The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1891, Image 7

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This is the query per-
What Is petually on your little
boy's lips. And he is
It For ? no worse than the big
ger , older , balder-head
ed boys. Life is an interrogation
point. " What is it for ? " we con
tinually cry from the cradle to the
grave. So with this little introduc
tory sermon we turn and ask : ' 'What
i is AUGUST FI.OWKR FOR ? " As easily
[ answered as asked : It is for Dys-
. pepsia. It is a special remedy for
j the Stomach and Liver. Nothing
' more than this ; but this brimful.
\ We believe August Flower cures
! , Dyspepsia. We know it will. We
j' have reasons for knowing it. Twenty
, years ago it started in a small country
[ town. To-day it has an honored
' place in every city and country store ,
. possses one of the largest manufacturing -
* * ' facturing plants in the country and
v" sells everywhere. Why is this ? The
\ reason is as simple as a child's
i thought. It is honest , does one
[ thing , and does it right along it
1 cures Dyspepsia. ®
S G. G. GREEN , Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.X.J.
) , A wail of distress
\ comes from tortured clothes.
] Save their feelings , and your
own back , by washing them
with Pearl inc. Your clothes
J will last longer your hours of
labor will grow shorter. It
' * takes away the dirt without
taking away your strength.
Nothing that "will wash" ' is
toogoodf or Pearline-no praise
is too strong for Pearline.
Beware of imitations. 218 TAMES PYLE , N.V
One of ( he most important organs of the
human body is the LIVER. When it fails to
properly perform its functions the entire
system becomes deranged. The BRAIN ,
to perform their work. DYSPEPSIA , CON
EASE , etc. , are the results , unless some
thing is done to assist Nature in throwing ,
on the impurities caused by the inaction
of a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so
necessary will be found in
Priekty Ash Bitters 1
It acts directly on the LIVER , STOMACH
and KIDNEYS , and by its mild and cathartic
effect and general tonic qualities restores
] these organs to a sound , healthy condition ,
" * " and cures all diseases arising from these
causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tones
up the system , and restores perfect health.
If your druggist docs not keep it ask him to
order it for you. Send 2c stamp for copy of
"THE HORSETRAINER , " published by us.
cle Proprietors , ST. LOUIS , MO ,
3f Roxbury , Mass , says
Kennedy's Medical Discover )
cures Horrid Old Sores , Deep
Seated Ulcers of 40 years
standing , Inward Tumors , and
even * disease of the skin , ex
cept Thunder Humor , and
Cancer that has taken root.
Price $1.50. Sold by every
Druggist in the U. S. and
The Soap
is Lenox.
vr y- ; ? . s-f
* * * ' '
) Y < i vr
Almost starved.
In one way and another we were nil
j frequently reminded of the uncertain-
i ty attaching to human judgments ,
i A grown man , in the full possession
j of his faculties. as we commonly
speak , certainly ought to know when
ho is hungry. Yet nn experience like
the following related by "Taverner"
in the Boston Post , is probably not
very exceptional :
J wns engaged some time go in pre
paring an interesting- chapter in my
new work on the origin and develop
ment of the bonnet. I had got as far
as the head-dress worn by the Athen
ian mat rons to the theatre , and was
naturally much engrossed with the
work , when an inward monitor , in a
still , small , but yet unmistakable
voice suggested "lunch. " I looked at
my watch it said three o'clock !
Now I always take luncheon at half-
past one , never , in any emergency ,
latfr than two. Iut three o'clock ! I
fell ill and faint.
I started for the club , feeling like
Rip Van Winkle when he came home
for his lunch twenty years late. I
passed a friend , and tried to slink by
without his noticing , but J could see
that he looked upon me sadly and
askance , as if 1 were in some way a
stricken wether of the Hock.
I went in and sat down. Somehow
every one elte seemed to be late. I
looked at the clock it was exactly
twenty-live minuted of two. I looked
at my watch again. It was still three
o'clock , it had stopped during the
Xow mark the result. I instantly
recovered from the starvation from
\\hich I had been suffering , and began
to converse in my usual cheerful and
intelligent manner. But I did not
mention the extraordinary beha\ior
of my watch , which 1 now reveal only
in strict confidence.
Street Scene in Montreal.
"I was passing down the St. Law
rence Avenue in Montreal , one cold
winter day , says a contributor , when
I saw a little tableau , the recollection
ci ; . 'hich has made me laugh many
times since.
