The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 01, 1892, Image 5

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    - But it looks as if it would be in
; it soon , and the sooner your foot is
in one of our § 3.50 or $4.00 Shoes
the more fortunate it will be. Be
cause we know this shoe , we want
you to know it ; because it wears
as no other shoe will wearwo want
you to wear it. It is absolutely
the cheapest thing in shoe-leather
and there isn't any limit to the
satisfaction that it gives. No mat
ter what you pay , you get no bet
ter when you get the best it is a
luxury in footwear and not a high-
priced luxury at that. It isn't
trying to those Avho try it. Try it.
Truly , the harvest will be great.
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore
Minneapolis Binders at S. M. Coch
ran & Co.'s.
The farmer should be the sworn ene
my of weeds of all kinds.
List your lands for sale with II H.
Benson. Tribune building.
Leading brands of soap cheap at
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
Assistant Secretary Chandler dis
missed the appeal in the homestead
case of Cora A. Gillespie against Gott
fried Schaffert from McCook.
i IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
AND HE MAKES Music , Too The
man whe runs a partisan count } ' paper
and prints it on a hand press may not be
an Italian , but he owns a hand-organ
all right enough.
A farm paper says : "There is noth
ing more necessary for a busines man
than to have his calling and address
neatly printed on his envelopes and
letter heads. That it pays is seen when
it is remembered that city business men ,
from the smallest to the greatest , use
printer's ink liberally in this mannner.
Farming is a business just as much as
handling goods , and there is no good
reason why the general farmer should
not have his name , calling and address
on his stationery as well as his city
brother. "
After a Long Time i
Of patient waiting our machinery
has at last arrived. We beg to say
that we are now in position to do
the BEST work on short notice.
"We make a specialty of family
work ; and are rapidly gaining a
reputation for our manner of clean
ing and starching machinists' over-
"We are adding to our force of
help and WILL DO JUST EX
Our machinery is NEW , and we
wish to say that we have the BEST
Western Nebraska.
We guarantee to please or re
fund money. Give us your work
Resp'y ,
Cor. Dennison and McFarland.
Laundry soap still our leader.
Pasture Tor town
stock by S. II. COLVIN.
A girl wanted at the
Commercial House at
once. Call.
Farm loans at nine
per cent , straight by
8. II. CoLvnsr.
SSfGrocencs at Nobles' .
Wait for : he largest elephant in the
Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Isn't this a pretty good time to wake
up and do something for your country.
-Commissioners' proceedings appeal
on our inside pages , this week , in full.
Win. Smith , of Tyrone , has been
granted a pension of twelve dollars per
Wednesday , F. S. Wilcox & Co. were
on the Denver market with a carload
of hogs.
An increase of pension has been
granted Tom Bales of this precinct ,
this week.
Don't neglect to read S. H. Colvin's
write up of Red Willow county on the
inside pages.
Keeley Home Treatment for Tobac
co , $5.00. Address , Keeley Institute ,
Beatrice , Nebraska.
Linger from week to week for THE
TRIBUNE. It is in the exclusive news
publishing business.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Den
nison street hardwaremen.
Noble , the leading grocer , make. a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you ri"ht.
The druggists are to be commended
upon taking the initiative in the move
ment'for earlier closing hours.
In the withdrawal appeal case of Julies -
ies Sternlow vs. Nicholas Braham , from
McCook , the contest is dismissed.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
THE TRIBUNE will not be entirely
satified with everything in this world
until there are several first-class funer
If you have work of any kind to do
call on on Messrs. Battershall and West
who will respond promptly and do you
a good job reasonably.
Harvest is approaching and farmers
should get in their orders for Deering
repairs at once in order to insure prompt
attention and no delay. Predmore Bro. .
are sole agents for these repairs.
J. D. Gerver was in , Saturday , doing
some trading. He reports prospects
in his neighborhood as more promising
than last year and the acreage as much
larger , and feels withal quite jubilant.
The good people of Box Elder will
celebrate as usual at the grove on the
Willow near the post office , and they
cordially invite all to come and make
merry with them. An appropriate pro
gram will be rendered.
I have some good unencumbered
property in Iowa aud eastern Nebraska
to trade for land in southwestern Ne
braska. If you want to trade give me
a call. II. H. BENSON.
Tribune building. MoCook , Neb.
