The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 22, 1892, Image 5

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But it looks as if it would be in
it soon , , mid the sooner your foot is
in one of our § 3.50 or § 4.00 Shoes
the more fortunate it will be. Be
cause we know this shoe , we want
you to know it ; because it wears
as no other shoe will wearwe want
you to wear it. It is absolutely
the cheapest thing in shoe-leather
and there isn't any limit to the
satisfaction that it gives. No mat
ter what you pay , you get no bet
ter when you get the best it is a
luxury in footwear and not a high-
priced luxury at that. It isn't
trying to those who try it. Try it.
8. H. COLYIN ,
ie ! ' at Nobles' .
Sticky fly paper at Chenery's
Drug Store.
Piano and Randolph Headers at S ,
M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Walter A. Wood and Hano Binders
at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Wayson & Odell are putting out some
handsome rigs these days.
At the cash meat market of Stone &
Devitt you receive the best of meats of
all kinds.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
A good girl can secure employment
at residence of F. M. Kimmell. In
quire at once.
Try the new meat market. Messrs.
Stone & Devitt put only the best of
meats on their blocks.
C. F. Babcock is agent for The New
York Life Insurance Co. See him if
you want reliable life insurance.
Choice meats of all kinds at Stone &
Devitt's cash meat market , next door to
post office.
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
The soda water season is with us and
as usual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly on hand with the very latest and
best the market offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
if you want a drink of soda water , with
the purest of syrups , turn your foot
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it.
After a Long Time \
Of patient waiting our machinery
has at last arrived. We beg to say
that we are now in position to do
the BEST work on short notice.
We make a specialty of family
work ; and are rapidly gaining a
reputation for our manner of clean
ing and starching machinists' over-
We are adding to our force of
help and WILL DO JUST EX
Our machinery is NEW , and we
wish to say that we have the BEST
Western Nebraska.
We guarantee to please or re
fund money. Give us your work.
Eesp'y ,
Cor. Dennison and McFarland.
Minneapolis Binders at S. M. Coch-
ran & Co.'s.
Pasture for town
stock by S. H. C
A girl wanted at the
Commercial House at
once. Call.
Farm loans at nine
per cent , straight by
Is your FARM for
salel If so give des
cription to S.H.Colviu.
All parties having
farms or city proper
ty for sale should list
them withB. F. TROX
EL at Kendall's old
candy kitchen.
Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
A girl wanted for general housework
as residence of F. M. Kimmell at once.
Wind mills suffered greatly 'dining
Sunday evenings storm , in various parts
of the countv.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Betz , of Co Ionian precinct , Sat
urday night.
The High Five club enjoyed the cool
and shade of Fitch's grove , Wednesday ,
as a picnic party.
Lawn social on next Wednesday even
ing by the Degree of Honor at the resi
dence of J. F. Heber.
B. F Troxel has had his office-quart
ern , Kendall's old candy kitchen , painted
and papered , this week.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Den
nison street hardwaremen.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you rijiht.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
The damage to crops by Sunday
evening's rain and wind storm , in Red
Willow county , is immaterial.
A small house was demolished at
Max , Dundy county , by the high wind
Sunday evening. Nobody hurt.
D. W. Alspach , of Adair , Iowa , has
bought the Wallace farm in 31-3-30.
The sale was made on Saturday last.
Nothing so warps the judgment as
spite. Nothing so unlovingly as anger.
Let our rivalry be generous and manly.
D. Kendall has his new quarters on
west Dennison street fixed up in splen
did shape , as cool and cosy as anyone
could desire.
If you want a really choice article of
meat of any kind , remember that Stone
& Devitt can fill just such a want sat
"The Faimers Grain Elevator and
Live Stock Co. " commenced its exist-
ance at Culbertson on June llth.
Hon. A. C. Modi , of Coleman precinct ,
is one of the incorporators.
Thoughtful people will no doubt ap
preciate the difference between the
campaign of misrepresentation and
abuse waged against McCook by the
Indianola Courier ; and the atitude as
sumed by the McCook papers toward
the citizens and friends of Indianola.
A. McMltLEN ,
Wall Paper ,
Come and see our new
designs in wall paper.
Every friend of McCook must be
wide-awake from now until the polls
close on the evening of August 1st.