"A very courtly , dignified old gen
tleman , wrapped in a heavy beaver-
fur overcoat , was just passing an
other gentleman , who , from the ap
pearance of his clothing , was in desti
tute circumstances , but trying to keep
up a jaunty bearing , which went down
with an ill grace in an atmosphere with
the temperature at ten below zero.
As the fur-coated gentleman passed ,
he glanced at the face of the other man
sharply , and after taking three steps ,
he turned around , strode back to tne
other and touched him on the shoul
der , saying very politely :
-Excuse me , sir , but I think your
no = e is frozen. '
'Ah , ' replied the other careless
ly , 't-houldn't wonder. It very often
is. ' And catching up a handful of
biiow from the pavement he began to
rub his nose furiously. Then taking
olt' his hat very deliberately he
bowed as if in a drawinc-room. and
said , 'I am under deep obligations to
you. sir. Some time may J hope to
be in a condition to return the favor ! '
"And the two formal EnilUhmen
parted without having even smiled at
tiie absurdity of the scene. "
French and German Bread Laws.
"The laws regulating the manufac
ture and sale of bread in France are
very strict and are enforced with the
utmost-viuor , " said a prominent
bread-maker last month. "The baker
is not only required to conform to
hu\s regarding weight , but he is also
told at what price he mu tell his
bread. He is further required to de
posit a certain sum of money in the
hands of municipal authorities as a
surety of qood behavior. In the la rye
fortified cities he has to keep a speci
fic quanity of flour on hand to pro
vide for war-like eneraencies. In Ger
many laws of similar import arc in
existence , and are enforced with such
relentless severity that no baker ever
dreams of defying them. The British
law regulates the weight of loaves and
makes' provision for the cleanliness
and ventilation of the bake-shops
The price is left to resiulate itself by
trade competition. The Ontario act
empowers municipalities to engage of
ficers , for the prevention of fraud , and
clothes them with authority to con
fiscate all bread found to be of light
weight. The bread sei'/ed in this way
is turned over to charitable institu
tions for the use of its inmates , " Ba
ker's Helper.
Preserve Your Vigor.
A healthy , vigorous system resists
disease. Worms burrow in decaying
trees ; not in the young , the vigorous
and the thrift- . Some persons can al
most defy the deadliest diseases. Oth
ers fall before the slightest attacks.
Many diseases come from germs , which
plant themselves within the body ,
and then multiply and destroy. If
we have the vigor that can resist the
first of these little germs , we escape.
But. if the system is debilitated : if bad
food and bad air have impaired vital
ity ; if stimulants , strong drink , sen
sual and vicious indulgence" , exces
sive strains , idleness or inactivity ,
have sapped the vigor of the stem ,
then disease lays hold upon the en
feebled frame and works its over
throw. Many a poor fellow whose life
is wasting and wearing away with
some incurable malady , is only pay
ing the penalty for the exce es of
those young days , when nothing he
could eat , drink , or do. ever injured
him ! He had the treasure of health ,
he squandered it , and now comes
the time of settlement , and he find1 :
that "the wages of sin is death. "
Medical Brief.
TaKte In SmoUIil ? .
The English cigars are made ol
American tobacco , but fail in manipu
lation according to our standard. The\
look bright and "wooden' ' rather than
like a natural leaf product. When ci
gars were introduced iiuo England
they all came from Cuba , and this be
ing before the days of steam the goods
were live or six weeks in transit ,
packed in the vessel's hold without
ventilation. The cigars being made
iu a humid climate , packed while fresh ,
fermented and generated a fungus like
mites in cheese , which tasted very
bitter when smoked , utterly destroy
ing their value. It was then discov
ered that by subjecting the cigars to
the dry heat of the kiln the life of the
fungus was destroyed and the cigar
became tmokable.
Jt is owing to this fact that the En
glish insist on "dry" cigars to the
present day , and pinch them to see if
they crack before they buy them. The
cigar dealers knowing this mark a
date on the bottom of cigar boxes as
fresh stock is received , but the date
marked is six months back , so a box
marked October 1 , 1889 , would bo re
ceived by the dealer April 1 , 1890.
New York Telegram.
DR. L. L. GpRSUCII , Toledo , 0. , says :
"I have practiced medicine for forty years ,
have never seen a preparation" ! could
pi escribe with 'omuch confidence of success
11 = I can Hall's Catarrh Cuie. " Sold by
Druggist" , ? 5c.
tff In nil Aristocratic Coiichmnii.
