of iron of any kind , is used in building this cottage , but the whole frame is held together by bajucos or tie-tie vines , which are found in unlimited quantities in every forest , and which , when green , can be used as easily as cords could be for lashing the pieces together. As they dry they shrink and bind the whole most firmly. While the men are putting up the frame of the house the women are preparing - paring the covering , which is made of a kind of leaf called "monkey tail. " This they attach to strips some ten feet long and an inch wide , split from bam boo , the whole making a fringe about sixteen inches wide. Beginning at the lower ends of the rafters , those fringes are lashed firmly in rows ex tending entirely around the edge of the roof. The second row laps over the first and the third over the second , and so on , until the house is covered by a thatch which will turn the heav iest rain , and will last eight or ten years. The walla of the house are made of the trunks of papta palms , three or four inches in diameter. These are set upright and close together in a trench and tied with bajucos or poles running from post to post ; or bamboos cut in pieces of suitable length are flattened into broad sheets orcrick - eries" and fastened upright to the frame , thus making a smooth , clean and attractive wall , through which the refreshing breeees draw steadily from morning until night The daughter of a New York judge has for more than two years made her homo in such a watla , the walls being draped with muslin and the ceiling with pink mosquito bar in plats radi ating from the center. The Japanese decorations .harmonize with the walls and the shelves of bamboo , filled with choice books. Moreover , there is a floor of pine lumber , pictures on the wall , an easel in the corner and tables whereon baskets of oranges , mangoes , bananas and other luscious fruits ip their season tempt- the visitor. THE LICORICF. TREE. Its Home in Asia Minor The Black Licorice Ttlade In Spain. Most of it comes from Asia Minor , Where it is found growing in great abundance all along the flat , unculti vated and almost uninhabited lands of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. It is a small shrub not more than three feet high , with a light foliage , and is never found far from the water. The season for collecting the roots is generally during tne winter , al though it is possible all the year round. When the root is first dug it is full of water and must be allowed to dry , a long tedious process , often taking a year. It is then sent to Bagdad , where it is pressed into bales and shipped to London , and from there to America , quantities of it be ing used in this country in the manu facture of tobacco. The black licorice stick or rolls which we see in the confectionery and drug stores come mostly from Spain , and are made of pure juice mixed with a little starch , which prevents it from melting in warm weather , and before packing : each stick is wrapped in bay leaves. The word licorice means "sweet root , "and is of Greek origin. Har per's Young People. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Morlan and Miss Dollie Bishop leave tonight on a trip of a month or six weeks duration. BUY HIM LS OF L. W. McCONNELL - NELL & CO. Free ! Free ! In order to increase our cash trade we will give away the following- list of presents to oiir cash customers , 1 GoldWatch , worth $100.00 1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00 1 Gold Watch , worth - - 50.0O 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth - 75.0O 2 Silver Watches at $25 each - 5O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Painting s at $2 5 , 90.0O 100 Books , standard works of English raid American fiction , bound in cloth and g'old , at $2 - 2OO.OO 118 , PRESENTS WORTH $79O.OO We carry the largest stock of Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , in Red willow county. . „ And we meet all competition and g'o them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our goods before buying * . W. C. LaTourette. tjou-ac-e it itt. i-KHticjPvtd' fitbuc-Tticentciifc it is ao. * GENUING BARGAINS ! Has the actual difference in tne way CLOTHING is put up ever oc curred to you ? If it has not , a visit to > the various places where clothing is- sold will convince you that there is a vast difference between "slop-shop hand-me-downs" and clothing ( not things ) made of good material and. nicely put together. Here is where we have always made a strong point if. and the fact that we are selling Men's and Boys' Suits and Pants , trimmed , lined and sewed equal to any tailor- made suits , at prices as low , and often lower , than the "slop shop" stuff explains in itself why we are doing so large a clothing business. We have put forth an extra effort this spring , and you will find our tables loaded down with the- prettiest line of MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS to be found on this market , and if you are looking for good , honest goods at the lowest prices , we ask you to carefully inspect this department. And in Hats , Shirts , Suspenders ; . Overalls , Jeans , Pants , SOCKS , Ties , Night Shirts , etc. , we have just what you want and at a price that will meet your views. House , C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. F. D. BUKLGrBJBS , PLUMBERSTEAM FITTER NOBTH MAIN AYE. . McCOOZ , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , . Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. 40 TO 2000 ACRE TRACTS , $5 TO $15 PER p for Price List and Descrfptloe Circular of Southwestern Nebraska to AND STOCK RANCHES. S. H. COLVIN , McCook// wniau c0. . Neb.