The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 07, 1891, Image 3

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Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca ,
Mo. , during the past two years has
been affected with Neuralgia of the
Head , Stomach and Womb , and
writes : ' ' My food did not seem to
strengthen me at all and my appe
tite was very variable. My face
was yellow , my head dull , and I had
such pains in my left side. In the
morning when I got up I would
have a flow of mucus in the mouth ,
and a bad , bitter taste. Sometimes
my breath became short , and I had
such queer , tumbling , palpitating
sensations around the heart. I ached
all day under the shoulder blades ,
in the left side , and down the back
of my limbs. It seemed to be worse
in the wet , cold weather of Winter
and Spring ; and whenever the spells
came on , my feet and hands would
turn cold , and I could get no sleep
at all. I tried everywhere , and got
no relief before using August Flower
Then the change came. It has done
me a wonderful deal of good during
the time I have taken it and is work
ing a complete cure. " ®
G. G. GREEN , Sole Man'frWoodburyN.J
' Poiittrely cured bj
thCBO EJttlO PHI * .
Th y also rellatd DU-
tress fromDyap poi , In-
rtlgc8tlon ndTooHt .rty
ITTLE Eating. A perfect rem
edy forDlnlneu.Nftniet
IVER Drovriinen , Bad Tute
In tha Mouth. Oottod
PILLS. Toneue.Paln la the Bide.
regulate tbl Boweli.
Purely Vegetable.
Price 2& Cental
Small Pill. Small Dose , Small Price ,
SfYoTlrXit ? !
HP i\roT - i&flB
Tr jyiow !
Go to your Druggist , hand 30
him one dollar , tell him you Itt
want a bottle of . . . . T
for the CURE of
All Diseases of the Liver ,
All Diseases of the Stomach ,
All Diseases of the Kidneys ,
Ail Diseases of the Bowels ,
Restores Perfect Health.
, Mass , says
Kennedy's Medical Discover )
cures Horrid Old Sores , Deep
! Seated Ulcers of 40 years
standing , Inward Tumors , and
eve y disease of the skin , ex
cept Thunder Humor , and
Cancer that has taken root.
Price $1.50. Sold by every
Druggist in the U. S. and
1C 15 Curtis Street ,
Special rates for carloads to Clubs and Alliances
for all Northern Colorado Lump mid Steam Coals.
Consumers will consult their iuterei > ts by
Writing for prices.
11 & WnUEII MAKE 85.00 A DA Y
M clncs. Send reference and
I we will ship you ? 12 worth on coraraiselon to
Etort with. .LauderbacUCo. , > "eivnrk , > f. J.
Laws and . DCUCinUC Experience 20
Advice Free , r Cndlllllw years. Write us.
A. \ \ . IlcCOIUHCk & bO.NS , UnclnMtt , O.TatUngton , D. C.
The Soap
is Lenox.
A Little Inside History by Dr.
When tholrile Emperor Frederick o !
Germany died , it will be recalled that
portions of his dinry , kept in ISY.'J ,
were published , which showed the
hesitating part played by Bismarck
in the Franco-Prussian war. Intense
excitement followed this publication ,
and Dr. Gefleken was arrested on
criminal proceedings on the ground of
falsification if the diary was not gen-
ino , and for revealing state secrets if
the diary was genuine. On this two-
edged indictment he was tried , but ac
quitted with the censure of the court.
To this Dr. Gefleken , now Imperial
Privy Councillor , submitted quietly
and awaited his turn , which soon
came in the fall of Bismarck.
And thestory ofthefnll of .Bismarck ,
with greater detail than it has ever be
fore been published , at least for English
readers , Dr. GefFeken now tells in the
July number of The Forum. The
Iron Chacellorhad , naturally perhaps ,
assumed that his long and valuable
service and his great influence
( amounting in many matters of State
to control ) over the old Emperor
William and his retention during his
brief reitm by Frederick would 'insure
his continued power under the young
William II. Not only this , but huhad
for many years so conducted Imperial
affairs and so disposed of men about
him as to make young Bismarck his
successor , aiming to establish an
hereditary chan ellorship.
