te tef ELEVENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING , AUGUST 5 , 1892 NUMBER 11. Injured Inoeeenci Is shown in the handsome face of our colored friend. He wants you to understand that he "HAINT SEE'D ' NO 0HI0KBNS" But if you will come to the BOSTON : SHOE : STORE , next week , you will see a new line of Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Slices which will OPEN YOUR BYES ! f WE RUSTLESS For trade at the head of the procession with the right swing , and we propose to 0AT0HTHiTMAYBII@K ( The frisky dollar. In all lines of Boots and Shoes there is no dealer in Southwestern that can SOUND UP BARGAINS To equal yours respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up , and propose to letyouknowit. Come and see us. r I WIKI \ Is tlie key-note to success. The firmness of our resolution to LEAD THE TRADE In Boots and Shoes is sym bolized in the noble figure here given. THE BOSTON SHOE STORE has already set the fashion IN McCOOK Of making people talk about their goods and prices. A visit to their store will convince you of this. A Big Drive Is now being made by us on many lines , but especially on a fine line of Ladies will find the selection very desirable , while the shoes themselves are admitted to be EXTREMELY 00MFOTABLE ( , Call at once and get the pick before sizes are broken. These goods will go like ice cream. I'KOl'LE YOU KNOW. Miss Ella Hart lias lesigned her position as teacher in the McCook public schools. E. E. LowiiKin is aniontr the pilgrims to Lincoln , this week. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Moser art- absent in the mountains on a visit. Mis Nell Fisher , of Wanneta , was the guestot McCook friends , pait of the week. Miss Mary Me Wade , of Nelson , is one of the visiting teachers in attendance upon in stitute. Mis. B. F. Tioxel returned , Saturday on No. G , from a delightful sojomn in the moun tains. John llanlein ariived from New Yoik City , this moining , on a visit to relatives beie. Mi.ss Daley of Peoi ia , Illinois , airived in the city yesteiday on a visit to her sister Mrs. M. Lawler. Mis. Clara Wilson will fill the vacancy in McCooIc's corps of teachers made by the resignation of Miss ilait. Judge Benson went in to Lincoln , Tuesday night , to attend the state convention , being a delegate from Dunday county. Jonas Engel will leave for the east tomor row to make extensive purchases of clothing etc. , for the fall and winter trade. Bob Williams of Stratton Herald diopped in upon us this morning on his way home fiom healing Governor McKinley. C. L. DeGroff and A. A.Veller went up to Denver , Wednesday on 1 , to visit a few days. Will be home on Saturday. Register Bomgardner was in to the state convention and to hear the peerless McKinley - Kinley on his favoiite theme protection. Dr. Minniear , one of the Beaver's stalwait populists , was in the city , Tuesday evening. He feels satisfied that McCook has won. John Stone was down from Mayweed , the first of the week , combining politics , business and pleasure. Mrs. Stone accompanied him. llev. A. W. CoiTman has been granted a leave of absence until the third Sunday in August , when he will resume services as usual. Mr. A. A. Weller and daughter Miss llose arrived in the city , Saturday , from Syracuse , and are the guests of Mr. Wcller's business partner , Mr. C. L. DeGoif. S. W. Huddleston left , Monday night , for Salt Lake City , to look up a new location. If he does not decide to locate in the Mormon capital he will go on to Oregon. Prof. Smith of the hartley Inter-Ocean spent a few hours with us yesterday. He was on his way home from Lincoln , where he heard Governor McKinley , the high priest of protection. Auditor J. E. Cooper , of the Standard Oil Company , has been given territory down in Missoini and himself and wife will probably remove fiom our city at an early date , we re gret to note. W. T. Coleman has been down at Lebanon , this week , unloading a steam engine and threshing machine outfit complete , being the second or thud outfit sold in that section of the county this season. Messrs. 