"The people of this country do not
yet know how to use the banana , " a
dealer in that delicious tropical fruit
said : "In the climate where the banana
furnishes the principal article of diet ,
the inhabitants have found numerous
methods of utilizing this delicious fruit
which render it at once nutritious and
palatable. They boil it , they bake it
as we do sweet potatoes , they peel it ,
cut it in slices and fry it in butter , they
mash it into a paste and dry it in the
sun as we do apples and peaches. They
make it into puddingspies , comfits and
preserves , and even smother it in sugar
until it is candied fruit. In every one
of these ways it is both pleasant to the
taste and wholesome as an article of
food. "
The Junior league will give exercises
on Sunday , at S P. M. , in the M. E.
church. All are invited to attend.
Rye over seven feet high , grown on
the Red Willow creek , may be seen at
Colviu'a real estate office. The head is
long and well filled , too.
The ladies of the M. E. society will
serve ice cream and cake in the after
noon and evening of the Dili of July.
Place mentianed next week.
The downward course being pursued
by a few of our young men must be a
source of regret and sadness to all good
citizens. It is one of the fruits of our
THE TRIBUNE is now printed all at
home and consequently the inside pages
will be found quite as interesting as the
outside pages , and replete with local
news. Read every page.
We are informed that a branch of
Tammany is to be organized in Mc
Cook. And THE TRIBUNE hastens to
nominate A. J. Clute , Jr. , as chief
sachem. Have we a second ?
The Messrs. Hatfield have com
menced harvesting their alfalfa. They
have a magnificent stand and the yield
will be immense and superior in quality.
Yea , verily , alfalfa is the stuff.
A celebration is announced to be held
at Mathias Droll's farm , eight miles
northwest of McCook , . It is officially
stated that "individual fireworks will
be allowed. " Besides there will be
dancing and other sports.
The congressional committee of the
Fifth district will meet in Minden on
July 7th at 10 , A. M. The republican
editors of the district have been invited
to meet with the committee in their de
liberations. A wise plan.
On Monday afternoon C. T. Brewer
shipped a special train of twenty-four
cars of fat stock to the Omaha market ;
epeating the performance with seven
teen cars on Tuesday , making forty-one
cars in two days , a feat unequalled since
the palmy days of free range.
The Republican county central com-
nittee were in session at Indianola ,
Monday afternoon , devising ways and
means for an active and thorough cam
paign in Red Willow county , this year ,
which with clean and able candidates
means victory all along the line.
The circus is coming to town. THE
TRIBUNE predicted it all along. This
particular menagerie of the world-start
ling curiosities has the largest elephant
in the world. But do not be disap
pointed if you miss the sight of the
"mighty monarch" as there are various
other circuses each with the largest ele
phant in the world.
The soda water season is with us and
as usual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly on hand with the very latest and
best the market offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
if you want a drink of soda water , with
the purest of syrups , turn your footsteps - ,
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it there.
On Tuesday of this week , at Falls
City , Nebraska , Mr. C. J. O'Brien and
Miss Frana King were united in mar
riage. The groom will be remembered
as Lawler's obliging and efficient clerk ;
while the bride all will recall as the
handsome sister of Mrs. R. A. Coupe ,
with whom Miss Frana lived during
the residence of the Coupes in McCook.
The happy couple will spend their
honeymoon in the east , visiting in Al
bany , N. Y. , Bar Harbor , Maine , and
other points before taking up their resi
dence in our city in August. THE
TRIBUNE extends warm congratulations.
Wall Paper ,
Come and see our new
designs in wall paper.
A train of cattle consisting of twenty-
four carp , consigned and accompanied
by the feeders arid owners , Messrs. II.
T. Church and F. S. Wilcox , left Mc-
Cook , Nebraska , via the B. & M. 11. II. ,
on the evening of Friday , June 17th ,
destined for the Union Stock Yards ,
Chicago , and billed to Clay , Robinson
& Co. at that point. The cattle had
been fattened upon corn yielding seven
ty-live bushels pei acre , had been raised
from birth upon the land of the above
gentlemen , and showed good form and
development. Creston , Iowa , was
readied at nine A. M. , Saturday , where
the cattle were unloaded and fed. Af
ter being reloaded the train , which had
been decorated at McCook with busi
ness cards of an enlarged style and
fabric material , was photographed. The
train then proceeded on its way ,
and arrived at Chicago early Monday
after an exceedingly good run over the
"Q. " The cattle were disposed of on
the Chicago market at prices entirely
satifactory to the consignors , who ob
served the sales , and were upon its
market until its close , returning that
evening to Nebraska. Messrs. Church
and Wilcox report the prospects for
crops as better than ever before at this
time , and with stock of all kinds in
good , thrifty condition , the future out
look is decidedly promising.
