"August Flower" The Hon. J. W. Fcnnimore is the Sheriff of Kent Co. , Del. , and livef at Dover , the County Seat and Cap ital of the vState. The sheriff is a gentleman fifty-nine years of age , and this is what he says : "I have " used your August Flower for several - " eral years in my family and for my "own use , and found it does me "more good than any other remedy. " I have been troubled with what I " call Sick Headache. A pain comes " in the back part of my head first , ' and then soon a general headache ' until I become sick and Vomit. ' At times , lee , I have a fullness ' after eating , a pressure after eating 'at the pit of the stomach , and ' sourness , when food seemed to rise 4 up in my throat and mouth. When ' I feel this coming on if I take a ' little August Flower it relieves ' me , and is the best remedy I have ' ever taken for it. For this reason "I take it and recommend it to " others as a great remedy for Dys- "pepsia , &c. " ® G. G. GKEEN , Sole Manufacturer , Woodbury , New Jersey , U. S. A. * < < 3WK You Tried It ? i ft Now ! Go to your Druggist , hand him one dollar , tell him you want a bottle of . . . . ISCKIY The BEST MEDICINE known for the CURE of Ail Diseases of the Liver , All Diseases of the Stomach , All Diseases of the Kidneys , Ail Diseases of the Bowels , PURIFIES THE BLOOD , CLEANSES THE SYSTEM , Restores Perfect Health. If says Kennedy's Medical Discover ) cures Horrid Old Sores , Deep Seated Ulcers of 4:0 years standing , Inward Tumors , and every disease of the skin , ex cept Thunder Humor , and Cancer that has taken root. Price $1.50. Sold by every Druggist in the U. S. and Canada. J.J. THOMAS & CO. , 1G1.7 Ctirlis Street , DENVER , - COL. Special rates for carload * to Club * and Alliances for nil Northern Colorado Lump and Steam Coal * . Consumers will consult their interc.sts by writing lor prices JOHN Successfully Prosecutes Claims. ate Principal Examiner U S Pension Bureau. , rt > m Liit war. IDadiudicutum claims , attyeuucd EVERY WATERPR\ \ BE UP TO THE MARK NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. C THE ONLY LINEI < COLLAR I Cleans Mos is Lenox. IN THE RANKS. With .tcaily tt-ps lie pas'c < l down the street , Wearing .1 gown \vho-e folds cannot con ceal The ina tvc strength and grace of every limb : And. looking in the clear cut face , you feel The power of mind. The lips arc .set ly fate , Deep eyes arc steely gray , and , wide and free. You think of him , swathed in the battle's mibt , Setting the tars of brute won victory. In Miorrd ollice-s no sign he makes That in hiveini tlielire-i of pavion glow : That love or hate or leadership of men Have any place beneath his stoleof snow , Down | iiiet aisles of the cathedral vast. Veiled in the light of sacred cen-ers dim , Tie blowlv leads the clear voiced choris ters' Chanting , in ringing lone" , the evening hymn. And then , when silence falls , his voice alone Lifts up , as if somelong-lost day to greet , Did sorrow , sin , or love , with eareleieye - > Teach him to sing with voice so true and sweet ? Who knows the heart of man ? The pass ing day Flashes a dream of glory ere it die1- : Above the singer is a golden ray That eems to bear hia voice beyond the skies. With banners and with lights he parsed on ; The pageant fades , another voice is there Calling lor peace and grace on all the world : In echoes sweet you miss the earnest prayer. Filled with the mystery of pa singlife. The Muig still lingers with you , soft and low , Stilling the strife that mars the tattered heart , With absolution from ite deepest woe. He bears no burden here says that one Ming. Yet inboin fame all times and places de- lie- ; You see upon hi > head the crown of bay * , The leader lives within hi piercing eye-- , Perchance he longago laid down thesword ' , Content to leave the path ambition' trod , And , in the army of the holy cross To Miive in peace to lead lost souls to God. Fainuel Williams Cooper. MB. A > STD MRS. BOWSER. "Mrs. Bowser , " began Mr. Bowser as ho came down stairs the other morning , "is this house run on a sys tem or is everything expected to take care of itself ? " "What do yon