The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1891, Image 5

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I am prepared to fill a few Rood
applications at once. Money on
hand when application is approv
ed. J. E. KELLEY.
Circus the 22d.
Noble , The Grocer.
This is CORN weather.
Plant your celery plants.
Rye harvest has commenced.
Family Groceries at Noble's.
Next year will be Leap Year.
What is home without a newspaper.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble'H.
A new postal card is soon to be issued.
Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds.
Union block.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
Before painting your house consult
Chenery at the City Drug Store.
Superior flour. .
A full line of stationery at popular
Ice Cream Soda and Mineral Waters.
Feed of all kinds.
The Eagle Clothing Store is display
ing a stylish stock of spring clothing. ,
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
Crete flour has no superior and but
few equals. Knipple has just received
an entire car load of it.
Parties wishing 500 pound lots of
flour will save money by calling on
An elegant line of perfumes , toilet
articles , etc. , at
S. M. Cochrane & Co. are agents for
he Piano and Walter A. Woods Bin
ders. They are the best in the market.
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to atronize. Rear of The
Famous. _
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
reasonable. _
You will be needing binding twine
soon. S. M. Cochrane & Co. are pre
pared to fill your orders at lowest mar
ket price. _
Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and
the like must be fresh and clean to be
desirable. Knipple makes a specialty
of these points.
If you need a Binder or a Header call
on S. M. Cochrane & Co. They sell
the Walter A. Woods and Piano Bin
ders and the Randolph Header , machines
not excelled in the world.
Marsh , the Liveryman , by his square
dealing and excellent service , is gradu
ally gathering the cream of the livery
trade. He is becoming moreb noi Dugh-
ly equipped every day to give the public
the best livery service in the valley.
The blind may see ,
The mute may talk ,
The deaf may hear
The maimed may walk ,
And Johnnie may have the possession -
ion of his gun ; but the time will never
come when you can buy first-class clothing -
ing at the low prices obtainable at the
Cloud flour.
According to ordinance water will
b % turned off from all property where
the tax it unpaid today , July 10th.
V. H. MEEKER , Supt.
Scaling Wax for fruit cans at Chen-
ery'a City Drug Store.
Try for Htaple and fancy
groceries. Union block.
Knipplc has just received a car load
of the celebrated Crete Mills flour.
Ice Cream Soda at
L.W. McCoNNKLL & Co.'s.
Corn meal.
White and Figured Windsor Ties
all the rage at the Eagle Clothing
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
A piano for sale or trade for a team
of horses , or McCook property. In
quire at this office.
See Knipple in his new quarters in
the Union block. Everything nice in
fruits , groceries , etc.
Drink Seltzer Water , the most cool
ing and refreshing drink known , at
Chenery's City Drug Store.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Chenery at the City Drug Store uses
only pure fruit juices in making syrups
for his soda fountain.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
Do you want the latest and best and
cheapest ? "Well , they keep a large
variety at the Eagle Clothing Store.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
Use "The Best" Sticky Fly Paper ,
made fresh daily at
The Randolph Header is sold by S.
M. Cochrane & Co. See them before
buying your harvesting machinery.
Chauncey Depew has "no patience
with the weak-kneed , spindle-shanked ,
water-brained dyspeptics who despair
of this republic. "
The Eagle Clothing Store is in the
clothing business. They will dress you
up handsomely and stylishly , and do it
at a very reasonable figure.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
Atchison Globe : As they grow older ,
a man's nose grows fatter , and a woman's
ows sharper and thinner ; a good sign
that it is the woman whose nose is kept
to the grindstone.
SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy.
Gents who Are accustomed to have their
shirts made to order give us a trial
order. We guarantee a good fit and
reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS.
Nothing succeeds like success. Noth
ing in the livery business takes the
pub.ic eye and fancy like good horses
and comfortable vehicles. With these
Marsh gives prompt service and courte"
ous treatment.
A Nebraska school teacher assures
the New York Witness that all the sweet
milk he can drink whenever he feels the
longing for the filthy weed coming upon
lim will help anybody to quit the use
of tobacco. Try it.
sale on easy terms several Threshing
Machines , with horse-powers or engines ,
which have been used only one season
and are as good as new.
5-4ts J. B. JENNINGS , McCook , Neb.
The season of the year is approach
ing when pants will be fashionable.
We do not refer to the dog days. We
have in mind the large stock and fine
assortment of pants just received by
lave anything you want in size , color ,
or quality. Prices are right.