Thu cash meat market , next door to
the post office , keeps the best of every
thing belonging to a first class meat
Drop in and see what nice fresh
fruit and candy you can buy at the
new htore of Austin & Lipps , rear of
Citizens' bank.
In the face of McCook'rt absolute
guarantee , Indianola's fake about the
$100,000 bonds don't have any effect
on fair minded , thinking voters.
The rain and wind storm , Sunday
evening , was quite destructive of trees
throughout the city , many being sadly
marred , and not a few destroyed.
A dog , owner unknown , jumped into
one of the front windows of the City
drug store , Saturday , from the outside ,
destroying the large glass entirely.
Services in the Methodist church on
Sunday morning and evening , at the
usual hours by the pastor. At the
morning hour will be the reception
to membership.
This section was visited by a terrific
rain , Sunday evening , attended by a
high wind , which caused themr.'ous in
habitants to seek the quiet and seclu
sion of their caves.
Mr. Goodroe's dwelling in South
McCook was slightly damaged by light
ning , Sunday evening. The bolt came
down the rod , but damaged one window
SDinewhat in passing.
On next Wednesday evening , at the
residence of J. F. Heber , the Degree
of Honor will hold a lawn social. Cake
and cream will be served for the small
sum of fifteen cents.
One by one our idols totter and
tumble : T h e county-seat removal
question , we are deeply pained to note ,
has caused even our staid friend of the
Indianola Courier to talk through his
The neighbors aver that for a man
with a game leg , Ed. Ballew can find
the politude of his cave with a rapidity
which simply challenges admiration.
Jove and his thunderbolts may be said
not to be in it.
The Jerry Grffiin place about four
miles from the city was on last Satur
day purchased by J. W. Corbert , who
hails from the state of Minnesota. Mr.
Corbert takes possession on November
1st , and will commence substantial im
McCook's proposition backed by its
business men and citizens , as appears
elswhere in this issue , should and will
satisfy any fair-minded , reasonable per
son that McCook will do just what she
agrees to do , donate the ground and
build the court house.
B. F. Troxel has rented the old can
dy kitchen room and opened up a real
estate and loan office therein. B. F.
has a large and wide acquaintance in
the east , and is a rustler of the tribe of
Eli in the bargain ; parties having farms
and city property for sale can list them
with him with the assurance that they
will be sold if it is within the possibili
The Companion club will give a circu
lating library social at the M. E.
church , next Thursday evening , Miss
Rachel Berry officiating as librarian.
Parties will be dressed in costume to
represent popular books : every one
present will have the privilege of guess
ing the books , appropriate prizes will
be given the most successful. A short
program will be given , consisting of
recitations and music ; after which cake
and cream will be served. Admission
; en cents. Cake and cream ten cents
Harvest is now in progress all over
the country and the weather at present
s everything that could be desired , but
.here is one thing that should not be
'orgotten , that is the liability to dam
age and total loss of small grain while
n the shock by the frequent rains.
The proper method to pursue in order
to insure safety is to the grain in the put
stack at the earliest moment possible
and stack well. Extra wages for skill-
'ul stacker is always justifiable by the
results. The loss of an entire crop of
wheat or oats by swelling and sprouting
n the shook , or in consequence of bad
stacking is a sad subject for reflection
and just that thing may happen now
unless the proper precaution is used.
Jook to your stacking.
Work was commenced , this week , on
a now school house for district number
sixty-four. W. S. Plamilton donated
the land and the means for building
the house were raised by the patrons
of the school and among the openhearted -
hearted , generous business men of Me
The Lutheran church was the object
of an unfriendly visit by the electric
power , and the plastering on the ceiling
was considerably damaged. Rev. Potter
and a few parishioners had gathered for
the evening service ? , which were thus
cut short by the abrupt presence of .the
lightning and the flight of those in the
building. The damage can be repaired
by a small sum.
Last Sunday , Martin Sorensen , a
young lad who runs one of the town
herds , had the misfortune to be thrown
from his pony and to sustain a severe
fracture at the wrist , of his left arm ,
both bones being broken. lie was at
tempting to "head off" a straying cow ,
when the pony stopped suddenly throw
ing the boy over its head. He is doing
nicely under the care of Dr. Davis.
The amount of rainfall was greater
south of the river , Sunday evening ,
than north of the stream. Mr. Meeker
reports the vigilance of his guards : is
alone saving him from great damage.