From this high pinnacle of achieve
ment and of expectation his sudden
and unexpected dismissal is one of the
most dramatic incidents in political
The central idea in the critical re
view of Bismarck's career , made by
Dr. Geffcken in this article , is set forth
in the following extract :
The true test of the highest order of
statesmanship is its degree of success
in forming a school. Such statesmen
were Pericles , Crcsar , Charlemagne ,
Lord Chatham , Washington , Pitt ,
Stein , and in our days , Cavour. When
they died they left successors able to
continue their work , and the reason
is that they believe in institu
tions rather than in men. . . .
With Bismarck in was the reverse ;
he always adhered to the Csesarian
system the "one man" who un
dertakes to think for the whole people.
To govern was , according to his
idea , not to persuade , but to com
mand , and representative government
was to command with a flourish of
speeches , which should always end in
a subserviency to the ruling minister.
In fact , his opinion was , "L' Empire
c' est moi , " and enemies ol the Em
pire were always those who opposed
his policy of the hour , his imperious
nature rebelling against all control.
Such a man could form no school ; as
soon as he saw a rising talent he press
ed it into his service or crushed it.
Therefore when he was' dismissed ,
Germany had able diplomatists and
administrators , but no statesmen.
He represented the corruption aa
well as the absolutist tendency of an
order of monarchy that is now every
where dead except in Russia , .
On the other hand , the young
Emperor , as described by Gellcken ,
in spite of his strongly military
utterances , recognizes the fact he
is a constitutional monarch. An out
line of the portrait of him , drawn by
his Privy Councillor , is as follows.
William II , is undoubtedly the most
remarkable sovereign of the present
time , lie is a modern man , notwith
standing certain proclivities which still
adhere to him , like pieces of the shell
of an egg from which the bird has is
sued. With restless activity he seizes
upon all questions which agitate our
time , be they large or small. Today he
speaks on great European affairs ,
opens new issues to German commerce ,
and proclaims social reform ; tomor
row he opens an art exhibition and
takes a personal part in the perform
ance of Wildenbruch's patriotic dra
ma , "The New Lord. " He presides
over his Council and shows himself a
ready debater , opens a schola&ticcou-
ference , laying down his educational
plans , and indefatigably travels all
over his country in order to see every
thing with his own eyes. Much in all
this may be attributed to his active
temper , but the moving principle is un
doubtedly the high "conception of
his duty as "the lirst servant
of the state. " This conception is
bound up with a strong consciousness
of his eminent position ; he feels him
self to be the pillar of the state called
to carry out a great mission. As be
fore the dismissal of Bismarck lie said
that he would crush any one trying
to obstruct his path , .so lie declared
in his last speech at Dtisseldorf :
"Only one is master in this country ;
I shall suiiVr no other. " It would be
unjust to see in such utterances ,
caused by hi h consciousness of his
power , absolutist tendencies on the
part of the Emperor ! He is a const i-
tutional prince and hasrigidh" respect
ed parliamentary rights. But in a
time when the principle of authority
and order is undermined in many
ways , the youthful sovereign feels that
he ib the centre of monarchical dis
cipline , without which the State can
neither exist nor progress , and he is
resolved to maintain his authority
against Social Democrats as well as
against interested coalitions of priv
ileged classes and persons. The For
Disrespectfully Abbreviated
Men who become suddenly rioh
should be judged leniently. They hae
many temptations from which the
rest of us are happily delivered.
Mr. John Johnson , a man of this
class , was desirous to be known as of
'a literary turn , and to that end
proceeded to lay in a library. One of
his purchases was an old dictionaiy
which , being somewhat out of repair ,
was sent to the binder's.
When it was returned to the purch
aser , he found printed on its back the
words "Johnson's Dictionary. " The
slight threw him into afurious passion ,
and he demanded of the messenger :
"Why didn't he put the full name
OE , 'John Johnson's Dictionary ? ' "
Tito VnpooMe Liken IIU Crndlc.
The Indian father and mother com
bine to make a curious and ornamental
close cradle or bed for the papoose.
In shape it is not unlike the long , ovul
bhielu of the Zulu. The father cuts it
out of wood or stout bark with his
tomahawk or scalping knife , and cov
ers it with deer or buffalo skin , or. if
he has not these , with matting or the
softest bark of trees , leaving the up
per side loose and open. The mother
then adorns and embroiders if with
beads and grasses , and lines and pads
it with the softest grass or mo = s or
rags she can find.
