J.RGANSSHOW , -THE- OLD RELIABLE. THE LESDING BOOT m SHOE DESLER , MCCOOK , - NEBRfiSO , FARM LOANS. I am prepared to fill a few good applications at once. Money on hand when application is approv ed. J. E. KELLEY. Band concert to-morrow night. CHENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. < G. A. R. Reunion. On with it ! "Sherbert for health at McMillen's. Labor day is the next lepal holiday. Letthe scandal mongers give us a rest. Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's. Some men talk by the yard and think by the inch. Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds. Union block. The public debt was increased $3- 000,000 in June. Try Knipple i'or staple and fancy groceries. Union block. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. Superior flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. A full line of stationer } at popular prices. CITY DRUG STORK. Feed of all kinds. POTTER & EASTERDAY. The Eagle Clothing Store is display ing a stylish stock oi' spring clothing. jSPM-lye Hour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. lard oil , castor machine oil , zero black oil , all at popular prices at Ghen- ery's City Drug Store. Red Willow county cannot be seen too much just now. The harvest ex cursionists should see it. A German professor claims to have discovered the bacteria wh.ch 'causes baldness by destroying the roots of the hair. hair.Jf Jf you want a stylish fit at the very lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR , is the man to atronize. Rear of The Famous. S. M. Cochran & Co. have secured the services of a first-class tinner , and are prepared to do all repair work promptly. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries ihe largest assortment and the richest -designs of the season. His prices are' , reasonable. You will be needing W&paSS&Sm --sA-'large and fine selection of calling and' society cards at THE TRIBUNE ! office. Same tastely printed at reasonj Able rates. JRev. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage hi noxinced in a sermon that the creation ; of-the world began in May at 4 o'clqcb ; of ; : , a Monday morning. Jf your farm is under the ditch should take advantage of our clubbing rates and secure "The Irrigation \ It'.cbntains the information you wanB * * ' 2& f Both papers for $2.00 cash in advance ; , > sfc : The girl who wants to look like a man wears a shirt front with a standing collar and a four-in-hand scarf and sticj ; ceeds , but the young man who waQts'Uo * 'appiJar'w6niahish\wearstaisash Jnaking * . ' -i ft" si-V " * > * . * , 'if/fc * * * - < : , - . : , .frimselfl6ot like an eighteen carat fool. , v * , ' " - i.iim . . . _ " ! " " * * : . * ' * K4e'bHniiaVe P ' . The mute may talk , w ; , - "The deaf may hear . , . . ; , ' /"The / maimed may walk , * ; " . A' And Johnnie may have the possess- * * .ion of his gun ; but the time will never . " ' jcome when you can buy first-class cloth- - - * * rfing at the low prices obtainable at the EAGLE CLOTHING STORE. Red Cloud flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. " ' ' ' ' " * ' ' " . ' ' ' " * " ' ' - - / - I " ' Who will undertake "to bell the cat" is the question ? Wheat has a $ brand on its face , this year. Time will bring it nearer. McCook should throw herself in shape to attract the harvest excursionists. Graham flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. _ 0 See Knipple in his new quarters in the Union block. Everything nice in fruits , groceries , etc. Chenery at the City Drug Store uses only pure fruit juices in making syrups for his soda fountain. The wind which accompanied the rain , Sunday evening , was quite damag ing to trees in the city. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. The law seldom troubles the citizen who doesn't violate it. To him it is a shield and a tower of defense. HANGING LAMPS Noble is head quarters for hanging lamps. He car ries a large and splendid selection. Do you want the latest and best and cheapest ? Well , they keep a large vanety at the Eagle Clothing Store. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. Use "The Best" Sticky Fly.Paper , made fresh daily at CHENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. This is the season when the warmhearted - hearted native finds postage stamps sticking to the inside of his vest pocket. There is a new pen in the market that with one dip will pick up enough ink to write 200 words. It is not a foun tain pen. Town pride is a good thing to have there is plenty of it in McCook. It is our key note of advancement and ban ner of success. The Eagle Clothing Store is in the clothing business. They will dress you up handsomely and stylishly , and do it at a very reasonable figure. THE TRIBUNE and "The Irrigation Age , " one year , for $2.00. cash in ad vance. All irrigationists should take advantage of this liberal offer. Interest on the public debt for the fiscal year ending with June , 1892 , will amount to $22,000,000. For the year just closed it was $32,000,000. The W. R. C. of McCook will give a social , in the Meeker Hall , Tuesday evening , July 28th. Refreshments , cake and ice cream , 15 cents. You are cordially invited to be present. If you have for sale a good horse , era a well matched team , suitable for livery service , call at Marsh & Clark's barn , opposite the Arlington House. They are looking for animals of that stamp. The deal has about been closed whereby