TF 'fW * * -C - V J I TENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JULY 31. 1891. NUMBER 1O. FREE ! FREE ! Commencing JULY 8 , 1891 , we will offer our entire stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT AUCTION PRICE ! In order that our stock of Merchandise may be turned into CASH ! CASH ! BY SEPTEMBER 1 , 1891. ft in And our stock of goods must be turned in cash at PRICES THAT WILL TAKE THE HAIR OFF. Come early and get first choice. This is a bonafide sale and no "catch-penny" sale. The goods must go. H. LAWLER. AGENT LINCOLN LAND Co , ' , NEB.OFFICE OFFICE IN MEEKER BUILDING , MARSH & CLARK , -THE- first-class in all respects and prices reasonable. Opposite tbeArlington House. EVERY WATERPROOF COLLAR on THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP JXTot to fitollt ! TO THE MARK 3 > TcyE "to IDlstooloay 1 BEARS THIS MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATEHPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. The Largest and Finest Stock ! Wishes to call public attention to the important fact that his stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest finest and "best assortment to "be found in McCook. He guar antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not What theTruthMay Be , I Tell it 8 Twas Told to Me. " Mrs. A. J. Thomas is down from the ranch near Parks , tins week. Will Archibald basked in the sunshine of admiring Oxfoid feminities , Sunday. E. L. Laycock returned , Wednesday morn ing , from : i week's sojourn in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cordeal arrived home , Tuesday inoiniiig , from their Illinois visit. C.T. . I Jill and George Hill , of McUook , were Opelt j sts , Tuesday , says the Lin coln Journal. A. J. Thompson lett , Tuesday morning , for the national G. A. 11. encampment at Detroit. Mich. Caleb Clothier is down from the ranch in Hayes comity , this week , on business and on a short visit. Banker Quick's sprightly and elastic foot- 'alls resounded on the streets of the chief city , this morning. Sheriff McCool visited the metropolis of lie Great Kepublican Valley in his official : apacity , Wednesday. Mrs. N. L. Cronkhite of Hastings was the guest other daughter , Mrs. J. H. Burns , the early days of the week. Miss Lizzie Robinson of Pierre , S. D. , and Mrs. Win. Hockett of Kiverton , are theguests if A. F. Moore and family. Thos. Lonergan , Jr. , came in irom Chicago. Tuesday noon , and accompanied his mother o the mountains , yesterday. Jonas Engel leaves. Sunday morning , for Sew York , to make his fall purchases , which ivill include a stock of clothing. Geo. W. Kaime has been down at Indiano- a , pait of the week , looking after company umber interests at the seat of county affairs. Tom O'llourke departed for ilawlins , Wy oming , Saturday last. His run will be be- Aveen Kawlins and Green Eiver on the U. P. C. J. llyan and family and guest , H. A. Jeunett , who have been enjoying a week's ioiourn in the mountains , arrived home yes- erday. Jack McCabe , the veteran of the postal service , has been promoted to the head clerk- ihip of the day run between the Junction and McCook. Cashier Lawson of the First National is absent on a vacation , visiting at his father's home in Moville , Iowa. He returned home , last night. Pete Newcornb and family left , Tuesday , for the state of Indiana. Mrs. Newcomb will remain all summer in the hope of improving her health. Mrs. J. P. Lindsay is entertaining her sis ter Mrs. A. C. Harbison and daughter Ada of Des Moines , Iowa , who will visit in our city about a month. Attorney Smith of Indianola and Attorney Welty of Cambridge , two aspirants for the Judgeship of the 14th district , were with us in the flesh , Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Beckstead , of Hamburg , Iowa , who has been the guest of her sister , Mrs. J. Byron Jennings , for some time past , left for home Tuesday morning. Prof. Valentine has been engaged in insti tute work up in Hitchcock county , this week. It is work in which he is in demand , and in which he has few equals in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Colvin and children left , Tuesday noon , for the west on an outing of ten days or two weeks in Colorado. Den ver , Manitou and other points of attraction will be visited. J. E. Kelley , Sunday evening , took his de parture for Duluth , Minn. , where John F. Majors will join him , and together they ex pect to spend a brief season fishing in Minne sota's prolific wateis. Cyrus Taylor of Sulley , Iowa , uncle of Mrs. Bump , spent the early days of the week in this city on his way to Denver. Mr. Tayloi is a great horse fancier , being himself quite an extensive breeder of blooded and fleet- footed equines. W. C. Bullard , who arrived in the city , last Friday morning , to superintend the taking of stock of The Frees & Hocknell lumber yard , recently purchased by W. C. Bullard & Co. and The Huddleston Lumber Co. , departed for Omaha on the early passenger , Sunday morning. Hon. D. E. Bomgardner , receiver of the United States laud office at McCook , in company - pany with Hon. J. E. Kelley , a prominent young attorney of McCook , were in Lincoln , Monday , calling on friends. They will go to Chicago before returning to their homes. Lincoln Journal. V. Franklin , President of the Citizens Bank of McCook , was transacting business in this village , Monday. Mr. Franklin rode over on horseback. * * * Santford Lewis of McCook is up looking after his farm and visiting old friends , accompanied by his little son. Hayes Centre Kepublican. Miss Minnie Miller leaves , this evening , to accept a position with J. Albert Wells , gen eral merchant , at McCook , Neb. Miss Minnie is one of our most charming young ladies and will be greatly missed by the young people of our city. The best wishes of all go with her to her new home. Bloomingtou Kepub lican. Miss Miller arrived in the city on Fri day night last. G. A. 11. National En- BurlingtonG. ) > iiuntIetroitMich : Burlington igan , AUK. 3-S. An ex tension of tlio. limit fui return until the IStn 1ms been agreed upon , witli privileges of a further ex tension to Sept. SOtli , upon deposit of the ticket in the hands of the joint agent ot terminal lines in Detroit. The round trip rate has been reduced and is only ยง 25.15 from McCook. * - M. E. camp meeting , Cambridge. Neb. , Aug. 717.Y rate round trip. E. If. Bee will sijin ceililicates ; tickets on sale 4-17. MB 4 f-Xt Semi-annual meeting State lloiticultural Society , Hastings , Aug. 5-7. 1 % rate round trip ; tickets on sale 2-7. OC * - * * State Prohibition Convention , Lincoln , Aug. 5-0. IV. rate round trip ; tickets on sale2-C. J. Hiilaniski , A ent , will cheerfully an- swere all questions. WE "PASS" NOBODY. Mr. Lou Moore and wife aie visiting his broMier , Engineer Jack Moore. Machinist John Bonlan quit the service , Jiis week , to harvest his ciops. Lcn Meserve , flteinan , is laid up with a sprained ankle. Too much trotting horse. , CSfBuy a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Bill Craig is laying off for a week to no down in the country and help "Pa" stack the wheat. Mark Wickwire has left the company and is going to seek work in a more prosperous clime. Engineer Tyler and Fireman Starks Sun- dayed in McCook , engine 147 needing a few repairs. Engineer Jas. Swearinger was a visitor in the city , early in the week , seeking listeners to his "tale of woe. " Tom Wilkinson came in from Denver , on Wednesday morning , to assist in getting out the Supt. pay rolls. Thos. Combs , engineer at Denver , was a visitor in the city , Wednesday. He was ac companied by his wife. Assist. Supt. Highland of the Lyons line was at western headquarters , Monday even ing , on railroad business. Engineer John J. Mullen put in the week in Chicago , attending the advisory committee meeting of the relief department. Engine 267 , one of the newly arrived , class H , Rogers' engines , has gone to Denver , and the boys are wondering when 2C8 will go. S350.00 will buy two lots in block 13 , origi nal town of McCook , only three blocks from business center. Apply to C. F. BABCOCK. Will Koberts , machinist , and Sam Cres- well , stationery engineer at the shops , have invested in a thresher and are now