He's coachman for a Xorth Side
family , lie apparently knows ail there
is to Know about a horse , and when he
gets on ttie box with his livery on a
lire engine uouidn't make him turn an
liighth of an im-h. lie is so diiznilieu
that he is almost awe inspiring He
is a coachman with ah the trimmings.
He came into the house a daor two
ago , shortly after breakfast. : imi said
he would like to go away for an nour
or two.
"I want to take some clothes to the-
s'nop to be mended , " he said.
Certainly. James , ' ' assented his em-
I won't be gone long3 he sai'-
"All risrhL"
"And I won't tire the horses , so if
you want them later"
"The horses ! ' exclaimed the head
of the house. "For heaven's sake.
how far is it5
"Only a short distance , sir , and 1'ii
be careful to keep them fresh. "
"But what do you want them for ? "
"So awkward to carry a bundle , sir.
Then it looks bad. People would say.
There goes Brown's coachman with
the week's washing. ' It wouldn't do
the family any good , sir. "
Then Brown dropped his morning
paper , gasped , and finally said :
"Ail right ; take 'em. Do you want
i footman , too ? " Chicago Tribune.
Important Trade Name Decision.
Judge Tuajer of the United States Circuit
Court ut St. Loulb. has recently handed down nn
opinion and granted a perpetual injunction
ogainEt the defendants in the case of The Hoi-
tetter Co. against the Bruggeman ReintrtDistill
Ing Co. , ALIAS "Gold SpringUiFtllllnKCo."pro
hibiting tue advertising , manufacturing or sellIng -
Ing of any article of stomach bitters either in
bulk , by the gallon or otherwise , or In any way
making use of the name "HoMetter , " except in
connection with the sale of the genuine bitters
which are alwujssold in bottless-ecurelv s-ealed
and also prohibiting the pale of nny bitters in
bulk , though the mime ' Hosteller" be not used
but the MipccMIon made to the purchaser thnt
he can put them in the emptv Hosteller bottles
and purchasers would not discover the differ
cnce. His decision supports the Husleiter com
pany in the excliiMve ue of the name "Hostel
ler" in connection 15 ills either the manufacture
or sale of btomiich bitters In any manner or form
whatsoever , and lirmly establishes
la the some as a "TKAUE NAME. "
fit a Bird Mure.
Prospective Purchaser What a
thoughtful looking parrot ! Polly want
a cracker ?
The Parrot ( late of Boston ) I am
aware , my dear madam , that there ex
ists an almost universal but erroneous
belief that ail parrots manifest a pre
dilection for crackers. This hypoth
esis would be amusing were it not for
the intimation it affords of the pathe
tic paucity of dietetic knowledge upon
the part of the masses.Iay ] I awsk if
you are aware that there is more nutri
ment and inspiration in a single plate
of beans than in three score and ten
crackers ? A thorough appreciation of
Browning will never follow a regimen
of crackers. But what is the matter ,
may I awsk ? You manifest considera
ble perturbation. Life.
S10O lEeward. 8100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that thctc is at least
one dreaded disease that science ha- been
able to cure iu all its stages , ana .hat is
Catairh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
iraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease , requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cuie is taken internally , act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system , thereby destroying the
foundation of the duease , and giviirg the-
patient strength by building up the consti
tution and assisting natuie in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much faith
in its curative powers that they offer One
'ihousand Dollars for any case that it fails
to cure. Scud for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY t CO. , Toledo , O.
C2T"old ! by Druggists , 7oc.
It is eujoyimr. and not merely the possess
ing , that makes us happy.
The time spent in mourning for the dead
might be used in rnnkinc the living hjpiy.
When Baby was sick , we gave her C.vtoria ,
When shenos a Child , she cried forCastoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoris ,
When she had Children , she gai e them Castoria ,
Many consider as truth what is mereiv
error sanctified bv ajre.
Major's Cement Repairs Broken ArtJolon
15c and 2oc- Major's Leather and Rubber Cement 15c.
