The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1892, Image 5

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    W' -
You Can Draw Your Own Conclusions
About our § 2.00 , $2.50 , § 3.00
Shoes , but there's really only one
conclusion that you can possibly
come to and that is that in shoe
leather a bettor investment you
never made. Just as sure as you
wear this shoe , just so sure will
that be your judgment of it. Some
shoes are cheap without being
good ; others are not good without
being cheap ; this shoe is cheap
and good enough for the most fas
tidious of feet. It will fit as snugly -
ly as a made to order shoe and
there are many made to order
shoes that havn't its durability.
In all respects it's a wise purchase
for the wise buyer.
Land seekers are on the wing.
Minneapolis Binders at S. M. Coch
ran & Co.'s.
We may confidently expect a grand
harvest this year.
A twelve pound boy at th Goodroe
home , this morning.
J. I. Case threshing machines at S.
i ! M. Cochran & Co.'s.
List your lands for sale with H. B
' Benson. Tribune building.
Leading brands of soap cheap at
Cattle will be a large portion of thi
future wealth of western Nebraska.
As the summer days slip and slidi
away , donoc forget to attend churcl
Noble carries a large and completi
stock of the best brands of cannee
goods of all kinds.
The city treasurer will enforce col
lection of delinquent occupation tax ai
once , according to instruction from th <
city council.
Ex-Judge Cochran of McCook has
been secured as the orator of the daj
for the celebration at Haigler. The
Judge is a very able speaker and nl !
should hear him. Haigler Tribune.
The Metropolitan !
Our machinery is arriving.
We will soon be a full fledged
laundry. Call and see us.
We are prepared to do up
lace curtains and. fancy work
on short notice.
Machinists' over clothes etc. ,
cleaned and starched.
Will be glad to have all un =
satisfactory work ( RETURJf =
ED } as we are very desirous to
please everybody.
Give us your patronage.
Laundry : WestDennisonstreet ,
two doors east of Probst's bakery.
Laundry soap still our leader.
f ?
Pasture for farir
stock by S. II. COLVIN
Farm loans at iiiiu
per cent , straight
Woe to linn who is behind with his
farm work now.
We place Andrews' majority in llei
Willow county at 200. Courier.
Good crops promise McCook quite i
church building boom , this fall.
The McCook people will celebrate
with their neighbors again , this year.
This is a triple extract , double-com
pound , absolutely pure corn weather.
A splendid rain , last night , to give
the growing crops an additional boost.
FOUND : A heart shaped gold locket.
Owner can have same by calling at this
The republican congressional con
vention at McCook was a hummer.
Indianola Courier.
Keeley Home Treatment for Tobac
co , $5.00. Address , Keeley Institute ,
Beatrice , Nebraska.
Next to the Columbian Exposition ,
the biggest thing in sight is the Red
Willow County Fair.
The Nebraska wheat harvest will be
i little later than usual but there will be
nothing small about it.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
jy S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Den-
lison street hardwaremen.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer-
es. He will treat vou right.
C. F. Babcock is agent for The New
STork Life Insurance Co. See him i
rou want reliable life insurance.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
he city. His stock is the largest am
lis prices correspond with the times.
IN QUEENSWA11E Noble carries
he largest assortment and the richest
esigns of the season. His prices are
Pay $100.00 cash down and $ ] o.0l
a month and get a deed for a home in
stead of a receipt for rent. S. fl. Col
vin sells on these terms.
After four or five unsuccessful at
tempts Jerry O'Neil has finally struck
water on his farm south of the city ; his
well being on the bluff is two hundred
and fifteen feet deep.
THE TRIBUNE is going out of the
stationery trade , except such as is
strictly connected with its job depart
ment , and will sell stock on hand at less
than cost. Come and take it away.
A petition is again in circulation
in Hitchcock county for an election to
remove the county-seat from Culbert-
son to Trenton. The main reason for
its removal is alleged that the county
must spend $2,000 to repair the court
We would suggest that the name of
this county be changed from "Dundy"
to "Irrigation. " Our reasons for this
is because irrigation has been adopted
to such an extent that the name "irri
gation" would he of more justice to
the people than thai of the present
one. Haigler Tribune.
THE McCoOK TRIBUNE is justly in
dignant at the special correspondent of
the Omaha Bee at that place who tele
graphed glowing accounts of the recent
windstorm calling the same a ' 'terrible
ivclone. " THE TRIBUNE is right in
saying that it is rank injustice to a
country as free from cyclones as almost
any spot on the globe. Beaver Valley
The building committee of the Con
gregational church met on Monday
evening at the pastor's residence. They
looked carefully over the designs for
churches as found in E. B.Price's book ,
of Philadelphia , and selected a beautiful
edifice , which they hope , soon , to com
mence building. The building for erec
tion will be an edifice that will do credit
to our town.