The papoose is lightly strapped in
with soft thongs fastened to the board
and passing under his arms , and then
the covering is laced over him , as one
laces up a shoe , and nothing but the
face of the papoose is left exposed.
Thus done up baby can be hung ( with
a thong ttttaohed to his cradle ) on the
branch of a tree , or from the pole of
the wigwam , or set in a corner out of
the way. It may seem to us that the
close confinement and the upright po
sition of these nests cannot be very
comfortable , but it is said that after
tumbling about a while on the grass or
among the dogs of the wigwam the In
dian baby frequently cries to go back
to his solitary nest.
.T. S. PAKKER , Frc.lonla , N. Y. , says :
"Shall not call on you for the $100 reward ,
for 1 believe Hall's "C'atanli Cure will cure
any case of catarrh.Vis \ery bad. " Write
him for particulars. Sold by Druggist5c. .
rile TnlleHt TInii in Illinois Dead.
John Lehman , the tallest man in the
state , died in Tazewell county recently
after a brief sicicness. aged seventy-
live years. Mr. Lehman was raised in
North Carolina , and "had to stand on
iiis toes to tee the sun shine over the
great hilis there in the morning. "
This is what he used to toil inquisitive
people who asked what made him so
tali , he being G ft. 9 in. in his stock
ings. Carthage ( Ills. ) Record.
* l > rutth I'ntfiit Dot ; * > oap Kills
nialK'N coat clos y ; by mail t ! . > c. Pamphlet free
Do'jDUi'HM'OtiiiTimiticrof interest address
I'.ttfiit , New York City.
A Dear im < > .
An attempt was recently made at
Pan Francisco to smuggle $50.000
worth of opium through the custom
house , concealed inside of bananas.
A custom house oflicer saw a particu
larly line looking bunch and thought
he would try one , when he discovered ,
at the lirst bite , the trick that put
L'O , 01)0 ) into his pocket. Jornal do
Tlio Liiite-t Fad Iti Jewelry.
The fashionable brooch for the
lace-pin has disappeared from among
us is the round one of twisted gold ,
with an enameled heart just in the
center. The prettiest design shows the
heart of blue enamel , with tiny little
diamonds sprinkled over it. Hearts
are everywhere : on thin gold chains
about the neck , on buckles for slippers ,
in the corners of card cases , and fre
quently on the outside of leather boxes
intended to hold weddings gifts for a
bride. The received card case , or
purse , is no longer made heavy with
silver corners and monograms ; the
great display of metal being counted
in extremely bad form. Instead ,
thought is given to the fineness of the
leather , to the security of the clasp ,
n'fid to the care with which the pociiets
to bold one's ducats are made. A
small monogram in silver or in silver
gilt may be in one corner , but it must
be so small as not to attract , the least
attention. Ladies' Home Journal.
\Vhen you have that tired feeling of ex
halation and \on have little ambition , jour
biood is thin and poor. There it. nothing
that w.lI enrich your bloo.l , brinp back life
and activity , like lliie's Koot 1'eer. Noth
ing ko nutr lions'andtieniitheiiiiiir. . A k
voiir dru < i4i-t or irrocer lor a paekasre.
Iakes li\e irallons , sparkling and delicious ,
b'oid every\\heie.
Yl ] it si JKoliuiiiiiioilaM lri < It > Says.
There was a Mohammedan wedding
in London the other day , and the
bride repeated after the crimson clad
Moulive. "I stand here in the pres
ence of God and all who are assem
bled to unite my heart to your heart
and my destiny to your destiny and to
be called by your name. Your sorrow
shall bu my sorrow and your happi
ness mv haDDuess. "
When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria ,
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
"When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
Ilarrisran's play. "Reilly and the -100 , ' ' ran
for 202 nights in New York.
" Hanson' * * iUncic Corn Pnlvo. "
Warranted to cure , or money refunded. Ask
your druuKibt for It. Price 13 cents.
lie isn't much of a man who isn't a hereto
to somebody. _
The seemimr length of a sermon is gener-
a'ly proportioned to its need.
Brooklyn will have twelve theaters next
season. _
The balloon route to the top of Olympus
has never been successfully tiaveled.
Tact can afford to smile while genius and
talent are quarreling.
