The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 07, 1891, Image 5

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1 uni prepared to fill a few good
implications at once- Money on
hand when application is approv
ed. J. E. KELLEY.
lleunion dates : Sept. 21-26.
Sherbert for health at McMillen's.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds.
Union block.
Try Knipple for staple and fancy
'groceries. Union block.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
Live while you live : Take in the
concert and social tomorrow night.
Superior flour.
A full line of stationery at popular
Feed of all kinds.
The Eagle Clothing Store is display
ing a stylish stock of spring clothing.
Ice cream and cake , 15 cents , at the
Morlan building , tomorrow evening , by
the Dorcas society.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
.and elegant clothing.
Lard oil , castor machine oil , zero
black oil , all at popular prices at Chen-
ery's City Drug Store.
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to atronize. Rear of The
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
A large and fine selection of calling
and society cards at THE TRIBUNE
office. Same tastely printed at reason
able rates.
jMr. and Mrs. S. E. Hager express
sincere thanks for the many kindnesses
shown them by friends during the ill
ness and death of their little one.
If your farm is under the ditch you
should take advantage of our clubbing
rates and secure "The Irrigation Age. "
It contains the information you want.
Both papers for $2.00 cash in advance.
The "Early Ohio" seems to be a pop
ular as well as a large growing potato :
George S. Lashley exhibited seven
tubers of that species at this office , last
Saturday , which weighed in the aggre
gate a little over seven pounds , an
average of one pound each.
The blind may see ,
The'mute may talk ,
The deaf may hear
The maimed may walk ,
And J ohnnie may have the possess
ion of his gun ; but the time will never
come when you can buy first-class cloth
ing at the low prices obtainable t the
Quite a number of young people from
this county have been attending school
at Franklin , and quite a number of
others are preparing to go. The Acade
my is certainly the best and the cheap
est place to which our young people
can go for an education. The year just
past has been the best in its history.
The management are increasing the
facilities for good work constantly and
promise more and better work than ever.
Send for information to A. C. Hart ,
Principal , Franklin , Nebraska. 11
Red Cloud flour.
The reunion will be a four-horned
Red Willow county's roads are in de
plorable condition.
A fine large boy baby at W. R. Cole's
on Monday morning.
Graham flour.
Pensions have been granted Adoni-
ram Thompson and Jeremiah Predmore.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
Sec Knipple in his new quarters in
the Union block. Everything nice in
fruits , groceries , etc.
Chcncry at the City Drug Store uses
only pure fruit juices in making syrups
for his soda fountain.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
The fall term in the Franklin Acade
my opens September 1. All expenses
very low. Send for catalogue.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
Do you want the latest and best and
cheapest ? Well , they keep a large
variety at the Eagle Clothing Store.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
Iris prices correspond with the times.
Use "The Best" Sticky Fly Paper ,
made fresh daily at
LOST Between J. Albert Wells' store
and residence , a pair of spectacles in
case. Finder please return to Mr. Wells
or this office.
The Eagle Clothing Store is in the
clothing business. They will dress you
up handsomely and stylishly , and do it
at a very reasonable figure.
William Coleman is in receipt of a
cordial invitation from Secretary Shaf-
'er of the Iowa agricultural society to
attend their fair , this season , promising
old time courtesies and treatment.
If you have for sale a good horse , era
a well matched team , suitable for livery
service , call at Marsh & Clark's barn ,
opposite the Arlington House. They
are looking for animals of that stamp.
The season of the year is approach-
ng when pants will be fashionable.
We do not refer to the dog days. We
lave in mind the large stock and fine
assortment of pants just received by
lave anything you want in size , color ,
or quality. Prices are right.
The first of the week D. C. Marsh of
he livery firm of Marsh & Clark re-
.urned . from his trip to eastern Ne-
) raska. He brought with him a double
team and a single driver which will
compare with anything to be found in
this section , and will add largely to the
excellence of their equipment.
FOR SALE Part of my irrigated
arm near McCook , in small lots to
suit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat
er rent. Good chance for small fruit
arms. Have had two years' experi
ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil-
ow county with irrigation.
P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb.
All smokers are interested in secur-
ng a good , pure article of the weed
when they are looking for a cigar.
Purity and excellence are important and
count with all who are judges of quality
n tobacco. Reizenstein makes his own
cigars right herein McCook. He selects
none but the best tobaccos and his manu-
actured product cannot be equalled in
.he . city. He carries a large stock of
cigars and tobacco , besides a well select
ed line of smokers' articles.
