i By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPER. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. REPUBLICAN TICKET. ' NATIONAL. For President , BENJAMIN HAICUISON , ( .1 . Indiana. For Vice I'lChidenl , W1J1TELAW ICEll ) , of New Yoik. COXOKKSSIONAI , . For Coiitfn-ss , W.M. K. ANDREWS , ol Hastings. THE trades unions of the whole United States are about to demand that the World's fair be opened on Sunday , the workingman's day for recreation. TJIE Ixocky Mountain News , the leading democratic paper west of Chicago , bolts Buzzard's JBay Beauty , and will support the pee ple's party candidate. ANOTHER candidate for the gu bernatorial nomination on the re publican ticket has be n mentioned A. E. Ca4y , of St. Paul. Mr. Cady has already made a record as a member of the legislature. COLONEL J. D. GAGE , of Frank lin county , failed to stand as a candidate for the republican con gressional nomination in the Fifth district , -but he is now being boomed for the nomination for the state senate. SHOULD the people's party name Judge Gresham for its can didate at Omaha next month , the chances are more than ever that he would have the mighty support of the New York Sun. And do the leaders of the party known what that Avould mean ? Call. THE citizens of Holdrege and vicinity are thinking of investing some money with Melbourne , the rain maker. They should do nothing of the sort. The rain that comes with that fraud will come without him , and if it doesn't come without him the farmers may look out for a drouth. This is THE TRIBUNE'S opinion. AN exchange having stated that fifty union veteran soldiers were delegates to the convention that nominated McKeighan. the Cul- bertsoii Hepublican remarks : "What of that ? Among the 130 delegates to the convention on Wednesday , that nominated his republican opponent , Andrews , ninety four of the delegates wore G.A.E. buttons , and veterans were there who did not wear the but tons to our certain knowledge. THE hue and cry of a few puny organs that Whitelaw Held is the enemy of organized labor is simply political buncombe designed to weaken the republican ticket. Some slight differences between The Tribune and the typograph ical union arose during Mr. Beid's absence in Europe , but the diffi culties were happily adjusted to the satisfaction of all concerned shortly after his arrival home. This compaign will be fought up on party principals , and mudslinging ing will carry no weight with fair- voters. THERE were but two candidates before the McCook convention for the congressional nomination W. E. Andrews and D. M. Nettleton. Andrews was nominated for con gress aud Nettletou was chosen as presidential elector. Both will get there PROF ANDREWS , in Lis speech in this city last Friday night paid a tribute to James G. Blaiiie. which o'ershadows all that has ever been said of the great statesman , when he said that Mr. "the in America Blaiiie was only man ica who had really risen above theo " THE selection o ffice of president" lection of John L. McPheely , of this city , as chairman of the con gressional committee was a timely choice , and means a red hot cam paign from start to finish. Me is a r0od organizer and hard worker himself and he will inspire the sther boys to active work also. If Andrews" not elected it will not bo the fault of J. L. McPheeley. J.-U Grselte. -i % * * ft J1" -Ij-lT-mlJlf- Two liomeseekiug excursions wil come to Nebraska this year , oue cm August ' 30 aud the other on Sept ember 27. It is a common practice in every fresh and new settlemen to present highly colored induce ments to eastern people who are seeking to better their condition , am not unfrequently a severe penalty is paid for excessive booming whei the deceived homeseekor pulls up his stakes and moves nway leaving those who have expected to become suddenly rich by inflated real estate values to mourn and find fault with the hard decrees of fate. Nebraska passed beyond the ex perimental period many years ago. Among the states west of the Miss issippi it ranks as an old common wealth. It is not a field that invites the adventurer. It offers no in ducement to the devotees of happy change. There is no such thing as gambling upon the future of the state. "With this plain statement as an introduction , The Bee ventures to suggest that the thousands of citi zens of Nebraska who have friends in the east cannot better show in terest in them than by asking them to join one of these homeseekiug excursions and take a look at this state , investigating its vast resour ces and estimating its unlimited possibilities. It is a curious fact that millions of eastern people whose material conditions could hardly be worse than it is are wholly ignorant of the opportuni ties here offered. If they had heard of these opportunities they have imagined that some one was trying to practice on their credu lity.There There is a vast amount of room in Nebraska. There is ample space for the farmer , the tradesman and the manufacturer. It is not necessary that the homeseeker should be a mere tiller of the soil. "With each