"Groceries at Nobles' .
Ike Sheridan of Indianola is mentioned
as a prominent candidate for the inde
pendent nomination for representative.
Last Saturday , Squire 11. II. Berry
united in marriage Mr. 0. L. Over-
stake and Miss Sadie llodgers , of Cam
Sunday morning service at the Lu
theran church at 11 o'clock. Commun
ion service and Baptism. Sunday school
at 10 o'clock.
The small boy with his fire crackers
has already commenced celebrating our
natal day. But really we can't get along
without the small boy.
No. five on last Friday evening , ran
down a broncho as Johnson was pulling
into the McConk yard , crippling the
animal so seriously that it had to be
They are preparing for a splendid
celebration at Danbury on the Fourth ,
with a varied and attractive program ,
which will beyond a pcradventure draw
thither an immense crowd from the
Beaver Valley.
The remains of Oscar Brown , ( who
died at Frank Everist's ranch , last
Thursday evening , ) were buried in the
Culbertson cemetery on Friday after
noon last , the expenses of the interment
jeing borne by Driftwood friends and
McCook business men.
The soda water season is with us and
is usual The City Drugstore is prompt-
y on hand with the very latest and
> est the market offers in that line ,
fheir fountain is now in operation and
f you want a drink of soda water , with
he purest of syrups , turn your foot- ,
teps toward The City Drug Store.
iTou are certain of securing it there.
McCook has donned her imperial
obes of beauty and her season of love-
iness has just unfolded. While she islet
lot a town of palatial brown stone
frontsyet she paints upon the retina of
the stranger's eye a picture that is soul
ful and pleasant. For health , general
morals , peace , plenty , culture , beauty
and dogs she is the peer of any town in
the state.
Two Russian domestics have recent
ly been employed at housework in the
Altshuler home. And by a singular
coincidence the silverware , or at least
a portion of it , disappeared during the
term or tneir service or at the time ol
their discharge. So Mr. Altshuler in
vaded their home in South McCook
first of the week , armed with a searcl
warrant , to clear up the mystery con
nected with the disappearance of tin
silverware. He was partially success
ful , and left a business-like impressioi
resting on the minds of the long fin
gered females , which constrained then
to soon place all the missing silverwari
in Mr. Altshuler's coal house , when
they were found by the members ot th <
household , not many hours after th <
Another of the deserving newspaper !
that has had a birthday lately is THE
McCooK TRIBUNE. Itis one of the fev
"all home print" newspapers that reach
es The Journal and it is also one of th (
neatest and best. A great many news
papers in the state would have a hare
time giving an excuse for their exist
ence , since a dozen lines or so of loca !
news , a few clipped editorial items and
a few horribly and fearfully constructed
advertisements , the whole having the
appearance of being printed with rusty
nails and clayey loam on an inferioi
jrade of wood paper in a cheese press ,
connot be said to return value received
for subscription price. Such papers
as THE TRIBUNE rest the eye that has
* rown tired searching through a bushel
of newspaper chaff fora grain of wheat ,
May the shadows of Colonel Kimmell
and his TRIBUNE never grow less.
? alls City Journal.
Wall Paper ,
Come and see our new
designs in wall paper.
On last Saturday night at the B. &
M. there was gathered a select com
pany of Knights Templar and their
ladies from McCook and adjacent towns.
The banquet furnished for the occasion
under the direct supervision of J. M.
Trammel and wife , who came up from
Oxford for the purpose , exceeded even
the high standard of their usual at
tempts and all the delicacies of the
season were most temptingly displayed.
After the repast Sir Knight H. W.
Cole welcomed the ladies and visiting
Sir Knights in a neat little speech ,
which was responded to by Mrs.S. Cor-
deal for the ladies , and Sir Knight
Bishop , of Indianola , for the visiting
Knights. Other toasts followed by
Sir Knights Green , Wilcox and Cor-
deal. Those present were :
MR. and Mils. J. A. Wilcox and
daughter , MR. and MRS. J. T. Bullard
and daughter , MR. and MRS.S. Cordcal
and daughter. MR. and MRS. John
Hatfield , A. Campbell , A. Snyder , S.
L. Green , II. W. Cole , C. E. Pope , T.
L. Jones , H. M. Tyler , J. H. lloxby , R.
L. Tinker , K. B. Archibald , J. F Gan-
schow , G. F. ProngerWm. Smith , E.G.
Ballew. MRS. Cora Kelley , C. W.