working the farmers. Neighbor Archibald was the recipient , this week , of the laws of the last legislature , through the kindness of John C. Allen , sec retary of state. Supt. A. Campbell , accompanied by his two boys , went to Chicago on the 24th , and it is safe to say the boys will get to see every thing that would be pleasing to them. J. J. Staby , hostler at Akron , went east on No. 2 , Wednesday , accompanied by his wife , to their old home in lied Cloud , where their father lies very sick and not expected to live. Engineers should not allow themselves to indulge in day dreams while on duty as it will sooner or later lead to disastrous results , as witnessed in the case of the high line en gineer. Headmasters Josselyn , McFarland and Parsons presented themselves at McCook , this week , with their pay rolls , and all seem ed to be enjoying life even if they do work so hard. T. D. Berckhamer came up from Republi can City , this week , and enjoyed a brief res pite from business cares. Last evening he left for Pacific Junction to accept the posi tion of helper on the express run from that place to McCook , Oxford Standard. Lincoln has been designated headquarters for the South Platte district of the Railwaj Mail Service and John M. Butler has been placed in charge as chief clerk , The district embraces the entire South Platte country , except two runs between McCqok and Omaha Roadmaster Wm. Brown has gone to the floldrege-Cheyenne 1'ne ' to take charge of track. B. V. Haley will take his place at McCook. Mr. Brown has been troubled with rheumatism for some time and thinks the change to a higher and dryer altitude will benefit him. To-morrow the B. & M. will re-open the following stations , which were closed on ac count of lack of business : Stoddard station and Sacramento , on the southern division , witli O. C. Miller and W.W. Shaw as agents , respectively. Stamford station , on the Or- leans-St. Francis line , with John Bowman as agent. The B. & M. has issued the following gen eral order to all its employes , in view of the eight-hour labor law which goes into effect on August 1 : "On and after Saturday , Au gust 1,1891 , all employment by the day will be discontinued. All classes of employes heretofore employed by the day will there after be employed by the hour. ' ' Chairman Smith of the Trans-Missouri Passenger association has officially authoriz ed the harvest excursion rates of one and one-third fare for excursions on August 25th , September loth and 29th , tickets to be good for thirty days with a transit limit of two days each way. Stop-over privileges may be granted west of the eastern limits of the as sociation regardless of the transit limits. J , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. GREAT SPECIAL SALE ill ( PI IWILL All Goods specially aclapted to Summer Use will le sold at a Gome Early Secure toe Bargains , Wstts attention given mail orders. Li 'DEALERS INE LUMBF J SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , CEMENT , LIME , Also Hard and Soft Coal , ! . & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , TURKEYS , ic. , & .C. R. A COUPE & CO , TWO PAPERS FOR TH $5,00 PER DAY , $1,000,00 , GASH IN PHIZES , You can WIN BIG MONEY. Don't miss this opportunity. The IRRIGATION AGE is the ONLY journal in the WORLD devoted to the great interests of irrigation. It is meeting with ENORMOUS SUC CESS , but wants 10,000 more SUBSCRIBERS before November 15th , and proposes to have them at any cost. BIG COMMISSION and big prizes to AGENTS , and splendid TERRITORY entirely UNWORKED. NO COMPI- TETION * . Thirty pages , illustrated , finest class journal published west of. Chicago. ALL IRRIGATION NEWS. Just the paper for all farmers in the irrigated regions. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS AND INVESTORS WANT IT. Home edition , Denver ; Inter-Mountain edition , Salt Lake City and Ogden ; Coast edition , Los Angeles. Send for sample copies and agents terms and particulars of our great PRIZE OFFER. Address Irrigation Age , Denver , Cole , Railroad Building. THE TRIBUNE AND THE RRIGATION AGE ONE YEAR FOR $2.00 CASH IN AD' NCE.