The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 31, 1891, Image 5

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I am prepared to fill a few good
applications at once. Money on
hand when application is approv
, . ed. J. E. KELLEY.
- * - \
Dog days are upon ua.
The drouth is still in soak.
What fools other men are.
Electrocute the surplus dogs.
The rain has u mash on the corn.
Sherbcrt for health at MoMillen's.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble'a.
The eight-hour law goes into effect ,
Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds.
Union block.
The county cold water convention
assembles , to-morrow.
Try Knipple for staple and fancy
groceries. Union block.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
Ten days per annum is the average
amount of sickness in human life.
Superior flour.
A full line of stationery at popular
Feed of all kinds.
The Eagle Clothing Store is display
ing a stylish stock of spring clothing.
5gpRye ? flour.
There is a difference of only 22 square
miles between the areas of England and
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
Lard oil , castor machine oil , zero
black oil , all at popular prices at Chen-
ery's City Drug Store.
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to atronize. Rear of The
S. M. Cochran & Co. have secured
the services of a first-class tinner , and
are prepared to do all repair work
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
You will be needing binding twine
U soon. S. M. Cochrane & Co. are pre
pared to fill your orders at lowest mar
ket price.
A large and fine selection of calling
and society cards at THE TRIBUNE
office. Same tastely printed at reason
able rates.
If your farm is under the ditch you
should take advantage of our clubbing
rates and secure "The Irrigation Age. "
It contains the information you want.
Both papers for $2.00 cash in advance.
Down at Indianola they are talking
up a railroad to run from that point to
this city. We are a little low on rail
road enthusiasm in this city at present ,
but if the Indianola people make the
preliminary arrangements North Platte
will lend her aid at a needed time.
North Platte Tribune.
The blind may see ,
The mute may talk ,
The deaf may hear
The maimed may walk.
And Johnnie may have the possess
ion of his gun ; but the time will never
come when you can buy first-class clath-
ing at the low prices obtainable at the
Red Cloud flour.
The warehouse statute goes into el
feet to-morrow.
The JXcbraHkan has never been a
proud of his state as he is this year.
Harvest excursionists to Nebrask
this year will gaze upon a scene of plenty
Graham flour.
Beet cider vinegar is one of the lates
products of the sugar beet and is saic
to be excellent.
Noble carries a large and coinplet <
stock of the best brands of cannei
goods of all kinds.
See Knipple in his new quarters ir
the Union block. Everything nice ir
fruits , groceries , etc.
Chenery at the City Drug Store use !
only pure fruit juices in making syrups
for his soda fountain.
Potter & Easterday have pat
ented the name as a fire escape. Chen
ery carries the papers.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. Ho will treat you right.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
Do you want the latest and best and
cheapest ? Well , they keep a large
variety at the Eagle Clothing Store.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
bis prices correspond with the times.
Use "The Best" Sticky Fly Paper ,
made fresh daily at
The Eagle Clothing Store is in the
clothing business. They will dress you
up handsomely and stylishly , and do it
at a very reasonable figure.
THE TRIBUNE and "The Irrigation
Age , " one year , for $2.00 , cash in ad
vance. All irrigationists should take
advantage of this liberal offer.
IF you have for sale a good horse , era
a well matched team , suitable for livery
service , call at Marah & Clark's barn ,
opposite the Arlington House. They
are looking for animals of that stamp.
Jeo. J. Fredericks buried their infant
child in Longview , Sunday. The little
one was but four months old ; was taken
sick on Friday and died the day follow-
ng in its mother's arms. They have
he sympathy of all tender hearts.
The season of the year is approach-
ng when pants will be fashionable.
We do not refer to the dog days. We
lave in mind the large stock and fine
assortment of pants just received by
lave anything you want in size , color ,
or quality. Prices are right.
FOR SALE Part of my irrigated
'arm near McCook , in small lots to
uit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat
er rent. Good chance for small fruit
arms. Have had two years' experi
ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil-
ow county with irrigation.
P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb.
REVERSED In the case of Joseph
3. Evarts versus Martin Lester , on ap-
> eal by the latter from the decision of
he general land office holding for can
cellation his homestead entry for a tract
n the McCook , Neb. , land district , the
assistant secretary , Saturday , ruled that
he contest should be dismissed and the
entry allowed to remain intact awaiting
inal proof. The decision of the general
and office is therefore reversed.
The date given prairie chickens in
cvhich to be shot is from August 15th
to November 1st. Hunters should bear
this in mind. There is no law on snipes.