George E. Johnston becomes owner of the Commercial House and fcf. M. Wolfe secures sole control of the Culbertson Roller Mill , the transfer to occur on the first day of next month. . The j.Star | of Bethlehem" is now the ilargest , andrmost beautiful of the con- &L ' , " * JP { stellationsjof the heavens. It is to be jkf . : vVMui r. v , . . , i m , Jeemevery iuorning up to half-past six , o clock in the southeast firmament. * * 'After this year it w.'ll not appear again 'for 300 years. , 'Prof. Valentine , of McCook , deliver ed a very able and interesting address < mthe "Bad Boy , " at the M.E. church , Monday evening. The church was crowded to over-flowing , and all went away well pleased with the Professor's remarks. Geneva Journal. --ii * , I tj.The season of the year is approach ing when pants will be fashionable. - do not refer to the dog days. We Have in mind the large stock and fine assortment of pants just received by theEAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE. They liave anything you want in size , color , oiTquality. Prices are right. 1 _ : < j EjQRSAJJE Part of my irrigated farui./neap McCook , in small lots to "SUil'piirchaser. Private ditch. No wat er rent. Good chance for small fruit farms. Have had two years' experi ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil low county with irrigation. ANDREW CARSON , P. 6. Box 311 , McCook , Neb. We allow no one to undersell us on flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Drink Sherbert at McMillen's. L 3 A lusty boy baby came to brighten and cheer Mr. and Mrs. J.F.Ganschow'f home , Sunday morning. Parties desiring to furnish school sup plies for district No. 17 , for year be ginning September , 1891 , are requested to call upon C. J. llyan , Secretary. The music rendered at the open air band concert , Saturday evening , called together a large and appreciative audi ence whose loyalty to McCook's splen did band is unquestionable. BAPTIST SERVICE In the Lutheran church , Sunday morning and evening , at 11 o'clock , A. M. , and 8:30 : o'clock , P. M. , central time. Everybody wel come. L. D. McBaiDE , Pastor. With the addition already completed and the porches now under way , the Hatfield ranch home will be one of the cosiest in Red Willow county. The possibilities of alfalfa in a wet season are illimitable. About the only way the management can escape a libel suit is to state Geo. Kaime not Ed. Cain is the hero of the By paper episode. This is a small item , but it is worth just ten thousand dollars lars to the publisher. This is the birthday of Little Myra Connors , the four year old daughter of Engineer and Mrs. G. W. Conners , and this evening , Miss Myra , with the aid of a score or more young friends whom she has invited in , will celebrate the event in the delightful way peculiar to the children all hail to their inno cent joyousness. His CREDENTIALS J. E. Kelley left two white turnips at this office , last evening , which he offers as his credent ials for admission to the farmers' alli ance. They are from seeds sent by the government , of the common variety used in cooking. Their only uncommon feature is their immense size ; they two weigh ten pounds. In a private letter to Oscar Williams Thomas Glasscott states that he will soon be appointed cashier of the Farm ers and Merchants bank of McCook. Tom is a gentlemen and a scholar and possesses qualifications of the highest order , and he will be an honor to the important position to which he has been appointed. Benkelman Bee. 2 The addition to the McCook Roller Mill now under way will be as to di mensions 16x36 feet , 36 feet high , with basement. This will give Mr. Doan greatly enlarged and improved facilities for handling the business which he na turally expects will be largely increas ed in volume , this fall , and will give McCook one of the best equipped mills in the valley. Monday morning , S. P. Hart made a shipment of four car loads of fat steers to Omaha. The steers averaged 1,384 pounds. They were in charge of Mr. Beal. A. Albert Hart accompanied him , and will visit in Ainsworth before returning. Tuesday morning , five more car-loads started for the same market , in charge of Mr. S. P. Hart. Their average weight was 1,400 pounds. All smokers are interested in secur ing a good , pure article of the weed when they are looking for a cigar. . Purity and excellence are important and\ \ count with all who are judges of quality in tobacco. Reizenstein makes his own cigars right herein McCook. He selects none but the best tobaccos and his manu factured product cannot be equalled in the city. He carries a large stock of cigars and tobacco , besides a well select ed line of smokers' articles. Col. U.H.Easterday : "My observa tion has been in years past , that wheat properly stacked after harvest , and al lowed to go through the natural curing process , is more merchantable than when thrashed and shipped to market direct ly after cutting. 