All smokers are interested in secur-
ng a good , pure article of the weed
when they are looking for a cigar.
Purity and excellence are important and
count with all who are judges of quality
n tobacco. Keizenstein makes his own
cigars right herein McCook. He selects
none but the best tobaccos and his manu-
actured product cannot be equalled in
he city. He carries a large stock of
cigars and tobacco , besides a well select
ed line of smokers' articles.
An addition to the McCook Keller
Mill is one of the improvements soon
to be under way.
Now that the track is being put in
shape some interesting races between
local steeds may be expected.
USUAL SERVICES In the Congrega
tional church , next Sunday morning am
evening , by Rev. W. C. Stevenson ,
pastor. .
Fast driving on some of the streets oi
the city continues to be the ruling fad.
It is a fad which should cost the drivers
of the horses a good round fine.f
BAPTIST SERVICES Will be held in
the Lutheran church on next Sunday
morning and evening at 11:30 : and 8:30 :
o'clock respectively , Rev. D. L. McBride
The local market gardeners are doing
a thriving business these days. A
greater amount oi garden produce has
been raised in this locality this season
than for many years.
A choral class was organized at the
Congregational church , on Wednesday
evening , by Rev. Stevenson. He starts
out with a membership of 17 , which
will be increased at once doubtless.
Future meetings will be held on Thurs
day evenings.
A small purse was raised , first of the
week , and the race track is now being
placed in condition for more satisfactory
use by our owners of fast horses. The
weeds are being removed and the track
graded up in places , and McCook will
have one of the best tracks in the valley.
Those individuals who persist in lar
iating their stock across the streets
should remember that there is a city
ordinance prohibiting the practice and
a penalty for its violation. Some day
they may have a forcible reminder of
the fact. It is dangerous and should
be stopped.
The McCook Electric Light Co. is
now fully organized with the following
officers and directorate : Frank Carruth ,
president and treasurer ; George Hock-
nell , vice-president ; C. A. Leach , sec
retary ; N. Costenborder , superintend
ent ; board of directors , S. W. Huddle-
ston , J. A. Wilcox , George Hocknell ,
N. Costenborder and Frank Carruth.
The various celebrations in the coun
ty , as well as that at Red Cloud , were
attended by goodly delegations from our
city , which was pretty well deserted until
evening. At night private parties over
the city set off a variety of fireworks
which was about the only local indica
tion of patriotism and observance of the
as follows : Sunday School 10:30 : A.
M. , morning service 11:30 : A. M. , even
ing service 8:30 : P. M. Prayer meeting
Wednesday night at 8:30 : P.M. ; Young
People's Choral Society Thursday night
7 P. M. ; teacher's meeting 8:30 : P. M.
The church and pastor extend a hearty
invitation to all these services. The
pastor especially invites all the young
people of the city to the Choral Society
held every Thursday night.
In the young lives of the twin daugh
ters of Engineer and Mrs. G. K. Oyster
Wednesday , July 8th , ' 1891 , will mark
a bright and happy day. Then Ethel
and Edith entered their thirteenth year
of blooming girlhood , and theeventwas
celebrated most becomingly. In the
evening a large company of young friends
gathered under the pretty parental roof
on Upper Main and made merry with
them with all the tirelessness and joyousness -
ousness of enthusiastic youth. Various
sports and games and refreshments pro
fuse and elegant made up the sum total
of a memorable evening to all present.
Ycung man , dost thou go abroad in
the land at night , and rush the growler
and perambulate with the feminines ?
Dost thou hoop 'em up with the boys
and figure for the substance of the jack
pot , and bank thy shekels against the
ever-slippery tiger ? Art thou a guz
zler of beer and a player of cards ?
Dost thou suck a ten cent cigar , and
hast thou lost thy grip on the ways that
are right , and wisdom which is good in
the world ? Verily , verily , I say unto
thee , thou art in a bad row of stumps ,
it will not be long ere thou dost know
thy name is pants. Thy heels will fly
up ere long , and thou wilsfc wake up and
find thou hast fallen into the soup ,
Keep thy eye on the gun and monkey
not with the intoxicating juice of the
bug. Steer widely of the man with the
aces and in the ripened years of thy
life thy pockets will be full of the col
lateral of the earth , while those who
mind not these commandments are
partaking of the lunch which is free.
Brick Pomeroy.