Shenandoah , Iowa , is still the favorite
with western schools. The enrollment
was over four thousand the past year ,
and five hundred and fifty-four students
graduated from this institution in July
of this year. The school is organized
'or the vast army of poor young men
and women all over the west who are
anxious to secure an education , and
lave no money to throw away in use-
ess expenditures. But for the Western
formal College and the advantages it
offers to students of this class an edu
cation would be impossible to them ,
f you are thinking of going to school
at all this year , before you fully make
up your mind , write President Wm. M.
Jroan. Mention this paper and you
will be mailed free announcements con
cerning the school.
We allow no one to undersell us on
Thc county commissioners will be in
session at Indianola on the 12th , next
The Relief Corps social , Saturday
evening , in the Morlan room , was well
Tomorrow evening the ladies of the
Dorcas society will dispense ice cream
and cake at tiie Morlan building.
The people of this section will not
feel inconsolably slighted if the hail
continues to pass us by unmolested.
A fruit stand has been opened out in
the room one door south of Lowman's
store by John Schiappecasse of Platts-
A party of sixteen Indianola friends
attended the grand sacred song service
in the Congregational church , Sunday
11. Q. Stewart of Hastings , the reve
nue ma i , was in town yesterday on an
urgent and serious matter , so we are
Monday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jernberg
ot West McCook were called upon to
part with their infant son , who was
buried in Longview , Tuesday.
Two special train loads of cattle from
Colorado , Chicago-bound , passed through
McCook on last Sunday afternoon.
There were 38 carloads in the shipment.
The commissioners at their meeting
on Wednesday constituted a new pre
cinct , Fritsch , out of the west side of
Alliance and the east side of Box Elder
A demand comes up from all over the
county for better roads. Many hun
dreds of dollars might profitably be
spent on the highways of our county
right now.
German Lutheran services in the city
hall every three weeks at 10 o'clock ,
A. M. , central time , Rev. C. Hubert
officiating. The next services will be
held on the 16th.
We in of the 1891-92
are receipt - an
nouncement of that popular and excel
lent educational institution "The Frank
lin Academy , " which has just completed
its tenth year of usefulness.
There will be Baptist services in the
Lutheran church on Sunday morning
and evening next by Rev. D. L. Mc-
Bnde , pastor. In the morning at 11
o'clock , central time ; at 8:30 : in the
This week B. F. Troxel disposed of
160 acres of Red Willow county soil to
one of Gage county's best German
farmers who will take possession March
1st , 1892. The Jand is the southeast
quarter of 31-3-6.
There will be no service in the M.
E. church , next Sunday , except Sunday
school which will be held as usual.
Rev. P. S. Mather has been granted a
vacation and will attend the campmeet-
ing at Cambridge.
The barn , granary and corn crib on
B. F. Troxel's farm , ( formerly Harvey
Pate's , ) seven miles southwest of the
city , were destroyed by fire , Tuesday ,
entailing a loss of $300 , which was
partially covered by insurance.
The ladies of the M. E. mite society
are arranging for an ice cream and cake
social to be held in the Morlan building
on the evening of Saturday , August 15.
The price of admission will be 15 cents
for adults ; 10 cents for children.
In the quiet of Sunday afternoon Mr.
and Mrs. S. E. Hagar laid away the re
mains of their little one in peaceful
Longview. The services were conducted
by Rev. McBride at the home. The
message was brief , but tender and con
soling. Many friends and relatives from
our city and from Indianolawere present.
The friends of J. S. McBrayer will
sympathize with him in the death , Tues
day morning , of his invalid son , aged
six years , whose young life was made
one of pain and weakness , and was
finally taken , by that scourge of the
human family , consumption. There
was a large attendance at the funeral
which took place from the residence ,
Wednesday morning.
A death of unusual sadness was that
of Mrs. Jos. Lechleitner , Sunday , at the
ranch of Assist. Supt. Harmon on the
Upper Willow. Just approaching ma
ternity , she was carried away by a heart
trouble , it is stated , in the full bloom of
young womanhood , she was but 20 years
of age. The funeral occurred on Mon
day morning. The deceased had many
friends and acquaintances in McCook
who are profoundly shocked and pained
at her untimely and sudden demise , and
who sympathize with the bereaved young
husband in this hour when the clouds
are so dark and lowering.
Drink Sherbert ) at McMillen's.
It is highly gratifying to THE TRIB
UNE to be able to announce tnat the
question of having a reunion in McCook ,
this fall , has been settled in favor of
the affirmative side of the proposition
by an almost unanimous vote. The
meeting at the city hall , last Friday
evening , practically so determined.