year's development of thf rich resources of the state a wider field is open for every form of human activity. Let the citizens of Nebraska invite their eastern friends to join one of these homeseekiug excur sions and pay them a visit. In any event it can do no harm , and perhaps it may effect a great im provement in the condition of some wno are now struggling tor exis tence in the thickly populated east. Visitors are ahays welcomed heie. Omaha Bee. General John W. Faster was Wednesday appointed secretary estate state by President Harrison auc promptly confirmed by the senate General Foster's diplomatic exper ience fits him for the position. He has been minister to Russia , Mexico ice and Spain and had a great deal to do with negotiating the recipro city arrangement with the latter country. He has also represented ike State department in the nego tiation of other reciprocity agree ments , and no one has a more thorough knowledge of that polic } ' . He has been under the present ad ministration the diplomatic attor ney of the state department , aud in that relation has proved himself a most able and useful official. General Foster is said to be entire ly familiar with every phase of the Bering sea controversy , and as the arbitration is near at hand his counsel will be important and val uable. Besides his extensive ex perience in diplomatic affairs , the new secretary of state is a lawyer of superior attainments. He en joys the full confidence of the pres ident and is in complete harmony with his views on all the subjects with which the state department has at present to deal. ± ± e is to be credited to Indiana , although for a number of years a resident of the District of Columbia. Bee. "TiiE carefully prepared estimate of the secretary of the interior showed , " says the Indianapolis Journal , "that over § 144,000,000 would be needed during the next fiscal year for pensions , but the democratic house reduced the amount nearly eleven million doll ars. " Either a lot of pensions will not be paid toward the close of the next fiscal year or a deficiency will be created to be provided for during the next session after the presidential election. "Will the old soldiers vote for the candidate of a party that is guilty of such an act ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GREAT BRITAIN is going to cele brate the Fourth of July this year by holding her elections that day. General Bidwell of O.lifornln is prohibition nominee for p" - -AA - , SL HOT WEATHER GOODS. Summer Lawns , Parasols and Fans , Organdies and Ghallies9 Embrod. Robes & Suitings. BS Special prices on above goods for next 3O days. We want to and MUST sell every pattern. ETC. , FOR MEN'S WEAR. Don't ' Forget Our Grocery Department , The Largest Stock , Lowest Prices , C. L , DeGROFF & CO. WAIT FOR THE BIG SHOWS ! AN ENTIRE CITY BY ITSELF 10 TIMES LARGER THAN EVER ! P. J. TAYLOR'S til Huge World's Museum , Caravan , Hippodrome , Menagerie and Congress of Wild and living Animals. RXHIBIT AT- [ NOTE Owing to arrangements made by the American Showmen's Pool League this will be the only big show to visit Red Willow county this year. ] $20 OQO That we give the best circus performance ever seen in the \Vcst. j 50 STAR PERFORMERS ! 5 FUNNY , FAMOUS CLOWNS ! JTIP AND SAMSON , The Mightiest and Biggest Brutes that Breathe. The Goliaths of the Giant Tribe. Largest elephant and camel in the world. J1P. the grand old battle -car- red war elephant. SAMSON , the tallest sky-towering camel the world ever saw. Only Fan-Eared Elephant in Captivity. Baby Camel Only 10 Months Old. And a menagerie containing all the animals worth seeing under the sun. fflAiiftlA DlVAim Of two exalted circus companies. F8HQ UOIIDIB UllGllS Grandest of hirpodrome specialties Grand Free Street Parade. - Free Flight to the Clouds Each Dap. Two Performances Daily , Rain or Shine. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. in. , performance commpnoe ono hour later. Don't ] < > t I > LH ! r : ( . - : - i- in - ' v i. n . . r < ii-i : | > } -oint. ADMISSION TO Dr : : „ / . . < ; * / a.iu mcnAG-t.t- , ONLY 25 MU 35 OTS. SUMMER 1892. SEASONABLE GOODS THE Fill CLOTHE C THIN & VES18 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS , iwear , Strew Goods , Boys' Waists , Best Variety and Lowest Prices AT ALL TIMES. MEDIUM MGHT SUITS , PMTS AND OTHER GOODS OUR ASSORTMENT IS GOOD , Neb. JONAS ENGEL , Manager. A. WILCOX & SON. We give below a lew of the many bargains we give our customers : All Package Coffee , a pound , - - 20c. Seedless Kaisins , a pound , - - - 5c. 21 Pounds of Ex. "C5 Sugar for $ l.oo 19 Pounds Granulated Sugar for § l.oo 3'Cans Blackberries for - - - 25c. ! Standard Prints , per yard , - - - Gc. To all who will buy a bill of goods from us we will demonstrate to them the advan tage they gain by paying cash. M id 1 ITCHY PI COREY and MADDUX , Props. Equipment Unequalled in Western Nebraska , 40 TO 2000 ACRE TRACTS , S5 TO S15 PER RCRE. i stamp for Price List and Descriptive Circular nf Southwestern Nebrashn to AND STOCK RANCHES.S. . H.COLVIN , McCooM f HW/ourta..Neb.