Bronson. Messrs. H. H. Easterday ,
G.S.Bishop , A. A.Taylor , A..H. Barnes ,
ind J. A. Tubbs.
Work in the Red Cross degree on
three Oberlin brethren drew together
the Sir Knights of McCook at the B.
& iu. hotel on Wednesday night , last.
The following Sir Knights were present
at the feast : J. A. Wilcox , J. T.
Bullard , 0. E. Reynolds , S. Cordeal ,
J. 11. McFaul , S. L. Green , H. II.
Easterday , T. G. Rees , H. W. Cole , J.
A. Tubbs , R. B. Archibald , J. F. Gan-
schow , Wm. Smith , J. L. Landers , E.
C. Ballew , J. Adams , G. W. Bertram ,
A. C. T. Geiges and Wm. A. Burnett.
The finale of the High Five Club's
parties was held on Tuesday evening , of
this week in the Babcock building.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Troth entertained
the club , which is equivalent to saying
that the affair was thoroughly clever
and enjoyable in every respect. The
guests were : Mr. and Mrs. C. T-
Brewer , C. F. Babcock , V. Franklin ,
F. M. Kimraell , H. P. Sutton , J. B.
Meserve , S. W. Huddleston , J. C.
Birdsell , 0. M. Knipple , J. Albert
Wells , C. M. Noble , D. E. Bomgard-
ner , Geo. E. Johnston , Mrs. Nellie
Johnson and Mrs. M. A. Spaulding. The
honors ware awnrdnd Mrs. Nftllin Inlin-
son and Mr. J. C. Birdsell. The boob ;
prizes were captured by Mrs. H. P
Sutton and Mr. C. T. Brewer without ;
It is quite evident that firmer actioi
is necessary in this matter of lawi
sprinkling. The hill portion of the city
under the present condition of affairs
is not only robbed of half their supph
of water for lawn sprinkling purposes
but most of the night , if not quite al
night , are left practically without fin
protection , as the tank is often kep
dry all night , by the disregarding of all
regulations as to hours etc. While thi
city fathers are in the business THI
TRIBUNE would suggest that they tak <
this crying evil into account. Half th <
consumers are robbing the otlisr half
It is a matter to be most sincerel ]
deplored that so much of error and mis
representation appears in the Omahr
Bee concerning this country. The arti
cles are uniformly unreliable and dama
ging in that they are unreasonably over
drawn and valuable facts are misstated
to our harm. It is an injustice to this
country , perhaps not intentional , bui
nevertheless rank , and that which i :
doubtless intended for our good , in the
eyes of sensible men , makes us ridiculous
and liars of the very ffrst magnitude , ll
is about time that the Bee correspondenl
confines himself somewhere within the
lines af truth. We have enough sensa
tional rot.
A farmer by the name of Hoffman
living about thirty miles from here up
in Hayes county , has lost four children
from scarlet fever within the past two
weeks. The remaining two children
are sick and their recovery is despaired
of. Surely his cup of sorrow runnetl
MARRIED : In McCook , June 23d , at
the residence of O. D. Keith , Mr. Wm.
Upright and Miss Mable Lee , both oi
Holdrege. Rev. A. W. Coffman offi
All members McCook Lodge 61 , A.
0. U. W. , are requested to attend
meeting , June 27th , for election oi
The Only Big Show to Exhibit in This
Vicinity This Year.
Through an arrangement entered in
to between the proprietors of the lead
ing shows of the country the great F.
J. Taylor shows , which appear in Mc
Cook , July 9th , will be the only tented
exhibition of any importance that will
visit this section of the country this
year. Already the circus-loving portion
tion of this community is on the tip-toe
of expectancy over the coining of the
old reliable F. J. Taylor aggregation ;
and it can be set down as a certainty
that it will attract tremendous crowds.
The proprietor of this well known es
tablishment who is the acknowledged
leader of the circus business of
America , is said to have outdone al
previous efforts in this line , both in the
novelty of the entertainment and in the
wonderful features exhibited. The se
curing of the umbrella eared elephant ,
the only one in America , at an enor
mous outlay of cashis , evidence that the
manager of this great show is bound
to exhibit to its patrons something new
ind worthy the great name and reputa
tion it already has. The street parade
ivill he the grandest ever seen here.
After the parade a grand free show
ivill be given on the show grounds ,
.vhich . is said to be the best ever given.
We confidently predict enormous crowds
> n July 9th.
Minden at McGook.
