af , By F. M. K1MMELL. OFFICIAL CITY & COUNTY PAPER. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. Thu republican electors of the etnto of Ne braska arc requested to send delegates from their Boveral counties , to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln , Thursday. September Utth , 18 ! ' ] , nt 10 o'clock A. M. . for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for one ftssoolate justice of the supreme court , and two members of the board of regents of the state university , and to transact such other business as may be presented to convention. THE APPORTIONMENT. Tbf several counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows , being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Oeo. II. Hastings , lor attor ney-general in 1890. giving ono delegate-at- largo to each county , and ono for each 150 votes and the major traction ihercot : Co untied. Del. Counties. Adnnis 11 Johnson Arthur 1 Keurnpy fi Antelope C Key a Palm a Hluine SllCoitli 2 Banner a.Kiinlmll 2 * Boyd 1 Knox 5 Boone 5' ' Lancaster 30 Box Ilutte G Lincoln 6 Hroivn 4\tMgMi \ 2 ' ' Hutrnto Kutler . TIMudison . C Hurt . 8 McPhereon . 2 Otis * . 14 Murrick 5 Codur . 4 Nance. 4 Chuso . a Ne in ah a. . . . . 9 Cheyenne . 5 Nuekoll ? 6 Cherry . Ji Otoc it Clay . 10 l'itwiii-e ! i Colfax . 4 Perkins ; $ Cuming . 7 Pierce o Opster . 12 Pbclps 4 Dakota . 4 Pltitte 4 Dawes . 7 Polk 5 Dawson . 7 ; tied Willow R Deuel . a KIchnrdson 11 Dixon . 0 Hock It Dodge . 11 | Saline 14 Douglas . Kt Sarpy 4 Duudy SSaumlers 8 Killraore 9 Scotts Ulutfs 2 Franklin 5 So ward 10 frontier 5 Sheridan (5 Furnas f Sherman a Gage insioux 2 Garfleld 2JSranton a Oosper 2Thaver , 8 Orhnt 2Thomas 2 Greeley -iThurstoii 4 Hall 8vnlley , 4 Hamilton 8 | Washington 7 Harlan 4Wayne | 4 Hayes a Webster 7 Hitchcock 4\Vheeler ; 2 Holt , York 12 Howard 4 , Hooker 2Total \ 545 Jefferson til * Jfo vote returned. It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted ts the convention , and that the delegates - gates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. It is further recommended that the state central committee select the temporary or ganization of the convention. WAI.T. M. SKEr.v. JOHN C. WATSON. Secretary. Chairman. THE old political signs ( $ $ $ ) won't work , this year. THE publisher is tinder obliga tions to Secretary of State Allen for courtesy extended. INDEPENDENT People's conven tion at Indianola , Tuesday morn ing next , August llthat 10 o'clock. " "WHERE does Judge Cochran stand , " tearfully inquires the Lin coln Journal. Bless your corpor ate soul , on two as honest and manly feet as tread the virgin soil of the 14th district. THE Judicial Central Committee at their meeting in Indianola , on "Wednesday , decided to call the Republican convention for the 14th judicial district at Indianola on Thursday , October 1st. The Sec retary informs us that the call will be made in time for publication in the-press of the district next week. THAT state relief statement for April with a balance on hand May 1 , of ยง 58,629 has a deliber ate air about it which excites cur iosity. Probably some expert ac countant is engaged on the books and that is why the relies commis sion is four months behind the calendar procession. Bee. JOHN PALMER the new com- mauder-in-cliief of the Grand Army of the Kepublic , was a cap tain in the army. It is to be hoped - od he will emulate Corporal Tan ner and refuse to be promoted to ' 'general. " Corporals and captains are so scarce in these latter days that we are all hopeful their ranks may not be further reduced by brevet promotions. SUICIDES are too frequent now , yet Prof. Felix Adler'sugges that a commission be designate by each state , consisting of three judges of the supreme court and three eminent physicians , for the express purpose of authorizing sui cides in cases of chronic invalids who have no reasonable hope of recovery. He would have the at tending physician end the misery of such existence. As a theory in the professor's school of ethics this will not probably make much headway , but it is novel enough and he is eminent enough , to bring on 110 end of discussion. Bee. CONCERNING A SCHEME. BKOTHEUS : I understand there is a scheme on foot to secure a railroad attorney for district judge of the 14th judicial district , in this wise , to-wit : By getting a delegation from Eed Willow coun ty for S. JR. Smith , an attorney from Indianola , who has but small reputation as an attorney , but claims to be an Independent ; but the fact that he canvassed the county last fall in the interest of the Republican party , and the de sire of the east end republicans to beat Jennings was all that kept him from securing the nomination of the east end republican ticket as countj'- ' attorney last fall. And that he held the important office of republican committeman until the 19th day of June , 1891 , only about thirty days ago , as the fol lowing copy of his resignation will show : "INDIANOLA , Neb. , June 19 , 1891. To the Chairman and Secretary Republican Judicial Commit tee llth Judicial District of Nebraska : Gentlemen : I hereby tender my resignation as committeman for Red Willow county , this resigna tion to take effect immediately. Trusting