mean ? " she asked. "I mean that I have been looking for a shoe string for the last hour and a half and that nothing of the sort can be found ! " ' "No ; I don't believe there is one in the house. " "I presume not ! I presume the two hundred pairs I bought in Detroit the clay before we left have all been chewed up by the cat or sold to the ragman. If there's a worse run house than ours in America I'd like to see it. " ' 'Why , Mr. Bowser , you only brought home three shoe-strings and you used two of those to tje up your papers. " "Well , where's the other ? " "I can't tell. We may have lost it in movingand unpacking. " "Don't doubt it in the least. While a shoe-string is not as big as a piano or as valuable as a clock the loss of it shows a want of system , a reckless extravagance truly discouraging. Have you got a piece of clothes-line in the house ? " "I I don't think so , " she stam mered. 'Probably not ! Probably gone to join the shoestring ! I must have something to tie up my shoe with , however"and I will use a piece of stovepipe wire. After breakfast , when ready to go out , he said : "Mrs. Bowser , I hope you will take this lesson to heart. Carelessness in a wife is a very reprehensible trait. " You are just as careless as lam ! ' ' she protested. "Xo , ma'am ! Xo ma'am ! I never mislay anything , forget anything or lose anything ! Very few husbands dp. I will go around the world with a pin in my vest and bring the same one back "with me. If you go out on the street today you had better "have a policeman go with you. If not , you'll lose your purse or be robbed of your cloak. " When Mr. Bowser came up to lunch eon he entered the house with a smile on his face and the door-mat in his hand , and said : "I found a boy walking off with this mat ! Has anyone taken the range out of the basement ? It's a wonder to me they haven't come in after the car pets ! " "That's a mat thegirlput out in the barrel to be carted away , " she explain ed. ed."Oh "Oh ! It is ! More reckless extrava gance , I see ! Mrs. Bowser , I want to sit down with you some day and have a long talk. I think you mean -well , but you are deficient in judgment , and your knowledge of the world is very , very limited. " "Doyou know everything ? " she sar castically queried. "Mrs. Bowser. " he replied , as he folded his hands under his coat tails and assumed his favorite attitude , "there are probably one or two things I don't know. I don't claim to know it all , and I don't say you know nothing whatever. The husband who does nothowever , know forty times as much as his wife would be considered a stick of a man. Did you go out this morning ? " "I did. " "Was your bonnet taken off your head ? " "Xo , sir. " "Lucky very lucky ! You are to be congratulated. I don t" "Mr. Bowser , where's your watch ? " she interrupted. "My watch , Mrs. Bowser my watch is great Scotts ! " He dropped his hand to find the chain , but it was not there. He felt for the watch , but.it was gone. M-S - . - Vil ? * - . , L-J "Did you leave it at the jeweler's ? " she asked as he stood with open mouth and staved at her. "Jeweler's ! No ! It's gone I've lost it ! I've been robbed ! " he shouted , as he danced around. "It can't be. Feel in all your pock ets. " "Pockets ! Pockets ! Do you 'spose I carry my watch in my coat-tail pocket ! I tell you I've been robbed ! " "Well , don't take on so ; your wal let is safe isn't it ? " "G-gone ! " he gasped , as he put his hand up watch and wallet both gone ! " "You must have been robbed in some crowd , " she suggested. "Robbed ! Crowd ! Robbed ! Of course I've been robbed ! " he shouted , as he pranced about. "Git that infernal cat oil that lounge and lemme lay down , for I'm so weak I can't stand up ! Where's that camphor ? " She ran for the bottle as he flopped down , and for the next three minutes he had his nose in the opening. "You ought to go to the police at once , " she finally said. "G-gone ! G-gonc ! " he gasped. "But how could you have been rob bed ? " "I dunne ! Hold the bottle a little hitiher. " "You are so careful , you know. " "Yes. " 'You never mislay anything or for get anything. " "Xo. " "And