.In no , .Inly and Ai
'Ihe most charming Summer Resorts , of
which there are over "three hundred choice
locations , are to be found in Wisconsin ,
Iowa , Minnesota. South Dakota and the
Peninsula of Michigan , along the lines of
the Chicago , Milwaukee ifc St. Paul Ry.
Nearly all eve located near lakes which have
not occn fished out.
These resorts are easily reached by rail
way and ranee in variety from the""full
dress for dinner" ' to the flannel-shirt cos
tume for every meal.
The finest shooting grounds in the North
west are on the tributary to the lines of the
Chicago , Milwaukee tt St. Paul Ry. The
crop of Prairie Chickens will be exception
ally good this vear : also Ducks and Geese.
Jn'Northeru Wisconsin and the Peninsula
of Michigan splendid deer shooting is to
be had.
Full information furnished free. Address ,
Gr.o. II. HIMFFOKD , General Passenger
Agent , Chicairo , 111.
Washington is the only city of its size in
the United States which has no factory girls.
* , JTT , < ; / ,
An Oilrt I'hrnnc.
One of the old phrases which every
body uses a still odder one than "ev
ery now and then" is the phrase ,
quite a few , " by which we mean rath
er : i good many. Quite a few ! If you
look into that sentence you will find
that it means exactly the opposite of
what you seek to express by it ; that
is. if it moans anything at ail. Butno
one will have any right to quarrel with
the sentence if it once firmly roots
itself in idiom. Perhaps it isn't in
trinsically any funnier than "a good
many. " Language is a queer , go-as-
you-please thing , especially the Eng
lish language ; and that is the beauty
and strength of it. Boston Transcript.
American Institute Farmers * CInb.
A committee from this club rcjiort the wines
of Alfred Specr , of Pastalc , N. . ! . , the most re
liable to be obtained , and that his Oporto
Graiic makes a port wiiie equal to any in the
world. Jlis Claret and Brandy have no
superiors. Sold by druggists.
.UiiHicul Note.
"I did not like Muntalini. There
was an air of hauteur"
Can you whistle it ? "
' What ? "
"The air ofhauteur. . ' I never
heard of the composer. ' ' New York
iMrrun Blood is the primary cause of the
majoritv of diseases t Mlncb the human
family "is subje t. The blood in passim :
tlnough the system visits every portion of
the boilx if "pure , carryinir Kicngth and
vitality"if ; imj ure , diseasl' ami deaih. Blood
i > oisonin * < : ii most danjreroti- . Prickly Ash
Bitteisfill render the inij o = sible , and
will regulate the system so that health will
be a sine result. _
A man cannot be truly eloquent if he
knows not how to listen.
FITS. All Fits stopped free by . Kinx-scnm
Nerve Kentoror. No * It after tirs-tday'Mii-c. Mar
vellous cure * . TrcntSc nnrt 100 trlnl bottle free to
Fitcases. Send to Or. Kline.iMI Arch hi. , 1'lilla. , 1'a.
Many of us expect others to be better than
we are" willing to be 0111 selves.
3Iu.ors | Cciiu-nt liepairs Hrokon Articles
15e iinclTie. . Major's Lrntlu-r iiml Jtutibi-r Cement , ISc.
It is expensive economy to make a part of
the truth Milliee for the uliole.
The problem of medicine is solved by
Hires' lloot 1 eer imparting ptue , iieh blood.
Source of health. Without pure bloo 1 a
person cannot Ion : ; remain healthy and free
. irom disease. Hires' Root Beer "Packages ,
make live gallons of a delicious , sparkling
I temperance drink. Cooling and quench'n < r
the thir.-t. All first-class diMjrgi-ts and
grocers sell it.
Both coinage and fear owe much 4.0 the
armed neutrality of prudence.
Can You Find tlic Word V
The only one ever printed. Can you find
tlieuordl Each \\cek , a different 3 inch
display is published in this pa-ier. Theie
are no'two words alike in either ad. , excej t
One word. This \\oid will be found in tie !
ad. for Dr. Ilarter's Iron Tonic , Little Liver
Pills and Wild Cherry Bitteis. Look for
"Crescent1' trade mark. Head the ad. care
fully and when you find the word , send it to
them and tl ey \\i 1 return you a book , beau
tiful lithographs and sample free.
People are scarce who do not talk too much
about themselves.