Cards of the following leading mer
chants and business houses of McCook
appeared on the train : A. McMillen ,
Boston Shoe Store , II. P. Sutton , T.
N. Young , J. Albert Wells , L. W. Mc-
Connell. Citizens' Bank , E. II. Doan ,
Eagle Clothing House , Potter and
Easterday , C. M. Noble , L. Lowman
& Son , Commercial House. The Live
Stock Ileport.
Courier : A. J. Rittenhouse will re
turn to Red Willow county to practice
law. . . .The trains are unhandy for Col.
Barnes. He was compelled to sojourn
in the county seat all day Monday. . . .
The proprietor of the show that will ex
hibit here on the 8th of July is the man
who opened the first bank in McCook.
. Five carloads of an old elevator
from some eastern town has been shipp
ed to Indianola. We have not learned
who is the proprietor. . . .Miss Tillic
Barnes will not attend the national con
vention of the Christian Endeavor soci
ety in New York. Miss Annie Holland
will go in her place.
At regular meeting of McCook Lodge
G ] , A. 0. U. W. , on June 27th , the
following officers were elected for 2nd
term , 1892 : J. A. Wilcox , M. W. ;
Dennis Cullen , F. ; C. B. Gray , 0. ; W.
II. Davis , R. ; H. W. Cole , Fcr. , A. A.
Bates , Recr. ; F. A. Thompson , GII. ; .
L. Davison , I. W. ; J. Y. O'Connell , 0.
W. ; Drs. Davis , Welles and Spickel-
inier. medical examiners. The lodge
roll shows a membership of 183 , and
new members are being added at each
meeting. The prospects are good for
five representatives to next grand lodge
A Republican Club was organized in
Alliance precinct , last Saturday night ,
with a membership of twenty-four. W.
W. Lemasters was chosen president of
the club. W. N. Lyman , secretary.
The Republicans in that section are
wide awake and will make an active
campaign this fall in that independent
Tlie new carriage and span of horses
just added to their equipment by Way-
son & Odell is one of the handsomest
turnouts to be seen among McCook's
many fine and stylish conveyances and
teams. The boys are making a high
bid for the public patronage.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
LOST : A silver watch and fob chain
and heart shaped charm , on the road
between the A. W. Corey ranch and
McCook. Finder will be suitably re
warded by leaving same at Sharp's bar
ber shop.
National Delegate Spearman feels
highly elated over the nomination of
Cleveland , and takes a deal of quiet
satisfaction in the defeat of Governor
Boyd for national committeeman.
The readers attention is called toDr.
Rice's card in this issue. The doctor's
office is over Lowman's store , where he
will answer all calls for his professional
services promptly.
The Republican state convention will
be held in Lincoln on August 4.
Burlington Excursions.
Eastern cities and
Burlington pleasure resorts are
best reached by the
The improved train
service in effect , brings Omaha within
forty hours and Denver within fifty-three
hours of New York , Boston or Phila
delphia. The numerous conventions to
be held in New York , Saratoga , Detroit
and other eastern cities during the com
ing summer , to which reduced rates
will apply , offer splendid opportunities
of visiting the east at an almost nomi
nal cost. The local agent of the B. &
M. R. R. will be glad to give you fur
ther information.
Colorado's Goof Retreats.
During the "tourists' season" from
July until September , the Burlington
Route has on sale round trip tickets at
very reduced rates , to the principal
resorts of Colorado.
To Denver , Colorado Springs , Manitou -
tou , Pueblo and Estes Parkthe , most
attractive spot in the whole state ) , par
ticularly low rates are in force.
July and August are the best months
in which to visit Colorado's unrivallei
resorts , to all of which the Burlinton ,
with its connections offers unequalled
The local agent will be glad to give
you any desired information.