Vi'c double our troubles by brooding over
Many so-called "Bitters" are not medi
cines , but simply Honors so disguised as tc
evade the law 'in prohibition sections. This
is not the case with the celebrated Prlcklj
Ash Bitters. It is purely a medicine , acting
on the liver apd blood , and by reason of its
cathartic effects cannot be wed as a bever
age. It should be in every household.
ilT""VMKV - - ° ' - rr " ' TSjSiP
ilT""V | 7-j , j rp' fr ; Ti
In the Name of the Prophet ,
Figs ! cry the vendors of the fruit In Con-
stuntlnople. Certainly : i "Kreut err over a
little wool" Scarcely lp < m foolish Is the
practice of those who ifv to % iolent pliyKlck-
Ing for costlvenest- . They close thcmt-clvos
violently , wcHki'R their bowels by so ( loins ,
nncl dlsublo them from actliiK repuluriy , H
that , vet lly , tin * lat cowllt Ion of nifli people
IK worc than tlie tiist , HoMi-tterV Stomach
Hitters Is t he tafe , and effective substitute for
inch vast expedients. Itut no. let ue notcall
them expedient- It Is by no means ex
pedient to use them. What Is needed Is a
rcntlc but thorough laxatUe. which not only
liiKiiroK action of the bowels without pain or
weakening effects , which : tl o promotes a
healthy -rcretioii and flow of bile Into Its
proper channel. Dy.speps.ia , debility , kld-
uey complaints i heum-itlim and malaria
to the Bitters.
Iliinly Flower * .
An experienced florist says : "Were
I restricted in my gardening' opera-
lions to the use of four species of llow-
crs , then , without hesitation , I should
choose hardy roses , lilies , rhododen-
uons and clematis. Lilies I should give
a second place in importance , roses the
first ; but if I consider results in pro
portion to labor and expense , then lilies
should have the first place. And in
every garden these four plants should
predominate and should be relied upon
for grand effects. "
J'he favorable impression produced
on the lirst appearance of the agreea
ble liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a
few years ago has been more than con
firmed by tne pleasant 'experience of
ail who have used it. and the success
of the proprietors and manufacturers
the California Fig Syrup Company.
What is the goo > lof good that is not doing
and being ! _
The best instruction is to practice what
you teach.
floImnti'K I > lver
Holmnn's l.m-r 1M < N dire MAI.AIIIA.
HolmnnV Lm-r Tads euro Bn.ioi SNE'P.
Uohnr.n' 1'ills mio I.M > H.i > TiO ! > .
I'ainjili'et tree with full niMriK t.onnml
lions. JIoLlui LIVLK I'AH Co. , SI John , Ji. Y.
lie i * the happiest , be lie King or peasant ,
\vlio finds peace sn his home ,
" Hanson * * . 3IntIc C'ld-n Snlv - . "
Warranted to cure , or money refunded. Atli
your drucc'st. ' for It. 1'rice lu tent ; : .
We learn something from everything , even
from failuie.
. AVIiiHloir'sScotliincSyrii p. for Chil
dren tecthiiif. . softertliccum * . reduce" inflamma
tion. ull.iys pain , cures wind coin ; . L'Jc. a , bottle.
All i hihvophy lies in two words , "sus
tain"aijd "abttaiu. "
FITS. All Fits stopped free by I > n , KMMi'SGRrAT
Nerve Restorer. No Kit afttT tlrstdav suse. Mnr-
velloiis etre . Treatise and 2 00 trial bottle Iree tc
Kitcates. Send to lr. Kline.l'.I Arch St. , J'hlla. , Pa
Most gieat works ate accomplished slowly.
1'crhaps there is mote kindness in c\cry
heart than we look for.
Blood Diseases
mailed FREE.
Atlanta , Ga.
The Effect Was Magical.
I suffered from cancer on ray lip thatdefied
the skill of the best physicians of the State.
I had it burned out , "but the operation only
made it , worse , causing it to spread evermore
more surface and eat deeper in. 1 linally
used Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. . > to heal it up
and drove the poison out of my blood. The
effect of the Specific was magical ! It
healed up entirely without leaving a scar as
a reminder. This was over four years ao ,
and since then there has been no sipn of a
return of the cancer. I will cheerfully an
swer any inquiries in regard to my case.
ENOS YOUXT , Bradford , Ohio.
Book on Blood and Skin Diseases Free.
PositlTcly cured bj
these Little Fill * .
Thsy also relieyo Dii-
tress from Dy pep iaIn-
digestion and TooHearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy forDizziness.liausei
Drowsiness. Bad Taste
In tha Mouth , Coated
Tongue.Pain ia * ho Side.
regulate the Bovrolo.
Purely Vepatablo.