Apropos to this season the only proper
way to keep a gun barrel in good order
is to wash it out with boiling hot water ,
dry with linen swabs and oil with vase
line or cylinder oil , every time that it is
used. It should never be laid aside
unattended to for a day or two after
All smokers are interested in secur
ing a good , pure article of the weed
when they are looking for a cigar.
Purity and excellence are important and
sount with all who are judges of quality
in tobacco. Reizenstein makes his own
ligars right herein McCook. He selects
none but the best tobaccos and his manu
factured product cannot be equalled in
the city. He carries a large stock of
jigars and tobacco , besides a well select-
id line of smokers' articles.
We allow no one to undersell us on
Drink Sherbert at McMillen's.
The Farmer is King. King Farmei
Last Saturday morning's storm blev
down the company's wind mill at In
dianola with damaging results.
The now commissioner and treasure
laws simplify politics materially. Tin
good work should not be retarded.
Tuesday , George Sheppaid moved hii
headquarters down ontoDennison street
rear of the Citizens Bank building.
The first of the harvest excursion ;
will start from the east August 25th
What is McCook going to do about it'i
Episcopal services in Meeker Hall ,
Sunday , August 2d , morning and even
ing , by Rev. Durant , at the usual hours ,
The drummers are coming. Twenty-
two Knights of the Grip were Commer
cial House guests on Sunday last. It
looks like old times.
eran church , next Sunday , at 8 o'clock ,
P. M. , by the Sunday school scholars.
Admittance free. AH are cordially in
The citizen who failed to hear the
concert , Saturday evening , was either
ame or lacked a conveyance. Every
body else was there and enjoyed the
This week , Joe McBrayer completed
the job of moving the west ward school
milding down to South McCook. It
las been located near C. A. Scott's
The W. R. C. social announced for
Tuesday evening was abandoned for
reasons the ladies can explain with
proper emphasis to those seeking the
Very few properties in the city es
caped the damaging force of the wind
and rain storm of last Saturday morn
ing , as the broken and destroyed trees
on all hands attest.
This week , Potter & Easterday put
in a 4-ton Fairbanks scales in prepara
tion for the expected rush of wheat.
E. H. Doan has also put in a similar
make and capacity.
In a few days J. A. Cordeal will send
another display of our agricultural pro
ducts east. Any samples left at THE
TRIBUNE at once will be cared for and
forwarded with the collection.
Buffalo Jones' entire herd of buffalo
are again located on school section 16 ,
about one mile north and east of the
city. The calves were brought up from
Indianola , the close of week past.
Not many Nebraska cities can exhibit
as many handsome turnouts as may be
seen on the thoroughfares of McCook
on a pleasant evening. The "Magic
City" is every inch a thoroughbred.
The Commercial House deal , which
we were credibly informed last week
had matured , has fallen through for the
present at least , on account of misun
derstandings between both parties at
Rev. P. S. Mather administered the
rite of Christian baptism by immersion ,
last Sunday afternoon , at 3:30 : , P. M. ,
in the Republican river near the city.
A large number of people were present.
The persons baptized were Mr. Allen E.
Rogers and Miss Mary L. Rogers.
The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co.
will retire from the lumber and coal
trade in McCook , August 1st , having
disposed of their stock here to W. C.
Bullard & Co. and The Huddleston
Lumber Co. They still hold their yard
at Indianola , and it is the only yard now
owned by them.
Quarterly meeting services at the
M. E. church , next Sabbath. In the
morning , holy communion and baptism
will be administered. In the evening ,
services will be conducted by Rev. C. A.
Mastin , presiding elder of the district !
All are very cordially invited to these
interesting services.
The arrest of an intoxicated vag , Sat
urday evening by Policeman McCotter ,
caused a flutter of excitement and a
little indignation. The fellow resisting
was maced into submission and then
incarcerated until he had unloaded his
jag , when he was released and invited
to make himself scarce in this neck of
the moral vineyard.
The railroads have reconsidered the
matter and have decided to run the
usual" Harvest Excursions , " this season ;
and the people of McCook" should begin
to "hump themselvess" in order that
we may induce a goodly portion of ex
cursionists who come this far west to
come here and look us over while every
thing is appearing so fat and frisky.
The first excursion is announced for
August 25th. If we care to do any
thing , let us be up and at it with a will.