to the kindness and courtesy of Mr. J. J. Lamborn to present this resignation and thank ing you for past favors I am , Yours very truly , S. R. SMITH. " And the further fact that he re signed the office of republican cen tral committeman about the last of April shows conclusively that there is a scheme somewhere ; and with such a record it would be impos sible for Mr. Smith to go into a convention where are eight coun ties represented by members of the Farmers' Alliance and get the nomination. Now the scheme is when it is apparent that S. R. Smith cannot get the nomination ( which certainly would be the case ) then Mr. Smith is to throw his delegation to one J. T. McClure - Clure , a B. & M. attorney of Beav er City , who has a political record as follows : He came to Furnas county in the fall of 1885 , and has been a candidate for office as follows : 1886 COUNTY ATTORNEY. John T. McClure , dem. , 582 Frank B. Taylor , rep. , 787 Taylor's majority , 205 1887 COUNTY JUDGE. John T. McClure , dem. , 665 E. W. Lewis , rep. , 1,048 Lewis' majority , 383 1888 REPRESENTATIVE. John T. McClure , dem 721 J. M. Lee , rep. , 1,249 Lee's majority , 528 1890 COUNTY ATTORNEY. John T.McClure , dem. &iud. , 1,110 G. W. Norris , rep.5 719 McClure's majority , . . 291 This majority being 200 less than the majority on the Indepen dent ticket. He is under the employ of the B. & M. R. R. Co. as their attor ney , has foreclosed more mortga ges in Furnas count } ' in the last year than any other attorney in it and has been a most persistent of fice seeker. What would we gain by select ing a railroad attorney , an em ployee of mortgage loan companies , and a bank attorney ? Is it likely that his education and sympathies are such that he would be with us ? Would not his old associates have great influence upon him. If this is the best we can do , why do any thing ? Are there not those whose associates , and whose acts and daily walks show that they are in sym pathy with us ? Is it policy for us to select one outside of our par ty to an office of such power and influence , when if we had one with iis he might help us materially in our cause. MEMBER FARMERS' ALLIANCE. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. J. E. Cochran , judge of the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the oth day of March , 1891 , in favor of W. O. McClure as plaintiff , and against Gilbert B. Nettleton , Charlotte E ? Nettleton et al as defendants , for the sum of six hundred and sixty-eight dollars and twenty-seven cents , and costs taxed at 364.33 and accruing costs , I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants , to satisfy said decree , towit : S. Vt S. E. X section 3 and N. % N. E. % section 10 , town. 2 , north of range 30 , west of 6th P. M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the I2th day of September A. D. 1891,111 front of the south door of the court house , in In dianola , Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , P.M. , of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. W. A. McCoOL , Dated July 31,1891. Sheriff of Said County , COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. ( OFFICIAL. ) COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE , ) Indianola , Nob. , Aug. 4tli , ] 891. \ Board of county commissioners met pursuant to call of county clerk ; present , C. W. Hodgkin , Stephen Belles and S. S. Graham , commissioners , and Geo.W. Roper , county clerk. FRITSCII PRECINCT. On motion township 4 , range 28 , was set off as a separate voting precinct and shall be known as Fritsch precinct. ALLIANCE PRECINCT. On motion township 4 , range 27 , shall be a separate voting precinct and shall be known as Alliance precinct. COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. J. On motion the following territory shall be known as commissioner district No. 1 , viz : All of Tyrone , Lebanon , Missouri Ridge , Beaver , Bondville , Danbury , Valley Grange , Gerror , Drift wood and Grant precincts. COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. 2. On motion the following-named pre cincts shall constitute and be known as commissioner district No. 2 , viz : All of North Valley , East Valley , Alliance , Indianola , Fritsch and Red Willow pre cincts. COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. 3. On motion the following-named pre cincts shall constitute and be known as commissioner district No. 3 , viz : All of Box Elder , Willow Grove , Coleman and Perry precincts. On motion board adjourned to meet x\.ugust 12th , 1891. C. W. HODGKIN. Chairman Attest Geo. W. Roper , Clerk. THE SHIPE ESCAPED. Earl Paul , a member of a Cowlcs pleasure party , now languishes in the Arlington House with his right arm badly mangled. It appears that Paul is a member of a party of eight men who recently left Cowles overland for Den ver on a hunting-pleasure trip. They reached here last Saturday evening. Sunday morning Paul attempted to pull his shot gun out of the wagon , muzzle first , and the trigger catching on some object , the load of shot intended for an innocent snipe was deposited in Paul's right arm , which was terribly lacerated and mangled , insomuch that the proba bilities are that the injured