Every Yonnjr Man anil "Woman May Secure
u Boot ! start In buMncss by takini : n full business
course , by mail : Bryant's"College , Buttalo , N. V.
Yon can't help the Lord any by wearing a
lonir face.
XVoo to ltt Conquered.
The Romans cried "Van Victis ! " "Woe to
the conquered ! " at their iriumiilis To-ility
ni.itiv ol us aru being conquered our poaee.
our rett and dully ; iin > ctlt < i wrust.t , " ! from us
by that invader of the stomach , dyspepsliu
Succor \vo HUO for from a hundred sources.
Temporary relief we sometime * obt.iln. Hut
a heurty meal , the simplest , indiscretion In
diet. an < l the Protean Imp returns with re
doubled vlpor to torment u > . A pumlstent
u-e of tliu jrreat anti-dyspcptic and r Kulut-
iiiK tonic. Iloslettcr'tt Stomach Hitters , Is
be-.t calculated to drive into pcrmunuitt
banishment every form of Indigestion , tem
porary or chronic. No le-.a efficacious is It
for malaria. constipation , rheu
matism , kidney and bladder ailments. This
remedy of specific utility and many uses
overcome5 ! them all. 'Tis a safeguard , too.
against the efl'eet of temperatures ant to le-
vive an attack of "I.a Grippe. "
1 IflftO < llll.
Thirty-six freight cars passed over
five-year-old Kduio Quinther at East
Buffalo , but. strange to say. his only
injury is a slight cut on the head. He
was standing on the tiauk and was
struck by the train , which was drawn
by a switch engine. It having no cow
catcher , he was pushed beneath the
standing board and lay in the center
of the track while the entire train
missed over him. BulTaio Times.
lu to All.
The high position attained and the
universal acceptance and approval of
the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup
of Pigs , as the most excellent laxative
knoxvn , illustrate the value of the qual
ities on which its success is based and
are abundantly gratifying to the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company.
No man's life can be right uhose love is
Diake University , DCS Moines , la. , with
its eight strong colleges , is a phenomenal
sncccbs , standim : in "the front rank of our
great educational institutions. We cordially
invite attention to advertisement in this
Hlrn. WlnHlow'n SootHincSyru p , for Chil
dren teetliinp , softens the cum * , reduces iiitluimiin-
tlon , alluys pain , cures wind colic. 23c. a bottle.
Aunt Louisa Eidridge says she has been
on the stage fortv-u\o vears.
Scrofula is a , form of blood poison
descending1 from parent to child. Jler-
cury and potash dry up scrofulous
sores and hottle up the poison in the
system. S. S. S. , drives the poison
out through the pores of the skin !
Her Boy.
Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. , ) cured my little
boy of hereditary scrofula , which broke out
all overhis face. For a yearhehad suffered ,
and I had given up all hopes of his recovery
when at length I was induced to use S. S. S.
After using a few bottles he was entirely
cured. Not a symptom now remains of the
disease. This was three years ago.
Mus. T. L. MATHERS , Matherville , Miss.
Book on Blood and Skin Diseases Free.
Off Mlfl I CU c ? r < 0 to 100 n month and expenses
A RCUTC " &ke00 | PER CENT.pront.on my Cor > ets ,
llUCn I W Belts lirushi'S , Curlers .t imdinnoSnin -
Hples FREE 'Write now. Dr. lindgmati , 377 B'wiCN.Y. .
Oscoolallnr.1nr.-ireCo. . O-ceoln la. . THE CELEBRATED MAUD "S. "
Double Acting Force Pump.
Ison. Miy tlio Maud "s. " Write for Descriptive C.rcuhir and Prices.
Ithe pump
for the people
We are of
fering xperla
Induce inents
to agentx.
ff v ?
' . ' ' , ' * f"
Jt kVT
& * Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists.
'He had small skill p'horse
boughh&goose bo ride o
or dirieM" soaps
of-ih nd be convinced.1
fails to accomplish satisfactory
results in scouring and cleaning ,
and necessitates a great outlay of time and labor , -which more than
balances any saving in cost. Practical people \vill find SAPOLIO
the best and cheapest Boap for house-cleaning and scouring.