9t jLV 3v
The Congregational church armour
ccs a special song service ibr Sunda
evening , August 2d , 8:3U o'clock. 1
chorus of 12 voices will sing sum
choice selections. A children's choi
of 35 voices will render some piece
from Mr. Sankey's new hook. Mr
Stevenson has secured the help of thrci
ladies from the well-known Philharmo
nic Society of Chicago , who were pass
ing through from Denver to Chicago
He has induced them to stay in McCoot
over Sunday and help in the morning
and evening services. They will rendei
solos , duets and trios. Extra seats
will he provided. Those requiring scat ;
will do well to come early as a numbei
of friends are coming from Indianola tc
hear tne singing. The following pro
gram has been prepared :
Organ Voluntary , Mrs. J. C. Birdsell
Coronation , Congregation ,
Anthem"Nearer My God To Thee.Choir ,
Male Quartette "Lost Land Mark. '
Duet , Misses Geselbracht & Anderson ,
"O , Morning Land , "
Chorus , "He Loved Me So , " Children's Choir
Solo W. C. Stevenson ,
"Throw Out the Life Line , "
Trio..Selected Miss Geselbracht and
Misses Clara and Amanda Anderson.
Anthem " " Choir.
, "Bless the Lord ,
Solo Selected Miss Geselbracht.
Male Quartette , "I've Found a Friend. "
Duet , Miss Anderson and W. C. Stevenson.
"I Shall be Satisfied , "
Anthem , "The Beautiful Golden Gate , " Choir.
Rev. D. L. McBride and Rev. Don
aldson will make short addresses.
The meeting announced for this even
ing , in the city hall , to consider the ad
visability of holding a reunion , in Mc-
Cook , this fall , should call out a full
attendance of veterans and citizens. It
is a large and important question and
deserves the fullest 'discussion. The
proper management and conduct of a
reunion such as McCook has held , means
the free use of money and zealous
laborers. The question is do we want
to do it ? Can we raise the means , and
are there enough willing and capable
hands ready to lay hold of the under
taking and carry it on to success. Don't
failfellow-citizensto , be on hand tonight
and give the meeting the advantage of
your views. It is time to determine
what action we shall take. The season
is propitious for an advertisement of
McCook and Red Willow county such
an a successful reunion will give. Are
we willing and able to put up the at
The sports had a time galore at the
race track , Saturday last , when a run
ning race took place between the res
pective flyers of Mr. Marsh and Mr.
Maddux. It appears to have been one
of those cases when a supposed cinch
failed to materialize into a sure thing ,
and contrary to expectations Mr. Mad
dux was in it most vociferously , and the
other fellows dropped their skekels in
tearful surprise. We understand that
a few races are booked for tomorrow
again. But the boys will be leery of
the cinch that cincheth not.
Monday morning , Barrister Cole laid
aside the musty books of legal lore and
boldly invaded the culinary department ,
during the absence of the family in Il
linois. His larder was shortly enriched
with 20 quarts of apricots of his own
raising , which Hugh asseverates he
"put up" in the highest style of the art ;
besides defeating the ever active and
pernicious fruit thief.
They had quite an exciting little epi
sode in L. W. McConnell & Co.'s drug
store , last Sunday evening ; all over the
explosion of a quantity of red fire which
had been prepared for use on the fourth.
There was no material damage.
Candidates are unusually shy and
backward about announcing themselves
publicly. Perhaps they have forgotten
that it only requires a five dollar William
to have the job performed artistically
and thoroughly by THE TRIBUNE.
The well known land case of Hoffman
against Hatcher has been decided , this
week , by the land department , in favor
of Hatcher , thus settling a contest of
much bitterness and involving a neigh
The ladies of the W. R. C. will hold
i social in Morlan's building , tomorrow
Bvening. There will be ice cream and
sake , and the price for both will be the
nominal sum of ten cents.
Of the $15,000 appropriation made
by the last legislature to pay bounties
Dn wild beasts only $486 now remain.
14,514 have already been drawn in
exchange for wolf scalps.
The McCook Degree of Honor will
meet Thursday , August 6th , 1891 , at
3:30 o'clock , in the A. 0. U. W. lodge
room. All members are requested to
be present
If the sleeping-room in wnrm , it inn
be cooled for a time by wringing larg
pieces of cotton out of water and hanj
ing them before the open window *
Leave the door open , and as the ai
coiuca through the wet cotton it will b
cooled. This is a good device for cool
ing a sick-room ; the cloths can then bi
wet again and again.
Bellamy , of "Looking Backward'
fame , has an idea about temperance
He would abolish all saloons and ba :
rooms and provide that alcoholic liquori
shall be distributed at cost by salariec
state agents. He thinks this is tin
best method to be adopted until nationa
prohibition can be enacted and enforced
A great sorrow came into the home
of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hagar , this morn
ing , in the death of their little hey ol
about one year old , after a very brie :
illness. The parents have the consola
tion and sympathy of all in their bereave
merit. The funeral will take place or
Sunday afternoon.