The Eleventh Annual Institute of
Red Willow county , Nebraska , will be
held at Indianola , August 17th to 28th ,
Instructors Supt. Valentine , of Mc
Cook ; Mrs. E. F. Tucker , of Lincoln ;
Prof. Waiter Rowland , of Indianola.
The County Superintendent will in
struct in grading and classification ,
botany and school law.
An interesting and novel feature of
the institute will be several evening
sessions. Tuition for the term includ
ing for examination $1.00.
COUNTY If you intend to teach you
will be expected to attend this institute
as required by section 6 , subdivision of
the school law. The institute is held
to enable teachers to do better work
than heretofore , and I hone to see
every teacher present the first day and
all united in an earnest effort to im
prove. There is an urgent call for
better teachers. Let us strive to meet
the demand. Let teachers bring their
books of reference "Campayre's Lec
tures , " "Hawthorne and His Friends , "
"How to Grade a Country School" and
their technical specimens. The work
in Didactics and Methods will be based
on "Campayre's Lectures. " American
Literature , based on "Hawthorne and
His Friends , " will be taken in connec
tion with the history of our country. The
people of Indianola will do all in their
power to make our stay with them
pleasant. Very favorable arrange
ments have been made for boarding. .
We cordially invite the public to
visit the Institute at any. time , espec-
iallv members of the school board.
where they will be able to find the best
teachers for their schools. Friday ,
Aug. 21 , at 1:30 : P. M. , is named as
the day for a meeting of the school
boards at the school house in Indianola.
This meeting is called to consider the
question of school text books and any
other necessary business. I would re-
respectfully request the directors to
defer any arrangements with booksellers
until after this meeting.
In the work of improving our schools ,
I am , Yours Very Cordially ,
Echoes From Councilmanic Halls.
The city fathers were in regular ses
sion , Wednesday evening , a full board
being present.
Bills following were allowed :
Frank Carrath & Co. , . $157.50
W. C. Bullard & Co. , . 16.19
Gray & Maddux , . 50.00
James Carl , . 50
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. , 82.16
W. D. Paine . 107.05
Bill of F. P. Allen , $13.80 , allowed.
Clerk instructed to draw warrant for
iilO in favor of city treasurer as occu
pation tax for 1891 , the balance to be
turned over to the street commissioner
for settlement.
Report of city treasurer was accepted.
Bond of Night Policeman John Mc-
[ /otter was approved. Adjourned.
Gray & Maddux of The Circle Front
Livery go on the splendid business prin
ciple that there is nothing too rich for
their patrons ; and they are constantly
on the lookout for new attractions.
Their latest purchase of Sheriff Mc-
Cool's handsome and rangey team will
doubtless be appreciated by all who take
delight in drawing the ribbons over
something in the horseflesh line which
is stylish and spirited as well as safe
and reliable. This recent acquisition
[ ills all the requirements , and sustains
the deserved popularity of The Circle
A farewell party will be given in hon
or of Miss Mary Myers , this evening , at
the B. & M. Dining Hall , which prom
ises to be one of the most charming
social events of many days. It will be
participated in by a score or more young
people of McCook and from abroad.
There will be dancing and a banquet
and good time generally. Miss Myers
will depart for her home near Beatrice
to-morrow morning , ] with the regrets and
jest wishes of a numerous friendship
Notice is hereby given that I will not
> e held responsible for any debts con
tracted by my son , Charles Irwin.
McCook , Neb. , July 8 , 1891.
Will trade a quarter block , house
24x24 with basement , in Ked Cloud ,
'or a farm near McCook. Enquire at
this office.
One of the most thoroughly enjoya
ble celebrations held in Had Willow
county on our nation'H birthday was
that which took place under the shade
and cool of Dry Creek on the Burtlcss
ranch about seven miles south of the
city. The celebration was conauoted
by the joint alliances of Valley Grange ,
Driftwood , Grant and Gerver precincts ,
and it was a most gratifying success in
every particular. The grounds were
pitched on the banks of Dry Creek in
the immediate vicinity of the ranch
buildings , and a prettier , shadier , cooler
nook is not to be found in this section
of country. The people came from all
over the southwestern part of the coun
ty , and together with the scores who
came hither from McCook made up one
of the Driest gatherings evnr seen in
lied Willow county. The rain of the
early morn had settled the dust and
cooled the air , the sun came out in all
his glory , a gentle breeze blew , and
the atmospheric conditions were simply
perfect. Not to be outdone by nature ,
the people were rather in harmony there
with. It was a quiet , happy and con
tented company , each vying with the
other in making the occasion pleasant
and successful.