Price 25 Cents :
Small Pill ; Small Dose , Small Price ,
L - . T-/ - . per mont It by hnrmless herbal
f \ \ \ / ( / Ircriiedie . Xo inconx-enience
I tli I 'nnd no bad effects. Strict I j confidential.
Sena ( * . for cirrnll > r > . nnd"timopinK. . AHdre'Ir. .
O.W.F.S5frDEn.McVicker's Theatre Bldg. Chicago , 111.
FKEE. A Mctim of > outiiful
imprudence , cau : n Premature Decay. Nenoas Debil
ity , Lo"-t Mnnhontl. if. , haMiiirtnedinMiiue\oryknown
rvmetU. ha di-emertd a simple minus of self < -ui < > ,
v.luch lie will semi ( pcnled < FKKK to his fvllotx.MiH'erei-s.
Addrtsi. J. C. MASON" , Hex 3179 , New York City.
Laws and nCH Efl&IQ Experience 1C
Advice Krec. r Cfl Si9iav year ? . Write us.
A. M. tCOKJIKk J.SO.\S , llacinnall , 0. & Masblngton , D. t.
f. . K
In the train
of diseases that follow a tor
pid liver and impure blood ,
nothing can take the place
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. Nothing will ,
after you have seen what it
does. It prevents and cures
by removing the cause. It
invigorates the liver , purifies
and enriches the blood , sharp
ens the appetite , improves di
gestion , and builds up both
strength and flesh , when re
duced below the standard
of health. For Dyspepsia ,
" Liver " Scrofula
Complaint , ,
or any blood-taint it's a posi
tive remedy. It acts as no
other medicine does. For that
reason , it's sold as no other
medicine is. It's guaranteed
to benefit or cure , or the
money is refunded.
At-ociattd with The San I'l nci-co KMiinliier.
Fur the i > tittff > of .VcbwfvArtr , Joii'tiliTif M . ,
anil outli Jtd/tolu for the cell < cton of till
clftiint. Inor < - tin- various
if tinGoerrnmcnt. .
Under the : uispici's of The lire Piililiibmc Co ,
Oinuh.t , .Neb. , uiid the aiPriiitiisc
Omalin , Sun t'rijiiclsoo ,
lil ) 1' . JtUGGKX" , Muiiti/crf
IH ! m con lite lluildinfr , Omaha , Xel > .
Will prneticc in the Suiircinc Court of the
United tatct : tin- Court of Claim- , the several
Court-- tinIitriet of Columbia , before the
Committees of Congress , and the J jcvcuticc Je-
ltvi > rulutlon Claims. .
l'cit > > ioiit > Hiitl 1'atents. ) f ,
All Clunt > ci > of J.tutd Clttiiitn. * *
M > ntttj , I'rc-enijitioit and Homestead
Prosecu'ed before the General Laud ODice , De-
pnitmcnt of the Interior , and the
fcupreme Court. ,
I'JSXS/OA'S. Thousands yet entitled. TVrltc
for information.
H22IKS.Vi lows , Miuor Children , Dependent
Motliert. Fathers , and Minor Dependent
lirothers and Sisters entitled.
/A"CJiJiAS/i. Pension Laws- are now more
liberal tljan formerly , and many are entitled
to better rates. Apply at once for List of
( , | uettion- determine riirht to hiirher rates.
Claimants toenure the services of this liureau
mu-t become , a a condition precedent , a new
sub-criber to THE WBCKLY BEE. Those who are
now -ubscriber can become members of tlu-
Bureau lij seiuliiiK in a new subscriber Tin1-
will entitle the new subscriber as well , ia the elute
to a ineinbership.
AVe have ilie name ? of over two hundred 'hou-
' and ex-fcoldiers and sailor < refciding inNebr.i-ka
Iowa. Kansas nnd South Dakota
Cvri-cbiioiitlcitcc.SoItcilcii , Information Free.
We cL.irjre no fee. only in the event ofucce5
EM ) I'Oll orjj I'KObl'LtTfs.
UKE 11 KL.IMIING CO. , Oinnlia ,
ffT Hyfteria , Pi77inc s. Fits , Neuralgia. Wate-
ess Mental liepic'sion Softening of the Brain , re-
int , ' in insanity anil leading to misery , ( leca ) and
death , Premature Old Age. Banennc s , Lo.of 1'ower
in either Eex , Involuntary I.osfe and Spermatorrneea
cauecd by o\cr exertion of the hrain , felf-ahute or
OTer-indu'sence. Each l > oxcontnin > one moatli's tieat-
mint. SI u b/'X , or MI for $ "i. ten' by mail prepaid
With each oilier for > ix boxr . will send purchaser
guarantee to rtfund mcnej if the tieatment fails to
cure. Guaianlces if ueu and genuire > old only Ly
J11O Farnain Street , O3TA1IA , .YZT J.