11. II. Troth , C. W. Knights , E. J. Wilcox , E. L. Laycock , U. W. Cole , P. A. Wells , J. E. Kelley , U. P. Sutton and C. T. Brewer went nv to Lincoln , Wednesday morning , as delegates and spectators to the republican slate convention of August 4th. Itev. I. W. Dwire and Geo. E. Coleman , of Darlington , Indian Territory , greeted their numerous McCook friends , fiist of the week. Kev. Dwire has continued his jouney on to Ohio , and George has returned to the Terri tory. Both seem to be pleased with country and their work. Mr. and Mrs. Georee Hocknell gave a charming lawn part last evening in honor of their guest , Miss Myrtle Pilcher of Streaton Illinois. Chinese lanterns in profusion and beauty illuminated the handsome lawn and home. A hop was held in the barn , which was also decorated and illuminated , Prof. Eeisenstein and Miss liullard providing the musical inspiration. Refreshments were served on the lawn. Those present were Misses May McArlhur , Clara Bounot , Mary Somers , Louie Starbuck , Sara Lowman , Alice Hartley , Josephine Bullard , Edna Meserve , Miss Vivyan of Lincoln. Messrs. U. J. Warren , C. W. Barnes , G. B. Berry , A. P. Bonnor , J. A. Eraser , C. A. Leach , N. A. Crawford , T. 1. Glasscott , M. W. Eaton and Mr. Barnett. Messrs. Campbell aud Hocknell left , Mon day night on No. 5 , for Denver on a short recreation in the mountains. LaVaughn and Edith Phelan left tor their home in Alliance , Tuesday morning , having had a delightful visit in our city. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stevens , of Cambridge , were in the city , fore part of the week , guests of Engineer and Mrs. J. F. He ber. Ellsworth Oyster , a brother of Engineer Oyster , arrived in the city , Wednesday noon , from Texas. He will visit here briefly. Train Master and Mrs. J. C. Birdsell de parted , Tuesday morning , for their future home in Alliance. Success attend them. Mrs. R. B. Simraonds departed , Wednes day morning , for her old home in Detroit , where she will make quite an extended visit. Mrs. Henry Harris and family , who have been the guests of Frank Harris for a few weeks past , departed on Wednesday morn ing for their home in Illinois. Conductor Ed. Kane expects to be absent in New York City until the first of the com ing month. We regret that there is not much improvement in the condition of his eyes to report. HAPPY "Q" TRAINMEN. The Company Gives Them Standard Pay The Negotiations Amica bly Conducted. " - - - - - - § This paper niule : mention Monday of the fact thut the C. . U. & Q. had adopted standard pay over its system lor conductors and Iirakemcn. Theio seemed to tic some doubt lor a day or two over the correctness of the report. Mr.O. K. Rice , superintendent of the Illinois lines of the C. . [ J. & Q .arrived Home trom Chicago last night and was seen by the reporter. "Yes , " he answered. "His true ; thecompany has adopted the new schedule , which gives our men practically the standard pay. On sonic things we arc paying more than any other road in the country ; on others a little less , but the average is high. " Continuing Mr. Itice said that all of the ne gotiations had been conducted between Vice Piesident Hum's and the union committee representing the U. II. C. and the U. 11. T. , on the C. , H. &Q.system. The leaders will remem ber that these committees were in session I'ere several weeks working on the schedule. Air. Kice said that the conference in Chicago has been concluded and that it was most amicable and pleasant all around. Ho regarded the new schedu'e ' as ti very generous one and yet felt that the men deserved It by reason of their faithful service and loyalty to the company. Mr. Uice evidently felt ft good deal of pleasure personally in the result The schedule gives u handsome incteate of pay ttll around. The advance in the monthly wages of the way "freight conductors and brakemen Is as high as 20 to over 30 per cent in some instances. It is learned Irom one in formed that the monthly wages of the wav freight conductors will now range from § 80 to § 93 a month , instead of $60 to $75 as formerly , while brakemen get a corresponding increase. The through freight trainmen are paid by the mile. The result of this increase of pay means that there will be paid in to the trainmen here many more thousand of dollars a month , and will go into the general business of the city. Official notice of the adoption of the schedule was also received in the B. of It. T. office today. The trainmen are all happy and deserve to be. Mr. E. O. Williams , chairman of the Conduc tors' General Grievance Committee , returned this morning and is much elated. He