As it was the ditch was considerably
damaged at the headgates. At one
place the water in the ditch raised in a
few minute ? from about ten inches to
over four feet , which required all the
skill of the guards to take care of.
THE TRIBUNE desires to remind
those people who are shooting prairie
chickens and quail that they are not
only doing an unlawful act , but an un
manly thing as well. It it stated to us
that quite a number of half grown birds
have been sold in the city. Persons
engaged in this unlawful , unseasonable
slaughter should be prosecuted vigor
ously. Such unsportsmanlike work
should be frowned down , and an effort
made to protect game until they have
matured in a reasonable measure , y
.McCook is absolutely and unquali
fiedly pledged'to donate a valuable and
sitely half block and to spend $13,200
on a suitable court house , in case the
county seat is removed to McCook.
Thus Red Willow county will secure ,
without one penny of expense to the
county , a handsome and convenient
court house. On the other hand , if the
county seat remains at Indianola , the
county must soon be at considerable ex
pense to repair and enlarge the present
unsuitable and unsafe structure. The
farmers will observe that to remove the
county seat to McCook is the business
like and economical thing to do. And
they will do it.
Prof. David P. Todd , of Amherst
College , will describe in the August
Century an ascent of Fuji-san , the sa
cred mountain of Japan. His expedi
tion was one of several which have
been made possible by the bequest of a
wealthy and eccentric Boston gentle
man w'ho left a fortune of $200,000 tea
a board of trustees , with a discretionary
power to employ it in establishing and
maintaining an astronomical observa
tory on some mountain peak. The
fund is now managed by the Harvard
College Observatory , and experimental
research has been conducted at high
altitudes in different parts of the globe
in order to show the precise nature of
the improved conditions of vision , and
to ascertain the best location for the
mountain observatory.
McCook's position in this county seat
question is one which appeals to the
business sense of every voter. She
guarantees to donate the site and spend
$13,200 in the erection of a courthouse ,
if the county scat is removed tD McCook.
SaiPNoBLE , Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
McCook expects every loyal voter to
do his duty on August 1st. There
should not be a vote cast against Mc
Cook , by any citizen living west of the
The voters of McCook will no doubt
take pleasure in the knowledge that
three or four of their fellow-citizens
have been selected by Indinola people
to challenge votes here on August 1st.
The Hitchcock county-seat removal
election held on the 19th resulted iu
favor of Trenton. It is a good omen
for McCook.
Republican County Convention.
Pursuant to call the Republicans o
Red Willow county met in convention
at Indianola , yesterday afternoon , to
select delegates to the Republican State
Convention at Lincoln , August 4th.
Dr. J. E. Hathorn of Bartley was
called to preside over the deliberations
of the convention , which were faithfully
recorded by H. II. Troth , secretary.
Dr. B. B. Davis , 0. Frost and J. T.
Webber constituted the committee on
credentials. Their report was accepted ,
which found delegates present from the
following precincts : Willow Grove , In
dianola , Red Willow , North Valley ,
East Valley , Colcman , Alliance , Drift
wood , Perry , Lebanon , Fritsch.
The committee on resolutions was
composed of J. E. Cochran , W. W. Le-
masters-and J. N. Smith and their re
port as follows was adopted , and re
quested published in the several county
papers :
Resolved , that we recognize in our
esteemed citizen , Hon. John C. Allen ,
a man in full accord with principles .of
the republican party , and in full sym
pathy with the laborers and the business
men of the state and nation , and we
point with pride to the record he has
made as a true and faithful public ser
vant for the term of office now expir
ing and that it is the sense of this con
vention that all honorable means be
used to secure his re-nomination and
On motion of Adam Grass of Indian
ola , Hon. J. C. Allen was granted the
courtesy of naming the delegates to the
state convention at Lincoln , August
4th. He announced the following :
Delegates : J. W. Dolan , M. N. Es-
key , J. E. Cochran , C. T. Brewer. 0.
* t
Frost , S. R. Messner , D. E. Bomgard-
ner , W. F. Everist , George Hocknell.
Alternates : J. E. Kelley , J. E.
Hathorn , C. W. Knights , J. N. Smith ,
Adam Grass , H. W. Keyes , P. A. Wells
V. Franklin , H. P. Sutton.
Mr. Allen acknowledged the compli
ment in a very neat and telling speech.
