But it looks as if it would bo in it soon , and the sooner your foot is inone ; of our § 3.50 or $4.00 Shoes the .more fortunate it will be. Be cause wo know this shoe , we want you to know it ; because it wears * I as no other shoe will wearwe , want you to wear it It is absolutely the cheapest thing in shoe-leather and there isn't any limit to the satisfaction that it gives. No mat ter what you pay , you get no bet ter when you get the best it is a luxury in footwear and not a high- priced luxury at that. It isn't trying to those who try it. Try it. FARM LOANS MADE BY S. H. OOLVIN , McCook. 53f""Groceries at Nobles' . Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore Bros. Sticky fly paper at Chunery's City Drug Store. W113son & Odell aru putting out some liandsome rigs these days. § . M. Cochran & Co. keep' repairs 'for all kinds of machinery. At the cash meat market of Stone & Devitt you receive the best of meats of all kinds. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. Wayson & Odell can fix you up com fortably and stylishly in any thing you may desire in the livery line. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and .his prices correspond with the times. S. 11. Colvin has sold the southeast quarter of 22-4-30 and the southwest quarter of 23-4-30 to Illinois parties. The price paid for each quarter was $1.250. One of the most horrifying reflections of life is that it is no doubt just as easy JFor somebody else to say disagreeable things of you as it is for you to say dis agreeable things of somebody else. The soda water season is with us and as usual The City Drug Store is prompt ly on hand with the very latest and best the market offers in that line. "Their fountain is now in operation and ' af you want a drink of soda water , with he purest of syrups , turn your footsteps - ? steps toward The City Drug Store. You are certain of securing it there. After a Long Time ! Of patient waiting our machinery has at last arrived. "We beg to say that we are now in position to do the BEST work on short notice. "We make a specialty of family I irork ; and are rapidly gaining a reputation for our manner of clean ing and starching machinists' over- . clothing. "We are adding to our force of -help and WILL DO JUST EX- ACTLY WHAT WE CLAIM. Our machinery is NEW , and we wish to say that we have the BEST APPOINTED LAUNDBY in Western Nebraska. We guarantee to please or re fund money. Give us your work. Kesp'y , RAILSBACK & JACQUES , Cor. Dennison and McFarland. Walter A. Wood and Jflano Binders t S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. IV y OT i" g Pasture for town stock by S. H. COLVIN. Airl wanted attiie Commercial House at once. Call. Farm loans at nine per cent , straight by s. H. OOLVIN. Is your FARM for sale ! If so give des cription to S.II.ColviuJ > Fine rain , Tuesday night. Predinore Bros , keep the best eylinj der oil in McCook. Piano and llandolph Headers ut S | M. Cochran & Co.'s. It has been accurately computed that ] -'sucker is born every minute. ' * Choice meats of all kinds at Stone Dcvitt's cash meat market , next door to | post office. A good girl can secure employment at residence of F. 51. Kinnnell. In quire at once. Try the new meat market. Messrs. Stone & Devitt put only the best of meats on their blocks. Absolute ! } ' rust proof tinware is sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison - nison street hardwaremen. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you riyht. A number ofstreet , lights have been placed on west Demiison .st. , between the original town and west McCook. IN QUEENS WARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the ricbest designs of the season. FTis prices are reasonable. If you want a really choice article of meat of any kind , remember that Stone & Devitt can fill just such a want sat isfactorily. The cash meat market , next door to the post office , keeps the best of every thing belonging to a first class meat market. The' Indianola Courier inconsiderate ly locates the residence of the next representative from Red Willow coun ty in "hell ! " The world likes lobe astonished , not courted. The man -who would succeed must rub out all his interrogation marks and put in exclamation points. The celebrated Nebraska climate again - gain justifies its reputation for doing just the right thing at just the right time yesterday morning. That rain was a solace and a balm to thousands of booming corn fields. Wednesday evening two coons , GK H. Miner , of Omaha , and Kid Scotty , of Chicago , engaged in a ten round mill with gloves , in the store room oppo site the McEntee House , under the man agement of A. W. Corey. The Kid was put to sleep in the eighth