, THR ELEY INSTITUT BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. Only One in the State South of the Platte River We Own the Territory and Will Not Sell It. Beware of Imitators. Of Liquor , Opium , Morphine and Tobacco Diseases , and Neurasthenia For Terms and Information Address , W. C. Brooks , Secretary , Beatrice , i\eb. W. G. BULLAED & CO. -toj- LIME , HARD CEMENT , AND DOORS , ER SOFT WINDOWS , BLINDS. COAL. f ! BBD CKDAJF ? . AND OAK POSTS. i'i ' J. WARRRN , Manager. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , TURKEYS , &C. , &C. F. S. WILGOX & CO. , Props , F. D. BUR.QRSS , PLUMBERSTEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE. . McCOOK , NEB ; otock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , , , j Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. DWYER'S LITTLE NELL A FIVE CENT CIGAR. Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest nickel cigan ever placed on sale in McCook. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , th * Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This -well-known remedy has stood the test of. years , almosl generations. No medicine cfiest is complete without a bottle of MUSTAMO LINIMENT. Occasions a'rise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers m pg Burlington Excursions. 'ii > ( ' ni Burlington | llt-lMI | . M'Bllltf il licHt lunched by til BllltUNUTON llOOTi The improved tnm service in ( 'iTt-ct. brings Omaha wilhu forty hours and Denver within lifty-thm hours of New York , Boston or Phila delphia. The numerous conventions to he held in New York , Saratoga , Detroit and other eastern cities during the com ing hummer , to which i educed ratt-- will apply , offer splendid npportuiikie.- of viMting the cast at an almost nomi nal cost. The local agent ol the B. & M. 1 ? . II. will bu glad to give you fin ther information. Colorado's Goal Retreats. During the "tourists' season" from July until September , the Burlington Route has on sale round trip tickets at very reduced rates , to the principal resorts of Colorado. To Denver , Colorado Springs , Manitou - tou , Pueblo and Eftes Parkthe most attractive spot in the whole state ) , par ticularly low rates are in force. July and August are the best months in which to visit Colorado's unrivalled resorts , to all of which the Burlinton , with its connections offers unequalled service. The local agent will be glad to give you any desired information. Annual Conference Baptist Young People's Union , Detroit , Michigan , July 14th to 17th. One rate for ihe round trip has been made from the Missouri river to Detroit. Tickets ou sale July 12th to 13th , limit for return July 19th. The late from Omaha is $20 50 , from Council Bluffs , $20.25 from St. Joe , Atchison or Kansas City $17.75. National Mining Congress , Helena , Wont. , July 12th. Fare one rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale July btli to JUtu inclusive , with transit limit of ten days each direction from date of sale. Convention Clerks of'Distnct Courts , Chadron , Nebraska , July 13th. Fare one and a third imate for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 10th to 13th. The following , clipped from the Burlington unction , ( Mo. , ) Post , contains information of no little value to persons troubled with indi gestion : For years the editor of the Post has been subject to cramp colic or fits of indigestion , hat prostrated him for several hours and un- itted him for business for two or three days af erward. About a year ago we called on S. . Butcher , druggist , and asked for something p ward off an attack that was already making ife hideous. Mr. Butcher .handed us a bottle of Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera and Diar- hoea remedy. We took the medicine accord- ng to directions , and not only found relief on hat occasion , but have several times since ried its virtues and found relief in every in- tance. We take this method of acknowledg- ng the benefits derived and recommending he cure to all others subject to indigestion. ? or sale by Geo. M. Chenery. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts , sores , miises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect atisfaction or money refunded. Price z c. a ) ox. For sale by A. McMillen. In another column of this paper will be ound an advertisement of a medicine known is Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea lemedy for sale by druggist Geo. M. Chenery of this place. In almost every neighborhood hroughout the west , there are some one or more persons whose lives have been saved by his remedy. It is natural for such persons to ake especial pleasure in recommending the emedy to others. The praise that follows its ntroduction and use makes it immensely pop- ilar. While it is intended especially for colic , holera morbus , dysentery and diarrhoea , it is also claimed to cure chronic diarrhoea. If uch be the case , it is certainly a "Godsend" o many a poor mortal. . . - * ! jry A NATUEAIi KEMEDY EOS EpUeptic Fits , Falling Sickness , Hyster ics , St. Yitns Dance , Nervousness , Hypochondria , Melancholia , In- ebrity , Sleeplessness , Diz ziness , Brain and Spi nal Weakness. This medicine has direct action upon he nerve centers , allaying all irritabill- ies , and increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no unpleasant effects. A .Valuable Book on Nervom Diseases sent free to any address , FREE and poor patients. can .also obtain tills medlcine.'free of charge. by the Reverend . tion by the KOENIC MED. CO. , Chicago , III. Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. G far S3 , arco Size , S1.75. G Bottles for1 5. Sub i.'ir . „ , ' , Vr ; - . patrons. : ! , < w . working i , , & -i ; * i journals . .i „ * f i , c * ' - , in touui i i With tin- .vt * K u lias just .nope .in i > . , u ; , le neither Um . , m.i tvi-ti , A to the firm i ms , ' 'I'-i , u.n it Fashion" . > i . Ic i'.iri.i , , i > c two a premium i- .1 to all > til > bi.nb' ror one year p.i t , i in advanv . . lor.n [ a highly u „ . { , c.illeil "i-i - iiiaKiny ; Simplified. " . jutirnalb in c .n junction with theii othci .a Lonturierc and i.a Mode , " make a li.it o \ > t plications th.it aie ocyond competition , bec.u . tlieir styles aie not reproductions bai on ; .i.ils made up in I'.iris an.l come out oiii n mtli earlier than other fashion journals. \1 1ars. . A. McDowell A : Co. , 4 West I4th street , .N'e\v York , be j to c ill attention to the n\v url artistic covers tliey have designed for Hu.r journals ; tlusc are the best work of their b st artists , and we have no hesitation in saying that the contents of these journals being of such very high class make the exceptionally fine covers very ap propriate. Fannie Davenport , The great American tragedienne has writ ten the following note for the benefit of her sex. It should prove especially important wnen it is remembered that no class is so well posted on the subject of which she writes , as professional women : NEW YORK , Aug. n. Mr. Wisdom : Dear Sir Your Robertine was highly spoken of in San Ftancisco and a lady friend induced mete to tiy it. It is very fine and is an excellent application for beautifying the face and hands. The Robertine powder is delightful. 4-4ts. Very truly , FANNIE DAVKNPORT. Wonderful. Uronchitis , Rheumatism , , and all chronic dis eases , by their compound Oxygen Treatment , are indeed marvelous. If you are a sufferer from any disease which four physician has failed to cure , write for in- brmation about this treatment , and their book of two hundred pages , giving a history of Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with lumerous testimonials from patients , to whom you may refer for still further information , vill be promptly sent , without charge. This book aside from its great merit as a medical work , giving , as it does , the result of years of study and experience , you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN , 1529 Arch Street , Philadelphia , Pa. 120 Sutter St. , San Fraecisco , Cal. Please mention this paper. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most successful cough medicine we have ever sold , a few doses invariable cure the worst cases of cough , croup and bronchitis , while its wonderful suc cess in the cure of consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee , a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly nsk you to try it. Price loc. , 5oc. and $ i. If your lungs are sore , chest or back lame , use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold bv A. McMillan. Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford , New Castle , Wisconsin , was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism , his stomach was disordered , his Liver was affect ed to an alarming degree , appetite fell away , and.he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd , Harrisburg , Illinois , had a running sore on his leg of eight years stand ing. Used three bottles Jof JElectric Bitters and seven boxes ot Bucklen's Arnica Salve , and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker , Catawba , Ohio , had five large Fever sores on his leg , doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at A. McMillen's drugstore. Are you Suffering From back ache , inflammation of bladder , brick dust deposit or stone in the bladder , or in fact any derangement of the kidneys or urinary organs ? If thus afflicted do not lose time and waste money on worthless liniments and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies , the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Pleasant to take , purely vegeta ble. Satisfaction every time. "That Good Medicine. " Mr. C. D. Cone , attorney , of Parber , South Dakota , says : "I take pleasure in saying to the public , as I have to my friends and ac quaintances for the last five years , that I con sider Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy the best medicine for the pur pose it is intended that I ever tried. Since I have used it I would not be without it. I was always subject to cholera morbus and never found anything else that gives the relict that this remedy does. I never leave home with out taking it with me ; and on many occasions have run with it to the relief of Some sufferer and have never known it to fail. My children always call for 'that good medicine , ' when they have a pain in the stomach or bowels. " For sale by Geo. M. Chenery. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to freeyourself | of every symptom of these dis tressing complaints , if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer , every bottle has a printed a guarantee on it , use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by A. McMillen. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good , if you have a Cough , Cold , or any trouble with Throat or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and and Colds is guaranteed to give relief , or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how gooda thing it is. Trial bottles free at A. McMillen's drug store. Large size 50 cents and Si. TJ4EY t DIVIDED ON THE ! . > ! QUESTION. fflDICa. : 3 POINT TO FUSION , The St'Ko Convention I.llcely to I5o n Warm inu l-'lftli Ulstrlct Men Kspu- flili. > < li ( > o-.eU to Any Comblim- tlo.i Vi.n tlio rooplo's J'arly- iltM utnor I'oIHleul ol Interest. TOPEKA , Kan. , July 5. Only a few ot the delegates to the state Democratic convention , to-morrow have put in an appearancebut the few who ( lid arrive made it clear that the convention would be a wonderfully and fright fully mixed assemblage. The indica tions , however , point more strongly to an indorsement of the People's state ticket than the Kepublicans have counted upon. The fusion Democrats contend with a persistency that is making many converts. thit t.hfi > T ( > : it. strmiftli itf o the Republican party lies in the pa tronage which it lias to distribute and that so long as a Republican governor can dole out 1,500 olliees , largo and small , the Democrats will never get a foothold. The Fifth congressional district is solidly opposed to endorsement. The delegates are willing to indorse Harris , but none of the other candidates. They hate John Davis cordially and announce that no matter what the state convention may do they propose to nominate a Democrat , July 20 , at llerington , for whom they can vote for congress. The Democrat this afternoon con tains an editorial urging the nomina tion of a straight state ticket for the purpose of calling out the Democratic voters who will stay at home if a ticket is not given them. These Democrats , Editor Holliday contends , will all vote the People's electoral ticket but will not support the state ticket. It is impossible that the bitter light between the fusion and the anti-fusion Democrats will never reach the con vention , but will be settled at the con ferences held to-night. It is a peculiar condition of affairs at best. Many of the People's party leaders want the Democrats to nominate a straight ticket , believing that the Republican fnTmorvill l o mnro lilr/.ltr tn t-tfiiwl lur AC. * I i I VJ * J * * . & & VAAll / * \ * AAIk\AV blrhb4lA4U UJ the People's ticket if this is done. J. R. .Burton , Republican nominee for congress in the Fifth district Mssed through this city this morning and spent his time discussing the situation with the Democrats. In an interview lie .said : The light in this state has been clearly drawn between the People's and Republican parties , and we can make a better and a surer fight against a combination ticket. if the Democrats run a separate ticket , tlic-ii" nominees will be spon taneous selections. The only name mentioned in connection with the gubernatorial nomination is that of A. A. Harris of Fort Scott , a Democrat who has no use for the People's party and who would probably vote nothing but the People's electoral ticket even if the entire ticket was indorsed. Glick Wants Some Favors In Kcturn. ATCIIISOX , Kan. , July 3. The Atch ison county delegation to the Demo cratic state convention which went to Topeka this morning is generally in favor of indorsing the People's party ticket , but ex-Governor Glick thinks the Democrats ought to get some thing in return , and will vote to indorse the third party nominees only if the Democrats get anything like a fair show. He thinks the Democrats ought to have a few state senators and representatives and congressmen in the First and Second districts. Asked if he would accept the nomination for governor if the honor should be thrust upon him , he said that he would not. Fusion Talked of la Iowa. DBS MOIXES , la. , July G. An effort s being made to unite