A splendid program of addresses ,
recitations , songs , etc. , had been pre
pared , and the same were rendered with
most satisfactory and enjoyable results.
Kev. D. L. McBride , Elder H. H. .Berry
and J. Byron Jennings were the orators
nf the day , and acquitted themselves
nobly , Rev. McBride receiving words of
warmest praise on all hands. Mrs.
James Harris was also enthusiastically
applauded for her short , but spicy
speech. The recitations of the chil
dren , the songs of the choir , and in fact
all the exercises were excellent and
commendable. Those in charge are to
be warmly congratulated upon the un
qualified success thereof throughout.
The dancing platform was a very
popular feature with the young. The
tripping continued to a late hour in the
evening , without material decrease in
interest or activity.
The desires of the hungry and thirstv
were ministered to by Me Adams &Pate
and Darius Kendall ; and their refresh
ment stands seemed to be well patron
Last Friday , the sylvan shades of
rustic Brush creek rang with the mer
riment which only school children on a
vacation can make. The occasion was
a joint picnic by the Pickena and Vin
cent public schools , of which Mr. James
Fowler and Miss Edna Meserve are
teachers respectively. The day was
spent in literary exercises , singing , in
disposing of a generous spread of good
things provided for the pupils , and in
playing games of various kinds. It
was a time of happiness , a season of
jollity , long to be remembered by the
children , and reflects with credit to the
Mr. E. H. Doan , the new proprietor ,
but well known to the patrons of the
mill , is hard at it these quiet crop-as
suring days putting the McCook Keller
Mill in ship shape for the fall trade ,
which he confidently expects to be brisk
and large. He will be prepared to take
care of the rush when it comes , too.
In the meantime they are ready to
promptly dispose of all business which
comes , and are keeping their popular
brands before the public as usual.
Visitation Academy , Hastings , Heb.
Boarding and day school for girls and
young ladies. Thorough instruction in
English , Science , Art , Music , Latin ,
French and German by native teachers.
Book-keeping , Telegraphy , Type and
Short-hand writing. Special attention
given those wishing to become teachers ,
or who may not have had the usual ad
vantages of an education. For terms
apply to Kev. J. E. English or Sister
That is to say : Do you want to buy ,
rent or trade for a barn. If so call on
or address E. LINDNER , McCook.
A 4-room house convenient to the
round house. A good cellar. Full acre
lot. Inquire at this office for particulars.
A competent girl for general house
work can secure a place by inquiring at
the store of J. ALBERT WELLS.
We allow no one to undersell us on
Owing to the death of Frank H.
Fow/er of thti firm of ftilcox & Fowler
ler , allpersons indebted to said firm
are requested to call and settle on or
before the 1st day of August , 1891.
After the 10th day of July , 1891 , all
the business of said firm will be con
ducted on a strictly cash basis.
June 22d , 1891.
DoYou Want a Farm Loan ?
If so , come and see me before
making an application elsewhere.
"People of all classes take tea. Dead
people takeeterniT ; gay people fcativiT ;
free people liburT ; fashionable folks
socieT ; good people pieT ; successful
candidates inajoriT ; unsuccessful ditto
minor1 ! ; editors lionet/l' ; Holcuin citi
zens graviT ; funny roosters leviT ; or
thodox citizens DeiT ; polite people su-
aviT ; bashful fellows uiodcsT ; kind ones
chariT ; bachelors and old maids singu-
lariT ; short people breviT ; cunning
folks rascnliT ; romantic simpletons
novelT ; respectable people ChriatianiT ;
artistic people beauT ; strong people
responsibiliT ; criminals penalT , etc.
( The ' 1 pot cracked at this juncture. ) "
FOR SALE Part of my irrigated
farm near McCook , in small lots to
suit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat
er rent. Good chance for small fruit
farms. Have had two years' experi
ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil
low county with irrigation.
P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb.
Beaver City Tribune : Dick Tinker ,
of McCook , was in town Wednesday
looking up a land deal.
S. M. Cochrane & Co. for binding
twine. They will give you the lowest
price possible.
The Eagle Clothing Store has the
only Genuine Dog Glove found in
A four-room house in good location
for rent. Inquire at Bullard's lumber
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Ice Cream Soda and Mineral Waters.
For buyers of Footwear. "We have
just opened on our
The greatest lot of bargains ever
offered in McCook.
Prices * Figures
We never do tilings by halves ex
cept when we sell goods at
Half Price.