round. The contestants were seconded by men of color. A large and notable gather ing graced the occasion , which is pro nounced intensely interesting by those present. Mr. Corey , who is developing into quite a sport himself , expects to make a second appearance with a combi nation of ebony-hued sluggers , in the opera hous'e , in about two weeks. The manager of the C. , B. & Q. bal last works at Colchester is an enthusi ast on the subject of hard roads. In terviewed on the subject by the Col chester Independent man , he said : "Good ballast put on roads to a depth of twelve inches would make a road which with slight and occasional repairs would last for all time. The ballast can in many instances be made from the soil now composing the roadbed , so the bulk of the material is at hand. Its cost would be small. Almost any place it could be delivered and made into road for a dollar and a half a cubic jard. A cubic yard would make one foot , run ning measure , of a road twenty-seven feet wide. I believe that when better understood clay ballast will be extens ively used in this country in city and country permanent road making. Alun- mouth ( III. ) Republican. Republican primary election , Willow Grove precinct , July 19th. Republican county convention at In dianola. Thursday , July 21st. A girl wanted for general housework as residence ot F. M. Kiramell at once. Drop in and see what nice fresh fruit and candy you can buy at the new store of Austin & Lipps , rear of Citizens' bank. aim ujuvei It is well enough for the politician to be an early bird , but it is a good thing to be careful and not come across the worm at its proverbial turning-point. Three or four schools of that section will hold : i Sunday school convention on Ash creek , tomorrow. Elder Hall is engaged in training the children for the exercises they will perform. 2,000 people attended the afternoon pevformance of 'F. J. Taylor's show. The evening audience was 1,500 , being with exception of Creston , Iowa , his home , the two largest audiences he has ever shown before. At evening meeting , last Sunday , the Baptist people unanimously voted Rev. McBride a vacation until August first , and consequently no preaching services will be held by the Baptist brethren in the meantime. Sunday school at the usual hour , however. In a two column article concerning the county seat removal question , last week , the Indianola Courier does not say one word concerning the $3,600 costs the Indianola commissioners have already saddled onto Red Willow coun ty. An unintentional oversight , no doubt. The fact that the town of Danbury is in Beaver precinct has in past caused more or less error and confusion in the minds of many , and THE TRIBUNE hears that an effort is contemplated to have the names of Danbury and Beaver pre cincts exchanged , so that the name of the town and precinct will be the same. A foundling , a boy baby about two months old , was left on the doorsteps of the Edwards' dwelling , Tuesday night. The infant has been adopted by Peter Segner , a Hitchcock county farm er. The infant is supposed to have been left at Mrs. Mathar's in West Mc Cook some six weeks ago by an unfor tunate and claimed unknown young woman , who is said to have intimated that Mrs. Edwards desired such an ar ticle in her home. Saturday night little Daisy Stoddard , Nebraska's world-beater , entertained a large audience at the Congregational church. Little Daisy is a remarkable elocutionist. There is no question about that. She won the medal by su periority. Wherever she goes she will have large houses , and not. only once , but if she goes to the same place the second or third time , she will still have good houses , because her performances possess genuine merit and display extraordinary talent. York , ( Nebraska ) Times. At the opera house , Saturday evening , July 30th. A. McMILLEN. DKUGGIST , Wall Paper , PAINTS , OILS , GLASS. Come and see our new designs in wall paper. McCook needs the court house in her business , and is perfectly willing to pay for it. The commissioners are making their semi-annual settlement with the county treasurer. Episcopal services will be held in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Grasshoppers seem to be doing con siderable damage to shrubbery and hedges about the city. The teachers' institute for Kcd Willow county will be held in McCook the first two weeks of August. McCook's proposition will cause the Ananias club to disband. There will be no further use for the organization. The ladies of the Baptist Society will meet with Mrs. Paine , Thursday after noon , July 2lst. A good attendance is desired. M. E. BATTERSHALL , Sec. Millions of Colorado beetles were washed on the