Supt. Campbell and Mayor Brewer were
constituted a soliciting committee and
their labors have been crowned with
success insomuch that over $1,000 in
cash have already been pledged to make
the reunion a conspicuous success. The
executive committee , Messrs. A. Camp
bell , C. T. Brewer , C. F. Babcock , J. S.
LeHew , J. H. Yarger , J. Albert Wells ,
J. A. Wilcox , H. H. Berry and Dell
Lafliu , held a meeting on Tuesday even
ing and canvassed the situation quite
thoroughly and have already set the
machinery in motion for a first-class
affair. The dates have not been defin
itely fixed , but September 14th to 19th ,
are the days under consideration and
will likely be adopted if nothing im
portant conflicts therewith. The exe
cutive committee is authorized to appoint
and all subcommittees
point any necessary -
tees and the work will doubtless pro
ceed harmonious and effectively and
rapidly. The committee unanimously
determined to hold the reunion on the
grounds occupied two years since , a de
cision which will be almost universally
commended as being the most accessi
ble , sightly and convenient possible.
Judge LeHew telegraphed from Lin
coln , Wednesday night , that he had in
terviewed Governor Majors and that he
had secured the promise that the state
guns and tents would be forwarded as
soon as the close of the state encamp
ment at Grand Island.
The executive committee met at the
office of H. H. Berry , last evening.
Organized by electing C. T. Brewer ,
President , H. H. Berry , Secretary , Dell
Laflin , Treasurer.
Owing to other reunions and county
fairs it was decided to change the date
of our reunion from the l4-19th to the
2l-26th of September. The following
committees were appointed :
Spearman , C. F. Babcock ; F. L. Brown ,
J. A. Cordeal , J. E. Kelley.
SPEAKERS J. P. Lindsay , George
Hocknell , J. S. LeHew , J. E. Cochran.
J. C. Allen.
Hew , J. A. Wilcox , Dell Laflin.
RECEPTION J. Albert Wells , D. E.
Bomgardner , Dr. S. L. Green , J. T.
Bullard , George E. Johnston , A. F.
Moore , Dr. A. P. Welles , C. J. Ryan ,
j. A. Cordeal , H. W. Cole , W. S. Mor
lan , j. A. Wilcox , S. W. Huddleston ,
Dr. A. j. Willey.
M. H. Bacon , Stephen Belles , R. E.
Moore , J. H. Yarger , Kendrick Clark ,
M. L. Brown.
GROUNDS C. M. Noble , a. C. Pot
ter , W. T. Coleman , W. D. Paine , G.
A. Noren.
DECORATION Geo. B. Berry , F. D.
Burgess , E. L. Laycock , F. L. Brown ,
j. E. Kelley.
Belles , Wm. Coleman , H.H. Easterday.
cock , Dell Laflin , J. Albert Wells.
Music V. FranklinF.M. , Khnmell ,
A. Jackson , A. Campbell , J. H. Yarger.
Adjourned to meet at the Secretary's
office on next Tuesday evening.
On Wednesday morning Buffalo Jones
started east with a shipment of six head
of buffalo consigned to an English noble
man. This is the final consignment of
quite a bunch bought by this lord of the
"tight little island" some time since.
There were two large and four smaller
ones in the lot. Mr. Jones accompanied
the buffalo as far east as Chicago , where
he stopped to make arrangements for a
place to exhibit his herd during the
World's Fair. From the port of New
York they will proceed to Liverpool in
a Curnarder. The herd here will not
be diminished by this shipment , as it
will at once be reinforced by a similar
number from Salt Lake City , Utah.
Mr. Jones informs us that the buffalo
are doing remarkably well ; are fat and
sleek. There is no doubt but that they
will form one of the great attractions
in Chicago in 1892. Parties from
various sections of the country drive
out to see them every week , and their
fame is being carried throughout the
length and breadth of the land , and in
cidentally McCook , the Pearl of the Re
publican Valley , is also advertised.
By next spring the prospects are that
the largest herd of bison in America
will nearly reach the 100 mark.
The Congregational church was not
equal to the task of seating those who
attended the song service , last Sunday
evening , many were unable to gain ad
mission at all. And it may be said that
among the numerous company present
there was not one who left the church
without feeling that his brightest and
fondest anticipations had been fully
realized ; that the song seryice was
withal one of the most enjoyable , inter
esting and artistic ever given to a Mc
Cook audience The singing of the
Misses Geselbracht and Andersons of
Chicago was particularly artistic and
charming , eliciting many expressions of
praise and warm. . . .The male quartette
fairly divided the honors of the evening.
The selections by the choir were
excellent and were well rendered. . . .