A fare of one and a third rate has
been made between stations not over
two hundred miles distant. Tickets on
sale July 2nd , 3d and 4th with limit
for return to July 5th.
Annual Tournament Nebraska Turn
er's Association , Sioux City , Iowa , July
1st to 5th. Fare one and a third rate
for the round trip. Tickets on sale
June 28 to July 5th.
National Peoples' convention , Oma-
lia , Nebraska , July 4th. One fare for
the round trip. Tickets on sale July
1st to 5th. Tickets good only for con
tinuous passage both ways.
Chautauqua assembly , Crete , Ne
braska , July Gth to 10th. One fare
for the round trip. Tickets on sale
July oth to Gth. Limit for return
July 17th.
On and afcer July 1st all tickets ov
er the B. & M. will be limited for con
tinuous passage. No stop overs being
Commencing with Monday , May six
teenth , we will buy hogs on Mondays
of each week , when we will pay the
highest market price. We can pay
you more money on hogs delivered on
one day in the week than we can where
they are brought in a few at a time , as
we will thus be able to ship full car
loads , without holding the hogs at an
expense. F. S. WILCOX & Co.
My residence property in 3IcCook.
Property is well set in shade and fruit
trees , small fruits , etc. Will make
payments easy , and will sell at a reason
able figure. Call at once.
After Sunday , July 10th , we will
close our places of business at nine
o'clock , P. M. , Saturdays excepted.
Sunday hours as usual.
In tackling Brother Mather , our
friend J. Goggles has attempted to
bark one of the knottiest old trees im
aginable. Brother Mather is some
thing of a fire-eater himself ; and has a
most interesting and sprightly way of
striking right square out from the
The state supreme court says that
McCook's petition in the county-seat
removal case was good and sufficient.
7 Double seated carriage Price S90
1 Gray mare 7 years old. " 60
1 Bay mare 4 years old.u 70
1 Buckskin mare 7years old " 50
2 Yearling colts. " 80
1 Set double buggy harness. " 25
1 Side saddle. " 8
1 Man's saddle. " 5 t *
All the above will bo at private sale f r.
on four month's time. Security ap
proved. Enquire of S. Oordeal.0f
fice over Farmers and Merchants
Written in a reliable company at
the followinq low cheap rates :
$10 insurance $ .50 per acre
9 .45
8 .40
7 .35
6 .30
5 .25
By C. J. Ryan , McCookf Nebraska.
Over Farmers and Merchants Bank.
McCodh , Neb. , June XO , 1S02.
Water ti.\'fortlic third quarter
of 1S92 , becomes due Ju.frJut. .
1S92. We much , desire //our
prompt attention , fo ////-v matter.
TEW PKR CEjYT. will be added
to all la.vea n ot jut hi be for 4 o'clock.
P. M. , SdTUJtDA 1" , J U1A' Wlli.
Office hours : 9 to 12 A. M. , and
2 to 5 P. M. , reutra.l linn :
Word received this morning from
Clerk Campbell of the state supreme
court conveys the information that the
writ of madamus prayed for by McCook
in the count-seat removal case has been
allowed. And tin's action of th su
preme court , as we understand it ,
makes McCook's petition good and re
quires the calling of an election ! _ % the
Two diiving horries. a buggy and a
set of harness. Can be seen at the
[ volley barn.
Bear in mind that spring has opened
up and house cleaning has commenced.
Also remember that I am in the mar
ket as usual for the purchase of second
hand goods. Drop me a card and f
will call. J. II. LumviCK.
, Purveyor to trie Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Warm weather , flies and sticky fly
paper come together. You can secure
a prime and satisfactory article of the
latter at Chenery's City Drug Store.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
ot , besides having the best groceries on
rour table that the market affords.
Messrs. Battershall and West are
prepared to perform labor of all kinds
on short notice. They guarantee satis-
C. F. Babcock is agent for The N
York Life Insurance Co. See him if
rou want reliable life insurance.
Dr. A. J. Thomas. Dentist , office in
Jnion block , over Knipple.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
'or all kinds of machinery.
Walter A. Wood and 1'lano Binders
at S. M. Cochran & Co. ' ? .
We give more soap than anyone for
one dollar. THE RACKET STOUE.
Piano and Randolph Headers at S.
M. Cochran & Co.'s.
The Castle Cure Co. sent out their
first Graduate , this week.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report