never lose anything , and have so much worldly wisdom ? " "Oh ! my head ! " "I can't make it out. I am so care less that i might lose a shoestring in moving here from Detroit , but " you "Don't talk tome ! Over$000gone ! " "A woman tried to steal my reti cule in Buffalo and I had her arrested , but it seems you " "Gone ! Gone ! he groaned. "Haven't you no idea of when it , was taken ? " she persisted. "Xp ! " "Well , I am sorry , but this will be a great lesion to you. You will be " more "Mr.s. Bowser ! " heinterruptcd as he suddenly sat up. "I see throuah it all now. It's as plain asdaylight ! " "What do you mean ? " "I it this thought was -necessary morning to give you a little advice. I felt it to be my duty as a husband. This is your way of getting.even ! " "Why. Mr. Bowser ! " "Don't why Mr. Bowser me ! It's as plain as that chair over there ! " "How could I rob you or tell any one else to ? ' ' she demanded. "Never you mind ! I see it all ! It's all right. Mrs. Bow&er all right ! Just let go the camphor bottle and take a seat in the other room ! A husband will bear a great deal from the woman he loves , but when crowded too far he turns at bay. 1 have turned. As soon as I feel a little bit better we will come to an understanding , and you can probably take the noon train for your mother's in Detroit. Robbed ! Plundered ! But I see through it and know my duty ! " All He Could Eat for 1 O Cents. A young Bostonian visiting Phil adelphia and who thought himself very smart , was easily sold by an old "gag. " ' Pretending to be something of an epicure , lie was praising the sea products found near the Hub , when a Philadelphia lawyer remarked : But you should eat our oysters. They would knock you silly. Why , I can give you all the Philadelphia oysters you can eat for 10 cenets ! " The Bostonian bet S50 on his rep utation as an oyster eater. So one evening , after a period of semi-star vation to fit himself for the contest , he and the lawyer went to a well- known oyster saloon not far from Broad and Chestnut streets. The lawyer threw a dime on the counter and told the cysterman to go ahead. Ten oysters were opened and rapidly consumed by the Bostonian. His mouth watered for more , but the lawyer declined to order them , claim ing he had won the 850. A storm of reproaches greeted him , in the midst of which he calmly remarked : "My dear boy , have you not had all the oysters you can eat for 10 cents ? Ask the man. He won't give you any more for the money. " Philadelphia Record. Fashions in Jewelry. Two and three-stone rings are worn by men. There are bracelets with diamond bow-knots. Happy is the possessor of a gold chain and bead purse. Black enameled watch chains are made for men in mourning. A bird's wing of diamonds affords an effective hair ornament. The tendency is again for gold lin ings in silver cups , bowls , cream jugs and the like. A novelty in individual salts are canoe-shaped ones , with tiny silver paddles for spoons. For bedrooms and boudoir there are silver-fluted twisted candlesticks , with carded standards. Scissors with silver handles that fold over and protect the sharp points are made for carrying in one's pocket. Jewel boxes of rockcryst.il mounted in silver are counted among other high art articles that find a place in the boudoir. A Chicken-Ranch on a Roof. I once knew a man herein Xew York who used to raise chickens on the top of his house. Everybody laughed at the idea , of his being able to make it a success , but I hive bought eggs and chickens from him many and many a time , so I know that he did. He built a raSHngof slats all about theedge of the roof so the chickens could not ily over. He had plenty of fresh earthen on the floor , and in one corner a coop where the roosts ana nests were , and in another corner an awning was stretched for shade. S. Y. World. A Lazy .Uninc .nan. "Mose" Little was a shiftless inhab itant of a Maine town , who would network work a. minute longer than was ncccs- sary to yet inonoy enough to support him in iulene. > s for a few dnys. He went into the viilagu j > toro to purchase t > oine groceries , one item of which was a dollar's worth of Hour. He put the smaller articles in a buskot which lie tooic on onu arm. while he carried thq Hour in the oilier. All at once ho set the bundle down. "Say , Jack. " said lie , "is Hour lower ? ' ' "Yes. " replied Jack. "We give thirty-live pounds for a dollar now , instead of thirty. " "Well , " drawled MoseI'll be glad when it goes up again , so I shan't have to lugso much for a dollar.1 liiu : to All. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and. approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs , as the most excellent laxative known , illustrate the value of the qual ities on which its success is based ami are abundantly gratifying to the Cali fornia Pig Syrup Company. A Nv Flu tlroil. Some ingenious person has patented and put on sale a llatiron which espe cially commends iisolf to women who board or any who employ dressmakers in their homes. It is made with an opening in the > upper part and is hol low inside. Wiuun are placed blocks of a new sort of fuel which comes in little cakes and when these are lighted they will burn six hours and keep the iron well heated all the time. Kcstorativo If you nrc ivi-ak nnd debilitated , use S-joor' ' ? ort "GrsiprVine or his Unferini-ntod (11.1510 .luk'C. Either will purity your o.ooil , n-i-torc digestion and make -von fi-el like a younger For tale by druggists. AVli < ! ( to Jfiiul tl It is related tiie story is to good that it probably isn't true that one of the oliicers at the state prison , wiio recently tendered his resignation , was asiced by Warden Levering if there was net some other situation in the in stitution which "no would liice to lill. "There is but one soft sit in the pris on , " he replied. Do you moan mine ? ' " asked the warden. "Xo , 1 mean a convict's , " was the oHi : er"s reply. "They are the only people in the building1 who seem happy and con tented. " Boston Transcript. We will give $100 icn.inl for any case of catarrh that laiinot be cmed SUi Hall's Catairh Cure. Taken intfrn.illv. F. J. CHENEY it CO. , J'roprs./'ioledo , O. Alter < 'aso . . As Col. Biilson was going down the stops ho met a suspicious looking boy with a lot of bills. "Is Col. Billsoifs ofiice up stairs ? " 'Yes , but I'm not in or rather the colonel is not in. " ' "Ain't you the man ? ' ' ' -Xo . " , my son. "I'd like to find him. I've got a telegraph money order for him. " "Let's see. Who is the man you want ? " ' "Col. Biilson. " "I thought you said Col. Billing. I am Coi. ijilison. " "When Baby TTSS sick , -nre gave her Cnstoria , When she was a ChiM , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoris , When she had Children , she save them Castoria , Savannah claims the oldest American theatre. _ CciiicMit Itppair * IlroUpn Article * und one.Major's leather and Itiibbcr Cement 15c. It costs the American nation about > 1 , 000- 000 a year to stop their teeth. The Best AVay to Succeed in Huslness Is to tirs > t take a thoroucli bu me-s course , by mail , at 5 our own home : Brant's College , Bullalo , X Y. The forest area of the United States is estimated at 4bl.7ti4r ! ) b acres. Many so called "Hitters" aie not medi cines , but simply liquors so ilis < riii-ed a to evade the law "in prohibition section- . This is not the case with the celebrated Prickly Ash Bitters. It is purely a medicine , acting on the liver and blood , and by reason of its cathartic elFfcts cannot be used as a bever age. It should be in every household. The United State * col lent * ? ' ' > 30 and spends 4G1 every minute of the night and day. Mrs. Winslovr's SootliiiiffPyriip , for Chil dren tecthiiif : , softens the sums , reduces intlainaia- Uon , allays puin , cures wind colic. 