member will never again perform much service for him though the doctor espects to be able to save the arm. All of the party but one friend of the injured man have started back to Cowles. The young man's father , who was prostrated by the news of his son's accident , is expected here soon. PROHIBITION CONVENTION. Convention called to order by Chair man county central committee ; W. 0. Norval was elected chairman and A. C. Marsh as secretary pro tern. The fol lowing delegates and alternates were chosen to represent the county at the state and judicial conventions. Dele gates : Mrs. Peter Boyle , C. S. Quick , T. B. Campbell , John Longnecker and Mrs. A. N. Nettleton. Alternates : W. 0. Norval , R. H. Taylor , Mrs. M. A. Northrup , Mrs. L. C. Doll and Mrs. A. J. Taylor. On motion T. B. Campbell was selected as state central committeeman - man and W. 0. Norval , chairman coun ty central committee. Following are the county nominations ; Supt. , Mrs. Eliza G. Nettleton ; Judge , W. 0. Nor val ; Treasurer , Wm. X.Johnson ; Clerk , I T. Birdsell ; D. C. Clerk , C. S. Quick ; Sheriff , ; Coroner , Dr. P. Boyle. A. C. MARSH , Secretary. W. 0. Norval , Chairman. THEY HAVE THEM. Among the prime requirements for a first-class livery establishment are : Good horses , animals which are safe , but have sufficient life and style ; com fortable and convenient vehicles and a suitable variety of them ; everything kept up clean and bright and in shipshape ; prompt service and courteous treatment ; and last of all , but not least , gentle reader , reasonable charges. It is but right to state here that all these requis ites are to be found at "THE CIRCLE FRONT LIVERY STABLE" of Gray & Maddux. BRING THEM IN. William Coleman desires us to request all persons who have complied with his recent request to save him samples of the various products of agriculture , to bring them to town at their earliest con venience , as he is noTT preparing to send these exhibits to various eastern cities , in order to advertise this county , and let the eastern people see what in a favorable year this soil will produce. Please be prompt so that this good work may be commenced. ' - . JONAS ENGEL , Manager. WE ARE MAKING REDDCfl IN PRICES ON ALL SUMMER ' STOCK. This Includes Boys Waists , Straw Hats , Thin Underwear , And Negligee Shirts , THE FAMOUS. July 24 , 1891. SPECIAL NOTICE Members of the Boyd Hook & Ladder Co. , No. 1 , are requested to meet at their truck house on Tuesday , August llth , 1891 , for the purpose of electing a foreman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of C. W. Stoddard. JResp'y , FKANK HTTBER , Stewart. CONGREGATIONAL SERVICES Sun day school , 10:30 : ; morning service , ll : 30 , A. M. ; evening service at 8:30 : ; Wednesday evening , prayer meeting at 8:30 : , Thursday evening , young people's choral society at 7 ; Friday evening , teachers' meeting at 8:30. We make a specialty of office sup plies such as type writing papers , let ter copying books , filing cases , etc. , at THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. THE TRIBUNE and "The Irrigation Age , " one year , for $2.00 , cash in ad vance. All irrigationists should take advantage of this liberal offer. Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and the like must be fresh and clean to be desirable. Knipple makes a specialty of these points. Parties wishing 500 pound lots of flour will save money by calling on POTTER & EASTERDAY. An elegant line of perfumes , toilet articles , etc. , at CIIENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. Crete flour has no superior and but few equals. Knipple has just received an entire car load of it. White and Figured Windsor Ties all the rage at the Eagle Clothing Store. Corn meal. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Knipple has just received a car load of the celebrated Crete Mills flour. Before painting your house consult Chenery at the City Drug Store. McMillen , Prescription Druggist. Family Groceries at Noble's. Children Cry for Pitcher's jCastoria. -ytT r 'II ' CIRCUS EAGLE. GREAT- : : BARGAINS ! Summer Dress Goods. GHALLIES , LJHIfNSjfc WHITE GOODS , Parasols , damaged by rain , from 25C up. Clothing & Furnishing Goods. White Shirts , damaged by rain , $ .SO Pereaile Shirts , dsmaged by rain , .SO Pereaile Shirts , with collars and cuffs , .7S Pereaile Shirts , witn collars and cuffs , l.OO White Vests from - - $1.OO up 1 Linen Coats and Vests from - l.OO up. Selling Linen Goods - VERY CHEAP. ! ' COME AND SEE US. L. LOWMAN & SON W. 0. BULLARD & CO. -tot- LIME HARD CEMENT , , LUMBER.HARD AND DOORS , LUMBER. BLINDS.LUMBER. . SOFT BLINDS. COAL. RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. . xT. WARRRN. Manager. ife * , - ! i < carry swaei Jjoae SS WiHKAMTA'7- J " ' &OAP ta j-.sar as can bs. a * i w \ 5 j 3 UftlRS/INX & > 0. IHICAGD. ASK YOURTROCER FOR IT WM.M , ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER. M9Cook , ' Neb. The Largest and Finest Stock ! Wishes to call public attention to the important fact that his stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest finest and best assortment to be found in McCook. He guar antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard.