V. ! i ! ; " " " "jj * " 'y.rrjrf T * * & : < ' , J ' ' % > - . " " ? * - ' * YEAR. McCOOK , RED 'WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 27 , 1892 NUMBER 1. Are all in ; and we show a DfBSS comPlete stock , the best by all odds in the city. Is open and doing- rush ing * business from the start , Millinery Dept none to compare with it in the city of McCook. We are the only house in rigflit and. to fit. r v When you want goods in our line , come and inspect ours. L. LOWMAN & SDK /OH' ' cweenijBL. dan-SsS 2 DO YOU READ SfN \ m M The Leading Weekly in West ern Nebraska. $1,50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. f J yousec - it innicj&fo' $ it i ao. J GENUINE BARGAINS ! Has the actual difference in the way CLOTHING- put up ever oc curred to you ? If it has not , a visit to the various places where clothing is sold will convince you that there is a vast , difference between "slop-shop hand-me-downs" and clothing ( not things ) made of good material and nicely put together. Here is where we have always made a strong point and the fact that we are selling Men's and Boys' Suits .and Pants , trimmed , lined and sewed equal to any tailor made suits , at prices as low , and often lower , than the "slop shop" stuff explains in itself why we are doing so large a clothing business. "We have put forth an extra effort this spring , and you will find our tables loaded down with the prettiest line of MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS to be found on this market , and if you are looking for good , honest goods at the lowest prices , we ask you to carefully inspect this department. And in Hats , Shirts , Suspenders , Overalls , Jeans , Pants , SOCKS , Ties , Night Shirts , etc. , we have just what you want and at a price that will meet your itt House , C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. * ' \ r " , V / . * t" * - * T > f ? HEOPLEjmnCNOW. L. W. McUoiinell succeeds Dr. Jones a secretary of tlie McCook Club. Col. J. S. LeHew Sundayed in Hastings fighting the war over with an old comrade. Chas. A. VanPelt was up from Norcatur Kansas , Monday and Tuesday , on business JudsonEabcock was up from Cambiidge Wednesday , the guest of his brother Charles J. II. Christner , the Hayes Centre abstiact er. had business in the metropolis , Wednes day. Sheriff Banks was up , Tuesday , on busi ness of his oilice. Mrs. .Banks accnmpaniet him.- him.F. F. H. Spearman , of the Farmers and Mer chants bank , was at the state capital , Satur day , oil business. Miss Louie Staibuck ainved home , Mon day , from Omaha , where she has been visit ing her sister Mrs. George Goodwin. Judge Abbott of the Hayes Centre Repub lican paused a biief while at these headquar- teis , Monday , while on his way to Hastings. Dr. L. J. Spickelmier expects to go Omaha soon to complete arrangements for establish ing "gold cure" in McCook tor inebiiacy , etc. D. C. Stapleton of Omaha , president of the Stapleton Land Co. , ariived in the city , Tues day morning , on matteis of business moment. D. E. Bomgardner went in to Omaha and Lincoln , Sunday night , and represented Mc Cook at the state's silver anniversary on the 25th-27th. Dr. A. T. Kice of Stratton moved to Mc Cook , Tuesday , to engage in the practice of his profession. The family occupy the "giout" house. Mr. and Mis. J. T. Bullard left , Wednes day morning , for eastern Nebraska , and will be absent some time visiting relatives in Omaha and Lincoln. E. 0. Butterfield , Haider's leading lawyer and politician , spent a few hours in the city , Satuiday , on his Way to Indianola on some foreclosure business. Ex-Eepreseutative Cruzen , of Curtis gazed with astonishment upon our substan tial prosperity , Wednesday , while in the city on matters of politics etc. Grand Lecturer Gillett , of Beatrice"has been here part of the week on Masonic work. He is also Inspector General of the Scottish Rite degree of the great order. George LeHew was before the examining aoard of this congressional district at Hast ings , last Saturday , being an applicant for the appointment to West Point. C. H. Peck , the Tienton irrigationist and janker , was a city visitor , Monday evening. He reports irrigation matters as progressing satisfactorily in Hitchcock county. Sol. Dewey put in appearance on our streets , Tuesday morning , jind says the rest of the family will arrive from Ouray , Colorado rado , to make McCook their home , soon. E. C. Ballew , THE TBIBUKE is pleased to earn , has decided to remain with us , and will not return to Missouri , as contemplated ; rat thinks of engaging in the abstracting business. Dr. C. fl. Jones departs , Sunday , for the west The doctor is a rising young man in his ) rofession ; his many McCook friends wish lira boundless success ; and regret his depart ure from our city. M. E. Piper came in , Saturday , from a two or three week's trip through the counties vest and northwest of us. He reports the rep acreage as almost double that of last ear , and the prospect elysion. J. W. Hupp of the State Bank of Lebanon C. A. Baxter , the Burlington's accommodat- ng agent at that sprightly station , and Geo. Sifert , were with us of the valley's pride , Saturday and Sunday , on matters of busi ness. C. J. Jones and family did not get away , ast week , as expected , but left on yesterday morning's passenger for Benson , Douglas ounty , where Mr. Jones will be in charge of the herd of buffaloes formerly located at his point. M. N. Eskey , chairman ; of the Republican County Central Committee , spent a few lours in McCook , Wednesday evening. He was on his way to Denver to bring Mrs. Es key home. The chairman is pieparing for in active county campaign , this fall. Miss Bertha Boyle expects to go to Daven port , Neb. , flrst of next week , to make her ister Mrs. T. B. Stutzman a visit. While at Davenport , Miss Bertha , who is a painstak- ng and accomplished elocutionist , will or ganize a class of young people , and as she is particularly successful in teaching the young , ? HE TRIBUNE hopes she may secure a large lass. Col. Barnes uncovered his beautiful loan Hyphen to the gaze of the venerated citizens f Indianola , Sunday , despite the injunction ssuedfrom this office restraining the Col- nel from spending more than seven days in he week at Indianola. Col. Mitchell , the expediate" localizer , herded the Dutch Brigade on the commons north of town dur- ig the chief's absence. C. C. Bean , a practical irrigationist , arriv- d yesterday , from Loveland , Colorado , to ive instruction in the scientific use of an rrigation ditch. Mr. Meeker has been mak- ig a thorough canvass for the right man to id those taking * water from his ditch , and in Mr. Bean , who comes with unqualified ecommendations of Colorado's best irriga- onists , he feels confident that he has the man he has been seeking. Mr. Bean will go a work at once giving all the beneQt of his cnowledpe and experience of years in the msiness. Hewili no doubt be of great as- istance to all. ) WE "PAS JTOBODY. The new time card is expected Sunday , suie. J. J. Curran is enteitaimng his brother's wife and child from Dakota. Mrs. Harry Tyler of Orleans visited Mc Cook relatives , first of the week. E Buy a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Travel ing Engineer Dixon and family oc cupied the residence vacated by C. J. Jones , this week. No. 1 went through to Denver , Tuesday , in two sections , the Kansas City train being late at Oxford. Mis. A. J. Chambers returned home , yes terday , from Hastings , wheie hhe had been visiting since Monday. Mrs. George Leming of McCook is visiting in the city , the guest of Wm. Parks and wife on Sewaid street. Red Cloud Argus. A scarlet fever card is displayed at the west side section house , one of James Pow ell's children being down with the dreaded disease. The bridge near Otis , Colo. , burned out , last Saturday , delaying trains a number of hours from the west before the bridge gang could make temporary repairs. It is announced that work will be commen ced on the extension of the Frenchman val ley line to Imperial , about June 10th , the road to be completed to that point in August ; which will be a crowning event in the life ot : Iie Iinpeiialites. Mrs. W. M. Vischer and family go to Mc Cook , tomorrow morning , and will hereafter make their home in tiiat city , wheie Mr. Vischer has a good job on the B. & M. , being foreman of a gang of men repairing freight cars. Red Cloud Argus. The longest run that has been made by an engine for some time was made by engine So. 161 , last week , Misner , engineer , from Denver to Sterling over the U. P. and Holyoke - eke to Hastings over the B. & M. with pas senger No. 0 , only stopping for coal and water. Fanaticism will carry some people to great extremes. A case in point was that of a hand somely dressed woman who boarded a B. & M. passenger coach in Central City the other day , and who upon taking her seat glanced up and observed over a small apaitment in one end of the coach the significant sign , 'Ladies Saloon , " "whereupon she exclaimed : Here brakeman help me off with my bag gage. I do not propose to ride on any train , hat carries a saloon nlnner with it. much less x saloon for ladies , " and off theladvgot while he gentlemen in the car broke into an ungal- ant roar of laughter in which even the ladies oined with considerable of a titter. All agreed that it would be strictly in order for heB.&M. to change their.signs to something lot so likely to be misconstrued by the ladies of the towns where the saloon question is be- ug severely agitated. Grand Island Inde pendent Sunday night at 9:30 : o'clock , thirteen miles east of New Castle , occurred one of the most unfortunate and saddest accidents that has ever befallen the Wyoming division. At ; hat time engine 178 in charge of engineer Wilson , and fireman M. E. Rinehart , was going on train 45 , when suddenly Con. Zol- iuger and brakeman Rodgers saw a cloud of flame and smoke from the engine. The rain was earned forward by its momentum until the way car stopepd nearly op posite where the engine had been , and it was discovered that the boiler and cab of the en gine had been torn from the frame and .hrown . nearly two hundred feet from the rack. The engine frame and wheels were not moved from the track , and the tank was untouched. Engineer Wilson , fireman Rine hart and brakeman A. E. Woodberry were all found badly burned and bruised by the concussion ; the first two fatally. Fireman linehart was conscious to the last and lived five hours after the accident. He was down on the deck of the engine and was terribly ) urned and larcerated. Engineer Wilson ived till 3:27 Monday aftemoon , but did not egaiu consciousness. Medical assistance and the railroad officials left Alliance as soon is word was received of the accident , but lothing could be done to save the two men. kakemanVoodberry was scalded and had lis spine bruised , but is doing well at home under the care of Dis. Barr and Houck. The leceased both carried insurance in the relief iepartment. Rinehart leaves a wife and hree children to mourn his loss. No one eems to know the whereabouts of Wilson's elatives. The officials have used every effort to find them without avail. Both of he dead men were brought to Alliance for burial. The funeral being conducted by lev. McReynolds from the M. E. church' Tuesday afternoon , at five o'clock. A num ber of their fellow railroad employees , and ympathizing friends in town attended the uneral. Alliance Pioneer Grip. W. S. Morlan and J. A. Cordeal were in Stratton , Wednesday , attorneys in the some- vhat famous sqaubble to establish a saloon n that place. The petition was withdrawn- Dr. G. E. Belles , the widely known travel- ng dentist , is in McCook today on some mat ers of business. She Doesn't Have Any. rrom The Alliance Herald. Bro. Kimmell , of THE TRIBUNE , aeems to have a great admiration for old maids , he's talking a good deal of the time about the Old Maid's Hyphen at McCook. Why not give the Hy phen a rest Bro. Kimmell and toll something abouther periods \ ) i I V J , MoCOOK , NEB. All the Very Latest Styles P4PFS ft Vyi\l JLyO 01 IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Our Millinery Dept. ! IS COMPLETE IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Stylish Trimmed and Usitrsmmed We have the Best and Most Experi enced Dress Maker in the city. Every thing guaranteed. Our New and Beautiful Line of PARASOLS just received. Come er J see them. Wetfs M/SS CORY , Designer and Trimmer. MRS. LEWIS , Dressmaker.