2Jc. a bottle. Nearly § 1,000.000 is added to the net bal auce in the treasury every day now. FITS. All Fits stopped free by DR. KLm.'Snnr.a Jforvc Kotorcr. No Kit after r > tday u--e. Mar vellous cure . Treatise and 00 trial bottle free to Fltcases. Send to Dr. Klme.'Jol Arch St , , Phila. , I'a. Each of thel.oCO street cars of New York earned $20 a day last year. ' Ilnii'.nii'M Ulajrie Corn Snlve. " ' Warranted to cure , or money refunded. Ask your drujrcist for it. i'rice 15 cents. Cleveland is happy in the possession of a deaf mute policeman. June , July and Aug The most charming Summer Kesort * . of which there are over three hundred choice locations , are to be found in Wisconsin , Iowa , Minue-ota. South Dakota and the Peninsula of Michigan , along the lines of the Chicago , MihvaTikee fc St. Paul Kv. Neaily all are located near lakes which have not been fished out. These resorts are easily reached bv rail way and range in variety from the""full ' " dre'ss for dinner" to the "llauuel-shirt cos tume for every meal. SEl'TEM IICK AND OCTOI5EH. The finest shooting grounds in the North west are on the tributary to the lines of the Chicago , Milwaukee it"St. . Paul Ily. The crop of Prairie Chickens will be exception ally good this vear : also Ducks and Geese. In Northern Wisconsin and the Peninsula of Michigau splendid deer shooting is to be had. Full information furnished free. Address , GEO. H. HEAFFOKU , General Passenger Agent , Chicago , 111. Washington is the only city of its size in the United States which has no factory girls. Good company and good discourse are the very tinews of virtue. Tht celebrated Maud "S. " Double Acting Force Pump is the best. See advertisement" ! We spent $000,000,000 in tobacco in 1S90. Can't Yon Catch On To a known means of overcoming tliatob- btlnatu dlboider. constipation ? Of course jou van. Then why don't you ? Ask these who have tried It. and they will tell you that Hosteller's Stomach Hitters Is n inatchltiHS laxative. effectual without violence thor oughly alterative , but perfectly rollahle. It Invigorates , too , no less than It rcgulaios tliu system , and it In chlelly to this ( Irst quality that It owes the permanency of Its regulating olTects. since. If vigor is , lacking In the region of the bowels , tin ) sloiriach or the liver , healthful activity intlioso organ- * Is suspended. Deobstruonts and cathartics in general aru simply that ancl nothing more ; they relax the bowels merely without invlgoiatlng thetn. and as their luxatlvo action is usually abrupt and violent , they really tend to weaken the organs. Use the Hitters , also , for malaria , rheumatism-in digestion , debility and kidney trouble. BEWARE of mercury and potash mixtures. They aggravate the disease instead of curing it. Life A Burden. "I suffered for flve years with mercurial rheumatism , which was the result of potash and mercurial treatment by physicians for constitutional blood poison. They not only failed to cure me , but made me a physical wreck and my life a burden. I then com menced taking Swift's Specific ( S.S.S.and after taking a few bottles was entirely cured Loth ol the rheumatism and blood poison. I cheerfully commend S. S. S. , to any one similarly afllicted. JOHN II. LYI.F.S , Sorento , 111. Rooks on lllood anil Skin Diseases Free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ga. SICKHEADAGHEI ' fosltl rrlvcured bjl these Little Pllli. ( CARTER'S Thsy also relieve Dli-j trosa from Dy pepiU.In-l ! digestion ndTooHe rtyP lTTLE Eating. A. perfect rem-f ody forDizzin ai.Nnuea Drowsiness , Bad Tut in the Mouth , Coat Tongue.Pain la the Side TOltPID LITKR. Theyl regulate the Bonoln.j ! Purely Vepotable. Price 25 Ccntnj CASTEB MEDICINE CO. , HEW YGAZ. SmallPiNjSmall Dose , ; SmallPrice. Dr. Le Due's Periodical Pills Are warranted to relieve tardy , irregular and di > - layed nieni-triiition > . . Kt-t.-ibli-ln-d in Europi- 1S3.I , Kngland , lKr > , Canuda. J877 , United St.-iti-s , 1S87. Wi- sell this French Pill : it S3 .1 box or three for fn. We warrant thn-e boxes to given- lief as above stated or refund the money These goods can be sent per mail on receipt of money. Wholesale uud retail of Oooilniuu Drug Co. , Omaha mke < ri gallons Fli-lidom rarklnfc ! anil apiiznR. sol 1 liv all dealer * \ tx aunrnl picture Book and caM < tntt free la my one stn.Jiug a > re = i to THE C. E. HIRLS CO. rhlUJclulifa. i m _ . _ „ A0over for liore . \v i-oiis 'tuckmnuli'nery , , &c. . at ( \ .1. ISAKEU'S 101Ve t Tlilrd Strei-t. KANSAS CITY , .HO. Seudfuriirsfdoatalogas. J 1 Xamcor < ICM.Tibe3' < jur li-ea eaml I will send j 1 Fixe