On motion the selection of delegates
to the senatorial convention was left to
the county central committee. Ad
Fine Enough For Anyone.
Perhaps two better pleased people
never visited Red Willow county than
George M. Starr and William F. Starr ,
both of Rock Valley , Sioux county ,
Iowa , who looked over this section ,
close of last week. George M. Starr
bought 190 acres of fine land on the
fertile divide southwest of the city a
few miles , and left for Iowa a happv
man. He will return after harvest and
take possession of his new home. The
gentlemen both found this country even
more desirable than the articles they
had read led them to expect. They
found the small grain and corn better
than in the section of Iowa in which
they live. The soil , the roads , the cli
mate , and the magnificent crop pros
pects all impressed the gentlemen most
Divines and Milligan.
Married at the residence of Rev.
Mather at Indianola , Thursday evening
at eight o'clock , Mr. Perry M. Divines
of McCook and Miss Ina M. Milligan
of Holton , Kansas. The wedding was
very quiet , there being none except the
minister's family present. The bride
wore a fawn colored wool gown draped
with Spanish lace. The groom was at
tired in black broadcloth. Mr. Divines ,
formerly of Council Bluffs , Iowa , is an
energetic young man and well liked by
all who know him here. He is em
ployed at the Commercial hotel. Mrs.
Divines lias been a teacher or Jackson
county , Kansas , for several years and
is also a great worker for the churches
and Christian Endeavor Society.
On Tuesday evening of this week ,
Mr. Lewis W. McConnell and Miss
Rebecca L. Berry were united in mar
riage at the residence of the bride ,
only the relatives being present. Rev.
A. WCoffman of the Methodist
church officiating. THE TRIBUNE ex
presses the sentiments of a host of
Friends of the happy couple in wishing
them a long and prosperous voyage.
/ Double seated carriage Price $90
1 Gray mare 7 years old.u 60
1 Bay mare 4 years old. " 70
1 Buckskin mare 7years old u 50
2 Yearling colts. " 80
1 Set double buggy harness.u 25
1 Sidesaddle. " 8
1 Man's saddle. u 5
All the above will be at private sale
on four month's time. Security ap
proved. Enquire ofS , Cordeal. Of
fice over Farmers and Merchants
FOR SALE. C. J. fir AH.
Prohibition Convention.
The Prohibitionists of Red Willow
ounty are hereby called to meet in
mass convention at Indianola in court
house at 2 , P. M. , Saturday , August
Gth , ISOJi , for the purpose of selecting
five delegates to the state conventiou
at Hastings , August 17th , and for the
transaction of such business as the
convention may deem for the interest
of the party in the county.
W. 0. NORVAL , Chairman.
Commencing with Monday , May six
teenth , we will buy hogs on Mondays
of each week , when we will pay the
highest market price. We can pay
you more money on hogs delivered on
one day in the week than we can where
they are brought in a few at a time , as
we will thus be able to ship full car
loads , without holding the hogs at an
expense. F. S. WILCOX & Co.
My residence property in McCook.
Property is well set in shade and fruit
trees , small fruits , etc. Will make
payments easy , and will sell at a reason
able figure. Call at once.
Matchless Bargains.
The splendid Drysdale stock of cloth
ing will be sold on Saturdays at public
auction. This is a grand opportunity
to secure bargains in this line. The
stock will be offered at private sale dur
ing the remaining days of each week ,
until all is sold. Auction at the store.
Call on J. A. Cordeal for particulars.
Houses and Lots for Sale.
I have a few desirable dwellings and
lots in McCook which I offer for sale
at bargains. H. a. DIXON.
Horses for Sale.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
Two driving horses , a buggy and a
set of harness. Can be seen at the
Kelley barn.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantityr quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
Messrs. Austin & Lipps have opened !
a fruit stand and confectionery in the
store room opposite the Racket store ,
and respectfully solicit share of public-
patronage. They carry all kinds of
fruit and make their own candies. Give
them a call.
Bear in mind that spring has opened
up and house cleaning has commenced.
Also remember that I am in the mar
ket as usual for the purchase of second
hand goods. Drop me a card and I
will call. J. H. LUDWICK.
The samples of wheat left at this
office on Saturday , by A. C. Modi , are
hard to beat. The long , filled heads
indicate a yield per acre of not less
than thirtv bushels.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report