Send for Inx-entor's Guide or Hov. ' to Obtain a Patent
ScndforDie tof J'E.NMON nnd UOl'ATY LAWS.
from Nenron" Bcblllty .
tal Wa ttnfT tc. Sena ftfr my
iMBKia freeBookof Kemedi"w\ncl euroyour-
BSlTCS at borne. Dr. J Kennertll3MadKvnSt.Ctticagoi
_ Covers forlio.- .wuonv uncle ; , macli'nerr ,
Arc. , at C. J. KAKKU * > . 1U4 AVen Third Street.
KANSAS CITY , ilO. Send for ill'sfd catalogue.
ft RPKTQ make 100 PER CEHT. profit , 01 my Corsets ,
flUbn I lUHi > , Enibhes.l1urleri < &tnedicinc . Fam-
rtplesFREE. AVritecow. Dr. Bride'man,3771'wa.v'XV.
If afflicted with '
sore eyes , use i Thompson's Eye Water.
Covering his preat trip To. Tlnough nnd From
. tlie ChriBt-l.iii < l. Illustrated with over-100 won
derful entjravincb : ah-o aKraml picture of Jerusalem on the day of the crueitiiion. in 12 colirs anil 10
A fiCRl TQ lAlflNTFn ieet m lent'th. Exclusive territory lmmen , e talcs. Write at once. Ad-
flULH I O WAR i LU. are . w. D. CONDIT & CO. , Des Moines , Iowa.
bu.c&n lessen
'Ik i s : a.s ; o'li d c arke ofs CO.UT i n s o &p
Cuse.d > or clea nin parposes
' " - * * copv .aMT- .
What would you give for a Friend
who would lake Jialf your hard ivork off your shoulders
and do it without a murmur ? What would you give to
find an assistant in your houseworlz that would keep your
floors and walls clean , and your kitchen bright , and yet
never grow ugly over the matter of hard worh ? Sapolio
iust such a friend and can be bought at all grocers.
f pii From Imlldlnp a ratlroul ilown to iIi-\M you cnn
I UN m.inajre at ycur llie lile Thin liixilv out.iini tt-n
legitimate and honuraiilu tu'liuiin-i foi nin' in money
on iiin.itl capital. Ktpo.scs trh' umltwin llm in luihi-
nrss and glvrs hint * urn ! u < Mc tlmt ! nnrtli
thousand * of dollar * to you. The schcm * s nrt * M * rr -
Iv oiplalnc 1 tliat any ordlnar ) penon can iiiidcrManil
thpii ) . It lll COUCPJCC K're ' } < > " ' " ' " " i'l < ' : ' 1' ' ni < 1
you in plan OunCiYlUO iri.r ii"w do.ils .nut t-n.iblo
3011 to ( jrasp future opporiiinilii' > to in tko minify. It
will open your o 's t.j Limn liat lins lict-n ilmu * ntiil
what Is bi'ins done all around you Millions nro niadn
U\ITV _ > rar in Mich ; > . Ne.uly all out wallliy mi n
p > t tnclr ftart l > v Filch liilllianC scln-me-i It itiiruu -
tenable to think > oti * pn can tnuktt a lithouh.ind
dollars nlienutlirrhlii I UK unia i-d fiirtum1Ve
illj-cnd jou this book for ? 1. Can jon invcot tl in .
more profitable IcnowIedKe1 One liullai slop tlunSc
how'l will tills Lni > Wt"l ) bc uortli to
jou in future year * ! You cm K''t It in Z1 ! >' > . MtltT
fxpeiiencr but mar notnccil it tlien It will not brine
II.U.L past opporti.nlticsnor mo MBJ/ ' " ' " 'V > "uba\o
lovt How many iinslakL-s tun InAriC nnlit li.tve
ntoldfd , liotv inan > dull us citiil hw matty
dialon lin lit ma ! < _ bid \uti bit knuwn.