I'resuription. Thoii.iiiils eund. ! ) ] { . IT. SOLAS CKOWLLY , Tene Jlaute Jiul W. N. U. , Omaha , - 57S 30. ASK YOUR DEALER KOIt A TKIAL l-AIU /O * CHILDREN. This I.itau , * ' Soliil French Done" ! " Iviil Uiitlnu Hoot rent nrviuiiil nnywlieio In tliu L.S. forgl.3U. Kquulu every way Uiu ltoot.i solil tur t-.W In all retail store * . \\'o miiketkta Hoot ourselves therefore n > C it 11 ran tec tliu llt.Ht > l3 ami wear to lie Htttlsfiictory.nrul will rerunii tlie money or soud an other palrof Mootsloiiiironc linvlntc enuio for con- plaliit. Mailw Common scuse&OpcruTot'.t to K widu mill tgai/es. .Tlrr Hiur * ' > . , Summer M it-it , Dubtuu , A SUMMER mil BOOK ls-tiert hy THU CENT It A U "The Falls Houte. " describes with. jnn the details the tonritt iviintttheMiniiuer I'exurt-of' 'Michigan and Cniiiulu. Mug am Fulls. Thousand Islnmlv iiinl St. Lawrence , the Aillron- dnckf. the Hudson.Vhite.Mt.s . nnd New Kiiglinxl Const. For ' 0 | > y address O. W. Kt i.ci.ts , G. 1' . it T. Agent , Chicugo ORAGIN. VALE & BICKFORD. ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS , 914F Slreot , Washington , D.C. Special Attention given to Land , Mining unJ Indian Depredatcn Claims. &J AMUflfin RESTORED. KKMEIiV mAnmUUU n.-Ki : . Axi < umr > . , iti.i..t immudcni-r , mil-liiir I'rwiintnif l' rn. .Nriinuslulul- it\.I -t MniiliiMMl. .Vf lia\inirlii llin.il enrykiniHiu ri'imiU. lias ils | o i l a suiiil < - IIKIIIK of M-Ifiiui. w Inch hi- will ml ( M-alxl ) KKI.l lohl ffll v xutlntis. AildriTh J. C MASON. IVix3iNiw Voik ( itj. R A FAT FOLKS RE " X \ Mr.AHce Maple. Orecnn. Mo. , vrr \ XU "My mRhtwasiaipmiiiiN.ii' w it i- J'-r nreilurtiimof J'JSIIi'- " ForcirciiliiramMre-w , Or.O.V * .FJSNVUKlt. MoVickur's Theatre. nsions Send for Invcnloi's Guide or How toOlitainal'nli-nt JMI.NhlON nnd 1KIMKTV LAW * . PATEIC7 OTARRELL , - WASEIMQTOS , D. C. CURED TO STAY CURED. HAY FEVER We want the name and ad- drcssof every sufferer in tl.e U.S. and Canada. Address & HO I nisi HP. .HiroHEajesM.D , Ba5 .oK.Y. lALOON AND BILLURO MEN. For Saloon Hxtur-- ! llilli.-.nt nnil Tool Toblft. i Illlli inl Supplies .mil I'nr < , li > - < -end to Till ; f < : . \KiKN CITV nii.i.iAKi ) TAISM : Oil . 1U 11. , ho loin tmet. Ouianu , Neb fMIiNTOTItAVKB.Vpay D ' "fl to 5100 n KERFQOT BROS. , IViiLL FURNISHERS , J ELIlSffc O-ccoia Hard ware Co. . O-ceoIa.Ia . THE CELEBRATED MAUD "S. " ' . " ' -ajs the Maud # i > a 'linn' Frederick & Co. . Ton ilad- Double Acting Force Pump. i > on. bay the JlauU S. " ' Write for Do-criplm * Circular aii'l i'mcs- U the pump for the pee ple.We We are of- ferlnp to accr.t- . * Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Children take -without objection. By druggists. Try iHn your nexhhouse- see. A STRUGGLE WITH DIRT Goes on in civilized society from the cradle to the grave. Dirt is degra dation and degradation is destruction. Women , especially , are judged by their habits of household cleanliness , and no stronger condemnation can be expressed than "she keeps a dirty house and a filthy kitchen. " But the struggle yrith dirt is often unequal. The woman's -weakne. s or the worthlessness of the soaps she uses make it impossible to overcoma the demon of dirt. By the use of SAPOLIO she wins easily. Away with the wash-board Pearlme As long \ V VJL as y ° u use the old wash-board yVJ there' be c- work and " x\ wasteThat's what goes / vj with it , and can't be taken from it. That's what itvas made for. It's the rub , rub , rub' , on it that ruins the clothes. It's the wash-board that wears you out. You don't need it. Away with wash-day ! You don't need that , either. You don't set apart a day for washing the dishes. Wash the clothes in the same way , with no more work , a few at a time. But you'll have to use Pear line to do it. Pear line only can rid you of wash-board and hard work ; with it you can da your washing when you like. And you can do it safely , too. . Directions on every package. Away the peddlers and prize givers , who say their imitations are " as good at- " * . or "same as" Pearline IT'S FALSE Pearline is never peddled and With. has no C1ual- Sold bjU grocers. 246 JAMES PYLE. N'ew York.