said : "We did not get all we wanted ; but in the main what wo desired was gianted. We were treated generously. " He gave this for publi cation : To the Press : The committee of conductors and trainmen , who have been recently in ses sion with the management or the Burlington road , have dissolved and gone home , an ami cable agreement having beeu reached. This committee consisted of conductors and train men only. We do not care to discuss this mat ter with due regard to the public. We consider that the details of this matter are matters of interest to the company and the trainmen only. COMMITTEE. Following is a list of those composing the committee : Order ol Railway Conductors E. O. Wil liams. Galesburg ; T. J. Murphy. Aurora ; E. M. Cor win , Burlington , la. ; E. I' . Adams. Ottuin- wa , la. ; M. E. Crane. Creston , la. ; C. W. Brou- son. McCook , Neb. ; S. M. Cox , Hastings. Neb. ; K. H. Supple. Lincoln. Neb. ; L. K. Carpenter. Brookfleld , Mo. ; F. H. Hensbaw. Hannibal , Mo. ; T. Wendett , Fulton ; F. Willis , Beards town. Brotherhood of Trainmen W. J. Wheeling , Burlington ; It. Wise. Brookfield. Mo. ; Win. Carey. Hannibal. Mo. ; George Phillips. Bur lington , la. ; J. P. Couder , Creston. la. ; F. F. LeHuquet , Ottumwa , la. ; W. F. Bennett , La Crosse. Wis. ; T. K. Dodge. Chicago ; O. L. Brockway. Galesburg ; C. E. Lake. Lincoln , Neb. ; T. B. Freeman. Aurora. E. M. Corwin was chairman of the joint conference. The C. , B. & Q. officials with whom the com mittee met were Vice-President Harris , Gen eral Manager W. F. Merrill ; G. W. Holdrege. General Manager B. & M. in Nebraska , and W. C. Brown of the Missouri line. The new schedule went into effect August 1st. Concerning the new schedule It can be said that way freight conductors from Galesburg to Mendota , Galesburg to Burlington and re turn , and Galesburg to Quincy , will get $00 a month , and the brakesmen $60 a month. Con ductors from Galesburg to Peora and return , pool freight one way. will get § 85 a month , and the brakesmen $53. No overtime will be allowed save when the schedule time is ex ceeded one hour. Construction conductors regularly assigned receive ? 90 a month , with an additional S13 a month when they oversee their own men. Through freight trains between Chicago and and Burlington and intermediate points will be paid at the rate of 2.8 per mile for conduc tors and 1.9 cents per mile for brakemen first-class ; between Galesburg and Streator and between Galeaburg and Ottumwa , 2.0 cents per mile for conductors and 1.05 cents per mile for brakemen of flrst-class , distance between Chicago and Galcsbure ; to be count ed 163 miles. On all other runs the pay will be three cents per anile for conductors , two cents for braktnen first-class. Conductors and brakemen of the second-class will receive ten per cent , less than the above rates. The com pany reserves the right in case of increase of double track or terminal facilities , which en- ablea to make better time over such divisions to equalize the rate per mile accordingly. There is not much change in the passenger conductors'pay. J. L. Richardson is given a nice increase. The brakraen and baggage men receive a handsome increase. The new schedule also gives the yaidmen and switchmen iu some instances additional pay. Daily Republican Register , Galesburp. Illinois. Thursday evening , August 4 , ISO"- . Ice ? 'No. Get up ! Have you tried your ah ? Mis. L. B. Stiles is visiting in Council Bluffs. a house from H. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. A. J. Prescott returned , Wednesday on No. G , to his run east out of Hastiugs. Fred Hutchins has quit the pill business and gone into the operating department. J. F. Forbes and family occupy the Fowler dwelling on north McFarland street. Roadmaster Josselyn was up from Orleans , first of the week , on business at headquart ers. ers.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Garard buried their infant son , last Friday. They have the sympathy of all. Conductor Bronson has been in Chicago since last week on important business. He returned on No. 1. this noon. J * * ? McCOOK , NEB T UN PRICES AND STYL GREAT SALE OF THE CONTINUE FROM I a v Spring & Summer Goods WILL BE OFFERED AT PRICES That Should Interest the Closest Bops This Sale is to Make Room for The Largest Fall Stock Ever Offered In Red Willow Gountv ! il Wefts