About twenty republicans , good and
true went from Minden to the McCook
convention , which was held yesterday ,
and all came back feeling proud of
their town , proud of McPheely , proud
of the glee club and proud of the can
didate who was nominated. McPheely
was made chairman of the convention ,
and no convention ever had a better
presiding officer. The glee club com-
pletly captured the immense crowd
with the splendid music it sang , and if
the boys had staid they might have
been singing yet. The McCook people
royally took care of the crowd , and all
who were there are much pleased with
the trip and result of the convention.
The delinquent personal tax lists for
the city of McCook , Nebraska , have
been placed in the hands of C. F.
Babcock , deputy sheriff , for collection
nnrl nnn hn Fminrl nh M o nffipo nf Roli-
cock & Kelley in National Bank build
ing. Parties who have not paid their
taxes should call at once and settle ,
thereby saving costs , as the sheriff is
authorized to collect these taxes by legal
methods if not paid immediately.
W. T. HENTON , Treasurer.
Commencing with Monday , May six
teenth , we will buy hogs only on Mon
days of each week , when we will pay
the highest market price. We can pay
you more money on hogs delivered on
one day in the week than we can where
they are brought in a few at a time , as
we will thus be able to ship full car
loads , without holding the hogs at an
expense. F. S. WILCOX & Co.
To All Whom it May Concern.
Notice is hereby given that my wife
Laura has left my bed and board with
out cause or provocation and that 1 will
not be responsible for bills of her mak
ing ; and all persons are warned not
to sell her goods on my account.
McCook , Nebraska , June 1 , 3892.
Two driving horses , a buggy and a
set of harness. Can be seen at the
Kelley barn.
This morning Darius Kendall moved
his establishment over to the building
on west Dennison street formerly occu
pied by Brewer's west side meat market.
Mr. Kendall recently purchased his new
/ Double seated carriage Price $90
1 Gray mare 7 years old.u 60
1 Bay mare 4 years old.u 70
1 Buckskin mare 7years old " 50
2 Yearling colts. u 80
1 Set double buggy harness , u 25
1 Sidesaddle. u 8
1 Man's saddle. 5
All the above will be at private sale
on four month's time. Security ap
proved. Enquire of S. Gordeal.0f
fice over Farmers and Merchants
It is rumored that Col. Barnes has
rented his paper for three months.
When Col. Barnes retires from the
newspaper business in McCook , the
people who used to cuss him and say
that he should be given hours to leave
town , will hold meetings and lament to
gether that this good man and lustrous
journalist is no longer running a paper
here. They will declare that Colonel
Barnes conducted the only paper in
this part of the west worth reading and
that Literature received its death blow
when he dropped his pen. They will
probably follow him to his hermitage
and beg of him to take hold oi his
Trdnchant Pen and edit a paper once
more , and when he yields to their en
treaties and goes into the newspaper
business again they will cuss him as of
yore , and say that he ought to be fried
in axle grease , and buried alive head
downward. Lt s the way human nature
runs. Col. Barnes is a complete com
pendium of all known virtues with a
copious glossary of lovable traits , and
THE TRIBUNE commends him to the
mercy of the public.
"A new postal card for use in foreign
mail will be introduced in the postofliccs
throughout the country on July l"said
Postmaster Troth the other evening.
"It is really a double postal card and
the principal object of its introduction
is to enable correspondents to prepare
answers by post. This could not be
done with letters and stamps , as those
of the latter issued by this government
cannot be used in sending mail from
other countries to this. The new card
will do away with that trouble. Attach
ed to the card on which the original
message is written-is a duplicate , folded
over. The one receiving the card tears
off the duplicate and returns it with the
answer. The new cards \vill be sold at
four cents each and can be sent to all
foreign countries in the postal union. "
During the rain storm , last night , tbe
Iwelling house in South McCook occu
pied by Hank Walker , was struck by
lightning and considerably shattered ,
but none of the family were injured ,
though somewhat stunned for the mo
ment. The chimney and roof were but
slightly damaged.
I have some good unencumbered
property in Iowa and eastern Nebraska
; o trade for land in southwestern Ne
braska. If you want to trade give me
i call. II. U. BENSON.
Tribune building. McCook , Neb.
S. H. Colvin reports the following
sales , this week : A house and lot in
south McCook to W. C. Bullard for
p300 dollars and a house and lot in
minal McCook to George Burns for
Prof. Button's peerless band gave a
lelightful open air concert , Saturday
evening , which called out a large assem
blage of citizens to appreciate their
splendid music.
THE TRIBUNE press issued some
; asty and mammoth posters for the
Danbury folks , this week , advertising
; heir Fourth of July celebration.
The C. H. Meeker irrigation ditch has
low reached a point east of the city in
: he neighborhood of the A. A. Phillippi
For the news of McCook. TIIE TRIB-
JXE is the stuff. For the news of some
jther place , read some other paper.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report