shore at Sea Island City , N. J. , a day or two ago , and the resi dents are at a loss to explain the re markable occurrence or to form any idea as to where they came from. Next week THE TRIBUNE will pub lish McCook's absolute guarantee that she will provide an elegant site and erect a suitable court house , free of ex pense to Red Willow county , should the county seat be removed to McCook. Those innocent Indianola friends who are circulating the fake that Mc Cook will force $100,000 bonds on Red Willow county , in case the county-seat is removed to McCook , arc doubtless not aware that this county is taxed in the maximum amount allowed by law. The social in the Babcock store room , last evening , which was in charge of the gentlemen friends of the Congregation al church , had the peculiar charm of being unique in conception and ac knowledged cleverness in execution. In fact the gentlemen acquitted them selves handsomely and took in numer ous shekels. Red Willow county's present court house is not suitable for the safe and expeditious transaction of the business of the county. Surely no reasonable voter in the county can object to having a finer , larger , more convenient court house built for the county , free of ex pense , as McCook guarantees to do , not withstanding the misrepresentations of our Indianola friends. In calling the Republican county convention for July 2lst the chairman and secretary of the committee deemed it for the best interests of the party that the purpose of the convention be confined to simply electing nine dele gates to the state convention of Aug ust 4th ; and that the county convention for the nomination of a representative , county attorney and commissioner be held later. THE TRIBUNE is waiting 0 , so pa tiently , for a report to be started that grasshoppers have stopped a train of cars out in Colorado , have taken pos session of the coaches , checked their baggage for Nebraka and Kansas. The newspaper correspondent will not do his duty unless he springs the old gag again pretty soon. Wait for the grass hopper scare. Little Oscar , son of S. E. Hagar , while visiting at J. W. Dolan's at Indian ola , last Sunday , was painfully injured by falling from a horse. His injuries embrace a broken arm and ugly cuts and bruises about head and face caused by the horse stepping on him. The little fellow was brought home , Monday , and the broken arm was set and put in a plaster of Paris mould. He is now getting along quite nicely and with as much comfort as can be expected con sidering the nature and extent of hurts sustained. ST. NICHOLAS Magazine has been getting suggestions from its readers as to a national song. { 'The Star-Spangled Banner" seems to have the strongest ex isting claim to that honor , but one young person , who objects to the words but thinks well of the music , makes the novel proposition to fit the words of "My Country 'tis of Thee" to the music of "The Star-Spangled Banner. " The editor of St. Nicholas suggests that she seek some quiet place and try the effect of mixing the two very cautiously. C. F. Babcock is agent for The New York Life Insurance Co. See him if you want reliable life insurance. City Affairs The municipal fathers were in regu lar session , Wednesday evening. Pres ent , Mayor Brewer , Clerk Warren , Councilmen Spickelmier , LnTourette , Menard. Bills allowed : L. Blanding $ 4 00 I. P. Moore 400 Charles Weintz 2 00 J. H. Bennett . ' . . 50 00 A. E. McManigal 40 00 A J. Clute 10.90 J. A. Lipps 50 00 Barnett Lumber Co G 31 H. T. Keahlier 1350 W. C. Bullard & Co 77 07 McCook Electric Light Co. . . 248 00 McCook B. & S. Co 2570 James Carl 7 25 F. M. Kinimell 7 00 Petition of Frank Carruth and others for a sidewalk on north side of Dear born street extending from Marshall street east to MeMn street was granted and same ordered built. J. H. Dwyer was appointed chief of the fire department. Confirmed. Adjourned. Nebraska Mortgages. A compilation of mortgage reports has just been completed by Philip An dres , deputy labor commissioner , for the year ending June 1 , 3892. During that time 24,538 farm mort gages were filed in the state , amounting to $22,401,741. Releases numbered 24.505 , amounting to § 17.094,965.16 , there were 1,226 foreclosures. Town and city mortgages filed num bered 10,423 , amounting to $12,316,757 and 51 cents. There were 8,788 releases amounting to $9,049,950.87. The foreclosures number 579. During the year 115,373 chattel mortgages were filed , amounting to $22,915,154.65 } . Releases numbered 72,313 , amounting to $14,565,317.11. In Red Willow county the amount of farm mortgages filed was $132,925.