the Democratic and People's party in the state. The scheme is to give the People's party ; he electoral candidates and the Democrats the state ticket. The matter was brought up in Omaha in a quiet way. By combining it is urged ; he Republicans can be defeated , which would help throw the election n the house and thereby elect Cleve land. Will Campbell Keslgn ? CHICAGO. Jiily G. William J. Camp bell left for Washington quietly but hastily yesterday , having been called ; here by urgent telegraphic messages , ile declined to be interviewed as to his ntentions in reference to the chair manship of the national committee , jut it is intimated among his friends ; hat he will have to decline the posi tion for family and professional rea sons. "Jeflcrsonlan " Editors Disappear. LA.VTKEXCE , Kan. , July ij. Carter and Watkins , editors of the Jelt'er- sonian , the Alliance paper which has jeen opposing Colonel Moore have eft the city. They purchased the japer about two months ago , put paul lothing on it. Overtaken by Justice. PATHS , July G. The man known as Matthias Ilabelt , who was convicted recently at Valencia of the murder of father Ildefonse , procurator of the Trappist monastery at Aquebello , and who afterwards robbed the monas tery , was guillotined to-day at Valencia Deibler "Monsier deParis. " cia by M. , The next person -who will be handed over to Deibler for execution will be tavaehol , the noted anarchist mur- lerer and thief. A Chief of Police Killed. MlDDLESBOROUGIT , Ky. , July 6 . Wil- iam Pattin , chief of police of Pine- ville , was killed yesterday by Lucas Smith at a picnic. Pattin was the last of the old Pattin gangin the Pattin- Turner feud. TO AGENTS. Homeseekers' excursions , 1892 , on August 30 and Septem ber 17th , a rate of one lowest first class f ai r will be made from eastern points to points on our line for two liomeseekers' ex cursions. These tickets will be sold at all the principal rail way points as far east as Buffalo and Pittsburg. Tick ets will be good within twenty days from the date of sale and stop overs will be allowed .after passing the Missouri river. It is expected that there will be quite a large immigration of intending settlers to Nebras ka , northwestern Kansas and eastern Colorado , during this summer and fall. This immi gration can be very largely in creased by judicious advertis ing and work by the various communities tributary to our line. It is therefor suggested that sections proposing to pre pare such advertising matter for distribution in the east in regard to the inducements they have to offer the farmer , the business man and investor , should begin to get tlieir ad vertising in shape at as an early a date as possible. In case their plans contemplate sending a good advertising man to clistribute their matter and attend to their advertising generallythis department may be able to give valuable point ers as to the best method of doing the work. I think it is desirable that editors of the papers along our line should begin agitating the matter in order that the people may be prompted to do more or less individual work with their friends in the east in the way of sending by mail such matter as the different counties or districts may pre pare in pamphlet form or in the shape of extra editions of their home newspapers giving full information as to the re sources and advantages , and directing attention to the very low rates that will bo made to enable them to come and see for themselves that the repre sentations are not really up to the reality. The company has recently issued a pamphlet in regard to the agricultural resources of Nebraska , which will be furnished free to those who may desire to mail it to their friends in the eat. This pamphlet treats of Nebraska , northwestern Kansas and eastern Colorado. I wish you would present this matter to editors at your place and also to other parties who may be interested in settling up va cant farm lands of this state. J. FRANCIS , G. P.and T. A. , Omaha , Nebraska. CWoren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and headache. With each bottle there s an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints with out extra charge. Price foe. bold by A. Mc Millen. Recently the following Notice appeared In Via San Francisco Chronicle , "Judge S had been sick only about two weeks , and it was net until the last three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended _ the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia. " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs , don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies , the celebratea Oregon Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. "Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. Sl.OO a pack age , 6 for $5.00. pi' " Mnstani ' " relief'ami "ii v -"We ; Cure for riles. -1. Hy Drugjristsorinmnle - - . . - Box 211G. J lork City.