We art now picp. < r.iiT < iiiu "f tln > Hunt Ki i'litic
Mbcineacr attempted on snulljnr. . , : nbn-b ill
take .i Jar l' forie to put tlnoiiu > amiiii b pun Irt-rr
of thi > iKioIc will be Kienan < i | > puituiut > tu Mfl ' Y
taLr annitrif t Addri"-i uiili 51. ltIUI.1.1
AMERICAN BOOK CO. , Oinilm. Nfb.
Wholesale and retail dealers and inni-
ufactii'-ers , IfiOG. IZ-'Ob , li'IO 1-arna.m
This I iifiioH * Solid Krr > neli
JJoiiCohiKid I > : itoii ISnoc
cent prepaid nnywliorc Jn tno
l'.y. lorS1.50. ii.alH : every
way the Hott v-.d lor 2 dl in
all retail stores. We iwikethis
Boot ourselvi-i therefore we
Kimrriiitcu thu fiist > lc ami
wear to be satisfactorynn l will
refund the n.ory or semi an-
othi-rpnlri.f ! ! " > Ut. inn y one
h < i\iiig cau * j f' r C'Hii-
plnint. laiJe < oniniun
wide and v. ti/es. 3 car
BJr. I.c I > HC'S IVri iial I itls
Are wan ante ! o relieve ta < lv i n-p ' r . ! : - I.lvpil
It5 fnnada. .ST * I intfi > . ( > < > 1 * ' V.v i , . ; , : ih <
frerich pul > t " box ' t i ! ' * " " . e .van nit
tlure hoxen to RHP * e - > > . > ! - < r refund
Ihr ! > o if y ThiM-tond- re ' I tr'a1' ' 'n rt-
ceij-t tf nnncy v , ftiean tu 011 tjiait' ! * t' W Dru- > with the pr a'iT pir' ' . ui jj.ti. -t < U C
SiOO ICO aread ! * t tenm. . I'm tM-i > ! > . v
pirjrn'or . ' .Vhclssale ahd reui ! > ' > jcorl.7 it. l-ra
( o Omaha
I have a positive remedy f r t iu aiTr < * : " ( " . . t > 7 its
n e thr.CEi-jds of cises of t i j v > : * \ k a-inni' of lun
sjsnrlinghaTelieen cured. In-J 'd > sti n my
m its efficacy , tliat I will send TWO uoTrixs FRLx nth
aVALUAKLETRKATIhE on t.'r.s deiictoaiiys-if- :
ferer who will Frid me tbur Hipr.-s an-I P.O. adiirtts.
T. A. Slocutn , 31. C' . , 1SI I'carl tst. , N. Y.
Lores end K I..HTZIM
Open i fifii
Jioen de o1- ! .
ros"r.ilo ; -'iinrrm"
of ' " M. . . . r 'P.- ! d : f cot
\ f' r'r. . - , . . of Ms.cic
ca OTtItlra t-- n this jisper.
Omaha el > 1-ci I > 'i m
} UD BEATER. J.-- ! . I r-tatoeb lool-
liKe whij pc l cream in two nl.tiutes.
Agents \\an'c ] I . , } i < ' Sample *
I for25 cen' * bonu 2cent.stanp
for tern.s to agents
C. S. APPLE , Eellalre. Ohio
want the nams and ad-
dressof every sufferer in the
A * " S. and Canada. Address ,
&ROTUM ft ? .E--roldHij , M.DB toS.T. :
F"r Saloon Fixtures. El . urci anl P-to. TJI' ,
i Billiard ' rp.ilt" ; ! and Hnr icnd to 1'IIIJ
CO . 113 115 So IJth sire. . UI.IILDS , Neb
. c
Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Late Principal Examiner t' S Pension Bureau.
SyrsiaLiitwar. ISadjudii-ii. . ! . ! .ms. .itty ecc >
Add < cr > ! unin < at on'-f. ar l
! inantl.r tn- kKipid
eas-y an * bright bov can
learn it. Tncftl. 5ornal r uir.j > ithlp Tmrhfr. pr"intl "
Send SI. tit-t both , reli one. hr KKFK Addrrj
XOK81L BL > 1XFSR COLLKCK. tolombu. Jnnrtloi , lo.'i.
Term besin ? Auj 24. Send for Circuiai and Cot. .
Bryant's Home College , llullalo , > . V.
; lvea a full business college fursf by mall , at stu
dent' * home. Lovr rates and free trial leyjons
I.'O to f ino : . month and expe
i A\\
W. N. U. , Omaha , 571 26.