- 87 ; released $163,064.60. A Satisfactory Show. Together with : i well filled puise F. J. Taylor takes with him from Mc Cook the hearty appreciation and dis tinct applause of the largest afternoon and evening audiences which have ever assembled under his tent. Mr. Taylor puts up a clever show , a performance throughout which goes right to the spot with all his patrons. His first appear ance in McCook , last Saturday , was in the nature of an ovation , the outpour ing of people at both performances being quite unprecedented both as to number and enthusiasm. Mr. Taylor's show is quite devoid of fakirs and scamps generally. It is a success and gives marked satisfaction to the public. Future appearances in McCook will be given an equally royal and gratifying reception. Camp Meeting. A camp meeting will be held at Cur tis , Nebraska , Aug. 9th to 15th , under the auspices of the S. D. Adventist conference. This meeting bids fair to he the largest ever held in this section of the state. Representatives from southwestern Nebraska , from Hastings and Red Cloud on the east , to Colora do line on the west , are expected to be in attendance. The meetings are to be held in a beautiful grove just south of the lake. Preaching three times each day. A general invitation is extended to the public. There will be small tents for the accommodation of all wish to camp on the grounds. Willow Grove Primary. The Republican electors of Willow Grove precinct will meet in the city hall , Tuesday evening , July 19th 1892 , at eight o'clock , central time , for the purpose of electing twenty-four dele gates to the Republican convention to be held in Indianola , Nebraska , July 21st , 1892 ; also for the transaction of any other business which may properly come before the primary. H. H. TROTH , Committeeman. Red Willow county has a county seat fight on and will hold a special election on August 1st. McCook people feel confident of winning the fight. Hayes Centre Times. FOR SALE. / Double seated carriage Price $90 1 Gray mare 7 years old.u 60 1 Bay mare 4 years old. " 70 1 Buckskin mare 7years old u 50 2 Yearling colts. u 80 1 Set double buggy harness.u 25 1 Sidesaddle. u 8 1 Man's saddle. " 5 All the above will bo at private sale on four month's time. Security ap proved. Enquire of S. Gordeal. Of' fice over Farmers and Merchants Bank. HAIL INSURANCE. C. J.RYAH. TAKE NOTICE. Commencing with Monday , May six teenth , we will buy hogs on Mondays of each week , when we will pay the highest market price. We can pay you more money on hogs delivered on one day in the week than we can where they are brought in a few at a time , as we will thus be able to ship full car loads , without holding the hogs at an expense. F. S. WILCOX & Co. FOR SALE. My residence property in McCook. Property is well set in shade and fruit trees , small fruits , etc. Will make payments easy , and will sell at a reason able figure. Call at once. M. BATTERSHALL. Match/ess Bargains. The splendid Drysdalc stock of cloth ing will be sold on Saturdays at public auction. This is a grand opportunity to secure bargains in this line. Thu stock will be offered at private sale dur ing the remaining days of each week , until all is sold. Auction at the store. Call on J. A. Cordeal for particulars. Immense Offer. To introduce my work , I will make full form cabinet photos at $1.25 per dozen for a short time ; at Leich's old stand over Lowman's store. J. W. PICICELS. Horses for Sale. Waysan & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. FOR SALE. Two driving horses , a buggy and a set of harness. Can be seen at the K.elley barn. Cabinet Photos. $1.25 per doz. at the Leash gallery over Lowman's store. Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good , where they will secure the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Noble's is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity , quality and value , and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. Messrs. Austin & Lipps have opened a fruit stand and confectionery in the store room opposite the Racket store , and respectfully solicit share of public patronage. They carry all kinds of fruit and make their own candies. Give them a call. Bear in mind that spring has opened up and house cleaning has commenced. Also 'remember that I am in the mar ket as usual for the purchase of second hand goods. Drop me a card and I will call. J. H. LDDWICK. , Purveyor to trie Great Common People , is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps-to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. Warm weather , flies and sticky fly paper come together. You can secure a prime and satisfactory article of the latter at Chenery's City Drug Store. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOUUTE1Y PURE * i v V1 - A