1 believe it will be to the interest of all that wheat be stacked , as unquestionably if thrashed from the shock it will sell at a heavy discount under old wheat , as it will not be in ex port condition. Tell the people that is the farmers to stack their grain. " In a case tried in this state , not long ago , a real estate man claimed a com mission , for the sale of a piece of land. The defense was , that he had never been employed by the owner of the land , and that not having seen his name advertised as such , he did not know that be was a real estate dealer. The judge decided that a real estate agent who was not rustler enough to advertise , was not rustler enough to be entitled to a commission. There is a little moral connected with this true tale , but owing to the high temperature of the atmosphere , it is left for non advertis ing real estate men , with an abundance of time on their bauds to search out. HAPPY REPUBLICAN VALLEY ? Hon. J. C. Allen , secretary of state , returned from his old home at McCook yesterday and in speaking of the con dition of the Republican Valley , said : "I wish you could see the change in Western Nebraska. The Republican valley and the country around McCook will harvest the largest crop ever known in the history of the state. Wheat will average about 30 bushels to the acre ; oats , rye and barley will be a magnifi cent crop ; corn is a little backward , but the sunshine the last few days has had a wonderful effect , and the outlook DOW is favorable for a large crop. I wish you could see what a happy change has taken place in the last few months. The farmers and business men all wear a broad smile. McCook , in Red Wil low county , is located in what was call ed last winter the burnt district. Well , to day she is in the midst of prosperity , and the out-look for McCook was never so bright as at the present time. There has not been a single failure in mercan tile circles in McCook. The business men and bankers have withstood the drought and feel confident for better times. " "How about irrigation ? " "Well , several large ditches are be ing constructed this season. The city of McCook a few weeks ago voted a $10,000 irrigation bond to aid in the construction of the large Meeker ditch. The work has been pushed rapidly and hundreds of farmers have had steady work all the season. The Meeker ditch when completed will irrigate thousands of acres of land near McCook. The price of farm land under the ditcn has nearly doubled in value the past few months. A distillery , canning factory and paper mill are among the possibili ties in the near future. McCook has a splendid water system with about four teen miles of water mains. The elec- ric light plant cost $20,000 and is one of the improvements that McCook feels proud of , and with the large railroad nterests that are located at McCook her future is assured. Our people in Red Willow county are making arrangements to be represented at the state fair this fall with a large exhibit. " "How about the alliance out there ? " "Well they are too busy with the nrifl nnfa fn rJounto miioli fi r.o tn politics , still they are confident they will elect all of the county officers this fall. I understand that their meetings are fairly well attended. Edgerton of South Omaha seems to be the choice of the alliance men out that way for asso ciate justice. " State Journal. TWO DIGITS LESS. Otto Kunkel of Herndon , Kansas , now has two fingers less on his left hand than he had yesterday morning. Drs. Davis & Jones , ably assisted by Prof. Wm. Valentine , yesterday after noon , relieved him of the third and fourth fingers of the injured hand re ferred to , which accounts for the short age. Otto , last Saturday , had a little difficulty with a well boring machine , and come out of the trouble with a ter- riblyfinashed hand. Lacking the nerve to haye them promptly amputated he deferred until yesterday afternoon the imperative operation , and gangrene had set in. Even after entering the doc tors' office Otto's resolutions failed and he fled. He was finally prevailed upon , and amidst much vigorous kicking he was placed under the influence of chlor oform and the fingers were skillfully removed. The second finger may be saved. GROCERIES. First-class groceries , elegant line of canned goods , tea , coffee , dried fruits , meat , flour , cheese , Chase & Sanborn's roasted coffee. Everything goes at a discount. We save you 25 per cent , over the credit stores. Fresh fruits and vetetables cheaper than any one. Try the Cash Bargain House ! You will save money. Have the largest and best stock to select from. Get our prices on canned goods by the doz en. We retail groceries at wholesale prices.CASH CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. JOHN C. ALLEN , Proprietor. Dell. Laflin , Manager. A PAINFUL INJURY. Miss Minnie Johnston is suffering with a painfully injured foot , all because her calculations were not exact and she thrust-the end of water spear a sprink ler through her dainty little foot in stead of into the ground. The wound is an ugly one , the spear head of the sprinkler having penetrated clear through the foot just back of the great toe , but Miss Johnston is getting along very well at this writing. ARE WEDDED. Wednesday evening , Rev. D. L. Mo- Bride officiated in a pretty ceremony at the residence of Squire and Mrs. S. H. Colvin in which Mr. Samuel M. Cochran - ran and Miss Anna R. Shecser were joined in the golden bonds of wedlock , before quite an assemblage of friends and well wishers. The bride 'was arrayed in a charming creation of delicate pink , embroidered in echru and cream presented by Misses Lillie Rowell , Maggie McAdams , Mary Walters , Clara O'Neil. While the groom looked supremely happy in con ventional black. Congratulations warm and hearty over , the young couple and invited guests sat down t" a wedding feast spread with a lavish hand and in the height of the artgastronomic , where all were refreshed and regaled accordingly. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran will be at home to their many friend at their cosy residence in the northwestern part of the city , where they go at once to keeping house. They were remember ed by their friends in the following handsome and generous way : MARSEILLES COUNTERPANE Mr. and Mrs L. Lowman and daughter. DINNER SET Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc- Manigal and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Coleman. HANGING LAMP Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hart- man. SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS Henry Sheeser. SILVER FRUIT KNIVES Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Kaime. TABLE CLOTH Misses Matie and Goldie Russell. HEMSTITCHED NAPKINS Mr. and Mrs.V. . R. Cole and son Robert. BEDSPREAD Miss Cora Moore. VINEGAR CRUIT Master Charlie , Willie and Freddie McManigal. SALT AND PEPPER Worthie Coleman. DRAWN WORK TIDY MRS. E. Slater. NAPKIN RINGS Mr. and Mrs.Jas. McCotter. MITT RmuT1V onrl Mi-c YV n T < * * tric COUNCIL DOINGS. The city fathers were in regular ses sion , Wednesday evening , Mayor Brewer , Councilmen Knights , LaTourette and Menard , and Clerk Warren present. Bills as follows were allowed : Predmore Bros. , $ 5.55 John McCotter , 40.00 Huddleston Lumber Co. 8G.13 7ohn McCotter 3.50 J. H. Bennett , L25 B. &M. Hose Co. , 14.87 Petition of W. S. Perry. Cora'Kellcy and others for sidewalk on Monroe street was granted and sar/.e ordered built. ( See resolution. ) The appointment by the Mayor of F. D. Burgess as chief of the fire depart ment was unanimously confirmed. Bond of A. C. Clyde for billiard license was approved. Report of J. H. Bennett as to amount of money collected on dog tax was ac cepted. Adjourned. PURE DELIGHT. There is something approaching pure delight in drawing the ribbons over a spanking , spirited team of horses pull ing a handsome and comfortable vehicle , these pleasant , cool evenings or quiet Sundays. If you want to indulge in that sort of ecstacy drop into The Circle Front Livery Barn and let them fit you up with the necessary apparatus. They iiave the handsomest turn-outs to be found in the Valley. Their service is prompt and their treatment courteous. Terms as reasonable as first-class ac commodations will warrant. HAS STRUCK IT RICH. THE TRIBUNE learns from private source and newspaper accounts that James McEntee has "struck it rich" out in Colorado in mining. A mine in which he is interested adjoins and is within fifteen feet of a mine which re cently sold at a large figure. We offer Mr. McEntee our -warmest congratula tions and couple with them the wish that he may come back to McCook to spend the output of his mine. SWEEPING SALE. Our brooms are moving. We are sweeping out all summer goods to make room for our fall goods. Dry goods , clothing , hats and caps , boots and shoes ; everything goes at a discount. CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. JOHN C. ALLEN , Proprietor. Dell. Laflin , Manager. HAY FOR SALE. I have a fine lot of hay. bottom hay , for sale. Persons needing hay can leave word at D. C. Marsh's livery barn , op posite the Arlington Hotel , and same will be promptly delivered to any part of the city at lowest market price. M. W. ElTCENBERRY. FOR RENT. That is to say : Do you want to buy , rent or trade for a barn. If so call on or address E. LINDNER , McCook. NOTICE. Owing to iha death of Frank H. Fouler of the firm of Wilcox & Fowler ler , all persons indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle on or before the 1st day of August , 1891. After the 10th day of July , 1891 , all the business of said firm will be con ducted on a strictly cash basis. WILCOX & FOWLER. June 22d , 1891. LAST CALL. Saturday , July 25th , is the last day in which to pay lawn tax. Wafer will be turned off from all services where water is used for lawn pur poses and the taxes are unpaid. C. H. MEEKER , Supt. DoYou Want a Farm Loan ? If so , come and see me before making an application elsewhere. C. H. BOYLE. NOTICE. To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Notice is hereby given that I will not be held responsible for any debts con tracted by my son , Charles Irwin. WM. M. IRWIN. McCook , Neb. , July 8 , 1891. SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy. Gents who are accustomed to have their shirts made to order give us a trial order. We guarantee a good fit and reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS. Drink Seltzer Water , the most cooi ng and refreshing drink known , at Jhenery's City Drug Store. o. m. uocnrane < & uo. tor twine. They will give you the lowest ) rice possible. The Eagle Clothing Store has the only Genuine Dog Glove found ia McCook. A four-room house in good location 'or rent. Inquire at Bullard's lumber 'ard. What must you do to be saved ? Why ) uy your groceries at Noble's , of course ! Huraboldt flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Try Knipple for staple and fancy groceries. Union block. Sealing Wax for fruit cans at Chen- cry's City Drug Store. Baptist social , next Tuesday night. Soda with cream at McMillen's. Noble , The Grocer. A PTP-NTP ri 1 IVy - 1M . For buyers of Footwear. We have just opened 011 our 4 BIJ The greatest lot of bargains ever offered in McCook. ipres We never do tilings by halves ex cept when we sell goods at Half Price. COME = - : EARL-Y.