The children's choir came in for their
usual proportion of appreciation. . . .In
their duet Mr. and Mrs. Jackson ac
quitted themselves very creditably. . . .
Mrs. J. C. Birdsell presided at the or-
2an ; with her accustomed grace and ef
fectiveness Rev. Stevenson is to be
congratulated upon the merit and suc
cess of his first song service. . . .The
floral decorations were exquisite. . . .
The remarks by Revs. Donaldson and
McBride were appropriate , well timed
and well received. The pastor's re
marks were full of fervor and enthu
On Wednesday , August 19th , Rev.
W. C. Stevenson will be duly ordained
into the ministry and installed as pastor
of the Congregational church of our
city with appropriate services. The or
dination will take place in the afternoon ;
the installation in the evening. There
will be special music for the occasion.
' 1 he members of the following churches
have been invited : Palisade , Trenton ,
Vail ton , Indianola , Cambridge , Hol-
drege , Red Cloud and Aurora. Pastors
expected : Revs. William Woolman ,
Jacob Flook , H. S. MacAyeal , J. J.
Klopp , J. D. Stewart , E. L. Ely. Also
ministers as follows : Revs. H. Bross
of Lincoln , state supt. Congregational
board , and George E. Taylor , Indianola ,
supt. of the southwest. The occasion
will be a notable one for the Congregationalists -
tionalists of the upper valley.
In order to establish a permanency
and uniformity in the matter of pre
cincts , the county commissioners will at
their meeting on Wednesday next define
the various precincts by township lines ,
making each voting precinct in the
county just six miles square. Such ac
tion will doubtless settle for all time
precinct lines upon a perfectly equita
ble basis , and will meet with popular
approval , as realizing the maximum of
good results with theminimum of hard
First-class groceries , elegant line of
canned goods , tea , coffee , dried fruits ,
meat , flour , cheese , Chase & Sanborn's
roasted coffee. Everything goes at a
discount. We save you 25 per cent ,
over the credit stores. Fresh fruits
and vetetables cheaper than any one.
Try the Cash Bargain House ! You
will save money. Have the largest
and best stock to select from. Get
our prices on canned goods by the doz
en. We retail groceries at wholesale
JOHN C. ALLEN , Proprietor.
Dell. Laflin , Manager.
Our brooms are moving. We are
sweeping out all summer goods to make
room for our fall goods. Dry goods ,
clothing , hats and caps , boots and shoes ;
everything goes at a discount.
JOHN C. ALLEN , Proprietor.
Dell. Laflin , Manager.
I have a fine lot of hay , bottom hay ,
for sale. Persons needinghay can leave
word at D. C. Marsh's livery barn , op
posite the Arlington Hotel , and same
will be promptly delivered to any part
of the city at lowest market price.
A married man with small family to
work on my ranch. Must be temperate ,
industrious and come well recommend
ed. Inquire at my dental office in Mc
Cook. DR. A. J. THOMAS.
That is to say : Do you want to buy ,
rent or trade for a barn. If so call on
or address E. LINDNER , McCook.
Owing to the daaih of Frank H.
Fowler of the firm of ftiicox & Fowler
ler , all persons indebted to said firm
are requested to call and settle on or
before the 1st day of August , 1891.
After the 10th day of July , 1891 , all
the business of said firm will be con
ducted on a strictly cash basis.
June 22d , 1891.
DoYou Want a Farm Loan ?
If so , come and see me before
making an application elsewhere.
Convenient office quarters on ground
floor for rent at reasonable Ggure. In
quire at this office.
SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy.
Gents who are accustomed to have their
shirts made to order give Us a trial
order. We guarantee a good fit and
reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS.
Drink Seltzer Water , the moat cool
ing and refreshing drink known , at
Chenery's City Drug Store.
The Eagle Clothing Store has the
only Genuine Dog Glove found in
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of coursel
Ludwick thrashed his oats , yesterday ,
yielding over 60 bushels to the acre.
A. L. King and wife of Culbertscm
were Sunday guests of the Metropolis.
Humboldt flour.
Geo. Hill of the F. & H. lumberyard
at Indianola was hi the city , Tuesday.
Try Knipple for staple and fancy
groceries. Union block.
Sealing Wax for fruit cans at Chen-
cry's City Drug Store.
Soda with cream at McMillan's.
Noble , The Grocer.
For buyers of Footwear. We have
just opened on our
The greatest lot of bargains ever
offered in McCook.
Prices ed Figures
We never do things by halves es-
cept when we sell goods at
Half Price.
A 4-room house convenient to the
round house. A good cellar. Full acre
lot. Inquire at this office for particulars.