The survey of the North Side ditoi
ias already crossed the Red Willow
creek and is being continued. Irrigation
will assume large proportions in Red
Willow county by another season.
Fifty miles of the C. H. Meeker ditch
lave already been surveyed and the
; oed work continues. Mr. Meeker in-
'orms us that he has now five different
engineering parties in the field.
Rain is retarding the harvest , but the
crop will be saved in most instances
with slight loss. And how the corn is
a-coming !
Red Cloud Chief : Mrs. D. H. Rudd
s visiting in McCook for two or three
Don't neglect to patronize the ladies
of the W. R. C. , tomorrow night.
Usual band concert , tomorrow night.
First-class groceries , elegant line of
canned goods , tea , coffee , dried fruits ,
meat , flour , cheese , Chase & Sanborn's
roasted coffee. Everything goes at a
discount. We save you 25 per cent ,
over the credit stores. Fresh fruits
and vetetables cheaper than any one.
Try the Cash Bargain House ! You
will save money. Have the largest
and best stock to select from. Get
our prices on canned goods by the doz
en. We retail groceries at wholesale
) rices
JOHN C. ALLEN , Proprietor.
) ell. Laflin , Manager.
There is something approaching pure
elight in drawing the ribbons over a
panking , spirited team of horses puli
ng a handsome and comfortable vehicle ,
hese pleasant , cool evenings or quiet
Sundays. If you want to indulge in
hat sort of ecstacy drop into The Circle
? rent Livery Barn and let them fit you
up with the necessary apparatus. They
lave the handsomest turn-outs to be
bund in the Valley. Their service is
trompt and their treatment courteous.
! erms as reasonable as first-class ac-
ommodations will warrant.
The citizens of McCook and vicinity
who are interested , are requested to
meet in the city hall , Friday , July 31st ,
at 8 o'clock , P. M. , central time , and
talk over the advisability of holding a
G. A. R. reunion , this year.
Our brooms are moving. We are
sweeping out all summer goods to make
room for our fall goods. Dry goods ,
clothing , hats and caps , boots and shoes ;
everything goes at a discount.
JOHN C. ALLEN , Proprietor.
Dell. Laflin , Manager.
I have a fine lot of hay , bottom hay ,
for sale. Persons needinghay can leave
word at D. C. Marsh's livery barn , op
posite the Arlington Hotel , and same
will be promptly delivered to any part
of the city at lowest market price.
A married man with small family to
work on my ranch. Must be temperate ,
industrious and come well recommend
ed. Inquire at my dental office in Mc
Cook. DR. A. J. THOMAS.
That is to say : Do you want to buy ,
rent or trade for a barn. If so call on
; > r address E. LINDNER , McCook.
Owing to the death of Frank H.
Fowler of the firm of Vfncox & Fowler
ler , a/Ipersons indebted to said firm
are requested to call and settle on or
before the 1st day of August , 1891.
After the 10th day of July , 1891 , all
the business of said firm will be con
ducted on a strictly cash basis.
Juno 22d , 1891.
DoYou Want a Farm Loan ?
If so , come and see me before
making an application elsewhere.
SHIRTS TO OKDKH. White or fancy.
Gents who are accustomed to have their
shirts made to order givu us a trial
order. We guarantee a good fit and
reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS.
One of C. II. Mocker's engineering
parties' headquarters have been trans-
fered to Indianola , and are now survey
ing south and east of that point.
C. H. Meeker , the crop insurance
fiend , will have a corps of surveyors in
charge of Hickox and Hicks , camped on
the Willow , in a few days.
Drink Seltzer Water , the most cool
ing and refreshing drink known , at
Chenery'a City Drug Store.
S. M. Cochrane & Co. for binding
twine. They will give you the lowest
price possible.
Rev. D. L. McBride will preach , next
Sunday afternoon , at 4 o'clock , in the
Lutheran church.
The Eagle Clothing Store has the
only Genuine Dog Glove found ia
A four-room house in good location
for rent. Inquire at Dullard's lumber
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Humboldt flour.
Try Knipple for staple and fancy
groceries. Union block.
Sealing Wax for fruit cans at Chen-
ery's City Drug Store.
Soda with cream at McMillen's.
Saturday is emancipation day.
Noble , The Grocer.
For buyers of Footwear. "We have
just opened on our
The greatest lot of bargains ever
offered in McCook.
Prices 6d Figures
We never do things by halves ex
cept when we sell goods at
Half Price.