Straws show which way the wind blows
them and be
When you see all sorts of
washing powders pat
terned after Pcarline ;
when you see it imita
ted in appearance , in name ,
in everything except merit ;
when you find three persons using Pcarline
where two used it a year ago ; when you
hear it as a household word with the best
housekeepers ; when you find its forrrer
enemies now its staunchest friends ; then
you may know the wind is taking you
along toward Pcarline.
Why not go with it ? You are losing
money by trying to head the other way ; mon
ey , and labor , and time and patience. Go with
the rest use Pcarline and you stop losing ,
and begin to gain. Millions realize that there
is everything to gain and nothing to lose
with Pear line.
Peddlers and some grocers \vill tell you , "this is as good as" 01
Blowing - the came as Pearline.1 IT'S FALSE but what a puff for Pearline
jog JAMES FVLE , New York :
Ait ahe enters-
\vomanhood , every youngirl needs
the wisest care. Troubles beginning
then may make her whole life mis
But the troubles that are to be-
feared have a positive remedy. Dr.
Piercc's Favorite Prescription builds-
up and strengthens the system , and
regulates and promotes every projxjr
function. It's : i generous , support
ing tonic , and a quieting , soothing-
nervine a legitimate mcdifinc , not
a beverage , free from alcohol and
injurious drugs. It corrects and
cures , safely and surely , all those
delicate derangements , weaknesses , ,
and diseases peculiar to the hex.
A remedy that ( Joes cure is one
that can be guaranteed. Thal'
what the proprietors of " Favorite
Prescription " think. If it doesn't
give satisfaction , in every case for
which it's recommended , they'll re
fund the money. No other m"dicnic ;
for women is sold on such terms.
Decide for yourself whether .some
thing else sold by the dealer , is
likely to be " just as good" for
you to buy.
Will purlfr BLOOD. rozn
illborilur. Imllil strvu/tli. rirucw
appetite , restore In-Mtii ami
'corofj outh. Iysin > inla ,
Indigestion , thai tinrttl ! -
ir.i'lnMtc < l.
Mlml lin ltienol. brain
JIIIWIT Increase * ! ,
l > Ollf < . II * rX ' , 511113-
cles. ncHviMK'W t''irce.
SUlTerini ; iropi complaint * tie- totlieirscx , 11 111 it. find
_ a safe , speuily cure. IS-tnrns
rose bloom uit checks , lic-auti Hcs Complex ion.
Js'olil everywhere. All f-'cniiiip- . " > < > 'ls bear
"Crescent. ' ' buud 1. .
us ecu t stamp for J-nage.
OR. HAHTER MEDICiHE CO. . St. Lou ! ; . Mo
Tuition < k Hooks frp. . ulvnn hy ormn-cy nt Mt >
Carrnll. III. , tonne student from i'nc'i r < w\.j * > l U.
fc. Send for Jree "Dread" and learn < -
SituationCuarantcpil ? em !
Slirrxuuil Ilroo. , .Vi lorL Life
* , S Colleges. . " 2 In-fr ' ' rs ,
17 Students M ( ; ru ui' b
Fall Term Opens Scpf. H , I SO I.
( oik'Hintf. liiblc , Nynnal. Ijiiiincs-i , Mti-is-tiT ,
Ait Law and Mcd cal DcpirtincTiN In"rut5- : : c p-nscs ic-\ li surround ;
ings j ) CMi.inf. Am ns
< . T. fiii'i c iler , Cutiirllor. ! .
Positively C r > * l with Vpgctalilc Komc Jio t
Ha\e cured thousands of cases. Cure --.ises t r < -
Douncud lionelus * by best , physicians t r-.a tlr r 4tose
* yuiutoni ! ! 'Hi-appear ; In ten days at least iw j-ihZrd-
ill .symptoms removed. Sonii for free nui > ki itmcH-
] lals ot nur.-iciiloiiH cures. Ten days' treatment
ree by mall. If you order trial tend I'Jc in tazuua
o pay postage Dn H.II Uiu.EN & : o\ Atlanta Ga
fjou order trial return this udvert ! nicnt x. n.
I Pakaie make * 5 pillnin Dellciotn spar * > az an I < "i. = s.
1 3oU l > r nil .Jesters A -aaliful picture Ii x. n I iri - -'ff-ic
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914F Slroot. Washington , O.C.
SpscFal Attention given to Land. M un ari Indian
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